How to create a personal account megaphone. How to add an additional number to the megaphone cabinet

Megafon, like other mobile operators, has its own official website, by visiting which, each subscriber can register in the Personal Account and manage his account. This online service opens up many opportunities and creates a comfortable environment for mobile users.

Description and functions of the Personal Account

By registering in the LC, the subscriber can:

  • Control expenses;
  • Monitor the account status;
  • Top up the balance;
  • Switch to other tariff plans;
  • Activate the options you like and, if necessary, disable them;
  • Receive detailed information about payments and more.

How to register

To register in the LC, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Call back at the number and follow all the prompts of the service center operator. After that, the subscriber will receive a password to enter the LC, and the login is the mobile number from which the call was made.
  • Send SMS without any text to the number. The password will be indicated in the reply message.
  • Dial a combination of numbers and symbols *105*00# In this case, an SMS with a password will also be sent.

Login to your personal account

If a subscriber needs to log into his personal account, then this can be done on the official website of the mobile operator:

In the menu on the main page, you must select the appropriate section and, using your username and password, enter the LC.

Now the subscriber can quickly manage his account, receive the necessary information and for this he does not need to leave the house or call the operator for hours.

If an incorrect password is entered five times, the login to the LC will be blocked. To unblock, you need to dial the combination *105*00# and click on the call key.

Personal account from a smartphone

Corporate clients authorization

To do this, go to the required section on the official website of the company and click on the login button.

To gain access to the LC, you should visit any branch of the Megafon operator and write a statement or send it by e-mail. If the password is entered incorrectly two times in a row, a protective window (captcha) will appear. If the client has forgotten the password, then to restore it, click on the "Forgot password" button. After that, you will be prompted to enter the username and the password word specified during registration.

Service guide

You can activate / deactivate options and switch to other tariffs by calling the service department at a free number. Following the prompts of the autoinformer, you can perform the desired operation.

The capabilities of the LC are available not only within the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe network, but also when in a roaming zone.

Video access

For mobile devices supporting 3G network, there is an opportunity to make free video calls to the number. This service allows you to switch to another tariff package, check the balance, order available options. But in order for the commands to be successfully executed, the Service Guide must be activated with the appropriate access level.

Service guide from phone

This method is applicable for iPhones, Android mobile devices and cell phones that support Java applications. To get a link to download a mobile application, you need to dial the combination *105*55# and click on the call key.

VKontakte Service Guide application

This application opens up all the possibilities of the LC. Now subscribers who are active visitors to social networks can, without leaving their account, manage their account, receive various information about costs and connected services, change tariffs, and so on.


For newly registered subscribers, a special online guide is provided, which will suggest how and what to do in the LC. The hints are very clear and provided for all sections. If necessary, they can be removed, for which it is enough to click on the cross located at the top in the left corner of the window that appears.

To prevent various failures of Internet access and other problems, dynamic loading of information is provided, that is, in the case of large volumes, it will not be loaded all at once, but gradually as the user views it.

Other features of the Personal Account

When working in LC, you can:

  • Export data. If the subscriber is interested in some tabular data, then they can be transferred to another medium;
  • Sort information by specified criteria, etc.

For detailed information about the PC, you need to go to the "About the system" section.

Megafon invites customers to use their personal account. Thanks to the created account, subscribers will be able to control their expenses and also manage services. To get an account, you need to go through a simple registration. This procedure is performed in several ways.

Registration is free and does not take much time. Clients can enter the service in any region of the country, as well as abroad. If you have any questions, it is recommended to contact the operator - "0500".

People wishing to use an account must register on the website. Registration in your Megafon account can be done in 3 ways:

  • By SMS;
  • Through an answering machine;
  • USSD team.

Regardless of the option chosen, the registration process takes 1-3 minutes. To create an account, you will need one of the following devices:

  • Smartphone;
  • IPhone;
  • iPad;
  • The tablet.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to register in your Megafon account via a computer or laptop. Therefore, a modem or router may not be used. This is due to the fact that you can get the password only through the phone.

Sending SMS

To create an account on the website, you need to use a simple option. The person should send a blank text message to the number "000110". Within 1 minute, the operator will send a response SMS. The message contains the password for authorization. The phone number is used as a login.

It is noteworthy that this method is available even to those customers who do not have the Internet configured on their phone. After receiving the registration data, you can use your computer to log into your account.

Answering machine

People who prefer to follow the instructions are advised to use an answering machine. To start it, you need to dial "0505" on the phone. The robot will inform the caller of the next steps. If you follow the instructions, there will be no difficulties.

The advantage of this method is that the client can set his own password immediately. If you wish, you can not set a secret combination, then the robot will automatically generate it. After registration, it remains to go to the authorization page to enter the service.

USSD -team

For clients who are not comfortable with sending a message and answering machine, you can use another method. To make yourself an account on the website, it is recommended to dial the combination "* 105 * 00 #" on your mobile phone... Within 1-2 minutes the operator will send an SMS with a password.

Thanks to the USSD command, subscribers can not only register in the system, but also receive a new password. You can change the secret combination an unlimited number of times.

If a person has entered an incorrect combination 5 times, access to the personal account is blocked. To recover the password, the USSD command is also typed.

Despite the fact that customers can register in the system in 3 ways, some have difficulties. In this case, it is recommended to contact the office of the company. Consultants will help you connect your personal account. It is important to remember that all manipulations can only be performed by the owner of the number. Therefore, you need to show your passport. There is no charge for the provision of the service.

Self-service services are the perfect solution, dictated by the time. Any subscriber with access to the Internet can independently manage their SIM-cards using the Personal Account. This not only significantly saves time and money, but also expands our capabilities. For example, using the online service from Megafon, you can promptly find out about the operator's favorable offers and immediately connect them.
The functionality of the self-service system allows you to control and manage funds on your personal account, carry out various financial transactions, connect and disconnect a number of additional services and options, and much more. You don't have to constantly contact the support center or send USSD requests and SMS messages. Almost any question regarding your subscriber number can be resolved independently.

The convenience and functionality of the Personal Account is appreciated by millions of users. If you are not yet one of them, please join and see by your own example. Moreover, it is not so difficult to register, and you will master all the functionality over time. This article is an instruction for those who still doubt or, conversely, have already decided, but are afraid that they will not be able to enter their Personal Account.

You will spend a few minutes registering and discover a world of great possibilities. Dozens of actions will be available to you: transfers and replenishment of balances, withdrawing funds to terminals and bank cards, connecting and disconnecting all kinds of services and options, changing tariff plans, profitable traffic packages and much, much more.

After reading our detailed instructions, you can easily log into the system and begin to master the functionality.

How to enter your personal account megaphone - step by step guide

All companies providing telecommunications services to the population have their own official resources. In our time, this does not surprise anyone. On the Megafon website, you can not only receive first-hand information about new tariff plans, additional services, Internet options, but also use your Personal Account. This service, like online banking, allows you to control your own account in real time. You can access the site both from personal computers and from mobile gadgets.

Registration in your Personal Account is available to you only if you have a registered Megafon SIM card. If you use the numbers of other operators, you will have to register on their official resources. However, registration in the Personal Account of any cellular service provider is not very different. After logging into one self-service system, you will register in the same way on another site.

To enter your Megafon Personal Account, follow a few simple steps:

If you have entered into a corporate agreement with Megafon, enter your Personal Account by following these steps:

To receive a password for initial authorization in the self-service system, corporate subscribers can call the number 88005500555 or visit the nearest office of the company. Individuals can get a password not only with the aforementioned USSD request. To get the authorization password, dial 0505 call. Following the prompts of the automatic subscriber informing service, you will choose your own password. You can also dial an SMS message, where the text consists of two zeros 00, and send a call to number 000110. Wait for a response and enter your password in the form.

Application "Megafon" personal account

If you do not have a personal computer, use your Personal Account from your mobile gadget. The convenient Megafon application has been developed especially for such subscribers, in which all the functionality of the self-service service is available. With the help of an application adapted specifically for mobile devices, you can easily manage your SIM-card, connect new tariffs, services, options, carry out various financial transactions.

In short, the Megafon application is the same Personal Account, but designed for comfortable use on smartphones. To enter the self-service service, first download and install the app. It is available for download both from the official source, the operator's website, and from the Google app store. After starting the application, go to the site and log in to the system by entering your login password. If you haven't registered yet, follow the same steps as in the guide above.

How to recover a password from a Megafon personal account

If the password for entering the self-service system is forgotten or lost, it is easily and quickly restored. What needs to be done for this? Log in to your Personal Account using your login password. You are already registered, so just log in by entering the required data. But since you have safely forgotten the password, use the hint and send the USSD command * 105 * 00 # call. The new password will be sent in a reply SMS. After logging in, you can come up with a new, more secure password and change it.

Features of the personal account Megafon

After authorization, you have access to a number of convenient and useful functions. You will be able to manage services, options, subscriptions and mailings, perform all kinds of financial transactions, and that's not all. We will list only the main functions of the Personal Account. So, in the self-service service you have the following options:
  1. Full control of your personal account: replenishment, transfers, cashing out.
  2. Connecting and disconnecting a wide variety of services and internet options.
  3. Change of tariff plans in a few clicks.
  4. Actual news and advantageous offers from the operator.
  5. Connection of special services with zero and negative balances, including the option "Trust (promised) payment".
  6. Transfer of funds to any numbers of Megafon or other operators.
  7. Detailed information about all expenses in a convenient format and in manual or automatic mode.
  8. Blocking and lifting the ban on the use of the SIM card.
  9. Participation in programs, receiving bonuses and discounts.
  10. Communication with a consultant.
As you can see, the Personal Account is equipped with all the necessary functions that allow you to independently manage your phone number. After simple registration and authorization, you can use all the features of the Megafon service.

Registration in your Megafon account will allow you to easily manage your mobile phone account. It is easy to switch from one tariff to another, connect a variety of options, or get rid of them, disable paid services offered by the operator, and generally keep abreast of the latest news.

In order to complete a successful registration, you will need your mobile phone and internet access.

Registration methods

The first thing you should try is to send an empty message to 000110 - the message is absolutely free. If you don't want to send SMS, then just dial the request * 105 * 00 #. In any case, you will receive a reply message in which your username and password from the personal page will be marked.

How to create a personal Megafon account.

You can call 0505 and clearly follow the instructions that the operator will offer you. If you do not have time, then you can ask the specialist to register you in the LC himself.

If you have a computer with Internet access available, then you can go to the official website of the Megafon company. However, this can be done from a mobile device using a special application. To work on the site, you will need to indicate your region, enter a phone number, and then, within a few minutes, an SMS with a password and a security code will come to your number.

Personal cabinet Megafon.

But this is not all the possibilities for registration - this procedure can be passed through the social network "Vkontakte". For this purpose, a special application "Vkontakte Personal Account" was developed, which is supported by all modern mobile devices. During installation and when you first enter the application, you will be prompted to create an icon on the desktop, with which you can quickly enter Megaphone. In order to use your personal account in the future, you no longer have to enter your data, which is undoubtedly very convenient for users. Moreover, you will be able to display all the actions that you perform in your personal account on the "wall" of the social network, you will be able to add new numbers, receive rewards and send messages.

As you can see, there are several ways to register in the LC (portal, and all of them are quite simple, so that you can easily find the one that you prefer. It should also be said that the Service Guide is a personal page. If you have questions, wishes, leave your comments.

Megafon company analyzes customer needs and then develops new services and tariffs. To connect the new functionality, subscribers need to go to the company's office or use specialized codes. This is not very convenient, so the operator has created a personal account that allows you to manage services.

To receive a password to enter Megafon's personal account, the client will need a mobile device. It can be a smartphone, iPhone or tablet. You can get a secret combination:

  • By sending a USSD request;
  • By sending SMS;
  • By contacting the contact center staff.

When the PIN code is received, the user will be able to log into their account at If necessary, in the account settings, subscribers can change the current password.

USSD request

The easiest way to get a password is to send a USSD request. To do this, the command "* 105 * 00 #" is dialed on the mobile device. It is important to remember that such a request can only be sent from a Megafon SIM card.

After 2-3 seconds, the operator sends an SMS. The password from the LC will be indicated inside the message. To log in, you need to enter the phone number and the secret combination sent by the provider on the Megafon website.

SMS message

People can find out the password from the Megafon "Personal Account" through an SMS request. To do this, you need to take your mobile device and write the text "00". The message is sent to the number "000105".

As in the first method, the response is sent via SMS. It usually takes about 5 seconds to process a request. After receiving an answer, it remains only to log in to the site.

The advantage of this method is that you only need to be within the network coverage area. As for authorization, you cannot do without mobile Internet.

Call to operator

There are situations when you cannot use USSD commands or SMS. In this case, it is recommended to call "0500". Before the operator provides the secret combination, you need to answer a few questions. This is necessary to confirm the identity of the client.

When the data from the contract is confirmed, the operator will send an SMS with a code for authorization in your personal account. The user will only have to enter it in the appropriate field.

If the client is in international roaming, call "8-800-50-05-00". Payment is charged according to the terms of the tariff plan.


Subscribers can forget or lose their PIN-code, which means they will not be able to enter their personal account. Do not be upset, as the system provides for the recovery of the security code.

To change the lost code, you need to dial "* 105 * 01 #". The updated secret combination will be sent immediately via text message. The person will only have to enter the code in the appropriate field on the web resource.

There is another way to recover your password. To do this, it is recommended to call the contact center staff. After connecting with the operator, you need to explain why there was a problem with authorization in your personal account. The call-center employee will send an SMS with the password.

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