Where is the most profitable mobile internet. Which mobile Internet operator is better

What is the easiest and most affordable way to choose high-quality and inexpensive mobile Internet at home, in the country, at work? An important indicator is not only the pricing policy, which differs slightly in a highly competitive environment, but also the speed. If you do not want to wait for hours for the required video to download, then this criterion should be paid attention to first of all.

Attention! With a download speed of less than 1Mg, be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to watch movies online. For high-quality video calls via Skype, you need at least 500 Kb per second. to receive and transmit. For online games from 256 to 512 Kb per second.

Internet speed at each specific point depends on the equipment and technical support of a particular operator.

The most important indicator when choosing is the speed of the mobile Internet

Speed \u200b\u200btesting and finding the most suitable operator

  1. Get acquainted with the basic tariffs on the official websites of the main telecom operators.
  2. Find a suitable tariff that meets your needs in terms of cost and speed and write out several options.
  3. Try to find a map of the base stations of operators in your region (the map is not available everywhere). This is necessary in order to determine which Internet will work best.
  4. The most difficult and time-consuming stage: network testing. To do this, you need a smartphone with 3G support for Android or any 3G modem. Or you can immediately buy a modem so that it is not tied to any particular operator, otherwise you will not be able to test the networks. If you don't want to buy, then you can look for a 3G modem rental or borrow it from friends for a while.
  5. For testing, you need to get SIM cards from the three main operators, whose tariffs you have written out. Connect the cheapest Internet to them and enter the network.
  6. You can check the Internet speed from your phone or modem at http://www.speedtest.net/. It is advisable to check several times during the day. This will help identify problem periods for each operator.
  7. If you are satisfied with the measurement result, connect the optimal tariff and use it. If you don't like the speed, try the networks of other providers.

Overview of tariffs of major operators

Let's say you have found several operators that are quite satisfied with the data transfer speed. The choice of one of them will now depend on the most favorable conditions. As a rule, the services of the “big three” are at about the same level, but each has its own nuances and zest, which will outweigh the scales when choosing. In addition, Tele2 operates in some regions, which is a good competitor to the main operators.

Council. If you have poor signal reception (this can be determined by the "sticks"), the speed can be increased by purchasing a 3G antenna. Advanced technicians can do it themselves.

Almost every supplier has a set of special packages that include mobile Internet. But there are also unlimited tariffs, but since 2015 they also began to take into account the consumed traffic.

Optimal speed of mobile Internet - from 512 Kb per second

Megafon offer

For those who need more internet, the operator offers a number of interesting options. They are differentiated by the average volume of monthly traffic and may well be connected at any tariff. It happens that the SIM card is used only on the modem. This means that Megafon-online will be better suited for her with no monthly fee, plus an Internet package.

One of the most economical packages - from 70 MB per day with daily payment. The most voluminous package costs about 1300 rubles. In theory, it should be unlimited, but in fact it is not limited to only night traffic. For all 30 days, you have to divide the monthly rate. 3 GB will cost the user 350 rubles, and 36 GB for a modem or router - 890 rubles.

Operator Beeline and mobile Internet

The "yellow-black" operator, as its subscribers fondly call it, offers a package of services called "Highway". In many respects it is similar to the previous operator, but the most extensive set of Internet options is slightly more expensive.

Council. Usually, a phone number from which they have not yet called and sent SMS is canceled after 90 days. If you connect to it "Internet forever" with free traffic, then the number will not be blocked.

20 GB with unlimited traffic at night costs 1200 rubles. per month.
The base rate that meets the average need for video and audio downloads is called Internet Forever. It is distinguished by the absence of a monthly fee and a monthly gift of 200 MB.

The advantage of this provider is that modems work in all parts of Russia.

Internet services of the MTS network

MTS pleases its users with a line of Internet packages that are a bit similar to those offered by competitors. Modems from MTS operate throughout Russia, but there is a separate fee for this service.

Experts have calculated that the traffic charge at the largest tariff is slightly higher than that of Megafon, and slightly lower than Beeline. The basic tariff for modems is MTS Connect. 30 GB of traffic with night unlimited will cost the user 1200 rubles, and the minimum tariff is 3 GB for 350 rubles.

It is interesting that after the unexpected exhaustion of the limit, you can buy it. By the way, the operator has an interesting opportunity - "Turboochi", when you can connect an additional night unlimited for just 200 rubles.

Mobile Internet from Tele2

At the end of 2015, the long-awaited operator Tele2 came to Moscow. It is famous for its low prices for communications and mobile Internet. He justified expectations - you can use the Internet at several rates:

  • 15 GB of traffic for 599 rubles per month;
  • 7 GB of traffic for 299 rubles;
  • 30 GB of traffic for 899 rubles.

In this case, you can connect, for example, to the "Very Black" tariff and get 1000 minutes of calls to phones throughout Russia for 599 rubles, 1000 SMS and 10 GB of traffic.

When the limit is exceeded, the speed decreases, but you can continue to use the Internet.

There is one thing - the phone from which it is supposed to use the Internet must support 3G or 4G.

Additional suggestions

The decision to choose a mobile operator for unlimited Internet primarily depends on the conditions provided by the provider. They can change over time, so check the relevance on the operators' websites or in the support service. It is also important to take into account the additional capabilities and speed of information transfer in your area.

Which operator to choose mobile Internet - video

The most advantageous offer 5

In the era of smartphones, tablets and all kinds of gadgets, ordinary phones have long receded into the background. Nowadays it is rare to find a person who uses their mobile only for calls. Most often, a subscriber needs a package of unlimited minutes, SMS and, most importantly, a large amount of Internet traffic. Mobile operators offer tariff plans for a variety of preferences: for Internet surfing, frequent watching videos, movies and listening to music, traveling in Russia and abroad, communication on social networks and instant messengers, tablets, etc. To select the operator's proposal that is optimal in all characteristics, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Traffic... Of course, first of all, when choosing a tariff for the mobile Internet, you need to take into account the number of gigabytes provided per month. You will need at least 20 GB to download movies and music, and 2 GB will be enough for Internet surfing.
  2. The cost... Before connecting, compare tariffs with similar conditions to find the most profitable one. Consider how much you are willing to spend on communications and the Internet.
  3. Connection conditions... Most operators provide a free connection to their tariffs, but some charge a certain fee. Study the details carefully before choosing a tariff plan.
  4. Sim appointment-cards. Most of the operators' offerings are for smartphones. If you need internet for your tablet, then look for special rates. Otherwise, for optimal use of the gadget, standard conditions will not be enough and you will have to pay extra.

We have selected the best rates for a wide variety of purposes. The selection took into account the following characteristics:

  • ratio of conditions and cost;
  • additional bonuses;
  • the amount of internet traffic.

Important information - all prices are indicated for subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The best internet surfing plan

Internet surfing is not chatting in messengers, not downloading music, but the usual browsing of various sites (news, political portals, pages on social networks, etc.). Internet surfing rates include a small amount of traffic, which is enough to browse the web for a month. For communication, packages of minutes and SMS are provided here. The most favorable rates are presented below.

3 My Tele2

The most favorable price
Average price: 210 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

An inexpensive and simple tariff for those who prefer to surf little from their smartphone. Includes 5 gigabytes of Internet and unlimited calls to Tele2 throughout the country. The tariff is really cheap compared to others. In addition, the payment system is convenient - 7 rubles are withdrawn from the account every day. Therefore, if on some days you do not need a phone, you can simply not deposit money into your account and not pay for it. In this case, the basic terms of payment will apply for everything except incoming. By the way, in some regions the tariff is cheaper - for example, in Samara it will cost 4 rubles per day. But in St. Petersburg - already 10 rubles (but you will get 10 gigabytes of Internet instead of 5).

You can switch to the tariff for free at any time. You only need to have 7 rubles in your account for the first write-off. Additionally, you can activate services for a certain amount per day. For example, individual messengers and social networks will cost from 0.5 to 3 rubles per day each. And 20 free SMS-messages around the country - an additional ruble. The tariff is flexible, which makes it easy to customize it.

2 Beeline Vseshechka

Free "nice" number
Average price: 270 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The minimum tariff of the operator, offering 5 GB of Internet for a daily payment and 300 minutes for calls in the home region (to any numbers) and Beeline subscribers throughout the country. The set of packages and the cost vary greatly depending on the region - for example, in Samara you will be offered only 3 GB and 300 minutes per month for 8.33 rubles per day. And in St. Petersburg - 5 GB and 200 minutes for 9 rubles per day. It is interesting that in Moscow there is no “Vseshechka” tariff at all. The closest to it is "Vsemoyo 1", which will cost 13.33 rubles a day for 200 minutes of calls and 300 free SMS.

Switching to "Vseshechka" is free if you last changed your tariff more than a month ago. Otherwise, you will have to pay 200 rubles. I am glad that when buying a SIM card, you can pick up a "beautiful" number for free according to several parameters - "Similar" (enter your old number and Beeline will select the most suitable one), "Beautiful tail" (similar, but you can enter any four digits) and "Favorite number" (any digit or number from 2 to 4 characters long).

1 MegaFon Get involved! Write

The best ratio of price and quality
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Objectively, the best tariff among inexpensive and small ones was made by MegaFon. For 400 rubles. per month you will receive 5 GB of traffic, unlimited conversations with MegaFon subscribers, 300 minutes of calls to local numbers of other operators and 300 messages to any phones. Switching to the tariff is free. The main feature is “Get involved! Write "- unlimited access to the most current messengers WhatsApp and Viber.

In St. Petersburg and the region, this tariff will cost 350 rubles, but the conditions will be slightly changed. Instead of 300 minutes and messages, the subscriber will receive 400 of both. In Samara, it will cost 300 rubles on the same terms. When connected to a tariff plan, the operator provides free traffic to MegaFon.TV. This is a resource for watching new movies, TV series. Advantages: great price, favorable conditions, access to films. No flaws were found.

The best tariff plan for communication in messengers and social networks

Tariffs for unlimited communication in social networks and instant messengers via the phone are gaining more and more popularity. If you are constantly texting, sending photos, practically do not use standard types of communication (SMS and calls), then the following offers are especially for you. They include a lot of internet traffic and few outgoing minutes.

Unfortunately, many operators began to remove free traffic for social networks and instant messengers, compensating for this with increased packages of gigabytes or additional plug-in options.


Internet traffic

Minutes package

SMS per month

Subscription fee per month

Megaphone Turn on! Communicate

15 GB (you can connect unlimited)

MTS My Smart

Tele2 My online

Beeline All 1

4 Beeline All 1

Large SMS package. Flexible setting of limits
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A successful tariff from Beeline, aimed at those who like to actively communicate on the Internet. It varies greatly from region to region, as do others for the operator. For example, in St. Petersburg for 13.33 rubles a day (that is, 400 rubles a month) a subscriber receives 250 minutes, 300 SMS and 14 gigabytes of traffic. And in Samara the tariff will cost 11.66 rubles per day (350 rubles per month) for 16 gigabytes, 400 minutes and 300 SMS. The only drawback of "All 1" is the lack of free traffic for instant messengers and social networks. On the other hand, for such a price and 14-16 GB per month, you won't need it.

Free transition and "Beautiful number" service are working. In addition, this tariff, in contrast to "Vseshechki", after connection can be configured - to reduce the number of minutes and SMS in favor of Internet traffic and vice versa. A similar tariff in Moscow is called "All 2" and will cost much more - 20 rubles per day versus 11-13. But on the other hand, the service packages are slightly increased - they offer 17 GB of traffic, 400 minutes and 300 SMS per month.

3 Tele2 My online

Generous offer for regions
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

One of the most popular tariffs for those who like to communicate a lot. Tele2 gives traffic for social networks and instant messengers. Other sites are given 15 gigabytes per month. In some regions, New Year's gifts are available for users - for example, until January 22, 2019, any new subscriber will receive 3 months of unlimited traffic. You can call Tele2 numbers all over the country as much as you like, and all other Russian numbers have a package for 500 minutes. Unfortunately, there are no free SMS in the tariff at all. But for 70 rubles, you can connect 100 messages per month. This abundance is worth 400 rubles.

In other regions, the picture is different. In St. Petersburg, instead of 15 gigabytes, the operator gives 40 (!). But the package of minutes cuts down - there are only 400 of them in the tariff, and they work for the home region. And you will have to pay 350 rubles a month. In Samara, you will get 15 GB of traffic and 300 minutes to numbers in your home region for 200 rubles.

2 MTS My Smart

The best package settings in the tariff
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The "My Smart" tariff can be conveniently customized for you. Within its framework, in addition to unlimited calls to MTS numbers in Russia, you will receive 10, 15 or 20 GB of Internet and 200, 400 or 600 minutes and messages to all numbers in your home region. Naturally, the price will also rise - it varies from 500 to 700 rubles. It is precisely because of this flexibility that My Smart gets a high place. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide free traffic for social networks and messengers.

In Samara, Internet packages have been changed - from 5, 15 and 20 GB with unchanged message packages and minutes. But the cost of the service will be much cheaper - from 300 to 450 rubles. Which is pretty cheap. In St. Petersburg, however, you will have to pay from 400 to 650 rubles for Internet packages similar to those in Moscow and increased packages of minutes and SMS - 350, 500 and 700, respectively. Also, free 2 months of using MTS TV Light are included in the tariff (from the third month you will have to pay 150 rubles or disable the service). But for the purchase of the tariff, you will need to pay 300 rubles.

1 MegaFon Get involved! Communicate

Free unlimited for everything when you connect the option
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

An interesting tariff to which you can connect unlimited traffic. One of the few that has retained unlimited internet for instant messengers and popular social networks. Also available 15 GB for any other web pages. At the same time, unlimited calls are available to MegaFon numbers throughout the country. 600 minutes are available for conversation with subscribers of any operator throughout the country. In other cities, the volume of service packages and the price are often changed. For example, in St. Petersburg "Communicate" gives 20 GB of Internet instead of 15 for the same money. And in Samara you only have to pay 500 rubles for conditions similar to those in St. Petersburg.

Interestingly, the "Communicate" tariff allows you to connect to unlimited Internet absolutely free of charge. But you need to activate the service separately - it is not enabled by default. Also, as a gift from MegaFon, the subscriber will receive one free book per month for liters and ESET NOD32 antivirus for a smartphone. You can also watch a package of channels and two movies monthly on MegaFon TV for free, without wasting precious traffic.

The best data plan for tablets

All major operators have offers for the Internet on the tablet. Such gadgets are very popular among both young people and the older generation. They make it possible at any time and in any place to find out the necessary information, find the address on maps, etc. Such tariffs are relevant for people who use tablets for work, at school and for other purposes. We have selected the best offers from operators.

5 Megaphone Internet S

The best tariff for surfing the Internet on a tablet
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

MegaFon has released the most affordable data plan for a tablet. For 400 rubles a month, the subscriber receives 5 GB of traffic and additional unlimited mail, cloud storage and navigation. Such conditions are suitable, first of all, for motorists who use a tablet as a navigator. They are also good for those who work or study with the device. 5 GB is not enough to watch or download a movie, but it will be enough for the most important things - chatting in instant messengers, viewing the necessary sites.

It is interesting that in other regions the cost is lower, and the Internet is more. For example, in Omsk you will have to pay 380 rubles, and the operator will already give 8 GB of traffic. You can use the Internet on a tablet anywhere in Russia without additional payments. The main advantage of the tariff is its cost. The disadvantages include little traffic.

4 Tele 2 Internet to Tablet

The most advantageous offer
Average price: 499 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Tele 2 offers its subscribers the "Internet for Tablet" tariff, which is optimal in terms of cost and conditions. It includes 15 gigabytes of traffic that are relevant for a month, as well as unlimited access to all the most popular social media. networks, navigation (Yandex.Maps) and to the television application from Tele 2. When you connect to the tariff, you are provided with an interesting pastime at the tablet without additional payments.

An important point - if at the end of the period you have unused gigabytes, they are carried over to the next month. For residents of Moscow the subscription fee is 499 rubles, for other regions - about 300. Main advantages: high traffic, unlimited access to important applications, access to movie viewing, traffic transfer to the next period, favorable price. No flaws were found.

3 Beeline ALL 1 for tablet

Excellent conditions from the 2nd month of use
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

"ALL 1 for a tablet" is a successful adaptation of "smartphone" tariffs. This is 20 GB of traffic and unlimited social networks as a gift. This pleasure costs 350 rubles in Samara or 400 rubles (but with the traffic reduced to 16 GB) in St. Petersburg. As usual, there is a similar overpriced tariff in Moscow called "EVERYTHING 2 for a tablet". It has 19 GB of traffic and free unlimited social networks and music for 600 rubles.

The tariff is convenient because it allows you to get a lot of traffic. The best price in the category can also be considered an advantage. But the key drawback is rather unpleasant - you will have to pay 3 rubles per day for unlimited access to music and social networks. And the tariff for Moscow is expensive.

2 Yota for tablet

Highest traffic volume
Average price: 590 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Practically the best tariff for tablets with flexible configuration and the ability to connect minutes for calls, unlimited SMS and about a dozen applications with unlimited traffic. Including YouTube. The cost of the tariff varies from 250 rubles for 1 gigabyte to 730 rubles for 50 GB of traffic and 500 minutes for calls. We suggest considering the middle option - 30 GB of traffic without minutes for 500 rubles. This is enough for almost any tablet user, especially if you connect additional options to your most popular applications.

In St. Petersburg, this amount of traffic will cost 450 rubles, and in Samara - already 400 rubles. The tariff has good advantages: a really large Internet package, about a dozen additional unlimited applications (for a symbolic money) and the ability to connect minutes and SMS. There is only one drawback - the high cost for a full package of services (with all options, it reaches 880 rubles).

1 MTS For Tablet

Best additional options
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The MTS operator has a tariff for a tablet with very favorable conditions. For a month, the subscriber receives 10 gigabytes of 4G Internet, which can be used even while traveling across Russia. An important feature of the offer is unlimited for any option to choose from. Among them: watching videos on YouTube, television in the MTS TV application, video calls in Viber, Skype, WhatsApp or unlimited access to Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and Facebook.

For Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and other regions, the cost will be only 350 rubles. The advantages of the tariff include a convenient free connection, unlimited options to choose from, a favorable price in the regions, and use in travel without surcharges. Disadvantages: little internet traffic.

The best media plan

Most people have long stopped using their phones just to make calls. Many people watch movies, TV shows, listen to music, etc. on their smartphones. All this requires a lot of internet traffic. One download of video or favorite tracks can "eat" half of the standard package. Operators offer special conditions especially for unlimited access to all media applications and resources. We've listed the best media plans.


Internet traffic

Minutes package

SMS per month

Subscription fee per month

MTS Tarifische


1550 rubles

Yota Smartphone

50 GB + you can connect unlimited to individual social networks and applications

920 rubles

Tele2 My unlimited


500 rubles

Megaphone Turn on! Look +


1000 rubles

Beeline Unlim


600 rubles

5 Beeline Unlim

Nothing extra in the tariff
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A frankly cheap tariff with unlimited internet and 500 minutes for calls. Separately in the tariff there is an option "Maximum speed of viewing HD-video", which allows you to view videos at a speed of up to 1 Mbps. Paid function - 3 rubles per day (additional 90 rubles per month). But it can be turned off immediately after the tariff is issued. SMS are not included in the package and are charged on standard terms, or you can activate a package of 500 messages for 60 rubles per month. In Moscow, the tariff will cost 600 rubles per month (20 rubles / day). Other regions received a reduced cost. For example, in Samara, "Anlim" will cost 390 rubles, and in St. Petersburg - 450 rubles.

In general, the tariff can be called successful. Especially if you only need the Internet from it - Beeline gives out a decent speed, which, together with unlimited traffic, allows you to actively use the network. The disadvantage is the automatically connected paid option "Maximum HD-video speed". Beeline also puts restrictions on the use of the Internet at access points - it's free for only an hour a day, and then you have to pay 50 rubles for each hour of distributing traffic to other devices.

4 MegaFon Get involved! Look +

VIP privileges made easy
Average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Successful unlimited tariff from MegaFon. It makes it possible to use the maximum from the operator and receive privileges for this. The tariff includes unlimited traffic for everything and 1500 minutes for all numbers in Russia. If you run out of a package of minutes, you can still communicate with MegaFon subscribers for free. In Moscow "Look +" will cost 1000 rubles per month of use. In Samara, the tariff with the same filling is slightly cheaper - 850 rubles, and in Kazan - 900 rubles.

By paying for the tariff within six months, you can get the status of a VIP client (if you spend over 6000 rubles on communication services in six months). In addition, the tariff includes free antivirus and a subscription to MegaFon TV with four free movies per month. The main advantage can be called honest unlimited without imposing paid functions, as Beeline does. The disadvantage is typical for tariffs of this category: SMS are not included in the service package, but they are connected for 55 rubles per month additionally.

3 Tele2 My Unlimited

Balanced service packages
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Tele2 has developed a balanced and inexpensive tariff for those who like to actively use the Internet. It has not only unlimited traffic and 500 minutes for conversations with any subscribers in Russia. I am glad that the package of services "My Unlimited" includes 50 SMS. If not enough - for 50 rubles, you can buy another 100 messages. In Moscow, the tariff is only 500 rubles per month. In the regions it is even cheaper. The St. Petersburg tariff will cost 350 rubles, the Samara one - 400 rubles.

Interestingly, the site claims the ability to share gigabytes. The advantage of "My unlimited" can be called a really low price for endless Internet with acceptable packages of other services. There is only one drawback: the tariff plan does not allow distributing traffic from a smartphone or tablet under any circumstances.

2 Yota For smartphone

Flexible tariff setting. Low price in regions
Average price: 920 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Another extremely successful Yota tariff for a smartphone. Allows you to configure the number of minutes (from 0 to 2000) and traffic (from 0 to 50 GB), as well as connect unlimited applications and services. The cost, respectively, will vary from 300 rubles (for 2 gigabytes of Internet and 100 minutes) to 920 rubles per month. We consider the option with the largest packages to be optimal for active media users. For an additional 50 rubles, you can attach unlimited SMS to this and get an almost ideal tariff.

In the regions, the price for "full stuffing" will be lower. For example, in Samara you will have to pay 760 rubles, and in Omsk - only 380 rubles. I am glad that you can pay extra for the unlimited applications that you use the most, and thereby reduce the amount of traffic. This is especially true for YouTube users - for 60 rubles, they get endless video traffic. The advantage is the flexible configuration system - you can choose the applications and the amount of packages that you need. And do not overpay for "extra" services. Objectively, the tariff has no drawbacks.

1 MTS Tarifische

The most extensive service packages
Average price: 1550 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The well-deserved first place is taken by a tariff with fantastic conditions. MTS "Tarifische" has the most voluminous packages of minutes and SMS among all: you can buy from 500 to 3000 and both. The Internet is completely unlimited. It is interesting that MTS gives concessions to the most sociable users: if after the exhaustion of the package of 500 minutes one minute of conversation will cost 95 kopecks, then in a similar situation with the largest package, the cost of a minute was 25 kopecks. Mobile television MTS TV Light for two months is included in the tariff as a gift.

This is the most expensive service in the rating category. But also the most voluminous. The choice of the maximum volume of packages for Muscovites will cost 1,550 rubles per month. In the regions, the price tag is slightly lower - from 1350 rubles. The advantage is not only convenience, but also a 10-20% discount for new connections, depending on the city. The only disadvantage of the "Tariff" is the lack of the possibility of a separate setting of the volume of packages.

The best travel plan

Staying connected in a foreign country or city is very important. All travelers are faced with the need to find a place on maps, study the route of public transport, call a taxi, etc. In order not to get lost in an unfamiliar place, you need to have a special travel plan.

The largest mobile operators Tele2 and Beeline have developed convenient tariffs that can be used in roaming in order not to lose contact with the world. MegaFon has created a convenient option for the same purpose.

3 Megaphone Roaming, goodbye!

No need to additionally connect tariffs
Average price: 349 rubles. per day
Rating (2018): 4.7

"Roaming, goodbye!" - this is an option to the basic tariff, which covers 41 countries of the most popular among tourists. Moreover, it is activated only upon the use of services. Option cost - 349 rubles for one day of use.

The option allows the Internet to work even without tariffs - then the client is provided with 200 megabytes of traffic for 30 rubles. The Internet package can be connected five times a month. This will allow you to save on payment for a package of services - it is enough to have any tariff without a monthly fee. But if you need more Internet, then you should connect any Internet tariff (for example, "Turn on! Write").

Of the advantages - you do not need to pay immediately for a month of service if you need 1-2 days. The money is debited after the fact. The disadvantage is that you can only use 1 GB of traffic per day. After its exhaustion, access to the network will be closed. In addition, it is important not to forget to turn off the option upon returning home - otherwise you can overpay for roaming without being in it.

2 Beeline Everything for 1800 + roaming

The best fare for traveling around the world, valid in over 100 countries
Average price: 1800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The tariff from Beeline "Everything for 1800 + roaming" differs from all others. It combines the convenience of a roaming tariff and a "home" one. Firstly, it connects for a month, and secondly, it operates over a huge territory. You can use the tariff not only in popular countries, but also in others, for example, in Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan, Ireland, Australia, Tanzania, etc. The list includes more than 100 countries. The subscription fee is the same in all regions.

All incoming travel calls are completely free. Upon connection, the subscriber is provided with a package of 3000 minutes and 3000 messages, as well as 15 GB of Internet traffic. Calls to Beeline numbers are unlimited. Advantages: favorable conditions for traveling around the world, free connection. Disadvantages: the fee is charged a month in advance, high price.

1 Tele2 Premium

Free Unlimited Internet Abroad
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Premium tariff with the appropriate name. Includes 50 gigabytes of Internet, 500 SMS-messages and 2000 minutes to any Russian numbers. The cost of the tariff in Moscow is 1500 rubles per month of use. In other regions - from 1100 rubles per month.

The tariff is not purely roaming. Naturally, you will have to call and write SMS at roaming prices. But on the other hand, it includes the service "Unlimited Internet Abroad", which works without a monthly fee of 350 rubles - this will greatly increase the benefits when using the tariff abroad. Therefore, all 50 gigabytes of the Internet will be available in any of the available countries. But internet speed will be limited if you are spending more than 200 megabytes a day. Then all traffic over - at a speed of 128 Kb / s.

Among the advantages are premium-level privileges for the owner of the number, advantageous minutes and internet packages and, of course, free internet in roaming. There is also a drawback - incoming calls in roaming are paid. But this can be corrected by activating the "Conversations without Borders" option for 5 rubles per day.

The Internet has become a part of everyday life. Communication, searching for information, watching videos - this is not the most complete list of possibilities. Modern smartphones and tablet computers are not complete without connecting to the world wide web... Internet access gives the user many benefits in life.

Several telecom operators can be found on the market today. In addition to traditional calls, they provide Internet access. Mobile internet is no longer slow and expensive. Now it is available to every user. But due to the abundance of offers, it is difficult to choose a specific operator. As a rule, it is important for an ordinary user meeting the following criteria:

  • speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • value for money;
  • frequent use;
  • what is the mobile Internet used for;

This is not a complete list of selection criteria. The user decides which operator to give preference to. It can be difficult for a beginner to understand the abundance of offers.


It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question "which operator is better?" Everyone here relies on personal experience, their own preferences. Today, there are the following operators on the mobile market:

  • MTS;
  • "Megaphone";
  • "Tele 2";
  • Beeline.

These are the largest operators on the market, in the regions you can find other competitors, but they cannot be compared in scale. Basically consumers are guided on the value for money. Therefore, today you can find a large number of package offers for any needs.

Before choosing

Before choosing a mobile Internet, each user needs to ask himself a few questions. He will answer them in detail, it will be possible to make a choice. The first question is "what is the Internet for you and how often will you use it?" Smartphones and tablet computers can provide today wide range of services - maps, entertainment, online games and more. If a user wants to play MMOs, watch videos on websites and movies, he needs a lot of traffic.

Is “what the user is doing on the web” important? Correspondence in messengers does not require high speed or large volume of traffic. If you intend to watch videos, download different files, then other conditions will be required. An important parameter is the time spent on the network.

Important note

Unlike wired internet, mobile internet is not unlimited. This term implies unlimited traffic usage. Traffic is understood as the entire volume of information received through the network. Telecom operators often limit this volume.

Therefore, you can find offers in the form of packages, where the Internet limited to a certain volume... For example, with a package of 1 GB, the user can use the Internet only until this volume is consumed. When this volume is reached, the speed is limited and access to the network is denied.


Each telecom operator is sure that he is the most profitable and good one. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to study all the offers on the market yourself and draw certain conclusions. Megafon offers a special line of tariffs for active Internet users. It is called "Turn on":

  1. "Communicate".
  2. "Look."
  3. "Speak."
  4. "Listen."
  5. "Premium".
  6. "Write."

Each tariff of this package differs in features. So the tariff “Turn on. Communicate ”assumes unlimited use of Whatsapp, Viber messengers and 12 GB of traffic for other resources. Additionally, it assumes 1200 minutes for outgoing calls to any numbers. This pleasure costs only 550 rubles a month.

There is a budget option - “Get involved. Communicate. " Whatsapp, Viber, eMotion - unlimited, the rest - 5 GB of traffic. The tariff includes a package of minutes and SMS in the amount of 500 minutes and 500 SMS.

If you have a Megafon SIM card, it is easy to change the tariff. This can be done through your personal account on the website, or enter the command * 789 * 2 #. You can send a message to 05007892 with the text "Yes".

"Tele 2"

After merging with Rostelecom, Tele2 began to expand its territory. Today, in terms of the volume of users, it does not occupy the last place in the rating. For many years, Tele2 has been known as the most profitable operator. This is how package offers of minutes, sms and traffic are offered. "My conversation" tariff is not for the most active network users, but it includes unlimited use of messengers... At a cost of 199 rubles per month, users receive 2 GB of traffic, 200 minutes and 50 SMS.

For Internet users, there are services that include only a traffic package. So the Internet in the amount of 1.5 GB can be obtained for only 120 rubles per month. Tele2 provides two special additional services:

  • Unused traffic is automatically charged for the next month.
  • If the package ends, you can activate an additional 500 MB of traffic for 50 rubles.

It is difficult for inexperienced users to understand how much traffic they need. If we describe it graphically, then 1 GB of traffic is an hour-long movie or 6 hours of listening to music on websites. And more than 10 thousand messages in messengers.

For those who need the Internet from time to time - the operator provides a special service. Its essence is that a person pays for the Internet only if he goes into it. Day - 20 rubles. This is an advantageous offer for rare guests of the World Wide Web.


A well-known telecom operator with a red and white logo keeps up with its peers. Unique offer - add an option for 100 rubles and connect one Internet for five devices. It is convenient for owners of smartphones and tablet computers.

Internet package offers are divided into three types: mini, maxi, vip. The mini kit assumes 8 GB of traffic for 350 rubles per month. For the Maxi package, you will have to pay 700 rubles and get a volume of 15 GB plus unlimited network use at night. In addition, it offers free use of cloud storage and the purchase of additional traffic if necessary.


Many people know Beeline as a home Internet provider. But besides that, it also provides wireless networks. So the line of tariffs "All" offers packages of minutes, SMS and traffic. For only 350 rubles, users receive 6 GB of Internet, 500 minutes and SMS. Unique feature here - if you pay immediately for a month, the amount of traffic doubles, that is, for the same amount the package is 12 GB.

This promotion applies to all offers. This is a great offer for those who like to save money and spend money wisely. You just have to pay on time and get a profitable bonus in the form of additional traffic.


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The fastest mobile Internet in Russia is provided by MTS, the leader in Moscow is Tele2, experts of the Radio Frequency Center, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, say. Other operators do not agree with this data

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

MTS is the leader among operators in the average speed of mobile Internet in Russia. This conclusion was reached by experts of the Radio Frequency Center of the Central Federal District, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, said at a conference in Moscow on May 26, Deputy Director General of the Center Dmitry Mitrofanov. The study was carried out according to the Roskomnadzor methodology with measurements in 52 cities: experts recorded the data transfer rate to the subscriber.

The average speed of MTS mobile Internet was 6.6 Mbit / s, while in the market as a whole it was lower - 5.4 Mbit / s. Above the "average Russian" Internet speed and MegaFon - 5.6 Mbit / s. The third place was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), whose network speed was 5.2 Mbit / s. Tele2 transfers data at an average speed of 4.8 Mbps. The last place was taken by the Crimean operator "K-Telecom" (Win Mobile brand) with the indicator twice lower than the market average - 2 Mbit / s.

The radio frequency center has been measuring the quality of communication since 2015. It has improved over the year, says Mitrofanov. For example, in Moscow the average data transfer rate has doubled - from 3.2 to 6.1 Mbps. This is due to the increase in the number of base stations for signal transmission using LTE (4G) technology, explains the deputy general director of the center. According to Roskomnadzor, over the year the number of LTE base stations in Russia increased by 109%, to 72 thousand. MTS has the most of them - 27 thousand. MegaFon has 26 thousand such stations, VimpelCom has 11 thousand, Tele2 - almost 4 thousand

The fastest mobile Internet is received by residents of the Central Federal District, and the slowest - by the Far East, said Mitrofanov. In Moscow, experts put Tele2 in first place in terms of data transmission speed, which. It is followed by MTS and VimpelCom. Only MegaFon, which took the last place, had a data transfer rate lower than the average in the capital. Mitrofanov did not disclose specific data on each of the operators in the capital.

Operators' representatives differed in their assessment of the study. Only MTS agreed with the conclusions: “The company is leading both in the number of 4G base stations and in the coverage area - our networks of the fourth generation,” said the operator's representative Dmitry Solodovnikov. At the same time, according to Solodovnikov, in Moscow “it is incorrect to compare the parameters of the MTS network with the network of the newcomer of the rating”: it has several times fewer subscribers, therefore the load is five to seven times lower than that of the operators of the “big three”.

The traffic included in the tariff has long become more important than the number of minutes: we are increasingly communicating in social networks and instant messengers, and not by phone. And if you need to talk, you can always do it using the same messengers. It remains to find a suitable tariff so that the Internet is as cheap as possible. Who offers what in the Moscow region?

MTS: "unlimited" with a limit

The main tariff for Internet addicts is “My Unlimited”. You can customize it yourself: choose the amount of traffic (from 5 to 30 GB), the number of minutes and SMS (from 300 to 900). If you minimize both, you will need to pay 480 rubles. per month. Those who did not have enough traffic can connect an additional package: 1 GB at once for 150 rubles. All traffic within the tariff (including additional) can be used throughout Russia.

Beeline: how much is yours?

Beeline has recently introduced new tariffs "VseMoye". The most modest tariff with index 1 is 3 GB, 300 minutes and 300 SMS for 400 rubles. per month. Moreover, it is possible to change minutes and SMS for traffic: for example, the same 300 SMS can be easily converted into an extra gigabyte. The next "step" is already 15 GB (plus 500 minutes and 300 SMS) for 600 rubles. per month. True, the site tactfully indicates the cost per day.

Megafon: antivirus and TV as a gift

Like Beeline, Megafon has several tariffs "Turn on!" with certain packages of traffic and minutes. If you are not a very active Internet user, you can take the simplest “Turn on! Write ": 3 GB of traffic, 300 minutes and the same amount of SMS for 400 rubles. per month. At the same time, you will also receive a package of bonuses: unlimited for popular instant messengers and Megafon.TV, ESET NOD32 antivirus ... Those who decide on a more expensive tariff will get even more pleasant things. For example, in the tariff “Turn on! Listen ”(15 GB, 300 minutes), unlimited music services are already available.

Tele2: unlimited social networks and messengers

There is one important nuance with Tele2: SIM cards of this operator work only in 3G / 4G networks. Accordingly, if you do not have the most recent dual-SIM phone (2016 and earlier), you can use the Tele2 card only in the first, main slot. The second, as a rule, is designed only for 2G communication.

As for tariffs, there are a number of fixed ones, including a certain number of minutes and gigabytes, but you can create your own. The minimum package is 200 minutes and 2 GB, it will cost 200 rubles. At the same time, unlimited on social networks and instant messengers is already included in the tariff - you can also add a TV / video service from Tele2, as well as some Yandex services (each - 99 rubles). Minutes are allowed to be changed to gigabytes, the maximum package of mobile traffic in tariffs is 40 GB ( 680 rub.)

Yota: take at least 30 GB

In Yota, you can buy a tariff without any included minutes at all. For example, 2 GB of traffic will cost you 250 rubles. Separately, they offer to connect unlimited to messengers and social networks: 25 rubles. for each application, and YouTube - for 60 rubles. The maximum amount of possible traffic in tariffs for a smartphone is 30 GB (380 rubles). If you intend to use this traffic outside the capital (for example, on the territory of New Moscow), it is better to check the coverage map: there are quite large sections with only 2G coverage.

Tinkoff Mobile: 2 "giga" for 99 rubles.

The tariffs of a virtual operator using Tele2 resources are quite attractive. For example, 2 GB of traffic can be bought for only 99 rubles / month (without a package of minutes). There are options 4, 8, 16 GB and unlimited - the latter will cost 999 rubles. By the way, voice communication without restrictions will cost the same 999 rubles. For 59 rubles. you can connect one unlimited service - for example, instant messengers, social networks, "music". Video services without restrictions will cost 159 rubles, and this is not only YouTube, but also Twitch, iTunes Video, Google Play Movies, Rutube, Vimeo ...

We wrote above about the nuances of using Tinkoff Mobile SIM cards (count Tele2).

Who has better internet?

We did not find an unequivocal answer to this question, although we interviewed all the editorial staff. Some people like Megafon, others are delighted with MTS ... According to subjective estimates, the Internet is faster and more stable for the Big Three operators - this is especially noticeable outside the city. But those of us who do not travel very actively in Russia are quite happy with Yota and Tele2 (Tinkoff Mobile). Moreover, given the very affordable tariffs.

By the way, if you have problems with mobile Internet outside the city, you can try to fix them - instructions. You can always check the speed with.

In the meantime, we would be interested to know which operators are preferred by our readers, so don’t take the trouble to participate in the survey below. At the same time, you will see the statistics for yourself;)

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