Rostelecom "Social" tariff for local communication

Rostelecom's tariffs for home phones in 2017 require careful study. The company offers several options for further connection. Among them, you can choose the most suitable one, taking into account the needs.

It makes no sense to consider tariffs for international calls, since the cost depends on the specific direction. It is calculated based on the country you are calling.

Therefore, you first need to determine the direction for the call, and then check the cost with the operator or on the website. Considering that such calls are rarely made, the company has no fixed rates.

Rostelecom: additional tariff plan for home phone

If you choose a suitable pricing plan, there are several possible solutions for customers:

  • Unlimited.
  • Timed.
  • Combined.
  • Social.
  • Output.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a tariff plan?

  1. How often do you use your landline phone.
  2. Approximate number of minutes used per month.
  3. Your financial capabilities.
  4. What are your requirements for landline communication.
  5. The approximate budget that the subscriber is ready to allocate for paying for services.
  6. Additional parameters, they can affect the decision.

Attention! The tariff plan price indicated below may differ depending on the region. To get accurate information regarding the subscription fee, you need to go to the official website of the company, or use technical support.


This plan will work for you in the following cases:

  1. You are making a lot of challenges.
  2. The phone is used by the company to make calls to customers.
  3. You are not used to limiting yourself in communication.
  4. Do not want to overpay for other tariffs.

Basic conditions:

  • The total subscription fee is 502 rubles per month.
  • All calls are unlimited.
  • The minutes are not counted, you pay for a month of full access.
  • In some cases, such a solution will be the most beneficial.


The company uses packages, the ideas of which have been adopted from mobile operators, They are suitable if:

  1. You communicate quite often.
  2. You need to get the volume of minutes that you can use in the future.
  3. Your time spent on negotiations is stable.
  4. You want to save some money.

There are two main options:

  1. Combined 350.
  2. Combined 450.

It becomes clear that the main difference is the number of minutes. In the first plan there are 350 of them, in the second - 450. You can choose the most suitable package for your needs.

The cost for 350 minutes will be 334 rubles per month, for 450 - 374. If you exceed the package, then further billing is carried out according to the scheme of 0.54 rubles per minute. Therefore, it would be more correct to choose "Combined 450", especially since the difference in price is insignificant.

Time calculation

Rostelecom's time-based tariff for a home phone is a choice for those who rarely use communication services. In this case, you can save money by keeping your subscriber point.

It consists of two parts:

  1. About 200 rubles are charged for using a subscriber point.
  2. Conversations are charged at 0.54 rubles per minute.
  3. The calculation is performed by multiplying the total duration of outgoing calls by the cost per unit of time.


This is one of the cheapest package rates. Who is it for?

  • For subscribers who make fewer calls.
  • If you need to use a telephone hotspot from time to time.
  • Want to save some money.
  1. The base total cost is 234 rubles.
  2. For this amount you get 100 minutes.
  3. If the package has been exceeded, then in the future each minute will cost 0.56 rubles.


One of the versions of the per-minute plan. Its main difference is that on weekends and holidays, subscribers receive full unlimited. If on weekdays you communicate a little, then you should pay attention to this option.

Main parameters:

  • You will have to pay 331 rubles per month.
  • On ordinary days, the cost per minute is 0.48 rubles.
  • Free on public holidays.

How to carry out the shift?

If you want to connect another option, then you can do it in several ways:

  1. Go through authorization in your personal account, select "Home phone", go to the section with tariffs. In it, you can view the main proposals, make a comparison and make a decision.
  2. Call the support center 8 800 100 08 00. The employee will explain to you the conditions for the solution you are interested in and help you to carry out the shift.
  3. Now it is possible to do this through the application. You just need to go to the official store, download it and go through authorization. All the information is provided in a special point, you can immediately make a choice and connect.

As far as offers for home phone users are concerned, the company is doing well. A large number of tariff offers and regular updates and additions with new packages always have a positive effect. So a tariff for the general public came out, which takes into account all the needs of the average family and provides the user with a number of services. This is the cheapest tariff available for connection. If you do not need to make a lot of calls, and your phone works to receive calls, then this tariff model is just for you.

As for this package, everything is extremely simple, in tariff Rostelecom "Social", the subscriber accepts more calls than makes them. Since the cost of a minute of calls in the package is quite high.

If you need a package in which you will be able to call all day, then in this case, you should connect a completely different tariff "Unlimited Russia". And this package is designed specifically for receiving calls, and is perfect for a small office.

Rostelecom tariff "Social" description

Nothing is easier than connecting the simplest tariff that the company has for home communication. However, before connecting it, you should familiarize yourself with the terms of service, maybe they will not suit you, then what is the use of connecting it.

The subscription fee, which the user undertakes to pay per month (under the terms of the agreement) is 236 rubles. This amount will be withdrawn every first day of the month, and if it does not appear on your personal account, the service will be suspended.

You will not be able to make outgoing calls from your phone, except for emergency numbers. True, you will be able to receive incoming calls - this option is provided even with a negative balance, since it is free.

As for the allocated volume of minutes, for this amount you will receive only 100 minutes for calls per month. If this volume was not enough for you for a month, then the cost of one minute of conversation will be 0.60 rubles. Therefore, you should initially deposit a large amount of funds in the account in order to be able to make calls.

Connect the "Social" tariff on Rostelecom

If you want to become a subscriber, you can always connect your home phone. To do this, it is enough to visit the office of the company with a passport, and contact a free employee of the company. To connect you need:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. Money for making an advance payment

The procedure does not take much time and you can handle it in 15 minutes, after the conclusion of the contract follows from it rewrite a personal account, since payment for the services of a landline phone occurs precisely on it. To always have it at hand, you should record it on your phone.

It is also possible to apply for connection online, right from home. There is a special form for this on the company's website.

How to top up your city phone balance

You will immediately face such a question, since you need to make an advance payment for the connection, and it is paid exactly to your personal account, which you received during the execution of the contract. And you can deposit funds on it in different ways: both cash and electronic money.

Payments are accepted and payment is made in the following places and electronic payment acceptance systems:

  1. Yandex Money, Qiwi, Webmoney
  2. Self-service terminals
  3. ATMs and bank branches
  4. On the company's website

If you want to make a deposit without commission, then do it directly through the official website of the company.

Additional terms of service

When concluding a contract, you should pay attention to one of the points under which you are provided with a connection for 1 ruble. Do not be deluded by such an action, since everything is spelled out in the contract and the company was not created in order to do charity work.

This amount is included in your subscription fee, since when concluding a contract you agree to use the tariff for a year, and if you decide to break the contract, you will have to pay the entire amount at the same time, for the unused months.

So get ready to use the services throughout the year. And only after that, if you write a statement on time, the contract will be suspended.

Along with the Internet and home television, Rostelecom today also offers a home telephone connection to all interested subscribers, if such a technical capability is present at their address of residence, of course. Today we would like to discuss the tariffs that Rostelecom offers to telephone subscribers in the Moscow region.

Today the provider offers 5 available packages for connection in the Moscow region. And we, naturally, will consider all of them below.

Unlimited tariff Rostelecom

Based on the name of the plan, it can be understood that the amount of minutes included in it has no limit. The very same price of this tariff plan is 502 rubles per month, which includes:

  • 298 rubles allocated for the basic volume of connections;
  • 204 rubles - payment for a subscriber line provided to the client by the provider.

If you are just connecting to Rostelecom services as a home phone provider, then a one-time payment for you will be 3600 rubles.

"Combined 350"

The subscription fee required for monthly payment in order to use this offer is 334 rubles. It includes:

  • 130 rubles for the volume of connections;
  • 204 rubles per subscriber line.

This package offers users 350 minutes to use per month. If the quota is exceeded, subsequent calls will be charged at 42 kopecks per minute.

"Combined 450" tariff

The next tariff plan from the combined family, as you understand, contains a little more available minutes. Namely - 450 per month, with 42 kopecks per minute of conversation in excess of the available quota.

The monthly fee here is not much higher - 374 rubles, and minus 204 rubles for a subscriber line, users pay 170 rubles for the basic volume of connections.

Social package

The social offer from Rostelecom costs subscribers only 234 rubles, at 204 rubles. for using the line. Accordingly, the payment for telephone connections within this package is only 30 rubles. For a month of use, 100 minutes of calls are provided, after which the cost of calls will be 56 kopecks per minute.

Tariff Rostelecom "Weekend"

The last of the currently available tariffs for a telephone from Rostelecom in the Moscow region has quite interesting and flexible conditions:

  • No restrictions for calls on weekends and holidays;
  • A monthly subscription fee of 331 rubles, of which 127 are spent on connections;
  • Calls on weekdays - 48 kopecks per minute.

Connecting a home phone from Rostelecom in the Moscow region (step by step)

If you are not yet a Rostelecom subscriber, but want to connect your home phone, you can do this directly on the website:

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the resource, select your region, that is, Moscow.
  3. Move in the main menu to the "Phone" section.
  4. Choose any of the local tariffs that interest you the most.
  5. Under the name of the tariff and the block reserved for it, click on the "Details" button.
  6. Scroll down the page below to study the detailed conditions of the package, and if they satisfy you, go to the panel-form to fill in the data for connections, located on the right.
  7. Please enter your first and last name.
  8. Enter a contact phone number.
  9. Fill in the fields for the connection address.
  10. Choose a tariff plan for long distance and international communication.
  11. Indicate the tariff plan for intra-zone communication.
  12. Click on the "Submit Application" button.

After the completed application for connection has been sent and reviewed, the company's specialists will contact you to confirm the technical possibility of connecting, as well as to discuss additional nuances and formalities.

A home phone is an indispensable tool for communicating from home. The advantage of a landline connection is that it is cheaper than a mobile one. Calling landline phones from home is cheaper than from mobile. If you want to save money, then consider Rostelecom's home phone rates. The company develops the most attractive and cheap services for calls:

  • around town
  • to regions
  • other countries.

Such a telephone can have a convenient, beautiful and simple number for communication. This choice is a stable and reliable connection 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Using high technologies and the longest Russian network, the company provides users with the opportunity to connect landline communications in the farthest regions of our country. A wide network will provide convenient and continuous communication with loved ones, relatives and friends in another part of the Russian Federation or the world.

The company offers various options for connecting telephone services. These can be lucrative calls to landlines and calls to mobiles. Special conditions for communication between regions, when your distant acquaintances are far, far away - in another region of the Russian Federation. The company offers its clients to connect special rates for making international calls to communicate with loved ones.

The firm is constantly improving its services and offers its clients advantageous options for calls within Russia. Today the company has developed ten plans that will allow you to make calls to different corners. This is the line "Unlimited", "Combined" and the other eight options for specific needs and requirements of callers. There are special offers for calls during weekends. Consider Rostelecom's tariffs for home phones in 2019.

Today there are 10 packages:

  • Unlimited Russia;
  • Unlimited;
  • Combined 350;
  • Combined 450;
  • Social;
  • Output;
  • Time-based;
  • Base;
  • Advanced;
  • Subscriber.

Package "Unlimited Russia" and "Unlimited"

One of the most popular is Unlimited Russia. The package includes an unlimited number of minutes for communication within the Russian Federation for 560 rubles per month. A similar option is "Unlimited". It provides an unlimited number of minutes for a conversation. The only difference is the fee for the basic volume of telephone connections. It will cost 318 rubles against 356 rubles in the first version. For monthly use, you will have to pay 522 rubles.


An interesting version of the "Social" service package. The conditions are as follows:

  • 240 p / month;
  • 100 minutes for conversations throughout Russia;
  • The fee for the basic volume of telephone connections is mere kopecks - 36 rubles / month.


There is also "Time-based". Its peculiarity is the absence of included minutes in the subscription fee. You don't have to pay for telephone connections either. The provision of a subscriber line costs 204 rubles - this is the fee for a time-based service package.

Additional Information

The services are constantly being improved. New tariffs appear, “Let's be together” promotions and others are being held, where you can pay 50 rubles per month for calls. Old tariffs, like Minutka Plus, are archived, so you need to constantly monitor changes in order to pay little money for your connection.

Study Rostelecom tariffs for a landline phone on the official website, choose the most convenient and cheapest, according to your requirements, connect and communicate with all your friends all over Russia!

Rostelecom tariffs for international calls from a home phone

The organization offers not only profitable calls on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also savings when communicating with acquaintances, friends, relatives and business partners abroad. International calls are really expensive. But the company is trying to make conditions for providing high-quality communication at a low price. Popular packages of services for calls abroad are:

  1. Pre-selection by Rostelecom;
  2. Choosing Rostelecom on every call;
  3. Optimal choice;
  4. Single.

"Pre-selection by Rostelecom"

The package "Pre-selection by Rostelecom" includes 0 minutes in the subscription fee. The cost of one minute starts from 9.90 rubles. This is a no monthly fee option. The calculation is based on the call time.

"Choosing Rostelecom on every call"

The “Rostelecom's Choice on Every Call” package also costs 9.90 rubles for one minute of conversation abroad. It differs from the first plan in the ability to call Sochi and Vladivostok for 4.13 rubles. and 6.15 rubles. respectively. This option is perfect for those who:

  • often calls to distant countries;
  • communicates with relatives or for work, business in Sochi or Vladivostok.

"Optimal choice"

The "Optimal Choice" has two types in terms of the cost of calls in Russia. Calls abroad cost the same in both versions - from 13 rubles. The name "optimal" speaks for itself. The terms of service are quite democratic in terms of price and call time. For those looking for good, inexpensive options, it will really be the most optimal.


"United" stands in the middle of profitability for international calls. The cost of one minute of conversation is 12.35 rubles. If the two previous options did not suit you, both in terms of cost and the minutes provided for calls, then "United" is for you.

Helpful information

If you want to find an economy option, then first decide where you will call and how much time you need to talk. By connecting for international calls, you are given the opportunity to call cities in Russia. It is worth considering these features in order to choose the most cost-effective option.

We recommend calculating how much time you need to spend on calls within Russia and abroad. Then, on the basis of this information, once again study the tariffs for Rostelecom's fixed-line telephone for international communications and decide on the connection of one or another tariff plan.

Rostelecom has various tariffs for landline (home) phone numbers. Customers have access to a wide range of tariffication plans, among which it is very easy for a subscriber to choose or change to the optimal one that fully meets his needs, of course, provided that the user has reliable information. This material briefly and accurately provides information about the basic tariff plans of the telecom operator for home telephony.

Communication services company

Rostelecom is the owner of a rich legacy in the form of the entire telephony system, which was developed and put into operation during the times of the Soviet Union. In fact, the system was preserved and now almost nothing has changed, since this enterprise currently has no major competitors in the Russian Federation. But, despite the apparent monopolization, the organization develops and successfully implements flexible tariffs for communication services.

Rates offered for home phones

Previously, there was only 1 tariff plan for home phones, which users could not change. It meant payment for unlimited calls in the home service area and a separate charge for calls on long distance lines.

Now there are about 8 tariffication plans, differing in the limited number of minutes provided for communication within the city. While maintaining its traditional advantages, Rostelecom today offers a significant variety of options, which allows customers to choose the best combination of price and service content for them, and also provides a quick opportunity to change the tariff if the client wishes.

The main criteria for the selection of the optimal tariff

When choosing the optimal tariff for fixed telephone communication, you should first of all pay attention to the following information:

  1. Number of minutes provided;
  2. Are there any additional services;
  3. Varieties of tariffs;

Tariff plans with the name "Unlimited"

These rates include the possibility of local calls with no time limit.

Rostelecom has the following "Unlimited" tariff plans:

  1. Unlimited;
  2. Output;
  3. Base;
  4. Advanced.


For customers who need to communicate without restrictions in the home service area of \u200b\u200bthe phone and at the same time without the need for any additional services.

For example, for the city of Moscow, monthly subscriber expenses are 502 rubles. (this amount includes 204 rubles, which is the payment for maintaining the number). In the case of the first connection of a home telephone number, the client pays 3.6 thousand rubles. (this amount is fixed and the same for all tariffs).


If the subscriber spends most of his time at home only on weekends, then it is advisable to subscribe to the "Weekend" tariff, since on these days local calls for the subscriber are not limited.

On workdays (weekdays) the cost of 1 minute of these calls is 0.48 rubles, and the client's monthly expenses for a subscription fee will be 331 rubles.


It is very similar to "Unlimited", since there are no restrictions on the number of local negotiations. Cost - 500 rubles. in 1 month.

It makes sense for users of the "Unlimited" tariff to change it to "Basic" if the following additional services are required:

  1. Call forwarding;
  2. calendar and clock;
  3. Redial;
  4. Emergency line;
  5. Caller ID;
  6. Reduced set.


Designed specifically for customers who are not used to limiting themselves in the number of services. Includes unlimited local calls. Monthly subscription fee - 600 rubles.

When saving the services of the Basic plan, it includes the following full list of services:

  1. Call forwarding;
  2. Calendar and clock;
  3. Redial;
  4. Emergency line;
  5. Caller ID;
  6. Reduced set.
  7. Information if absent;
  8. Expectation;
  9. Notification by external number;
  10. Retention;
  11. Personal greeting;
  12. Music on hold;
  13. Recording of negotiations;
  14. Conference calls;
  15. Voice recorder;
  16. Mailbox system.

Rostelecom has the following "Unlimited" tariff plans with communication limits:

  1. Time-based;
  2. Combined 350;
  3. Social;
  4. Combined 450.


This is the cheapest of all tariff plans (204 rubles / month is actually a payment for keeping the number). There are no free minutes and extra. services included in the package. Rostelecom charges 0.5 rubles for local negotiations. in 1 minute.

Combined 350

The monthly payment is 324 rubles. Contains a package of 350 minutes, spending which the client pays for 0.42 rubles. For every minute of negotiations.


It is advisable to use people who rarely use a landline phone. Has a package including 100 min. (time in excess of the standard costs 0.56 rubles / min.). The cost of the plan is 234 rubles / month.

Combined 450

The name shows that it has 450 minutes. to city conversations. Every month the user must pay Rostelecom 374 rubles. Excess minutes are charged at the rate of 0.36 rubles.

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