How to open wifi on your phone. Phone as a router. Connection errors and solutions

Quite a common situation: a user tries to connect to Wi-Fi from his phone, but nothing happens. After reviewing the information below, you will learn why this is happening and how to fix the problem you are experiencing.

Initial phone check

Manufacturers are actively working to improve the stability of mobile operating systems, but from time to time any program crashes. That is why it is recommended to start solving the problem by checking the phone's performance. For Android, iOS and Windows Phone (Windows Mobile) the recommendations in this case are identical. Follow the sequence below.

1. Restart your device and try to connect to Wi-Fi again.

2. Estimate the number of connection signal strength indicators. If there are less than 3 of them, try moving closer to the router or other source you are using. wireless internet to improve the quality of the connection.

3. Make sure Battery Saver is off. Connect the AC adapter if necessary.

4. Disable Bluetooth. Wireless connections can work in the same range, which is what causes interference.

5. Disable Airplane mode, if active.

6. Try to activate access to information about your location and connect to Wi-Fi - the legislation of some countries blocks the connection via wireless networks when this option is inactive.

If previously WiFi connection worked

If you have successfully used the currently problematic network in the past, remove this connection from your phone memory. To do this, go to the list of networks, click on the problematic connection for a few seconds (until context menu) and remove the connection.

If all else fails, try connecting from your phone to any other available connection. Failure in this case with a high degree of probability will indicate a breakdown of the radio module - only service center employees will help to correct the situation.

Check if the connection is working. To do this, try connecting to it using any other device that has a Wi-Fi function. If the connection does not work, make changes to the router settings.

Important note! The procedure for entering the router settings varies depending on the manufacturer and equipment model. In most cases, to gain access, you need to enter the address or into the address bar of your browser. Standard login and the password is admin. If it does not work, check the manufacturer's instructions for the information that is relevant for your router.

Beforehand, just try to reboot the router - quite often they "freeze", because of which access to the Internet is blocked.

The further procedure is as follows.

First, you must make sure that you entered the correct security key. Try to enter the password to connect to the selected access point again, but more carefully, with activated option "Display symbols" (show password).

If you do not remember the password, check it in the router settings.

For example, the order of interaction with d-Link router... In your case, everything will be almost the same, minor changes can only affect the interface, names of menu items and other trifles.

Once on the router settings page, do the following:
click the "Advanced settings" button;
in the Wi-Fi window, open the Security Settings link;
in the line "PSK encryption key" look for the password and make sure that this is the combination you enter when you try to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone.

Second, make sure your router settings are correct - you need to check if DHCP is enabled. When it is off, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address, and therefore the connection will not work.

On the router settings page, click "Advanced settings" again and in the "Network" window find the "LAN" category.

Activate DHCP, if the function is disabled, by changing the "Mode" line to the "Allow" state.

Save your changes, restart your router, and try connecting to Wi-Fi from your phone.

If that doesn't work, there are 3 options left:
call the provider's support service and find out if the Internet is working at all and whether any changes have been made to the connection settings;
hand over the phone for repair;
repair / replace the Internet router.

If our instructions did not help solve the problem, then write in the comments and we will definitely consider your problem.

To be used by all android capabilities smartphone or tablet, it must be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, a number of functions and capabilities will be unavailable. The fastest and cheapest way to connect mobile devices to the Internet is Wi-Fi. Therefore, if possible, it is best to use this particular connection method.

Setting up Wi-Fi on Android is easy. First you need to make sure Airplane Mode is disabled. Since in this mode all wireless communications are automatically disabled.

In the "Settings" menu you need to enable the "Wi-Fi" function. Typically, this switch is at the very top of the settings screen. In the screenshot, the Wi-Fi switch is marked with an arrow.

After the switch is switched to the "On" state, open the "Wi-Fi" section. This will display a list of available Wi-Fi networks... In order to configure Wi-Fi on an Android device, you must select one of these networks and connect to it.

Click on the name of the Wi-Fi network to start the connection. If, then you will see a window asking you to enter a password.

Enter the password for Wi-Fi and click on the "Connect" button. That's it, this completes the Wi-Fi setup on Android. If the password is correct, the device will connect to the network and you will have access to the Internet.

If you want to connect to a Wi-Fi network, the name (SSID) of which is hidden, then you can use the "Add network" function. To do this, click on the button with the plus icon "+".

After that, a window will open in front of you in which you need to enter the name of the Wi-Fi network (SSID).

Why set up a Wi-Fi connection on Android?

In the context Android devices using wireless network Wi-Fi has many advantages over using mobile Internet.

  • First, it saves battery power. Everyone knows that Android gadgets do not last long and must be charged regularly. Whereas wi-Fi operation networks consume significantly less energy than 3G, 4G or LTE networks.
  • In addition, Wi-Fi is unlimited traffic at high speed. Despite the development mobile networks they are still very far from the current level of Wi-Fi.
  • Wi-Fi is cheap. Prices on mobile Internet declining, but they are still quite high and the use of mobile Internet for installing heavy games can hit the pocket.

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In many, if not all, modern mobile phones there are many possibilities for transferring data from one device to another. Including reception and transmission of data via Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi (from English Wireless Fidelity, which literally translates as "high accuracy wireless transmission data ") is a family of standards that are used to transmit digital data streams over special radio channels. Also, in addition to paid access points using this technology, there are free points, for example, in a cafe or a recreation park. Therefore, having the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi on your phone, you can take advantage of this. But first you need to set up your phone the right way... Our article will tell you how to set up wifi on your phone.

how many different phones - so many different subtleties for setting this wireless connection... Therefore, we will consider the general tuning algorithm for different devices. For wi-Fi settings you need to do a few simple manipulations:

  1. Enter the phone menu by pressing the corresponding key;
  2. Go to the menu called "Control Panel" or "Settings";
  3. In it, select the item called "Settings";
  4. Then, in the "Settings" select the sub-item "Connection" or "General settings";
  5. Inside you will see a list of different connections that are possible on your phone; Here you need to select the item "WLAN" ("Wi-Fi") or "Wireless connection";
  6. You will now see several items. Let's dwell on the most important ones. These are "Show available WLAN points" and "Check Internet connection";
  7. Going to the item "Show available WLAN points", you can select either "No" or "Yes". If you select "No", then Wi-Fi will be disabled until the moment when you need to access the Internet (then Wi-Fi will turn on). But if you select "Yes", you will see one more item that was previously hidden. This is the "Network scan" item, in which you can choose how often the phone will scan the space for possible Wi-Fi points... You can select, for example, every minute, every 2 minutes, every 5 minutes, or every 10 minutes.
    Please note that keeping Wi-Fi on will drain your battery much faster!
  8. In the item "Checking the Internet connection", you can select " automatic start”,“ Ask every time ”or“ never ask ”. These are characteristics directly for Internet access. It is best to choose "automatic start";
  9. Now you can start searching for available Wi-Fi networks by entering the "Menu" of the phone and selecting the item "Communication", and in it "WLAN (Wi-Fi) Wizard";
  10. By choosing this "master", the phone will automatically scan the space for points and give you a list of them. It remains to join up to the one you want.

Now you know how to set up wifi on your phone!

You can connect WiFi on Android in just a minute, and this article will describe the whole process step by step with illustrations.

Similar articles for other operating systems:

Setting up WiFi on an Android tablet or smartphone

If you use two types of Internet connection on your tablet (or smartphone) - and through cellular network and via WiFi - then, before connecting to WiFi, you need to disconnect the connection via the cellular network:

After that, you can turn on WiFi:

In the list of access points, you need to touch the one to which you want to connect. A window will open in which you need to enter the password and click the "Connect" button:

After a while, your device will connect to the access point:

If you touch this connection, information about it will be displayed:

As you can see, connecting Android to WiFi is very simple.

Home WiFi networks

WiFi security

Since when using WiFi, all information is transmitted over the radio wave, this makes WiFi networks much more vulnerable than wired networks. The fact is that the radio signals sent by the access point (WiFi router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for interception by any similar device that is within the "audible" radius of the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, interception of network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and invisible. And intercepting network traffic allows you to collect information necessary to attack WiFi network... As more points grow wiFi access the number of those wishing to "hack" the WiFi network is also increasing.

The most common motivation for hacking WiFi hotspots is connecting to the Internet over WiFi for free. A fairly common picture today - you have a WiFi router installed in your apartment and not only your devices, but also the computer of one of your neighbors are connected to it. You pay for the Internet, and your tech-savvy neighbor gets the Internet for free.

But "stealing" the Internet isn't the only reason WiFi networks are "hacked". The fact is that if an attacker gains access to your access point, he can access all devices that are connected to your WiFi router through it. And this gives him the opportunity to steal your personal data. For example, passwords to mail, to Internet banks, your documents - in one word to everything you own.

Therefore, use WiFi with care. Here are a few rules to follow.

Do not connect to open public WiFi networks through a laptop that holds valuable information. And if you need access to the Internet via open networks WiFi, then use a firewall and antivirus on your laptop. It's even better if you install two operating systems on your laptop. One main one, which will store all your valuable information. And the other is empty, just to access the Internet through open WiFi networks.

If you are using wiFi router at home or in the office, you must correctly perform wiFi setting router:

  • Use WPA2 security type.
  • The password for protection must be long - preferably more than 8 characters, and must consist of an arbitrary set of characters. Password marina1234 very bad - it will be hacked in a few minutes. Password }
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