Wifi asus does not turn on. Enable wireless transmission. We connect the Asus laptop to a Wi-Fi network

I will describe all the ways I know to enable Wi-Fi networks on a laptop (after all, everything that can be turned off can be turned on and turned on ?!) I'll start with the simpler and more common methods, then I will move on to more difficult wayswhich units will need.

So if you see on taskbar icon turned off Wi-Fi (or do not see the icon at all), then this article is for you.

Turn on Wi-Fi using a slider / button on the laptop case.

On many laptop models for enable Wi-Fi you need to use the slider or a separate button to turn on Wi-Fi. This switch is often located on the front of the laptop.

The switch looks different, but has one function - turning the wireless network on and off.

To turn on Wi-Fi, simply move the slider to the On position.

How to turn on Wi-Fi using a keyboard shortcut.

If your laptop does not have sliders or separate Wi-Fi enable buttons, take a closer look at the keyboard, on it you can find a Wi-Fi icon on one of the function keys (F1-F12).

It can be located on different buttons, it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the laptop.

In order to turn on Wi-Fi, you must press this key or use the keyboard shortcut +<клавиша Wi-Fi>.

Consider the key combinations that are most commonly used in laptops from different manufacturers:

  1. Acer... We hold down the keys: +.
  2. Asus... Combination +.
  3. HP... Click here +.
  4. Lenovo. Necessary buttons: +.
  5. Samsung... Or +or +.
  6. Dell keyboard shortcut + or +

How to turn on Wi-Fi in Windows settings.

If the specified procedures did not help and you are still wondering How do I turn on Wi-Fi on my laptop? you need to check if the Wireless network connection in windows settings... To do this, you need to go to the Network Control Center and general access... One way is to press right click mouse on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center."

Another way to use hotkeys + enter command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn't matter which of the methods you used, the result will be one - a window will appear on the monitor Network connections... Next, you need to find a wireless connection, right-click on it and select "Enable" (if the Enable option is not available, then the Wi-Fi network is enabled).

Enabling Wi-Fi via Windows Device Manager.

If still your Wi-Fi adapter is not enabled, you need to check if it is enabled in the task manager. To do this, click the "Start" button, right-click "Computer" and select "Manage". On the left menu, select Device Manager.

Or press the keyboard shortcut + in the search bar enter the command mmc devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

If the adapter icon is marked with an arrow down, it means it is disabled, in order to enable it, right-click on it and select "Enable".

Updating drivers for Wi-Fi.

Another reason for the inoperability of Wi-Fi may be an inappropriate driver or its lack. In order to install required driver, go to the website of the laptop manufacturer, find your model (on some sites it will be difficult to do this, you can write the laptop model in the comments, I will try to help you) and download the driver for network card Wi-Fi for your operating system. After that, it will be enough to install the drivers, after restarting the laptop, Wi-Fi should work.

It doesn't matter which way you turned on the wireless network, in the end you should see the Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar. When you click on it, you will see the available for wi-Fi connections networks.

Hello dear friends. As you probably already understood from the title, today I decided to touch on a very serious and painful topic, and try to figure out what to do when Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop or netbook and how to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router. By the way, it can be not only a laptop, or a netbook, it can also be an ordinary one stationary computer with Wi-Fi receiver. Similar questions in recent times a lot appears, mainly for the article.

Now we will try to figure out step by step what and why problems may appear when connecting a laptop to wireless wifi networks. We will also try to find a solution to this very popular and unpleasant problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, or rather a failed connection.

Most often, problems arise when the Wi-Fi module itself on a laptop cannot be turned on. And when Wi-Fi turns on, everything available networks the laptop finds it, but writes when trying to connect. It is necessary to check whether the drivers are installed on the Wi-Fi adapter, whether Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop, etc. Now we will do this.

I noticed that most often problems with connecting to Wi-Fi are found in Windows 7. It is on this OS that the network without access to the Internet error very often appears, I wrote how to solve this problem in the article, the link to which is above. In fact, as practice shows, there can be a lot of reasons for this problem. And if there are many reasons, then there are many ways in which you can force a laptop to connect to a Wi-Fi router.

But it is not always the laptop, netbook, etc. that are to blame. There may be a problem in the access point, that is, in the Wi-Fi router. And the first thing we need to do when there is a problem with connecting to Wi-Fi is to determine what is the reason, in a laptop, or in a Wi-Fi router. Now I will consider the problem with connecting to my own router. Because if you are unable to establish a connection with alien Wi-Fi, then all claims to the neighbor, it is most likely that he has a problem :).

Who is to blame, laptop or Wi-Fi router?

As I wrote above, you first need to find the culprit. Before making any settings on a laptop or a Wi-Fi router, you need to understand what the problem is, which is why it is impossible to connect the laptop to Wi-Fi. You can just configure it so that you have to do it and re-configure everything. Most the best way to determine in which device the problem is hiding, it is to try to connect another device to the router, for example, another laptop, tablet, or phone. And a laptop that has problems connecting to Wi-Fi, you need to try connecting to a different wireless network.

I think you understand my idea. If other devices are connected to your router (best with a similar operating system) will connect without problems, then the problem is in the laptop. Read this article further, now let's try to solve.

Well, if problems when connecting to your network arise on other devices, and the “problem” laptop connects to other networks without problems, then the problem is in the setup. Wi-Fi router... See the article on, it might come in handy.

I will show on the example of a laptop that runs on Windows 7. This is by far the most popular operating system.

I advise you to immediately pay attention to the icon that displays the status of the Internet connection. It's in the notification bar.

If your internet connection status looks like this:

First, you need to check if the drivers are installed on Wi-Fi and if the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled.

Right click on "My computer" and select "Properties". On the left select "Device Manager".

In the new window open the tab Network adapters and see if there is a device like Wireless Network Adapter (you may call it differently)... If you have such a device, then right-click on it and select "Properties". Another window will open, make sure it says "The device is working properly."

If everything is about the same as mine above in the screenshot, then everything is fine, the driver is installed. And if there is no Wireless Network Adapter and you have unidentified devices, go to the website of your laptop manufacturer, download and install the driver for the Wireless Network Adapter for your model.

Learn more about installing and updating the driver for wireless adapter – .

We figured out the drivers.

Check if Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop

If the driver is installed but wi-Fi module disconnected, then the connection status will be the same:

Usually the wireless adapter on the laptop is turned on, but it doesn't hurt to check. Wi-Fi on laptops (netbooks) is usually enabled and disabled by a keyboard shortcut. On my ASUS K56cm, these are the keys FN + F2... But although when I press these keys, I get a message that the wireless adapters are enabled / disabled, but nothing happens. Look for the key on your laptop FN and key with a picture of a wireless network... Press them at the same time.

Some laptops may have a dedicated switch on the case that can be used to turn Wi-Fi on or off. For example on Toshiba Satellite L300 it looks like this:

Turn on or off the Wi-Fi wireless adapter in Windows 7

But the best way to check if the wireless adapter is working or not is to go to the Network Control Center and see.

So on the notification panel, right-click on the Internet connection status icon and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Then select on the left.

Among the connections we are looking for "Wireless network connection"... If everything is fine and the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on, then it should look like this:

If the adapter is disabled, it will look like the screenshot below. Right click on it and select “Enable”.

Using the methods described above, we must make it so that the status of the Internet connection on the notification panel is like this:

This status means "No connection - There are connections available" - this means that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on and there are available wireless networks for connection.

If the connection status is like this:

This means that Wi-Fi is on, but the laptop simply does not see the networks available for connection.

Error "Windows could not connect to ..."

We figured out the problem when the wireless network module is disabled or does not work at all. Now let's consider the case when the laptop finds available Wi-Fi networks, but when trying to connect to Wi-Fi it writes: "Windows could not connect to ...", where instead of dots the name of the network to which you want to connect.

If you have a network connection status such as in the screenshot above (through one, network with a yellow icon), then click on it and you will see a list of networks available for connection.

Please select required network, click on it, then click the "Connect" button.

If the set is password protected, Windows will ask you for the password. Write down the password for the network and click "OK".

And if everything is fine, then your laptop should connect to the Internet via wireless connection... And the status of the Internet connection should look like this:

But exactly at the moment of connection, the error “Windows could not connect to ...” very often appears. It looks like this:

Sorry friends, there is no definite solution to this problem. But I can download that very often the problem with such an error appears due to the settings of the Wi-Fi router. Maybe through the type of security and encryption that is installed on the Wi-Fi router, read more about this in the article. There may also be a problem with the distribution of IP addresses.

If you noticed, then in the window with the error “Windows could not connect to ...” you can run "Troubleshooting", it is a sin not to use it. Try to run, I heard somewhere that there are cases in which it helps :). But seriously, sometimes it really helps. Windows will check the readiness of the wireless adapter, check the settings, etc. And if it can, it will fix the problem that prevents you from connecting to Wi-Fi.

Just restart your router and then your laptop. It often helps.


I noticed that in Windows this error appears when the settings that are saved on the computer for your network do not match the current network settings. I'll explain now.

For example, your laptop was connected to Wi-Fi, it automatically connected to the network. But you took and changed the password, or the type of network encryption. Now the laptop is trying to connect to the network, but the parameters do not match anymore, that's the error.

Enough, just delete the network on the computer and re-establish the connection. I wrote about this in the article


It's a great article, and I hope it's useful. I wrote it for half a day, with breaks, of course, there were still problems with adding screenshots to the site, but I seemed to have solved it.

I tried to collect all the necessary information that should help you solve the problem that occurs when connecting a laptop or netbook to Wi-Fi. If I forgot to write something, then in the future I will definitely supplement the article, I will also be very grateful if you share information in the comments that helped you solve the problem with connecting to a wireless network.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments, we will try to figure it out. Good luck!

More on the site:

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on my laptop (netbook)? How to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router? Error "Windows could not connect to ..." updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

IN lineup the manufacturer Asus has many routers similar in design, which differ in the number of antennas, the presence of a USB input and the range of Wi-Fi. A convenient feature is that the configuration of various routers released under this brand does not fundamentally differ. The only difference is the set of available functions on a particular model.

To connect any Asus model, do not rush to plug the device into a power outlet immediately after purchase. The first step is to connect the cables correctly. Most routers from this manufacturer have 4 ports for LAN connection of computers and laptops and a separate port for Internet connection. Insert the cables into the necessary connectors: the power cord provided by the provider into the blue port, and all wired devices into the yellow one. After that, plug the device into a power outlet, wait for the download and connection. As a rule, you can start configuring the router within 30 seconds after connecting it.

Turn the device over and among the information presented on the bottom panel, find the standard IP address of the router, login and password to enter the setup page. Below this data is the standard name of the wireless network. If the router is 2-band (operates at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), then any of these connections can be used for it.

Important! You can configure the router not only via a wired connection, but also via Wi-Fi.

Setting up a network on an Asus router

To start the configuration, enter the IP of the router in the program that you use to browse sites. You can find the IP of your router. After requesting authorization, enter the standard username and password (you can find out). The first page that will open in the interface will be “Network Map”. Here is the basic connection data, information about clients and USB devices connected to Asus. You can change some of this data right on this page, without going to specialized sections. For example, authorization parameters in the Wi-Fi network are changed on the System Status tab, in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz sections.

To connect your Asus Wi-Fi router to the Internet, go to the "Advanced Settings -\u003e Internet" menu. In this case, it will be useful to find a connection agreement that you entered into with a provider. It contains necessary information... In the "Basic settings" section, select the type of connection. Any Asus model works with all common technologies that are used to access the Internet. If your provider uses a non-standard technology, it can be implemented in one of the custom firmwares, which can be downloaded separately.

In WAN IP Setting, select automatic receipt IP-addresses or enter it manually if the provider has provided you with a static IP and it is specified in the contract. In the section "Setting account»Specify the username and password that are used to connect to the Internet. If the provider provides additional data for the connection (for example, access is made via VPN), specify them in the tab with special requirements.

In the same item "Internet" on a separate tab, you can configure port forwarding. One of the features of Wi-Fi asus routers is an big list preset program settings for port forwarding. You can select a program in the "List of favorite games". All this can be done manually using the "Add / Remove" button in the lower table.

Important! Port forwarding can come in handy when some applications do not work correctly. If there are no problems with the connection, it is recommended not to change these settings.

After debugging the connection, go to the "Local network" menu. On the "LAN IP" tab, you can change the address of the router. The "DHCP server" section allows you to set the protocol for automatic assignment of IP addresses for all devices. For inexperienced users, it is advisable to leave the DHCP server enabled, and, if necessary, set the range of addresses that will be assigned to network devices. At the same time, the specified range should not include the address of the Wi-Fi router itself, otherwise conflicts may arise if the same IP is assigned to this device and one of the computers.

When the DHCP server is disabled, it becomes necessary to manually assign IP addresses. For identification network devices in this case, the MAC address is used. You can also set manual addressing only for certain clients by adding them to the table below. This setting is required for the correct operation of some applications that interact with the local network.

Configuring WiFi on Asus routers

You can change the Wi-Fi settings in the "Additional settings -\u003e Wireless network". On the "General" tab, you can set individual parameters for networks operating in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands (when using a 2-band router). If the device supports only one band - 2.4 GHz, the “Frequency range” drop-down list is not displayed. Hide SSID allows you to hide your network. There are no significant security improvements, since the device sends its MAC address over the air anyway.

Leave the mode and channel width unchanged, and in the channel list select the value "Auto". This will allow the router to independently choose the least congested frequencies within the range, in order to avoid interference that may be caused by wireless routers of neighbors.

It is recommended to set "WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK" as the authentication method. Encryption using this protocol provides wi-Fi protection from unwanted connections and data interception. In the "Preliminary wPA key»Set a password that will later be used to connect to Wi-Fi.

If you want to change additional wi-Fi settings on your Asus router, go to the "Professional" tab. Useful function in this menu - turning on the radio module only at a certain time. With its help you can limit wi-Fi operationwhen not in use. For example, when installing a device in an office, it may be necessary to turn off the radio module during non-working hours. If you are using the router at home, you can set Wi-Fi off at night.

The "Set up isolated access point" item allows you to restrict the access of connected devices to local network... After its activation, all devices will be able to access the Internet, but their interaction with each other will become impossible. This setting is most often used on public Wi-Fi networks to ensure the confidentiality of data stored on clients' devices. When setting up home network there is usually no such need.

You can also use the guest network to restrict access to local data. Its configuration is performed in the "General -\u003e Guest Network" menu. Its operation time can be limited to a certain number of hours and minutes (section "Access time"). After the specified period, the connection will be disconnected automatically. For guest networks, you can set your own encryption options or leave them open. The SSID is also listed separately.

Note! Most modern ASUS routers can create up to four guest networks.

System settings for Asus routers, using USB

You can change your account information in the "Administration -\u003e System" menu. You can also set the behavior of the WPS button there. You can choose from On / Off options. Wi-Fi "and" Activate WPS ". WPS technology (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) allows wireless devices connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password, within two minutes after pressing a button on the router. If you plan to use it, select the second option for the button behavior. Otherwise, it is more convenient to choose the first option so as not to go into the router's control panel every time you are about to turn off Wi-Fi.

If you do not wish that access to the router settings could be obtained from another computer, enable the "Allow only specified ip address" item. Add your IPs to white list using the "Specified IP address" table.

I'll write right away that this article is not about how to connect, but how to turn on wifi (some write wi fi, wi-fi) on laptop asus.

Please do not be confused and this applies to all models, including n61j, eee pc, k53s, k50c, 4000, k55v, k53t, r50c, x54h, x53u, a52j, k52j or a3000.

To enable Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi) on an Asus laptop, adapter drivers must be installed on it.

Only they should be "native" - \u200b\u200botherwise nothing will come of your idea.

Where to download the original wifi drivers and how to install - therefore we close this question - there should be no problems.

Most asus laptops have a button on the side of the case (but not all). She usually digs in at the place indicated in the picture below.

Only since the models are constantly being updated are not excluded other places (read the instructions).

Sometimes the lever can be in such a place that it is difficult to imagine, as if it were hidden - look carefully.

Only, even if you turn on this button (often combined with bluetooth), wifi may not work. For some reason, developers program more keys to launch. Basically it is Fn + F2, but there may be others - f1 - f12.

It's also a good idea to inspect the keyboard for buttons with an antenna icon. They, together with Fn, turn on wifi. See the photo below.

Universal fast way to turn on on asus laptop wifi

Everything described above - standard methods turn on wifi on different models Asus laptops, but what if they are unable to solve the problem and why?

The thing is that if you buy an asus laptop with a pre-installed operating windows system 7, windows 8, vista or XP (there are no sales with the last two today), then the developers install all the drivers, components ( software) and test them.

Then the options described above are quite workable. Installing the operating system on your asus laptop yourself - you lose all this and the process may not work.

If you have such a case, then by going to this page, (drivers for adapter wifi go through to install).

Then (after installing and running the program) you can enable or disable Wi-Fi (if you have native drivers) with just one click, without any buttons and keys.

That's probably all you can say, but turning on wifi as I wrote above does not mean connecting, so I will briefly describe this process as well.

In the tray, click on the "networks" icon and click on the line "network control center ....". On the left side there is an option "manage wireless networks"

Going there, click "add" and choose your option to a computer or the Internet - fill in all the places by clicking further at the bottom and confirming "OK".

This is of course a very simplified description of how to connect wifi on an asus laptop to a network or another PC, but you can figure it out, but there will be questions - the "comments" option to your servants. Good luck.

When a user purchases a laptop, of course he wants to use all the possibilities it provides. The topic of today's article, how to turn on WiFi on a laptop in Windows 7 or 8, I chose for a reason. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, but if you do not know some of the nuances, then this procedure will not seem so trivial.

Problems can arise and, fortunately, they are quickly and easily resolved, you just need to know exactly how. Just in this article, we'll talk about some of the pitfalls that can arise when you turn on Wi Fi.

Is there wifi at all

First of all, we need to find out if your computer has or laptop wifi... Modern laptop computers, laptops, netbooks, phones and other devices have Wi FI. You can check if your device has one in Google, but I can assure you right away that if you purchased it a long time ago, then the built-in receiver simply may not be there.

When will you search specifications your device, look for the Wi-Fi inscription of the same name. For example, a description of an Asus laptop:

Physical activation of Wi Fi

Some laptops have a slider that you need to move to enable or disable Wi-Fi. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I'm talking about, look at the image:

Near it there may be inscriptions: "OFF" or "0" - off / off, as well as "On" or "1" - on / on. It is usually located on the right or left of the laptop, and it can also be on the front of it.

There are laptop models where, to enable or disable Wi-Fi, you need to click on the corresponding button, which is in the image below (button on the left):

Often, laptop manufacturers make this button backlit: for example, when Wi-Fi is on, it is on, if it is off, the laptop will not highlight this button.

Although this is not always the case, that is, this button is not highlighted when turned on, thus you yourself must determine whether your Wi Fi is enabled. To do this, pay attention to the indicators on the front of the laptop. If you turn on Wi-Fi, then the indicator that is responsible for this device should light up, thus letting the user know that it is now possible to use it.

Function keys (Fn +)

On laptops from various manufacturers this procedure slightly different. Consider the hotkeys that your laptop might have:

  1. Acer. We hold down the keys: "Fn + F3".
  2. Asus. The combination "Fn + F2".
  3. HP. Here we press "Fn + F12".
  4. Lenovo. Desired buttons: "Fn + F5".
  5. Samsung. Either "Fn + F12" or "Fn + F9".

Above were listed ways to enable WiFi on the most popular laptop models. However, there is no guarantee that you have exactly one of these laptops.

The Fn button may simply be missing. Then carefully examine all the keys on the keyboard. One of them should have an icon drawn wiFi networks, press it and the network will turn on.

Below you can see what the wi-fi icon looks like:

On the screenshot you can see that on this laptop you need to press "Fn" + "F2".

Turning on Wi-Fi in Windows

If you did the above methods, but you did not succeed in connecting to Wi Fi, do the following: go to the "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center". On the left, click on the item: "Changing adapter parameters".

Right-click on: "Wireless Network Connection" and select "Enable".

If there is no such item, but there is "Disable", then Wi-Fi is enabled in Windows.

After that, Wi-Fi should work, but if it didn't help, or there was some kind of error, or there is no network with that name, the question arises: "How to enable WiFi on a laptop then?" Read on!

If our laptop cannot automatically connect to desired network, then the problem may lie in the fact that the signal receiver device is disabled in the device manager. Now I will show you how to fix it on windows example 7.

Go to the Start menu, right-click on Computer and select Properties.

In the window that opens, click on the left "Device Manager".

From here you can see: what components in the laptop, you can control - activate or deactivate required device... We find the one whose name contains the word Wireless... Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Engage" item.

By the way, if there is a yellow triangle next to the service icon with exclamation mark, this means that the laptop does not have a driver for this device... In this situation, use another device (computer, laptop, netbook, tablet, etc.) through which you download the drivers for Wi-Fi, transfer to the laptop and install them.

Other nuances of turning on Wi-Fi

Above, I described in detail how to turn on WiFi on a laptop. But so that you see the full picture of how to enable and how to connect to Wi-Fi, strongly follow the link further, since in this article I am talking about other nuances that may arise in your case. The article "" was written on a "live" example, so it will be extremely useful for you.

If you are not familiar with installing drivers, then we read: "". To find the driver, go to the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop, enter the model in the search for the site. Then look for a driver for Wireless in the list.

I do not exclude that users who are reading this article do not know the Wi-Fi password. If you do not know it, then you will not be able to enter the protected network. To find out how to view the password for Wi-Fi, I recommend reading: "". I also assume that some will ask about hacking, yes, you can hack, but I will not write about it.

Situations are different and there is no need to exclude the possibility that none of the above tips will help you. What to do then? Luckily for you, there is third-party software that you can safely use. Its meaning is that after installation, this program at each windows startup will automatically turn on and by pressing a certain key combination, perform certain actions. For example, turn on Bluetooth or WiFi.

There are a huge number of such utilities, I can cite SoftSwitch as an example. In addition to the above functions, it also knows how to turn on the camera and TouchScreen. For each of these functions, there is a certain combination of keyboard buttons, which you can familiarize yourself with if you decide to download this creation of programmers. To find this program in Google it will not be difficult for you, since it has free license Soft ( free license). Download it, install it and enjoy!

And I have, perhaps, everything on this issue. Thanks for reading and I sincerely hope I helped you.

For clarity, watch the video:

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