Asus rt n12 connection. Wi-fi router Asus RT-N12: setting up connection to a computer. Configuring a Demilitarized Zone DMZ

This article will consider all the aspects related to setting up routers from a well-known ASUS company when connected to a Rostelecom provider. The moments related to the parameters and their connection to the Internet will be described. We will also shed light on all the advantages and disadvantages when choosing routers from this company. An example would be setting up an ASUS RT N12 router for Rostelecom.

Configuring ASUS RT N12 router for Rostelecom

There are several connectors on the back of the device. Four of them are for connecting other computers and devices to your home network, and the fifth is needed to connect your service provider's cord. The parameters must be set from a device that is directly connected to the network card.

Important: when connecting, check the network settings of the operating system. In the selected section, you will need to set the receipt of the IP address automatically.

Next, let's directly install the router. There is a sticker on the back panel that contains the IP address, username and key to enter its parameters. To launch the device installation window, enter its address in the browser line. For the company in question, it is the same Then the router will select the parameters automatically, you just need to fill in a few simple fields. The user will be prompted to change the key to the router settings, then the device will automatically select the type of connection, require a password from the Internet and will prompt you to come up with a name and password for your Wi-Fi. This completes the automatic selection of parameters and the Internet should start working. If the Internet is still not available, then the information below is especially for you.

Setting router parameters manually

To perform manual parameterization, select the "Connection" tab and enter the following data:

  • WAN connection - PPPoE;
  • activate WAN - yes;
  • activate NAT - yes;
  • activate UPnP - no;
  • get IP automatically - yes;
  • automatically connect to DNS - yes;
  • enter the login name and key provided by the provider.

The rest of the data should be left as default. If everything is done correctly, then you can already browse the Internet from your computer and other devices connected to the network. If necessary, you can also establish a wireless network.

Wi-Fi setup

In the router interface we find "Wireless networks" - "General" and set:

  • hide SSID - no;
  • SSID - enter the name of your Wi-Fi network;
  • wi-Fi network mode - auto;
  • channel width 20/40 MHz;
  • channel - 7;
  • extended channel - auto;
  • wPA key - come up with a password for your Wi-Fi network;
  • authentication method - WPA-Personal;
  • wPA encryption - AES.

After that, we save the parameters and exit the router interface. We check the Internet connection. Next, we will consider a number of problems that usually arise when setting the parameters of this device.

Setting up an ASUS RT G32 router for Rostelecom is practically the same as installing the previous one, but there are several points that you should know. If you select WPA2-Personal. Also, when installing the router itself, you will be prompted to select a port. If there is a television from this company, we choose the same port.

Configuring ASUS DSL N10, RT N10P and RT N 10U routers for Rostelecom

Since the above three devices belong to the same family, their adjustment is no different from each other. We connect the wires in the same way as on RT N12, after which we proceed with the installation. We enter the same IP address in the browser line. Anyway, the parameters of these models do not differ much from the previous ones. We will be offered to set the time zone, choose "GMT + 02.00 South Africa, Greece, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, Turkey".

When prompted to choose a provider, choose Others. In the settings window that opens, set the same configurations as described above. As you can see, setting up ASUS routers for Rostelecom is not particularly difficult, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

Important: when setting up an ASUS RT N10P router for Rostelecom, you should take into account its not too high data transfer rate. Therefore, if the load on the router will be more than 1 device, we recommend purchasing another router.

Possible problems and their elimination

If the computer reports that it cannot access the Internet, we do the following. It is necessary to set the same parameters of the wireless network on the computer that you specified when parameterizing the router.

If there is Wi-Fi, but no Internet access, go to the options and check if there is a connection to Rostelecom. If not, restart your router. If the problem persists, contact your provider.

Advantages and disadvantages of ASUS routers

The undoubted advantages of the products manufactured by this company include high signal quality without interruption, good connection speed, even when three or more devices are connected, and an ergonomic interface when setting up. Also, almost all models have an excellent design that will successfully fit into the interior of any home.

The disadvantages can be considered a short wire on most devices and a somewhat overpriced. However, not all models are priced high. For example, the ASUS RT N 10U router costs only 500 rubles and is also ideal for setting up a network of a provider such as Rostelecom.

Thus, its main function - the high-speed Internet connection of the model of the company in question performs perfectly well and their advantages significantly cover the disadvantages.

Setting up a router is something that scares most inexperienced users. But, this fear is completely unjustified. Modern routers are very easy to configure. Now we will prove it by examining the process of configuring the ASUS RT-N12 router. This manual is also valid for ASUS RT-N12 VP, ASUS RT-N12 D1 and ASUS RT-N12E modifications.

Preparing to configure ASUS RT-N12 router

Before you start configuring the ASUS RT-N12 router, you need to connect it correctly. Fortunately, connecting the router is very easy. The first thing you need to do is connect your router to a power outlet. Then connect the cable from your ISP to the WAN port of the router. On ASUS RT-N12 router, this port is marked in blue (photo below).

You also need to connect your computer to one of the yellow LAN ports (photo below). To connect a computer, use the network cable that comes with the kit.

Another important point. Your computer should be using automatic IP address acquisition. In most cases, this is exactly the case. But, before starting to configure the router, it is better to go in and check, so that later you will not be distracted by such trifles.

To do this, after connecting the router, go to: Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Local Area Connection - Properties - Properties for the IPv4 component. In this window, the automatic acquisition of IP and DNS addresses should be selected.

Automatic configuration of ASUS RT-N12 router

To start automatic configuration of ASUS RT-N12 router, you just need to open a browser. If you have correctly connected all the cables to the router, then the automatic configuration should appear in the browser window itself. If a window like the one in the screenshot below appears in the browser window, then everything is fine. Click on the "Go" button and continue configuring the router in automatic mode. If for some reason the automatic configuration did not start, then enter in the address bar of the browser and the page with automatic configuration of the router should appear. If the router has already been configured before, then you can start automatic configuration using the "Quick Internet Setup" button in the web interface.

After clicking on the "Go" button, a page for setting a password will appear. Here you need to choose a new password to enter the router. This password will be entered every time you want to change the settings of the router. Therefore, you need to choose something that will be easy for you to remember. However, the password should not be too short or too simple. Enter the password and click on the "Next" button in order to proceed to the next stage of automatic configuration.

Next, the router will start automatic detection of the connection type. Depending on the connection method of your provider, this step may take place automatically, or a window will appear asking you to enter the connection data. In our case, the connection type was determined automatically. It should be noted that in some cases, the determination of the connection type may be wrong and select the wrong connection type that is needed. But, it can always be corrected manually.

The next step is to set up a Wi-Fi network. Here you only need to enter the name of your Wi-Fi network (you can just leave ASUS or enter any other name) and a password for accessing Wi-Fi (network key). The router will automatically install the rest of the settings. By default, the WPA2-Personal AES security method is used. This protection method is optimal for home use. Therefore, in most cases, no manual adjustments are required after the automatic configuration is completed.

This completes the automatic configuration of the ASUS RT-N12 router. Information about the current settings will appear on the screen. Here we just click on the "Next" button.

After clicking on the "Next" button, a window will open asking you to enter your username and password to enter the router. Enter the login admin (the login did not change during the automatic configuration stage) and the password that you chose. After entering the login and password, the router's web interface will appear on the screen.

Manual configuration of ASUS RT-N12 router

After the automatic configuration is complete, you should test the Internet on your computer. If the Internet is available, then no additional manual configuration is needed. You have already done everything that was required of you in terms of configuring the router at the stage of automatic configuration.

But, quite often there are situations when the Internet does not work after the completion of the automatic configuration. The most common problems are incorrect detection or configuration of the connection type and MAC binding. We will now consider both of these cases.

Setting the Internet Connection Type

In order to manually configure the type of Internet connection, you need to go to the "Internet" settings section. The link to this section of settings is in the left side menu of the web interface, in the "Additional settings" block.

In the "Internet" section, you can configure all the parameters that relate to your Internet connection. Different ISPs use different settings. Therefore, you should check with your ISP's tech support what settings you need to use.

The most important thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of the connection type (highlighted in red in the screenshot below). After selecting the connection type, the list of available settings changes. Therefore, if you correctly indicate the type of connection, then further configuration will go much easier for you. For example, we demonstrate how the settings for the Beeline Internet provider should look like (see the screenshot below).

MAC address setting

It is not uncommon for the automatic configuration of the ASUS RT-N12 router to correctly determine the type of connection, but the Internet still does not work due to the fact that the Internet provider is tied to a different MAC address. In order to solve this problem, you need to change the MAC address in the router settings.

To do this, you need to go to the same section of the "Internet" settings, which we talked about above. At the very bottom of the "Internet" page there is a "MAC address" field in which you can enter the MAC address to which your Internet provider is bound.

If the Internet provider is tied to the MAC address of the computer from which you are configuring, then you can simply click on the "Clone MAC" button. In this case, the router will automatically copy the desired MAC address and you will only have to click on the "Apply" button.

This setting is suitable for ASUS RT N12vp and ASUS RT N12e routers. What can you say about this router? This is exactly the router that is in my apartment, I bought it for incredible money about 1 thousand rubles, it seems in the DNS, it was not difficult for me to set up and forget. The fact is that at that time there was no money, and renting from a provider, as you were, was not in my style. I chose the most budgetary option and have never regretted it. ASUS RT N12vp firmware has been fully translated into Russian, it has a cool appearance, its network range is quite enough to broadcast without problems around the apartment. I would also like to note the pleasant interface of the web muzzle. As for the quality, in two years there was not a single malfunction, as it once caught a virus, but after resetting to factory settings and changing the password, there were no problems. Of the shortcomings, I can only note one: LED llamas burn too much, just like a Christmas tree, they interfere with sleep at night!

ASUS RT N12vp router appearance

Router connection diagram.

A cable from a PC is connected to any yellow port. Blue WAN port, the cable from the provider is connected.

We figured out the connection of the ASUS RT N12vp router, now let's try to configure it. You can enter the settings of the router using a browser, if you did not manage to enter the settings, then read the instructions for setting up the network card:

To enter the settings, open your browser and enter the address: HTTP://

Enter login: admin and password: admin press Enter.

If the specified username and password does not work, then you need to reset the router to factory settings, for this there is a button on the modem's case, hold it down and hold it for 15-30 seconds, then try to log in again.

Connection status, wireless settings, number of devices connected to the router. We can change the language.

Setting up an internet connection

To start setting up, you need to know your type of Internet connection, the following options are possible:

  • DHCP, automatic IP
  • Static IP

In my case, the Akado-Yekaterinburg provider gives out a static ip-address, PPTP connection type.

Configuring ASUS RT N12vp and ASUS RT N12e in L2TP mode, go to the Internet tab and fill in the following parameters.

You do everything as I have in the screenshot, the only thing you will have different access details, you check them with your provider, after it turned out to be configured, click the apply button. The configuration is complete, you can see the connection status on the main screen.

Settings for other types of connection are performed in the same way, if the connection cannot be established, I recommend contacting your technical support, perhaps there is a binding by MAC address, or, for example, you enter your login or password incorrectly, they will tell you about it.

WiFi setup

Now let's figure out how we can set up a wireless Wi-FI hotspot on our ASUS RT N12vp. To do this, go to the Wireless Network tab.

We set the following parameters:

  • SSID is the name of the wireless network.
  • Wireless network mode: auto.
  • Authentication method: WPA2-Personal.
  • Encryption: AES
  • The WPA Preshared Key is your Wi-Fi password.

Click Apply.

This completes the wireless network configuration.

We connect to our network.



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This step-by-step instruction is devoted to how to configure the Asus RT-N12 Wi-Fi router to work with providers:

  • Beeline (L2TP)
  • Rostelecom, (PPPoE).

The guide will include the following important setup steps: correct router connection, how to enter Asus RT-N12 settings, Internet connection setup, wireless security setup (Wi-Fi password).

How to connect Asus RT-N12

Despite the fact that this seems obvious, I start all the instructions exactly with how to connect the router correctly, because even here there are errors due to which the Wi-Fi connection does not work later.

There are five ports on the back of your router — four LAN ports and one WAN (Internet) port. It is to the latter, which differs from the other four ports, that you should connect the cable of your Internet provider - Beeline, Rostelecom or any other.

In addition, I recommend configuring the wireless router from a computer or laptop that has a wired connection to it, for which one of the LAN ports on the router should be connected to the same port on the PC's network card.

And the last point: it is advisable to check the connection settings in Windows () - you can skip this step now, but if you cannot enter the router settings, return to it first.

Remember to plug the device into a power outlet. And also, for all subsequent steps, disconnect the Internet on the computer (if you have a "High-Speed \u200b\u200bConnection", "Beeline" on the PC itself), only the local network connection should be active.

How to enter the router settings

On the back of the Asus RT-N12 (as well as on other routers) there is information about the address, login (username) and password - they must be used to enter the settings web interface. In order to enter, launch the browser and enter the specified address in the address bar, for Asus routers it is

When asked to enter your username and password, enter adminfor both (provided that you did not change them in previous attempts to configure everything).

Now attention: if this is the first time you came here after purchasing, or if you have just reset your router, automatic configuration will start - you will need to click "Next" and fill in the proposed fields.

You will be asked to change the password for entering the "admin panel" of the router (the one that was admin), after that an attempt will be made to determine the type of connection and, if it is determined, you will be prompted to enter the login and password for the Internet, and then - to set the name of the Wi- Fi network and password for Wi-Fi.

I will not describe the automatic configuration. If it is successful (and this may be the case for Rostelecom and, then you do not need my instructions - as a result, you will be taken to the main page of manual settings for Asus RT-N12, and the Internet will work. If after that the Internet did not work, then I will tell you how to configure everything manually.

Beeline connection setup

In order to configure Internet Beeline on Asus RT-N12, on the main settings page, click on the left "Internet", and on the page that opens, fill in the parameters of your connection as follows:

  • WAN connection type - L2TP
  • Username - your Beeline login
  • VPN server -

And save the settings. If you entered everything correctly, and the Beeline connection on the computer is disconnected (this is mandatory), after half a minute the router will establish an Internet connection and in a separate browser tab you can open any sites, and phones, tablets and laptops connected via Wi-Fi will also have access to the Internet.

You can proceed to setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network if you want to change something in its parameters (below in this manual).

Configuring connection Rostelecom, (PPPoE)

To configure the Internet by Rostelecom or on this router, click "Internet" in the menu on the left, then fill in the proposed fields as follows:

  • WAN connection type - PPPoE
  • Obtain an IP address automatically - Yes
  • Connect to DNS Server Automatically - Yes
  • Username - your login Rostelecom or (for the Internet)
  • Password is your password for the Internet.

The other parameters do not need to be changed. Save the settings and, if everything was done correctly, then in a short time the Internet will be connected by the router, and you can open the site and everything else from this computer, as well as from other devices connected to the router (in this case, the High-speed connection on the computer must be disabled ).

If necessary, also configure the wireless network settings - its name and password.

Configuring the parameters of the wireless Wi-Fi network

To configure Wi-Fi, in the menu on the left, select "Wireless network", then set the desired parameters.

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