How to set up a wireless connection windows 7. Setting up automatic acquisition of an IP address for Windows7. WiFi adapter activation procedure

How to set up internet, wifi on Windows in Minsk? You can call an experienced master inexpensively

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In this article we will analyze such a question - how to set up wifi windows 7. The setup process itself requires special knowledge of a personal computer.

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So, let's begin.

Introduction to wi-fi setup

In addition to the device itself with wi-fi, there must be an access point to access the Internet via wi-fi. It's just that the Wi-Fi itself is a wireless network for data transmission, by itself it does not provide access to the Internet.

So, first we need to take care of the presence of an Internet access point, to which we will connect via our wi-fi connection.

How are things going with wi-fi setup in public places?

If you are in a public place, then all the easier the access point should already be, for example, in some cafe or library. You just have to connect to it. This can be done if you ask the administrator of this institution if there is an Internet connection here.

What do you need to do at home to set up wi-fi?

If you are at home, then you need a modem router with support for a wi-fi connection (such an industrial communication H201L / H208L, such an industrial communication mt pon at 4 or another). Let's say that everything is there, all that remains is to directly connect to the wi-fi network.

And so we press "Start" - "Control Panel":

On the new page, go to the "Network and Internet" line:

In this window, go to the "Network and Sharing Center":

We have opened the main window about the settings of network connections. Here we can configure and change all network connections such as a simple local network or wi-fi connection. In our case, we go to the "Change adapter settings" submenu in the left column of this window.

In the window that appears, there is a shortcut "Wireless Network Connection". Right-click on it and select "Connect / Disconnect". So we enabled the search for available wi-fi networks.

Now in this window you need to select the desired wi-fi network. All these networks have their own names. So, choose either your home name that you gave or choose a public network whose name you also know.

Why choose only a known one, but because usually to enter you need a password that you know either from your network, or it is a public network and there is no password on it, usually there is no password in cafes, libraries, McDonald's and other mass public places.

And so with the left mouse button, click from the list of networks to the one you need, in our case it is called "berlazar":

After that "connection", the connection will start and after a couple of seconds you will be asked to enter a password (if any). Enter your existing password. Click Ok. And after another couple of seconds you will be connected to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.

If everything is done correctly and the connection was successful, then you will notice the word "Connected".

Pros of wireless wi-fi

Of course, an important feature and at the same time a big plus of such a connection is that you do not have to sit in one place (if you are working on a laptop or other portable device), but you can easily go, for example, to another room. The range of a wi-fi network from the point of connection to the Internet is somewhere up to 100m (but this is without obstacles, such as walls, but in reality it is about 10 meters)

But this distance depends on various partitions, walls and other physical obstacles. So, you can experiment with the connection range.

This is how, in general, the question of how to set up wifi on windows 7 is solved easily, if you have any difficulties, then we will help you, our masters will set up the connection quickly and inexpensively.

It is more convenient to use the Internet on a laptop through a wireless access point. Before connecting, you need to learn how to set up a Wi-Fi adapter on a laptop. We will tell you about the methods of turning on and configuring the device in the most popular versions of Windows. How to update drivers will be discussed.

How to find out if a Wi-Fi module is installed on a laptop

Almost every mobile gadget is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, but you should definitely check for it. Be sure to check your laptop's technical manual first. In the characteristics opposite the "Wireless" column there should be lines Wi-Fi or IEEE 802.11. Their presence indicates that the required component is installed in the laptop.

An alternative option is to check the presence of a component in the list of devices. To do this, go to the properties of the computer and click the "Task Manager" link. In the window that opens, among all the "hardware", open the "Network adapters" tab, and then find the line with the previously described words or the inscription Wireless (Wi-Fi).

If not

The best option is to upgrade your laptop. Most likely, you have a very “ancient” model with low performance and a missing wireless module. When funds do not allow you to buy new equipment, order a USB module. It looks like a flash drive, while serving as an external Wi-Fi module. There are hundreds of models on the market with different characteristics. To work, you must install the driver.

How to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter

To be used on laptops and standalone computers wireless Internet , you should activate the Wi-Fi module, and then connect to the required network. There are several hardware and software methods for enabling Wi-Fi, which will be discussed in detail below.

Switch on the case

For the convenience of users, many manufacturers have removed the switch with a separate button on the body of the gadget. It can be located on the front panel (on the Esc side or near the Num keys).

We also recommend inspecting the side panels on both sides for a switch. It has a diverging antenna icon. Often light indicators are located on the body, informing about the health of specific components.

In the presence of such a switch and the correct operation of the component itself, of course, all switching on is reduced to one simple action.

Keyboard shortcuts

Another way is to activate the module with a keyboard shortcut. On laptops, additional settings are made on the function buttons F1-F12. Also on the keyboard you can find a key with the letters Fn. With its help, additional functions are enabled (including Wi-Fi). You need to hold down Fn and click the button with the brand icon (on different models they will be F2, F3 or F12). The action will activate the indicator (if any) and the connection icon will appear in the start panel on the right side.

Alternative options

If the previous manipulations do not work, the problem is in the drivers or operating system settings. A rare exception is marriage. In extreme cases, after all attempts at resuscitation, contact the service center, especially if the laptop is under warranty service. Also make sure the Wi-Fi hotspot is okay. The problem may lie in the incorrect operation of the Wi-Fi router (you need to reconfigure or update the firmware). Try connecting a mobile phone or tablet to it for testing.

Installing or updating drivers

The failure of the wifi is often associated with the driver. The latter is specialized software that ensures the correct operation of a physical device in the shell of the operating system. There are three main ways to install a new driver:

  1. independently through the downloaded installer;
  2. through standard Windows functions;
  3. through specialized software.

The first method is the most reliable option, since it excludes any “outside” interference. The laptop owner should go to the manufacturer's website and then find the software download category. Further in the search, write the full name of your model and OS version. Be sure to find out the bitness (32 or 64 bits). A list of all drivers will be published under your request. Download the file for the Wireless network adapter.

The second method involves downloading the required driver through Microsoft databases. In the device manager, right-click on the Wi-Fi adapter and select "Update drivers". Please note that the updater does not always find the latest version.

The latter method is extremely convenient, since the program takes over all the "dirty work" of search and installation. Driver Genius is an effective tool. Follow these steps to update the driver:

"Driver Jenius" has a huge database, and at the same time regularly replenishes it, so the software can be used to update the software of any laptop hardware.

Required actions and settings in the operating system

The activation of the wireless adapter can be carried out by means of the OS. The user should enable it separately in the network settings. Next, we will tell you how to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop for the most common Windows systems.

Windows XP

Full configuration for Windows XP consists of the following steps:

Wi-Fi setup under Windows XP will be completed after performing the described steps.

Windows 7

The user should perform similar settings in the "seven". The difference from the previously given instructions is minimal:

The ISP often issues a static IP. In such situations, you must set the parameters according to the requirements of your service provider. In other cases, automatic acquisition of parameters allows you to use Wi-Fi without any problems.

Windows 8/10

These OS versions have similar interfaces, so the procedure will be almost identical for them. You need to follow the steps similar to those given earlier for other Windows systems:

Additionally, if you have problems with access, run the Diagnostic Center. The system may detect errors due to which you cannot connect to the Wi-Fi point.

In this article, I will show you how to set up wi-fi from scratch. First, you need to configure the wireless network on the router, and then on the laptop. With the help of simple step-by-step instructions, even a beginner will be able to configure the Internet on TP-Link and D-Link routers, which are most common in the CIS.

Setting up a wi-fi router

Step 1. We connect the router to the network using a power supply. Turn on the power with the ON button, if the router has such a button.

Step 2. We connect the router to a laptop or computer using an ethernet cable (patch cord) that comes with the router. It is necessary to connect the cable to the port of the computer's network card and to the LAN1 port of the router. (In no case to the WAN port - it will not work through it)

Step 3. We check that on the computer, in the properties of the network card, we have chosen to automatically obtain an IP address. To do this, go here: "Start" -\u003e " Control Panel» -> « Network and Sharing Center» -> «» -> « LAN connection»

Attention! In chapter " Change adapter settings»You may have multiple connections displayed. For instance, "Local Area Connection", "Local Area Connection 2", "Wireless Network Connection", "Bluetooth Network Connection 2" etc. How to find the right one among these connections?

First of all, the default wired connection in Windows 7 and 8 is called Local Area Connection. If no one managed to rename it manually, then it will be called that way. Unless there may be a number at the end - most often "2". This is if the computer has several network cards installed (it is important for stationary computers, because in a laptop in 99% of cases there is only one wired network adapter from the factory)

Secondly, the connection we need should be active, since you connected the computer and the switched on router with a cable: the connection icon should glow in a bright color (usually blue if your Windows uses a standard icon pack), i.e. the icon should not be shaded. See picture:

Here we have found the required active wired network connection.
Step 3.1. Right-click on the active wired connection we need and select "Properties":

Step 3.2. In the window that opens, click the "Properties" button:

Step 3.3. Select with the left mouse button " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) " and click the next "Properties" button below:

Step 3.4. We set both switches to the upper positions so that there is “ ... ... ... automatically»:

Step 3.5. Press the "OK" button to save the settings.

Step 4.Open the connection window again:

Step 4.1. Press the button "Details":

Step 4.2 ... In the window that opens, we find out the IP address of the default gateway:

In most cases, it is

Step 5 ... Open your browser to access the router's web interface.

Step 5.1 ... In the address bar, enter the gateway address and press Enter:

Step 5.2 ... Enter your username and password:

Attention! You can find out the login details in the instructions for your device. The set with the router may contain both instructions on paper and in PDF format on the enclosed disk.

If the manual is lost, you can try to download it on the manufacturer's website. For example,,,

Often in a new device, the default login \u003d admin and password \u003d admin. It also happens that the login \u003d admin, and the password is empty.

Step 5.3. After you have entered the router's web interface, open the wireless network (wi-fi) settings:

(illustrated with TP-Link TL-WR841ND and D-Link DIR-300 NRU)

Step 6. The actual setting of the wireless connection.

Step 6.1 ... Disable WI-FI protected setup, because this feature is a serious security hole and could allow an attacker to hack into your Wi-Fi network and gain access to your information.

Step 6.2 ... We check that the Wi-Fi network is enabled: the “Enable wireless” checkbox is checked if it is D-Link.

Step 6.3 ... We set a name for our wireless network.

If the default is dlink or home, then it is recommended to specify some original name in order to avoid confusion with the networks of neighbors of the same name.

Step 6.4 ... Setting security parameters. We strongly recommend using the following options:

  • security mode WPA2 ;
  • encryption type AES;
  • key type PSK (aka Personal Key).

After specifying all the parameters, do not forget to click the save settings button!

On a TP-Link router:

in D-Link:

Setting up Wi-Fi on a computer (laptop)

In this section, we will show you how to set up wi-fi on a windows 7 laptop.

Step 1 ... Find on the taskbar near the clock network connections icon and click on it with the left mouse button once. A list of available wireless networks will open:

Step 2... Find your wireless network in the list (it will have the name that you specified in the previous paragraph) and left-click on this network.

Step 3... Leave the "Connect automatically" checkbox checked and click the "Connect" button:

Step 4 ... Enter the security key of the Wi-Fi network. This is the character set that you specified in the "Network Key" field. After entering the key, click "OK":

After clicking "OK", it connects to your wireless network.

After a few seconds, the previous window will disappear, and the network connections icon near the clock will change its appearance.

Now when you click on the network connections icon, you will see that the computer is connected to your wi-fi network, but at the top you can see the inscription “ Without internet access", Because we have not yet configured the Internet on the router:

Setting up the Internet on the router

We set up a wi-fi network on the router and connected to it from a computer. We just have to help the router see the Internet so that the router can distribute the Internet to any devices that connect to it via wi-fi or cable.

Step 1 ... In order for the Internet to appear on computers, you need to set up a connection with the provider on the router. We show using the example of the same D-Link

Step 1.1. We type in the address bar the ip-address of the router

Step 1.2 ... Enter your username, password and click "Log in":

Step 2 ... We go to the Internet settings section. Different manufacturers of routers have different names for it: WAN Setup, Internet settings, etc. In our D-Link, this section is called "Internet Setup":

Step 3. We get to the WAN port settings section.

Step 3.1 ... Uncheck "Enable Access Point Mode".

Attention! Other manufacturers may call this parameter "Disable NAT". The bottom line is that the Access Point mode disables NAT and turns the router into an access point. This option is useful if this router is connected not to a provider, but to another one of yours..

Step 3.2... We select the type of connection with the provider.

To find out what settings you need to choose to connect specifically to your provider, you can:

  • in the contract;
  • on the provider's website;
  • by calling the provider's hotline

The most commonly used type these days is Dynamic IP.

Step 3.3 ... If your ISP only allows connection from a registered MAC address, you have 2 ways to resolve the issue.

  1. Go to the provider's office with a passport and register a new MAC address;
  2. Specify in the MAC address field the MAC address of the network card of the device from which you successfully connected to the Internet before purchasing the router. Typically, this is the MAC address of the computer's wired network card.

Step 3.4 ... We indicate the DNS servers, if the instructions from the provider require it.

Step 3.5 ... We select the MTU value. If the provider does not require changing this value, we advise you to leave it as it is: 1500.

Step 3.6 ... We save the settings

Attention! If you have lost the document of the contract with the provider, which contains the details, then in extreme cases you can always drive up to the office of your provider with a passport and find out all the comprehensive information: connection type, MAC address, login, password, MTU, etc.

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern apartment, or even more so an office, not equipped with the appropriate set of office equipment: computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones. And where all these devices are available, the Internet should naturally also be available. He firmly entered our life, occupying one of the most prominent places there. On the Internet, we study, work, have fun, relax, communicate. Therefore, the comfortable provision of access to the World Wide Web for yourself and your loved ones is a problem that sooner or later each person has to solve. Fortunately, now we have a reliable assistant that allows us to carry out the most effective and simple solution to this issue without special additional intellectual and financial costs. This is, of course, about Wi-Fi technology.

But in order to use the "air" Internet, you need to know where to find and how to enable Wi-Fi on your computer. We have tried to explain the answers to these questions in the current article.

What is Wi-Fi?

Wireless internet technology has become a part of our daily routine. We habitually identify Wi-Fi with a convenient, reliable and fast Internet connection, which we face at home, at work, in public places - at airports, cafes, shopping centers.

Answer the question "what is Wi-Fi?" the simplest way is: it is a network protocol, with the participation of which communication is carried out between an "access point" and a "client", or an "access point" and several "clients", exchange of packet data in a local network or through the World Wide Web.

Currently, the abbreviation Wi-Fi does not mean anything and is not officially deciphered in any way, however, when creating this protocol, the developers "gave it a name" by analogy with Hi-Fi (High Fidelity). It stood for "Wireless Fidelity" - wireless accuracy.

Benefits of using

Of course, the "air" Internet is not an ideal technology. Several examples can be given at once of what difficulties may arise when using it. One of the most widely known is the so-called “noisy” connection. In the range used by this protocol, many household appliances (for example, microwave ovens) emit, alternative connection devices (for example, Bluetooth) work. Walls and floors can also create interference. All this negatively affects the speed and quality of access.

At the same time, there are no less positive aspects from using it in home and office conditions. Here are just some of the most obvious ones:

  1. Low cost wireless networking and multiple access points that will provide consistent coverage throughout the area. At the same time, there are no cables, extension cords and adapters that constantly get confused and clutter up the space. "Air" connection is indispensable in premises of historical value, as well as in premises with obstructing architectural features;

  2. This protocol provides full access to the Internet for any device - be it a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer - without being tied to a specific location. Access to the global information space through this protocol is the ability to comfortably use the Internet while lying on your favorite couch;

  3. Weifai allows you to synchronously use a large number of active connections. Once you've established a wireless connection, you don't have to worry about how many computers and mobile devices are simultaneously accessing the Internet.

What are the different Wi-Fi modules for a computer?

All popular devices are now equipped with adapters by default. They can be connected to the Internet out of the box, but what about those with a stationary computer? The answer to this question is obvious - you need to purchase an additional Wi-Fi receiver, install, connect and configure it.

We'll talk more about how to install Wi-Fi on a computer below. Now we propose to determine what receivers are, what is their difference, specificity and advantages.

Air adapters are of two types: external and internal. External ones are the most commonly used and easier to operate. An external receiver is like a miniature USB drive (flash drive). It connects to the USB connector on the front or back of the computer, either directly or via a USB cable.

The internal adapter is slightly larger and requires opening the computer case to install it. Therefore, only buy an internal receiver if you are confident that you can figure out how to install it on your motherboard yourself. When installing the internal module, you must first disconnect the antenna from it, insert the board into the corresponding port on the motherboard (for this, the PCI interface is most often used) and return the antenna to its place.

Further manipulations for installing and enabling wireless adapters do not differ and do not depend on the modification and method of connection to the computer.

How do I install the drivers?

Any Wi-Fi receiver is supplied with a disc from the manufacturer, which contains the drivers necessary for the full operation of the device. In addition to drivers for a specific device, the disk may also contain drivers for other adapter models, so during installation you need to be careful not to miss the choice of the device for which the drivers are installed.

Otherwise, the driver installation procedure is standardized and provided with an intuitive interface with detailed prompts from the Found New Hardware Wizard. Just carefully read the messages that will appear on the screen, and click the corresponding buttons "Next", "OK" and "Finish".

Most adapters are automatically recognized by current computers and can work even without installing drivers from the bundled CD. It is enough to connect the device to the desired connector and wait a few seconds. As a rule, after that, a message will appear in the "tray" stating that new equipment was found, identified and installed, which is already ready for use. However, generic drivers cannot completely replace specialized software. Therefore, we advise you not to neglect the installation of drivers, even if everything works flawlessly at first glance.

The CD with drivers for your Wi-Fi receiver model may also contain a special utility from the developers, which is designed to facilitate the process of setting up an Internet connection. Moreover, this utility will allow you to further control your Internet connection, monitor the speed and volume of data transfer.

How to set up Wi-Fi in WIN XP?

For this guide, we will assume that your Home Access Point and Internet Dispenser are already configured.

So, to establish an "air" connection on a computer with Win XP OS, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Start" menu;

  2. Select "Network Neighborhood";

  3. In the "Network Connections" window, find the "Wireless Network Connection" icon;

  4. Right-click on the icon and click "Properties" in the list;

  5. In the "General" tab, find the item "Internet Protocol TCP / IP";

  6. Click the "Properties" button.

If it is critical for your provider to use specific ip and dns addresses, then in the window that opens, check the "Use the following ip address" radio button. If these parameters are configured in automatic mode, then do not touch anything.

When manually configuring ip, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • IP address: (You should check this parameter with your ISP, the value may be different);

  • Subnet mask:;

  • Enter the address of your router or modem into the line "Main gateway", usually or But in order to avoid mistakes it is better to check the documentation of your device;

  • Click to activate the "Use the following DNS server addresses" radio button and fill in both the primary and secondary DNS server fields. Information about the DNS servers used by the provider can be found on the official website of the telecommunications company or by calling technical support;

  • Without closing this window, select the "Wireless Networks" tab on the top and check the "Use windows to configure the network" checkbox in it. Then press the button "Wireless networks". Here you will see a list of all available connections. Select the connection that is configured on your dispenser and click the "Connect" button. Now, in order to connect to the Internet, it remains to enter the username and password you know.

How to set up WiFi in WIN7?

There are two ways to set up an "air" connection in Win7 OS: in automatic mode and manually. The second option can be useful if the network to which you plan to connect is hidden from the general list for security reasons, but you know the name and password to connect your computer to it. Let's consider both methods step by step.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS in automatic mode

When the operating system is loaded, you can see the Wireless Network Connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on it. This will open a list of air connections available to you. you need to choose from the list the one that is configured in your modem or router.

Installing Wi-Fi in Win7 OS in manual mode

To configure the connection manually, select "Network" in the system tray, then "Network and Sharing Center". Click "Setting up a new connection or network". At the next stage, we mark the parameter "Connect the wireless connection manually" and click the "Next" button.

In the next dialog, fill in all the appropriate fields: specify the network name, encryption type and security level. In most cases, the default settings can be left unchanged - use AES and WPA2. In the "Security Key" field, enter the password for the connection. For more security, check the "Hide characters" box so that the password cannot be read because of your shoulder.

The final touch - if you plan to use this connection as the main one in the future, then check the box "Start this connection automatically". Then click the "OK" button.

Installing the device in Windows 8

To connect wirelessly in Win8, do the following:

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the system tree on the taskbar or call Settings Charm through the Charms Bar (similar to pressing the win + I combination). The Wi-Fi panel will appear on the right side of the screen;

  1. you will see the entire list of wireless networks available for connection. Select the one that is configured for you and click the "Connect" button;

  1. The next step is to check the conditions for connecting to the network. The system will check the requirements of the selected network and offer to enter the required data;

  1. After checking the network requirements, the system will prompt you for a password. Enter the security key you know and click "Next";

  1. If the password is entered correctly, you will see the message "Connection complete", which means that the Internet connection is established.

How do I turn off the device?

To turn off Wi-Fi or edit the previously entered data, select the wireless networks icon in the tray (relevant for Win7 and Win8) and select the one that you configured earlier in the drop-down list of all available connections. To disable, use the Disable button, and to edit - right-click and click Properties. In the "Connection" and "Security" tabs, you can either disconnect the device or make changes to the password, encryption type or security level.

For Win XP, you need to do the following:

  1. Start menu;

  2. Network Neighborhood icon;

  3. "Wireless connection";

  4. In the list that opens, select the established connection and click the "Disconnect" button.

Almost every laptop has the ability to connect to wireless.

With the help of this technology, computers exchange data with each other and network devices (printers, access points, etc.), and also go to the "World Wide Web".

There are many laptop models, but they all work according to the same communication standards. Can you imagine what their owners would have had if it was done differently on each laptop?

Many laptops - one Wi-Fi

The procedure for setting up a wireless network depends only on the operating system.

Some manufacturers equip their laptops with networking utilities, but this does nothing new, except that it makes the setup process more convenient.

Of course, you can use them, but it is more useful to be able to work with the OS tools.

If you figure out how to configure WIFI on Windows 7, 8 and XP using the system, you can do it on any laptop, regardless of model.

Three conditions for turning on Wi-Fi for the first time

Before connecting your laptop to the Wi-Fi network for the first time, you need to do three things:

  • enable the wireless adapter (also called a WLAN or wireless network card);
  • start the WLAN autoconfiguration service.

Step 1. Turning on the Wi-Fi adapter

To turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on a laptop, a button or a key combination can be provided: Fn + [one of the F1-F12 keys, where the Wi-Fi icon is displayed].

The fact that the adapter is turned on can be understood by the glow of the indicator on the laptop case:

Step 2. Driver Installation

Important! Networks marked with an exclamation point shield icon do not require a password. They are not protected by anything, and data is transmitted over them in clear text.

Step 4. Connecting to a hidden network and changing the communication profile

To connect to an invisible grid, whose name is hidden, as well as to create a new wireless access profile, right-click on the "Network" icon in the tray and enter "Network Control Center ...".

In the "Change network settings" list in Windows 7, click "Set up a new connection or network", and in Windows 8 (8.1) - "Create and configure a new connection or network".

Select "Connect to a wireless network manually". This window, like the following ones, looks the same in Windows 8 and 7, so let's analyze the setting using Windows 8 as an example.

Enter the access point name (SSID), security type, encryption and password. If you are going to use this network all the time, check the "Start connection automatically" checkbox.

The "Connect if the network does not broadcast" option should be checked when the access point is not visible in the list.

In the next window, you can change the connection parameters by clicking the button of the same name.

Basic parameters - name (SSID), mesh type and availability, cannot be changed. You can change the security settings, but they must be the same as those assigned to the access point.

Step 5. Connecting and configuring Wi-Fi on Windows XP

To connect the laptop to existing Wi-Fi networks, right-click on the "Network" icon in the tray and open "View available wireless networks".

Select the desired access point from the list and click "Connect".

Enter the password (security key) and its confirmation. After clicking on the "Connect" button, the connection will be established.

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