How to connect your tablet to the Internet when there is no WiFi hotspot

If you have a tablet, it must be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, the meaning of using such a device is lost. Light weight and small dimensions make the tablet portable over any distance, limited use is only in the battery charge. When traveling there is no way to comfortably watch movies or play games, the Internet will come to the rescue. In addition, simply moving around the city opens up great opportunities - viewing current events, making appointments and communicating on social networks.

Connection methods

The tablet can be connected to the Internet in at least four ways without using additional devices. And with the purchase of the necessary adapters and the installation of third-party software, you can even enter the network via an Internet cable.

You can access the Internet through your tablet in the following ways:

  • via Wi-Fi;
  • through access points;
  • via Bluetooth;
  • using a 3G / 4G modem;
  • via USB;
  • ethernet cable connection.

Via Wi-Fi router

One of the most common ways to connect to the network is via Wi-Fi.

This can be a private or public hotspot. The advantages of connecting to the "Wi-Fi" of various institutions is that it is free. However, mobility is excluded - outside the permissible distribution radius, the Internet is disconnected.

How to connect the tablet to the Internet via wifi and provide constant access? The solution may be to use the mobile Internet on a smartphone. By activating the access point on the phone and, if both devices are nearby, the signal will not be interrupted.

The user finds the connection name, enters a suitable key, if the data match, he can use the Internet. Before connecting the tablet to the Internet, you need to clarify this possibility. Often the distribution of "Wi-Fi" is restricted to third parties. There are many tools for this:

  • sorting by IP and MAC address;
  • setting the connection session limit - the Internet is not connected when the number of connections exceeds the specified value;
  • connection exclusively by the WPS button - simplified user identification without a password.

Via laptop

Often the tablet is used as an additional device for work. This helps to separate tasks and thus increase productivity. In addition, the number of running processes decreases, respectively, the workload of the working computer decreases. To work on a tablet via the Internet from a laptop, an access point must be created on the device.

Instructions on how to connect the tablet to the Internet on a computer with Windows operating system:

  1. Click on the "Network Control Center" icon in the lower right corner.
  2. In the window that appears, select "Set up a new connection".
  3. By clicking on it, a new window appears where you need to select "Configuring the wireless network computer-computer". It is important not to confuse it with the usual one, because in this case the user will create a new connection, but not a distribution point.
  4. When a new screen appears, you must click the "Next" button.
  5. Now the creation of the wireless network is carried out directly. There are three fields here: name, security type, key.
  6. The desired name is indicated in the "Network name" field.
  7. The default security type is set to WPA2. It provides for a password connection. You can also select the WPS encryption type, and thus remove the password connection, and use only the button on the router for authentication. Some router models offer a combination of these methods.
  8. Now you need to tick the "Save parameters" box, click the "Next" button.

Through another tablet

The connection can be made through another tablet or mobile device. The advantage of the method is that it increases mobility. The instructions will come in handy when the user wants to use the tablet on the road and take the Internet from the mobile.

Creating an access point on a mobile is practically the same as on a laptop. Instructions on how to connect your tablet to the Internet on Android:

  1. In the network settings, select “Create an access point”.
  2. Enter the network name, connection key.
  3. The encryption method is set.

How to connect the Internet from a tablet to a computer? The instructions are similar, only now the access point is configured on the tablet, and the computer receives the signal.

3G modem

Connecting to a modem is one of the most common methods of getting online. It does not require costs in the form of installing third-party applications, additional settings.

Everything you need is included immediately after purchase. The steps are described in the instructions on how to connect the tablet to the Internet:

  1. First, you need to make sure you have an appropriate USB port. In rare cases, the tablet has an unsuitable connector, and you have to use a special adapter.
  2. If after connecting the modem, the tablet did not react in any way, you need to try installing the drivers. You will also need to install a program to control the modem.
  3. The user must configure the modem as described in the instructions. This is done through the corresponding application.

But what if the device is still offline? Is the tablet connected but no internet? Then you should try to restart your device.


This method, how to connect to the Internet via a tablet, involves the use of additional applications, as well as a USB cable.

The method is useful in cases where you need to connect to the Internet from a computer, but there is no Wi-Fi distribution option.

  1. First you need to install programs such as ADB, USB Tunnel and AndroidTool.
  2. Enable USB debugging on the tablet.
  3. On your computer, in Services and Exercises, check the status of Routing and Remote Access.
  4. After connecting the tablet to the computer, launch Android as administrator and update the list of available devices.
  5. Press the connect button after selecting the device.

After completing the process, you can connect.


When you need the fastest Internet connection, you need to connect directly.

By cable? To do this, you need an adapter, the necessary drivers. One of the recommended USB adapters is RJ45. It is for him that drivers are needed. Instructions for use can be found along with the installation package. After completing the steps described in the instructions, the adapter will work, it will be possible to connect to the network directly.


The simplest methods of connecting to the Internet are via Wi-Fi, 3G modem.

3G connectivity is already losing its relevance, as there is 4G, which is much faster than the previous version. 3G networks provide a maximum speed of 3.6 Mbps, and while driving, the speed drops significantly. It was found that subscribers who moved no faster than 3 km / h had a connection speed of 384 kbps. Fixed objects had the ability to transmit traffic at a speed of 2048 kbps.

The 4G network provides traffic speeds of up to 1 Gigabit / s for stationary objects, and up to 100 Mbps for users on the move.

The fifth generation of 5G should provide higher bandwidth compared to 4G technologies. They promise that in a megalopolis (10 thousand people and more) the transmission speed will be 100 Mbit / s, and in a group of people up to 50 people - 1 Gbit / s simultaneously.

Wi-Fi speed varies depending on the ISP package used. If the router supports the IEEE 802.11ac standard, the transmission speed can reach several Gbps. The 802.11n standard provides speeds up to 600 Mbps, and 802.11g up to 54 Mbps.

Stationary computers are fading into oblivion. They were replaced by more convenient and portable things called tablets. The development of modern technical thought already allows them to be created in formal terms, which are in no way inferior to ordinary PCs.

Devices of the new generation are multifunctional, "hardy", maximally portable and equipped with a keyboard. They allow you to use the endless information capabilities of the Internet at any time and place, but for this, regardless of the chosen model, you will have to establish access to the Internet.

Why connect your tablet to the Internet

Portable PCs are multifunctional and convenient, but not without the disadvantages of conventional technology. Laptop computers need to set up a connection to the World Wide Web. The only exception to the rule is the more expensive models with built-in 4 and 3G modems.

But even this alignment does not exempt from carrying out elementary settings.

Owners of budget models cannot count on distribution at any point where there is a cellular operator's reception. But, in fact, the tablet cannot function normally without the Internet. The well-coordinated work of all applications depends on it. That is why you need to know the basic ways to connect a gadget via a WIFI interface.

Wi-Fi setup

Almost all modern tablets allow you to connect to the Internet via a wifi hotspot.

There are two main ways to configure:

  • automatic;
  • in manual mode.

For a home connection, the router mode is best suited (when the modem distributes the Internet to all devices). Bridging is more limited.


In order for the device to configure the connection in automatic mode, it is necessary to carry out a number of the following actions:

After completing all the necessary actions, you need to close all the tabs and check the performance of the specified parameters. Sometimes there are problems that require manual intervention.

It should be noted that the speed of the Wi-Fi connection is much higher than that of the built-in 3 and 4G modules.


Some laptops require manual wireless settings. This can happen if DHCP is not enabled on the router.

It is best to do this according to the following algorithm:

  • go to the "Settings" menu, then "Wi-Fi";
  • select the item "Manual attachment";
  • enter the network name and stop at the "Advanced" item;
  • select "Custom" IP settings;
  • after the input fields appear, you must register the IP and DNS addresses using the data from the router's subnet (otherwise, the addresses can be obtained from the web service provider).
  • After that, you need to select the type of security and click on the "Connect" button. It should be noted that DNS addresses 1 and 2 have a standard form like "" and "".

    Connection methods

    There are four main options for connecting your portable tablet to high-speed wireless internet:

    • via a Wi-Fi router (after purchasing, configuring and installing the router, there should be no connection problems, but in this case we are talking only about the territory limited by your home);
    • via a laptop (convenient if there are several computer devices in the house);
    • using a 3G modem (if it is not built into the gadget, you can always buy it separately);
    • when using hotspots and city access points from different operators.

    Connecting with a laptop is quite simple and convenient. Almost every modern laptop has a built-in wifi interface. The powerful functionality of Windows 7 and 8 allows you to make a router out of any laptop, regardless of whether it was wired or wireless.

    As for a 3g modem, when purchasing it, first of all, you need to pay attention to compatibility with an existing portable device. In addition, you will also have to buy an OTG cable. It will serve as a link between the gadget connector and the modem. This is a good solution for Android devices, but iPads won't work that way.

    People who often visit shopping malls, cafes and restaurants can use the "advertising" Internet. The owners of some establishments have made web access free, while others use it as motivation for customers (that is, it becomes free when ordering or buying goods for a certain amount of money).

    This method is good for simple surfing on the endless expanses of the web. But for a permanent job, it is in no way suitable.

    We connect via laptop

    In order to connect a portable device to the Internet using a laptop, you need to turn it into a distribution module. The new series of Windows OS allow you to do this with native tools. The main requirements are a wireless adapter or card that supports wi-fi.

    The setup algorithm is as follows:

    After carrying out all these actions, questions about how to connect the tablet to the Internet via a laptop via wifi should not arise.

    3G modem

    If you want to make not only a portable PC, but also a similar Internet, you need to buy either models with a built-in 3g modem, or it separately. The modem device must be compatible with the tablet.

    You will also need a special OTG cable, but after that debugging will be as simple as possible:

    • connect the modem and wait for the device to be detected;
    • alternately go to the "Settings ..." and "Data transmission" tabs;
    • we move the virtual lever "Mobile traffic" to the "ON" position;
    • then follow the path of the tabs "More", "Mobile network", "Access point";
    • add a new point, having previously learned its parameters from the provider.

    After the 3g icon appears, the Network can be considered available for use.

    Wireless network via computer

    If it is not possible to issue wifi distribution on a laptop using the operating system, this can be done using special installation programs.

    A good acquisition in this regard will be:

    • Connectify;
    • MyPublicWiFi;
    • mHotSpot.

    They have their own differences, but debugging is carried out in almost the same way:

    Video: Internet for Tablet

    Connecting the tablet to the Internet via a WiFi router

    A portable PC can be easily connected directly via a wi-fi router. To do this, we check the activity of the wireless network. It is advisable that the DHCP server be enabled in the LAN interface section, because this will save you from constantly writing work addresses manually.

    If everything works, you can proceed to direct commissioning:

    • in a special tab we find the required connection module;
    • in the wireless networks window, move the slider to the "ON" state;
    • click on the wi-fi connection section and wait for the list of available networks to appear;
    • select the one distributed by your router; if it is protected, a window for authorization will appear, in which you need to set the network name and password.

    All settings are completed by clicking the "Connect" button.

    Expensive modern tablets are equipped with 3 and 4g modems, which allow you to surf the net without any problems. But this access is not incredibly fast. The simplest wi-fi is significantly superior in data transfer quality. Its interface is present on almost all modern PCs.

    Installation of this type of connection can be carried out in various ways. For home use, it is best to configure the laptop in router mode, and it will itself "distribute" no to other devices. You can also connect your tablet directly to the wireless adapter. But the adjustment can be both automatic and requiring manual data entry.

    If you have the desire and funds, you can purchase a portable modem to create a mobile connection. But we must not forget that this method is not suitable for iPads. In any case, immediately after purchasing a tablet PC, you need to configure an access point. With its help, you can learn about the benefits of hotspot Internet in cafes, shopping centers and other establishments that we all love to visit.

Tablet and smartphone - if you have these two portable devices, then you probably had an idea to connect them together in order to transfer data, distribute the Internet or control another device from one gadget.

Data transfer

The most common reason for the question of how to connect a phone to a tablet is the desire to transfer files from one portable device to another. This is usually done via Bluetooth:

Be sure to turn off Bluetooth after finishing data transfer to avoid wasting battery power.

The main disadvantage of the Bluetooth connection is the insufficiently high speed, which does not allow transferring large files in normal mode. If you want to transfer a serious amount of information, then it will be more convenient to use cloud services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Yandex. Disk.

All cloud storages work according to the same principle - you create an account and upload the necessary files to your profile. You can access them from any device with Internet access.

Install the Dropbox app on your portable devices and move files between them using cloud storage.

Internet distribution

If you want to connect your tablet to the Internet, but there is no Wi-Fi point available, you can create it yourself using a smartphone that has 3G or 4G access. To perform this simple operation, no additional software is required, all the necessary parameters can be set in the standard Android settings.

You just have to start a search for available networks on the tablet and connect to the created point.

Controlling your tablet from your smartphone

Another interesting reason for connecting a phone to a tablet is the user's desire to turn a smartphone into a remote control or gamepad. What does it look like?

You start a game or a movie on your tablet, make yourself comfortable, pick up your smartphone and use it to control what is happening on the tablet screen.

Naturally, in order for such an opportunity to become available, you will need to pre-configure the equipment, which can be done using the free Tablet Remote application.

  1. Download Tablet Remote from Play Market on both devices - tablet and phone. Run the application on both devices.
  2. Go to the "Setup" section of the smartphone app and check that both options are disabled. If everything is correct, then your phone is already a remote keyboard (gamepad).
  3. Tap on "Connection" on your phone to start searching for available devices. It is important that the application is enabled on the tablet, otherwise you will not be able to detect it and make a connection.
  4. After finding the tablet, click on it to connect your phone to the tablet. Subsequently, you no longer have to pair the devices, as it will automatically occur when you start the Tablet Remote,

To start controlling your tablet from your phone, go to the "Remote" section. Here you will see the remote control, which in the horizontal orientation of the display turns into a real gamepad.

Another way to connect, this time using a cable, is in a small video instruction:

The tablet is the latest word in modern multimedia communications and computing. The tablet allows you not only to play a game or see photos, but also to go online and chat with friends on social networks or via Skype.

Most people, buying a tablet, first of all plan to use it for web surfing, which means that the question of how to connect the tablet to the Internet is relevant for all novice users. It will not be possible to answer it unambiguously or in the form of a universal instruction, since the tablets differ from each other not only in appearance and technical characteristics, but also in operating systems. After all, the options for connecting to the Internet depend on the operating system on the basis of which the device control system is built.

Connection types

To begin with, you should immediately decide what kind of Internet you need to connect, because in our time, different options for gaining access to the Internet are popular.

  1. Connecting via a regular network cable, however, in tablets, a connector for a LAN network is extremely rare. In addition, Wi-Fi routers are often installed in houses and apartments, the router receives a signal through a network cable, and distributes it already in the form of wireless Internet.
  2. Connection via a mobile network using 3G or 4G technologies, allowing you to use the Internet via a built-in or external 3G modem. In such modems, a special SIM card is installed, the same as in mobile phones. In general, the decision of how to connect to the Internet via a tablet is yours, taking into account the capabilities of your tablet.

Internet connection via Wi-Fi

So, connecting Wi-Fi is very simple. To do this, just go to the network settings and put a "tick" next to the inscription "Wireless Internet Connection". Then your tablet will independently find all active networks within the range of its receiver, and you just have to choose the network that has the best signal. True, it's worth mentioning right away that not all networks are free and open. Some of them require an access password to connect.

Connecting to the network via 3G (4G)

  1. If the tablet has a built-in modem, then setting it up is simple. How do I connect my tablet to the Internet? To do this, just insert the SIM card into the appropriate slot and configure the connection according to the parameters that are usually provided with the SIM card itself. Quite often in the settings it is necessary to put a "tick" in front of the "Data transmission in the network" option in order for the Internet to work correctly.
  2. Connecting via an external modem is a more complicated process.
  • The first thing to do is make sure external modems can be connected to your tablet at all. Typically a standard USB port is used for connection.
  • The second stage is the most difficult. It is necessary to "convince" your modem that you need it exactly as a "modem" and not as a virtual disk or card reader. By default, this device is both a modem, a virtual disk, and a card reader.
  • After you have transferred the modem to the correct mode, you just need to go to the APN settings and enter the parameters of your network operator. You can find them in the contract or simply on the Internet using a search.
  • Further, having saved the access point, the tablet will automatically connect to the Internet at the time of connecting an external modem.

Below we will talk about connecting the tablet to the Internet via Wi-Fi, via 3G (for which you will definitely need a SIM card with 3G or a device that has it) and a 3G / Wi-Fi modem, a USB network card and more sophisticated methods from the Internet series to a tablet via a laptop via USB. We hope that the above is useful to you!

Wi-Fi router

When buying a tablet, we recommend that you immediately acquire a Wi-Fi router (we hope that there is no need to talk about the obvious - the need to start the Internet at home). You can buy one in almost every electronics store, but in computer markets it is generally a must-have item for sale. As for the cost, an inexpensive router will cost 1200-1500 rubles. But we would not recommend you to save on network equipment. Not all routers are the same, and a lot will depend on the cost of the device: cheap routers can overheat, freeze, reboot arbitrarily - there should not be such malfunctions in high-quality, and, accordingly, more expensive equipment.

Besides, almost the main problem of cheap routers is the "cut" speed. For example, your tariff plan claims 50 Mb / s for download and upload, but at the same time a weak router will be able to give out, at best, about 32 and 16 Mb / s. Also, of course, a lot, but after all, you paid not for 32 MB, and even more so not for 16 MB, but for all 50. And then there is no need to blame the provider for nothing. Maybe not in it at all, but in the stuffing of the router, simply unable to do more.

Small coverage is another problem with a weak router. In addition to data processing speed, it should interest you no less. This parameter will determine whether Wi-Fi will reach all the rooms of the apartment or, exaggerating, will only work within the one in which the router is installed. In an open space, a router can distribute Wi-Fi within a 100-meter zone, but with an apartment everything is much more complicated: walls, partitions, doors and other obstacles significantly reduce the coverage area. So for a two-room full-length router for 1200 rubles, it may not be enough.

Signal quality and range will depend on the number of external antennas. In short, the more, the better: each of the antennas can be directed, thereby improving the signal quality in a particular room. But these are already details.

Alternatively, it can be ASUS RT-N66U or TP-LINK TL-WDR4300 routers, both for three antennas, the cost is from 3200 rubles.

So, you bought a router, brought it home, and what next? With routers of the middle price category and above, everything is now generally simple: you don't need any special skills to connect such a router to a computer - everything you need for this is included in the delivery set, - just follow the instructions given in the instructions.

Now: hold the tablet in your hands, turn on Wi-Fi in the "Settings" menu - "Wireless connections and networks" for Android tablets, tap on the icon on the screen - "Wireless connections" for Windows tablets and "Settings" - "Wi- Fi "for iOS devices.

The system will automatically detect all available Wi-Fi connections. You will only have to select your newly connected and configured Wi-Fi from the list of proposed ones, and click "Connect". We enter the password and use it for health!

This, in our opinion, is the simplest and most correct way to use the Internet with an Internet tablet at home or office.

In addition, Wi-Fi connection is now available in most cafes and restaurants, access points are also organized in shopping and entertainment centers, in some cities Wi-Fi can even be found in parks and other public places.

About the cost of using the Internet over Wi-Fi. We start from scratch: Wi-Fi can be either gratuitous (thanks to imprudent neighbors! Or, say, thanks to open networks in public catering), or assume a certain fee. If we talk about home internet, then we pay strictly according to the tariff plan, as before: the price will in no way change from connecting the router. But some very enterprising citizens demanded money for a password to Wi-Fi in public places. So, let's say, we have repeatedly met Wi-Fi in the "Waiting rooms" at railway stations, the password for which cost from 30 rubles / hour. In this case, a tariff would be charged for the use of outlets. And, yes, also strictly according to the charging time of the laptop / tablet / phone.

Mobile Internet

If you do not have the opportunity to create or connect to Wi-Fi, you can resort to using the mobile Internet. And here there are at least 5 connection options.

First: tablet with 3 supportG

If every tablet probably has a Wi-Fi module, then the presence of a 3G module is an option for which you will have to pay a lot.

What is 3G? These are technologies for mobile communication of the 3rd generation, one of which is high-speed mobile access to Internet services. To connect to 3G networks, your tablet must have a built-in module. In addition to it, you will need a sim card of a mobile operator that provides a 3G connection service.

Note that 3G is more expensive than home Internet and often has limited traffic, i.e. you can download from sites and upload to sites a strictly limited amount of information, everything that is above the norm is paid at a separate rate.

Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tariff plans of each of the mobile operators and only then buy a card. In addition, pay attention to the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe 3G networks of this or that operator. 3G is far from ubiquitous networks, but you can safely use them in the perimeter of large cities.

In addition to 3G, there are also LTE networks - more modern and faster networks for wireless data transmission. However, LTE tablets, firstly, are not cheap, and secondly, the technology itself is still poorly distributed in our country, so for now it makes sense to talk only about 3G networks and connecting to them.

We chose an operator and a tariff plan, purchased a sim card, and placed it in the appropriate slot in the tablet. And that's actually all. You do not need to do any passwords, making additional settings, and so on. The only thing is that in order to save battery power and, in fact, mobile traffic, it is better to deactivate the 3G connection in the same Settings menu, and not use it unnecessarily.

By the way, having a SIM card in your tablet means not only the ability to connect to the Internet anywhere at any time, but also the ability to make calls using standard mobile communication technologies, thereby turning ordinary Internet tablets into so-called "tablet phones".

Among the brightest representatives of the "genre" can be called the Apple iPad Air Wi-Fi + LTE costing from 25 thousand rubles, and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 3G costing from 12 thousand, and ASUS Google Nexus 7 LTE at a price of 13.5 thousand rubles per model with 32GB internal memory 2013 release.

Remember, we said above that the presence of the 3G / 4G / LTE module significantly affects the price of the product? So: the same Apple iPad Air Wi-Fi with the same 32 GB of internal memory will cost 22 thousand instead of 25 thousand for the model with LTE; Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 16 GB costs 9 thousand, and Google Nexus 7 2013 without the corresponding module - 10.3 thousand rubles. That is, on average, a 3G module costs 3 thousand rubles. Remember this figure, it will still be useful to you.

Second:3G modem

With a 3G modem, things are the same as in the previous paragraph: we choose a tariff plan, buy a sim card and, in fact, the modem itself, connect the modem to the tablet using a regular OTG cable. This is, if you like, a slightly enlarged analogue of what might have been built into your tablet.

How much is this whole thing worth? It depends on how lucky you are. Some mobile operators, to popularize their products and services, sometimes arrange auctions of unprecedented generosity, offering to connect to 3G-Internet for a month or more, buying a modem "for only 1 ruble!" or something similar.

In the worldỳ, a modem from an operator costs from 400 rubles, and taking into account advance payments, monthly tariffs and other related expenses, the amount increases to 1200-1500 rubles. Yes, this is not 3 thousand, but only one and a half, but this way the 3G modem will hang on the adapter, which is not always convenient. Although, if you think about it, a flash drive with a mobile Internet can be used on other devices - a laptop, for example, or even a computer. Your business, in a word.

Reservation: To connect a USB modem on the tablet, the drivers for reading this device must first be installed. Plus, the modem should be set to "Modem only" state. This can be done through a home PC via a hyperterminal. The procedure is reversible, so that "Autostart" and all other delights can then be returned.

Third:3G /Wi-Fi router

This is also a portable device with a SIM card, but a slightly different principle of operation. The modem with a SIM card accepts 3G, and the Internet is distributed via Wi-Fi. It is convenient to use such a device when you do not want to lug around with a modem dangling on an adapter, or you need to connect more than one device to 3G at the same time.

Such a router, depending on its size, can be used both at home and taken with you on trips. Plus, if the signal reception is poor, the router can be laid out higher and further, and the Internet can be received where it is more convenient for you.

The cost of the device is from 1600 rubles (for example, a "flash drive" Huawei E355 3G modem with a Wi-Fi router function). Routers that are more "strong" in terms of filling and signal transmission quality cost more than 2.5 thousand (for example, an autonomous router Huawei E586 3G / Wi-Fi). Although, if you buy a set - a 3G / Wi-Fi router + operator SIM card - the purchase can cost less: about 2 thousand rubles.

By the way, such a router has a battery, so you can definitely do without wires and restrictions for at least 4-5 hours (the operating time is in data transfer mode, and in standby mode these can withstand up to 280 hours). The only thing you need to connect the tablet is to turn on Wi-Fi in the "Settings" and enter the password for Wi-Fi, if one is set on the modem.

Fourth: 3 G byWi-Fi via smartphone toOSAndroid

With the existing 3G on the smartphone, the Internet can be distributed via Wi-Fi to and through the tablet. How? The algorithm is simple: in the "Settings" of the smartphone we find "Wireless networks", and in it - the item "Modem mode" - "Wi-Fi access point". By activating this item, you can also set a password for Wi-Fi access.

The rest follows the standard scheme: turn on Wi-Fi on the tablet, enter the password and use it.

If the item "Data transfer" for connecting to 3G on the smartphone has been deactivated, it will accordingly need to be turned on (thanks, cap!).

This type of connection is very voracious and the smartphone will most likely sit down first, because, in addition to pumping data through one channel, it will simultaneously distribute them through another. So it will be possible to use it for a very short time or only in the access zone to the outlet.

This is a temporary rather than permanent way to connect your tablet to the Internet.

By the way, you can distribute the Internet through a tablet, switching it to router mode. You never know, maybe you have two tablets at hand at once: one with 3G, and the other with Wi-Fi.

Fifth: Internet viaBluetooth

This method is suitable when your phone is connected to the mobile Internet, no matter which one (it is the phone - a colored "nutcracker" without any smart functions), but you urgently need to check your mail, edit a file or send any data from tablet into the unknown, but Wi-Fi is not at hand.

However, in order to organize such an "emergency" connection, your phone must support DUN (Dial-up Networking) technology. There is such a thing even in the ancient Nokia clamshell of 2007, so we think the probability of DUN support in more modern phones is high.

The tablet should be ready for this type of connection. A Dial-up Net application is required.

Bluetooth must be enabled on both devices. The fact that it will be possible to establish an Internet connection on a tablet in this way the first time, and even connect via a phone via Bluetooth at all, is not a fact. Either the programs crash, then the "connection is established", but the Internet does not appear on the tablet. But, you never know, maybe the stars will converge and you will be incredibly lucky!

Internet on the tablet via patch cord

Above, we complained that a 3G modem hanging out on an OTG cable is somehow quite the last century. But these are still flowers compared to a tablet connected to the home Internet by connecting a patchcor and a "tablet" via a USB network card.

Firstly, the presence of such a network card in every home is a big delusion, and secondly, all the portability of a tablet with such a connection is minimized. Anyway. Not about that.

A USB network card costs from 430 rubles (for example, Edimax EU-4208). Let's not say that every city electric market sells such, but on the Internet, if necessary, you can order it.

Everything is also simple here: we connect, establish a connection, work.

There is, however, one thing: your home router must be configured to automatically detect the IP addresses of the devices connected to it. Only in this case will you be able to go online through the cable.

PC or laptop

There are at least a dozen ways to access the Internet from a tablet via a computer. But none of them can be called simple.

So, for example, to connect the Internet on a tablet via a computer, at least you need to get root-rights on the tablet (administrator rights) and install the appropriate software on your computer or laptop. After launching the program on the PC, connect the tablet to it via USB and enable the "Debug mode". Right now we're only talking about Android tablets.

The program will suggest using one of the DNS servers to connect. You just have to choose the right one. Confirmation of the launch of the program and the synchronization of the process with the tablet analogue of this application must be displayed on the "tablet".

And that's basically all. If the connection fails, try logging into your tablet using your IP address. Maybe it will help.

Instead of conclusions

The most profitable, both in terms of money, comfort during use, and in terms of battery life of the tablet with the Internet on, we consider a regular Wi-Fi connection. Behind him, in the queue, we define 3G / Wi-Fi modems and tablet models with a built-in 3G module (if only because such Internet is a. More expensive than usual, and b. 3G connection drains the battery too quickly).

And even with a built-in 3G module, you cannot replace it with 4G, which means that the speed of working with the Internet cannot be increased. Moreover, the 3G tablet model both weighs and costs more.

Other methods described in this article are rather urgent, and cannot be considered as options for permanently connecting the tablet to the Internet due to the need for a wired connection, installing additional software and the presence of additional devices like adapters and USB network cards.

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