Doesn't go into the contact what to do. I can not enter "Contact": actual solutions to the problem

If you read this article carefully, then 99% of you will get in touch and communicate with your friends. Every day on the Internet, there are more cases when users cannot open a site in despite the fact that other sites work stably and always open. Why is this happening and how do I get the site back online? The answer to this question is obvious: your computer was infected with a Trojan virus, which blocked access to the website.

Attention! Today, July 27, 2014, the VKontakte website is unavailable due to an accident in one of the VKontakte data centers in St. Petersburg, caused by an unprecedented heat.

When registering in No need to send SMS!This is another scam of the virus for money. In such cases, close the registration window and take steps to remove the virus.

Before all actions or call it recommendations what you want, you need to check your computer for viruses. To do this, use a free program from Kaspersky. If the program above did not help, then download this one, it was created just for you. Download.

If you urgently need to get in touch, then enter "" in the address bar - the address of the contact. Often this method helps to get in touch.

What to do if you don't get in touch?

You can read how to remove a virus in below.

Find the file hosts:

On Widows Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7:

C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts - hosts file here

On Windows NT, 2000:

WINNT \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts - hosts file here

Opening the hosts file for Windows 7 users:

In Windows 7, a simple user cannot edit this file. To open the hosts file with the ability to edit it, you need the following:

  1. Go to C: \\ windows.
  2. Find file notepad (notepad).
  3. Open Notepad (filename notepad) as Administrator.

Right-click on notepad and select run as Administrator. When notepad opens, click "File" - "Open File". Go to the folder C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc and click on the hosts file (double-click the left mouse) or in the line file add hosts manually.

HOSTS does not open

If the "Select program" window appears when you open the hosts, then you need to select the Notepad program in the list and click the "OK" button.

Selecting a program in Windows XP, below is a screenshot for an example.

Selecting a program in Windows Vista and Windows 7, below is a screenshot for an example.

You can also open hosts by right-clicking on the hosts file and choosing "Open With" and choosing Notepad.

Delete unnecessary lines in hosts (virus residues)

The hosts file should have something like this:

# Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corp.) 1993-1999

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.

# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to host names.

# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must

# is in the first column, followed by the appropriate name.

# IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.

# In addition, some lines may contain comments

# (such as this line), they must follow the hostname and be separated

# from it with the symbol '#'.

# # source server

# # client x host localhost

# - this symbol means that this string is not read by the system, we do not need to pay attention to this. You need to pay attention to the lines where this symbol is not. In this example, we only have a string localhost. If the file contains lines, or, then we can safely delete them, this will not cause any harm to your system.

When checking extra lines, be careful, check the entire document to the end. You should understand that only localhost should remain. After deleting unnecessary lines, save the notepad file in the same folder where it was C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Click on close notepad and confirm our intentions to save the file "OK".

The hosts file should not have the hosts.txt extension, it should just be hosts. It is also possible that you cannot open the hosts file due to a virus blocking this action. To bypass the virus, you need to reboot the system, press the F8 button during the reboot. The boot selection appears on the screen. Select "Safe Mode" with the arrows.

When the system boots, go to C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc, open hosts and remove the extra lines, see the instructions above. Sometimes deleting the entire hosts file can also help, but this is very rare. We restart the computer. We go to the site in If you can't get in, then we dig the problem further.

Doesn't work in even after deleting hosts

We will look for the files vkontakte.exe and svc.exe:

Start -\u003e Search -\u003e Files and folders -\u003e check the My computer box.

Specify the file to search for vkontakte.exe and delete it. Then we also look for the svc.exe file and delete it. We reboot the computer.

After rebooting, we try to go to the sites to open the pages, we look at the site's performance on our computer. If everything is successful, we use it for 2 minutes and reboot.

What to do if you don't get in touch? What to do if the above does not work anyway?

1. I remind you to check your computer with a free antivirus, here is the download link. This antivirus is without installation and does not require a license.

2. You may need to clear the cache. Start -\u003e Run -\u003e enter cmd -\u003e A window will open (black), you need to type ipconfig / flushdns, press Enter and reboot.

You can also use the CCleaner program. The program is free and requires installation on a computer. Link to CCleaner program

3. When you open hosts, chances are that you are opening the wrong file. To be more precise, the hosts that you open is actually part of the virus, and the real one is simply hidden. To remove unnecessary lines, you must first activate the display of hidden files. Go to Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Appearance -\u003e Folder Options -\u003e Show hidden files and folders -\u003e activate "Show hidden files", located at the very bottom. Go here C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts look, if there are two hosts files, then open them, the file that contains extra lines, delete it. Or delete both hosts files and reboot the system.

For Windows 7 users, you cannot remove hotst, for this you need:

  • Open Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Run Command Prompt as Administrator (right-click "Run as Administrator").
  • In the window that appears, write: net user Administrator / active: yes.
  • Then log out of your user, a new account will appear with the name Administrator. Go here C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts and delete the hosts file we don't need.
  • To disable the Administrator account, enter net user Administrator / active: no.

4. If you think that your provider has really blocked you, then you can check easily at home. To do this, you need a website anonymizer. You can easily find such a site through any search engine by typing "anonymizer". Enter your site and use it. There is also a minus in this action: the creator of the anonymizer site can be a bad person and wants to steal your passwords.

5. Try a different browser. maybe your browser was also infected with a virus or was not deleted from the browser cache. Just install another browser: Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Ghrome.

Change your password as soon as you go to! This must be done for your safety.

If there are questions in the comments that have answers in the article, they will be deleted (the page has become long). Read the article carefully! That's all for today. See you soon!

In this video you can see why he doesn't contact:

"Doesn't get in contact", "hacked VK profile", "account blocked", I can't get in touch - asks for a phone number or activation code, and similar cries for help, followed by a question about what to do, are very popular in all the online question and answer services I know. In this article, we will talk about simple ways to solve the problem when you cannot get in touch.

Your page has been hacked and is sending spam

One of the most common options when a user cannot enter his page in contact is a message that his profile was allegedly hacked, spam is sent from the page, and in order to activate the page, you must enter your phone number or send an SMS message with a specific code. As a rule, people start looking for instructions after the sent SMS does not solve the problem, but only withdraws money from the phone. Another situation is when the site in contact simply does not open, giving errors 404, 403 and others. This is resolved and is caused, as a rule, by the same reasons.

You should know the following things about "Page blocked" in contact:

The real reason why you can't get in touch

As mentioned above, the reason that access to the contact is closed is a malicious program (virus) that writes changes to the system network settings (usually to the hosts file) of the computer. As a result, when you enter into the address bar, and often any other address of any social network, instead of this social network you end up on a "dummy site", the main task of which is either to redistribute your money not in your favor, or use your password to contact.

What to do if a contact is hacked

First of all, as we said, it was not hacked. And in fact, the problem is not at all terrible and can be solved in no time. As a rule, changes that prevent you from getting in touch are made by a virus in the hosts file, but this is not the only possible option. To begin with, we will consider the fastest and easiest way to enter the site, and if it does not help, then try to use the ones that will be described later in order.

1. Resetting the computer's network parameters using the AVZ anti-virus utility

First of all, try this method - it is faster than the others (especially for novice users), it usually helps to get in touch and does not require much understanding of how, where and what to fix in the hosts file and other places.

Download the free AVZ utility from this link (link leads to the official site). Unpack it and run it as Administrator. After that, in the main menu of the program, select "File" - "System Restore". A window will open to restore system settings.

Check the boxes as shown in the picture, then click "Perform marked operations". After restoring the system, restart your computer and try again to go to the site in contact. I will note in advance that immediately after restoring using AVZ (before restarting the computer), the connection to the Internet will most likely be broken, do not worry, after restarting Windows everything will be fine.

2. We fix the hosts file manually

If, for some reason, the method described above to get in touch did not help you, or you just do not want to download any programs, then the first thing to do is return the hosts file to its original state.

How to fix the hosts file:

By default, the hosts file should look like this:

# (C) Microsoft Corp. 1993-1999 # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows. # # This file contains mappings of IP addresses to host names. # Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must be # in the first column, followed by the corresponding name. # IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space. # # In addition, some lines may contain comments # (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated # from it with the '#' character. # # For example: # # # source server # # client host x localhost

If below the standard part of the hosts file you see lines mentioning in contact or other social networks, just delete them, then save the file and restart your computer. Then try to get in touch again. It is worth noting that sometimes the changes made by the virus are specially written after a large number of empty lines at the bottom of the hosts file, be careful: if the file can be skipped below in notepad, do it.

3. Clearing Windows Static Routes

The next possible way to spread the misfortune when you cannot get in touch is to write static routes in Windows. To clear them and bring them to a standard form, find the command line in the start menu, right-click on it and click "Run as Administrator". After that enter the command route -f and press Enter. At this point, Internet access may be interrupted. Do not worry. Restart your computer and try to go to the VK website again.

4. Proxy server settings and automatic network configuration scripts

The least likely, but still possible option for blocking a contact is the virus prescribing scripts for automatic network configuration or "left" proxies. In order to see if this is the case, go to the Windows control panel, select "Internet Options" (if suddenly there is no such icon, then first switch the control panel to the classic view), in the browser properties select the "Connections" tab, and in it, click "Network Settings". See what's in these settings. By default, it should be set to "Automatic detection of parameters" and nothing else. If this is not the case for you, change it. You may also need to restart your computer.

In conclusion, if it suddenly turned out that none of the described methods helped, I recommend installing an antivirus (good antivirus) and checking the entire computer for viruses. You can also use a free 30-day version of, for example, Kaspersky. 30 days is quite enough for one complete scan of your computer and removal of viruses that prevent you from getting in touch.

The problem can occur at different stages of authorization in.

Its most common manifestation is the appearance, after entering the password, of a notification that the user has chosen the wrong login-password pair.

This is due to the fact that you forgot your username / password or that the page was hacked and the password was changed.

VKontakte system crashes are another common option.

With them, no matter how much you enter the correct data, some problems on the site will not allow you to log into your account - the page may be refreshed, the button may not be pressed, etc.

This indicates a system failure that cannot be repaired.


The user cannot go to his own page on the social network for one of several reasons:

Of course, other causes of the problem are possible, but most often problems arise precisely because of this.


Depending on the cause of the problem, you need to act in one way or another.

Although not always the user can do something at all with the reason for restricting access.

Login recovery

The simplest problem is the lack of access due to the selection of an incorrect login-password pair.

In this case, you can independently restore access to the site without contacting the VKontakte Support Service.

To do this, proceed according to the algorithm:

  • Try to access the site from a device from which you are permanently authorized on the site - if there is access from the device, then the problem is not in the VKontakte service, but in the account;
  • You can try to change the account password from this page, but you still have to specify the old password to change, so this method is not suitable;
  • But it helps in the case when you need to find out the login - if you are logged into your account, then go to the Settings section (Hover over your name in the upper left corner of the site and select Settings in the drop-down menu);

  • A page with basic account information will open - the necessary information is located on the General tab (it opens by default);
  • Scroll down the page and find in the main part of the page the Phone number field and Email;
  • Here is the contact information you entered during registration, but some of the characters in the data are covered with asterisks;
  • There is no way to see them, however, the first and last visible numbers may remind you of any contacts you indicated for registration on the site;

  • Both a phone number and an email address can be used to enter the site.

If you were able to remember your login in this way, then proceed to recovering your account password.

Password recovery

To recover a lost or forgotten password, the network has a separate service.

How to use this service is described below:

  • When choosing an incorrect login-password pair, the service displays a corresponding notification on a separate page;
  • Remember that the login form is case sensitive and keyboard layout sensitive. Check if you are entering the password in the correct language and in the correct case, and if so, then go to step 3;
  • At the very bottom of the main window of the page, under the colored buttons, find the link Forgot your password and cannot enter? And click on it;

  • An additional window will open in which the system will ask you to enter the phone number to which the page is linked;
  • Do this and click on the Continue button;

  • A page with a field for entering the recovery code will open;
  • This short code will be sent to you on the phone number to which the page is linked - it has a limited duration, so enter it as soon as possible;
  • Click the Continue button;
  • If the code is entered correctly, a form will open for entering a new password twice, if it is incorrect, then you will have several more attempts;
  • Save your new password and go to the websiteusing it and the phone number specified during recovery;
  • The situation is more complicated if you do not remember which phone number the page is tied to or it is not tied to it at all;
  • In this case, after clicking the password recovery request button, on the updated page, find the link My page is not tied to a phone number;

  • A page with an input field will open, in which you are required to enter any information that you used to access the site - phone number or email;

  • Enter your email and click Next;
  • Enter the confirmation code in the pop-up window to prove that you are a real person;
  • On the next page that opens, enter the last name that you use in your account on the site;

  • Click Next;
  • A page will appear and a question will appear - is this the page to which you need to restore access, select Yes or No, respectively;

  • If you select Go Back, you will be taken to the additional recovery information entry page, where you can try other credentials that match your page;
  • When you click the blue Yes, this is the correct page, a pop-up window will appear informing you that a password recovery link has been sent to your email address;
  • Follow the link, and in the page that opens, enter the new password twice.

Insufficient data recovery

When you have almost no data, or you do not use the phone number to which the account was linked, then it is much more difficult, but possible, to restore access.

  • Go to the page with the online authorization form;
  • Click on the Forgot your password?
  • The page for entering information for recovery will open - at the very bottom of the main window, find the link intended for use in case of loss of access to the device;

  • Click on the Next button;
  • The next window will open, in which you must enter the maximum information you know about the account used - the application is sent to Customer Support ... And then it is considered by real people, because you need to convincingly prove that you are the owner of the page;

  • Click the Apply button;
  • Enter your email address for communication - your application will be accepted for consideration, and as soon as the consideration on it is over, the result will be sent to you by e-mail;
  • If you find the wrong page to which you want to restore access, click on the link in the corresponding field in the upper right corner of the main window;

In most cases, the VKontakte support service meets users halfway and restores access to the page even with a minimal amount of data.

However, the human factor plays an important role. And if your "evidence" does not seem very convincing to a particular employee, he will have the right to deny access to the page.

Therefore, it is better not to lose passwords and logins.

Very often people ask, I can't get in touch, what should I do? This site is very popular, but the problem continues to be relevant to this day. In this article, you will find out the main reasons why he does not contact, and how to solve this problem yourself.

The most common reasons why does not come in contact:

  1. A very rare reason when the contact "lies" for technical reasons. In this case, it remains only to wait for the opportunity to go to your page.
  2. Access to the site is blocked by the system (local) administrator. This can happen if at work or in an educational institution you decide to while away the time on the VK website. The explanation for this is as follows: management is interested so that you are not distracted, but get busy. The usual blocking can be bypassed using the Hosts file, but problems with the director can arise if you are "caught", it all depends on the strictness of the authorities.
  3. Blocking your account by the site administration for violations or by mistake. in this case, you need to write to the Support Service and wait for a solution.
  4. Hacking an account and changing a password. In this case, you need to try to recover the password, go to your page and immediately change the settings, changing the password to a more secure one.
  5. The most common cause is viruses. It is very easy to become their victim, you just need to click on any of the attractive messages or follow the link. Attackers distributing malicious programs mainly pursue two goals: stealing data and withdrawing money from the phone account linked to the VK page.

What to do

  1. You may have followed a phishing link. Take a close look at the address bar of your browser to make sure you are on the original VK page. You are probably aware that now instead of the long "vkontakte" you can type only two letters VK. It's almost impossible to make a typo now. The old links work, but you will be redirected to the new page.
  2. You need to scan your computer for viruses and find malicious software. If nothing is found, remember what programs you installed on your PC recently, perhaps the reason is in them. Articles will help you:

It so happens that a virus can change the hosts file. You need to find it, C -\u003e Windows -\u003e System32 -\u003e drivers -\u003e etc and change it to normal, you can download it from the link below.

Scammers come up with new hacking methods every day, hone their skills. If you are vigilant, the risk of infecting your PC will be minimized. To do this, you need to know basic things:

  • do not follow unknown links;
  • no need to go to sites, even with a bad reputation, if there is an opportunity to view information elsewhere;
  • do not download programs from unverified suppliers, do not send SMS;
  • you need to learn how to recognize phishing links;
  • do not register on dubious sites, do not leave your data and phone numbers. Install a good antivirus program on your computer, and periodically scan it for malware.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple, you just need to learn how to follow them, now you know why you don't get in touch, and what you need to do in such a situation.


First, you need to establish the real reason why you can't log into your account. It can be

  • Blocked access to social. networks at work;
  • Viruses and other harmful software;
  • Problems with network equipment;
  • Account blocking by the VK administration;
  • You've been hacked.

The main thing for us now is to determine the reason for the lack of access to social services. networks. First, try to get in touch from another computer, phone or tablet. If there is access, then we have problems on our computer (blocking by the administrator, viruses, incorrectly configured router), and not problems with the login and password in social. networks.

If you can't log into your account on another device, then the problem is with the account itself. Either you were hacked, or your page is blocked by the VK administrations, or you simply enter the wrong username and password. Depending on the source of the problem, specific actions will be needed. Now we will describe each problem and solutions for them.

If the site does not open at all, I mean exactly the address (a similar address with exactly the same design as on the office page may open), you can already say for sure your problems in the computer itself and in the network settings. Instead of the official page, a phishing site may open, where, when you enter your username and password, you will give them to "completely normal" thieves.

In this case, access is blocked by the system administrator. The solution to the problem is to use anonymizer or a VPN browser extension. Use anonymizers only from well-known developers and with caution, because through them they can steal your password and login. All data in the browser first goes through a proxy server (anonymizer) and only then is returned to you. If you connect to an unknown anonymizer, there are many chances that your data will simply be stolen.

If it is possible to install an additional browser extension, such as Frigate, be sure to install it.

After installation, you will need to add VK to the application list so that access is through unblocked IP addresses. To do this, right-click on the application icon in the browser and select Options.

We enter the name of the new list without spaces between the words - Moisotseti, for example (I have a slightly mistaken example here - we do the name of the list without spaces if it consists of several words).

And then click on the newly created list.

After adding the URL to the application list, traffic for VK will be encrypted and the site's IP address will change. Access to the contact will be open even if your system administrator has blocked it.

Account blocking by the VK administration

Usually, when you log into your account, if you are blocked, the blocking period and reason are indicated. If you disagree or are not guilty of what you are accused of - for example, sending spam and other materials, write to the support service. Only these people can help you. Only correspondence with those support will help you.

Be sure to read the social media help. networks for that matter -

You got hacked

If you have been hacked, the only solution to the problem is to change your password, if you cannot log in and recover your password (for this, use your phone number) and in this case, your main technical assistant. support. It is desirable that the page be registered with your data and the phone number available to you is tied; it is very easy to restore access to the page by number.

If the phone number with which you registered the account is available to you, click on the main page Forgot your password or follow the link ... Fill out the required forms and change your password.

Viruses and malware

Viruses redirect you to a phishing site, where they ask you to send SMS and other data, allegedly to the contact's servers. This is a lie and you definitely won't get access to your page in this way. The solution to the problem is to install an anti-virus that blocks harmful sites or at least a free browser plug-in - Dr.Web Link Checker, which will block all this automatically. You can also check the site URL with an online antivirus. Alternatively, log into your account from another device - from a phone, computer, tablet. If you manage to enter, it means you have a virus or other harmful software on your computer.

Even after scanning and removing viruses from the system, access may not be restored. The last steps need to be taken. We will need to reset some of the network parameters to their default values \u200b\u200bas they might have been changed by viruses.

To automate the cleaning and reset of the system network parameters, use the AVZ utility. Using AVZ you don't have to manually edit the Host file and other parameters. You do not need to install the program, you just need to unzip the application files to the desired folder and run the application as administrator.

We open File - System Restore.

We put the checkboxes as in my screenshot and click Perform marked operations.

If you don't want to download and run software, then at least look at the Host. The host file is used by Windows to convert symbolic URLs to IP addresses specified in the document. This is where cybercriminals can configure your system so that you can enter a fraudulent VK site, which is completely outwardly identical to the official one. And when entering data, you of course will not be able to enter your page.

To edit the host file, run Notepad or another text editor as administrator. Go to File - Open, in the display parameters, select All files, since the host file has no extension, and open the Host file along this path C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc.

The document should not contain any entries containing, vkontakte, etc. If there is, delete them until you can get access to the VK from these entries in the host file. Before exiting, be sure to save the document and exit the program.

If the matter is in a virus or some other software, as an option, you can do a system restore. It is necessary that at the time of the system restore point, access to the VC was. After restoring the system, be sure to check the system for viruses. If you cannot recover from normal system mode, boot from safe mode, if this also fails, do the recovery using a disk or USB flash drive with Windows.

Left proxies in system parameters

Simply by clicking on the malicious link, you can set the left settings in the proxy server settings on your computer. And attackers will receive all traffic - all data in clear text that you send or receive from the network. These are passwords, logins and other confidential information. In general, absolutely everything, and not encrypted. When scanning, antivirus will not even pay attention to your proxy, it is not a virus or harmful software.

To check the proxy, look for the Proxy server settings parameter in the control panel and make sure that in the window that opens, it looks like in the screenshot below. If you have data registered here, contact your system administrator or simply disable the proxy if you know for sure that these parameters should not be here.

Problems with a router or modem

A problem for accessing a contact can be the left DNS server registered in the modem. The problem is solved only in the modem, not on the computer - we reset all the default settings and set up Internet access again. Usually, to reset the settings, you need to hold down a special button on the modem or router for 5-10 seconds. If it does not work, see the instructions for the device. The solution to the problem is to reset the settings to their default values. Do not forget to change the default login details - admin / admin later and choose strong passwords for your WiFi network.


Do not install little-known and suspicious programs, cracks for them and other components for cracking programs for which you need to disable the antivirus. It is not safe, if possible, download and install cracks only tested by many users, and it is better, of course, not to install them at all.

Do not click on suspicious links on sites, social. networks and email. To protect yourself, install an anti-virus with the function of blocking suspicious sites or at least a free browser extension - Dr.Web Link Checker, which will protect you from phishing and fraudulent sites.

If you have already visited such a site - be smart and pay attention to suspicious elements of the site - the URL is different from

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