What to do if the wireless network does not turn on. Why does not WiFi work on the laptop and how to fix it. WiFi is not present - check the individual settings.

This manual explains in detail why a Wi-Fi connection can not work on a laptop in Windows 10, 8, and Windows 7. Then the most common scenarios related to the wireless network's performance and how to solve them are described step by step.

The most common problems with wi-Fi connection, expressed in the absence available networks  or access to the Internet after connection, arise after updating or installing (reinstalling) the system on a laptop, updating drivers, installing third-party programs (especially antivirus or firewalls). However, other situations are possible, which also lead to the indicated problems.

Since, however, there are several hundred passengers on the train, many of which open data connections, many of them change the camera in one beat. And everyone wants them to be absent. On the railroad tracks with very well-developed radio communication and on a slightly busy night trip, the data transfer speed may even be sufficient to watch movies on the Internet, but on busy tracks sometimes letters leak slowly.

Problems connecting to the Internet

Connection problems can have several causes. However, once an error has been identified, eliminating it should not be difficult. In this practical plan, we offer you the necessary recommendations for solving these problems.

Internet does not work, what should I do?

  If after a couple of minutes we see that it still does not work, it's time to start looking for other reasons.

The material will consider the following main variants of the situation "Wi-Fi does not work" in Windows:

  1. I can not turn on Wi-Fi on the laptop (a red X on the connection, a message that there are no connections available)
  2. The laptop does not see your router's Wi-Fi network, while it sees other networks
  3. The laptop sees the network, but does not connect to it
  4. The laptop connects to the Wi-Fi network, but the pages and sites do not open

In my opinion, he pointed out all the most probable problems that can arise when connecting a laptop to a wireless network, we will begin to solve these problems.

First, we determine whether the problem is limited by the browser or falls on the entire connection. Thus, we will check if the mail or messenger has stopped working. When you do this, a window will appear that shows us the general status of the Internet connection, although if we reach this point, it's likely that the Internet icon will be disabled.

Therefore, the starting point is clicking on the adapter, which displays the adapter properties window. If the above does not work, the problem may be in the router or in connection with the router.

How to turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop

Not at all laptops the wireless network module is enabled by default: in some cases it is necessary to perform certain actions to make it work. Here it is worth noting that everything described in this section is fully applicable only if you did not reinstall Windows, replacing the one that was installed by the manufacturer. If you did this, then some of what will now be written may not work, in this case - read the article further, I will try to take into account all the options.

If we see that the router can not synchronize with the line, we will check that each phone or device connected to the phone has an appropriate microfilter, meaning that there can be no more than 3 microfilters. In some cases, even we can try to disable them all in case of failure of one of these elements.

In the event that, after recovery, the situation remains unchanged, this may be due to the problem of routing in the operator's infrastructure, with which we can not act, so we can call your customer service center to make sure that you are not on our line incidents occur.

Turn on Wi-Fi with the keys and the hardware switch

On many laptops in order to enable connectivity to wireless Wi-Fi  networks, you need to press a key combination, one key or use the hardware switch.

In the first case, to turn on Wi-Fi, either a simple function key on the laptop is used, or a combination of two keys - Fn + a Wi-Fi turn-on button (can have a Wi-Fi, radio antenna, airplane image).

Other solutions with missing wireless network icon wifi

In a couple of minutes everything should work properly again.

If this connection still does not occur, we need to make sure that the key we enter is correct. If our network is not listed or although it is displayed correctly, there is no way to connect, we will need to check the access point, because we will specify two steps later.

In the iphone wifi disappears, what should I do?

This will not allow me to connect to any network. The first thing to do is to remove all traces of the application from the control panel. Enter the network connections in the browser and when the window opens, right-click on the wireless network connection to access its properties.

In the second - just switch "Enabled" - "Off", which can be in different places on the computer and look different (an example of such a switch you can see in the photo below).

What to do if the Internet disappears after exiting from sleep mode

In most scenarios this is enough. After restarting, make sure that everything is in order. We need to check if the problems are caused by the laptop or Internet devices or ISPs before we solve the problem with the Internet. This procedure only provides solutions to Internet problems on the laptop.

Update drivers for Wi-Fi

Check if the wireless device is working in Device Manager. A link to learn how to download. If the device manager does not have an exclamation point, this means that the Internet card is working fine. This can be caused by the configuration of the system or another Internet service.

As for the functional keys on the laptop to turn on the wireless network, it is important to understand one thing: if you reinstalled Windows on the laptop (or updated it, reset it) and did not bother installing all the official drivers from the manufacturer's website (and used the driver pack or a Windows installation that allegedly installs all the drivers), these keys will probably not work, which can lead to the inability to turn on Wi-Fi.

The problem with setting up the Internet. You must restart the device. I can not access the Internet because of the browser. If you can not connect to the Internet through the browser, but the applications are working fine, you can try to reset the browser to solve this problem.

Click the transfer icon in the upper-right corner and select "Internet Options." Check the wireless connection. The first stage of diagnostics is to connect any other device to the same network to make sure that the connection is working smoothly, or check the configuration of your wireless router to fix it.

To find out whether this is the case - try to use other actions provided by the top keys on your laptop (only keep in mind that the volume and brightness can work without drivers in Windows 10 and 8). If they also do not work, apparently, the reason is just the functional keys.

Usually, not even drivers are required, but special utilities available on the official website of the laptop manufacturer and responsible for the operation of specific equipment (which include the function keys), for example HP Software Framework and HP UEFI Support Environment for Pavilion, ATKACPI driver and hotkey-related utilities for Asus notebooks, utility function keys and Enaergy Management for Lenovo and others. If you do not know what specific utility or driver is required, search the Internet for information on this for your laptop model (or tell the model in the comments, I'll try to answer).

Change the settings to keep in touch always. Save the changes and exit all screens. Check the wireless signal strength. The performance of a wireless connection depends in part on the signal strength. You must connect to a wireless network where the signal strength is stronger.

Check the wireless signal strength in the notification panel. Try to forget about the network on the device. Forgetting wireless networks allows the phone to reset some settings. Try restarting the device. Make sure the firmware is updated.

Turn on the wireless network in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 operating systems

In addition to Wi-Fi adapterbut with the keys of the laptop, you may need to enable it in the operating system. Let's see how it turns on wireless network  in Windows latest versions.

In Windows 10, click on the icon network connection  in the notification area and check that the Wi-Fi button is turned on, and the button responsible for the mode "in the plane" is off.

Try to restore the device. Once recovery is complete, all data, applications, settings and personal information will be deleted. Third-Party Programs may cause instability in your phone, we recommend that you fully restore the device in case the situation continues.

Problems with the router

Quickly fix the impossibility of rebooting every time - disable and reactivate the network adapter. You will see a list of network devices. The name of your devices may vary. When you are on your laptop and do not connect, right-click on the icon and select "Deactivate."

In addition, in latest version  OS on and off wireless network is available in Settings - Network and Internet - Wi-Fi.

In Windows 7 (however, this can be done in Windows 10), go to the network management center and sharing, select "Change adapter settings" on the left (you can also press the Win + R keys and enter the command ncpa.cpl to get to the connection list) and pay attention to the wireless network icon (if it is not there, you can skip this section of the instruction and go to the next, about installing drivers). If the wireless network is in the "Disabled" state (Gray color), right click on the icon and click "Enable".

Wait a few seconds, right-click and select Activate. Open the View menu and select Show hidden devices. Right-click on the line and open "Properties." Click the Power Management tab. Uncheck the Allow computer to disable this device to save power.

This remedy must be used as a last resort if all of the above does not come into force. Among the most common problems are slowness, problems with signals, weak network security, difficulties in scanning, or connection to networks and interference.

In Windows 8, it's best to do the following and perform two actions (because the two settings, according to observations, can work independently from one another - in one place, on the other - off):

  1. In the right pane, select "Settings" - "Change computer settings", then select "Wireless network" and make sure that it is turned on.
  2. Perform all the actions that are described for Windows 7, i.e. Make sure that the wireless connection is enabled in the connection list.

Another action that may be required for laptops with preinstalled Windows OS (regardless of version): run the program to manage wireless networks from the manufacturer of the laptop. Almost on every laptop with a preinstalled operating system there is also such a program, which in the name contains Wireless or Wi-Fi. In it, you can also switch the state of the adapter. This program can be found in the Start menu or "All Programs", and it can add a shortcut to the Windows Control Panel.

Pay attention to them somewhere, I'm sure that someday they will be useful. Fortunately, some hotels still offer a cable connection. But not with a utility that includes the operating system, but with professional applications, such as.

Uses the network profile manager

It's also useful, it's nice for the eyes. Not all networks are the same: some have a different configuration. it free utility  for personal use. For everyone who uses a laptop. Drag it to the desktop to create a link.

Remember: the router is not your enemy

  If these tricks do not work, you may have encountered tuning.

The last scenario - you reinstalled Windows, but did not install the driver from the official site. Even if the driver isWi-Fi installed automatically when installedWindows, or you put them with the driver-pack, and in the device manager shows "The device is working fine" - go to the official site and take the driver from there - in most cases this solves the problem.

In the most difficult cases, the problem can be a hardware problem: you will need to call your support provider. There are some things that can be done as a first step to solve it. Simplest steps first. Before you start thinking about the most difficult decision, you should stop on the simplest answers. Believe it or not, they are the most successful.

You will find it on the right side of the monitor below. You should go to the "support" part that you see on the screen, and select the recovery option. The connection will be disabled and then activated to make it work again. Once you do this, the second step is to restart the computer. If it does not work, maybe you should try something else.

Wi-Fi is turned on, but the laptop does not see the network or connect to it

In almost 80% of cases (from personal experience), the reason for this behavior is the lack of necessary drivers for Wi-Fi, which is a consequence of reinstall windows  on a laptop.

After you reinstall Windows, there are five possible events and your actions:

  • Everything was determined automatically, you are working on a laptop.
  • You install separate drivers that are not defined, from the official site.
  • You use the driver-pack to automatically install the drivers.
  • Something from the devices was not defined, well, all right.
  • All drivers are taken from the official website of the manufacturer.

In the first four cases, the Wi-Fi adapter may not work as it should, even if the Device Manager shows that it is working properly. In the fourth case, it is possible that the wireless device is completely absent in the system (that is, Windows does not know about it, although it physically exists). In all these cases, the solution is to install drivers from the manufacturer's website (by reference, the addresses where you can download the official drivers for popular brands)

Is the presence of your wireless card lost? Disconnect all, and then reconnect. Adjacent networks have changed. Sometimes, if a new network is installed near your home, this can interfere. A signal from this new network can control your own network, especially if the signal from your network is weak in certain areas of the home.

Why does not it connect to WiFi laptop?

However, once your computer is running on your wireless network, no one can guarantee that it works the way you expected. Perhaps you have a close wireless network that is "better", and you connect to it instead of your own, not being useful, as it blocks access to you.

How to find out which driver on Wi-Fi is on your computer

At any versions of Windows, press the Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the devmgmt.msc command, then click "Ok". The Windows Device Manager opens.

Open the "Network Adapters" item and find your Wi-Fi adapter in the list. Usually, it has the words Wireless or Wi-Fi in the name. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

In this case, you need to go to the "View available wireless networks" option and view the existing connections. If you do not recognize the one that you selected, double-click on your known network to reconnect. If it works, do not forget to remove any inappropriate networks so that you do not connect to them.

Check the sources of interference. You should think about the changes that have been made recently at home. For example, cordless phones are often accused of breaking wireless networks. Consider new equipment, applications, etc. it can emit signals that overlap the signals of your wireless network. You must turn off the other possible computersto see if your wireless connection has improved.

In the window that opens, click the "Driver" tab. Pay attention to the "Driver's Driver" and "Development Date" items. If the supplier is Microsoft, and the date is a little bit from today's for a few years - forward to the official website of the laptop. How to download a driver from there is described by the link I mentioned above.

Reset the default hardware settings. Sometimes problems can be caused by touching the configuration of the computer that we use to access the network. If we do not find the reason, we may need to return to the original configuration. With a good solution, you can access the administrator control panel using a browser, and choose the option to return to the default manufacturer configuration. This will eliminate the source of the problem if the problem is not physical. We will only need to set up the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Update 2016: in Windows 10, the reverse option is possible - you install required Drivers, and the system "updates" them to less efficient ones. In this case, you can roll back wi-Fi driver  in the device manager (or downloading it from the official site of the manufacturer of the laptop), then prohibit automatic update  this driver.

Viruses and Malware block Wi-Fi

If none of this works, and your network has worked well before, there probably is a hardware problem somewhere on the network. You should contact the manufacturer or, if this happens, at the store where the device was purchased. The solution to the problem of replacing equipment will be decisive. Make sure that the guarantee is still valid. Although this is not a problem with the equipment, they can help you with any problems that may arise.

Hardware inclusion of the Wi-Fi module of the laptop

A wireless connection can be disadvantageous for many reasons. Depending on what the problem is, there is another reason and reason. Depending on the cause and the reason, there is another process for solving this problem. First of all, you probably do not know some of the terms that can be used in this article. If you understand that you do not know some of them, you can read this manual.

After installing the drivers, you may need to turn on the wireless network, as described in the first part of the manual.

Additional reasons why a laptop may not connect to Wi-Fi or not see the network

In addition to the options described above, other causes of problems with work Wi-Fi  network. Very often - the problem is that the settings of the wireless network have changed, less often - it's impossible to use a certain channel or wireless network standard. Some of these problems have already been described on the site before.

In addition to the situations described in these articles, there are other possible, it is worth trying in the settings of the router:

  • Change the channel from "auto" to specific, try different channels.
  • Change the type and frequency of the wireless network.
  • Make sure that the Cyrillic characters are not used for the password and the SSID name.
  • Change the region of the network from Russia to the US.

Perhaps, all that I can offer on this issue. I will remember something else, I will supplement the instruction.

The laptop connects via Wi-Fi but the sites do not open

If the laptop (as well as the tablet and phone) connect to Wi-Fi but the pages do not open, there are probably two options:

  • You have not configured the router (in this case everything can work on the desktop computer, since, in fact, the router is not involved, despite the fact that the wires are connected through it), in this case you only need to configure the router.

Here, perhaps, that's all, I think among all this information you can get for yourself exactly what is right for your situation.

Connecting a laptop to a wireless, Wi-Fi, network does not always go smoothly. If you have any problems, please read step by step instructions, which will help to fix the malfunction. We recommend not to ignore this or that action, but to perform everything consistently, as in the article.

Diagnosing the source of the problem

If your device, laptop, has been unsuccessfully connected to wi-Fi networks, the problem may be hidden in wrong settings router. The first thing to do is to find the source of the problem, which leads to a connection error. This is precisely what further "treatment" depends on.

To determine the source, connect the smartphone, smartphone, computer (any other device) to the Wi-Fi network. If the connection on any of the devices is successful, the conclusions are obvious - the problem lies in the laptop. And if you connect via the wireless network did not learn, as in the first version, then the router is not configured properly. We will consider both cases separately. So, what to do if the problem is in the laptop?

Hardware inclusion of the Wi-Fi module of the laptop

The diagnostics performed earlier (see step one), revealed the following: if a wireless network was able to connect, for example, a tablet or a smartphone, then everything is OK with Wi-Fi, and the problem lies in the laptop.

To solve it, the first thing to do is to check the status of the wireless adapter of the "problem" device. It can be disabled, respectively, and the wi-fi network on this device does not work. The adapter is connected with a certain set of buttons and uses the light indicator to indicate the operation.

The light indicator is traditionally located on the front or side of the laptop. But there are some models of portable computers that differ in the location of the indicator. For example, it can be located on the monitor (its casing) or the touch panel. And there is a third group of laptops. They have a light indicator that indicates whether the wireless network module is working or not working, located on the power key (i.e., built-in).

To connect the wireless network module, you need a specific key combination. Any combination begins with the modifier key Fn, to which one of the functional keys F1-F12 is added. If you take a closer look at the function keys, you will see a wireless, wi-fi, network icon.

Acer's notebooks differ from the more modern models in that they include a wireless network module with a dedicated on-off switch. If you have a laptop of this company, you will find this switch, most likely, on the side. In the screenshots below, we showed how the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off on the laptops of different manufacturers.

Acer: Fn + F3

Asus: Fn + F3

Dell: Fn + F2

Fujitsu: Fn + F5

Gigabyte: Fn + F2

HP: Fn + F12

If the wireless network module is working, connect to the wi-fi network. Problems remain? So, take the third step.

Software turn on the Wi-Fi module of the laptop

The second step, with which we tried to fix the problem, was to turn on the wireless network adapter in a hardware way. Now we will try to do it programmatically. And this means that our next steps will be performed in the OS itself, the software that is installed on our laptop.

If you have an operating theater windows system  the seventh version, perform such actions:

Step one To enable the wi-fi module, go to the "Network and Sharing Center" (where time is displayed).

Step 2 On the left, click on "Changing the Network Module Settings".

Step 3 Here you will see a list of connections. In connection with the wireless network, the indicator should light, if not - the module is disabled. Click on it and turn it on.

If the icon turns on, the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on.

Step FourGo to the taskbar (where the clock and other icons are). As you remember, in the second step the problem was that the wireless module worked fine, but there was no network to connect, which means the router was not properly configured. The picture shows 2 connection states in the task area of ​​the desktop: the first - there are no networks available and the second is.

With the third step you turned on the Wi-Fi adapter, now you need to find your network and just connect.

The module has been successfully enabled by software methods, now try to connect to the Wi-Fi network. Is the problem still there? Follow the next, fourth, step.

Install / reinstall drivers for Wi-Fi module

Now you need to check if there is a driver in the system. In "My Computer" click on "Properties", and from there go to "Device Manager".

The menu window opens. Here you need "Network Modules". You need to find the name of your wireless module. In this title you will see the word Adapter (if the operating system on the laptop is on english language) or " Wireless Adapter  network "(if it is in Russian). For example, the name of the module will be: Qualcomm Wireless Network Adapter. Click on the name of the adapter and in the "Properties", look at how the device works. It should work fine.

Important information! If in " Network Adapters"You did not find the name of the wireless module installed on the laptop, so there are no drivers. Upload them from the disc or find on the official page of the manufacturer.

Troubleshoot connection problems in the router

In the first step, if you remember, we recommended that you, if possible, find the exact cause, because of which the laptop does not connect the wireless network. Depending on this, we suggested methods of eliminating the problem.

What if the problems are in the settings of the router? Every single case we can not consider, because both routers and installed on them software  (firmware) is sufficient. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only general tips that will help you, hopefully, solve the problem of connecting wireless, wi-fi, or network.

  1. Put the router next to the computer.
  2. Check if the wireless network adapter is turned on (if there is a light on the indicator).
In the settings of the router, check the following:
  • Whether the wireless network module is on;
  • Whether a broadcast channel is included in the Service Set Identifier (service identifier);
  • Check if there is a unique identifier of your laptop in the black list (its MAC address).
Here we have a list of problems that do not allow us to connect to the wireless network. For each case we wrote detailed manual, compliance with which should solve the problem with the connection. If something does not work out for you, trust me carefully, if you have correctly determined the cause of the malfunction and followed the sequence of actions.

Having carried out diagnostics operating system  described in this article, you must solve the problem of connecting wifi to the laptop.

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