How do I disable short numbers? Ways to disable the ban on payments of mts

Today I would like to tell you about the MTS Content Ban service.

You may already have the sad experience of losing money from your account "thanks" to paid subscriptions. If you are thinking about how to protect yourself from such losses in the future, then the most reasonable solution would be MTS from your phone. This is exactly what this article will tell you, but first a few words about who these content providers are and what kind of services they provide.

Content is any information that is disseminated through the media, including via the Internet. The content can be both textual (print publications, SMS mailings, web and WAP sites) and media. Media content includes images, music, ringtones, and video files.

Content Provider (content provider, content provider) is the one who owns the content and distributes it to the audience. In the field of cellular communications, a content provider is engaged in the sale of content belonging to him among subscribers through the operator, or independently.

Content services - these are services that provide subscribers with access to various content (ringtones, music, videos, games, mobile applications) or services provided based on content (dating, horoscope, exchange rates, weather, poster, jokes, etc.).

MTS Content Ban service - what is it?

Content Deny option restricts the subscriber access to various infotainment subscriptions provided by content providers. Therefore, if you want to disable access to the services of MTS content providers, you cannot do without Content Ban.

How it works?

The Content Barring service blocks the sending of SMS messages and outgoing calls to short paid numbers. At the same time, the ban on calls and SMS does not apply to MTS internal services activated by short numbers - they will all function in the same mode.

Why is this needed?

Often, sending just one SMS to a short number activates a paid subscription, when the Nth amount of money is debited from the subscriber's account every day in exchange for providing access to some Internet resource (most often of dubious content). The bill for a few days of such a subscription can amount to a very large amount - up to several thousand rubles. In addition, there are telephone viruses that send SMS to short numbers without the knowledge of the owner of the phone. The application can send dozens of paid SMS per day, emptying your balance, or simply activate a paid subscription.

Thanks to the Content Ban service, sending SMS to short numbers will become impossible, and, therefore, you will not be able to subscribe to a paid service or lose money by paying for dozens of expensive messages.

With the "Content Ban" service, you will save your wallet from unplanned spending, and you will also be able to restrict children's access to paid content on sites that are not suitable for their age.

How much does MTS Content Ban service cost?

The service is provided free of charge for all MTS subscribers. The operator does not charge a fee for connection or for using the service.

How to activate the Content Ban service on MTS?

The command to activate the service is ✶ 984 #.

You can also activate Content Ban in your Personal Account on the MTS website, from your mobile at 0890 or 8-800-250-0890 (if you do not call from an MTS phone) or by personally contacting the MTS service office.

How to disable Content Ban on MTS?

You can disable Content Ban on MTS on your own using the USSD command ✶ 985 #, or in your Personal Account.

You can also deactivate Content Ban by calling the support service 0890 and 8-800-250-0890 or at the nearest MTS office, where a customer service specialist will disable this service.

When switching to a corporate tariff plan, the Content Ban service is automatically disabled.

Today life is arranged in such a way that every businessman seeks to get into a person's pocket, imposing absolutely unnecessary goods and services on him.

MTS was no exception, its subscribers often send messages to premium numbers out of curiosity. Such imprudence leads to the fact that the owner of the SIM card unknowingly connects a service that he does not even know about.

To avoid astronomical telephone bills, let's try to figure out how to quickly and free of charge ban short.

What is this service for?

Simple SMS with advertising content can be fraught with potential danger. Often, when receiving a detailed invoice, the subscriber is surprised to notice that the lion's share of expenses is made up of incomprehensible paid subscriptions, which appeared just at the same time as messages with harmless advertising.

Activating a service that initiates content ban on MTS allows:

  • block all outgoing calls to paid numbers;
  • set SMS blocking for paid services;
  • prohibit receiving messages from paid numbers;
  • be sure that children or random people do not burden your mobile account with unforeseen additional costs.

How much does the connection cost?

The operator does not have a fee for the option to prohibit SMS to MTS short numbers. It is present with every mobile provider, but only a few operators indicate information about this in the public domain.

This attitude is due to the fact that, thanks to paid subscriptions, cellular companies earn a significant part of the total income. MTS and its competitors will continue to impose useless services, because only a small part of subscribers who have discovered such manipulations apply to the office with a demand for a refund. As long as people do not know about their rights, cellular companies enrich themselves from their gullibility.

Are all numbers blocked by the service prohibiting sending SMS to MTS short numbers?

Do you want to receive all the useful commands from your operator?

No, blocking is set only for paid subscriptions and services included in MTS-info. Useful options such as Internet banking and free USSD codes are not banned.

What do you need to activate the service?

Previously, it was possible to add a service using a simple USSD command, but a profit-seeking operator has eliminated this possibility.

Today, the prohibition of sending SMS to MTS short numbers is possible only if the owner of the number provides the representatives of the cellular operator with documents confirming his rights. This is done in order to complicate the connection procedure and get as much income from clients as possible.

There are several simple ways:

  1. Call the MTS support service at 0890 and follow the instructions to install the option.
  2. Contact one of the company's offices in person.

How to disable the ban on short numbers?

To find out how to disable the ban on MTS short numbers, you need to contact the network support service or visit the nearest operator's office.

Subscribers should remember that when switching to any corporate tariff, the established prohibition is automatically disabled.

How to get back money illegally debited from the account?

To do this, you just need to contact any of the company's offices. If the subscriber proves that the extra service was connected without his knowledge, the operator will be obliged to return the illegally withdrawn amount.

What else is good to know?

Sometimes, even after the possibility of using paid services is turned off, advertising messages continue to come to the number. In this case, do not delay and send a complaint to 6633 as soon as possible (Antispam service).

Very often, the clients of the MTS operator receive SMS notifications on the Moikontent service, which contain information about subscriptions and other options. Not everyone likes these notifications, especially if you haven't ordered anything. Fortunately, companies give users the ability to control and disable all unnecessary subscriptions and mailings by managing the service. We will tell you how to disable these notifications on your phone and how to control subscriptions.

What is this newsletter?

SMS messaging to the phone is a good way to inform your customers, but it is good when the user really wants to receive them. The notifications you receive are a service "My content" from MTS, which allows you to manage all mobile subscriptions associated with your number.

The downside of such notifications is the connection, in some cases hidden, to the provided mailings. Everything would be fine, but besides spam, the owner of the phone is faced with the fact that periodically money disappears from the account. Unscrupulous content providers deceive gullible visitors. Many have already come across the fact that, when registering on some site, they had to send SMS, while at the very bottom of the resource page in transparent letters it was written how much and how often money would be withdrawn. If in some cases the size of the account was adequate, it also happened that hundreds of rubles were withdrawn for “using the services” almost daily.

Disable SMS messaging from Moikontent

Each subscriber has the opportunity to disable not only all active subscriptions and mailings, but also specific ones. First, check with any of the provided methods.

Checking subscriptions via USSD commands
  1. Dial on the phone: * 152 # and press the call. In the menu that appears, select the second item (press number 2).
  2. A menu for managing subscriptions will appear, and there we choose what to do with subscriptions: familiarize yourself with the catalog, view your connected ones, unsubscribe from everyone.
  3. By pressing 3, you turn off all active content services at once.

Through a call to the operator
  1. Call the operator's service center and verify passport data (on demand).
  2. Ask for a list of current subscriptions and how to disable them.
Through the official website or app

Using the described methods, you can protect yourself from unnecessary services, but interesting mailings will remain.

More ways to unsubscribe

There are alternative ways to stop SMS messages from Moikontent - the ban option:

Please note that if you want to use the content after that, you will need to call the service center or visit the operator's branch with a request to disable this blocking.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers?

The reason for the rise in fraud cases lies in the careless actions of the user. Remember this and try to avoid risks. It should be clarified right away - the MTS operator itself is not responsible for your actions, but only informs you via SMS.

Currently, there are a huge number of different infotainment services, most of which are paid. Unfortunately, many subscribers become users of such services unconsciously, as a result of which unnecessary and completely useless expenses arise. The MTS Content Ban service was developed to protect subscribers from connecting to infotainment services without their knowledge. In fact, this service can be very useful, especially for those who regularly fall prey to all kinds of paid subscriptions.
Infotainment services can be activated under various circumstances. Most often, subscriptions are connected as a result of a subscriber visiting a site with a dubious reputation. Sometimes you don't even need to take any action, just open the link and a paid subscription will be automatically connected. The cost of such services can be very significant, while write-offs will be daily. Quite often, the subscriber notices the presence of a paid service after a while, when the balance becomes negative. All money may be debited from the balance before you decide. Of course, you can simply turn off the subscription to MTS, but it is possible that the situation will not repeat itself and you will start to lose your money again. Therefore, it is better to activate the MTS Content Ban service and no longer worry that you will be connected to paid services without your knowledge.

Description of the MTS service "Content ban"

The MTS Content Ban service excludes the possibility of sending and receiving paid SMS from short numbers. Also, when the service is connected, a ban is set for calls to paid short numbers. That is, the presence of this service allows you to avoid the possibility of connecting paid subscriptions. It should be noted that not all short numbers are banned. There is a list of exclusions, which includes only verified numbers that do not imply the possibility of connecting subscriptions without the knowledge of the client. The MTS Content Ban service is available to all subscribers and is completely free. Let's take a closer look at what exactly this useful service provides.
The Content Ban service has the following functions:

  • Blocking calls to short numbers;
  • Blocking SMS sending to short numbers;
  • Blocking SMS reception from short numbers.

The presence of a ban on calls, as well as sending and receiving SMS from short numbers does not allow fraudsters to activate paid subscriptions without your knowledge. Many will find this service not entirely reasonable, because not all short numbers are harmful and some cannot be refused. Indeed, there are many useful short codes that are used regularly by a huge number of people. The operator understands this very well, and therefore the "Content Ban" service from MTS provides a list of exceptions, which was mentioned earlier. That is, you can not worry about the work of Internet banking and other useful servers, but at the same time be sure that a useless paid subscription will not be connected to your number without your knowledge.

Please note that the Content Deny service sets a ban on the connection of subscriptions, but does not disable existing ones. Therefore, it will be useful to find out and disable paid subscriptions. MM subscriptions are managed via USSD-request * 152 * 2 # ... You can also use your personal account or the "My Content" service.

How to activate the Content Ban service on MTS

Perhaps, the principle of operation of the "Content Ban" service is clear to you. If you are not able to exclude the possibility of activating paid subscriptions, then this service is irreplaceable for you. Of course, you can regularly monitor your personal account and connected services, but this is not very convenient, and there will still be certain costs, even if you notice the appearance of a new subscription in time (no one canceled the subscription activation fee). It is much more convenient to set a ban on subscriptions once and forget about them forever. Fortunately, you can connect the service for free, and there are several ways to connect.

Methods for connecting the MTS Content Ban service:

  • USSD-command * 984 # ;
  • Call the Help Center (: 0890 );
  • Contacting the MTS office (you must have a passport with you).

To deactivate the MTS Content Banning service, use any of the above methods, that is, deactivation of the service is carried out in the same way as the connection. Connection / disconnection cost - 0 rubles. There is no subscription fee.

  • Important
  • If the "Content Ban" service did not work, use the "Antispam" service to send a complaint. To do this, send the received SMS from a paid service to 6333.

This concludes this review. We hope the "Content Ban" service from MTS will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses. Be vigilant and never forget that anyone can fall victim to scammers.

Mass media intensively disseminate advertising information with the imposition of paid subscriptions. This is the so-called content. A person unknowingly presses OK in response to a pop-up text message on the phone's display and a certain amount is debited from his account every day for subscribing to music files, weather forecasts, horoscopes, dating, anecdotes and much more. To prevent this from happening on a regular basis, mobile subscribers set a ban on content both with the help of the operator and independently through their personal account.

Personal account and its capabilities

The mobile operator provides customers with the ability to create and manage services with its help. Through it, it is possible to perform various operations of connecting communications. Due to the establishment of the ban, the sending of text messages and dialing to short numbers that distribute paid subscriptions of various contents are limited. This restriction does not apply to the internal services of a mobile operator. Also, using your personal account, you can connect and can easily from MTS or any other.

Ways to turn off content ban

If the subscriber has decided that expensive subscriptions are important to him, he thinks about how to disable content ban on MTS... It should be noted that you can do this for free using several methods.

First option how to disable the content ban service on MTS - make a call to the service support number 8 800 250 8 250 or 0890. Calls to these numbers from landline and mobile phones are not charged in all regions of Russia. By contacting the operator, you will explain to him the essence of the matter, and he will deactivate the service. You can also remove the restriction by visiting the support center. The service specialist will fulfill your request.

The second option provides a way to turn off the content ban on MTS yourself. This is done by executing the USSD * 985 # command. It is also possible in your personal account by selecting the desired function.

In addition, you can perform the following actions in your smartphone: find it through a search engine and download the application "My MTS", open it. When asked for permission to send notifications to your number, which may contain reminders, sounds, badge stickers, etc., click "Allow". This will be enough to get the promotional texts back into your field of vision.

When you switch to a corporate tariff plan, the ban will be lifted automatically. You yourself will further decide how and to which of them to react, positively or vice versa.

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