Which antivirus program is better to put on an iPhone 5. Who will protect your iPhone: the most powerful antiviruses for iOS. How to clean an iPhone from viruses

Of course, it's great when you are the proud owner of such a great smartphone as an iPhone and an iPad, but have you ever thought about the safety of your data stored on the device, or the risk of virus infection? Of course, Apple does everything possible to protect your smartphone from cybercriminals, but no protection can guarantee the safety of your data 100%.

That is why you should think about installing one of the the best antivirus for iPhone or iPad... There are many antivirus and similar apps available on the iTunes store that promise to keep your iPad safe from antivirus threats, but are they really that good? No doubt not.

So, you go to the iTunes store, type “antivirus” into the search box and are amazed at the number of results. Each app promises you unparalleled protection against viruses and rogue apps - it's time to get confused. Therefore, we decided to make it easier for you and make a list best antivirus for iPhone and iPad... We can download each of them and protect your device from unwanted software, data theft and Trojans.

The best antivirus for iPhone and iPad

Why do you need an antivirus on your smartphone? The most important reason is that you need to protect your data from theft. Almost every Android and iOS smartphone user stores or sometimes enters important data on their smartphone, such as your credit card number and security code. When your iPhone is jailbroken, this data can be stolen and you can lose your money.

Therefore, I suggest you read the review best antivirus for iOS and install one of them to protect your data from various threats.

Lookout Mobile Security (Free)

McAfee Security (Free)

McAfee has a long history of providing powerful protection against viruses and applications that can steal your data. Moreover, its antiviruses are popular not only on computers and laptops, but also on smartphones and tablets. McAfee Security for iPhone and iPad not only has a decent interface, but it is also extremely easy to use, it is also famous for its fast updates of antivirus databases and lightning-fast smartphone scans.

McAfee Security features:

  • Photo and video “secure wallet” - protects your photos and videos from prying eyes with a pin code. Encrypted files are stored on your iPhone and cannot be viewed even if your smartphone is jailbroken
  • Safe photo - Use a secure camera to immediately get your photos into your “Secure Wallet” so that no photos will remain open on your smartphone
  • Camera capture - Receive by e-mail a photo of the criminal who entered the PIN code incorrectly several times (the location of the device will also be indicated in the letter)
  • Backup and restore contacts - the application will automatically backup your contacts and, if you wish, you can transfer contacts to an iOS device or to any supported
  • Permanently delete contacts - If you are sure that your device has fallen into the wrong hands, remotely erase your contacts before they are compromised
  • Location - view the location of your smartphone on a map via the app website
  • SOS - increases the chances of finding a lost device by keeping the last location of the iPhone before the battery runs out
  • Remote Siren - Remotely activates the siren on a lost or stolen device, even if the sound is muted
  • Jailbreak Detection - Tells if your device has been jailbroken.

Norton Mobile Security (Free)

Norton is one of the greatest names in the antivirus protection industry. For many years, the company has delighted us with excellent protection for desktops and laptops, and today it provides us with the opportunity to download the free Norton Mobile Security antivirus for iOS.

Norton Mobile Security features:

  • Find your lost iPhone or iPad with device location view function
  • Automatically saves the last location of the device before the battery runs out
  • Remote triggering of "alarm" for quick device detection
  • Backup contacts, easy recovery and the ability to transfer contacts to all your mobile devices
  • Control of all devices from one account

Trend Micro Mobile Security (Shareware)

Trend Micro Mobile Security is an application designed to keep you safe online. Trend Micro Mobile Security can help you avoid visiting dangerous and fake websites that can steal important data or “force” expensive services on you.

Trend Micro Mobile Security features:

Avira Mobile Security

Avira Mobile Security from the renowned company Avira allows you to find your lost phone and protects your mail from compromise.

With the web dashboard, Avira allows you to track the location of your devices (up to 5).

Checks all your emails to prevent malware from entering your device and data theft.

Other functions Avira Mobile Security:

  • Checking all letters for reliability
  • Checking the address book (checking the security of contacts)
  • Checking the relevance of the OS
  • Device tracking (up to 5 devices)
  • Siren function
  • Remote call to your phone

Avast SecureLine VPN (Paid)

Avast's SecureLine VPN is generally not an antivirus, but it still keeps you online and your data safe. SecureLine VPN encrypts all your traffic, making it nearly impossible to intercept your data.

SecureLine VPN features:

  • Secure surfing via public wi-fi networks.

Your data will be encrypted and transmitted through a dedicated Avast server. Your traffic will be impossible to track

  • Travel anonymously on the web

No one will be able to find out which pages you visited. Completely safe and confidential travel on the Internet.

  • Easy unblocking of foreign services and blocked sites

You can choose which server to transfer your encrypted data through. Thus, for the site you will be a visitor from the USA, France, Brazil. You will be able to access blocked services and content.

SecureLine VPN price: 1 month - 229 rubles, 1 year - 1490 rubles.

So, today we met with the best antivirus software for iPhone and iPad. Undoubtedly, in the usual sense, these applications are not antiviruses, but they are all designed to increase the level of security of your smartphone and your data. If you are completely sure of the safety of your device, then you can do without antivirus for iOS... The choice is yours. Wish you a safe online journey!

Apple users believe that their devices do not need protection, and therefore doubt whether antivirus is needed. However, protection against malware is not all that modern antiviruses can do; they have tons of other useful features.

The likelihood that the file system will be infected with viruses is minimal, because it is protected from any unauthorized interference. However, it is still recommended for users of Apple technology to download and install an antivirus - virus programs are becoming more advanced; perhaps, over time, they will learn to bypass the protection of "apple" gadgets. If you want to protect your expensive gadget from all potential threats, you should pay attention to the following applications.

Price: Free +

Lookout Security is an antivirus that not only helps keep your iPhone's file system safe, but also helps you find your lost or stolen device. It is enough to connect to the Internet and go to Lookout.com, and the user is provided with information about the location of the device. Antivirus can also:

  • Remotely making the iPhone sound a loud beep is useful if the user has lost the gadget in their apartment. Interestingly, the iPhone will “scream” even when in silent mode.
  • Display an SMS message with the coordinates of the owner on the screen of the lost device - perhaps the finder will turn out to be a decent person and want to return the gadget.

Lookout Security is a free antivirus for iPhone, however, there is also a paid version - Premium, which costs 1,790 rubles per year. Paid antivirus makes backups of all photos from the iPhone and informs the owner if someone tries to perform suspicious actions with the iPhone, for example, enters a PIN.

McAfee Mobile Security

Price: Free +

McAfee is a powerful program that blocks worms and Trojans from entering the device's file system. In addition, the antivirus does not allow the user to visit those sites that may pose a threat to the smartphone.

Malware protection is not all that antivirus can do. It is equipped with many features that are useful when the device is stolen:

  • Capture Cam. If the thief entered the PIN incorrectly on the iPhone several times, he made a critical mistake - the gadget takes a photo of him on the front camera and sends it to the owner's email.
  • Remote destruction of contacts.
  • Media storage. All photo and video files can be PIN protected remotely if iPhone is lost. Plus, the antivirus is able to back up important data from the device.

McAfee antivirus is completely free to download.

Secure Line VPN

Secure Line is one of the best paid antivirus software that allows an iPhone user to visit websites anonymously. The software manufacturer - Avast - offers a free period of 7 days so that the user can decide if he needs an antivirus; after this period, you will have to pay $ 3 per month.

Secure Line provides other benefits as well:

  • Security. The Internet connection is encrypted, therefore, they will not be able to get to the registration data and calls that are made through the Skype and Viber applications.
  • Removal of restrictions. If the website is geo-restricted, the antivirus can change the user's IP address to appear as if they are using the Internet in another country.


Despite the fact that Apple technology is famous for its protection against malware, installing antivirus software will not be superfluous. The review shows that modern antiviruses not only know how to fight Trojans, but are also able to help the user if his gadget is lost.

According to statistics for 2015, the damage from the loss of Apple devices and the data that were stored on them exceeded $ 3 billion. Even if the antivirus does not help to find the gadget itself, it will be able to recover personal information, which is sometimes more valuable to the user than the device itself.

In this article, we'll talk about antivirus on iOS and, in principle, about viruses on iOS. Is it worth installing antiviruses on the device and be afraid that the iPhone or iPad may be infected with something that can ruin the system. After all, viruses are what spoils the life of many people on computers or Android devices.

Viruses come in different types and work in different ways. Some steal data, others block the device, gain control over it, and thus fraudsters extort money. It is not so important what exactly the virus is. It is important to understand what threatens iOS users. According to rumors, the OS is protected and nothing is able to penetrate it, but in reality everything may be different. Let's figure it out further.

Many have heard about the fact that Apple devices, and it doesn't matter if they are iOS or MacOS devices. A natural question arises whether the OS is really so secure that there is no reason to worry about malicious applications getting into the system. There is no definite answer, but it is important to say that the device certainly has the ability to do more things when compared to Android devices.

The file system is closed and therefore there is no way, for example, to dump music or other files without using iTunes or another that is capable of bypassing Apple's protective walls. You should use such applications only at your own peril and risk.

This has certain advantages, let's list them:

  • Firstly, the presence of antivirus is not so important.
  • Secondly, there is no reason to be afraid for the confidentiality of your information.
  • Thirdly, there is no fear for the security of data and information, for the risk of losing it.

It is clear that any system is hacked and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from hackers and privacy problems. Remember at least the case with the leakage of photos of stars from iCloud. However, this no longer depends on Apple, it has done everything possible to protect the user's personal data. However, it should be said that this often applies only to serious and influential people, who make sense to hack. After all, hacking is not the easiest thing, so hackers are unlikely to waste their time and resources on ordinary people.

Do I need to install an antivirus for iOS on iPhone?

However, does all of the above mean that an antivirus must be installed on the device? This question is asked by many users who have just bought a device from a Cupertin company for the first time, without experience using it before. If we talk about a device on an Android, then most users install an antivirus immediately after purchasing. After all, the OS is not at all protected and even in the Play Market branded store there is a huge number of threats and virus spyware that are able to obtain the necessary information and direct it against the user.

When switching to iOS or MacOS, many people instinctively want to download an application that could protect the device. However, it should be said that the situation is different here.

Apps and toys are checked by Apple and there can be no malware in principle. It is possible to download applications from the outside, simply by following the link. If the user is not sure that the source is safe, it is better not to download. Separately, it should be said about the jailbreak, with which you can use third-party app stores. By analogy with a race from the outside, there is a chance to pick up a virus or malware spyware. Without iTunes, you cannot upload photos or programs to your computer, so protection is everywhere.

Moreover, in the AppStore it is very difficult to find a program that would perform the function of an antivirus. A lot of programs that bear this name do different things, block ads and so on, but they just do not protect against viruses.

Where and how to choose an antivirus for iPhone

As already mentioned, in the AppStor brand store, the user will find a large number of programs and applications that are called antiviruses and that are installed on the device without problems. There are Norton or McAfee programs that have a strong association with antivirus programs that can protect against viruses, because these programs perform the same functions on desktop computers or laptops.

You should understand in more detail and understand what exactly such programs do and why they are needed:

  1. Protect files with pin codes.
  2. Backs up some of the files and data on the device.
  3. Restore contacts.
  4. The user is alerted to a hack.
  5. It becomes possible to safely conduct shooting.
  6. Find your phone or tablet on the map you have lost.

The list can be large, sometimes smaller. It depends on the specific program, but does not protect against viruses. The functions are more superficial, able to protect against thieves or those people who would like to view information or open a program only by picking up the gadget.

Hence, it is clear that installing such programs is not worth it and there is not much sense, because most of the functionality has long been introduced by Apple itself with a more comfortable interface. If you don’t believe, then go to the program and read its description, you can even download it to make sure that the manufacturer does not offer anything radically new.

How to clean iPhone from virus if device has been infected

Next, let's say a few words about how to clean the phone from viruses that have infected it. Android owners know to clean their devices periodically and often enough. If not clean, then at least check for viruses.

This habit developed after using a stationary computer on Windows, where there are enough viruses, due to their popularity and weak security, and therefore antiviruses must be installed.

If we talk about Apple, the technique works a little differently. The technique works for the comfort of use. The file system is protected and resists virus attacks. The only way a virus can appear is downloading from third-party resources or the presence of Jailbreaks, which make the system vulnerable. Therefore, there are only two tips: do not download anything to the device after the message that it may be unsafe and do not install a jailbreak, which, in fact, is not required in the new OS from Apple.

Free antivirus for iPhone

There is a large selection of top antiviruses for the device, which are even free and will help. However, no one writes that applications will not do anything to the device and will not help in the event of a real problem. This is the usual list of all useless apps that are free.

There are not even stories about the fact that the gadget was infected with a virus. Apple has created a safe technique that has thought through every point to the smallest detail so that malware does not get on the phone or tablet and does not infect the device. And they did it, there are really few precedents. Without downloading third-party programs from the Internet, and not from the branded application store and AppStore, nothing bad will happen. Even so, it is very rare that there is something there that would endanger the device.

Even just to upload files to a gadget, you need to use iTunes, which monitors and protects the device. There are third-party applications and programs for Windows or MacOS that bypass aytyuns and allow you to bypass data. We strongly advise against downloading and using them. The risk increases, which means that the virus is able to penetrate the device. There are keylogger viruses that track what the user types and then use it to harm. Even a set of passwords is visible, which means that not only the device is not protected, but also many accounts.

When buying appliances from Apple, the simplest advice would be to enjoy it, enjoy the simplicity and ease of use. After all, it is made to make the user feel comfortable and safe.


It turned out to be a long article, with one main result: there is nothing to be afraid of and antiviruses are not required for the device at all. Programs that claim to be antivirus are more likely to lie and perform the functions that Apple performs by default. We hope you have found the answer to the question you were looking for and are convinced that Apple technology is safe to use. It is important not to download third-party files and then there is nothing to be afraid of.

This article will be of a purely informational nature, and today we will talk about antivirus software for the iPhone. I have not practiced this type of article before, but today it will be just a question - an answer.

It may be that the questions will overlap, so do not be surprised. Just click on the question of interest from the list and read the answer.

Do you need an antivirus for an iPhone?

One of the safest devices today are smartphones from Apple, and the question immediately arises about antivirus. There are not many things you can do on an iPhone when compared to any Android device.

The entire file system is closed and that is why you cannot easily transfer music or other files from your computer to your smartphone.

The advantages of this are things like:

  • no antivirus needed;
  • don't worry about confidentiality;
  • using it is a little easier when you know about the security of your data.

It's clear that any system can be hacked, because for a standing hacker, in principle, there are no obstacles. But this can only affect very serious people, but not ordinary people.

Do I need to install an antivirus on my iPhone?

Do you need to install any antivirus on your iPhone? This is the question that worries many users who have just purchased a smartphone from Apple.

If someone used an Android device, then for sure on the day of buying a smartphone, they immediately installed an antivirus on it. After all, the Play Market is not too secure and such devices are easier to hack.

When switching to Apple, immediately by instinct I also want to find an application that could protect our data. But here is a slightly different situation.

After all, all programs and games in the App Store are thoroughly checked, and it is rather difficult to install from third-party sources. But this is possible with Jailbreak.

You won't be able to dump files from a PC directly to the device itself. Usually everything is thrown into the application, and there you already manipulate them.

You don't need to install anything on your iPhone. All you find in the App Store are regular programs that do anything but scan for viruses.

What is the best antivirus for iPhone?

If we go to the App Store and just write the word Antivirus in its search, then we can find quite a few programs that have familiar names and all of them can be installed on the iPhone.

These are usually programs like Norton or McAfee. We associate them with antiviruses, because these programs perform this main function on our PCs.

Let's take a look at what exactly these programs do:

  • protection of files with a PIN code;
  • backing up files;
  • restoration of contacts;
  • receiving a burglary warning;
  • safe shooting;
  • finding a lost device.

This list can be continued for a very long time, but you will not find a word about viruses anywhere. All functions are very superficial and protect from external sources like thieves or people who want to view your data by picking up the device.

There is no need to install such programs, since most of the functions have long been implemented in iOS itself. But if you want, you can try and see all the effectiveness.

How to clean an iPhone from viruses?

Now let's talk about how you can clean your iPhone from evil viruses. If you were the owner of Android, then you are probably used to cleaning your smartphone from a virus from time to time. Or at the very least, just check.

We got such a habit because of the PC, because there we have to do it all the time, especially if we have any version of Windows.

Appliances from Apple are arranged a little differently, because they are tuned for comfortable use. All files are reliably protected, because it is not for nothing that the functionality on our iPhones is very limited.

If you do not install various programs from third-party sources and do not use Jailbreak, then you do not need to clean anything. After all, viruses on the iPhone simply do not exist.

Free antivirus for iPhone

If you go to Google, you can find quite a few sites that offer top free antivirus for your iPhone.

But almost none of them mentions whether it is needed at all on your device. Just a list of the best programs to help your smartphone.

To be honest, you've heard about jailbreaking of any Apple device. In theory, this is possible and I will not argue with that.

But Apple's main policy is precisely the security of its users' data, which is why we have so many restrictions on our phone and such a complex file transfer.

All devices are reliably protected if you install anything from unknown sources or do not use Jailbreak. In this case, you shouldn't worry about viruses at all.

How to install an antivirus on an iPhone?

If you are an experienced user of devices on Android or Windows, then surely after buying a brand new iPhone, you will want to install the best antivirus on it.

You can find many programs that were named like McAfee or Norton. And here the association with PC antiviruses immediately begins. But read the descriptions of these applications carefully.

They give us different security features for our devices in the form of different passwords, PIN codes and secure modes. But you won't find a word about viruses there.

After all, Apple's technology today has very good protection. We can't just take and drop any file onto an iPhone like a USB flash drive. This will take a long way.

The App Store is thoroughly checked and for all the time, I have never read the news, just a malware or a virus that I found on iOS.

Therefore, having bought a new iPhone, we just use it and enjoy it. After all, everything is done efficiently and safely so that you sleep well.


Here's a long article about antiviruses for our beloved iPhones. I hope you found the answers to your questions and found what you were looking for.

Having bought any equipment from Apple for yourself, you don't have to worry about viruses. At least for today, this is how the situation looks.

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