The latest version is android 6.0. Advanced WLAN settings. Doze mode - power optimization

Hello everyone! As you probably all already know, the sixth version of our Android OS has finally received an official name: Android 6.0 Marshmallow. There were a lot of assumptions about how the new version will be called: Milkshake, Merengue, and M & M's with MilkyWay. In addition, the final version of the Android SDK has been released, supporting all the new features of the Android OS. Today we'll talk about the name, developer tools, the most important improvements and what awaits us with the arrival of Android 6.0.


From the first versions, Android gets names in alphabetical order, tied to some delicious desserts.

The early versions 1.0 and 1.1 were originally called Astroboy and Bender. But due to possible copyright issues, the names of other robots and androids have been renamed to match the rest of the lineup. The current list of Android versions looks like this:

Hidden text

  • Android 1.0 Apple Pie
  • Android 1.1 Banana Bread
  • Android 1.5 Cupcake
  • Android 1.6 Donut
  • Android 2.0 / 2.1 Eclair
  • Android 2.2 FroYo
  • Android 2.3.x Gingerbread
  • Android 3.x Honeycomb
  • Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Android 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 JellyBean
  • Android 4.4 KitKat
  • Android 5.0 / 5.1 Lollipop
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow

What is Marshmallow

Marshmallow has no specific counterpart in European or Russian culture. Today it is a quintessentially American product (despite the fact that it was originally invented in France), which you most often see on TV in the form of incomprehensible-white-things-that-fried-on-sticks-over-the-fire.

For their preparation, corn syrup, gelatin, hot water and dextrose (the so-called "Grape Sugar") are used.

Name modern Marshmallow marshmallow or marshmallow would be wrong. Unlike marshmallows, they do not contain pectin and egg white, and the marshmallow is not at all similar in composition.

Android 6.0

Okay, we're not here to discuss sweets. If someone managed to forget (and a lot of time has passed since the announcement of Android 6.0 on Habré), then the main areas of work after 5.0 and 5.1 have become security, privacy and prolonging the battery life of devices.

Security at the heart of the system

With the proliferation of various biometric sensors, manufacturers were forced to independently implement algorithms for working with them in the Android OS. From version 6.0 such "crutches" will be a thing of the past. A set of system APIs will handle biometrics. Unlocking the screen, working with the sensor for third-party applications regardless of the smartphone model, purchases in the Google Play store and authorization on sites with one touch will become a reality.

Manufacturers will no longer have to reinvent the wheel and open their APIs, and developers will adapt the code for each new smartphone with a fingerprint sensor, an iris scanner, or even a DNA analyzer, if someone decides to release one.

Privacy and app permissions

Now (in Android 4.x / 5.x), application permissions look like this. When you install a program, you are given a list of what the application will be able to do. For example, go online, view the list of contacts, send / receive SMS. Based on this list, you could decide whether to use "The Funniest Kittens 2015" if they want to have access to call history, contact list and SMS sending, or something is wrong here.

Now you can choose for each installed application what to allow and what not.

The implementation of the permissions management system (App Ops) in OS Android began in version 4.4.2, but at the time of the first tests there were problems with the operation of applications that did not get access to the requested functions. Nevertheless, the function was and remains in demand. We improved it until it was ready to work on consumer devices. We have taught the system to handle such exceptions and provided common APIs, thanks to which developers can teach applications to properly respond to denial of additional privileges. In addition, now applications will issue requests to work with user data not at the time of installation, but in the process of work, so that the user does not forget or miss the moment when the next "Kittens" want to send a million SMS to some short number.

Android Pay

The introduction of biometric authorization at the system level and new rules for application access to the user's personal data should make the system much safer. And a secure system can be trusted not only with photos, passwords, documents, but also finances.

The built-in Andoid Pay mobile payment system will allow you to create virtual credit cards, link existing cards and pay in stores (via NFC and Paypass / payWave) and online quickly, securely, with biometric authentication. The service is in many ways similar to the existing NFC assistant and Google Wallet card hub, but it is focused on working with vendors and stores, rather than P2P payments. This system is currently being tested in the United States.


Today, battery life is more dependent on hardware and usage than on operating system. The laws of physics and the efficiency of individual elements of smartphones cannot be deceived, so along with the evolutionary development of iron, the creators of smartphones are also working on software. It doesn't matter if you have Android, iOS or Windows Phone, under the load in the form of three-dimensional graphics with vivid special effects of modern games, the devices give up in about the same number of hours.

If your usage scenario fits into some "average" use case (a dozen or two minutes of calls, several hours of screen operation and data transfer, a couple of hours of music playback through a headset), then the device will last a day and a half.

Unfortunately, sometimes a smartphone leaves us without such important percentages of charging at the most unnecessary moment. To increase the work on a single battery charge, Android M will use a new Doze algorithm, which reduces power consumption and “slows down” background services if your device is idle for a long time.

In early Android Marshmallow builds, battery savings reached 5-8% per day and almost 15% in two days. Now these indicators have increased slightly, but the order of magnitude has remained approximately the same. We hope the introduction of Doze helps you stay connected when you need it most.

A hundred little things

In addition to these large and important changes in Android 6.0, you will find dozens of less noticeable improvements (for example, the ability to choose between light and dark system design themes), most of which will remain "under the hood", completely invisible to most users. Nevertheless, there is one more thing that will not change the ecosystem of devices, will not change the idea of \u200b\u200bautonomy, security or convenient payments, but it will definitely be in demand. This is a multi-window mode.

We have already seen the implementation of similar features on LG and Samsung phablets. Now this technology will be available out of the box. Want to read comments and watch YouTube videos at the same time? Open a browser and chat, spy on Wikipedia and prove your point of view reasonably? Wait for Twitter feed update and watch Google I / O live stream? As easy as pie.

Developer tools

We have updated the Android SDK to include a full set of up-to-date Android APIs so that you can bring your applications in line with the capabilities of Android 6.0 OS: teach them to work with biometrics, if required; ensure that the new permission mechanism is handled correctly; implement support for light or dark colors.

System images

To test applications for compatibility with new APIs, in addition to the SDK (which has now received the status of the "final" version), you will need images of an emulator or developer preview assemblies of Android Marshmallow for Nexus devices.

These images allow you to test any application on real hardware of Nexus devices, but they are not yet recommended for everyday use.

The launch of the final version of Android 6.0 will begin a little later (in the fall), and in order to receive further OTA updates, you will need to reflash devices to the factory firmware / final assembly of Android 6.0, as support for the developer preview will end.

Faster, longer, safer

Our new major update will allow Android devices to run longer, successfully protect user data, make secure payments, and just become even more convenient, and we are waiting for the release of ready-made firmware for the Nexus line of devices and devices of our partners.

Already, Google Play is ready to accept through the developer console your applications created using API version 23 in any channel (Alpha, Beta or Production). As soon as user devices update to Android 6.0, they will automatically update your application to the latest version. If you already want to make sure that your updated application works fine not only on Android 6.0, but also on older versions of Android OS, we recommend using the updated Beta testing service. Enthusiasts from all over Google Play will be able to test new features of your app with an open beta test, and you will receive valuable feedback, bug reports and the opportunity to make any necessary changes before the release of Android 6.0, due out this fall. By the way, there is nothing left before it.

We decided to find out what features Google has added to the new version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Most of the new products were deeply hidden in the operating system.

The lock screen is cleaner

Google has tried many different things with screen lock in recent years. There were good ideas, but more often for some reason bad ones. Fortunately, the developers settled on the idea that the locked screen should be simple and useful.

The screen lock system in Marshmallow is exactly like this: the watch has become larger and now you do not need to strain to know the time when you glimpse the device. The notification panel has been improved with a quick settings drop-down menu. The dialer shortcut located in the lower left corner has been replaced with Google Now, so you can now start voice search without even unlocking your device. And if you set up protection with a password or a graphic code, the system will offer you a convenient panic button, which can be useful if you find yourself in an emergency.

We've never been overwhelmed by widgets and other things that clutter up the screen when you lock, and are therefore very happy that they are no longer in Marshmallow.

Copying and pasting is easier

Android was one of the first mobile operating systems to offer copy and paste capabilities - and now Google is jumping over its head again.

In Marshmallow, Google uses a copy and paste function that is simpler and more convenient than what we saw earlier. Latching clicks are now faster and you don't have to wait for the action selection window to appear. In addition, Google has gotten rid of the awkward editing menu, replacing it with more obvious options that appear right next to the selected text. And if you've installed Google Translate, the copy and paste settings allow you to instantly translate text. This feature alone makes life easier.

Settings menu - more informative

Each new version of Android has a slightly more user-friendly settings menu. Unfortunately, for now, this can only be considered a sign that Google is still determining how Android should work.
For example, if you scroll down the settings menu to the About Phone tab, you'll find a section that tells you when you last received system security updates. It's nice that such transparency of the operating system is becoming generally accepted. However, the developers pursued their own goals, in particular, trying to dispel myths from the series "Android is not secure!"

Gone is the rather strange Google Settings app. Instead, a menu item appeared in Settings. It seems that this decision was obvious before, but better late than never. You can also go to the new memory management menu to see how much RAM your device is using and if it is operating normally.

Now on Tap is now watching you. And it's not that bad

If you've always wondered why you're being asked to give Google access to your information, check out Google Now on Tap for the answer. Not only is this one of Marshmallow's best features, but it's also a reminder that Apple's Siri and Microsoft's Cortana are still not up to the task.

The Now on Tap API learns everything you see on the screen and offers relevant search results. Hold the Home button to turn on Now on Tap and the feature will do its best to get to know you better.
For example, in the news of the Marshmallow update, Now on Tap was able to ignore references to numerous Android models from OEM partners, recognizing that the context of the article was about when the update would be released for those devices. The function also provided us with links to additional materials.

Now on Tap works with third-party apps too. For example, on Instagram, you need to tap 2-3 times on the screen to open Google Maps and continue the route to the place where your friends checked in. But now, with Now on Tap, all you have to do is hold down the Home button when a photo is shown on the screen, and you'll get a quick link to the street view where it was taken. If you select this option, Google will show you a real photo of the place you are interested in. It's much easier.

But what we enjoyed the most was using Now on Tap in conjunction with the reminder service, where Google Now just doesn't work. For example, many girls like to take care of themselves on weekends, but they often forget when to dye their hair and when to go for a manicure. Now, while right in the mail application, you can hold down the Home button and quickly add an event reminder to your calendar. To do this, you only need to make two clicks!

Now on Tap works from the moment you turn it on, just like Google Now - from the first moment you sign in to your device. The idea here is this: if you are using a Google phone, the Google search engine will provide you with more contextual information. And, it seems, thanks to this, life becomes much easier - you no longer need to copy words and other things, then just paste them in other applications.

Apps can be controlled

App permissions have been one of the most emotional topics for several years. In Android 4.3, Google introduced the App Ops feature to help users know which apps are taking too much on themselves, but it was quickly forgotten because it was useless. Today, if you don't like the fact that an application has access to an important part of your OS, the only option you have is not to install it.

Marshmallow really helps solve the dilemma of individual permissions for apps. Play Store will no longer prompt you to approve all permissions before installing an app at once. Instead, the app will ask you for permission when it needs to access some part of your device, such as a camera. And now only you will decide whether to allow or not. If you deny the application, its functions that depend on this permission will not be active - but everything else will work.

Control over your personal Android operating system is no longer an illusion. Granting permissions to applications is very important because they voice the context in which they need something. In addition, permissions create a new level of confidence for those users who would otherwise refuse to use Android due to the latest security issues.

Data is backed up correctly

Android has been a really bad operating system for those who change devices frequently. This was true before Tap & Go came to Lollipop - before, switching from one test device to another was a real haemorrhoid.

Fortunately, however, Tap & Go made it easier to move your apps to a new device, but the data, alas, did not move with it. And while Android had a backup solution, it hasn't worked as expected since the days of Froyo.

Marshmallow offers an Auto Backup feature and it seems to work. This is how the solution works: Marshmallow uploads all application data to Google Drive, including user-created items such as accounts and settings. The system stores all your call logs and Wi-Fi passwords, and these data are not counted and may exceed the storage quota. By default, an automatic backup will be created every 24 hours when the phone is not in use and connected to Wi-Fi. You can check the availability of your backup via the Google Drive app, but you cannot determine what data will be backed up and which apps should be backed up.

Currently, backups can only work on Marshmallow devices - which is odd since Google will update this API through Google Play Services. However, it looks like this feature is not finished yet, and we will look at it again after a while.

The battery is used more efficiently

While the name Doze recalls cough syrup, it is Marshmallow's new and truly impressive battery-saving feature. When you leave your phone or tablet on the table in the kitchen or somewhere else, the device goes into hibernation mode. That is, in fact, the same battery charge remains as when you left the device. Network services and background processes are pooled and run intermittently — only high-priority tasks run normally. As soon as you turn on the display of the device, all notifications will "rush" at you at the same time, as if your device was discharged and just turned on. This is an amazing feature, and we were really impressed with how little power the Nexus 6 consumed after being turned on all night. With Wi-Fi on, it used only 2% of the power, and with LTE on, the system ate only 10%.

Doze uses an accelerometer to detect when you are asleep, so it won't turn on if you're walking or driving. To activate it, you need the device to be at one point for a certain time. High priority messages, such as from apps like Google Hangouts, will continue to arrive and prevent the device from falling asleep until you turn off notifications. Google has given developers the power to decide whether their app's notifications can punch through Doze mode. But we hope that messages like the bonus coin offers in the Pokemon Shuffle will not be displayed on the device when it should be “resting”.

You can disable autorun of preinstalled software

Tired of the pre-installed apps popping up on your device after every reboot? Marshmallow has an App Standby feature to help turn them off. In the Marshmallow developer options, you can simply deactivate unnecessary apps and they won't launch anymore. We would not recommend this feature if you are unsure of what you are doing, but it can be really useful for those who are seriously affected by the "leftist" apps on Android phones from third parties.

There are other options in this section that will help you customize the settings for the applications on your device. Marshmallow is able to terminate an application in a minute after you switch to another, and also determine how many background processes can be running simultaneously. We're thrilled that users have the ability to work with these Android settings, but at the same time, I wonder how this will work on Android devices from third-party companies when they receive software updates.

All the money fingerprinting

Fingerprint scanners on Android devices are no longer new. Samsung, HTC, Huawei and even Motorola have had them for a long time. But it has been a long time before Android has its own API library for working with fingerprints, and now developers can easily embed these functions into their applications, for example, for mobile payments.

Currently, only the Nexus 6P and 5X support native Marshmallow fingerprinting, and we'll be sure to tell you how this library works as soon as we get our hands on these devices. It is also very interesting whether players like LG, HTC and others will use the new API or continue to work with their own.

While Google's search giant was a bit late with the launch of Lollipop for Nexus, Android 6.0 Marshmallow began to take off on time. Already, some smartphones and tablets are receiving cherished updates and acquainting users with a number of useful changes, one part of which is aimed at internal changes to the system, and the other at external ones. We will now talk about all the significant innovations found in Zefirka.

Without lengthy introductions and lyrics about the main accents of the Six, let's get down to business. The first thing users will see after installing Marshmallow is a new system boot animation showing the formation of the word Android.

Lock screen

Next we go to the lock screen, which will surprise you with a new font, which is also used in the case of several widgets for the desktop. is he fit perfectly into the overall visual style system and does not look like something from a completely different opera.

Also, one quick launch icon has changed: on the left, instead of "Dialers", the Google Now microphone for voice requests is now, while the Camera remains on the right. In Lollipop, they were activated by swiping to the right or left, but here you have to swipe from the corner of each icon, which is less convenient.

If the search engine on the left does not suit you, it is possible to return the usual "Dialer", for this you need to go to the application settings, select the default applications, go to the "Assistant and voice input" item and switch the Assistant value to "no". However, it should be understood that the choice in favor of "Dialer" completely disables Google Now.

Of the new functions, it is also worth noting the ability to leave some kind of arbitrary inscription, which is set in the Security settings item. It can be used as a reminder or warning.

Application menu and widgets

All installed applications are now displayed in a vertical alphabetical list. You can quickly find the game or program you need through the search bar at the top, or, for example, by holding down on the scroll bar - drag it down and it will show all the letters involved. The 4 most frequently used applications are also displayed at the top of the list.

By the way, this kind of menu became available to some Nexus users on Lollipop, it was enough just to update the Google application. This also applies to widgets, also sorted in alphabetical order. Some new elements have appeared among them, for example, audio search on Google Play - an analogue of Shazam. It is enough to bring it to the desktop and click to listen and determine the composition.

Curtain and volume

A silent mode activator has finally appeared in the standard shutter of quick launch icons “ Do not disturb», Which can be turned on for a certain time or indefinitely, until it is turned off. At the same time, the profile of complete silence is available, or with exceptions for the alarm clock and important reminders / notifications / calls.

(left - Android 5.1, right - Android 6.0)

The quick launch icon set can be customized using System UI Tuner, which we wrote about in. This same feature, by the way, allows you to select the icons displayed in the status bar and enable the demonstration of the battery level as a percentage. The last option is not particularly clear.


The application for making calls has slightly changed in appearance, but its main change is the option of sending an SMS message, which is displayed when dialing a number. Its appearance seems to be quite logical and natural.

Now on Tap

This feature is one of the main functional innovations of Android 6.0. It is a system of contextual automatic information retrieval based on the screen content. That is, in fact, predicts possible search queries for some elements currently displayed on the display.

Kinopoisk Twitter and Now on Tap result

For example, when listening to a music composition in the player, Now on Tap will offer you to buy it on Google Music, show information on the artist or album, send it to the artist's official website, or show the latest news. Likewise, with text data in letters or tweets on some movies, flights, festive events, and so on - almost everything that may further interest the user is taken into account.

watching the cast of the film "Peng" and going to the Radiohead YouTube channel

Launch Now on Tap carried out by long pressing the "Home" buttonHowever, while the owners of devices with Android 6.0 will have to change the system interface to English to demonstrate the capabilities of the function - Russian is simply not supported yet. Let's hope it won't be long.

Work with text

Noteworthy is the so-called smart selection of text, which greatly simplifies copying, sharing, translating or web searching for selected words - all these actions are immediately displayed in the context menu when you select words or entire applications.

(left - Android 5.1, right - Android 6.0)

Settings: Applications

In the settings item "Applications" appeared the ability to set access rights specific applications to SMS, calendar, contacts, camera, microphone, and so on. To enable or disable, just put the switch in the desired position.

A link graph appeared in the settings, showing applications that open certain links from a browser, Twitter, mail, or, for example, a simple SMS message. You can choose between an automatic start or a confirmation request.

Here you can also set default applications, allow or deny access to system settings for some means, or familiarize yourself with those tools that do not save the device's battery. By default, these are only Google Play Services.

Settings: Storage & USB / Storage

This item of settings, as before, demonstrates what and how much memory is occupied. The design of the section has changed slightly, but the essence is the same - the total size of images, video, audio, applications and other things is calculated.

New in the settings is the "Memory" column, which includes data on the use of RAM. Shows the average amount of used RAM for a specific period of time (3, 6, 12 hours or 1 day), available memory size and the number of active applications.

Settings: Battery

The design of the battery usage section has slightly changed, the data on the gluttony of this or that application has become more detailed. Plus, the previously mentioned battery saving pointthat displays apps and tools that go into sleep mode under certain conditions to reduce power consumption.

Settings: Restore and Reset

The data backup option that has appeared here will allow you to store content from applications, passwords of access points and other settings on Google servers. The whole thing is working so far only partially, since a lot depends on the software developers themselves, who must ensure the functioning of such a backup.

The ability to reset all network settings immediately became available, this applies to mobile networks, and Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.

Wallpaper and animation

In Android 6.0 Marshmallow, a lot of animation effects have changed, including when opening / closing applications, minimizing windows, various swipes, showing curtains and much more. And, of course, one cannot fail to highlight the set of new wallpapers in the Material Design style.

Easter egg

The easter egg, launched by the same tapes according to the system version in the settings, was a mini-game a la Flappy Bird. You will have to control it with a small red android, and as obstacles - marshmallows on sticks. By the way, this arcade game was not much simpler than the original from the Vietnamese developer.

Overall, Android 6.0 tested on the Nexus 5 leaves a pleasant experience. The system works a little faster, and the animation seems to be smoother. There are fewer pre-installed applications - the same Google settings have been added to the list of general settings, which looks quite logical even from a search point of view.

With regard to autonomy, there are also positive changes - the total operating time in mixed use mode increased by 15 percent - a trifle, but nice. In standby mode, the charge is saved much better only when the communications are turned off - overnight, for example, the battery drains by only 1-2 percent. If Wi-Fi and mobile data are left active, charge losses increase significantly - the work of the vaunted energy-saving technology is practically not felt.

In addition to autonomy, the Camera application did not live up to expectations in Marshmallow, which simply remained the same, although it was assumed that it would be updated with the system update. However, it may be a matter of time, since the latest version for Nexus 5X and 6P is already available.

It took place in October 2015, but it is now installed on just over 2% of devices on this platform. As you know, updates here are not distinguished by excessive efficiency.

Whether you have this system or not, you can learn something new about it from the tips below. Read them and teach your smartphone or tablet new skills. Note that the description refers to a clean version of the system, without shells from third-party companies, where the location of the settings may be different.

1. Make the most of Now on Tap

One of the most touted new features of the system is something called Now on Tap. This is a kind of Google virtual assistant that gives contextual information about what is currently displayed on the screen. Press and hold the Home button to use.

Now on Tap can be very beneficial, and its capabilities are constantly increasing after its release. When activated at the moment the flight number is displayed on the screen (for example, in correspondence), Now on Tap will allow you to see the flight status without having to open another application. When activated, at the time of displaying the item number when buying in the online store, a description of the delivery process will be given.

Now on Tap can be used to get driving directions, organization addresses and street lookups, restaurant data, movie screenings. It is only necessary that the required theme be launched on the screen of the device.

2. Disable Tap

Despite the full potential of Now on Tap, its usefulness is still limited. For some, it is not diverse enough to take up space in the Home button, especially since in previous versions of Android, clicking on it opened Google Now.

Fortunately, Now on Tap is disabled. After that, clicking on Home will open Google Now. Open your operating system settings, Google Settings -\u003e Search & Tips -\u003e Now on Tap and toggle the slider. Then, if necessary, you can immediately turn the function back on.

3. Change the quick settings panel

It is possible to change the icons displayed in the quick access panel - where Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flashlight, flight mode, etc. are shown. This is done in the System UI Tuner tool. Swipe from the top of the screen twice. Press and hold the gear icon at the top right, it will rotate, after which a message will appear about the availability of the System UI Tuner.

Open the settings and at the very bottom of the list. There the System UI Tuner option appeared.

4. We continue tuning the system

If you are determined to continue making changes to the system, use the third-party Custom Quick Settings application. It goes even deeper than Tuner, penetrates deep into the system and allows you to add various shortcuts to the settings panel.

However, be warned that this program does not have a very user-friendly interface. Work with her only if you are confident in your abilities and knowledge.

5. Turn up the volume

The volume in Android 5.0 was inconvenient to adjust, but Marshmallow has no problem with this. You can open all elements of the system for sound control - for an alarm clock and notifications, music, calls. They are available from anywhere in the system.

When you press the volume up or down button, the system opens the sound setting for the activity that is in progress. If audio is playing, the audio setting for it opens. If you want to change the sound somewhere else, use the down arrow to the right of the volume slider. More sliders will appear, allowing you to change the sound in other places.

6. Setting the silence

Part of the redesigned volume control is the new Do Not Disturb mode. When you need complete silence, click on this option in quick settings. All sounds and vibrations will be turned off either permanently or temporarily. You can mute everything, leaving the alarm clock or notifications from applications with priority.

7. Simple maintenance of silence

If you have no time to think about options and need to quickly muffle the device, press the volume down button, an icon will appear that only vibration works. Then release the button and press again.

This puts Android into silent mode, which only runs the alarm. Android Lollipop users will appreciate the simplicity of this solution.

8. Automatic activation of silence mode

Save yourself an extra minute by keeping the machine silent beforehand when you know you will be busy.

Open the settings under Sounds & notifications and click Do not disturb. Here you can create different rules, indicating when the silence mode should be automatically turned on, depending on the day and time, or the presence of certain tasks in the calendar.

9. Setting priorities

Not everyone wants to be distracted by every squeak made by a smartphone, but important notifications should not be missed. The Android 6.0 notification priority system comes into play.

Before you can start using it, you need to make settings. Open Do not disturb in Sounds & notifications again and tap the Important only option.

A list of notification types is available here, you can set them a high priority - reminders, events, certain calls and text messages. You can even allow calls from certain subscribers if they call a second time in 15 minutes.

Having configured everything as it should, activate the Only important mode, as mentioned in tip # 6, and only events and people that are interesting to you will bother you.

10. Control over notifications

Another drawback of Android 5.0 is the intrusive display of a notification (heads-up or peek). Large card-based notifications were updated in Android 5.1, but this was only an interim fix.

In Marshmallow, you can take control of notifications and set which apps can display them on the screen, and which only in the status bar. Open Sounds and notifications -\u003e App notifications in settings and select an app. A list of settings will appear where you can make the notifications from this application important (they will be shown when the Do Not Disturb function is activated), or you can disable the display of notifications on the screen.

11. Further customization of applications

Continuing the theme of controlling apps, Android 6.0 makes them easy to browse and tabs out what they're doing. Open the Applications section in the settings and select the one you need.

Here you will see how much space the application takes in memory and find out the types of data access permissions it received. It shows the use of RAM and battery, which will help to determine if the program is using resources too quickly (hint: follow Google Photos and Facebook).

12. Working with text

The text selection tool in the system has been simplified. It gives access to third-party developer programs that offer new features.

The operating system plays a critical role in the functionality of a mobile device. Even many technical properties of tablets and smartphones depend on it. If users have several current firmware versions, of course, the question arises: which is better than Android 5.1 or 6.0 and which version should you give your preference to? Each of them has strengths and weaknesses, which we will try to objectively understand. Having considered all the main advantages and disadvantages of the presented OS versions, you can easily decide for yourself which version of Android is better than Lollipop or Marshmallow and whether it is worth overpaying for a device equipped with a brand new operating system.

The main differences

To find out which version of Android is better than 5.1 or 6.0, you can only compare the main features of the systems by which they differ from each other.

In the newest Android, the main menu with applications has been completely redone, search has been added. Users now have the opportunity to closely monitor which programs use RAM more actively than others. When you press the volume rocker, you can adjust the sound of all signals at once (alarms, notifications, calls) or activate the "Do not disturb" mode. You can call the assistant in any application, or even while in the device settings. It not only responds to voice prompts, but also scans information on the screen. A built-in fingerprint scanner has also appeared, increasing security. An important innovation for users was the emergence of a battery optimization mode, which significantly increases battery life.

Android 5.1

This firmware version is distinguished by the correction of a large number of errors inherent in Android 5.0 and systems of previous generations. However, we are most interested in how Android 5.1 differs from 6.0, what new and interesting functions can this platform offer?


The fifth Android has support for multiple SIM cards. The sound quality during voice calls has significantly improved thanks to HD Voice technology, although in this case some nuances must be taken into account (support of the technology by telecom operators, the need to install Lollipop on both devices).
To quickly adjust the alarm volume, just use the volume rocker directly in the application.
Also, new sound settings are available in the music listening mode. If you press the volume rocker while the player is on, a new menu appears with call settings, notifications, etc.


We cannot ignore the new service running in Android 5.1, created to improve security - Device Protection. Its purpose is to protect the device from intruders. Even a factory reset and other manipulations are not able to breach this protection.
Also, you can prevent third parties from using your gadget too actively by restricting access to its functionality. To do this, you can specify the available applications.


Improvements in the interface are also worth noting. Users can enjoy carefully crafted, fluid animations while unlocking the device. At the same time, for each type of blocking (with protection in the form of a pin code, without protection, etc.), its own animation has been invented.
Changes have also been made to the "curtain" - the quick access panel. In this version, from here, you can quickly go to numerous settings, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others. The content of the curtain in Android 5.1 can be changed at your discretion, but this function is not fully implemented, so only some shortcuts are removed.
You don't have to delete the notifications that appear at the top of the screen - you can simply hide them by swiping up from the bottom. The Clock application also received new animation options - small icons acquired an interesting design.

Performance, autonomy

Modernization of Android 5.1 led to the fact that gadgets began to work much more productively. This is felt during their use, and is reflected in the results of benchmarks (performance tests).
The autonomy of the devices has remained unchanged compared to previous versions of Android.


  • correction of errors inherent in previous versions;
  • productivity increase;
  • adding support function for 2 sim cards;
  • improving the quality of voice calls;
  • launching the Device Protection service;
  • improved interface;
  • adding new functions to the quick access panel, as well as the ability to change some shortcuts;
  • changing animation for some applications;
  • in-app lock function;
  • redesign of icons in the menu.


  • the inability to fully customize the "shutter" to suit your requirements;
  • no changes in terms of device autonomy;
  • some problems remain uncorrected.

Android 6.0

With the help of a detailed review of Android 6.0, we will be able to review the main features offered to users in this version, and also find out if there are any shortcomings.

Functionality and security

The range of functions of Android 6.0 now has the ability to manage RAM. A whole section in the settings is devoted to RAM, where you can check which processes use RAM, as well as find out which programs consume the most memory over a certain time (from 3 to 24 hours).

To adjust the volume of not only incoming calls, but also other signals, you can now make all the settings by pressing one button - the volume rocker. In this case, the familiar slider appears, and next to it is an arrow. If you click on it, two more sliders will appear for setting the volume of the alarm and media.

An interesting feature of Android 6.0 before 5.1 was the fingerprint scanner, which previously appeared only in the functionality of certain smartphone models. Improved work of the "smart" assistant Google Now - to start the assistant, just say the phrase "OK, Google".


The main menu with applications is implemented much more conveniently. Now they are all located on one, but "long" screen, which can be scrolled up and down. But, as before, it is impossible to combine icons into folders. In addition, in Android 6.0, you can use the application search, so as not to search for the desired program manually. The system also shows the four most important applications to the user based on frequency of use. The design of the clock on the home screen has changed slightly. The day of the week and date are indicated below the numbers in bold capital letters. Now you can create small notes that will be displayed on the lock screen. The text is placed slightly below the time and date.


What Android 6.0 is better than 5.1 is in optimizing the battery life of a mobile device. The functionality of Android 6.0 now has a section dedicated to the battery and various manipulations with it. Here you can see how actively applications are using up battery power, in particular when they are running in the background and not being used by the user. A number of programs can be closed to extend the autonomy of the gadget.


  • optimized battery;
  • added a function for managing RAM;
  • more convenient volume control;
  • a fingerprint scanner appeared;
  • modernized personal assistant;
  • the ability to customize permissions for each application;
  • a built-in file manager appeared;
  • main menu changed.


  • Wi-Fi more actively reduces battery power;
  • economy mode is activated when the charge level drops to 20%.


An overview of the main features of the two versions of the popular Android system has been carried out, you just have to decide what is better for you Android 6.0 or 5.1, and whether it is worth buying a brand new gadget with an improved OS. Considering that the new version of the firmware has received many new advantages, retaining all the advantages of the fifth generation, it can be called more interesting and functional. In addition, the sixth Android update is considered to be an effective work on many bugs that were encountered in previous versions, and will really interest fans of new products.

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