How to delete certain pages in a Word. Reasons for the appearance of a blank page. 1st delete option

Sometimes, when a page break in documents, extra sheets appear - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they need to be removed - why force the printer to pass excess paper through itself when printing. Today I will tell you how to easily delete a blank page in the program Microsoft Word... You will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is to read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again.

Delete blank page in MS Word

First, let's go to the "Home" tab, if you have another one open at the moment. Here is one useful tool - "Show all characters", thanks to which you will see all the characters you typed - up to spaces.

Click on it and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs appeared that were not there before? Dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, then there are too many gaps and this needs to be corrected. Arrows are Tab keystrokes. Blank pages are also displayed separately as labels "Page break"... It is this gap that we need to remove.

Click on this line twice with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. Then there are two options for actions leading to the deletion blank page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button on the keyboard
  2. Pressing the "Delete" button on the keyboard

As a result of these simple manipulations, the dummy page was removed.

Delete non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We learned how to get rid of blank pages, what about those where there is some information: text, picture or diagram? You can also delete non-empty pages, now we will do that.

We place the cursor on any part of the page that we want to delete. Return to the "Home" tab, find the arrow on the right side with the inscription "Select", click on it and select "Select All" in the drop-down menu.

Removing extra sheets in Word is usually not difficult, but problems can arise with this. When the obvious actions have been completed, and the unnecessary, visually clean page is not removed, use this instruction.

The following is how to delete a sheet in Word 2013

What problems can arise with this?

There are several complications in this obvious case. First, at the end of the document there may be hidden signs that are invisible in normal mode, and because of which the program refuses to remove it. Second - wrong settings Page breaks lead to the fact that some information (for example, on the design) remains in the last field, seemingly absolutely clean.

If the fragment to be deleted contains the necessary data, for example, technical notes on the design, they must be transferred to the previous one. Without this, you will not be able to cut a sheet in Word 2013.

How do I find a button to display symbols?

This button in all versions of the program looks like a symbol resembling a checkbox

By clicking on it, you get access to all symbols such as page breaks, hyphenation, table markings. Pressing is done in one click.

It is located in the main panel of Word, in the "Paragraph" section. The figure shows its location. By clicking on the "Non-printable characters" checkbox a second time, you turn off the function, and the text will return to its previous appearance.

Delete the page

You can remove extra spaces in Word in 99% of cases using the following scheme:

  • click the "Non-printable characters" icon;
  • place the mouse cursor after the last sign indicated on the previous fragment;
Press Delete or Backspace until the extra sheet disappears
  1. Place the cursor on the area you want to delete.
  2. From the main panel, open Find.
  3. Click on "Go".
  4. Enter the number of the desired element in the box, click "Go".
  5. Click Close and immediately press the Delete key.

After these actions, the program makes a competent transfer of information to the previous page and deletes the unnecessary one.

If the text does not fit, shrink the headers and footers. To do this, open the "Page Layout" tab, go to the options, then open the "Layout". Adjust the size of the header.

Remove with page break options

In rare cases, when the listed actions did not help, it is necessary to check the specified parameters. So, remove blank sheets in Word, spacing between parts of the text often interferes. To test the hypothesis, you need to go the following way: select a part of the text before the extra break, go to the "Home" tab and then to the "Paragraph". There, open the "Indents and Spacing" tab. This section can be set to a large value Before or After interval.

In the same block, in the "Paragraph" group, there is a section "Position on the page". The following items can be checked by default in it:

  • do not break the paragraph;
  • do not tear away from the next;
  • from new page.
Uncheck or add checkmarks, try deleting unwanted sheet in Word 2013

If the table crashes, check its boundaries. If it does not fit on the allotted fragment, the cell border is wrapped. If you copied the text without knowing that you are copying a small table with transparent borders, or if you created one yourself, turn on the Nonprinting Characters feature.

It just so happens that when typing and editing text, there is extra page, which interferes in the future when saving and printing the document. At the same time, knowing thoroughly Word how to delete a blank page, you may not know. And if you have, for example, Word 2007, how to delete a page will be a disaster for you. How to delete a page in Word (2010, 2007, 2003)? Let's try to consistently understand all these issues.

How to delete blank page in Word

There are several ways to remove a blank page:

  1. The easiest way is to delete a blank page using the DELETE and BACKSPACE keys. If you want to delete a blank page that follows the text, place the cursor at the end of the page before the deleted one and press the DELETE key. If you want to delete the previous page, then on the contrary, place the cursor at the beginning of the next page and press the BACKSPACE key.
  2. Another way is to remove the blank page using the non-printable character icon. IN top panel find the icon (display non-printable characters) and click on it. Find the "Page Break" inscription at the bottom or top of it, (it depends on which page you want to delete - the next or the previous one), select it in black with a double click and press either the DELETE or BACKSPACE key.

How to delete a non blank page in Word

Any separate non-blank page of the document can be simply selected with the mouse in black and deleted using the DELETE button.

How to remove a blank page at the end of a Word document

Sometimes paragraphs appear in a document without typed text, blanks and just blank parts. This results in a blank page at the end of the file. How to delete a page in Word at the end of a document? At first it may seem, why do these senseless gestures, but everything will become clear when the document is printed. The last blank page to come out of the printer!

To remove the blank page at the end of the document, the following steps are required:

  1. Go to the end of the document. In order not to flip through everything, you can press CTRL + END - you will find yourself immediately at the end of the document.
  2. Press the BACKSPACE key and do this pressing until the blank page is deleted. The BACKSPACE key removes blank paragraphs and spacing that create the last page in the document. As a result, you will get to the real end of the text.

If you had to edit text documentsthat were created by someone else, then you probably ran into problems. One such problem may be blank pages that cannot be deleted. This is exactly the case we will consider in this article. Here you can learn how to delete blank page in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Blank pages are usually removed without problems. It is enough to place the cursor at the end of a blank page and erase all spaces and line breaks. Then the blank page is deleted without any problems. But, in some cases, this does not work. You can press the Backspace and Delete keys as much as you like, but the page still refuses to be deleted.

More often this problem is associated with non-printable characters that are on the page. To solve a similar problem and finally remove this unfortunate page, you need to do just a couple of steps. First, you need to enable the display of non-printable characters. This is done very simply. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you you need to open the "Home" tab and click on the "Show all symbols" button... You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + 8.

If you are using Word 2003 then this button should be somewhere in the toolbar.

After clicking on this button, in word document all non-printable characters are displayed. Now you need to go to the blank page that is not being deleted and remove any non-printable characters from it. In addition to everything else, be sure to remove the page break. Since it is he who, in most cases, blocks the deletion of blank pages. To remove a page break, place the cursor in front of it and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

In some cases, the deletion of blank pages in the Word may be blocked by a section break. If such an unprintable character is on a blank page, then it must be removed. It is deleted in the same way as the page break. You need to place the cursor in front of the section break and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

If necessary, after deleting blank pages, the section break can be restored. In Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 for this use the button "Breaks" on the Page Layout tab.

To delete a page in Word, delete the page content or adjust the markup and formatting to reduce the number of pages in your document

To delete a page that contains text, pictures, or blank paragraphs, select the content you want to delete and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Advice: Click anywhere on the page you want to delete, press Ctrl + g (Option + ⌘ + G on Mac), then in the box Enter page number enter OneDrive. Press Enter and then press Close.
Make sure the content page is selected and then press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

Word includes an unremovable end-of-paragraph character that sometimes moves to a new blank page at the end of the document. The way to remove this page is to ensure that the end of the paragraph is placed on previous page.

If this paragraph still does not fit on the previous page, you can shrink the bottom margin (Tab Page layout> Fields> Custom fields and set the bottom margin to a small value, e.g. 0.3 inches).

Advice: Sometimes a paragraph creates a new page because it has been configured that way. Try to click right click in a blank paragraph and select Paragraph... In the tab Position on the page dialog box Paragraph uncheck the box From a new page, then press the button OK.

If nothing happens, follow these steps.

As a last resort, you can remove the trailing blank page by saving the document to pDF formatleaving the last page.

Note: These actions avoid blank pages only if they are at the end of the document. Also, the option to specify a page range is only available in windows versions PowerPoint.

Page breaks tell Word where to start a new page. The reason for creating an unnecessary blank page in your document might be forced break pages.

Blank page breaks in your document can be caused by "Next Page", "Odd Page", and "Even Page Break" sections. If there is a blank page at the end of the document and a section break is shown there, place your cursor in front of the section break and press DELETE.

Advice: To make it easier to find section breaks, try switching to Draft in the tab View.

Removing section breaks in the middle of a document can lead to formatting problems. In these cases, try replacing the section break with a break that does not create a new page. Here's how to do it:

    Double-click the section break.

    In the tab Layout dialog box Page settings click the dropdown Start and select Continuous.

    Click the button OK.

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