How to return the previous page in classmates. Deleted a page in classmates how to restore

There may be several reasons for the loss of a page on Odnoklassniki:

  1. The page owner has forgotten the password and / or login.
  2. The account was hacked, the password was changed.
  3. The user himself deleted the page.
  4. The profile is blocked by the administration.

Depending on the reason, there are different ways to return access to the page. Below we will consider all the options for solving the problem, allowing you to restore a deleted page in Odnoklassniki.

What to do if a page is hacked

If your profile on Odnoklassniki was attacked and hacked, then you will not be able to get into it, since the password from the page will be changed. But the problem can be solved if you still have access to the phone or mail to which the account is registered. To return the old page:

A message with a recovery code will be sent to your phone or email. Enter it in the window and click "Confirm". A field will appear for specifying a new password - come up with a complex security key so that your account will no longer be hacked.

If you just haven't visited the old page for a long time and therefore forgot the password from it, then you can return access using the same form as when recovering from a hack.

Recovery after deleting a profile by a user

You can try to return the old page, even if you deleted it yourself. But to do this, you will have to contact the site administration directly, since after deactivating the profile, all information related to it is deleted: correspondence, photos, ratings, comments, created groups, achievements in games.

Therefore, before you delete your account and unlink the phone number from it, think carefully whether you are ready to part with your page forever.

The only option to return the old page that you yourself deleted is to contact support. You will have to log in to the site, that is, create a new account or use another person's profile.

After sending a message to the administration, you need to wait for their decision. You should not write messages on the same topic several times - this can ruin everything. If the site administration answers that the old page cannot be restored, then the only option will be to create a new account.

Recovery after creating another page

A common situation is when a person creates a second profile, linking it to a phone number that has already been used on another page. As a result, it is impossible to open the old page - when you enter the number, a new account opens.

To return the old page, you need to unlink the phone number from the new profile. After you manage to unlink the new account from the old phone number, you can go to the old page. To unlink a profile:

You will receive an SMS with a code; enter it in Odnoklassniki, after which you can go to the old page - it should become available for entry.

Unlocking your account

If a profile is blocked for violating the site rules, then you can return access to it only after contacting the support service.

After consideration of your appeal by the administration, a message with a response will be sent to the mail you specified. If you prove that the old page was hacked, and you personally did not violate the rules, then the account can be returned back. Otherwise, you will have to untie it from the phone number and create a new profile.

Losing access to a registered Odnoklassniki account is not, contrary to popular belief, such a terrible problem that you should worry about for more than a few minutes. This is how long it usually takes to recover lost user data used to enter a page on a social network. But there are times when the process of renewing the profile is delayed for quite a long time, since the technical support service of the site is involved in solving the problem. All the possible reasons for losing access to an existing Odnoklassniki account, as well as methods of its prompt recovery, can be found in detail later in the article.

How to recover after self-deletion

If the user profile was deleted at will, then you can return it by re-registering via the linked phone. You need to find the input data entry form and go to the "Registration" section, which is located above.

Here you will need to select your country from the drop-down list, as well as enter the number of your phone number, and then click "Next".

A text message with a special code will be sent to the mobile phone specified in the previous step, which must be entered in the appropriate field. Now you should click "Next" again.

The system should detect the required user data. You can restore the page if you verify your identity by clicking the "This is me" button. By doing this, the profile will be fully functional again.

Forgot username and password

Many people have no idea how to enter their page on Odnoklassniki without using the standard identification procedure. Most often this is necessary if the user has forgotten the password on the social network or his account has become a victim of hackers. In this case, you can return the hacked page by clicking on the inscription "Forgot your password?"

A new window will open where you can find out about the options for restoring the page, depending on what means of communication the user has. There are several ways to get your lost account back without a username and / or password.

By choosing the first option, a form for entering information about the user will open, which allows you to find your profile by last name, first name, city and age. By clicking the "Search" button, a list of matching users will be displayed. You should choose yourself by clicking in the right place "This is me".

A letter with a six-digit code will be sent to the specified email, which you will need to enter next, and then click "Confirm".

Now all that remains is to change the old password to a new one, having fulfilled the necessary conditions for its length and content. When everything is ready, you should click on the "Save" button.

The next method will help you get your page back without using mail. Having chosen the second option of the menu, called "Phone", you must enter the number that is tied to the existing profile and click on the "Search" button.

This action will send a secret combination to the number used, which you will need to enter in a special text field.

By clicking "Confirm", the page for changing the password will open, which was already discussed in the previous method. Other methods of account recovery are carried out in a similar way, using an email address, username or a link to a profile.

Account blocking

Loss of access to a profile can be caused by the actions of social network administrators, due to violation of existing rules. What to do if the page is missing and can it be restored? You will need to go to the "Help" section.

In the large menu on the left, consisting of frequently asked questions, you should select the appropriate item.

The official information source will open on the right, where you need to click on the orange inscription "contact the Support Service".

A new window will appear where you can write a letter to the site administration with a request to restore the lost page, indicating the necessary information about the profile, as well as an email for feedback.

Odnoklassniki is a social network that was one of the first in the vastness of the Russian-speaking Internet, its popularity is high even now. Convenient interface, news feed and many other functionalities that allow you to communicate, exchange photos and videos, make purchases, find the necessary people and information. Because of this, many users prefer “ok”. If you left their ranks and are wondering "how to restore a page in classmates after deleting?", Then this article will be useful to you.

First you need to decide on the reason why it is impossible to open your old page. There may be several such reasons:

  • you deleted the account yourself
  • it was opened
  • the page is old and the person has forgotten the username and password
  • the administration has blocked the user

Let's figure out how to recover a deleted page in each case.

Recovering a deleted page

Since it is not possible to randomly delete a page on Odnoklassniki, and you deliberately refuse the services of this service, it is almost impossible to restore a deleted profile. You can use a trick to try to return the deleted page. Namely: contact the support service with a complaint that your page has been hacked and the attackers have deleted your profile.

In the event that your trick does not work, you will have to create a new account.

Important! You can register a new page to the number previously used in Odnoklassniki only after 3 months after deleting the profile.

If you did not delete the page completely, but only removed all personal information, then you do not need to carry out any additional recovery steps. You just need to fill out the profile again.

Resuming the hacked page

Is it possible for you to restore a profile that has been hacked, the social administration decides. networks, but often the answer is yes.

Detailed instructions on how to restore a hacked page are described on the classmates website itself.

You can enter the hacked page just by changing the password using the confirmation code received on the phone linked to the page. If you lose your phone number, a similar confirmation can be made through the mailbox that is assigned to your account.

It will be much more difficult to restore a profile without a phone number and mail, for this you need to contact the Support Service. The administrators will definitely help you and tell you how to verify your identity.

Important! When contacting the support service, try to describe the situation in detail and provide as much information as possible about your lost profile:

  • login
  • name and surname
  • age
  • place of residence
  • link to the page
  • other important data

How to reanimate an old page.

Often, users who have registered for a long time and have not visited the site for a long time lose or forget the data they need to enter. If you have such a situation, then you need to follow the instructions described above. You can restore a page with lost access data in the same way as a hacked profile. Depending on the severity of the situation, you will be asked to recognize your friends from the photo, or another way to confirm your identity.

blocked page

Can't log into Odnoklassniki from your workplace? You should find out if the management has restricted access to such social services. networks. In the event that such restrictions exist in your company, the site of classmates will be automatically blocked by a working computer.

Other reasons for blocking:

  • Your account is suspected of being hacked and sending spam.
  • You have violated the user agreement
  • The computer is infected with a virus program that replaces the hosts file.
  • You are on a fake site.

If you become a victim of cybercriminals and send spam or malicious information on your behalf, your page will be immediately blocked. To secure your profile, you need to link it to the correct postal address and phone number, then it will be much easier to restore the page. It happens that when access is restored, problems arise, it is worth contacting support. Typically, such an appeal is considered within 48 hours and appropriate action is taken.

In case of incorrect behavior towards other users and the site administration, the account is permanently deleted. You can read more about such violations in the user agreement.

Be careful! There are tons of fake websites that look exactly like the official ones. When you go to such a site, often you are offered to unblock your page for a certain amount of money. Be careful - this is a scam.

As you can see, it is not difficult to resume your page on Take a little time, and you will soon be able to communicate with your friends, exchange news and share useful information. And also you can easily find new friends or relatives by name and surname.

Ways to restore a deleted profile on the Odnoklassniki social network. Gaining access after self-deleting or hacking an account. Using non-standard methods of restoring a personal page.

Recovery by the standard method

To check if it is possible to recover a deleted profile, enter your account information on the main page. In the first text box, you can use any of the following options:

  • Login;
  • E-mail address;
  • Phone number.

In the second field, enter your password and click "Login". If a phone has been linked to the account, the system will redirect you to the required section. If the number was not specified during registration or later in the settings, you will not be able to return the page using this method. Use the "Help" function to write to Odnoklassniki's technical support.

Advice! When contacting Odnoklassniki support, do not forget to indicate the information about the account you want to restore.

If the page was hacked by scammers

After the theft of the profile, the scammers change the password from it. Therefore, if the standard password does not work when trying to enter Odnoklassniki, it could be changed by a hacker. Click "Forgot password" to proceed to regaining access. Choose what you remember about your registration:

  • personal information
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Login
  • Profile link

When choosing the first option, the system will offer to search the user base. For a more precise definition, it is recommended to enter not only the first and last name. The search is also available by age and city of residence.

Among the found personal pages, select yours by clicking on the "This is me" button under your personal profile data.

Select where you want to send the verification code to restore access. When you select an e-mail, an email containing the required key will be sent to it. If you do not have access to your contacts, you can also contact the technical support service. Experts will ask you to provide additional information that will help identify you as the owner of the profile.

Note! If a phone number was previously linked, you can also select it to receive a recovery code.

Educational video: Returning your page on Odnoklassniki

Separate sites for page recovery

On the Internet, you can find special services offering to restore a deleted Odnoklassniki account. Such sites are often paid, tariffs for the recovery service start at 200 rubles. Even if you are willing to pay money to return your profile, do not rush to use such sites.

In the questions that blog readers ask us, the following is often mentioned - how to restore a page on the Odnoklassniki social network? Is it possible to do this at all? Let's try to understand this issue together.

First of all, you need to find out the reason why the page was blocked or deleted. There may be several of them:

You independently decided to get rid of your profile for reasons known only to you

Your profile has been blocked at the project administration level

Now we will analyze each point more carefully.

I deleted the page myself

Fortunately, it is almost impossible to accidentally delete your profile from the site; for this you need to go through a simple, but not the fastest procedure. If you did this on purpose, then, unfortunately for you, account recovery is impossible. Of course, you can write a letter to the support service, but she will answer you the same - there are a lot of such cases.

Much less often people delete only data about themselves. If you did this, then the problem is solved much easier for you - you need to place information about yourself back on the page. In all other cases, you can only be saved on the website. There is no other way out of the situation.

The page was hacked by intruders

It is very common for cybercriminals to pick or steal data from social media profiles. They need this for "dirty business" - on behalf of a real user, they start sending spam to his friends, which often contain malicious links with viruses. As a rule, scammers change the password and it is no longer possible to get on.

If such a situation happened to you, then calm down for a start - panic will not lead to anything good. Now you need to remember if you linked your profile to your mobile phone? If yes, then everything is just fine. On the main page (or click on the link "Forgot your password or login?"

In the window that opens, enter your phone number, and just below - the captcha. Wait a few minutes and a new password will be sent via SMS.

What if you only have an email address? The procedure is not much more complicated than in the previous case:

Go to the site

Enter your e-mail in the top line, enter the captcha in the bottom line, click "Continue"

Now you can change your password to a new one. It must be at least eight characters long and must contain both letters and numbers.

The page was blocked by the administration

Quite often, the profile is blocked by Odnoklassniki administrators. There can be only one reason - you have violated the site rules. By the way, sending spam is also a violation of the rules. Therefore, if you think that the blocking was not your fault, but, say, scammers, you can report this to the support service. To do this, you need to do the following:

Go to the main page of the resource. Click "Forgot your password?"

At the bottom of the screen, select the "Regulations" section

A window will open, in which the first thing you need to do is select a topic for contact: "Forgot your username or password", "Can't recover", "Profile deleted or blocked", "Registration problems", "Activation problems". Let's say you selected the topic "Unable to recover". Now you need to fill in all the fields, including first and last name, age, city, phone, e-mail, etc. Please note that you need to indicate the data that is indicated directly in your profile on the Odnoklassniki website.

Send a letter. The waiting time for a response ranges from several hours to several days. The answer will come to the mailbox you specified.

Popular questions

Now let's answer the most popular blocking questions.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki:

If you forgot your username and password? Answer: you need to use your cell phone number as a login - you will hardly forget it. We recover the password using the method.

By name and surname? Answer: to do this, you need to contact the Odnoklassniki support service and explain the situation, not forgetting to indicate your name and surname, which are indicated in the profile.

If your phone number is lost? Answer: using e-mail, which is the login to enter the social network site. If you did not add mail after registration, you must contact the site support service.

Without a phone number and mail? Answer: only through the Odnoklassniki support service.

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