Laboratory work on windows 7 operating systems. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Text documents by means

Installing Windows and Linux operating systems

1. Purpose of work

The aim of the work is to study the installation process of Windows 7 and Linux openSUSE 12.2 operating systems.

2. Objectives of work

- Consolidation, deepening and expansion of students' knowledge when installing Windows and Linux operating systems.

- Acquisition of skills and abilities to work with Windows and Linux installers.

- Development of the ability to think logically, to comprehend the results obtained when installing Windows and Linux.

3. Theoretical part

operating system(OS) is a complex of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user's interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs.

The operating system acts as a link between the computer hardware, on the one hand, and the programs being executed, as well as the user, on the other.

The operating system is usually stored in the external memory of a computer -on disk... When you turn on the computer, it is read from disk memory and placed inRAM... This process is called booting the operating system.

3.1 Operating systemsWindows

Windowsis a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft Corporation. Windows OS is installed on the hard disk and other programs are already installed and operated "inside this program".

Windows OS is by far the most widespread among personal computer (PC) users. There are different versions of Windows that are widely used:

Windows Vista;

Windows 10 TP (Technical Preview).

There are also other versions of Windows, but they are considered obsolete and hardly ever used.

Today, the most used operating system is Windows 7.
3.1.1 Installing the operating systemWindows 7

To install Windows 7, you must have a disc with the installation files (bootable disc). After the disc is inserted into the PC drive, you must specify that the boot is performed from the drive and not from the hard drive.

Once the files are uploaded, the Windows Setup window will appear (Figure 2).

Figure: 2. Installing Windows 7

Further, following the instructions on the screen, you must select the language used for the installed OS, and also read the terms of the license agreement and accept them. Then the type of installation is selected: "Update" or "Full installation". The update is used only if the installer was launched from a previous version of Windows.

After all the steps are completed, you need to configure the hard drive. In this case, configuration is carried out in the graphical interface after clicking the "Disk configuration" button, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure: 3. Disk setup

In order to create a new partition on the hard disk, you must click the "Create" button and specify the size of this partition (Fig. 4) and then click the "Apply" button.

Figure: 4. Creating a section

If you need to create several sections, then again click the "Create" button and specify the size of the section. The total size of all partitions must not exceed the total size of the hard drive.

After creating a partition where Windows 7 will be installed, a special system partition will also be created, which is necessary for the OS to work correctly (Fig. 5).

Figure: 5. Created sections

Also, if sections already exist, you can delete them or erase information from them (format) using the corresponding buttons "Delete" and "Format".

Figure: 6. Windows installation process

After completing the process of copying files and installing, the PC will reboot automatically and then it is necessary to boot from the hard disk. After booting, the Windows Setup window will appear, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure: 7. Configuring Windows 7

Next, you need to configure the basic parameters of the system, such as username, user password, time zone, Windows activation. And after setup, Windows 7 will start.

Windows 7 requires a minimum of 512MB of RAM and 20GB of hard disk space for installation.

3.2 Operating systemLinux openSUSE

openSUSE is a Linux distribution developed by Novell. This distribution is stable, easy to use, and is primarily suitable for novice users (Fig. 8).

Figure: 8. openSUSE icon

3.2.1 Key benefitsopenSUSE

The main advantages of the distributionLinux openSUSE:

- a wide range of applications, both for work and for entertainment;

- intuitive user interface;

- simple system setup using YaST (control center, similar to the "Control Panel" inWindows);

- simple application management system;

- a fairly large set of device drivers;

- stability, security and developer support.

3.2.2 InstallationopenSUSE

To install the openSUSE OS, you must have a disc with the installation files (bootable disc). After the disc is inserted into the PC drive, you must specify that the boot is performed from the drive and not from the hard drive.

After the boot from the disk has been carried out, the openSUSE installer will appear on the screen (Fig. 9), where to install this distribution kit on the hard disk, you must press the "Installation" button and the process of preparing for installation will begin.

First, you need to set the language of the installer and the operating system to Russian, as shown in Figure 10. Then click the "Next" button.

Figure: 10. openSUSE installer

Next, the time zone is set. Then the hard disk is configured (Fig. 11).

Figure: 11. Proposed hard disk layout

Since the file system used has a specific structure, it is recommended to use the suggested hard disk settings. Click the "Next" button.

After selecting the markup, the user is configured, i.e. the username and password are set. In Linux operating systems, there is a superuser (system administrator) - root, so it is recommended to create a new user with a password that matches the superuser password. Click the "Next" button.

All configured parameters of the openSUSE operating system being installed appear on the screen. These parameters are checked and if everything is correct, then the "Next" button is pressed. Then a message appears to the user about the correctness of the parameters, and to start the installation process, press the "Install" button (Fig. 12).

Figure: 12. The openSUSE installation process

After the installation is complete, the operating system will reboot and then an automatic login will occur, since the user password was already entered during the installation phase.

OpenSUSE 12.2 requires a minimum of 256MB of RAM and 8GB of hard disk space for installation.

4. Task forlaboratory work

Install Windows 7 and Linux openSUSE 12.2 operating systems and familiarize yourself with the basic capabilities of their installers.

5. Methodologyfulfillment tasks

1. Install Windows 7

2. Start Windows 7

3. Shut down Windows 7

4. Install the OS openSUSE 12.2.

5. Start OS openSUSE 12.2

6. Shut down OS openSUSE 12.2

6. Requirements to the content and design of the report

The laboratory report should contain:

a) title page;

b) a description of the work progress and screenshots;

c) conclusion on the work performed;

d) answers to control questions.

Control questions

1. What is an operating system?

2. What is called loading the operating system?

3. What is the minimum amount of RAM required to run Windows 7?

4. What are the benefits of openSUSE?

5. Is there a Russian interface in openSUSE OS?

6. What is the minimum amount of RAM required to run openSUSE?

2 academic hours

Windows 7 overview

Desktop structure, my computer, control panel

The appearance and background of the desktop may differ depending on the settings. In fig. 36.2 shows one of the custom desktop backgrounds. To change the background of the desktop, press the right mouse button on the background image and select Properties / Desktop in the context menu, and then select the desired background image in the drop-down list.

The main items of the start menu, visualized as a result of pressing the Start button:

  • Computer - information about a computer, its resources, devices, name, OS installed on it
  • Documents - a standard folder for created documents (you can place documents in any other folder that is more convenient for you)
  • Control Panel - control panel (fig. 36.3)
  • Search programs and files - search and launch programs and open files
  • (at the bottom) Shut down - exit your user session, computer shutdown or restarting the system.

Take a closer look at the control panel (fig. 36.3). It allows you to manage your computer's resources. For example, the Programs and Features item allows you to install new programs, uninstall or reinstall ("repair") already installed ones.

Select the Computer item in the start menu, In this case, in a special window,

The purpose of the laboratory work is a practical mastering of the Windows 7 operating system - its graphical shell, entry and exit, the structure of the desktop, basic actions and settings when working in the system.


1. Starting the system

Turn on the computer with Windows 7 installed. In less than a minute, the system boots up and is ready to go. The start menu with user names is displayed.

2. Login and user authentication

Select your username and click on the picture next to the name. Typically, the default name User is already entered into the system. If a password has been set for the user, enter it. After logging in, the desktop is rendered on the screen.

3. Desktop structure, my computer, control panel

The desktop consists of application icons (for example, Internet Explorer) and the taskbar (usually gray, at the bottom). In the lower left corner there is a Start button, by clicking on which the user can select an initial action - launching an application, creating a document, etc. The appearance and background of the desktop may differ with different settings. To change the background of the desktop, press the right mouse button on the background image and select Properties / Desktop in the context menu, and then select the desired background image in the drop-down list.

The main items of the start menu, visualized as a result of pressing the Start button:

1. Computer - information about a computer, its resources, devices, the name of the OS installed on it;

2. Documents - a standard folder for created documents (you can place documents in any other folder that is more convenient for you);

3. Control Panel - control panel;

4. Search programs and files - search and launch programs and open files;

5. (bottom) Shut down - exit your user session, shutdown the computer or restart the system.

Take a closer look at the control panel. It allows you to manage your computer's resources. For example, the Programs and Features item allows you to install new programs, uninstall or reinstall ("repair") already installed ones.

Select the Computer item in the start menu. In this case, information about the state of the computer is visualized in a special window.

The Computer window displays information about disks and some of the most important folders and offers a set of possible actions and a set of other information nodes to navigate to them (for example, Network).

To visualize the basic properties of a computer (system information), select in the start menu: Computer / (Right mouse button) / Properties. A window with system information appears.

You can see information about the OS, memory size, processor type and a number of links, for example, Device Manager, by clicking on which you can get detailed information about the composition of the computer hardware and installed drivers. The interface is designed as a web page.

4. Working with files and folders

Working with files and folders (folders) - stores of links to files and other folders - is carried out using the Windows Explorer program. Windows Explorer displays information about disks and main folders on your computer. If you double-click on the C: drive, then the contents of its root folder will be displayed, which may contain other folders, etc. Navigation through folders is carried out using the arrows<- и -> .

Selecting a file or folder in a directory is done with one mouse click, entering a directory or opening a file - by double-clicking on the name of the directory or file. At the same time, for the file, the action of its opening is performed, depending on its type, - for text files - calling the corresponding editor (notepad, WordPad, MS Word, etc.), for .pdf files - calling Adobe Acrobat, for executable codes or batch files - launching the corresponding program or script, etc. Experiment on your computer with navigating through files and folders and opening document files.

5. Launching programs, managing tasks, programs and processes

There are several ways to run the program:

1. from Windows Explorer - double-click on the name of its file;

2. From the Start menu - select the Search programs and files item. This is one of the most convenient innovations in the user interface of Windows 7. When you search, as you type a program name, lists of programs and files with that name (name prefix) are displayed, which makes it very comfortable to select a program to run. By choosing the editor name notepad. get a window to launch it by clicking on the program name;

3. Starting the program from the command line (Command Prompt): select Start / Search Programs and Files / cmd. After starting the command processor, its window is rendered. In a command prompt window, type the name of the program (for example, notepad) and press Enter.

To manage your tasks, use the Windows Task Manager, which you launch by pressing the Ctrl / Alt / Del keys simultaneously. As a result, the system will first ask you what exactly you want to do. Confirm the launch of the task manager. This renders the Windows Task Manager (Performance) window

The Applications tab contains information about the programs you invoked. If, for example, a program hangs, select it and click "End Task", as a result of which the program will be removed from the system. The Processes tab visualizes information about all processes running in the system. The Performance tab visualizes processor and memory usage information that you may find useful in the event of any unplanned delays in your computer. Experiment with the Windows Task Manager tabs.

6. Network settings

To connect a computer to a local TCP / IP network, you need to perform network settings for it - set an IP address and a network mask.

Make a physical connection to the network (check) by connecting a twisted pair network cable to the network connector (RJ45) that connects your computer to a network hub or switch. The presence of a physical connection is indicated by a green indicator light (check).

A network card (network adapter) is used to connect to the network. Your task is to correctly set the IP address of the computer. To do this, select Start / Control Panel / Network and Sharing Center. Then select Change adapter settings. A window with a list of network connections will appear. In this window, select Local Area Connection, then select Properties. In the window select TCP / IPv4 and click Properties.

As a rule, "Obtain IP address automatically" is selected by default. Select "Use the following IP address" and type in your computer's IP address and netmask using the sample. Click OK. The system will require you to restart for the changes to take effect. Your computer is now ready to work on the local network.

7. Work on remote computers

When working in a local network, a very useful feature of Windows 7 is a remote login to another computer on your local network. In Windows, this system function is called Remote Desktop Connection. To connect, you need to know the name of the other computer, for example aphrodite.

Select Start / Remote Desktop Connection for remote login. As a result, the remote desktop call window is rendered

A list of computers with which remote communication has already been carried out is displayed. Select the computer name. The login window is visualized (Figure 1.1.7):

Figure 1.1.7. Remote login window to another computer

You have to click Connect, then enter your username (login) and password. After that, the screen of your computer is used as a terminal for visualizing the actions you are performing on the remote computer. Now select Computer, display the computer name, etc. to make sure that you are now working remotely on another computer with the specified name. Select the computer for remote login at the direction of the system administrator of the local network of your classroom.

This feature is very convenient if the remote computer has the resources you need (memory, fast processor, programs installed on it, etc.) that are not on your computer.

8. Logout

Select Start / Shut down to exit your user session. The final action selection menu is displayed.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy

Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling

Basics of work

in Windows 7 operating system

Methodical instructions for laboratory work

in the discipline "Informatics"

Compiled by: Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling L.V. Pivnik,

assistant of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Astafieva M.N.

Irkutsk - 2012

UDC 681.3.066 (075.8)

Published by the decision of the methodological commission of the Faculty of Economics of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy (Minutes No. 7 of March 23, 2012)

Pivnik L.V., Astafieva M.N. Fundamentals of work in the operating system Windows 7: Methodological instructions for laboratory work. - Irkutsk: IrGSKhA, 2012 .-- 60 p. - ill.


    associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, Irkutsk Agricultural Academy, Ph.D. N.N. Antonova;

    associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Cybernetics of BSUEP, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Burdukovskaya.

The tutorials explain the basic concepts and techniques of working in the Windows 7 operating system. The exercises cover specific examples of executing commands on Windows 7 objects.

The instructions are intended for full-time and part-time students in all areas of training bachelors and specialists in the discipline "Informatics", for graduate students and academy teachers, as well as for any novice PC users.

Original Russian Text © M.N. Astafieva, L.V. Pivnik, 2012

© Publishing house IrGSKhA, 2012

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation 1

UDC 681.3.066 (075.8) 2

Introduction 4

2 Operating system Windows 7 11

Laboratory work 16

Selecting objects in a group 53

Exercise 16: Selecting Objects in a Group 53

1.Open the Documents folder. 53

Test task on the topic "Basics of working in the operating system Windows 7" 58

Literature 59


The Windows 7 operating system is the latest in performance and reliability with new computer and file management capabilities, making it much faster and easier to complete tasks on your personal computer. Windows 7 is a logical continuation of Windows Vista, combining the speed of Windows XP and the new design of Windows Vista.

The methodological instructions consist of three laboratory works, each of which contains theoretical material on the relevant topic, describes the basic techniques of working with some computer devices, and also offers exercises to consolidate practical skills in working with Windows 7.

Laboratory work No. 1 describes the main elements Desktop, techniques for working with mouse, the Windows 7 Help system, and how to download and manage applications. The second laboratory work makes it possible to study the elements of the graphical interface, their purpose, as well as the basic techniques of working with windows in Windows 7. Laboratory work No. 3 will allow you to study and consolidate in practice the structure of organization and storage of information in Windows 7, as well as master the basic commands for working with files, folders and other objects. After each laboratory work, control questions are given, by answering which the student can check the level of acquired knowledge. The test task at the end of the guidelines allows the teacher to assess the students' acquired skills on the topic under consideration.

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