BR - HTML tag, forced break. Basic solutions to the problem of word wrap in CSS.

Greetings. Of course, in html a line break can be done in two ways. If you use WordPress visual editor, it automatically adds line breaks, as it happens in Microsoft Word or any other text editor. But sometimes it is necessary to work with the text in the code. How to make a line break in html-code?

Transferring the string

For this, there is a short single tag in html -
  (abbreviated from break). What is he doing? All text that is written after this tag will be displayed on a new line. Even if there is room on the current line for its output, it will still be moved.

Use br

You need to use the tag only when you do not need to start a new paragraph, but simply output the text on a new line. For example, you need to write a poem. In order not to enclose every line of verse in a paragraph tag, you can simply write a tag at the end of each line
  and then the next line will be transferred down. This is how everything is simple.

The tag should not be used as an alternative to paragraphs. It is worth remembering that there is an indent between the paragraphs equal in height to one empty line. When transferring with br, the indent is less.

How to make a lot of transfers?

And what if you need to do after a text to make a big indent from further content. There are two options for how to do this. You can write a lot of tags br. So you can make an infinite number of carries.

But it is better to do more correctly. You can set the desired paragraph style class, and then through css to set a large indent from the bottom.


Abzac (
  Margin-bottom: 100px;

In this case, a 100 pixel indent will be set. Accordingly, indent can be prescribed any.

Often there is a need to add a new paragraph, but without the blank line that the paragraph tag inserts

For some text fragments, standard spacing for paragraphs is simply irrelevant. These can be inscriptions under pictures and tables, poems, quotes, footnotes and notes.

For the forced transfer of lines, a special tag is provided, the function of which is laid in its name br (break row - "break a row, line"). Tag
The hypertext markup language html means that all content following it should begin on a new line. If necessary, you can put several tags in a row to achieve the required interval.

  it is not case sensitive and does not require a closing tag, because it is an empty element, but it is better to get used to close all tags. In XHTML, the break tag must be "tightly closed" in a backslash.

An example of using the break tag

Br tag in action< /title></p><p><р>   A walk in the service</р></p><p><p>Nowhere and never <br></p><p>I was not so bad <br></p><p>Bosses greedy horde <br></p><p>Nibbles me alive</р></p><p>A walk in the service</p><p>Nowhere and never <br>I was not so bad. <br>Bosses greedy horde <br>Nibbling on me alive.</p><h2>Tag attribute <br></h2><p>The only attribute that has html tag <br>called clear. It tells the browser what to do with the portable line, if the text has to wrap around a so-called floating element, which can be, for example, an image with alignment attribute align using right / left values, or a block in CSS that has the float property.</p><p>In XHTML 1.0 / HTML 4.01 specifications, the clear attribute can only be used with Transitional, Frameset, and<!DOCTYPE>otherwise the code will be disabled.</p><h2>Tag attribute properties</h2><p>The effect of using the clear attribute depends on its value and the position of the floating element that is streamlined by text. Attribute can take 4 values:</p><p><br clear = "right | left | all | none"></p><p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p><p>The value left prohibits wrapping an item aligned to the left, so the text "stumbled" about the tag <br>, will be located below the image or other floating element.</p><p>Exactly this result will come from the use of the argument all, which would not allow either the right or the left.</p><p>The value right does not allow text to wrap an element that is right justified, so after the tag <br>   the text will have no choice but to bypass the image, flowing around it to the right.</p><p>The value none ("neither yours nor ours") generally removes all privileges from the clear attribute, and the tag <br>   silently moves the line down.</p><p>The default value, as such, has no clear tag attribute.</p><h2>Tag <br>   - this is a soft carry</h2><p>The line break tag is very useful for creating the necessary spacing between paragraphs, inside of which it is used as a soft hyphen, but not as a means to divide the text into paragraphs.</p><p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p><p>You should not get too carried away with the line feed tag for text formatting, because the results of its use are not always very elegant.</p><p>For example, if you use the tag <br> for translating lines within a paragraph, this may result in a “comb” in the user’s window if it is smaller than the window that the webmaster was targeting.</p> <p>HTML design of posts and pages is very important - it helps to design the content in such a way that the user is comfortable reading it.</p><p>I will tell you about the br tag - it makes a line break in HTML, that is, it breaks a line into two parts - and it does it by force, ending the current line at the place where it was inserted and transferring its second part to a new row.</p><p>Where is this tag used when it specifically arises the need to insert a newline into the text without creating a new paragraph? For example, it may be useful in the design of the content - if you have a website with poems and verses, lyrics, or something similar.</p><h2>All about the tag to transfer the string br</h2><p>The br tag performs a single line break in HTML (what is it described) and is defined by all browsers. Yes, I almost forgot - if you use the br tag, then unlike the p paragraph paragraph tag, you do not add an indent (before the line).</p><p>The br tag is empty (empty means no content, contains nothing), which means it does not need to be closed. And since it does not need to be closed, a brief description was invented - it initially implies that the tag itself does not have a closing tag.</p><p>Imagine for a moment that there would be no short description. What then? Then it would be necessary to “close and open” each time a line break like this: <br></br>. This is at least inconvenient. But, nevertheless, in strict XHTML it must be closed with a tag <br />.</p><p>If the task is to increase the vertical distance - between the lines where you insert the transfer - make a double transfer by inserting the tag <br>   twice in a row.</p><p><br><<span>br\u003e</span><br></p><p>Result:</p><p>To carry out the transfer of the next sentence to a new line, use the br tag.</p><p>Cheers, the second sentence on the new line.</p><p>Real example:</p><p>A. Block <br ><br>Night, street, lantern, pharmacy, <br ><br>Senseless and dim light. <br ><br>Live for at least a quarter of a century - <br ><br>Everything will be so. There is no outcome. <br ><br ><br><br ><br>And everything will repeat as before: <br ><br>Night, ice channel ripples, <br ><br>Pharmacy, street, lantern.</p><p>Result:</p><p>Night, street, lantern, pharmacy, <br>Senseless and dim light. <br>Live for at least a quarter of a century - <br>Everything will be so. There is no outcome.</p><p>If you die, you will start again <br>And everything will repeat as before: <br>Night, ice channel ripples, <br>Pharmacy, street, lantern.</p><p>How it looks like:</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy></p><h2>Why did you come up with the br tag?</h2><p>The need for this tag exists, if only because it is impossible to move the string “as in Word” (as inexperienced users do) by writing dozens of spaces in a row.</p><p>Why not come out? Because any number of spaces will be considered by the browser as one space, and not line breaks - the browser automatically deletes extra spaces. For this and need a transfer of lines.</p><p>But do not abuse the tag <br>, in order to increase the distance between the lines more and more - it’s best to use the basic HTML + CSS tools. It is unacceptable to create new paragraphs or “as if paragraphs” (this is considered a bad approach) - just a line break!</p><p>To create and lay out paragraphs, you should use the p tag, and to increase the existing distance between paragraphs, change the cascading style sheets, for example, add:</p><p>margin-top: 40 px;</p><h2>Bonus - br clear</h2><p>And how to make the text in which you put the line break, did not flow around the floating element (this is either an image with the align set, or an element with the float property), but started below the element? For this you can use the clear attribute.</p><p>Suppose we have an image aligned to the left (align = "left"). If we install <br clear=»all»>   or <br clear=»left»>then the text after the tag <br>   (the next line, which we transfer) will be displayed as it should, below the figure. Other values ​​of the clear attribute of the tag <br>   make the text flow around the picture to the right of it.</p><p>The use of this specific attribute is not welcomed by the HTML specification - such code will be invalid.</p><h2>BONUS - hr tag delimiter</h2><p>Tag <hr>   also solitary but unlike <br>It is used to create a horizontal line delimiter. Moreover, the appearance of this line we can set using attributes. But, of course, it is better to do this using proven methods through CSS (what it is, read).</p><h2>BONUS - the prohibition of transfer to a new line with the tag nobr</h2><p>It also happens that we want to prohibit the transfer of a line and avoid a new text translation: either between two specific words or in a whole paragraph. What to do? Use tag <nobr>Your text</nobr>. How does it look in practice? Like this:</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="269" width="382" loading=lazy></p><p>What does the tag do <nobr>? It tells the browser - display the text inside the tag without hyphenation, in one line. And, if the text is long, then we will have an ugly and long horizontal scroll bar, and users will have to scroll the text horizontally to read it completely.</p><p>As we understand, it is very inconvenient. But there is a tag!</p><h2>Results - using br, nobr, hr, p in HTML</h2><p>To summarize, I summarize the content of the article:</p><ul><li>tag <p>To separate paragraphs</li><li>tag <br> - in order to transfer a line inside a paragraph (“creation of paragraphs” with the help of this tag or its abuse is inadmissible)</li><li>tag <hr>   - to create a horizontal separator line</li><li>tag <nobr>   - to prohibit the transfer of lines in HTML</li> </ul> <span>Tag <br />   carries <b>line break</b>breaks the line:</span>   Result: <span>Tag <br /> <br>   placed after it will be displayed on a new line.</span> <p>Will increase <b>line spacing</b>   vertically:</p> <p>Tag <br />   carries out the transfer, that is, the text</p><p>Placed behind it will be displayed on a new line. It's one thing to use a tag <br />    other <br>    line feed is smoother and more accurate.</p> <h3>Example:</h3> <h3>Result:</h3>   Just an arbitrary typing for example. <br>   The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. <br>   All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below: <h3>Example css distance between lines using the line-height property</h3>   Line-height style property is used to control line spacing (also called leading line). The value usually indicates the number or percentage that defines the line spacing. <br>   For example: <br>   line-height: 2 sets double spacing <br>   line-height: 1.5 bastard <br>   line-height: 100% Sets a single spacing as for line-height: 1 <br>   Examples of using <table class="jsexam"><tbody><tr><td> <span><html><br> <head><br> <style><br> .text1{ line-height:1;}<br> .text2{ line-height:2;}<br> .text3{ line-height:150%;}<br> .text4{ line-height:120%;}<br> </style><br> <title>HTML line break, vertical spacing between lines using the css property line-height

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below
  Output result:

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Sometimes there are style conflicts and to resolve them you need to use parameters inside this element using the example of a div below

  I am often asked to fine-tune one or another element of the output to a beautiful performance on different cms. But when they provide me with a template, then there are often conflicts of styles of block elements and in order to resolve them, you have to resort to using styles inside each element in order to quickly and in short lines adjust the desired element to the desired output.
  For example, to apply the same style as in the classroom for the divas by the example above, you can do so

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below
  As you can see, the class parameters that would have been preserved in the style above, but we redefined only those parameters that were not needed and they are the last

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

Just an arbitrary typing for example. The text is typed randomly and so as to show how the output of a particular css property and its parameters to this class will be displayed. All you need to know and how it will look as a result of the example below

  In these lessons, you learned how to create line breaks and the distance between lines using css line-height on various examples of this lesson.

CSS3 text   includes properties for working with text, allowing to solve problems with the transfer of text and cropping text within the content.

CSS3 properties for text formatting

1. Crop string text-overflow

The property allows you to limit the length of the text in the case when it does not fit in the container, visually trimming it or displaying ellipses. The property works only when the following conditions are specified: the width of the container must be defined, the element must have the values ​​of overflow: hidden and white-space: nowrap. Not inherited.


P (width: 300px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;) Pic. 1. Crop text with the text-overflow property

2. Transfer within words-break words

In a typical situation, the words are transferred to another line in spaces with spaces or hyphens (“soft hyphen”), or in the case of forced hyphenation using the element
  . This property allows you to set transfer rules inside words so that long lines completely fill the space inside the container. Not used for CJK-languages ​​(Chinese-Japanese-Korean). Inherited.


P (word-break: normal;) p (word-break: break-all;) p (word-break: keep-all;)

3. Word wrap word wrap

It is used in cases when the text does not fit in its container and goes beyond its boundary. Allows you to break long words and move them to the next line. Inherited. It works only if the value of white-space allows line breaks.


P (word-wrap: normal;) p (word-wrap: break-word;)


    It would be nice for you to make a button for the next article or something like that at the end of each article. It would be very convenient for users of your useful resource.

    • Thanks for the idea! In the near future, I will improve the template.

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