How to make a video in the game? We become our own operators without any problems! How to shoot a game video

In order to make a good first video and it looked attractive on the YouTube channel, interested as many people as possible, you need to try and make everything perfect. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this work, everything is simple, if you follow several recommendations.

Video Equipment

Equipment for shooting can be very diverse. To remove the material for YouTube outside the premises, one equipment is needed; for the rooms, a slightly different set of equipment, if shooting will be carried out from the monitor (screencasts), special programs are needed.

If you have limited opportunities, it will be enough:

  • video, camera, phone with video recording function;
  • video editor;
  • selected place or items for shooting.

Stages of creating a video for YouTube

The first thing to do before shooting for YouTube is to choose a theme that you intend to cover in your video. It is necessary to understand that the competence on the chosen subject plays an important role. Topics that are familiar and you can bring their essence to each of your subscribers, guarantee a high attendance of your page.

If you have an excellent sense of humor, take the theme of an entertainment video.

Today, on the Internet, especially on the YouTube channel, users are actively looking for a video that can practically help you, benefit in practice. It can be a variety of useful lights, reviews of products, services, descriptions of something.

Video mapping

After choosing a theme that you’ll shoot for the YouTube channel, you need to make a plan, according to which you’ll implement your idea. This is necessary to avoid confusion of the sequence of presentation of ideas and thoughts, or the execution of some works that will be shown in your video. Call it a script.

Write for yourself on paper what you intend to tell YouTube viewers so as not to miss important points.

Superfluous words, repetitions should not be. You can practice before video filming, speak through or do everything you have planned. You can shoot a video for youtube, view it before putting it on YouTube. The corrected material after that can be presented to the court of its guests and subscribers.

It is important that the first video for YouTube carries the maximum information, but it was without difficult to understand expressions and inconsistent stages. Express your thoughts should be simple and interesting. Scripting can help.

Preparing for video shooting

When everything is written, worked out, you can start shooting a video that is intended for the YouTube channel. Before you start shooting you need to check the availability of all necessary items and things.

The camera is installed so that, if possible, there is a solid light background opposite it. With this arrangement, the viewer is not distracted when viewing from the main subject. It is desirable that the room in which the shooting work is done has good lighting. If it is not enough, you need to install additional lamps.

If possible, try to make sure that there is no extraneous noiseso that the person’s speech in the frame is intelligible and perceived by the listener's ear.

Shooting a video for Youtube

During the shooting, there is no need to hurry to express your thoughts. Not always beginners manage to shoot high-quality video from the first time. Repeat the shooting as many times as you see fit, so that the footage for YouTube is as good as possible.

Before the camera you need to behave naturally, without straining and not worrying. Often this is the main reason why good video is not working. Excitement leads to forgetfulness, confusion, the view of the protagonist at the same time becomes ridiculous.

You need to try to shoot a video for posting on YouTube when you are in a great mood. The viewer is well perceived favorable emotional mood. A slight smile and natural mobility will help make the video worthy of a positive perception by those for whom it is intended.

Sound effects during video shooting

If you need to shoot material indoors, the sound quality will be high if ambient noise  Do not make your way into the room. If you have a microphone, you can use it. If hands need freedom, this option will not work. There is an exit. If your YouTube video is a tutorial, the blogger may be out of sight of the camera and record the sound under the microphone separately, after the video is taken. This method of sounding will allow not to make a second survey, if something was said in the frame or not.

Editing footage

Editing material for a page on YouTube can consist of several points:

  • cropping unnecessary fragments that are unnecessary or do not fit into the overall picture;
  • adding a title that accurately represents the topic of the video
  • registration of musical accompaniment;
  • save the edited video in a format that supports the YouTube channel (MPEGPS, WebM, WMV, MOV, AVI, FLV, 3GPP, MPEG4).

Do not be discouraged if negative comments appear on the youtube in the comments to your video. You should pay attention to the criticism that will help you improve your skills. Many people tend to try to piss off or upset people who are doing something and not sitting still. These critics only do what they are discussing, speak negatively to everyone. Eminent bloggers on YouTube at the beginning of their development had such moments, they achieved good results in part because they were selective about criticism.

The video below describes how to make a quality video:

The first time, do not strive to shoot long videos. It is enough to shoot a video up to 10 minutes long. Subscriber perception of such material is much easier. Most simply do not have enough time to watch long videos or just laziness, so interest in such materials is quickly dying out.

To make a game with sound and comments, you need speakers, and installed program  Bandicam Often, users complain that the sound is recorded incorrectly - with pauses, noise, or too quiet. To avoid this, before recording, you need to properly configure the program.

The first thing to remember is that Bandicam will record the game only if the “game” recording mode was initially selected (the joystick icon is pressed). If you leave the "on-screen" mode or recording from a webcam, then only a black screen will be recorded.

How to shoot games using Bandicam - basic settings.

All video and audio quality settings are made in the “Video” tab. First you need to check whether the speakers are connected. For this you need:

  1. Click on the top button "Settings".
  2. In the window that opens, go to the "Sound" tab.
  3. Select in the section "Main devices" the main speakers through which the sound is played. To check the correctness of the choice, click on the "Settings" button next to the list, turn on the sound and see if there are changes on the volume scale. If there is, then the device is selected correctly.
  4. Click OK and exit.

Life hacking: In order for the sound from the game not to be too loud or too low, you need to turn on the game, turn on the sound check window and follow the scale change. If the sound rises to a maximum of 1-2 divisions, then this is quite quiet, you need to increase the volume in the game itself. If the scale jumps to the very top, then vice versa, make it quieter.

Details of the video quality settings for recording games.

The lower “Settings” button allows you to select the video size, codecs and set the frame rate. Choose AVI format if you do not care that the output video will weigh a lot, and you need to have perfect quality.

Perfect video quality and high weight files.

In this case, you need to leave the full screen size, set the FPS to 60, the H264 or MPEG-1 video codec for PCM audio and the quality to 100. These settings will help you to make excellent video from games, but only if the PC is powerful enough . If not, then there will be stripes or ripples on the screen, the sound will float and during long recordings, the program may refuse to work.

Normal video quality and low weight files.

Therefore, if the computer configuration leaves much to be desired, it is better to choose MP4. It compresses the video, but if the purpose of the recording is to show the gameplay, not the details of the graphics, then the quality will not suffer much. The optimal size is usually 1280x720, but you can experiment and find another. If you set the quality to 80, then the visual changes will not be visible, but the output video itself will weigh less. Codec select - H264. "The higher the frame rate, the better quality"- this is a misconception and FPS 30 will be enough to maintain the remaining settings. As for the sound, then everything must be left by default.

To recapitulate all of the above, in order to make a video of the game using the Bandicam program, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Select the "game" recording mode.
  3. Check speaker connections.
  4. Set the necessary settings.
  5. Run the game.
  6. Press the REC button.

The finished record can be viewed in the “Results Overview” tab. Before you record the main video, it makes sense to make a test recording lasting 3-5 minutes.

Welcome to your site! The topic of today's article is how to start shooting a video on Youtube. This question is of great concern to those who are just beginning their first steps on Youtube and still do not know the many nuances that he has to do. Today we will examine these nuances in detail, so much so that later there will be no extra questions left.

If you also belong to the number of similar users, and do not yet know how to start shooting a video on Youtube, then it is not scary. All comes with experience. All the most popular users on Youtube, too, once started from scratch. But look at them now. For example, the same PewDiePie, about which, I give 100%, you at least once heard. He was a simple man, just like you and me. But after several years of active work on the channel, he became the most popular user on Youtube and now earns so much money that many never dreamed of. Therefore, you should not worry much about this, because by the end of the article you will learn about all this.

In this article, I will list the main steps you need to take to start shooting a video on Youtube. These steps are not too many, but they are all key in creating and promoting the channel on Youtube.

Well, let's get started!

Step 1. Register the channel

To register a channel on Youtube, go to home page  site and click on the " To come in"Located at the top of the window. Next, using the " Create an account», You can go to the registration page, where you will need to enter personal data about yourself and your future channel. It looks like this:

Fine! We have already taken the first step, and now you can go on to the next, in my opinion, the most important step, from which the popularity of your channel will directly depend on the selection of its subject matter.

Step 2. We select the channel theme

Selection of the right channel themes  - This is 50% of your success on Youtube. The fact is that not all subjects are suitable for shooting video, because of their low popularity, and which are suitable - are already occupied by most other users.

And how, in this case, to choose the right theme, you ask? And I will answer that it is best to choose a topic that will be interesting to you. Otherwise, there is a big chance that you will abandon your channel, without hitting a dozen videos on it.

So, choose the theme that you like the most, so that later you will not regret the perfect choice. In general, you can not choose any specific subject of the channel, shooting a video for everything, but according to my observations, such a channel will later be more difficult to promote. In any case, the choice is yours.

Step 3. Choose a recording device

The next, third step will be recorder selection. The type of recording device directly depends on the chosen channel subject.

That is, if you decide to take pictures of Vlag or become a beauty blogger, then you need a camera or a webcam for this business. If you have chosen to shoot letspley or reviews as a channel subject, then in this case you will not need a camera, but the usual program for capturing video is enough.

In the first case, I can advise you to choose a not too expensive camera, the main thing is that she shot the video in good quality. In the second case, it is best to use for recording. bandicam, especially if your computer is not able to pull most of the modern games.

Also, if you want to become a ramp maker, then do not forget about high-quality microphone. I wrote about this in a separate article: "".

After you select a recording device, you will need to install the appropriate software. And about it further.

Step 4. Install the software

The third step, which is also quite important for full channel management, is selection software   to work with the captured video.

Most bloggers and flyers on Youtube choose as their main video editing program, sony program  Vegas. Despite its high cost, it has full functionality for video editing and has no equal in this.

If you do not have initial capital, then in general, you can choose any other program, since there is a huge amount of them on the Internet.

Step 5. We regularly release videos on our channel.

And the last, fifth step is regular video release  on your channel. Only regularly releasing the video, you can get your audience and become popular on Youtube. This is very important, because if the channel is empty for a long time, then all your viewers will scramble through other channels, leaving you with yourself.

In order to prevent this - make a video preferably every day or every week (depending on what kind of activity you will be engaged in).

That's all. Today we covered 5 steps on how to start shooting flyplays on Youtube. Hope this article has helped you in your endeavors. If so, then share it in one of the social networks.

Bye you become a star!

Success, fame, a sea of ​​fans and money - fame can give all this to those who dare to achieve it. Today, everyone can try their hand at creativity and get recognition by posting videos on Youtube and similar sites.

Many do not know how to start making videos on Youtube, and our guide will help you find your niche, record your first videos, edit and publish them. It does not require professional skills, only the desire to try something new.

The most successful people always do what they like themselves. Therefore, in search of ideas worth looking back at their own interests. Do you enjoy motor sports? Tell viewers about the champions, the fastest and most expensive motorcycles, tell the stories of different brands that produce this technique. Do you like to cook? Shoot a cooking show with the process of cooking popular dishes or exotic delicacies. Computer games, knitting, archery - in any subject there is something that you can tell interesting stories that will find its grateful viewer.

The main theme for the YouTube channel is defined, but what to do next? All further development depends on how good the start will be, so you need to approach the creation of the first video with full responsibility.

People like positive and dynamic videos - the success of the channels “This is Good”, “+100500” and many other projects is a clear confirmation of this. No need to pull words and mumble, your speech must be confident and emotional to catch the viewer. Write the script, rehearse and only after that remove the final version.

When thinking, do not forget about further releases. They should look like a logical continuation of the initial video, so that it would be interesting to watch them one by one. In addition, it is important to regularly publish videos, otherwise you can easily lose the interest of subscribers. An excellent solution would be to create a schedule that will allow viewers to know when the new release will be.

Selected format assumes the presence of the lead in the frame? Do not do without a good camera, you will also need to work on the lighting and background, so that the videos look decent. For shooting on the street, in a crowd of people or in nature, only a camera is enough. And for recording from a computer screen, you can do without special equipment.

The footage in most cases requires additional editing. Today there are many programs for video processing, the possibilities of which are fundamentally different. It’s rather difficult to test them all because of the high cost of living - the cost of popular distributions reaches tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles, which is regular user  is a very heavy price.

The Russian version of ProShow Producer differs from its foreign counterparts at a reasonable price and simple interface, and in its capabilities is not inferior to the best of video editors. Put several files in one clip, change the voice acting, apply transition effects, make captions? It will not cause any difficulties for users of the program.

In order to start working with Russian ProShow Producer, you need to install it on your computer. trial version  completely free, and with its help you can try out the capabilities of the program by recording your first videos.

By understanding how to start shooting videos on Youtube, you will be one step closer to success. And thanks to the Russian version of ProShow Producer, it will be easier for you to create and publish videos, since the program can optimize them for uploading to video hosting sites!

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