Yandex search facilitated. What is a search engine

More and more people enjoy its undoubted advantages. One of which is a quick search for a wide variety of information. An increasing number of older users are mastering the worldwide network. The ability to effectively search the world wide web represent - search engines. Most search engines are looking for information on Internet sites, and are a software and hardware complex.

Conventionally, you can divide the search engines into covering the global global network (Google, Yahoo !, etc.) and Runet - the Russian-speaking part of the network (Russia, CIS countries).

Google search engine

The undisputed world leader in providing Internet services and in particular the search for information is Google (Google), owned by Google Inc. It provides information in 191 languages, processes more than 40 billion inquiries per month and covers more than 60% of the market. Google was created in Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998. The indexing of sites from the network is performed by several search robots (special programs), the main of which is the User Agent. The robot scans the global network and enters the database of new sites that have appeared on the network. Young sites often fall into the so-called “sandbox” (waiting area), until a special Google algorithm finds the site ready to be issued in a search engine.

Yahoo! search engine

The second most popular company in the world owning a search engine is - Yahoo! It owns about 6% of the market in the search sector of the Internet. Yahoo! was created in 1994 by Americans Zvid Faylo and Jerry Yang. The company developed especially rapidly in the late 1990s, when competition was relatively low. In 1997, the company was one of the first to introduce a free mail service - Yahoo! Mail.

Yandex search engine

- Russian search engine. By popularity in Russia, the Yandex site ranks first. She has the 5th place in the world in the number of search queries. More than 50 million people use this system. Officially, the Yandex search engine was introduced in 1997, and the following year, the volume of the Russian Internet doubled. The company Yandex itself was established in 2000 by the shareholders of CompTek. Director General became Arkady Volozh. In addition to the search service, Yandex News, Yandex Products, Yandex Guru, Yandex Postcards, Yandex Bookmarks were opened. In 2010, the company launched its English version on the domain and went international. New specialized services have appeared, Yandex Services, Yandex Muzyka, Yandex Real Estate,. In 2011, a new Yandex Maps service appeared with which you can create routes throughout Russia.

In 2012, the general director of Yandex LLC, Arkady Volozh, plans to bring Yandex to the European market.

Search engine Rambler

The search engine Rambler (English wanderer, vagabond) was created in 1996 by Dmitry Kryukov. Besides

search service it is also an informational Internet portal. Since 2011, Rambler has abandoned its own search algorithms and completely switched to Yandex technology.

Mile Router Search Engine

Mail.Ru - ranks third in popularity in RuNet. He is better known for his mail service @ The site has powerful search capabilities by e-mail box  and address book. Since 2006, the search service was launched on the Yandex engine. Before that, the Google engine was used. Since 2010, Mile Roux uses its own engine.

There are hundreds of search engines in the world. The most popular in Russia are Yandex and Google. These two most powerful search engines are constant competitors and try to attract users with new services and the quality of their developments.

Which search engine to choose Google or Yandex?

All Internet users know such a company as Yandex, but not only for its unique search engine, but also with all sorts of additions to it, which greatly facilitate the life of any user. It is difficult to find a person who would never stumble upon it on the Internet. And all due to the fact that half of the users open this search engine in the hope of finding the necessary information on a particular site, and the remaining half - webmasters who earn money on displaying a special Yandex Yandex Direct advertising, as well as using it, promote their sites .

For developers of sites on the Internet, Yandex acts as a search engine leading in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, which is commonly called a runet in common people. Yandex has long bypassed the once popular search engine Rambler. For many site owners, it is important to know that when creating text for SEO to optimize a site, it is necessary to take into account the Yandex search system as it unites most of the search queries from the commercial direction. If you have not acquired potential visitors from Yandex, this does not mean that you will receive them from another search engine  - Google, Rambler, etc., and all, due to the fact that they may not be there.

Making settings and installing a theme on the Yandex home page

Over the years, for many Internet users, Yandex has become not just a search engine, but also a multi-portal - a step from which the Internet begins its journey. Carrying out a search, many users simultaneously go to the mail, to the J. Mail section, search for the address on Ya. Maps, view the route density in the “Traffic jams” section, or search for pictures, video, goods, news according to the corresponding search service. It’s impossible to say that Google doesn’t have this, but it so happened that Yandex liked the majority of users of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

A tour of the search engine is probably starting from the main page. Its creators have tried their best, so when you enter it, everything that you need will open before you, without which it is impossible to surf the Internet at first. When you understand the service provided, then you can customize the page for yourself by placing the widgets where you want. We also owe this comfort to the specialists and developers of this search engine.

The main page is equipped in such a way that it has everything you need - this is a section called Weather, and the TV program, and Traffic jams, and Maps, and Mail, and Money, and much more. However, everyone cannot be interested in the same thing, since all people are completely different. In order to make changes on your main page and complete it for yourself, go to the section called “Personal Settings”. It can be found at the top of the main page of this search engine. When you click on this section, a list of four items will open: Set up Yandex, add a widget, set a theme, change the city.

Let's open the first section of this list - Configure Yandex. With it, you can not only delete, adjust or drag those widgets that you already have, but also add new ones. Simply select the item “Add new widget” and click save. If desired, you can reset or cancel the selected widget with the corresponding buttons. The main thing to remember is that if you do not have registration data on Yandex, then the binding will be to the browser from which the settings were directly made. In any other browser, the default page will be displayed. Getting Yandex Passport will solve this issue and the settings will be saved for any browser and computer, just log in with your personal login and password.

The "Put a topic" section will allow you to make changes to the theme for the first page of Yandex. From the bottom, the user will be provided with a ribbon with topics, the topics headings will be located above it, and the “Save” button will be located below it.

To see how the theme will look on the main page, you need to click on it. The presence of animated themes will delight users that will make the main page of the search engine liven up. As in the first case, the settings will be associated either with a specific browser or with your personal account - the choice is up to you.

The item “Change city” will link to the location of your location if Yandex has made this setting incorrectly. Why is it necessary to specify the area? If you are in search of pizza delivery, then the search engine will immediately determine the sites of your particular region, city or region.

However, Yandex has settings and other character, all of them are located in the “Other settings” item. In this menu, not only the settings of the first page of are presented, but also more global or fundamental things. It will be more convenient for any user to save general settings Yandex, tying them to your account. Consider these settings in more detail:

  • 1. The first setting in the list is “City Setting”. The previously mentioned item “Change city” is similar to this setting - it allows you to specify your city, if Yandex has not defined it.
  • 2. Setting the interface language - allows you to specify the language in which you prefer to work on the Internet.
  • 3. Equally important setup- Setup  search results. This setting is designed to conveniently display search results. So the user can customize a convenient number of results displayed in a search on one page or the number of sites that will open on a separate page and much more, which will create convenience when using a search engine.
  • 4. If you wish, you can save the history of your searches with the help of the item - My finds.
  • 5. When you enter the requested word in the search line, Yandex gives hints for what you are looking for. This function is annoying to some users, and if you are one of them, you should use the “ Search Tips"It can disable tips.
  • 6. If you are annoyed with images that are of an advertising nature, then thanks to the item “Setting up the display of a banner on the main page” this image can be removed by turning off its display.
  • 7. Customization Considering the range of interests for displaying advertising will provide the user with the opportunity to find ads in the same area that is already being searched on the Internet. If this function does not suit you, you can also turn it off.

Creating a Yandex widget and setting it up

Yandex widgets can have any view, the main thing is to tweak it. The main advantage of this setting is noticeable immediately. In the e-mail section, the letters that are in your inbox are displayed. If you wish to tie social network  or Ya.Money, then this setting is possible. It will allow to see new messages and balance of funds in the Ya.Pochta block.

If you want to remove the widget, just click the cross. Remember that each of the mini-programs has its own settings. Since the mini-program of traffic jams is configured so that it is possible to determine the density of movement according to the set time and route to home or work.

Place the block where you want, holding left button  mouse and drag to the right place. Similarly, new widgets are added. The button in the settings “Add widget” will lead to all the various manufacturers of widgets represented.

Top presents two tabs. One of them will allow you to select the necessary blocks on the first page of yandex, and the second one will select the blocks for the desktop of the computer. The widget is created by both site owners and internet business owners. The first will be more convenient widget based on the RSS feed, as it will be presented materials on your site. These changes are made using the Developer Directory menu.

As a result, you will see a new look of the news block presented on your site. In addition, you will be able to copy the code of the ad unit. This code encourages Internet users to install a widget of your site on their page.

This block has the ability to scroll through all the news that are on the selected site. With the help of the profit partner widget, many webmasters earn money. And the block discussed above allows them to track the amount that came up by entering the Yandex search engine home page.

Yandex - start page, registration

There are two ways to work with Yandex. The first way is that it is necessary to register in the system and receive as a good bonus a mailbox with excellent protection against spam. The second way is to use the usual search engine and additional services that it provides. But if you want to use the full potential of the Yandex system, then you should still register. In the registration card, you must enter your first and last name and come up with the name of your mailbox. If you continue to regularly use such a service as Ya.Money or Direct, which are related to money, then it is better to enter your real data immediately, as there may be problems when restoring access to your account.

Next, you will need to enter a password to access your page, mail and other services. Again, if you plan to use monetary services, then you need to come up with complex passwordso that things like WebMoney do not have your wallet cracked. When entering a password, the system will prompt you which characters are considered invalid and will warn you if you have exceeded the password length.

At the end of registration, you need to enter a security question, a cell phone number. These steps must be done to insure yourself in case you sow your password. Click the "Register" button and get greetings and a message about your registration data.

If you enter your phone number in the form that appeared below, then, having lost the password, you will receive it by message to your number. After registration, you have the opportunity to go to Yandex Passport and enter the necessary changes, or add data to your account. If desired, it can even be removed.

Insofar as home page  Yandex has many advantages: firstly, making any settings, secondly, the ability to add widgets, thirdly, the ability to install any topic, many users want to make it their home page.

Having opened the browser, you will immediately see the main page of Yandex. How to make Yandex become home page? There are two ways: the first is to make settings directly in the browser you use; the second is to make all the settings specified by reference provided by Yandex itself. As a rule, it is located at the top right of the first page of the search engine. Following the link, you will see screenshots that demonstrate how to make settings in the browser from which you came. If you have Internet Explorer, then you just need to click on the button provided.

Yandex - search engine required for all

  Today, Yandex is interesting to Seo companies, as users need more to meet the philistine requests. However, it should be noted that the number of users who use it to search for information is growing and is already compared with Google search engine lovers. The Livinternet counter will provide audience statistics for the largest search engines in the Russian part of the Internet. To do this, evaluate the conversion rates to sites in the domain zone RU from search engines.

However, it should be noted that these are not accurate indicators, but the sample is still representative. According to her, Yandex search engine confidently occupies a leading position in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet. If you start from indicators of the share of search engines in the search market for the Russian-language part of the Internet, presented on another site, then Yandex managed to overtake all and even get an indicator of 51.4%. And this is a significant amount, considering the multi-million audience of the Russian-speaking part of the Internet.

If we consider the world statistics, then Yandex has no better indicators here. In this case, Google wins by a wide margin ..

According to the analysis carried out by the same blog, if you analyze the position of the site for search queries, then Yandex and Google perform a different assessment of the same pages. It turns out that their basic algorithms work converge, but the details are significantly different. A search engine Yandex a couple of years ago provided the opportunity to issue information depending on the region of residence of the user. Why is this necessary? If you want pizza, then you will definitely search the Internet for a cafe that delivers it. If you have specified your location, then the Yandex search system will select for you a cafe presented in your city. With the other system, everything will be wrong, it will give out pizzerias presented in the capital. Therefore, to search or promote through Yandex is more profitable not only for users, but also for merchants. For non-independent queries, Google is most suitable.

Due to the fact that Google’s search lags behind not only in quality but also in innovation, this allows Yandex to compete with it. Moreover, Yandex possesses the best knowledge in the field of language morphology, not Google. Of course, Yandex has significant revenues, but if we compare them with Google’s revenues, they are just like a drop in the ocean.

It is worth expressing his respect to Yandex for the fact that he confidently fights for his place under the warm sun. In most countries, Google has captured its competitors, and Yandex is holding on and developing for many years. It remains to pay tribute to this search engine and admire its merits.

Who is behind the company and its long history? Consider the history of the development of this search engine, which is the most successful in the niche of the Russian-speaking Internet.

Company development from Yandex to Yandex

Since in no time there was no Internet, the search was conducted on the digital archives of any documents. Those times are characterized by the rapid development of commercial enterprises on the basis of departments of state institutions, in which Arkady Volozh took part. He opened the company CompTek, which was engaged in the sale of computers and equipment to them. As well as the company "Arcadia", which served as the center of research in the field of text search for large volumes of materials provided. In this study, the morphology of the Russian language has always been taken into account. The head of the Arcadia company invited a programmer Ilya Segalovich to his development team.

For a long time, Arcadia was selling its text search products, but demand began to fall and the company had to unite with CompTek. So the developers of one company became employees of the programming department. But years will pass, and everything will return to its former places - the same programming department will become an independent company called Yandex.

The department has improved the search algorithm for several years, taking into account the morphology of the language. In parallel, software products were released, where all the developments were presented, however, you won’t make much money out of it. And there was practically no Russian-speaking part of the Internet.

But at this time, the project gained its name Yandex, which carries the value of "Language Index". Many interpretations of this name are presented, but in essence they do not change. So the developers came to the general opinion that the sale of search technology will bring greater benefits than the sale of products that are built on it. The first exhibition, where the products of Yandex were presented for site search and disk search - the exhibition Netcom. Product Yandex.Dict became the first product of Yandex on the Internet. This program  makes inquiries in Russian to the AltaVista search engine.

But in order to turn around, this was not enough. Needed was a proprietary index of all sites of the Russian part of the Internet. But the developers of the company did not stop it, and they demonstrated a search robot. He went around all the sites represented in the Russian segment of the Internet and assembled a file in text form, which weighed four gigabytes.

The exhibition Softool has demonstrated a new site The first design involved Artemy Lebedev. The first request had to be entered so that it was formulated in a logically special way, but this was not relevant. After a couple of months, any words, phrases could be entered into the search engine. In parallel with the site, the Yandex forum has opened. At this forum, it was possible to ask questions and solve problems when using Yandex.

Even then, this search engine fought hard with duplicate content. Through the use of a ranking algorithm, documents that are most often requested by users were displayed at the top of the search list.

Apparently an important role in the development of Yandex was played by the development, on which employees worked, related to the search for text in large arrays. It was enough to transfer the results of the work to the web and pay attention to the development of related services, as well as to methods of obtaining from this income. Yandex managed this successfully. It was important to be in the right place at the right time.

The history of the development of this search engine is just beginning. Then the search is improved, new functions are added, the design of the main page of the Yandex search engine is changed. With the development of the Russian-language Internet, Yandex has also developed. But only this year he took up the sorting of spam, began to look at the anchors and the contents of the Alt tags for pictures. And it is worthwhile to pay tribute to the new, improved design of the Yandex system.

The development of Yandex search engine and its additional services In 2000, the company Yandex fruitful, and all because of the fact that he is known for such events that brought only success. Previously, the search engine had the CompTek logo, all due to the fact that the development team worked for this company. But years later, the department finally turned into a separate company, which had the name not of “Arcadia”, but of Yandex.

For its promotion, Yandex invited an investor - ru-Net Holdings, which invested five million dollars in the project. This transaction is very profitable, as the company now has a third part of the assets of Yandex, which now occupies a leading position among the search engines of the Russian-language Internet, and this draws at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

Innovations are known for the appearance of the Yandex catalog and Titz, with its help the sites were sorted in the catalog.

A distinctive feature of this Titz is that it relates to the entire site, measured from 0 to infinity and is a linear quantity. In Google Page rank, the opposite is true, and Titz originates from 0 to 10 and at the same time is considered logarithmic.

And since 2000, with the advent of Ya.Pochta, News, Bookmarks, a search engine began to form as a multi-portal. In addition to this, services have appeared that, in essence, will become the Market and the Yandex Bar button. This application  Users can download and install as a browser add-on.

Next year for Yandex will be associated with the title of leader in attendance, as well as the emergence of the Yandex.Kartinki service and the Yandex.Money payment system. And again there was a change in the design of the search engine.

A year later, Yandex became self-sustaining due to the opening of the contextual advertising service Direct and found new design.

2003 opened up the possibility of indexing RTF, PDF and DOC documents to the search engine, and a year later even Flash sites. Mail began to be protected from spam, and Direct began to work according to the principle of payment for one click.

In 2004, the company began to make a profit of ten million dollars. The same year led to the appearance of the map search and forum search services. In the same year appeared main competitor  this search engine is Google and in order to keep up with it the company had to expand. For an adequate response to a competitor, the company's staff has become ten times more. Design Yandex has not changed until 2007. Not only masters participated in its development, but also ordinary users. So all the wishes and modifications of customers were taken into account - the search engine has become more comfortable.

The year 2005, the company was thinking about expanding and appeared on the "Square" territory. The same year is marked by the opening of the Yandex Advertising Network, the owners of many websites have a unique opportunity to earn money on advertising by placing Yandex ads on their website. Many are still grateful this service. So the site owner receives fifty percent of the cost of each click. This amount does not seem large, but for the month runs abound. Not to mention the appearance of the service of J.Slovari and Yandex.Wallets, with which you can save and manage your electronic money.

The year 2006 gave Yandex users the opportunity to learn all about traffic jams, which are formed on the route home or to work and see public opinion, which is collected from all forums and blogs on

The year 2007 opened the service of J.Fotki and Yandex.Metrica to users of this search engine. The last one is a tool that is used for analytics. Although initially it was created to meet the needs of advertisers in Ya.Direct. In the same year, Ukrainian users received their search engine, and the site gained a new design. Now this search engine in the "Square" covers a quarter of the search. The same year, many webmasters owe the appearance of the first version of the Yandex Webmasters panel.

2008 presented to employees of the company Yandex new an office in the states and an algorithm that supports international standards Sitemap, MediaRSS. These standards have opened up new horizons and opportunities for the company, thanks to them, Yandex has the opportunity to index the websites of burzhunet, the foreign segment of the Internet. The logo is embodied in Russian letters, and the search engine itself has found the final design, which we see today.

2009 gave odds to Yandex in front of Google, with the introduction of a regional search based on the Snezhinsk algorithm. The advantage of Yandex is that the regional search is carried out by city, but at Google it is done by splitting by country. The following year, a new Ya.T. translation service appeared on the Yandex pages. Before the search engine opened the possibility of searching through the means of, as well as In the same period, the Ukrainian Internet space rejoiced at the emergence of a regional search. To calculate the formula of relevance, you must use the self-learning algorithm Matriksnet and the Spectrum technology, which Yandex involved.

Matrixnet acts as a reference point for assessors who are responsible for the quality of certain sites. The spectrum provides the ability to account for all possible meanings in the final output of the search. So, when a user enters the word "Napoleon" into a search engine, it is difficult to determine exactly what he has, I will enter - a cake or a military leader. The Spectrum technology and the Matriksnet algorithm help to understand this.

In 2011, Yandex placed its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange and received a substantial amount of money for them - more than a billion dollars, however, Google grabbed more of its shares, and it placed them for sale in 2004. The history of Yandex is still being written, today it boasts of its offices all over the world.

Promotion under Yandex

The first question that every webmaster faces is how to promote your website? This case is not very easy to implement. Please note that promotion by means of Yandex and by means of Google is carried out in different ways. Consider the nuances that are important when promoting a website through the Yandex search engine:
1. If you promote a competitive search query, then create several pages at once so that they respond to the query. One page will be pumped through external links, and the other will show that the resource will respond to the user's request.
2. Consider that when promoting through Yandex it is better to use not a large number of keywords. Now their density is not so important. Choose phrases and words that, in the opinion of the search engine should be in the text of a particular subject.
3. Yandex opposes re-optimization of the text, it is planned to punish this.
4. When ranking, Yandex takes into account the age of the site and its trust.
5. For Yandex, the diversity of sources of links and their anchors is important.
6. Please note that the share of commercial requests in the Yandex search engine is significant.
7. By sorting in search results, Yandex evaluates not only the pages of the site separately, but the site itself as a whole.
8. Determining the relevance of pages, such a factor as a behavioral one is taken into account when ranking. And all because of the fact that he is responsible for attracting users.
9. When promoting a website on the global Internet, please note that external links are not as important for Yandex as they are for Google.

If this site was useful to you, you can help in its development by putting it on your site.

Button code:
   .gif "alt =" (! LANG: How to create your site"> !}

Now press the button, so as not to forget the address and return to us again.

More recently, Google has fulfilled the requirement of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation - has provided Android users with a choice of a search engine in the standard chrome browser. Now, after installing a new version or using the special settings menu, everyone can choose what to look for information on the Internet: Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru. What is the best of it? Let's take a closer look.

  Without going to the search itself, we estimate convenience of the main page  "The magnificent three". Let's start with Google:

Traditionally, the ascetic Google home page in the center contains only a line where you can enter your request. To get to the other services of the company, you must click the button with the grid. From there you can read the news, go to the mail or maps. If you want more at once on the main one, then you need to install or the main one for Android and iOS. There all services are mixed with search line  immediately issued on the main screen.

Yandex did not stint on the functionality of the main page in mobile version. The site is literally crammed with all possible services from a Russian company, and upon entering it immediately asks for access to the location. If allowed, the main page will immediately show a block with a cafe near you, as well as adapt the Yandex.Pro widget. I know many people who use Yandex solely because of its convenient homepage. It is described as some kind of shop, where you go for one thing, but you forget about it, and at the exit you have a full cart of various goods, except for that one.

If the Google homepage is ascetic, then Mail.Ru is just the height of minimalism. In a bad sense of the word, since there are no information cards on it, interactive elements and other things. If we select news in the menu, the site will kindly offer us “search news” in 2017. I think this review of the main Mail can be completed.

Further testing is carried out by two parameters: locality and convenience. Read more about each parameter in the respective subheadings.


  This parameter determines how optimized one or another search engine is for the needs of users in the CIS region, in particular - from Russia. For a clearer demonstration, many search queries  were associated with the provincial town of Bryansk.

First, let's see how the three search engines understand the local colorful buzzwords and the context of their use. For example, the name of the city of Chelyabinsk is often abbreviated as “people.” What if you enter the query "people routes":

  Google and Yandex understood what I wanted from them, but Mail did not guess.

How well do the three search engines know the great and mighty Russian language? Ask them for help in resolving a popular mistake - theirs or them:

  Google responds to such a request with a brief reference from a third-party site, explaining that the first option makes speech coarse and low. “Search No. 1 in Russia” even when entering a request shows the correct answer, but when you go to the search engine, the reference is not given - we take a word. But Mail.Ru did neither the one nor the other - it simply gave the first result. Could be worse.

Let us search for a tricky query "Europe time". It is understood that we will see the opening hours of a major shopping center "Europe". Let's see what they show us:

  Quite expectedly more global Google issued a table of time zones in major European cities. But Yandex is already the second unit, I guess to show information about the shopping center along with the time of work. The second Russian search engine disappointed with the absence of both.

We now turn to a purely local history - to search with the included location. Let's try to find us a place to have lunch:

  It's funny, but only Google managed to understand us, although the first result was the analysis of the very word “lunch”. In second place was immediately a map with a list of local institutions. Yandex for some reason decided to teach us how to spell a word, just like Mail.

How about ordering a pizza?

  This time, Google also showed itself from the best side - in the first place in the issue immediately with the card with pizzerias. Yandex organized its issue a little worse: first there is a block with advertising, then pizza photos and a concept, and only then a place where you can order a cherished pizza. And in Mail.Ru, not everything is so bad - search issued a delivery service with a dial button.

And what if you look for pizza in another city?

  In the search for the corporation of good, nothing has changed, but Yandex has been corrected. It’s a pity that the engine’s rational engine should be pushed by the name of the city.

  Summarizing the parameter locality, we can say that Yandex often has a more modern database of organizations. For example, when searching for a cafe, Google showed me an eatery that no longer exists for a couple of years - Raise. In Yandex, it was removed long ago. In 2GIS, which is used by Mail.Ru search, this cafe is no longer there either.

  The same situation is with bank branches and other points on the map. For example, in Google there is no information about the branch of the East Express Bank, which a year ago belonged to another bank.

Moreover, in Google, even on the map, branches of this already non-existent bank Uniastrum are marked. Yandex and Mail.Ru cards are more relevant. Eventually: Yandex is more “localized” and has an up-to-date information base in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries; Google is a little worse in this regard, but you can use it; Mail.Ru in last place.


  Convenience means search engine capabilities to quickly provide the necessary information on trivial queries. For example, some kind of schedule, information card of the company or built-in services for ordering some services.

Let's start with the banal - ask to display the weekend schedule in June:

  Yandex showed a full list of weekends for 2017, except for standard Saturdays and Sundays. Google limited itself to links to sites, but Mail.Ru was slightly surprised - it showed a calendar with marked weekends.

Let's compare informational cards of objects like computer games, for example, the old Gothic, which came out at the beginning of the zero:

In all three search engines, the description is completely different, but on Google the card is the most meager - just a link to Wikipedia with an indication of the developer and the series. The most popular search engine in Russia gave a rating on Metacritic, as well as more detailed information from Wikipedia. Mail.Ru, in addition to the usual description, also provides links to the description of the games of the series, the engine, the role-playing system and other features - very well.

Let us turn to one of the most popular functions - calculations:

  There is something to talk about. In Google search, when entering a mathematical query, a small calculator is displayed with a calculated expression. In addition to obtaining the result, the user gets the opportunity to continue calculations or solve some other problem - very convenient. In Yandex, the approach is different, in many ways more convenient. When you enter a query in the line, the system immediately understands it, leads to mathematical writing and displays the result - you do not even need to go into the search itself. Mail.Ru has traditionally disappointed with links to its own "Answers".

Let's look at the work of value converters. Let's set not the easiest option to translate - micrometers to meters:

The Google Conversion Widget shows the number of meters in one mic as a formula in the format of 10 to minus X degrees. The widget “Search №1 in Russia” is more understandable - in it you can set the number of micrometers and get the usual number with zeros after the decimal point. Mail again refuses to convert and count.

Let's try one more function in action with a verbal trick. We introduce the query "ant-calorie". It is clear that we are talking about a cake called an anthill and its caloric content:

  The search for "corporation good" correctly recognized our request and showed the calorie content of the cake in the form of a table with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But Yandex gave out only a single calorie indicator, but in the next query showed a link with a convenient snippet, which lists all the ingredients of the cake. Mail.Ru limited to links.

Let's try to order a taxi directly through the search. Let us introduce a query for Moscow, since it is not necessary to count on advanced functionality for the regions:

In all three search engines, the first results are occupied by ads, but if you scroll lower, then in the case of Google you will find a regular widget with a map and a list of taxi services where you can immediately call and order a car. In Yandex there is a unique feature - an order through your own taxi service without a call - just fill in the necessary data in the form. Mail's functionality is identical to Google. For residents of Moscow, there is also a pleasant function in the Russian search engine - you can enroll to a doctor by EMIAS (the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of the City of Moscow):

  And what about convenient "chips" for reading articles and news? Google has a popular and convenient AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) system.

It is an optimization of the news site under mobile devices. Pages are simplified, they become much easier and easier to read.

Yandex has its own AMP counterpart - turbo mode, but it does not work on all news sites. Moreover, it is mainly sharpened for Wikipedia and other informational sites. In turbo mode, the site loads quickly and the page weighs little.

A little away from the text search and compare the picture. On the mobile version of the site on Google, search by pictures is rather poor - you can only type in a request, and also rank the issue by date or select only GIF animations. Almost the same functionality is waiting for us in the Mail.

In Yandex better. First, here every day they show a beautiful picture that can be put, for example, on the desktop. Secondly, it is possible to upload a picture and search by its content. It may even be an image that has never been on the Internet. And you can recognize the text on the photo, find a car model or product.

Time to let down total  section "Convenience". Almost all Mail.Ru search loses to two competitors. Yandex often takes a little more convenient services. It feels as if all the functions that we reviewed in Yandex have improved a little better, but they also work quite well in Google. For convenience, Google and Yandex can be put on one place.

Who is better?

What do we have in the end? We can immediately say that the Mail.Ru search engine is not enough for what. Although the programmers of the company have developed their own engine and have been using it for several years, even free can be put above this domestic development. Comparing Google and Yandex, you need to take into account that the latter greatly optimizes its services and issuance for residents of Russia and other CIS countries. Most likely, this is why Yandex is not loved by many ardent geeks and Google fans. However, for the average user this is the best decisionwhere you can find any information and even order some services.

If you do not need convenient services, additional “trinkets” and other buns, then your choice is Google, and even better - DuckDuckGo. That's just its inhabitants of Russia are not offered in the search box search Chrome.

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Radar covers the Internet segments in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey. It allows you not only to study the situation as a whole, but also to create cuts for specific platforms and device types - for example, for desktop or mobile browsers.

Radar reports are compiled based on data from which search engines people get to sites that use Yandex.Metrica, and in which browsers they open.

In order to provide a representative sample of domains for analysis, all reports from Yandex.Radar exclude visits to their own Yandex websites. In addition, we correct the measurement errors that arise due to the peculiarities of the work of some technological solutions for the web.

The volume of traffic is measured in visits. The region is calculated by the IP addresses of the site visitors, the date and time of the visits - by the counter's time zone, and the browser, operating system  and the type of device - on the line User Agent. To define a search engine, the same principles are used as in the Yandex.Metrica of the same name.

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