Forgot your email password. Forgot your email password: what to do? Formal support request

Forgot your email password: what to do?

Most people in the process of personal and business communication actively use modern information exchange technologies using the capabilities of the Internet. To do this, you just need to get yourself a mailbox on one of the special services (the most common ones are mail, yandex, rambler). With the help of e-mail, you can instantly send information to anywhere in the world and receive responses to it.

The protection of personal correspondence from strangers is a password that the user comes up with himself during registration. Most often, a password is a meaningless combination of letters and numbers. It needs to be memorized or written down. But if you forgot your email password, what to do?

Password recovery methods

Let's look at how to recover an email password using specific examples of the Yandex.Mail service. If you entered an incorrect password, Yandex will not allow you to access your inbox and will display the message "Incorrect login-password pair". You understand that the exact combination of characters, which is a pass to the mailbox, has been erased from your memory, and you also forgot to write it down. In this case, you can refer to the "Recover password" link, which is located at the bottom of the login box. By clicking on the link, you will find yourself on the access recovery page.

Enter your email address and captcha in the special fields. Yandex will offer you a way to recover your password.

  • If during registration you indicated your mobile phone number as additional information, Yandex will ask you to enter it again and send an access recovery code to your phone. Using the code, you can create a new one instead of the old forgotten password.
  • If you entered any code word during registration, you will need to enter this word to be able to restore access.
  • If, when registering for Yandex.Mail, you indicated your alternative e-mail addresses for communication, the service will ask you to duplicate them and send the code to your other mail.

In most cases, you can restore access to mail in 1-5 minutes. If your attempts to obtain a new password on your own are unsuccessful, contact technical support.

It so happens that you have forgotten not only your password, but also your login. To find out how to get to your personal correspondence in this case, read the article.

Hello, friends! When creating your Google account, for example, registering in Gmail mail or in the Play Store on your smartphone, you filled out the required form, indicating your username, login, password, phone number and much more. Even if the combination of symbols for entering was not complicated and memorable, it would still be necessary to write it down somewhere: on a piece of paper, in a notebook, a Word file on a computer. But since you're reading this article, you didn't. Perhaps you did not plan to sign out of your account, but the situation might not depend on you, for example, you had to reset the phone to factory settings.

In general, whatever story happens, let's now look at how to recover your Google account password in various ways. I note right away that if you do not have access to it on a phone with an Android operating system, this instruction will also suit you. We will do the entire recovery procedure on a computer through a browser, it is better if it is Google Chrome, and after you come up with a new combination, you can go to any Google service on your smartphone or tablet: Drive, Play Store and others.

The main thing: do not forget to write down your username and password in the place where you can always see it !!! You can also add the phone number specified in the profile and the backup email address there.

Note! Try to answer all the questions that are asked to you. If you can't remember the correct answer, try to guess. The more information you give, the faster access will be restored. Also try to complete the entire procedure in the place where you most often visit your account: at home, at the institute, at work. Use a familiar device, your phone or PC.

With the old password

Open the Chrome browser (or the one that you usually use) on your computer and on the main Google search page press the "Login" button to enter your account.

Then enter your login - this is either a phone number or an email address. Click "Next".

At the next step, there is a hitch. Here you need to click "Forgot your password?" to reset it.

If you have recently changed this combination to another, then simply enter the old set of characters in the proposed field and click the "Next" button. This method is relevant if you changed it not so long ago - you have not yet remembered the new one, but you still remember the old one.

The system should now make sure that it is really you. A notification will be sent to your device. If nothing came, or you clicked the wrong thing, select "Send again".

In the sent notification, click the "Yes" button.

The old password will be reset, and a window will appear where you need to enter a new set of characters and confirm it. Then click "Change". Now you can go to your profile.

Recovering without a password

Now let's figure out how to restore access if you don't remember the password. To do this, at the step where you are asked to enter the old set of characters, you need to select "Other method".

You will receive a notification on your phone. If it is not there, then click the button below again.

For those users who have indicated their number in the profile, it will be possible to recover the password by the phone number, such a window will appear. You can be called or sent an SMS with a code. Enter it in a specific field (it will appear) and you will be taken to the page to change your password again. If this does not work, click "I do not have access to the phone."

This time, a backup email address can save, which, again, should have been specified in your account. Click in the "Submit" window.

Go to this mailbox and open a message from Goolge in your inbox. If it is not there, check your Spam folder. There will be a confirmation code. Remember it and type in the account recovery window in the field provided.

Fields for changing access symbols will appear again. Come up with a combination of them, confirm it and click "Change".

No attached number and mail

If none of the above did not fit, then you can restore your Google account without a password by answering additional questions. In the password entry window, click "Forgot ...".

Click on the button with the same name again.

In this step, you will be asked the question: When did you create your Google account? Choose the month and year, then click "Next". If everything is correct, then the window for changing symbols will appear again.

Choosing “Other method” at this step, you will need to enter an email address to which you have access.

For example, I got it right. I created my profile when I got my first Android phone and needed to register to enter the Play Store. You may have created it when you signed up for Gmail or Google Drive.

Forgot username and password

Well, the last thing we will consider is what to do if you don’t remember anything at all, and whether it is possible to recover the login and password from your Google account. To do this, at the very first step of entering, select “Forgot email address. mail? "

Then try to enter your number, provided that you have not changed it for a long time and it was recorded in the profile as a backup. Also try to specify all the mailbox addresses that you have (one by one, of course). Perhaps one of them is listed in your profile as a backup. Click "Next".

If you guess right, you will receive a message by mail or phone with a code. Enter it and change your password.

Remember what name and surname were indicated. They can be real, it can be a nickname - try every possible option. Note that every letter matters here. For example, Olya and Olga are different options.

If you remember, you will get access again, if not, a message will appear: "This Google account does not exist."

If you have tried everything and nothing came of it, then you can use our instructions and.

And on this I will end. Follow the instructions clearly and answer the questions as correctly as possible and you can recover your Google account password in a couple of steps. When you go to your profile, I recommend that you immediately specify a backup phone number and mail in it - this so that in the next similar situation, everything will go easier and faster. Also, be sure to write down the password in a safe place.

If your personal data for logging into your e-mail is lost, you can restore it. How this can be done and what this will require will be discussed in this material.

If you have problems accessing email, you will need to perform data recovery. It should be noted that the algorithm for each individual service is almost identical. The differences will be based on which data has been forgotten. For example, if you have forgotten only the password, then, as a rule, you only need to specify the phone number so that the system sends a message with a confirmation code that the user is the owner of the account. But if all data has been lost, in this case the recovery procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In general, you will need to answer security questions or through feedback.

Important! None of the popular email services can recover your old password. Mailers offer exclusively to reset the old key and replace it with a new one.

Recovery methods

Let's consider the most common email recovery options.

We use a phone number

By phone number... This method is characterized by the fact that to reset the key, you will need to enter the phone number that was specified when registering the account. A confirmation code will be sent to it to verify that the person is the owner of the account. For example, in Gmail mail, you can specify the main number and an additional one, in case one of them is not available.

Backup copy

Through backup mail... When using this method, a backup e-mail is used, where a link to reset the key is sent.

control qestion

Using a security question... The method implies the answer to the security question that was asked during registration. Typically, this is the mother's maiden name, date of birth, pet's name, etc.

Recovery questionnaire

By filling recovery questionnaires... Some services offer users to recover data using a questionnaire. This option is acceptable if you forget your username and password. It requires the following information: the approximate time of account registration, the last password with which there was a successful login, etc.
The system will automatically check the entered information, if some of the information matches, then it is proposed to restore access. It is important to know that the check of the questionnaire can be carried out both automatically and sent to technical support - it all depends on the specific service.

Technical support

Contacting technical support... This option, like the previous one, will become acceptable if you forgot your username and password. In this case, you will need to fill out a feedback form with a request to return access to your account. In this case, you must provide some data: an approximate password (if you remember), phone number, etc. mail recovery is a domestic search engine that offers users the mail service Mail. The service offers only two recovery options, we will consider each of them.

  • go to the main page of the search engine;
  • select "Forgot password";
  • then on a new page, enter the username of the email account;
  • provided that you do not remember the password, next to the captcha input field, select “ I don't remember the answer»;
  • we fill out a special form where you need to specify data, an approximate password, an approximate registration date, etc. The questionnaire is sent to technical support for verification. Provided that some information matches, it is proposed to perform a recovery.

Yandex Mail

Another domestic search engine that allows you to create an email account. Compared to the previous one, there are more options for returning access, we will consider each of them in more detail.

With a verified phone number:

Using a backup mail address:

  • if in the previous version it was not possible to return access, click " Another way to recover»;
  • enter the additional e-mail address and click "Get code";
  • a message with the necessary information is sent to the backup box.

Control qestion:

  • if the previous option also failed to help, select again “ Another way»;
  • then a new window will open where the user prompted to enter the answer to the security question specified during registration;
  • after entering, if everything was specified correctly, a form for changing the password will appear.

We contact technical service:


One of the most popular mailers. It is also the key to access various Google services. It should be noted that when restoring access to this mail, there are some difficulties. This is expressed in the fact that Google requires a fairly large amount of information and it is desirable to indicate it as accurately as possible.

Gaining access using a standard form:


Another one of the domestic services that offers users to register a mailbox. Next, consider the recovery option:

We contact support:

Recovery in case of mailbox deletion

To restore a deleted mailbox, you will need contact support users. To do this, you need to fill out a feedback form and specify the data of the deleted account: username, password, registration date, etc. At the same time, it is important to know that it is possible to restore an account in this way only if no more than a month has passed since the deletion.

It should be noted that before contacting support, you can try to simply log into your account. Some services allow you to cancel your account deletion within two weeks in this way.

How to remember your email address

Let's take a look at how to remember an email address:

  1. « Cookies". If the mail was recently registered, then you can use the "Cookies" check. Cookies store the data entered on websites. In Google Chrome, you can open these files as follows: click on "Settings", "Show advanced settings" and "Personal information". In Opera, you can view cookies as follows: "Settings", "Privacy" and "All Cookies". In the Mozilla browser: "Settings", "Privacy" and "History";
  2. Websiteswhere the user specified mail. Most often, it is indicated when registering on any resources: online stores, social networks, etc. You can also find out the address by contacting the support of this resource;
  3. Ask friends... Some users may communicate and send any files via email. You can ask your friends for an e-mail address;
  4. Using a mail program;
  5. If you've used e-mail with email programs such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, you can find the address in the application settings.

Many people in the process of communication actively use modern technologies of information exchange using the broad capabilities of the Internet. To do this, you need to create a mailbox by registering on one of the special services. E-mail allows you to instantly send information to anywhere in the world and receive a response to it.

When setting up a mailbox, first of all, you should take care of its safety. For this, there is a password protection of personal correspondence from unauthorized users. Basically, when registering, a combination of numbers and letters is used, which must be remembered. But what if you forgot your password from mail or other mail services? There are many methods for restoring access. Which method you choose depends on the profile information the user can recall.

Restoring access by phone number

Often, users are faced with account hacking or simply forget their email password. And as a solution to the problem, they create a new mailbox. Which, of course, leads to the loss of access to their own information on the previous postal address.

As you know, when creating a profile, the user needs to confirm his phone number used to manage the account. If the user has forgotten the password for the mail, but has access to the phone number that was previously confirmed, it is recommended to use the recovery via SMS.

To do this, you must select a number and enter the last 4 digits in a special field. After that, a message with a code to restore access to the profile should be sent to the specified number.

Secret Question

Often, when creating an account, you need to specify a specific question and answer it. To restore access, enter the required information in the appropriate field. This allows the system to identify the user. After that, you will need to enter the code from the provided picture and follow the instructions. If the user does not remember the answer to the secret question, then click on the "I do not remember the answer" button under the form.

Standard recovery method

If the user has forgotten the password for the mail, then to restore it in the standard way, you need to know the login. The process takes place in the following sequence:

  • The main page of, when trying to enter the mailbox or register, contains a button "Forgot your password?".
  • Enter your email address and then click the "Continue" button. However, it should be remembered that if the mailbox is not used for 5 years, access to it will be irretrievably lost.
  • If the entered address exists, then the user is taken to the recovery page, where it is required to enter some information about the data during registration.
  • After filling in the required fields, you will need to enter a captcha.
  • Then a page will open with empty fields, which also need to be filled. Then you should send the form.

So, the user's application will be sent for verification and will be reviewed in the near future.

Support Help

There is nothing difficult in contacting the support service for help if you have forgotten your email password. If it was not possible to use the standard method, then you must directly contact the specialists and explain in detail the essence of the problem. Perhaps the account was hacked or the user did not log into the profile for a long time. When sending a letter explaining the reasons, you should indicate the subject: "Password recovery".

The letter will require you to indicate the most important information that is available only to the current account owner. For a faster return of access to mail, it is recommended to indicate as much reliable information as possible. In this case, the probability of password recovery will increase several times.

So, password recovery is a completely solvable problem if you strictly follow the instructions or use the help of the support service. You can restore access to your account if the user has forgotten their email password, but remembers the information they specified during registration. To minimize the chances of losing your account, it is recommended that you always provide your mobile phone number.

eBay & Co.: Even large Internet companies are betting on a simple combination of login and password to log into their systems. If you forgot your password, just send yourself the recovery link. Often the corresponding button is next to it.

The situation when access to e-mail is lost is much more complicated. In this case, there is nothing left but to create a new account from scratch. This has been confirmed by eBay in response to our request. Thus, it will save your nerves, on the other - there are still ways to access your email.

For accounts with two-step authentication, password recovery is more difficult. Since the password itself can be easily recovered by email, the second key, that is, a one-time code, must be obtained via SMS or a generator.

When you change your cell phone number or uninstall the code generation application, there is a recovery key or so-called backup codes. They are communicated when you create an account. Thanks to them, you can turn off the request for the second factor. If these codes have sunk into oblivion, you cannot do without a new account. You will find tips on how not to forget the codes in the lower block.

Email: if you lose your password for your email client, for example, when you use the same code for all services and cannot remember it, it is difficult to access your accounts. With one exception: data can be easily recovered if you use an email client to exchange messages on your computer. Mail PassView ( scans all popular clients and displays their stored passwords.

If you log into your account through a browser, only one way will help - your provider's hotline. If you have asked a security question and know the answer to it, a new password will be issued to you immediately. If this information is lost, in most cases you will need to present an ID to reset your password.

In principle, it is always necessary to indicate the alternative ways in which you can be contacted by the postal provider, for example, a phone number or other e-mail box. This will allow you to set a new password.

A photo: manufacturing companies

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