ITunes not responding when starting the program. Why won't iTunes open on my computer? What to do

Problems after update software from Apple on Windows occur, if not constantly, then quite regularly. Sometimes difficulties arise with smartphones and tablets, sometimes with the iTunes media player. And, if some errors and malfunctions can still be dealt with with the help of countless reboots, then the startup error iTunes applications 0xc000007b is often a stumbling block.

What is error 0xc000007b and why does it appear?

Surprisingly, the root cause of the crashes (application start error 0xc000007b) is in no way related to apple programs... It's all the fault of the Microsoft developers, who recently decided to introduce a complex and multi-stage verification digital signatures files and some dynamic link libraries downloaded from unverified sources (or, more precisely, not from the official Microsoft website, but from somewhere else). As soon as the system turns to incorrectly signed files, the system immediately gives an error, which has already driven more than a dozen users crazy.

Error correction methods

If the media player from Apple even after restart operating system crashes with a system warning (0xc000007b) or does not start, which means required files and the libraries in the System32 directory were never found and you will have to restore the operation of the aytyuns manually, using the methods to fix the error 0xc000007b, both very basic instructions and quite radical methods:

Disable security software

It is better to part (at least temporarily, for the sake of a direct check) with antiviruses, with services that search for spyware (HitmanPro, Adguard), and even with Windows Firewall... Perhaps all "helpers" block the system's access to the files necessary to launch the media player.

Updating components

Error 0xc000007b often occurs at startup completely different applications and entertainment in the operating room windows system, and therefore it is better to look for the cause of the problem in completely different places.

After updating all the listed libraries, you will have to reboot and try to start iTunes again, hoping for a positive result.

Updating drivers

If the changes made to the system did not work, and the error appears again, then you need to take care of updating all parts personal computer... Even outdated driver on uSB controller can become a serious reason for problems with iTunes, and therefore it is better to immediately avert all suspicions and use a special service utility - where available automatic search faulty "spare parts" (do not look for the same driver for each component throughout world wide web, right?).

Dealing with bugs

Built into the operating system Windows check system files (SFC) allows even without additional tools restore the performance of all services, services and libraries. You will have to check it through the command line.

Wait until the procedure is completed, restart the system. Try using iTunes again.

Radical impact

If the above methods did not help get rid of the problem, then only the last option remains - to completely remove the Apple media player using the power of the special assistant IObit Uninstaller. Why isn't the classic Windows tool, Uninstall or Change a Program, suitable? The reason is simple - Uninstaller's automatic mode Cleans out all the trash folders left after deletion, and at the same time straightens out the entries in the registry. Better way to get to the truth, probably, and not come up with. The procedure is as follows.

Any user can figure out why iTunes doesn't open on their own. The main difficulty is to find the specific cause of the problem, which may lie in the malfunction of the program itself or the operating system on the computer.

Change screen resolution

In some cases, the reason that iTunes does not start on the computer may be wrong permission screen. To check it and change it:

  1. Click on the desktop right click and open Display Settings.
  2. Go to Advanced Options.
  3. Set the recommended resolution or close to it. Apply the configuration.

If the error was caused by an incorrect resolution, then after changing the parameters, the program will start to start and work correctly.

If everything is fine with the resolution, but iTunes still won't open, make sure that Microsoft is installed on your computer. NET Framework (for Windows OS). You should download the library installation package only from the official Microsoft website.

After installing the Framework, restart your computer to apply the configuration. Then try launching iTunes.

To make sure that there are no obstacles from the system to launch iTunes, check your computer for viruses. If the anti-virus is not installed or has not been updated for a long time, use the free Dr.Web CureIt cleaning utility to check.

Run the program, scan the system, remove the detected threats and restart the computer. After logging in again, open iTunes.

If you have QuickTime installed on your computer, a plug-in or codec conflict may cause problems starting iTunes. At the same time, removing the player or reinstalling iTunes will not fix the problem. To rule out this possible cause of failure:

  1. Open "Computer" and follow the path C: \\ Windows \\ System32.
  2. Look for the "QuickTime" directory. If you find it, then delete the content and restart your computer.

If the player is not installed or you are convinced that it is not related to the error when starting iTunes, then proceed to the next step - cleaning the damaged configuration files of the program.

  1. Go to the control panel.
  2. Set the mode to "Small icons".
  3. Open File Explorer Options.
  4. Click on the "View" tab.
  5. In the field "Additional parameters" scroll down the list and check the box "Show hidden files».

Now you can start deleting files from the C: \\ ProgramData \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes \\ SC Info folder. Delete the SC Info.sidd and SC Info.sidb files, and then restart your computer.

If you have tried all the above options, but still do not understand why the Aityuns program does not open, then proceed to reinstall the application. The first step is to properly uninstall the program. Together with iTunes, you need to uninstall a number of components in a specific order:

  1. iTunes;
  2. Apple Software Update;
  3. Apple Mobile Device Support;
  4. Bonjour;
  5. Apple Application Support (32-bit)
  6. Apple Application Support (64-bit)

To complete the complete uninstallation, restart your computer, then go to the Apple website and download the distribution kit of the latest version of iTunes and install the program.

If an old version of Windows is installed on the computer, then when installing the latest builds of iTunes, problems may arise due to incompatibility. Uninstall the program according to the instructions, and then search on third-party sites and install the version of iTunes that suits the system.

As soon as Apple presented the 11th version, many users who installed this program faced an unpleasant situation, which our reader Oxy brought up in her own:

“I installed myself a new iTunes 11. As a result, it starts up, the welcome page opens, says that it is connecting to the iTunes Store - and that's it. Not a single button, not a single section works - that is, they are inactive and cannot be pressed. In the "File" menu, no tab is active, except for "Exit"; in general, from all menus there are active tabs only in "Help". That is, the program is either hanging, or I do not know what is wrong with it. Moreover, if you open some music file with tuna, it plays it, although the start / pause button does not work. If you connect an iPod, the iPod tab appears in the window, but it is also inactive, and you cannot climb into it. I found on various forums that the problem was similar not only for me, but no one suggested solutions, apple tech support sent me a standard article, which also did not find anything useful. Tell me what about the program? Has anyone been able to fix this? "

If you are faced with a similar situation, i.e. iTunes 11 not working, although it starts, you need to increase the screen resolution and everything will fall into place.

In order to change the screen resolution in the Windows XP operating system, you can click: Start - Settings - Control Panel - Display (or right-click on the working screen and select - Properties). After the Properties window starts: Screen, select the Settings tab, set the maximum screen resolution and press the OK button.

After applying a higher screen resolution, in iTunes 11, click the Accept button, which was not visible before. After that all buttons, tabs and menus in iTunes 11 become active and you can work with them.

To make it more convenient for you to use ours, you can enable the side menu, which was used by default in earlier versions of iTunes. Choose: View - Show side menu. On the left, a panel will appear, which often flickers in screenshots and it will become easier to deal with an iPhone, iPad or iPod.

If iTunes does not work on the computer, then users begin to suspect a serious problem, because usually there are no problems with starting the program. However, the failure can often be corrected quickly on your own.

The program is inactive

If iTunes starts, but the window remains inactive, then the reason for this is a low screen resolution. This error is encountered by laptop and netbook users. To eliminate the disadvantage:

  1. Right click on the desktop and open "Screen Resolution".
  2. Set a higher resolution.

After saving the changes, the dialog box will become visible, due to which iTunes remained inactive - you just need to close it.

Safe mode startup

Various plugins and modules, including third-party developers, can be connected to Aityuns in the course of work. Their incorrect functioning can lead to the fact that iTunes on the computer does not turn on. To test this hypothesis, try running the program in safe mode - to do this, hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys at the time of opening. If in safe mode ITunes opens and works, remove third-party modules and scripts.

Reinstalling the program

Make sure you have the latest version of the application installed on your computer before using the following methods to restore iTunes to working condition. To be sure, uninstall iTunes along with all Apple components, and then reinstall the program by downloading the file from the official Apple website.

Applications that need to be uninstalled along with Aytyuns (order is also important):

  1. Apple Software Update.
  2. Apple Mobile Device Support.
  3. Bonjour.
  4. Apple Application Support.
  5. Apple Restore.
  6. QuickTime.

To quickly find them, filter by publisher in the list of installed apps and find Apple. If after installation latest version ITunes still does not work, then use other methods.

Deleting configuration files

Many users try in vain to understand why Aytyugs does not open after the update. This is most often due to the corruption of the program's configuration files. To fix the error:

Restart your computer to save the change. The next time you launch iTunes, new configuration files will be generated.

Disconnecting from the Internet

Errors when starting iTunes can be caused by failures to connect to Apple services. To make sure that it is precisely because of this factor that the program does not start and does not work, remove the option to connect to Apple services.

  1. Turn off your computer's internet connection.
  2. Launch iTunes and see if it works.

If iTunes opens without problems, update the network card drivers on the computer and make sure that the antivirus / firewall does not interfere with connecting to Apple services.

Checking library files

If you don't understand why iTunes freezes or shuts down on its own, check the files stored in your library. To determine which file is preventing iTunes from working:

If the scan was successful, add the following file. The duration of the verification procedure depends on the number of files. If the problem, due to which the program does not work, is associated with incorrect content, then it will appear at the stage of scanning the file.

Apple device owners using multifunctional iTunes program for various purposes, may encounter problems during operation or when starting the service. A number of such problems include error code 0xc000007b, which appears for Windows users for various reasons. Running programs on a computer requires certain system components and application files involved in this process. But not only the violation of integrity or the absence of necessary elements can prevent the user from starting to work with the service.

Algorithm for fixing error 0xc000007b when launching iTunes.

If Aytyuns does not start and gives error 0xc000007b, a number of factors may be the cause of this failure:

  • missing or damaged system components necessary to run, iTunes library files;
  • inconsistency of data content;
  • conflict of programs, incompatibility of iTunes files and OS components;
  • preventing malware from launching;
  • guest mode;
  • when installing or updating the application, the process was interrupted, the files were loaded incorrectly and other software errors.

There can be several reasons for the error 0xc000007b when starting iTunes, as well as other services, depending on the source of the problem and the way to solve it.

Despite the fact that it is not easy for an ordinary user to understand the true cause of the problem with the move, by trial different ways elimination of error 0xc000007b when starting iTunes, you can independently cope with the task.

Method 1. Updating drivers

Outdated or corrupted drivers are common culprits for startup and other software problems. To fix the error 0xe8000065, sometimes it is enough to update the drivers from the official resource and restart the computer, after which the problem will be solved.

Method 2. Run in compatibility mode

The operating system and application conflict is corrected by selecting the appropriate options. To fix error 0xe8000065 in this case, you need to run Aytyuns in compatibility mode with an older version of the operating system. This requires a series of simple steps:

Method 3. Run as administrator

Often the program cannot be started by the lack of access rights if you are working in guest mode... Launching the program as administrator is performed in the same way by displaying the menu by right-clicking on the iTunes executable file, the corresponding option will be available in the list.

Method 4. Removing viruses

Antivirus functioning on the computer does not exclude the possibility of penetration malware... Even if the databases are constantly updated, there is also a risk of infection. In addition, the user himself can accidentally download the virus along with some necessary software, ignoring the antivirus warnings. The "pests" that have settled in the system spoil the files necessary for normal work OS and programs prevent startup and provoke other troubles. From time to time, you need to carry out a full scan of your computer with an anti-virus or a third-party curing utility (Dr.Web CureIt has proven itself well). After identifying and removing the detected threats, the computer needs to restart, after which you can try to launch iTunes again.

Method 5. Update, reinstall iTunes

You need to constantly monitor the program for updates, since an outdated version can lead to various kinds of errors as a result of component conflicts. For correct operation you need to install last update applications, however, are not at all a guarantee that there are no startup errors. When reinstalling the program, you must first completely uninstall the service with all available components. Special tools like Revo Uninstaller and similar applications can make your work easier. Only after the final removal of iTunes and restarting the computer can you download the new version of the program and return to work.

Method 6. Cleaning and repairing the registry

For automatic fix registry errors and cleaning uses special tools such as a registry cleaner. In addition to getting rid of system failures, after the procedure, the performance of the computer as a whole will increase. It is not recommended to manually change registry entries without appropriate knowledge, since even the slightest changes can lead to incorrect operation of the entire system, including the inability to start the computer.

Method 7. Updating system components

Often the appearance of error 0xe8000065 when starting iTunes is associated with a conflict, missing or damaged library files necessary for the process. The .NET Framework integrated into Windows, Microsoft Visual C ++ and DirectX distributions need to be installed and updated. The reinstallation procedure is performed by removing components from the "Programs and Features" section, restarting the computer and then installing new items from an official source. Alternatively, you can try updating Windows if the system does not update automatically.

When working with the aytyuns program, users often encounter problems that cause the program to malfunction. It does not turn on, crashes, cannot connect to iTunes Strore, gives “iTunes Error 2”, “iTunes Error 7”, “Error 4”, “Error 5”, “Error 29” and “iTunes could not connect” or "Can't connect to iTunes Store". In the article we will talk about how to fix the reason why the program does not start and how to configure it correctly.

It is worth noting that connection failure to the iTunes Store happens for many reasons, we will try to cover most of them.

Method 1: change monitor resolutions

Very often iTunes won't open on your computer due to permission. Users receive a message that an invalid response has been received from the device. Errors are displayed and often this is due to the screen resolution, which changes in the settings. Not all programs give various errors because of this, but there are programs like aytyuns.

To fix the problem, you just need to right-click on an empty area and select screen parameters. Open them and a link will be displayed with additional parameters screen where you need to set the maximum.

Method 2: reinstalling the program

Often, the device simply costs old version program, or a version that was originally supplied incorrectly. It is because of this that it does not work.

In this case, you need to reinstall the program completely or upgrade to current version, there is simply no other way. To do this, open the settings and to make everything work out as it should, uninstall the program. After deleting, you need to reboot the device. Before deleting running process must be stopped.

You can download the program on the official website of the manufacturer. After installation a new version the program should work correctly and without unnecessary problems. Updates come out often and shouldtry to be updated with their release.

Method 3: empty the QuickTime folder

This will help users who have QuickTime installed. It often happens that the codec does not allow the player to work correctly. Standard reinstallations are not enough here, even if you uninstall QuickTime with the device and reinstall the aytyuns - this will not solve the problem. The following is a sequence to follow if QuickTime prevents the launch of aytyuns.

So, for this, using Explorer, you need to enable in the Windows system System32 and find QuickTime there ... From there, you need to remove everything that is inside.

Method 4: clean up broken config files

This problem appears for those users who made the update. After it, the aytyuns window is not displayed, and in this case, you need to start the task manager and after it has opened, we will see that the process is responding and updated, but nothing is really displayed.

In this case, it should be said that this is a corrupted system configuration. Then you need to delete the file data.

If we speak step by step, then you need to display hidden files and folders, after which you need to open the menu with the control panel and set the mode with the display of small icons in the upper corner, after which you need to enable the explorer options.

In the window that appears, open the "View" tab, scroll down the list and select the item that shows the files, folders and disks that were hidden. After that, you need to save the changes.

After that, you need to open Windows Explorer and go to "SC Info" in the Apple folder and delete the files inside sidb, sidd.

Method 5: clean up viruses

Of course, you can't do without viruses that so often appear on Windows OS. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to download one of the antiviruses and scan the OS for one of them. There are a lot of such antiviruses on the Internet and they are free, so fixing the problem is not so difficult. Go to any site with free antivirus and download it.

If the antivirus could not detect the virus, then the problem is most likely not in it. If it is in it, then it is worth trying to download another antivirus, which may be able to find the problem and fix it.

After removing the virus, you must reboot the system. After such manipulation, Aytyugs should work correctly if the problem was in it. It is important to look more closely at the networks you enter.

Method 6: installing the current version

If the user still has an outdated OS, to which Windows Vista belongs (error 2003). She was popular on weak computers and laptops, as well as systems with 32 bits.

For such operating systems, the company stopped creating and updating iTunes back in 2009 due to its low popularity and old age. Therefore, it does not always work. This means that when installing the program, even from the official website, it will not work as it should.

To solve the problem, you need to remove the version that does not work and find the distribution kit that works. It is found quite simply by queries in Google or Yandex on the topic iTunes for the operating system XP or for Vista 32 or 64 bit.

Methods 7: Installing Framework on Microsoft

There is iTunes error 7, which is often referred to as 998. Not to be confused with Error 29. It is due to the fact that the device does not have a Microsoft .NET Framework component or there is a version that is incomplete and not installed as it should have been.

It is downloaded from the official Microsoft website and after a simple installation, you just need to reboot the device. iTunes error 7 frequent problem, which is solved in this way. The program will download without problems from the official site.

Basically, these are most of the problems that users and users face when trying to get into iTunes and Store.


There are a lot of problems and errors, "error 6", "error 7", "iTunes error 127", "iTunes error 7", "error 29", and as a result, "Unable to connect to the iTunes Store" is issued. However, most often the program is not displayed for other reasons or due to a combination of some problems. The article tried to make out the most popular and basic ones. If after this article there are questions and the program still does not work, then you need to contact technical support Apple or dig deeper. Sometimes you have to completely reinstall the program or even the OS.

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