Download the manga app. miscellanea

Those who are just entering the path of reading electronic comics always face the problem - what is the .cbr format and what to do with it? In fact, this is a regular archive with images that can be opened by any archiver. But it is much more convenient to open it with a specialized comic reader. In this review, I've tried to cover all the major comic book readers out there and highlight the best ones.


This is a legend. It all started with this program and, most likely, most of the readers use it. The key advantage is simplicity. However, in comparison with the current set of programs, CDisplay is not the most convenient of all.

Pros: ease of use, speed
Minuses: the project is closed (as a result of which there were uncorrected bugs), not very convenient to use

Eventually:Can still be useful due to its ease of use.
Download (version


Heir to CDisplay. In fact, this is a clone, the need for which is questionable. It is even less convenient for CDisplay due to the complicated menu.

Pros: ummm ... well he's fast
Minuses: the project is closed and it is even more inconvenient CDisplay

Eventually: I don’t think anyone might need it.
Download (version 1.4)


Comical's only significant merit is its pretty handy content with a list of all pages. However, it is wildly slow and has little or no customization.

Pros: simplicity
Minuses: low speed, low functionality

Eventually:Not the best choice for comfortable reading. Convenient content is a dubious plus.


The main advantage of CR among other readers is a database into which you can load comics from your hard drive. By filling out a questionnaire for downloaded comics, then it is possible to sort them by categories and shove them into various lists.

Pros: a database, a convenient comic book reader, a huge bunch of chips and functions, the presence of a Russian translation, constant updates, can open a bunch of formats (including pdf)
Minuses: high demand for computer resources, the need to fill out (at least partially) comic book questionnaires in order to use the full functionality of the database

Eventually: An ideal choice for those who keep a large collection of comics on their tough. Anyway, one of the best (if not the best) comic reader software.


Japanese program. No, this is not a diagnosis. In fact, she is so mediocre that there is nothing to say about her. It looks flawed and, to tell the truth, after playing with her for a while, the only thing I want to do is to look for something better.

Pros: works fast, a bunch of color options, built-in clock ^^
Minuses: sadness, no good help in English

Eventually: You can use it, but I don't know why.


Spanish program. The first test that you need to pass after launching it is to understand how to switch the language to English (the correct answer is to press "i"). Spherically inconvenient. The interface is terrible. There is no windowed mode.

Pros: there is some kind of database
Minuses: very inconvenient to use

Eventually: The Spaniards are so Spaniards.


First of all, this reader starts up in a few minutes - and loads the comic as much more. This is terrible. There is comic content and a very strange interface. There are no settings. I have a feeling that despite version 2.5, it is only at the beginning of development.

Pros: cute logo
Minuses: slow work, no options, no hotkeys

Eventually: An example of how not to make comic book readers.


As the name suggests, this program was designed primarily to read manga. However, it can open ordinary comics, although it has not the most convenient control in the world and does not have a windowed mode. It also boasts a database à la ComicRack ... but! You can add only files with the .manga extension to the base, which immediately brings the base from pluses to minuses.

Pros: library, Russian language support, autoloading manga to the library
Minuses: library (to which you can add only .manga files), works slowly, not the most user-friendly interface

Eventually: For those who like to look through manga, there is a certain usefulness.


Another Spanish reader. Not as terrible as the previous one, but still. They probably have courses on how to make the most awkward interface in the world. She can open separately one picture, several pictures, a folder with pictures, pdf-files, and cbr. Moreover, there is a separate button for each option (!!!).

Pros: there is content (albeit without a preview), can open .pdf (although this function is in beta testing)
Minuses: inconvenient interface

Eventually: Goes into the furnace with another Spanish creation.


A very entertaining Japanese reader. Among all the others, it stands out for its DirectX support. Due to this, comic pages can be twisted and twisted like three-dimensional objects, and the transitions through the pages are accompanied by enchanting effects - the sheets explode with a cloud of fragments, spin, spin, disappear, assemble like a puzzle ... Lovely.

Pros: works very quickly, amazing animation of transitions from page to page, convenient comic content and a cute browser, plays video files
Minuses: on some computers there may be problems due to DirectX, cannot independently display pages in original size - it always adjusts to the screen

Eventually: Captivates with its visual capabilities and speed of work.


Korean reader. Very well built and with a nice interface. Convenient and beautiful. There are not very many functions, but those that exist work like a clock. Easy to use besides.

Pros: beautiful shell, works quickly, nothing superfluous, remembers where you finished reading the comic, is updated all the time
Minuses: few hotkeys, but they are not so much needed

Eventually: Perfect replacement for CDisplay.


The Japanese program, again created for readers of manga, and again successfully reads ordinary comics. It has a pretty convenient browser and many functions. Unfortunately, it is half in Japanese.

Pros: convenient browser
Minuses: half in Japanese

Eventually: Functional, but due to the half-way translation, many functions are a deep mystery.


Another Japanese reader popular among manga fans, somewhat similar to Leeyes. Why popular? All thanks to the speed and tons of all kinds of settings.

Pros: Works fast, almost everything is customizable, convenient browser
Minuses: Hasn't been updated since 2006, the setup is rather complicated

Eventually: If you are not intimidated by the heavy setting and like Leeyes, then MM is your choice.

STDU Viewer

Actually STDU is not a comic book reader. STDU is a common image viewer that has gained a lot of popularity due to the fact that it supports a bunch of formats (some I have never even heard of). We are interested in it because it can open cbr files. Since STDU, as it were, was not created in order to read comics, then it has even less opportunities than CDisplay. Downloading the archive is indecently long due to the fact that the program downloads all the files from the archive at once. Navigation is implemented in the form of scrolling ala Adobe Reader and this, to put it mildly, is not very convenient.

Pros: support for a bunch of formats, convenient archive content
Minuses: the program does not set itself the goal of making it convenient to read comics from here there are very few opportunities, does not work with x64 operating systems

Eventually: Suitable for not at all demanding readers or for those who do not like to keep a bunch of programs on their computer - better one, but which can do everything.

Do you like comics? Have you read all the famous comic works? Want to find something new, but don't know where to look? Try to explore funny stories in pictures from Japanese writers. You don't have to learn a foreign language, there is a special program for reading manga, for Android it is installed for free.

Application screenshots


One of the best apps for reading Japanese comics is Manga Geek. You can download it from the Play Store or by clicking on the website link. The utility takes up little space on the device, installs quickly without additional settings. After starting, you can see small tips for use.

After opening the utility, a catalog of collected works appears on the main screen. The name of the story is written in capital letters, below you can see the genre to which the story belongs, then a short announcement of the record. Near each piece, on the left side, there is a thumbnail of the magazine cover.

To open any story you like, press it with your finger once. On the page that opens, information about the author, the original title and buttons for viewing chapters and further reading appear. You can download each chapter separately or download the complete work.

After downloading, you can start reading the most interesting stories, all the characters' lines have been translated into Russian. To view all the images, you need to slash down, and to turn the page, you should make a shift from the right to the left. At the top of the screen, you can see the open chapter and page.

After exiting the reader, you don't have to remember the page: the program automatically remembers the time you stopped reading. To continue, you just need to click on the "continue reading" button. By clicking on the three vertical stripes, you can go to the utility directory, open bookmarks, go to the download queue.

Pros and cons

  • free installation;
  • convenient software;
  • application in Russian;
  • vivid images.


ZingBox Manga int'l version

Utility screenshots


After starting, the utility offers to choose one of 12 languages. On the main page, after selection, manga works are displayed, divided into categories: popular, latest updates or original manga. To view the updates, you need to click on the corresponding button.

Manga manga

Screenshots of the program


After installation, the utility allows you to select your preferred language, as well as specify the source of manga downloads. There are ten languages \u200b\u200bto choose from. By clicking on the gear icon, access to the program settings opens:

  • select sources of manga;
  • stop the application;
  • follow up on new chapters;
  • keep the screen on.

Having decided on the language and source, the main screen opens, which displays a list of all comics. Initially, all categories are visible, and to remove an unwanted genre, there is a tab with horizontal stripes on the right side of the screen. By clicking on the described tab, you can mark with the checkboxes all the categories that you do not want to read.


The brightest and most colorful program, according to most users, is the first utility, the rest of the applications have great functionality, but they are in black and white. To understand which of the programs is the best, you need to install each of the considered and choose the appropriate option.

Comics and manga in Russia, of course, are not as popular as in the USA and Japan, for example, but I am sure that there are fans of the so-called stories in pictures in any country. I have long been fond of comics from "Marvel Comics", I basically only know about them, although I am sure that in addition to the work of a well-known American company, there will be a lot of interesting things on the Internet. It just so happened that not all reader applications on Android are suitable for reading comics, take at least the popular "Alreader" and "CoolReader", which cannot even see JPG pictures. There are, of course, more omnivorous readers like "Moon + Reader", but again, such a solution can hardly be called optimal for comics, and this becomes clear already at the moment of turning the pages. This is not very convenient, and the picture jerks unpleasantly, although the list of supported formats suits me perfectly. For some readers, there are separate plugins that allow you to work with an additional set of file extensions.

Most of the comics I've read are in CBR and sometimes CBZ formats, but they can also be in the form of regular JPEG pictures or, say, in TIFF format (we will include other image formats as well). In general, there are not so many applications that would open all these popular comics formats, but it is the "Perfect Viewer" that I see as the most convenient and functional of them. And if you also take into account its absolute free and complete absence of at least some hint of advertising, then "Perfect Viewer" can be considered almost ideal (in fact, it's not for nothing that the developers gave the softinka a similar name) an application for those who like to read comics on Android OS.

The creators of "Perfect Viewer" also made sure that the software supports PDF, but this opportunity appears only after installing an additional plug-in, which can be downloaded and installed from Google Play. Just enter the name of the application in the search, and then you can find what you need. By the way, the plugin weighs about 28 MB, a little less than the application itself, so it's clear why they decided to add it separately. You can also notice that there are paid versions of "Perfect Viewer", but they practically do not differ from the free one, you should buy them only if you want to thank the developers for their work. [Cm. applications "Perfect Viewer Donation", "Perfect Viewer Donation 2". - Approx. ed.] This decision seems to be very wise, although I don't know how beneficial it is for the creators, because even donated versions are already freely available on some sites.

When you start the software for the first time, you can see that the screen is divided into several signed zones. At first it may seem incomprehensible why all this is needed, but only until you open some comic strip. After that, it will be enough to click on any part of the screen to perform this or that action. Interestingly, turning the pages forward initially occurs by clicking on the left side of the screen. Usually in most programs (which I know), when you look at pictures, you scroll to the right, but this is a matter of habit, and you can change everything in the settings. Although I liked the way it was implemented in the Challenger Comics Viewer application. There, the scrolling of pages goes from top to bottom, which for me personally is somewhat more convenient and more pleasant than the standard version with flipping.

And there are a great many settings in "Perfect Viewer", sometimes you even start to doubt - is all this presented variety really necessary ?!

In general, I changed little in the settings, only turned off the transition effects that I did not need and changed the direction of reading. Otherwise, everything seems to suit me, even the new menu, which, although less beautiful than the old one (which, accordingly, was in the old versions of the software), is more convenient to use, it now opens faster. By the way, there is an item in the settings that allows you to return to the old menu while watching comics, even this option is provided.

Literally everything is configured in the softphone, there is even an opportunity to improve the quality of the picture or completely desaturate it, making it black and white for possible subsequent coloring (as far as I know, this feature is only available in the paid version, otherwise the functionality of the free one is not cut down, if you do not take into account a few insignificant moments). If you are too lazy to flip through comics, then you can start the slideshow mode, but I would not do this, given that sometimes you need to enlarge the picture in order to see the text, and the display time becomes limited. Sometimes you also want to admire the work of artists. This mode is more likely for ordinary pictures or photos that also open in the application.

"Perfect Viewer" has competitors, first of all, I would highlight "ComicRack", intended for tablets. But the trouble is that the free version of the software has a number of limitations, and in general the functionality is somewhat limited. To read manga (Japanese comics) it is better to use "Manga Watcher X", which already has a catalog of free manga downloads. Unfortunately, "Manga Watcher X" does not support some comic formats, so it cannot fully replace "Perfect Viewer". This is primarily an online catalog with the ability to download and view content and with additional paid features.

Other comic reader apps are easily searched on Google Play by entering the search term "CBR". Perhaps you will like some other application from the ones presented in the store, it's just that not all of them are developed and constantly updated, so the choice is not as big as it might seem.

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