The svchost process loads the memory of the windows 7 solution. Windows Logs - One of the reasons for the "lag" in Windows. How many processes can be started simultaneously

In Windows 7, the most important process in the OS is Svchost.exe... Very often, Windows 7 PC users encounter a problem when this process heavily loads the processor. The load of processor cores can reach from 50 to 100 percent. Svchost.exe is an the host process responsible for starting group services from dynamic DDL libraries... That is, the system uses this host process to start a group of services without creating unnecessary processes. This approach reduces the load on the processor and RAM. If the system slows down and Svchost.exe loads the processor heavily, this means that the OS is not working properly. This behavior of the system can be caused by malware, as well as malfunctions in the operating system itself. To deal with this problem, in this article we will look at all the ways to solve the problem with a high CPU load caused by the Svchost.exe process.

First steps to troubleshoot the Svchost.exe process

If you have a situation when the Svchost.exe host process is heavily loading the processor, then you should not immediately think that it is a virus. In addition to the virus, the OS itself may be the culprit for this problem. Below we will consider list of problems, and methods of fixing them:

Restoring normal processor operation using antivirus

If the above methods did not help, then most likely your Windows 7 infected with a virus... Typically, virus infection occurs from the outside. That is, via the Internet or via an external data storage device. If you have a good antivirus, then most likely the virus will not work. But there are times when antiviruses do not see new versions of viruses and let them pass. If your computer is infected, the Svchost.exe host process will load the processor up to 100 percent, and in the username you will see not the system names "LOCAL" and "NETWORK SERVICE", but a completely different name.

To get rid of the virus in the system, you need run full scan computer in Windows 7 to search for malware. Below we will look at an example of running a full computer scan using Comodo Internet Security antivirus. Also, before starting any anti-virus to check the OS, update its anti-virus database. Let's move on and launch the antivirus Comodo Internet Security.

In the main window of the antivirus, go to the bottom tab “ Scanning”And a menu will open where you can select scan options.

In our case, you need to select the item " Full scan". This option will scan the entire hard drive, identify malware and neutralize it... Shown below is the Comodo Internet Security scan window.

In other anti-virus programs, the principle of running a full PC scan is as similar as possible to the one discussed. Therefore, if you have a problem with the Svchost.exe host process, then feel free to run a full PC scan.

For this example, we chose Comodo Internet Security for a reason. This antivirus has a built-in module called KillSwitch (this module is currently part of the free set of utilities COMODO Cleaning Essentials, which you can download).

This module is a task manager that has advanced functionality. For instance, KillSwitch can stop the process tree and revert back the changes made after that.

Also a feature of KillSwitch is checking running processes for trust... That is, if the process is untrusted, KillSwitch will find it and indicate this in the third column “ Assessment". This feature of the KillSwitch module will help you more quickly identify the issue related to Svchost.exe and CPU usage.

It is also worth mentioning when the virus infects the antivirus itself or is reliably masked from it, as a result of which the installed antivirus does not see it. In this situation, the user will come to the aid of a boot disk. This disk is a portable Linux-based operating system that boots from it. After booting from this disk, the user will be able to run a PC scan directly from the loaded operating system.

Such a check should find and neutralize viruses that force Svchost.exe to load processor cores. Most known viruseswhich load the processor using Svchost.exe are:

  • « Virus.Win32.Hidrag.d"- is a virus written in C ++. Once in the system, he replaces Svchost.exe... After that, it searches for files with the "* exe" extension and infects them. The virus is harmless, it does not harm the system and does not steal information. But constant infection of files with the "* exe" extension puts a heavy load on the processor.
  • « Net-Worm.Win32.Welchia.a"- this virus is an internet worm that uses internet attacks on the processor.
  • «» - a primitive Trojan that registers a new Svchost.exe process on the system to open a specific page in the browser, thereby loading the system.
  • « Trojan.Carberp» - a dangerous Trojan that also disguises itself as Svchost.exe... The main purpose of this virus is search and theft of information from large retail chains.

High CPU usage due to Windows Update

On computers with Windows 7 OS, a situation is often observed when the Svchost.exe process loads the processor and memory because of the update center... To check what exactly the update center is loading memory and processor, you need to go to " Task Manager"And use Svchost.exe to navigate to the services it is currently managing. An example of such a transition is shown in the image below.

After such a transition, a window with services should open, where the service " wuauserv».

This particular service responsible for downloading and installing updates seven. The fix for this problem is quite simple.

In the service window of the Task Manager, you can completely stop "wuauserv" or disable checking for updates in the control panel.

But disabling the "wuauserv" service is an ugly way out of this situation.

Disabling this service violates the security of the OS as a whole, since the installation of updates through the update center will be disabled.

You can solve this problem by installing updates manually. In order not to download dozens of updates from and then install them for a long time, it is best to use a set of updates UpdatePack7R2... The developer of this set is “ simplix», Who is also known by this nickname and is a moderator on the forum. You can download this set at At the moment, the website has the latest version under the number 17.12.15. After downloading the kit, you can start installing updates. To do this, run the installer.

In the window that appears, click the Install button. After that, the process of installing updates will begin.

This process can take quite a long time and depends on the number of updates already installed. You can update Windows 7 in such an offline way constantly, since the author of the project is constantly releasing new sets. Also, after completing the installation of updates, you can restart the update center. This time, the memory and CPU usage issue should go away as these updates contain a fix.

Other ways to solve the problem with the processor load due to Svchost.exe

In this section, we will describe methods that in some cases can help solve the problem with Svchost.exe, as well as increase the overall performance and stability of the system. Below is the a list with a detailed description of each of the methods:

  • Very often it helps to solve the problem of the Svchost.exe process, even when it is infected with a virus, the usual oS rollback using a restore point... But this method can be used only if system protection is enabled.
  • With prolonged use of various installed programs, the operating system Windows 7 accumulates a lot of garbage on the hard disk... Garbage refers to temporary files created by using various utilities. For example, browser history files. In this case, they will come to the rescue special utilities for cleaning the OS... The most popular of these is the program CCleaner.
  • We also advise you to defragmentationwhich can improve the overall system performance. Although defragmentation will not solve the problem with the Svchost.exe process, it will significantly speed it up, thereby relieving the load on the processor. One of the best defragmenters is the utility Defraggler, which, in addition to its main function, is also able to defragment system files.
  • Cleaning the registry also helps to solve our problem. To clean the registry, as in the method above, the utility is suitable CCleanerwhich is fast will delete old registry keyspreventing Svchost.exe from working properly.
  • Also, for all running processes, including Svchost.exe, an important factor is a working memory. When faulty memory the system and running processes may become unstable. The way out of this situation would be replacement of RAM for working memory... You can check memory for health using the built-in diagnostic tool in Windows 7.


In this article, we have covered quite extensively the problem associated with high CPU utilization due to the Svchost.exe process. Based on this, our readers will certainly be able to solve this problem and ensure the normal operation of the computer.

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Surely, there is no need to explain to anyone that very often in their work, many users of modern PCs are faced with a situation of slowing down the work of a computer terminal. Unfortunately, very often you can observe that it is the Svchost process that loads the memory and the processor. Let's see what this process is and how to get rid of unnecessary load on system resources.

What is the Svchost.exe process

First you need to figure out what kind of service it is, and how it works. Naturally, each user, entering the Task Manager when entering a command in the Run menu or when invoked using Ctrl + Alt + Del in the process tree, observes not one, but at least four or five Svchost processes. exe that do not know what.

Don't panic right away. It should be so. In fact, it is a system service that has been used by Microsoft on Windows systems relatively recently. This refers to the fact that earlier this process was exclusively assigned the functions responsible for the correct network connection or connection to the Internet.

This did not affect the launch of applications in any way. Then the developers added the headache service and assigned it responsibilities related to accelerating the launch of programs and their components after the start of the Services.exe service. So it turned out that intentionally or unintentionally Svchost loads the memory of Windows 7, as they say, regardless of persons and ranks. Here a situation manifested itself, which in Russian can be described as “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always”. Nevertheless, it is possible to deal with the manifestations of excessive load, but first, let's consider how exactly this service affects the system.

Why is the Svchost.exe process loading the system

First of all, it should be said that the developers tried to make a single service that should be responsible for running all programs. On the one hand, this is very good. Why run a bunch of unnecessary components to start a particular process? In particular, this concerns the call of data from the so-called dynamic libraries. DLL. By themselves, such files are not executable, but work only through hosts.

The simplest example is the use of plug-ins of RTAS, DX or VST formats connected to audio, video editors or special music sequencers via DirectX bridge or service drivers such as ASIO4ALL.

So it turns out that good intentions did not lead to anything good. A single service has been overloaded, causing the Svchost service to load memory so much that neither the processor nor the physical memory can handle it. Judge for yourself, you can simultaneously open up to a dozen applications on a computer terminal or laptop. Some people like to play through their favorite game while listening to music. But all this is launched through Svchost.exe.

Well, if we take into account that there is a connection to the Internet, then the whole system can freeze, because the service itself, as mentioned above, combines not only the functions of launching applications, but also the priorities of the network connection and access to the World Wide Web ... Here it is worth considering the fact that if an online game is used, and it is quite resource-intensive, not only the Svchost.exe service will work. Netsvcs loads memory no less. This is a concomitant process with or accessing the Internet.

How many processes can be started simultaneously

When a user feels or observes in the process tree that the Svchost service is loading RAM and he immediately starts to panic, because there are at least four identical services in the list. No worries. Depending on the number of running applications and the availability of an Internet or local network connection, there can be many more (up to a dozen or more). Some people think that these are viruses, and try to complete everything they can, and then remove the accompanying components and the program file itself. It is not right. A little later, it will be said about how to distinguish a normal process from malware.

Simplest method to terminate the Svchost.exe process

So, we have a situation where Svchost loads Windows 7 memory too much. How to get rid of this in the simplest way? It's very simple. You just need to restart the computer terminal.

After a reboot, the use of system resources from calling applications will decrease significantly.

You can do otherwise and go to the "Task Manager", called from the command line or the usual keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del, on the "Processes" tab, find the service we are interested in (in this case, Svchost.exe) and click the "End Process" button.

In this case, you need to choose exactly the component that has the most negative impact on the use of the processor or RAM. Naturally, all other processes can be completed as well.

Removing process components

In some cases, there is a situation when Svchost.exe loads the processor. What to do in this case?

Some experts recommend using a physical intervention method and stopping the service by deleting the Prefetch folder located in the Windows root directory (C: \\ WINDOWS \\ Prefetch), after which you will need to terminate the process tree and restart the system. Nothing bad will happen.

Svchost.exe process attributes

As far as attributes are concerned, the Svchost.exe process is never launched as a user, be it even as an administrator on a particular computer terminal or server.

Only three options can be present in the process description: LOCAL SERVICE, SYSTEM, or NETWORK SERVICE. Anything that has other attributes can be completed without hesitation and without a twinge of conscience.

Suspected viruses

Of course, a situation can be observed when it is clear that the Svchost process loads memory for no apparent reason, and the service attributes do not correspond to what was indicated above. In that case, you can be sure that it is. Of course, such a process can be completed manually, but it is highly recommended to check the system with some powerful anti-virus package. This, however, also does not always help, since viruses disguise themselves as a service quite well and can even hang in RAM.

It is better to use applications like Dr. Web Rescue Disc or Kaspersky Rescue Disc, which start before Windows starts. Such applications are capable of detecting viruses even in situations where the standard antivirus misses threats or simply does not find them.


That, in fact, is all. We figured out the general concepts of why Svchost loads memory or processor, and how to end this service. The only question that remains is the expediency of stopping or removing the process. If this is a regular process, it is not worth completing it even on low-power machines; it is better to wait a little while the service stops accessing any data or libraries. Well, as a last resort, you can simply reboot the system or close the problematic programs. It is better not to get into the system itself.

When the process ends, the Task Manager may experience a spontaneous restart or, even worse, a blue screen of death. Then you will have to deal with restoring Windows or even a complete reinstallation. And these, as you know, are extremely undesirable processes. In addition, for sure, no user wants to reinstall Windows 7 or restore it from the console, since this is quite a troublesome business. And such a process takes a lot of time, not to mention the preparatory operations.

Svchost.exe - system file and process of all modern Windows operating systems, from Windows 2000 to the latest Windows 10.

The Windows developers created a generic svchost process to reduce the load on the computer's memory and processor. This process is used to run multiple Windows system services at the same time.

It is not uncommon for the svchost process to load the processor and memory of Windows 7, making it impossible to work on the computer. In this article, you will learn what may be the causes of slowdowns with the svchost process and their solution.

Checking svchost for virality

The first step is to make sure the problem is caused by a real svchost file and not a virus. The fact is that cybercriminals very often imitate their virus with the name svchost so that the computer owner does not suspect anything suspicious. It is worth noting that the svchost.exe process in all Windows except Windows 8 and Windows 10 runs exclusively on behalf of system users SYSTEM (system), LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE... So, if you see that svchost is launched as a user, then it is almost certainly a virus imitating the operation of a system file.

In order to see what user svchost is running under, press the key combination ctrl + alt + del and open the task manager. Go to the "Processes" tab and sort the list by CPU, that is, by the load on the central processor. You can also sort by image name.

As you can see in the screenshot, all svchost.exe processes are launched from system users (system, LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE). This means that we are not dealing with a virus and we can dig further. If, however, the svchost process was launched on your user account, for example Dima or Alena, then you would need to clean your computer from viruses. But I'll talk about this in the next article.

The reasons why svchost exe loads the processor

As it was already written at the beginning of the article, the svchost.exe process was used to run several system services of the Windows 7 operating system at once. If svchost is 100 percent loading the processor or RAM in Windows 7, this means that some service is constantly calling this file.

To get started, just try restarting your computer. It is possible that one of your services is stuck and a simple restart may help. If after restarting the computer the problem remains and svchost exe loads the windows 7 processor as before, then you will have to determine which service is causing the problem.

I'll run a little ahead and say that the text below explains the methodology for finding a problematic service, but as a rule, svchost only load the processor because of some, so before following the instructions in this paragraph, first read the entire article, and only then proceed.

In order to determine which services svchost.exe runs on, press ctr + alt + del and open the task manager. Select the "Processes" tab and sort the table by process name.

Highlight the svhost.exe process that consumes the most resources, right-click and click "go to services".

You will be taken to the "services" tab of the task manager, where the services that use the svchost.exe process for their own purposes will be highlighted.

Now you have to go to the "service" menu and disable it.

If after that the load on svchost has subsided, then you have found the problematic service. If the service is not critical, set the startup type to "disable" so that the service does not start every time the computer is turned on. This will not overload the processor and computer memory.

If svchost is still loading memory or the processor, then you will have to brute force to disable one service after another until the service responsible for the brakes is found.

Svchost overloads the processor due to automatic updates of Windows 7

It is important to understand that there are critical Windows services, without which it will be impossible to work on a computer, and minor ones, without which an ordinary computer user may well live.

The svchost process in most cases loads the processor or memory in Windows 7 due to a service Windows Update... To disable it, click Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Update.

In the right menu select Settings.

In the window that appears, instead of "install updates automatically", put "Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me."

After that, the system will not automatically download and install all the updates found, but will only notify you that updates are available and, if you wish, you can download and install them. This way the svchost process that is loaded will not bother with the automatic update service.

Also, to be sure, you can completely disable the automatic update service. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative - Services. Find Windows Update service and click Disable, also change the Startup Type to Disabled.

After this updates, in principle, will be disabled and should not load the svchost process.

After that, do not forget to delete the contents of the C: \\ Windows \\ SoftwareDistribution folder, the downloaded updates are stored in it.

Other causes and solutions for svchost process brakes

Incorrectly installed drivers or applications

In addition to Windows Automatic Updates, svchost.exe can load the processor due to incorrectly installed drivers or programs. Try to remember what you installed on your computer or what drivers were updated before the problems appeared. Try to roll back the system to the moment when everything worked or remove the drivers and applications, after which there were brakes with the svchost. Download new drivers from the official site.

Temporary files

Delete the contents of the C: \\ Windows \\ Prefetch and C: \\ Windows \\ Temp folders. These folders contain temporary files that can be cleaned up to revive your computer. Don't worry, deleting these files will not harm your computer in any way, all deleted files will be restored automatically.

Iron problems

It is possible that the svchost process is loading the Windows 7 processor due to problems with the network adapter, faulty computer RAM, or some other hardware.

Try disconnecting the network cable from the computer and see if the load drops. If this helps, then try checking your computer with an antivirus, and reinstalling the network card and motherboard driver.

It is also possible that your RAM is broken. There may be a problem with one of the RAM bars. Diagnose it with special programs.

Checking Windows System Integrity

Check the integrity of the Windows files. Some of the system files may have gotten worn or damaged, causing a load on the svchost. Also, there may be a broken file that is loading the system.

Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt. You can also enter the command line by pressing the key combination Win + R. Write CMD and click OK.

On the command line, write "sfc / scannow" without quotes.

After that, the system will check all the files and restore the damaged ones.

Many PC users have noticed that the speed of the computer very often depends on a process called Svchost, which seriously "loads" the processor's memory. It is a host process for windows services loaded from a dynamic link library. Speaking in human language, every user, easily holding down the key combination from Ctrl + Alt + Del, can observe several Svchost processes "hanging" in memory and doing "the hell". What is the danger of this process for your personal computer, or is it not so bad? Let's take a closer look.

Where did he come from?

Svchost is a system service that Microsoft professionals did not use many years ago. Before that, she performed the functions of ensuring the correct network connection and connection to the Internet, which in no way affected the launch of applications and programs. After that, experts from Silicon Valley felt that this was not enough for the Svchost process, and assigned it the responsibility to speed up the launch of various programs, which led to unintentional loading of Windows memory. It turned out, to put it mildly, not very well. And yet, the fight against excessive load is possible.

Why is svchost.exe to blame?

The service developed by the software vendors did not work well. Namely: the Svchost process began to load memory so much that neither the paging file nor the processor could handle it. This is understandable. When you open many applications, games on your computer, while listening to music, it is Svchost.exe that is included in the work. Adding network connectivity to the world wide web on top of that, it's not hard to guess that there is too much of one process.

Do not panic if you see several identical Svchost services in the "Task Manager" that "load" the processor or RAM. Their number directly depends on the number of running programs and access to the Internet. Do not think that this is malicious software that you need to get rid of by shutting down all applications in a row.

Svchost malfunction can be caused by:

  1. Physical memory corruption. This is facilitated by the accumulation of dust in the "system unit". It is recommended that you clean your system unit from attracted dust at least once every six months.
  2. Violations when downloading updates. Failure of the Internet connection, blackout - all this can be the reasons for the occurrence of numerous svchost processes.

Simplest method to terminate the Svchost.exe process

In a situation in which the "ill-fated" process "slows down" the system too much, you just need to reboot your Windows 7 "operating system", which will allow the system to use resources much less.

You can do it differently. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, we find ourselves in the Task Manager. We go to the "Processes" tab and find the service of interest to us in the list, after which we terminate it by choosing the component that has the most negative effect on the OP or processor.

In a situation where the Svchost.exe process loads the processor, some experts recommend physically intervene. Delete the Prefetch folder located in the root directory of the Windows operating system and then restart your personal computer. This does not pose any danger.

Suspected viruses

There is a possibility of such an event in which the Svchost.exe operation is loaded on its own, without any reason. Remember! "Good" svchost.exe processes run under a custom name, such as Network Service, or something similar. Virus programs write themselves under the name "Admin". In this case, you can be 100 percent sure that your personal computer has been infected by a virus. Of course, this process is easy to complete with a slight movement of the mouse, but the correct solution would be a full check of the system with an antivirus program, which, in principle, does not give full guarantees of a solution to the problem. Computer viruses can camouflage themselves very well, even climbing into RAM. The best solution would be to use such giants of the antivirus industry as products from Nod32 or Kaspersky, which start even before the operating system is launched.


That's all. The question of what is a host process for windows tasks and why it "loads" the system is chewed up to the smallest detail. Leaving this process "hanging" or deleting it manually is up to you. Keep in mind that completing a routine process is dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to show a little patience, or you may face unpleasant consequences, up to a complete system collapse. If necessary, simply reboot the system or close potentially problematic programs. Do not meddle without extreme need in the "Task Manager", otherwise you can get acquainted with such a phenomenon as the blue "screen of death", which instills horror in all users of a personal computer, without exception, to get rid of which they are reluctant to take even in specialized service centers. And it is not pleasant to lose a lot of valuable information, just without waiting a couple of minutes. Is not it?

The unstable operation of the computer's operating system, accompanied by failures, various kinds of errors, maximum CPU and RAM load, and, as a result, a general decline in PC performance, can be caused by many reasons. First of all, the presence of viruses must undoubtedly be attributed to them. But there are others, such as the Svchost system service, which often loads the PC's memory and processor by 50, or even 100%, thereby reducing its performance to a minimum. It is about this service that will be discussed in this article. Here we will look at where the Svchost.exe file is located and what to do to revive the computer when it loads the system to the maximum.

What is this Svchost.exe process?

In Windows XP and later modifications of this operating system, a process such as svchost.exe appeared. Initially, it meant network connections, but then a number of other functions were assigned to it, and in Windows 7 this process became necessary to start other system services. So it was given some versatility.

You can find out where svchost.exe is hiding if you open the task manager and check the box next to "Display processes of all users." You will see a whole tree of svchost.exe processes.

The problem is that it often loads the system heavily, namely, it loads the computer's memory and processor, sometimes by 50, and sometimes by 100 percent, this becomes a critical moment for the normal operation of old laptops and PCs. What could be causing this?

  1. The svchost.exe virus. More precisely, it is a malicious file disguised as a system process and is difficult to detect even if the processor is heavily loaded.
  2. Updates failing. Especially if they are loaded automatically and contain some bugs.
  3. The Windows 7 event log file is overloaded with various entries. It records all the actions that you have ever performed with the system. Can you imagine how many records can accumulate there if you have used a PC, for example, for 5 years?
  4. Physical damage to the hard drive. Not the most common reason, but it should not be ruled out.

How to fix the problem

  1. Just try to close the svchost process that is "eating"
  2. most of the RAM. As a rule, it takes up both 200 and 500 GB of RAM. The computer should start working faster, because the CPU load will be much less.
  3. Disable automatic download and check for updates. To do this, go to Control Panel -\u003e Windows Update -\u003e Configure Settings.
  4. Next, in the "Important updates" item, select "Do not check for updates (not recommended)".
  5. Look in the task manager, which user stands in front of the svchost.exe processes. Must be "system / system", local service, network service. Everything else is viruses. Close the process by clicking on the right mouse button and choosing "End Process Tree". And of course, check the system for viruses Dr.Web, Kaspersky or other appropriate program.
  6. Delete the folder in the "C: \\ WINDOWS \\ Prefetch" directory, restart your computer. It stores data about programs and services that run on the system. It is somewhat similar to the "Temp" folder (temporary files). If you delete all the information from "Prefetch", then the necessary information of the program will be written into it again during the next boot of Windows 7, and the unnecessary information will simply be deleted.
  7. Now go to the "Control Panel" and go to the "Administrative Tools" section.
    Then select "View Events".
    In the next window, in its left column, find the category "Windows Logs". Expand its list and double-click the "Applications" item. Now select "Clear Log" in the left column of the window.
  8. Do the same with the items "Security", "Installation" and "System".

After these steps, your computer should start to run faster. The conclusions are as follows: do not enable automatic downloading of updates, check the operation of the PC after disabling the most resource-intensive svchost process, clear the "Prefetch" folder and the event log. Pay attention on whose behalf the process is running. If the user has the name of your PC in the field, it quite means that it's time to clean your computer from viruses.

How to check in another way, is it a system file or a virus? Just select the "heaviest" svchost and right-click on "Open file storage location". The directory "C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32 \\" should open and only it!

However, if you open the "Task Manager" and see that svchost.exe selects a maximum of 20-30 MB of RAM, then it says only one thing: the reason for the slow operation of the system is not in it at all.

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