Check disk for windows xp errors. Question: windows detected a hard disk problem

HDD   is one of the most important computer devices on which all the information stored on your computer is stored. Any problems have serious consequences, because you can permanently lose important data. In most cases, these devices suffer on broken sectors, which is the first sign that the disc begins to "crumble". They show themselves when some files open an "Access denied" error or the computer starts to slow down when you start the program (accessing the disk), while the fan noise of the hard drive increases.

Let's consider one of the errors, when the operating system displays a message: "Windows detected a problem hard drive". An error occurs on versions of Windows   7, 8.1, 10. How to find a solution and what to do when the next message occurs, and what this problem can lead to.

First of all, you need to transfer all the recorded files and folders from the damaged media. If your computer has two hard drives   or at your home is set up the local network   (or Wi-Fi), you can perform this operation simply by copying it to another hard drive or computer. But what if you use one hard drive.

Transfer to another local disk   (C: or D :), there is no sense, since the Winchester starts to "pour" itself. In this case, you can not do without an external drive. If its volume is small, at least copy the most important documents.

At this error it is better to contact the service center to not further aggravate the situation.

How can I copy corrupted files?

When copying information you could not transfer any files, this indicates that the disk surface appeared broken sectors. If there are important files among the corrupted files, try to restore the disk using the special utility MHDD. It should be run from a bootable removable media - a flash drive or CD / DVD drive, so you need to create boot disk   and write this utility. During diagnostics, the program will be able to extract information from the damaged sectors   and transferred to the reserved area of ​​the hard drive.

After treatment broken sectors   you can copy previously "corrupted" files.

Why do I need a backup?

So, what to do with the hard drive. After testing by the MHDD utility, the error "Windows detected hard drive problem   disk "should not bother you anymore. But in order to save yourself from unnecessary troubles, it is necessary to do backup copy   the hard disk with the program Acronis True   Image.

After all, if after a while Windows again detects a drive failure, there's no point in recovering it, it needs to be replaced with a new one. This also applies to the case when a lot of broken sectors were identified when testing MHDD.

The entire disk image can be restored without any problems from a backup to a new medium. And if it was bootable system disk   (C: \\), you will no longer need to reinstall Windows 10 or another operating system.

Antivirus check

In some cases, Windows has detected a hard disk problem due to malware that prevents the driver from operating normally. An error occurs when the operating system incorrectly determines the hard disk controller.

Therefore, you need to check HDD anti-virus scanner. You can use Kaspersky Anti-Virus or DrWeb. Perform an in-depth computer check and after the treatment, do not forget to restart the PC. After this, the drive's error detection error should disappear.

What not to do

There are ways to turn off this message on Windows 7/8/10 operating systems. But we strongly do not recommend doing this even if you are 100% sure of the hard drive's performance. And what is most sad, when you disconnect, you can permanently lose data on the media. It is better to look for the cause of the problem and find a solution, rather than disconnect it.


We examined the main causes of the problem and the ways by which you can get rid of it. And most importantly, do not forget to make backup copies or, in extreme cases, copy important files to another medium, thereby saving yourself from unnecessary problems with recovering the necessary information from the hard drive.

A number of users operating windows systems   may encounter a system message "Windows detected a hard disk problem". If you skip this message, it appears again, and the frequency of its appearance time after time increases. In this article, I'll tell you how to fix the error - Windows has detected a hard disk problem, what are the causes and symptoms of this problem, and how to remove it.

What does "Windows found a hard disk problem"

The main attribute of this dysfunction is the resulting message "Windows detected a hard disk problem", as well as the system prompt immediately begin the process of archiving the available data. This problem   is fixed on almost all modern operating systems of the Windows family, starting with Windows XP and ending with Windows 10.

In this case, this message usually appears more than once, and time after time, forcing the user to start thinking about a Windows error in which hard disk problems were detected.

Typically, this message is the litmus of serious problems on the hard disk, such as:

  • The hard disk "sypetsya" and soon completely cease to work;
  • Information on the hard drive will soon be lost forever;
  • The system files on this disk are seriously damaged, and soon the system will stop loading altogether;
  • The computer will slow down and hang, boot for a very long time, and will soon stop responding to user commands.

Causes of the problem

Before, we will consider the solution to the error "Windows detected a hard disk problem", you need to determine the causes of this dysfunction. They are as follows:

How to fix the error where Windows detected a problem in the HHD drive

So, how to fix the error "Windows detected a hard disk problem"? I recommend doing the following:

If the problems are on the disk "c", and you have it system-wide, then the chkdsk utility prompts you to run the test the next time you start the system. Agree to the proposal by clicking on "Y", reboot the system, and wait for the utility to check your disk for errors.

  • Run a hard disk surface test. Among the various programs recommended for these purposes, I would single out free application   MiniTool Partition Wizard (also you can mention other alternatives, for example MHDD or HDAT2). Download, install and run the specified application, right-click the problem disk (usually the system C: \\), and select the option "Surface Test". Then click on "Start now". The program will analyze the surface of the hard drive, the more errors there are, the more "red" blocks you will see in the graphics window of the program.

As for the already mentioned MHDD, it is also possible to use its functionality, by performing its analysis of the disk surface in REMAP mode.

Also, you can disable the appearance of the most problematic message "Windows detected a hard disk problem" by changing the corresponding registry entry. To do this, it will be enough to perform the actions specified in this video:

In this case, I would advise you not to rush to disconnect this message, since it is an important indicator of the performance of your hard disk and the operating system as a whole;

  • Check the integrity of your OS registry   with the help of special utilities CCleaner, RegCleaner and analogues;
  • Take care of cooling your hard drive. In some cases, the emergence of bad sectors   was caused by overheating of the hard drive. Use special cooling stands with built-in cooling system, this will avoid overheating of the hard drive.


The most common cause of the error "Windows detected a hard disk failure" is the shedding of the hard drive, with the gradual failure of the hard drive. In this case, it is recommended that the first step is to make a copy (backup) of the required files on the this disc   (some make a copy in the form of an image of the entire hard drive), and only then do the whole complex of actions described by me above. If the problems with the disk are of a random nature, then the action system utilities   chkdsk and sfc will restore the working capacity of your hard drive, guaranteeing it stable work   in future.

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   February 22, 2017 Views:

What should I do if Windows detects a hard disk problem?

Sometimes users are faced with an unexpected problem, suddenly seeing a system message with information that the system has detected a hard disk problem. Almost every user after that falls into a stupor and does not know what to do next. We'll look at the 3 most common reasons for this error, and let's tell you what to do in each of these situations.

Reason # 1 - Problem with external media

So what should you do if Windows detects a hard drive problem?
First of all, you need not panic, but remember what happened right before the appearance of this message. This system alert is displayed if the Windows operating system could not write or read any files located on the hard disk or an external drive. To determine which disk contains the problem, you should pay attention to the lower part of the warning:

This is the letter of the problem volume. If this line displays the letter of the partition that belongs to the external drive, then do not despair - you just need a volume windows tools.
Please note that you should not remove the external drive from the USB port immediately after copying or writing files. The fact is that even after the disappearance of the copy window, for a few more seconds the necessary information can be added. It is recommended that you remove external drives in a secure manner.

Reason # 2 - Errors in Windows operation

Rarely, but sometimes this error occurs because of the operating system Windows. This can be caused by a system crash, as well as the result of a virus attack. In this case, you need to test the computer for errors and viruses.

Reason # 3 - Hard drive failure

If it's not about external storage devices   and not in operating system, and it's still not clear, and besides the computer began to hang, reboot itself or something else, it's strange to behave, then you need to act immediately! First of all, save all the information you need. You need to copy the data to a separate medium, it can be an external hard drive, a flash drive, or a data storage cloud.
First of all, you need to copy documents from work or school, a family photo album, mail databases, and then movies and music.
After saving important data, you can search for the cause of the problem. For this we will need. To perform an express test, you can also help free utility, under the name Aida64, which you can download below.

Using Aida64, you can analyze the indicators of S.M.AR.T. If the indicators S.M.A.R.T. indicate the presence of read errors or bad blocks on the surface of the disk, then you did not save information from it in vain. It is better not to use this hard disk, but to buy a new one right away.
If there is still an after-sales warranty, then with the question " what to do if Windows detects a hard drive problem"You need to contact the specialists of the service center and transfer the computer, for diagnosis and warranty repair, if necessary.
If the warranty has already expired and you have opened system unit   for self-repair, we will list below the list of the most common problems and methods for their solution:
1.   Low-quality IDE or SATA data loops or bad contacts on them.
It is necessary to remove and insert them from the connectors on the motherboard and on the hard drive itself to remove oxides and dust from the contacts. Then swap the data loops from the hard drive and DVD drive. Or you can replace the data plumes with new ones (the cost of the cable in the computer store is a few dollars).
2.   The computer's power supply is defective, because the computer freezes, and the hard drive at certain times does not get enough power to work.
It is necessary to temporarily disconnect all unnecessary energy consumers (fans on the computer case, DVD drives, PCI devices) from the power supply unit leaving only the hard disk connected. You can also try to connect to the hard drive other connectors from the power supply.
The simplest, but at the same time, effective way to diagnose a hard disk is to connect it to another computer. If the problem repeats there, uniquely - the hard drive itself is faulty. You need to take it for diagnosis to a service center or take care of buying a new one. To avoid the repetition of all these difficulties, as well as to ensure the safety of your data, we recommend that you immediately purchase a new hard drive.

Good afternoon!
  Recently about once in half an hour the window "windows has found out problems of a hard disk" began to appear, the scan is applied.
  At the bottom of the scan, the Samsung SSD 32GB disk on which the system is installed is indicated. The second disk D - HDD HGST 1TB. It is written that there are problems with the C drive, but for some reason both sections C and D are indicated.
  Did the disk check chkdsk C, there are no bad sectors.
  Then I checked disk D, bad sectors also 0, but at the end of the check everything hangs on the screen (see the screen photo) and after a few minutes a repeated error is written about recording the report file and then everything hangs definitively, it is turned off only by the shutdown button.
  Then I turn on the window to start checking the disk D, I cancel the check and then everything loads normally, as usual. But the window about the problem appears again.

I made Smart with the Crystal program, I apply scans for both disks. Although these smarts are also not understandable, the strange size of the discs, there is no temperature C ...
  What happens and what to do about it?


Do you have an SSD case that is not overcrowded?
  Symptoms are very similar

No, it's free 7-8 GB.

Question: Windows detected a hard disk problem

New Laptop, bought a month ago, until yesterday worked well. Since yesterday, the slowdown started and the error popped up: "Windows has detected a hard disk problem." Immediately create a backup copy of all the files. " Screenshot of the diagnosis of S.M.A.R.T. can be viewed here:

How serious is this? Is it possible to fix it with the help of some utilities for disk repair? Or do you have to buy a new disk?

Answer: qvad, I'm guilty, I repent

Question: I'm tired of the HDD where the OS is.

   Installed 7-ka.
Start popping up a message about the screw, where the OS stands:
Windows detected a hard disk problem.
Here are the questions from the NON-PROGRAMMER:
1) Is it really necessary to change the screw urgently?
2) Which SCREW (from which manufacturer) will you advise? I have HDD Seagate.
3) !!! And can I make a copy of the operating system so that I change the HDD, and then do not install the OS, but just in the reverse, reset this copy to the HDD and restart the OS?
My gratitude for your answers will not know the boundaries!
P.S. Something I especially do not believe these ratings from the network.
And maybe in vain?

Answer:    1. You can see the error log or SMART
2. That's where it should be written. Or in the same Windows message. Back in the 7-ke in the taskbar on the right in the icons there is an icon of all warnings, there this message should have been preserved.
3. Yes, for example, Acronis. Sometimes, when buying a disc, it is given some kind of such program.

Q: Windows has detected a hard drive problem, what should I do?

   Zdrastvujte! Since last night, windows have started to report a problem with the hard drive. Tell me please how to be? And while downloading Crystal Disk Info there was one more problem, in the browser any advertising ((

Answer:   Under 2 thousand broken sectors. Hard is almost dead.
  Keep important information on external media. Change the hard.

Question: Windows 8 detected a hard drive problem

   On the laptop toshiba satellite   C850-e3k has often appeared the message "windows 8 has detected a hard drive problem," the warranty ran out. You can help? I will be grateful. Is there something you can do or repair? I myself am not a qualified user.


Message from SProSony

Question: Pri master hard disk. Errors of the positioning of the hard disk

I purchased this hdd last summer and it worked fine, but when I started the PC, when the hardware status check was in progress, I started to give out an error "pri master hard disks smart status bad", and every 15 minutes an error occurs when working with the computer that there are hard disk problems. But the hard drive itself works as before: it does not overheat, it does not knock, music, movies and other files work as before and there are no brakes. I checked the hard drive with two programs and gives the same error. "This error indicates this:" Frequency errors in pos block of magnetic heads. The more of them, the worse the state of mechanics and / or the surface of the hard drive. Also, the value of the parameter can be affected by overheating and external vibrations (for example, from neighboring disks in the basket). "I do not even know what the problem may be: I pulled it out today and put it on a towel where there is no vibration, but it gives an error evenly. I checked the HDD through programs in windows, and also Victoria in DOS mode, and the error is still the same under point 7. This is the only item where under the "Health" column there are 3 red squares and 4 yellow ones, and there are no green ones at all. Can I somehow cure? I just doubt that I can exchange it.


Answer:   I recently had a similar situation, constantly the same message popped up and periodically disappeared one disk in the conductor during work. The reason was in the loop, after replacing the loop everything works fine. So you need to try other plume and other connector on the motherboard board. If the disk works, and the messages bother, they can be disabled in both the BIOS and Windows.
  In any case, valuable information should be reserved.

Q: Can Victoria be mistaken? SMART hard drive

   Good day!
I'll start from afar. A couple of days ago the battery on the laptop stopped charging, it worked only from the network. Out of habit I pulled out the network before the OS ended, after which the laptop did not start at all. He just did not react to the power button. I gave it to the service center. Eliminated some kind of BIOS failure and said that they found 24 on your hard disk !!! percent of heads. Picked up the laptop. All is normally started, there are no signs of malfunctions (nothing stops, everything as usual). I made SMART with the programs Victoria 4.46b and HDDScan 3.3. That's what happened. Judging by SMART, the disk should have been in the dump for a long time, but then why does it work normally? Yes, and some values ​​are alarming. For example 9 Power-on time. Hard disk has worked obviously not so much hours, how many there it is specified.
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