The easiest ways to install iTunes on your computer. How to install iTunes on your computer

For a fully functional Apple device, you need to properly install iTunes on your computer. Also, the first thing to do after buying an iPhone, iPod or iPad is to activate, and as you guessed it, iTunes is also needed for this. This software package is a full-fledged file manager that will allow you to download video and music, use the camera, install and uninstall various applications, change graphic wallpaper and much more.

Instructions for installing and configuring iTunes on a computer

And so let's get started, all actions will be accompanied by pictures and a detailed description:

1.First, we need to go to the official Apple website and download the latest version, to do this, follow this link;

2. Then you need to open the downloaded file by double clicking the mouse button;

4. Uncheck point 2 (use as a standard player), in order not to replace your standard player, set the Russian language (if it was not set by default) and press the install button;

5. When the system pop-up window appears, confirm the installation action;

6. We are waiting for a few minutes while all files are copied to the PC;

7. All the installation of iTunes (Tuna) is completed, if you wish, you can immediately open it by checking the corresponding item, click the "Finish" button.

This guide was written based on version and the operating system Windows 8.1, minor changes are possible in other variations, but they will not be significant.

Now you can use your iPod, iPhone or iPad to the fullest, with which we congratulate you. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments. But, as you can see, the installation shouldn't cause technical problems.

Are you the proud owner of an iPhone 6? Then you can't do without using a proprietary application - iTunes. Through it, the easiest way is to "upload" any content to an iPhone, download iOS update packages.

It helps to make backups of user data, and you can quickly restore them later. ITunes can play all media files and automatically synchronize your iPhone with your computer - every time you connect.

Therefore, every iPhone owner should know how to install and update this program.

Download and install on PC

First of all, you need to download the latest version of the program - from the official source (it's completely free and even without registration), to your computer. It should be noted that aytyuns will not be installed on any other device (phone or tablet), you don't even have to try.

This resource is designed to be used only from a computer or laptop.

You will first need to select a system: Mac or Windows (32 or 64 - bit).

Click - download. Then run the resulting file with the extensions: “ .dmg "and « .exe ", respectively, and follow the prompts from the automatic installer. The steps are the same for computers of both systems.
At the same time, your interventions are minimal, just click on and put a checkmark in the necessary items.


We strongly recommend that you restart your computer for any changes to take effect. It is better to play it safe and rule out the possibility of any mistakes.

After that, you can safely launch the application and expand the horizons of your smartphone.

That's it, now your personal media combine is ready to create your own media library, sort, copy, save and edit data.


Another skill that undoubtedly needs to be mastered is the correct iTunes update. This should be done regularly, as the next version becomes available. Often, in all subsequent releases, errors and vulnerabilities of the previous ones are eliminated, the manual is improved and the speed of processing operations increases.

Different operating systems have their own characteristics.

On Windows

You have two options: do it manually or set the automatic update mode. In theory, every time the application is launched, the computer will always check for updates. You can, for the sake of faithfulness, put the appropriate tick in the sub-menu item - add-ons.

If this does not happen, you will have to go to the iTunes menu and select updates in the "Help" attachment.

After that, the system will start searching for the latest version. If it is present, the corresponding message will be displayed:

It remains only to download it.

You can also always check yourself - are there any updates? You don't even need to launch iTunes to do this. It is enough to check the boxes in front of the desired frequency of searching for updates in the settings of the Apple Software Update installation program.

And the application will regularly search for them, each time offering to install a fresh version as soon as it is found.

On Mac

For Mac slightly different algorithm. We go to the main menu, click on the Apple logo, and in the drop-down list, select the item - Software Update.

The search for the latest release of iTunes will also be carried out.

And you can choose - whether to update only it, or the entire list of found applications. To search for updates manually through iTunes itself - launch it, at the top of the menu, click iTunes, and then - "Check for Updates".

If any, we initiate the download process, and all that remains is to install them.

If the update is not required, you will be informed about this by the following notification:

Want to turn off automatic searches, which regularly take a lot of time? This can be easily done by unchecking the corresponding checkbox in the "tuna" add-on tab.

We hope that you will no longer have any difficulties with installing on a computer, updating and using this useful program. After all, a good half, and its most important part, of all manipulations with iPhones rests on it. It will make their operation simple and enjoyable, allow you to back up data and lock your iPhone if lost.

Installing iTunes on your computer and updating to the latest version is very simple and comes down to just a few steps. Today we are going to tell you how to install iTunes on PC (Windows) and Mac (OS X), how to set up automatic check for updates, and how to update iTunes manually.

As you already know, iTunes Media Combine is required to download content (music, video) to iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and synchronize them (contacts, settings, calendar) with your computer. In addition to basic functions, aytyuns allows any other iOS device (iPod Touch and iPad) to update the device's firmware and create a backup. From all of the above, we can conclude that iTunes is necessary for all owners of iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. And therefore, every owner of an iOS device should be able to install and update iTunes to the latest version.

What beginners need to know about iTunes:

  1. iTunes is exclusively for personal computer (desktop or portable). It is impossible to install iTunes on iPad or iPhone.
  2. iTunes is free and is not intended for commercial use. If you are offered to buy iTunes for money, do not get fooled, this is a scam. can be done quickly and without any registration from the official Apple website.
  3. You can do without iTunes to download content to iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad (it is possible from iCloud, content can be downloaded by third-party file managers), but you cannot restore the device or without aytyuns.

How to install iTunes

Video on how to install iTunes on Windows 10:

ITunes, like any other application, is installed in Windows and Mac OS X in a standard way, the process is no different.

Depending on the operating system and its bitness (32- or 64-bit), iTunes is installed separately on:

  • Mac OS X;
  • Windows (32-bit version);
  • Windows (64-bit).

iTunes is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8.

There is no need to separately download and install iTunes on iMac, Mac Pro, MacBook Air, and Pro, at least on OS X Mavericks. The program is installed on the system by default.

How to update iTunes on Windows

By default, after installation, each time you launch iTunes, it will automatically check for updates and if a newer version appears on the Apple server, the program will prompt you to download and install the update. All you need to do is agree to download and install iTunes updates in a separate Apple Software Update window.

You can check for aytyuns updates without starting the program, the Apple Software Update Downloader is a separate program and runs outside of the iTunes environment.

Example of iTunes Automatic Updates via Apple Software Update

It can check for updates for all Apple Windows software products on a schedule:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Never

You can set the frequency of checks in the window Apple Software Update on the menu Edit -\u003e Settings -\u003e Schedule.

In the Apple Software update settings, you can specify the frequency of updates

If, for some reason, when iTunes starts, it does not automatically check for updates, you can manually check the availability of a new version of Apple software.

  1. Launch iTunes and in the main menu “ reference"Select" Updates«.
  2. iTunes will automatically check for updates and will notify you if there is a newer version on the server.
  3. Follow the program instructionsThe steps are intuitive.

How to update iTunes on Mac in OS X

The owner of Mac computers is much more fortunate, the system automatically checks for software updates and not only iTunes. No additional "dances with a tambourine" are needed.

Of course, in OS X, as in Windows, you can check for an update in iTunes itself manually.

How to turn off automatic check for updates in iTunes

If for some reason you don't want iTunes to automatically check for available updates, you can turn off the feature.

On a Mac in OS X:

On a PC in Windows:

Video how to turn off iTunes updates

It's as simple as that, iTunes is installed like any other application in the operating system you need, you can update the program automatically or manually, you can turn off the automatic check for updates if necessary.

We are sure that you will not have any difficulties in working with iTunes, if you have questions or suggestions, we are ready to read them in the comments and try to answer them.

How to return the App Store to iTunes 12

In the iTunes 12.7 update, Apple completely removed the App Store. To get it back, you need to install iTunes 12.6.4. There is a separate article about this. There is also an animated video about what happened and how it affected the Apple ecosystem.

Removing iTunes and Library

iTunes is practically an irreplaceable program for all users of Apple mobile devices. With the help of this program, many basic operations for working with mobile devices are performed. For example, iTunes is used to download music, videos, photos, backups, restores, and more.

Due to such a wide range of functions, many of our articles about iPhone or iPad mention the need to install iTunes. But, not all users know where to get this program and how to install it on their computer. Therefore, we have highlighted this issue in a separate article.

You need to start installing iTunes on your computer by downloading the installation file. To do this, go to the site and select the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the program. The bit depth of the program depends on the version of Windows that you have installed. If you have 32-bit Windows installed, choose 32-bit iTunes. If you have 64-bit Windows, then choose 64-bit iTunes accordingly.

If you do not know what version of Windows you have, then press the Windows-Pause / Break key combination or open the "Control Panel" and go to the "System and Security - System" section. A window with information about your system will open in front of you. Among other data, the bitness of your operating system will also be indicated here.

If you still can't figure out what bit depth your version of Windows has, then just download the 32-bit version of iTunes, it should work anyway.

Step # 2. Installing iTunes on your computer.

After you have downloaded the installation file, you can start installing iTunes on your computer. To do this, run the downloaded file and click on the "Next" button to proceed with the installation.

After that, a screen with settings will appear in front of you. Here you can enable or disable adding a shortcut to the computer desktop, using iTunes as a player, and automatically updating iTunes. Here you can also select the iTunes language and the folder where it will be installed. You can change all these settings at your discretion. If you do not understand this, then just click on the "Install" button.

At the end, you will need to finish installing iTunes by clicking on the "Finish" button.

This completes the installation of iTunes, you can start setting up and using it.

Step # 3. Launch and configure iTunes.

After iTunes is installed on your computer, you can immediately start using it. If iTunes does not start after installation, then launch it manually using the icon on the computer desktop or in the Start menu. At the first start a window with a license agreement will appear, read it and click on the "Accept" button.

You will then be prompted to agree to send information about your library to Apple. If you agree, then click on the "Accept" button, if not, then click "Cancel".

After that, the main iTunes window, ready to work, will open in front of you.

Basically, once installed, iTunes doesn't require any setup. But, if you spend a few minutes on the initial setup, it will save you time in the future. To get started, open the menu "Account - Login" and.

If you don't use Apple Music, then you can turn off this feature in iTunes. To do this, open the "Edit - Preferences" menu and in the window that opens, turn off the "Show Apple Music functions" option.

It can also be helpful to turn off iTunes automatic syncing with connected devices. To do this, in the same settings on the "Devices" tab, you must enable the "Disable automatic device synchronization" option.

If this is not done, then each time you start iTunes, it will try to sync, which may be inconvenient if you connected devices just to recharge them.

There is a popular belief that iTunes is a real chaos, which is impossible to understand. In fact, this is not the case. With each new version, iTunes becomes easier and simpler, even a novice user can now start using the program effectively. How to install and configure iTunes in order to make working with it as pleasant as possible is described in this manual.

How to install iTunes

There is nothing difficult about installing iTunes on a Windows computer; the process is identical to installing any other program. The current version of iTunes is always available at this page the official Apple website, which automatically detects the bitness of the installed operating system, so you won't be able to make a mistake with choosing an installer.

Note that it is not necessary to enter e-mail in the field above the "Download" button.

Important! We do not recommend downloading iTunes from third party sources. First, the program can be infected with a virus. Second, older versions of iTunes may not support the latest iOS builds. Also, out of date versions of iTunes lack many new features, such as Apple Music.

After downloading to your computer, the installation file must be run and go through a completely normal installation procedure. For the sake of completeness, let's talk about the installation screens. There are only two of them.

The first is extremely welcoming.

The second one asks you to select the folder in which iTunes will be installed, the program language, and also asks for permission to create a shortcut on the desktop and use iTunes as a standard player for audio files.

One important point can be highlighted here. If you plan to back up your iPhone or iPad using iTunes and do not want to put data on your mobile device at risk, do not install iTunes on the system drive. In this case, even if the system fails, your backups will remain intact. In addition, you will save a lot of free space on the flash drive if Windows is installed on it.

This completes the installation of iTunes, the utility can be launched and performed the initial setup.

How to set up iTunes

Despite the fact that it is not required to configure iTunes in any special way to work, there are several parameters that users are recommended to adjust for themselves immediately after installing the utility.

First of all, you need to log in to iTunes using your Apple ID account. Thanks to this, you can manage the account itself, purchases and downloads on it directly through iTunes. In order to perform authorization, you need to go to the menu " Account» → « To come in"And in the window that opens, enter your Apple ID login and password.

If you don't have an Apple ID, you can find out how to register one at. It is not necessary to have a bank card to create an Apple ID, but in this case the registration process is several.

Next, you can customize the menu for switching between content types, excluding all unnecessary items from it, or, conversely, adding new ones. To do this, click on the menu for switching between content types and click " Edit menu».

In the window that opens, check or uncheck the boxes for the types of content that you are not going to use in iTunes.

If you do not intend to use the Apple Music music service, you can remove all references to it from iTunes. To do this, go to the menu " Edit» → « Settings"And on the page" The main"Uncheck the" Show Apple Music Features».

Many iPhone and iPad users prefer to search for apps and games for their mobile devices through iTunes. This makes it much easier to navigate the sections, read descriptions, watch screenshots and reviews. For such users, an extremely useful option will be to adjust the frequency of the password prompt for purchases and free downloads from the App Store and iTunes Store.

Go to the menu " Edit» → « Settings"And select the" Score". In the drop-down lists “ Purchases"And" Free downloads»Set the options based on how often you want to be prompted for a password when shopping or performing free downloads from Apple Stores. In the case of free downloads, you can confidently select “ Do not request". But with purchases for money, it is better to play it safe, especially if you use a computer with your family, and make a choice on the item “ Always ask" or " Inquire in 15 minutes».

Preventing automatic syncing of iPhone or iPad with iTunes is another very useful feature. In particular, if you often connect your mobile device to a computer for charging. You can enable the ban in the menu “ Edit» → « Settings» → « Devices"By checking the box next to" Prevent automatic device syncing».

We've listed just the most useful basic iTunes settings. In general, the utility has a lot more parameters that should be changed only when necessary. If you want to find a specific setting in iTunes, indicate it in the comments to this instruction - we will definitely show you!

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