How to change internal memory on android. Lack of internal memory on a smartphone - step by step instructions on how to use an SD card as internal storage

How to swap memory on Android and what is it for? Should such manipulations be carried out at all and are they capable of causing irreparable harm to our device? Such questions are often of interest to people whose subordination turned out to be a device with a small amount of built-in memory. If your smartphone has a corresponding volume equal to, for example, four gigabytes, then you know that using such a device is nothing but a pain. For uploading enough multimedia files to it is very, very problematic. So how do you swap memory from internal to external on Android?

Introduction to the problem

By the way, one should not think that only the Android operating system suffers from such a problem as a small amount of built-in memory. It is also on the "Ayos". These two systems are in constant competition with each other. Occasionally, “Windows Fawn” also interferes in single combat, but it soon turns out to be thrown out behind the tatami. Why is the IOS subject? There are facts that invariably prove the "exposure" of this operating system to users. Initially, her code was a mystery. Nevertheless, a similar trend is taking place. But the operating system "Android", developed by the specialists of the company "Google", now becomes more and more closed to potential developers with each update. This is what annoys people who are so used to this operating system.

Why do you need to know the answer to the question of how to swap memory on Android?

Currently, the OS we are talking about no longer allows users to install applications with the appropriate software - the so-called cache - on an external memory drive. In our case, let it be a microSD memory card. Probably, the owners of devices with a volume of 32 gigabytes and above will grin, but what about people who have at their disposal from 4 to 8 GB, some of which (note this!) Goes to the maintenance of the operating system? The optimal way out of this situation is only to perform certain manipulations. And here it is more important than ever to know the answer to the question of how to swap memory on Android. Actually, this is not difficult to do. However, extreme attention is required and, by the way, straight arms. If you have these parameters, then we will move on to considering the meaning of the operation in order to understand what and why will be performed.

How can I swap memory in Android 5? What to do with other versions?

There is a way out of this situation, when we have only a couple of gigabytes at our disposal for the location of the multimedia contingent. It consists, firstly, in the acquisition of external And, secondly, in the software replacement of a certain code that can convince our device that the internal is external. Well, and, of course, vice versa. Thus, the smartphone will perceive the microSD card as an internal card. I would like to note that the question of how to swap memory cards in places on Android sounds fundamentally incorrect, since several external drives cannot take part in this process.

What do you need to replace?

Regardless of what version of the operating system you have installed and the device of which manufacturer you have, we need the same set of utilities. These are programs called Total Commander (which is known by a huge number of users). Additionally, you will need to obtain for the device.

Replacement process

In order to start the operation, open the Root Explorer program. We move to / system / etc. There you need to find a file called vold.fstab. In it, you should find the lines and parameters that are responsible for the mount points of external and internal memory. They are called, respectively, like this: SDcard and extsd. After that, it will be necessary to swap the parameters. This will complete the active phase of the operation. Do not forget to back up your files, and remember that such operations are performed by the user at their own risk.

The capabilities of the device can be seriously expanded by replacing the internal Android memory with a memory card. This will allow you to install many more applications on a tablet or other gadget, but the main requirement for this update is to have root rights on the device. Let us consider the methods allowing to use the SD-card as the system memory of the device, as well as the related conditions.

Risks and conditions of replacing the internal memory of the gadget with an SD card

Before repeating the steps described below, the user should consider several important points:

  1. The lifespan of an SD card will be greatly reduced due to frequent repetition of read / write cycles when launching applications.
  2. The speed of the gadget can drop noticeably if you use a low-end MicroSD card.
  3. If you make a mistake while editing the system file, the phone may not boot next time - you will have to reflash it.

In general, the procedure (especially for inexperienced users) is quite risky, so it makes sense to carry it out exclusively for old gadgets with a small amount of their own memory.

Using the Root Browser utility and editing the vold.fstab file

To swap memory, you will need to install Root Browser from Google Play.

We repeat that it is possible to fully work with it only on rooted devices. After launching the above application:

In Android, sdcard stands for internal memory, and extsd stands for external, i.e. SD card. By replacing these lines, we actually swapped these types of memory. On some systems, these pieces of code may look different, like this:

You need to replace them as follows:

After completing the described procedure, restart the gadget. Before doing this, be sure to check the absence of errors in the changed code so that in the future there is no need for a flashing.

The second way to increase memory using Link2SD

The app is available in the Play Market and works only on devices with root rights. This file manager does not physically replace the internal memory of the device with an external drive, but it is able to transfer any utilities to an SD card, significantly saving the resources of the gadget.

The peculiarity of the application in question is that the MicroSD itself will have to be broken and properly formatted. Therefore, copy everything of value from your card to your computer and start dividing the drive into partitions.

Dividing the device card into partitions with custom Recovery

Each Android device has a recovery mode, but the method described below is suitable only for devices not with the standard one, but with. If you've never heard of CWM, skip to the second option for partitioning the drive. Next, we will tell you how to solve the problem if your device recovery mode has a Partition SD Card item:

Partitioning a MicroSD card through a computer

Connect the card to a laptop or PC. To do this, you can use a card reader or other equipment, the main thing is that it should be defined as a drive, and not an MTP media device. Further:

Owners of the latest Samsung smartphones have a fairly large internal memory, but in budget versions or earlier versions, things are much worse. Therefore, users simply sorely lack space for their favorite applications, games and music. What to do in this case? - there is a way out, but we immediately warn it not safe.

Replacing the internal sdcard with an external external

In the way of solving this problem, we see the replacement of the internal card with the external one. This procedure is possible on phones from Samsung and we need a full root and file manager for system files -.

Instructions for replacing memory in places
1. We get a complete one of the methods;
2. Download a special hack from our server and unpack it on your computer;
3. We make a full backup of the device, for example, using, or go to and make a full backup (we recommend two options);
4. Go to RootExplorer and copy files (from the hack) to the system / etc folder, agree to replace them. It is preferable to copy the contents of the folder to your computer;
5. We overload the smart and enjoy the result.

Reverse procedure

There are three methods to perform rollback, if one did not help you, then move on to the next, you do not need to do everything at once. Execution procedure ok
1. Do the reverse replacement of the etc folder from your computer and reboot;
2. Download the return hack and upload it to the system / etc folder;
3. We do a full recovery from previously made backups.

Modern users cannot imagine their life without a smartphone in their pocket, because for many it is not just a device that helps to contact the right subscriber, but also a kind of window into the world. Active users appreciate the presence of a good amount of memory in the device, many store not only entertainment elements on the carrier, but also many useful information, including documentary information.

Agree a little pleasantly when downloading an important file, you will face the impossibility of saving it due to lack of memory. Faced with the problem of lack of memory, many are thinking about how to replace the internal memory of the phone with a memory card. It should be noted that this problem is faced mainly by owners of Chinese phones and tablets.

Let's try to understand this problem in more detail. To change the path for saving applications, you need to have a certain program on your device. Be aware of the potential risks and associated problems. If the memory is incorrectly replaced, an internal program failure may occur which will lead to a complete flashing of the phone. An external storage - a memory card - may also fail; to restore it, you will also have to use a flashing phone.

Editing the system file

So, in order to change the internal memory to external and install any applications directly to the card, you need to find in your phone or install the Root Broswser program or ES Explorer, you also need to have root rights in the system, how to quickly get them read in.

Replacing memory is as follows: you need to select the Root Broswser program or Explorer and start it up, after that we look for the vold.fstab file in the system, it is located at the device / system / etc / address, open and carefully read the file, we need to edit a couple of lines.

To read, you need to be familiar with the file structure. Upon closer examination of the file, you will easily find the corresponding lines responsible for replacing the internal memory with the external one. After finding the appropriate lines, you need to make a little manipulation and change the internal memory to external, in other words, swap the lines so that everything looks like in the image below.

In this case, the line dev_mount sdcard…. is responsible for the standard safety of files, and dev_mount sdcard2…. for external (SD card). In order for our built-in memory to exactly change to the external one we need, for this you just need to change some lines. But not all and not completely, but only additional and final inscriptions that follow dev_mount sdcard / storage / sdcard0 and dev_mount sdcard2 / storage / sdcard1. As soon as we do it, as for the image, it must be saved.

After replacing the internal memory with a memory card, you should restart the phone. After you restart your device, you can enjoy the presence of memory and the installation of all subsequent games will be performed on the SD card. Do not lose sight of the fact that you did all the manipulations manually and if you missed something somewhere, you will have to send the phone for a flashing.

There is an equally effective way to replace memory without using the Root Broswser program. To do this, you need to make just a few manipulations with your phone using your computer in just three clicks. First of all, you need to launch the HTC Driver Installer file and install it on your computer so that all the necessary utilities for further work appear.

The second manipulation will be to install the driver on the system media C: \\\\ android-sdk-windows, then you should run the SDK Manager program to check the files and their readiness for installation. After that, you should connect the phone to the computer and confirm the command: transfer everything to the SD card, read on how to do it.

We use ADB

Connect your phone with USB debugging enabled in the settings.
Go to the folder with the program and run the adb.exe file using the cmd command line, hold down the shift button, right-click on the file and select open command windiws here

A command line will open in which we write adb devices

Now run the following command, which will swap the memory, just type it in and press Enter.

After these manipulations, disconnect the phone from the computer and reboot the phone. After rebooting, you can make sure that the button works: transfer everything to the SD card and voila, you can safely use your phone. Now all applications and important documents and downloaded files will be saved to the external drive.

It should be remembered that when you remove the memory card from the phone, the installed applications will disappear, this is probably the only drawback of this method. It is also recommended to use external drives of at least class 10, since small drives will not bring the desired result.

There are two symptoms when the internal memory on the phone is sorely lacking:

  1. Apps and Android slow down
  2. The phone prompts you to take action to free up used space.

The internal memory of the phone has a fixed size, and it seems that it is impossible to increase it. Nevertheless, in the guide we will tell you how to clear the internal phone memory of unnecessary files and applications.

By increasing the free space in the Android memory, you will save time and stop noticing the brakes on your phone and tablet. The entire "cleaning" will take at most 20 minutes.

Error: Not enough memory on mobile device

Typically, Android displays such a message if a process or application does not have enough free space in the internal memory of the phone.

Lack of memory can make itself felt by constant freezes. If you don't notice it when you buy a phone, then over time, after installing dozens of mobile applications and getting overgrown with "garbage", you start to notice it.

Involuntarily the question arises: the characteristics of the phone “lie”? If not, then why does the same smartphone / tablet work stably for others?

Checking the amount of free memory on Android

When a notification about insufficient internal memory appears, the question arises: how much memory is available, how much of it is occupied?

You can check the free space through the settings of your mobile phone. To do this, go to Settings - Options - Memory (Settings - Device Maintenance - Storage - Storage settings - Device memory). We carefully study the data, paying attention to the following figures:

  • Total space - the amount of internal memory Android
  • System memory - the minimum amount of space reserved for system operation
  • Available space - how much space is left in the internal memory.

Accordingly, if the built-in memory is not enough, you need to increase the memory on the phone to the size of System memory, so that the system does not give a corresponding error.

In the next chapters, I will tell you how to clean the internal memory on Android.

Clearing the internal phone memory

You can remove unnecessary things through the built-in tools of the operating system and through third-party applications. They analyze the occupied space, help identify files that can be safely deleted.

Removing apps from Android system memory

Surely there are applications installed on your phone that hang like a dead weight and are not used for their intended purpose. Their size can reach hundreds of megabytes (including the cache).

You can remove useless programs through: Options - Settings - Application Manager (Settings - Apps).

In Android 8, it is convenient to use the free FIles Go utility to calculate unnecessary applications. For other OS versions, it is available for download via Google Play.

How to remove unneeded applications in FIles Go:

  1. Go to the Unused apps section,
  2. We sort applications by modification date or size,
  3. To uninstall, mark unnecessary programs with checkmarks and click Uninstall.

Video instructions for uninstalling applications:

Transferring files to a memory card

The internal memory of the phone, as already mentioned, has a fixed volume, so you need to constantly check if there is enough free space for the correct operation of applications and OS.

In general, Android memory is divided into internal and external. External memory is easy to "increase", since sd cards are inexpensive today (you can buy a 256 GB memory card for $ 25).

Actually, you can transfer files through any file manager - via phone or PC.

Moving unnecessary applications from internal to external memory card

As an alternative to CCleaner, it is convenient to use the aforementioned Files Go app.

How to increase memory on Android manually

Any file manager is suitable for manually clearing the phone memory. We recommend ES Explorer or Total Commander.

Be careful and only delete unnecessary user files in the internal Android memory that you created / copied yourself.

So, open the file manager, go to the root of the internal memory, start looking for and delete unnecessary ones.

What files are desirable to delete (transfer to a memory card) in the first place:

  1. Photos, videos, recordings on a voice recorder and other documents saved not on sd, but in the internal memory;
  2. Documents received by mail or through social networks (most often they are saved in the Download folder);
  3. E-books and other files saved by third-party applications to the device memory;
  4. Contents of folders DCIM, bluetooth, sounds.

We use Storage Analyzers (for clarity)

For clarity, we recommend using the Files Go application or any other storage analyzer for Android, which will show which files take up the most disk space and where they are located in the form of a diagram. Among these applications, we note:

Transferring photos and videos to the Google Photos service

It is the photos and videos that “eat up” the most space on the phone, due to them you can quickly free up space on a memory card or in the built-in storage. If your phone doesn't support a memory card, move the files that you don't often access to the cloud. Photos, or Google Photos, are best suited for this. It automatically uploads photos to the service, where they are available in their original quality through a browser or application.

In addition to Google Photos, there are alternatives such as Dropbox, Flickr or Microsoft OneDrive.

Even when the photos are only available on the server, you can easily access them if you have an Internet connection. And most importantly, this is a really convenient and fast way to free up a couple of gigabytes of internal memory!

Clearing memory: questions and answers

1. The phone did not have enough internal memory, I sent half of the photos to the sd card, then I open it, and they are all kind of cloudy. I tried to transfer it back to the internal memory of Android, but the pictures are the same. How can I get my old pictures back, i.e. so that it was cleaned up as before without any distortions.

2. I did not have enough internal memory in my phone, I wanted to clear it. I transferred the data (photos, music) to the memory card. Now the files cannot be read, although the phone sees the card. How can you get back at least a photo?

3. Phone Samsung A5. I didn't know how to increase the internal memory, I moved the folders with music and files from the internal memory to the sd card using a laptop. After that, when opening the folders, they were all empty. Files and music cannot be seen by either the phone or the computer. The internal memory of the phone did not seem to decrease after that. How do I find these files?

Answer... It is likely that you did not copy the originals to the memory card, but sketches. The original photos may have remained in the internal memory of the phone. If it doesn't, it will help you.

If there is not enough space in the device memory, you should copy the files to your computer (make a backup copy) and only then move them to the memory card. It will be useful for you to read the instructions on how to clear the internal memory on Android (see the text above).

I have a Sony Xperia phone, when I go to the Play Store, I want to download some program, the system says that there is not enough memory on Android, although the flash drive is 16 GB! What to do?

Answer... Most likely, the "not enough memory" error on Android is due to the fact that there is not enough internal memory - this is where the installation files are downloaded from Google Play.

  1. Transfer the most voluminous files from the internal memory of Android to your sd card.
  2. Uninstall unnecessary applications through the file manager or Files Go.
  3. Use the CCleaner utility to clean up unnecessary files in your phone memory.

Cleaned phone memory, deleted many folders. And now I can not watch the gallery through Android, writes: "The storage is not available." How can I get it back?

Answer... You probably deleted the photo folder on the memory card (SDCARD / DCIM / CAMERA) when cleaning. You can recover files from there using CardRecovery or PhotoRec programs.

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