IPhone Charging Tips. How much to charge an iPhone for the first time

Articles and Life Hacks

Information on charging rules is of interest to many users who want their smartphone battery to last as long as possible. This is especially true for all new owners who do not know how to properly charge your iPhone... Of no less interest is the question of how, because too quiet a sound makes using the device uncomfortable.

The list of topics of interest to them is very diverse. What is the best way to charge your smartphone with frequent use? How many charge cycles do I need after purchase? Let's consider the answers to them in more detail.

IPhone battery and the main rules for charging it

Currently, iOS devices have built-in polymer lithium-ion batteries.

It should be noted that lithium is not only the lightest metal (which makes the device lighter), but in combination with the rest of the battery materials provides a longer battery life. Such batteries can be charged at any time, unlike nickel batteries, with which you must definitely wait until they are completely discharged.

However, after purchasing an iPhone, it is highly recommended that you fully discharge and charge the device 2 times in a row. The charging time is at least 4 hours.

As a rule, it is in the first hours of charging such batteries that up to 80% of their capacity is replenished, and then recharging with a weak current continues. The very first stage takes 2 hours, and the next one takes 2 more hours (provided that the mobile device will not be used while charging).

It is useful to carry out a full discharge-charge cycle of the battery with frequent use of the iPhone about 1 time per month.

So how do you properly charge your iPhone? There are some basic guidelines on this topic.

So, in his power to disable the delivery of notifications from the App Store and active delivery of e-mail, less often to download new data and use location search services (item "Geolocation" in the main settings). All this will allow the battery to work without recharging for much longer.

Other tips: turn off Wi-Fi (3G, Bluetooth), turn down brightness, turn off EQ and backlighting, and use less third-party apps.

In addition, you can save battery power by turning off Apple's social music network Ping (available starting with firmware version 4.3). To do this, go to the main settings, select the "Restrictions" item, enter the password, then find the Ping item and disable it.
In order for the battery of the device to work longer, it is not advised to leave it in the open sun or inside a heated car (even in a case), and also to allow exposure to low temperatures.

Charging iPhone correctly: quick guide

In the box, along with the smartphone, you can find those components that you need to charge the device. Specifically, this is the AC adapter and USB cable.

If the smartphone was brought from the USA, the power adapter may have a flat plug. In this case, a special adapter for a European outlet can be purchased for a small amount. Together with this, it is allowed to use charging from a computer via a USB cable, although this is not always convenient.

In addition, the user can also buy a European network adapter - however, it will cost him a little more.

Now a little about the charging itself. It is strongly recommended that you use branded accessories, but in no case pirated products. You can charge iPhone either from a computer or from the network via an adapter.

Users of even the most modern gadgets sometimes blindly follow the rule that was widespread since the dawn of mobile communications: before use, the device must be fully discharged, then fully charged... The most fanatical users have developed this rule to the point of absurdity, suggesting that you fully charge and discharge your iPhone. thrice... Is there any sense in this at all - we will consider in the article.

Someone was engaged in practical research on the issue of charging mobile devices Eric Leamer -experiments led him to unexpected conclusions. Charge iPhone up to 100%, as it turned out, in general harmful - the optimal charge level should be between 50% and 70%. When charged to 100%, the iPhone battery can withstand only 500 cycles, while when charged to 70% - over a thousand.

Where did the prejudice about the importance of being fully charged come from? The first cell phones were equipped with nickel batteries, subject to so-called memory effect. Memory effect lies in the fact that if the recommendations for use are violated, the active substance of the nickel battery crystallizes - as a result, the maximum amount of energy that the battery can store is reduced. The accumulator “remembers” that it was not fully used before, and therefore gives energy only up to the fixed limit - hence the name of the effect.

Modern gadgets are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which the memory effect is not peculiar.Almost everyone who talks about the need before using discharge the phone completely, belong to the older generation and started with black and white "dialers", for which this rule was relevant... Now the buyer will not hear such a recommendation from a competent consultant in the salon.

How long does it take to charge an iPhone?

IPhone charging time depends on a number of conditions:

Battery capacity... The latest 6 and 6S models have larger batteries, so they take longer to recharge.

  • Power Supply... There is one secret: if you use an iPad power supply, the charging time will be reduced to a minimum... You should not be afraid that this method will negatively affect the battery: Apple itself is not forbidden.
  • Parallel use... If the owner of the gadget uses the gadget while recharging (for example, playing), of course, it will take more time.

A "healthy" battery does not need more than 3 hours to charge from 0 to 100%.

If the iPhone does not have enough night to fully recharge, it is better to contact the service or sales office under warranty.

Prevent your gadget from overheating... Pay attention to the following scale, which is posted on the official Apple website:

The ideal operating temperature for an iPhone is between 16 and 22 degrees. Using at a different temperature will not degrade the quality of the battery, however, the device itself will hold a charge for less time.

Recharging is another matter: if it is done in high temperature conditions, damaging consequences for the battery cannot be avoided. Statistics say: constant recharging at temperatures 10 degrees above normal leads to the fact that the battery sits down by 20% in a year - after three years your iPhone will need expensive repairs.

Therefore, in no case leave your smartphone "powered" on the windowsill in the summer, in the car, do not cover it with a pillow or blanket, remove the cover from it while it is charging!

Use only certified accessories... Please note that this is not original, but certified USB cables and power supplies. The latter can be produced not only by Apple, but also by another company, which means that they have a lower price. You can determine which accessory is certified by the “Made For iPhone” inscription on the packaging.

Certified accessories (like the iPhone itself) have special PMIC controllers that "monitor" that the current, voltage, and temperature do not go beyond the permissible limits. If, for example, the iPhone overheats, charging will stop and a message like this will appear on the screen:

There are no controllers on Chinese no-name accessories, so the user uses them at his own peril and risk. Note the statistics: an increase in voltage when charging only 4% above the norm will lead to the fact that the gadget's battery will wear out twice as fast.

Fully discharge iPhone, but do not do it more than once a month. Monthly full discharge is required to calibrate power controllers... Many Apple users notice that their devices turn off when charged at 2-3% - this is a sign of uncalibrated controllers... However, it is impossible to constantly "exhaust" the iPhone to zero - it is extremely destructive for the battery. Try not to bring the gadget to a forced shutdown more than once a month.


Sooner or later, you will have to spend money on replacing the iPhone battery - this is a given. Regarding the timing, the opinions of many experts and the author of the article differ: you can often find recommendations to change the battery every 2 years of intensive use of the gadget, however, the author's iPhone battery is constantly in business and has not caused any complaints for 3 years. It is important to monitor the quality of accessories and charging conditions, and then you will not have to enrich the service center masters.

When it comes to charging the iPhone 10, this little miracle unwittingly pops up before our eyes, which has been put in the kit along with the iPhone for several years and which also comes in the new flagship and almost does not charge it.

Let's take a look at the TOP 5 questions about charging in the iPhone X, so that you know everything about it and never come back to it.

Fast passage:

Is it included with your smartphone? The answer is unambiguous - no, it is not included in the kit, which means you have to buy it separately. Now there are already a huge number of QI (QI) chargers and, fortunately, there is no need to buy an original accessory from Apple. A "good Chinese" like this from the Nillkin brand is quite suitable:

The charging time from such a device will be about 3 hours. We covered a lot of wireless chargers in these reviews:

2. Fast charging for iPhone X

The search for fast charging is what almost every buyer of a new flagship will do when they leave their iPhone X charging for the first time. The speed at which the complete "rump" charges is simply unacceptable in 2017, while.

Therefore, the best way is to send the complete charger into the box.

and get such a charger from Aukey! This is a powerful device and it will allow you to charge not only your iPhone 10, but also 3 more of the same, for example your comrades. Each USB port is allocated 2.4 Amperes, which allows you to charge your smartphone 2 times faster than with a complete charger.

3. How to put charge percentages

Many users are accustomed to seeing a percentage indicator in their iPhone, but having bought an iPhone 10, they noticed that this opportunity was gone. And indeed - now there is no charge percentage indicator and all because in the top line, due to the presence of a "black island", there is no room for an "extra" indicator. Therefore, it was decided to abolish it. In the usual way, turn it on through "Settings" - "Battery" - "Charge in percent"

you can not. Therefore, the only way to see the percentage of charge on the iPhone 10 is to open the control center.

4. Case-charging

Users who care about the autonomy of a smartphone and do not care about the appearance, size and weight will probably want to get a case equipped with a built-in battery. This accessory is far from new and is available for other smartphones on iOS and Android and, of course, a charging case for iPhone 10 is also available. There are loads of all kinds of options from different brands.

The capacity of such a case with a battery can range from 3600 mAh to 6000 mAh. And of course this will affect the thickness and weight of the accessory.

An added bonus in this case will be the presence of a built-in magnet, which will allow you to use the accessory with any magnetic holder in the car.

Price - $ 18-22 (depends on capacity)

5. How long does it charge

Some users are looking at it even before buying and it is important for them to understand how long it keeps charging. I hasten to assure you that the miracle did not happen. The smartphone has a built-in battery with a capacity of 2716 mAh, which allows the device to work for about 1 day in medium load mode. Yes, the AMOLED display, although economical, but a powerful processor and a large screen diagonal drain the battery pretty quickly. If you use a smartphone tightly, then its charge by the evening will be at the level of 20%

With each release of new iPhones, users have almost the same questions. This time, the question is also interesting: "How to properly charge the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus?"

I have been friends with iPhones for a long time and I know a lot of information about this. Therefore, I want to share it with you and I think you will definitely find something useful for yourself.

How to charge a new iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus for the first time?

Now the moment has come when you made a very long-awaited purchase and now the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus is in your hands. You actively use it and at the end of the day there is a problem: "How to charge your brand new iPhone 8?"

I can tell you that the first charge, that of the hundredth, will not differ from each other at all. Now all the elements are crammed with controllers and doing something wrong is a very difficult task.

Therefore, we do everything the old fashioned way: when you see that the phone has reached the mark of less than 20 percent, you can discharge it a little more or put it on charge immediately.

Now everything is measured in the number of charge cycles and the problem with the battery, most likely, you will receive already somewhere in the third year of use. If something is wrong, then just check the volume with the Battery Life program.

There is a type of users who use devices in a very tough mode and constantly play or just very actively using the gadget, charge it several times a day. In this case, you may have to replace the battery after a year.

Therefore, there are a couple of useful tips for you:

  • if you buy third-party accessories for your devices, then they must be Apple certified (looking for the "Made for iPod / iPhone / iPad" logo);
  • we try not to use Chinese cables and blocks. In the best case, the battery will lose its capacity faster, in the worst case, the device may fail or even catch fire;
  • you can and even need to use iPad charging;
  • if we love Power Bank, then we buy proven brands.

I also heard a lot that fast charging is very harmful for devices and this is evidenced by information about electric cars. There is a recommendation to carry out this kind of procedure at most once a month.

With telephones, the story is a little different, because many different technologies have already been invented here. The fact that it is harmful or not, no one will tell you 100 percent.

Therefore, we charge as you like, the main thing is within the normal range and simply following the recommendations from the manufacturer.

How to quickly charge iPhone 8?

Let's say your iPhone 8 is discharged and here's the problem, you leave after about half an hour. We don't have Power Bank, but we need a phone in working order.

Here such methods can work, depending on the situation:

  • No additional accessories available. We turn on Airplane mode and put it on charge, so the phone will not use the network and wi-fi, which will give a small increase in speed. With the device completely turned off, the result will be even better.
  • You are lucky and have a 2 amp block. In this case, everything is much easier, because modern iPhones support this type of charging and you will get incredible speed.

Unfortunately, only a 1 Ampere unit is included in the kit. While all other manufacturers have long been giving their users to enjoy normal 2 Amp blocks right out of the box.

So there is probably no better solution than just buying a unit like the iPad for 2 A. If anything, the full name is "Apple 12W USB Power Adapter."

This generation also has fast charging, but this story deserves a separate point, and right now we'll get down to it.

How to use fast charging on iPhone 8?

Charging your smartphones is practical, fashionable and present in all modern brands. Apple here was in the role of lagging behind, but still they did it and added this opportunity.

True, as always, they did not like everyone else and many are not very happy with their act. At the presentation, they said 50 percent in 30 minutes, but in fact, we spend a lot of money to get this feature.

To achieve this result, you need to purchase:

  • Apple 29W, 61W, or 87W USB-C Power Adapter (A $ 390.00 / A $ 490.00 / A $ 599.00)
  • USB-C to Lightning Cable ($ 1,990.00 at 1m, $ 2,690.00 - 2m).

Having bought all this, you find yourself in a very tidy sum. But only when this condition is met, you will get fast charging on your iPhone 8.

As an alternative, I suggest just buying the same power supply unit as the iPad 2 Amp for 1,590.00 rubles. and enjoy life. Of course, not so fast, but this will be enough for you and much cheaper.

How to charge iPhone 8 wirelessly?

To add even more firewood to the fire, let's also talk about wireless charging. Here, in principle, exactly the same story as in the last paragraph.

This feature has been available at Samsung for many years and in 2017 Apple finally decided to add it to itself. The same Qi standard.

So if you don't like wires, then buy a special stand, and just putting your smartphone on it, you start charging.

The plus is that there are already enough manufacturers here and you can find cheaper options than in the Apple store. Just looking for a Qi standard.

How to charge iPhone 8 in the car?

If you are the owner of both an iPhone 8 and a car, then the question arises about charging your smartphone in the car.

It generally depends on the car. But if this is the most standard version with a cigarette lighter, then there are two courses of events:

  • we buy a car charger and then insert our own cable into it;
  • we buy a car charger with a built-in cable.

Naturally, the Apple certification rule also works here and we are also looking for the “Made for iPod / iPhone / iPad” icon. Or at least we buy proven brands so as not to burn something.

Did you ask if you can charge iPhone with iPad charger? Which adapter should I choose, can I use the phone while it is plugged into an outlet? I'll tell you everything now.

How to charge an iPhone

The iPhone cannot be charged incorrectly, it can be charged quickly or slowly. What does it depend on? From a specific smartphone and power supply.

Charging for the iPad helps. But not always.

Minute statistics: iPhone 5s consumes 1A, iPhone 5 takes the same. Connecting them to an iPad power supply is useless. But the iPhone 6+ and 6s + eat 2.1A, then it makes sense to connect the unit from the iPad. Let's check it out.

We take two iPhone 6+, to one we connect a standard 1A charger, to the second we connect the unit from the iPad to 2.1A. In 10 minutes, the first one was charged by 4%, and the second by 10%, profit! To speed up charging, use airplane mode, the difference is small, but the method still helps.

Charging the battery during use

You can use the device while charging, just charging will take a little longer.

The strength of the current decides

When buying yourself a multiport charger, pay attention not only to the amperage, but also to the support for Quick Charge, this will greatly speed up the process. For iPhone, this cool theme doesn't work, but if you have a Galaxy S6, then feel like a king.

The same principle applies to the Power Bank: it is better to take a charger that produces a current of 2A. You won't kill a smartphone from it, but you can always charge your tablet. Whereas with an external 1A battery, such a situation is, in principle, not possible.

IPhone won't charge? Check your Lightning cable

I bought a Chinese Lightning for 100 rubles in a stall, but the iPhone refused to charge? Before buying, be sure to look at the packaging, if you are taking a proven Belkin or Griffin certified product, then everything is ok. But when the box doesn't say "made for iPod, iPhone, iPad", then you can fly with the cable.

No battery replacement required

A modern battery has a service life of about 1000 cycles, which is about 3 years of work. So you would rather change your old phone for a new one, because you are just tired of it, than start really suffering from a dead battery. Unless, of course, you killed her with Chinese wires and rootless power bank.

To prevent iPhone from burning

Achtung! Don't charge your iPhone while in bed. Just imagine: you stare at the screen, fall asleep, the phone falls on the bed or under the pillow, under the blanket, and the FIRE overheats. Do not do that.

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