What will the new iphone be. IPhone X - review, price, where to buy, photos and specifications

All adherents of the products of the well-known American company Apple can jump for joy: the new iPhone 7c 2017 will be released this fall. Around the announced novelty, a large number of various rumors swirl, but they all boil down to one thing - the smartphone will be filled with numerous surprises and innovations that will bring the iPhone to new level own development. Perhaps it is for this reason that true connoisseurs of high-quality and branded devices froze in anticipation of the release of something truly unpredictable.

Basic information

Initially, it was possible to find information on the network that the release date of the new iPhone was planned
for 2016, but, as it turned out, only its official presentation is planned for this year. But it will be possible to buy a new product only in 2017 in the company's dealer stores around the world.

To date, there is no specific information about the smartphone, since it is still in development. So far it has become known only that the manufacturer has finished testing trial version gadget, which means that very soon it should be mass-produced.

IPhone 7c specifications

According to the developers themselves, the appearance of the novelty will strongly resemble the 5th series in its shape and even size. But the color variation of the body can be presented in three basic colors.

The specific technical information there is no iPhone 7c, although even now we can confidently say about the use of a battery with a capacity of 1642 mAh in its design, which is 10% more than in the 6 series of the same smartphone. It was also decided to use an 8 MP camera and a completely new A9 processor. But the OP of the flagship should supposedly equal 2 GB.

According to the oriental sites where you can find a short overview of the American smartphone, from the line future iPhone 7c will remove the 3.5mm headphone jacks while replacing them universal port called Lighting. Among other things, representatives of Apple in the near future should present to the public the bluetooht headphones of their own production. By the way, the majority of users of iPhones of the 6th and 5th series did not take the news that their favorite device would lose its usual connector. On the one hand, this means that now it will be impossible to charge a smartphone and listen to music at the same time, and on the other hand, users will have to buy completely different headphones for the new product. Most likely, the developer will make life a little easier for owners of iPhones in 2017 and will release a Lighting-3.5 mm adapter.

Where is truth and where is fiction?

Not so long ago, information appeared on the network for the first time that the new product from the American "apple" brand will receive dual cameras in the layout, which greatly revived public interest in the upcoming premiere of the smartphone. Therefore, it is worth understanding in advance the correctness of such a statement. It is worth noting that Japanese and Chinese lens makers from Lardan Technology have begun supplying cameras to Apple that use two lenses. Today it is impossible to say for sure whether this device will pass the testing stage or will immediately go into use at serial production... It is also impossible to say anything concrete about the teaser photos of the novelty, so you should wait for the official release of the novelty. By the way, with the help of such cameras, any user can get more quality photos... In addition, it is worth noting that Lardan Technology supplies the American manufacturer with its products only by 60%, so while the Americans are trying to find another supplier of optical parts for themselves. By the way, the news that Apple wants to use dual cameras appeared back in 2015. It was then that it became clear that the manufacturer was planning to implement similar developments in its equipment in 2017.

Other information

According to representatives of the Taiwanese company Catcher Technologies, which supplies cases for iPhones, the new line of smartphones from the American manufacturer in 2017 will have a new case created from a completely different material. This will make the smartphone waterproof, as well as save it from additional strips that are recent times cause too many complaints. According to the company's engineers, such inserts are necessary so that the radio signal can normally pass to the antenna, which is located inside the gadget itself. So now radio-transparent material will be used for the production of the case, with which it is possible to abandon unnecessary parts and improve the appearance of the novelty.

Who, of course, doubted that the developer would decide to make the new product more dimensional? Yes, yes, yes - the 7th series of the iPhone will receive a larger screen than its predecessor. At the moment, there is information that the company's engineers used a 5.5-inch matrix in the development of new items. There is also information that the Touch ID sensor will be removed from the round button.

But the representatives of the "leaky hands" are in a hurry to inform that the design of the smartphone will use a sapphire coating of the display, which will provide it with super-strong properties.

In 2017, another version of the 7 series of iPhone will be released, the cost of which will be slightly less. This time it will be the usual 4-inch smartphone, which will receive almost all the same characteristics as the iPhone 5.

The cost of new items

Experts in this field are confident that immediately after the premiere, the cost of the new iPhone 7c will reach $ 700, while in 2017 it will drop to $ 500-600. Of course, there will be special versions that will cost the buyer several thousand, but that's a completely different story. Also, many are interested in past versions after the release of 7C. Of course, less by $ 100-150, but the exact price for the entire previous the lineup Apple in 2017 will be known only after the New Year holidays.

The iPhone 8 has not yet been released, but thanks to various "leaks" of information should be the most revolutionary device in Apple. This is not surprising, because this year the Yabloko players are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the release of the first iPhone. And in honor of this significant date, they are going to release an anniversary smartphone. With which none of the competitors can compete.

IPhone 8 release date

When the iPhone 8 will be released (some analysts call the new Apple model - iPhone X) it is still unknown. But, many believe that the release of this device will be in September 2017. Analysts are already calling the design of the future smartphone revolutionary, and the characteristics of the maximum possible. It remains to wait quite a bit. While the presentation of the new "apple" device has not yet taken place, let's talk about what is already known.

IMPORTANT: Not all analysts are categorical and consider autumn to be the most convenient time for the release of an anniversary smartphone. Deutsche Bank specialists postpone the iPhone 8 premiere until the spring of 2018.


Photos of covers and back panels of the new iPhone have already leaked online. If we compare this device with previous Apple smartphones, then it differs from them by an order of magnitude. And it is right. With leading industrial designers on staff, you need to create something new. One that, if the Chinese will reproduce in their smartphones, will come out much later than the decisions of the guys from Cupertino.

Apple designers decided to move away from the traditional home button. As for the bezels around the screen, the iPhone 8, which we will be able to buy soon, practically does not have them. Their thickness around the screen is only 2.6 mm. It is worth noting the lack of large spaces at the top and bottom of the screen. The usable area is 98.5% of the entire front panel. Which is very encouraging.


The display of this smartphone will have a 5.8-inch diagonal, built on an OLED matrix. The 6th generation Corning Gorilla Glass will be used as protection. Apple has already signed an agreement with Samsung to supply screens for the new smartphone. But, in 2018 year Apple wants to replace Samsung OLED panels with similar ones from manufacturers such as AU Optronics, Sharp and Japan Display,

The OLED matrix does not have a bottom backlight as is the case with traditional LCD monitors. This significantly reduces the thickness of the display. In addition, the lack of backlighting allows you to reproduce the picture with better contrast and saturation. This display has better viewing angles and faster response times.

When photos of the panels of this device first appeared on the network, many did not find a fingerprint scanner on them. But, most likely, the developers were able to “hide” it under the display. A patent recently granted by Qualcomm suggests that this is possible.


As for the materials of the case, it is most likely an anniversary apple smartphone will have a glass back panel. According to rumors, the engineers of this company decided to move away from the aluminum case, which was used on the latest models of this smartphone.

It is believed that the iPhone 8 will receive powerful protection from moisture and dust. Some sources claim that the device will receive an IP68 waterproof rating. According to this indicator, the G8 is superior to last year's models. Thanks to him, you can immerse your smartphone in water to a depth of 1.5 meters for 30 minutes. But, before doing this, find out if such protection or this is another rumor.

Most likely, we will not see a Lightning port on the case. Developed by Apple solution lost to USB-C. The presence of this port has already been announced by some analysts.

IPhone 8 specifications

The design of the latest model of the Apple smartphone is different from the iPhone 7. And what about the characteristics. Today, Chinese developers present very powerful hardware at a low cost. Will Apple be able to respond with something similar?

So far, it is known that the filling of this smartphone will be built around the Apple A11 processor, made using a 10nm process technology. With this decision, the developer killed two birds with one stone. Increased productivity and increased the autonomy of my new device.

The younger model will have 3 GB random access memory... The iPhone 8 Plus will have 4GB of RAM. As for the ROM, unlike the cost of the device, it will be supplied with 64/128/256 GB of memory for files. The drive will be based on Samsung's NAND technology. This flash memory features the fastest data transfer rates available today.

IMPORTANT: Due to the amount of RAM, the data differ. Some analysts believe that in the maximum configuration it will be no more than 3 GB, and in the lower models 2 GB.

Some analysts believe that this device will implement Apple patents related to the scanner of the iris of the eye or reading the biometric indicators of the owner of the device.


The iPhone 8 smartphone, whose release date in Russia is not yet known, will have an improved camera compared to previous solutions. Of course, nothing new is expected here. Because modern technologies do not allow making a qualitative step forward. But the fact that the camera will be different from the one in the iPhone 7 is for sure.

The dual camera, which is installed on the latest iPhone, has a dual sensor and at one time made a mini revolution in the camera phone market. It is known that Apple engineers have already figured out how to make buildings background more blurred and colors saturated. A 4x optical zoom is also expected. Some analysts claim that the camera will have a resolution of 16 megapixels and an aperture of f / 1.8.

Renowned analyst Mark Gurman (whose predictions still came true) said Apple has hired more than 300 engineers to develop unique photo processing algorithms. With their help, you can change the sharpness of the selected elements in the photo. You can even rotate the image 180 degrees. Whether the next "prophecies" of Mark will come true, we will know very soon.

Wireless charger

One of the revolutionary solutions that sets the iPhone 8 apart from other smartphones is wireless charging. Its difference from those on the market today mobile devices charges is that its range is much higher. Thanks to her, the "eight" will be charged, being at a relatively large distance from the energy source.

Of course, the further you charge, the slower the smartphone will charge. But Apple engineers who are housed in a separate department, specializing in such a solution, must solve this problem. Judging by the patent of this company for such a device, then it will be able to charge a smartphone, being 2-3 meters away from it.

IPhone 8: price for 2017

How much will the iPhone 8 cost? But the price of this device in the USA has long been known. It does not differ from the cost of previous models of this device. For $ 649, you can get the 32GB iPhone 8. The oldest model with increased iPhone screen 8 Plus 256GB will retail for $ 969.

The new iPhone, the review of the novelties of which we presented in this article, should turn out to be revolutionary. If all the characteristics and functions stated in this article are implemented, then the new iPhone will become the most productive and beautiful smartphone released so far. Presentation of this device will pass already very soon.
Video iPhone 8 2018:

The Chinese are already releasing an eight:

0 12 September 2017, 20:15

Philip Schiller at the Apple presentation

Apple introduced new models today, September 12 iPhone smartphones and other gadgets. the site tells about the presentation, which began at 20:00 Moscow time. Face unlock, new camera capabilities, animated emoji and high prices - all the details in our material .

The presentation of new iPhones is a whole event not only in the IT world, but also in mass culture, because Apple devices have long been turned into objects of worship: some dream of them and are ready to stand in queues for many hours to be among the first to buy the desired novelty, others are contemptuous to such a stir and ridicule the fans of Steve Jobs. There are, of course, those who are neutral, but such, let's be honest, a minority. No wonder the annual presentation of the latter iPhone modelsheld by Apple is becoming one of the most anticipated events.

This year, the venue for the presentation (which, by the way, is timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the release first iPhone) was the recently opened Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California, which brought together representatives of the world's leading media. Those who were not lucky enough to get into the hall bearing the name of the founder of the company Steve Jobs could watch the online broadcast of the presentation on several platforms at once. However, some even before the start of the event managed to satisfy their interest, because, no matter how hard the company tried to prevent a leak, some of the data on what the new smartphones will be, still got into the network.

iPhone 8 Plus

The sizes of the screens have not changed - 4.7 and 5.5.

The new iPhone 8 is glass. The iPhone 4s was the same.

A11 processor - the most powerful in iPhone stories... It has six computing cores.

New models are not afraid of water.

A separate conversation about the camera: Apple claims that the iPhone 8 - best camcorder among all smartphones in the world. Vertical dual camera, resolution 12 megapixels, aperture 1.8 for the main and 2.8 for the front, optical stabilization.

The camera in iPhone 8 Plus will be able to dim the background in portrait mode.

The new iPhones will feature wireless charging. And the charging will be fast.

Wireless charger

There are stereo speakers.

The new iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will support augmented reality (AR).

AR in iPhone 8

$ 700 for the iPhone 8, $ 900 for the iPhone 8 Plus.

It's iPhone Ten, not iPhone X, meaning X is pronounced "ten."

Screen resolution - 2436x1125.
Diagonal- 5.8 inches.
Dual vertical camera.
Two colors - black and silver.

The camera is equipped with a special portrait mode that will allow you to take beautiful selfies.

- The "Home" button is gone: now the transition to the desktop is done with the "swipe up" gesture. To go to the list of applications, you need to make the same swipe - but do not release your finger, but hold it on the screen.

- Welcome to Face ID: unlocking is now done ... by your face! The smartphone will create a mathematical model of the face and recognize its owner. It's almost impossible to deceive the device: the iPhone recognizes you in the dark, and if you change your hairstyle or put on a hat. But if you try to slip a photograph on the gadget instead of your face, nothing will work, access will be denied. If you look past the camera, unlocking won't work either. But what about the twins? But the twins will have to come up with passwords :) Apple Pay will also be via FaceID.

It sounds cool, but on stage, Craig Federighi, who was talking about the miraculous capabilities of the new device, did not work FaceID right on stage ... Failure.

IPhone X recognizes beard

- You can block the iPhone with a swipe. Siri is called by the Power key. Charging is also wireless.

- A joy for creative people: with the True Depth camera, you can create your own animated emoji that will mimic the wearer's facial expressions. This was shown on the example of the most famous of the clan emoji - a funny poop, which can now be made sad. It turns out that many expected this.

- Prices: from $ 999 for 64 gigabytes, $ 1150 for 256 gigabytes.

- The battery in the iPhone X will last two hours longer than the battery in the iPhone 7.

The first product that Apple presented at the event was a watch Apple Watch - the most popular watch in the world, ahead of even Rolex.

The presentation told about the new model of Apple Watch Series 3 and the new watchOS 4 software, which will be available to owners all hours Apple is already on September 19th.

Tim Cook introduces Apple Watch

First, the public was shown a video about a new watch model, more precisely, about how they help to lead a healthy lifestyle. In the video, by the way, phrases in Russian sounded: "Hello, Apple", "A cyborg from Russia is writing to you" and Every day I become the best version yourself. "

What has changed in the new watch model? Much! Now they can be used separately from the smartphone. Receiving calls, reading messages and listening to music via streaming is easier than ever! The number remains the same. Also, the watch can now track new types of activity: for example, if you are not exercising, and the heart rate suddenly increases, then the watch will definitely warn you about this - it will display the heart rate value directly on home screen... Plus, the watch will learn to track altitude changes.

All this will be available with the release software... It will be possible to pre-order from September 15th.

Introductory speech by Tim Cook

The event was opened by Apple CEO Tim Cook, who replaced Steve Jobs in this post. First, he said that he loved the voice of Steve Jobs (he sounded before the start), and then talked about what his deceased friend was and about Jobs's views on life.

Then the news from the life of the company began: about the Apple campus, the Today at Apple program, where everyone is taught photography, programming and other mobile arts. Plus, of course, it was not without charity: Tim Cook invited the audience to donate money to the victims of Hurricane Irma - through iTunes and the App Store.

After that, Angela Arendts, Apple's senior vice president of retail and Internet commerce, appeared on the scene and spoke about the state of sales in the company. Nothing new: Apple is doing great with this.

When will it be possible to buy in Russia

Versions of the premium iPhone for 256 and 512 gigabytes - 98 thousand 990 rubles and 109 990 rubles, respectively. Pre-order, according to Apple representatives in Russia, can be issued immediately after the presentation, but sales will not start soon.

In other countries, people are already queuing up at Apple Stores.

Photo Gettyimages.ru

The long-awaited event for iPhone fans finally took place - Apple's presentation in September 2017. Millions of people watched online broadcast, during which you could enjoy new gadgets. The main features and characteristics of the new iPhones should be considered.

On September 12, 2017 the Apple presentation took place

One of the most anticipated events of the fall took place at the Steve Jobs Theater, which was just built in Apple Park in California. The developers have introduced Apple Watch Series 3 ( smart watchthat do not require communication with the phone), Apple TV 4K (a gadget for watching movies in 4K), the new iPhone 8 and 8 Plus and iPhone X. At the very end of the presentation in September, CEO Tim Cook pleased with two more new products: an improved version of AirPods - a case with wireless charger and pad for wireless charging AirPower.

New iPhone 8

Logically, this year Apple was supposed to show the seventh models with the letter s at the presentation in September, but the manufacturers decided to go against the system and presented the eights, which are the traditional modernization of the iPhone 7. The release of the new iPhone 8 confirmed that new technologies are actively penetrating into the world, for example, thanks to the new glass case from Apple, you can charge the device using a wireless function.

iPhone 8 - photos and specifications

The developers have put the following characteristics into the new phone model from Apple:

  1. The main innovation is the six-core chipset, which has a graphics chip that supports machine learning methods.
  2. Apple's iPhone presentation in September pointed to its Portrait Lightning technology, which changes lighting based on a depth map to simulate different light sources.
  3. It is worth noting the improved video recording, so you can get videos with 4K resolution.
  4. Present new technology True Tone, thanks to which the color temperature of the display changes depending on the surrounding light.
  5. The presentation of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, which took place in September, spoke about the presence of a 12 megapixel camera with optical stabilization. Note that Apple has done a good job of adding reality to camera use.

Design iPhone 8

Many iPhone fans expected significant design changes as the seven was a copy of the six, but Apple's developers fell short of expectations. The new models are identical to the design of the previous gadget, except for one detail - the presence of a glass back panel. The CEO emphasized at the September presentation that they used the toughest glass in the world. The primary colors for iPhone 8 are gray, white, and pink. The screen diagonal has remained the same, for the 8 it is 4.7 inches, and for the 8 Plus it is 5.5 inches. The case is specially protected against water and dust.

When will the iPhone 8 go on sale?

The original equipment can be found from certified Apple partners, which are distributed throughout the world. The cost of the iPhone 8 will be a record and will be $ 800-1000 for the basic version. The price will directly depend on the built-in memory. For those who are waiting for the start of sales of the iPhone 8 in Russia, important information - it will be possible to buy a gadget from Apple from September 29, and pre-order in stores will be open a week before that date.

New iPhone X

This is the tenth iPhone that belongs to the premium class. At a presentation in September, it was said that the developers have added several new features, for example, Face ID is used - an add-on that involves identifying the owner using a face. This technology works at any time of the day and adapts to changes if, for example, a beard appears. It will not work to unlock the device using a photo, since protection is used.

The presentation of the new iPhone 2017 in September showed that the phone has another interesting feature - animated emoji. It is based on controlling facial emotions and creating animated faces that can be sent in messages to other people. As for everyone's favorite Siri, you can activate it double tap button located on the side, or a greeting.

iPhone X - specifications

To understand what the Apple developers have proposed, consider the main specifications, which became known at the presentation:

  1. The gadget weighs 174 g, and LxWxT has such values \u200b\u200bof 143.6x70.9x7.7 mm.
  2. The 5.8-inch OLED display has a resolution of 2436x1125. It is worth noting that it supports True Tone and 3D Touch technology.
  3. Many people like the iPhone X photos, and it is also worth knowing that it is protected from water and dust at a microscopic level, according to the IP67 standard.
  4. To understand how the phone will perform, one should take a look at the processor - A11 Bionic with 64-bit architecture. The design includes an integrated M11 motion coprocessor.
  5. At the presentation in September, one could learn that the main camera has a wide-angle ((/ 1.8 aperture) and a telephoto lens (ъ / 2.4 aperture) of 12 megapixels. The portrait mode with the beta version of portrait lighting is good news. The lens has six lenses and is protected by a sapphire crystal. In addition, the camera boasts an IR cut filter, face detection, noise reduction, automatic image stabilization and automatic switching on HDR.
  6. Introduced by the company Apple iPhone X, which is capable of recording 4K video at 24, 30 and 60 fps. You can use the gadget to record 720p HD video. When shooting video, optical stabilization and zoom are used.
  7. Concerning front camerathen it is TrueDepth 7 MP. You can shoot 1080p HD video. Other features include extended color range, auto stabilization, and continuous shooting.
  8. Duration autonomous work more than the seventh version by two hours. New model supports wireless charging based on Qi standard, which will be launched next year.
  9. At a presentation in September, the new iPhone X was said to have 64GB and 256GB of internal storage.

IPhone X design

Many design assumptions for this premium model have proven to be true, as you can see at the September launch. The phone has glass panels, which are important for integrating wireless charging, between which there is a metal frame. At Apple's September 2017 presentation, many emphasized the monoblock effect, which is emphasized by the lack of bezels around the display and home buttons... If you are interested in the colors of the iPhone X, there are only two of them: "space gray" and silver.

When will the iPhone X go on sale?

After the presentation in September, you want to quickly hold in your hands new phone and appreciate all its advantages, then pre-order for new iPhone X can be done on October 27th. The long-awaited device will appear in stores on November 3. The price for a unique novelty is high, and for a 64 GB phone you will have to pay $ 999, and for a 256 GB device - $ 1199. Please note that these are official numbers and some sellers may increase the price of the iPhone.

iPhone 8 vs iPhone X

Looking at the main characteristics of Apple's new phones, it's hard to tell right away which model is better and what stands out. We suggest paying attention to the explicit distinctive features IPhone 8 and iPhone X.

  1. Eights are available in three colors, and X in only two.
  2. The diagonal sizes also differ, for example, in the 8 and 8 Plus they are 4.7 and 5.5 inches. As for the iPhone X, it has the largest display in Apple's history at 5.8 inches. Plus, it doesn't have a Home button.
  3. In a presentation by Apple in September 2017, it was said that the 8 and 8 Plus models have updated speakers that are 25% louder, but the description of the iPhone X does not have such a characteristic, but this model has Face ID technology.

Not everyone is saving up money for summer vacations, many prefer to update their fleet of gadgets during this period.

The most pressing question is:

Which iPhone should you buy right now, and which one shouldn't you buy in any case?

Place all the points over the "i".

iPhone 5s

This is the most popular iPhone in Russia, but his era is already drawing to a close. The device still behaves cheerfully on the latest firmware, but we do not recommend buying it in mid-2017.

You can take such a gadget only as the first smartphone for a child, a terminal for communication with parents, or, if you need a second smartphone on iOS. At the same time, you need to clearly understand that the device will be used for a very long time, until it breaks or is lost.

Most likely, this fall, the iPhone 5s will disappear from store shelves, it will be possible to find it only on the secondary market. Everyone who now walks with "5-escs" will merge them in the near future and Internet sites will simply overflow with such announcements.

Selling the iPhone 5s profitably will no longer work. If you add another 4-5 thousand, you can take a more sophisticated SE.

iPhone SE

The device is similar in size, but more powerful in its filling. It will be the next budget iPhone when the 5s retires.

There is both powerful iron and good camera and support for almost all iOS features. iPhone SE is simply created for those who do not want modern "shovels" and like to operate the gadget with one hand.

If you are really unbearable, you can buy right now, but you can wait for autumn. Then the prices for the most affordable SE will fall below 20 thousand rubles.

the iPhone SE is perfect for the first iPhone.

If you already have it: use it and do not worry. But if you want to change to a model with a large screen, you need to sell it before the fall, and buy a new one in October-November. Be prepared to do without your iPhone for several months.

iPhone 6

On the one hand, the gadget is not very old, but on the other, Apple no longer officially sells sixes. Only resellers have left such models, and the price for them has dropped dramatically over the past year.

Take the iPhone 6 only if you need a cheap iPhone, but with large display... In other cases, you should either take SE with better performance and an affordable price tag, or look towards the 6s.

Selling iPhone 6 in the secondary market will be extremely difficult. Already there are many offers in the region of 15 thousand rubles, and in the fall the price will fall by another 10-15%.

If you already have it: There is not much sense in selling, only if you managed to buy at the start of sales for 32-35 thousand. In December 2014, the price soared above 50 thousand and did not drop until the fall of 2016.

Merge good device for 15 thousand, bought for 50K, it makes no sense. Keep it in reserve, give it to parents or children.

iPhone 6 Plus

Not the most successful iPhone model. Apple experimented with a new form factor, or maybe didn't want to invest heavily in developing the first phablet. The model turned out to be enlarged copy of iPhone 6. Of course, it has a larger battery, optical stabilization of the camera, but with the naked eye the lack of performance is noticeable.

Even then, it was necessary to equip a device with a large screen with two gigabytes of RAM in order to avoid jams and frequent jerks of the interface. FROM iOS update the situation has not changed much.

Almost everyone who tried the iPhone 6 Plus was unhappy with the thoughtfulness of the gadget.

If you already have it: strange that he still hasn't sold it. But, if you haven't sold it yet, you won't be able to get good money for the device. It is better to give it to relatives for use than to drain for a penny.

iPhone 6s

One of the most successful potential acquisitions this year. The iPhone 6s turned out to be a profitable investment; by the middle of the year, the situation had not changed much.

The penultimate generation smartphone is not in danger. Yes, from the official store Apple modelwill most likely disappear in the fall, but resellers will sell off the rest for another year.

In the secondary market, the device will remain in price due to the controversial "seven".

After the presentation of the new iPhone, the price of "six" will fall by 8-10%, but this will not happen immediately, but within a couple of months. If you are ready to wait almost until the new year, you can save about 4-5 thousand, otherwise you can buy a 6-escu right now.

If you already have it: not worth selling. Even if you really want a new iPhone, wait for the presentation.

iPhone 6s Plus

Nice device, like the iPhone 6s. The phablet perfectly copes with all tasks, has a 3.5mm jack and supports 3D-Touch. Yes, there is no moisture protection in it, but in the form in which it is in the iPhone 7, it is still dumb to check it.

If you just want to try a 5.5-inch Apple smartphone, you need to start with this model. The 6 Plus will disappoint with its performance and the 7 Plus with the price.

If you already have it: use it as long as it suits the size of the device. If you want to switch to a regular iPhone, take your time, you will decide in the fall. You can always sell 6s Plus.

iPhone 7

The most disadvantageous purchase for today. Yes, over the past six months, the device has dropped in price by about 10%, but this is not a reason to purchase it a month and a half before the presentation of the new iPhone. In any case, in September it will be possible to buy an iPhone 7 cheaper or take a brand new flagship a little more expensive.

If the purchase of an iPhone 5s or iPhone 6 can be justified in some cases, then there is no point in taking the "seven".

The iPhone 7 bought now will drop in price by 20-30% in 3 months.

iPhone 7 Plus

An overrated model in every sense. Yes, there is a cool camera with portrait mode, and you can get a cool bokeh effect in the photo, but this is clearly not worth $ 1000.

For show-off, the usual "seven" is enough, you will save 10 thousand. And for the role of a phablet it is better to choose 6s Plus, the price difference is even more significant.

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