Iphone 5s lights up blue screen and restarts. What to do with the Blue Screen of Death on iPhone

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Back in the days when the new iPhone 5s went on sale, it was the first smartphone to feature Touch ID. A single button identified the owner's fingerprint. And it was something new and unique. But enthusiasm was followed by disappointment. Users of newly purchased iPhones complained that the color of the display periodically turns to a hollow blue. But then he comes to himself again.

The disease syndromes were different for all iPhones in the 5s series. Some users wrote that when connected to a charger, the display first turns blue, and then starts to reboot.

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Here are some more reasons for this problem:

1. Errors in updating iOS;

2. Faulty or damaged motherboard;

3. The display module is out of order;

3. Overheating of the device;

4. Oxidation of parts.

In some cases, manufacturers blamed the iWork app. It gave a blue display color when trying to minimize it. Then they talked about the imperfection of iOS 7. They said that after the update, all problems will go away. But, even after switching to a more recent operating system, the problem did not disappear. In the end, Apple had to admit that it was the iPhone 5s chip. It turned out to be unfinished. Simply put, this series of devices was recognized as defective.

How to fix iPhone problem?

The blue screen may have been caused by the latest iOS 9 update. Then you need to return the device to the initial version. To do this, connect your phone via USB to iTunes on your computer. In the window that opens, select your device ("iPhone 5s" button). Then the menu will display the function "Restore iPhone". Click on it. After that, you will be returned to the initial firmware. The phone will reboot and ask to sign in to iCloud. If the matter was in the operating system, then after performing these actions, the phone will work again like new.

Mechanical impact (shock, fall) could also damage the motherboard, processor or microcircuit contacts. In rare cases, this can cause a "screen of death". To identify which parts are damaged, you need to carry out diagnostics.

In rare cases, after mechanical damage (fall, shock, strong bend), the screen module cable fails and, as a result, it will have to be changed entirely. On our website you can find out how the iPhone 5s glass is replaced, how much this service costs and how long it will take.

Also, the appearance of a blue screen in the life of your iPhone can be affected by overheating of the device. This is due to the heavy load on the operating system. As a result, the processor heats up. This happens when multiple applications are open at the same time. Or WI-FI, geolocation and Bluetooth are always on. Try not to use additional connections and programs unnecessarily.

Remember, before the screen began to give out blue, whether your iPhone began to discharge faster. If so, then it's about the battery. Indeed, over time, it tends to wear out. Try to identify the source of overheating. On the left side of the back of the case is the battery. If the heat comes from there, then it's time to produce.

A blue screen on an iPhone could appear after moisture gets inside the case. After that, oxidation of the device parts usually occurs: microcircuits, motherboard, loops, contacts. You need to immediately take the phone for repair so that it can be cleaned and corrosion does not spread to other parts.

Need to diagnose

As you can see, there are many reasons for the malfunction. To understand exactly why a blue screen began to appear on your phone, you need to carry out diagnostics. Come to our service! We will identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Our service centers are located one minute from the metro station.

The article describes the reasons why the iPhone may not turn on.


Modern iPhones 4/5 / 5S are very popular due to their high reliability and convenience. But sometimes it also happens that the iPhone does not turn on, for example, after an impact, after changing the display, or as a result of some other cases.

No modern gadget can be considered absolutely reliable and versatile, and there is no guarantee that you will not drop your phone or your tablet will not end up on the bottom of the bathroom. In our today's review, we will talk about why it may not turn on IPhone 4/5 / 5S.

For what reasons does the iPhone not turn on?

We list several reasons as a result of which the iPhone may not turn on, or constantly reboot:

  • System problems
  • The iPhone is overheated or submerged in water
  • Charging broke
  • You need to reinstall the OS in the gadget
  • IPhone of pirate origin

Let's consider each of these cases.

IPhone won't turn on due to system crashes

The most common reason that your iPhone may not turn on is system problems. In this case, there is no reason to worry and carry the gadget to the master. You can figure out the problem yourself:

  • First, inspect your gadget. If you see that the apple is on and the blue screen is out, then you should simultaneously press the button at the bottom of the screen and the lock / off button. Do not release these buttons for about fifteen seconds. If the problem lies in any system malfunctions, the gadget will start to turn on again and work stably.

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

  • If you see that neither the apple nor the blue screen is on, then just restart the gadget by pressing the shutdown button. If this and the previous options do not help you, then try charging your device and repeating the described steps.

IPhone won't turn on due to overheating / getting wet

No matter how reliable the iPhones are, if you drop them in water or leave them in the sun for a long time, then you will eventually have to change the battery.

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

If you notice that the blue screen on the display of the gadget goes out and does not light up again after you wet the iPhone, then do the following:

  • Open the cover of the iPhone, remove the battery and dry all the parts thoroughly. Moreover, do not put them to bask in the sun and do not dry them with a hairdryer. All parts of the iPhone should dry naturally after falling into water.
  • After that, reinsert the battery, close the cover and try turning on the iPhone. If it does not turn on this time, it will mean that you will have to take it to the workshop. You may just need to replace the battery, so first check if the gadget will work with another battery.
  • In the event that your iPhone overheats in the sun, as the temperature indicator can tell, and you do not observe that the apple is not on, then first of all, let your gadget cool down. Do not connect it to charger or computer, take to a cool place. If in this case the gadget does not turn on, then perhaps it will have to be taken to the master.

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

IPhone won't turn on due to charger problems

Let's say you take good care of your iPhone, never dropped it, did not immerse it in water, you have no suspicions of physical damage to it. But he once turned off and refuses to charge. The blue screen went out along with the apple on the back of the gadget. What can be done in this situation?

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

Here are some of the steps you should take:

  • Check your charger is working properly. It is possible that the gadget does not work due to a lack of power, which must come from the charger. Insert the charger into another gadget, or insert another charger into your gadget.
  • Examine the connector where you connect the charger. If the connector is damaged, then you will have to contact the wizard.
  • It may seem ridiculous, but there were times when a person's electricity was cut off at home, and he thought that his charging was not working. Check if there is electricity at home, and if the outlet to which you connect the charger is working.

IPhone won't turn on due to operating system

Reinstalling an operating system on a gadget is very dangerous. If you do something wrong, then your gadget will never turn on. If you do not know how to do this, then it is better not to take it, contact knowledgeable specialists.

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

Some users even change their iPhone to a new one, rather than reinstall the operating system on the phone. Keep this in mind and first, make sure that all the other options listed in this review are not the reason for not turning on your gadget.

If the blue screen of your iPhone does not go out, then reinstallation may not be required.

The iPhone won't turn on because it's pirate

Pirate iPhones are not uncommon in our world. You can get a fake phone if you contact questionable sellers. Always buy gadgets from reputable official stores.

IPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple is on, then the blue screen of death and restart what to do IPhone 5S - the blue screen and turns off is it possible to fix

If you realize that you are holding a pirated version of the phone, then do the following:

  • Return the phone back to the seller, demand your money. In order not to inflate this problem, you will be refunded the money, since no one wants to have problems with the law.
  • If the seller still refused to return the money to you, take the iPhone to the workshop, let them give you a paper showing that your iPhone is really fake. Then proceed as you go.
  • If you purchased an iPhone, for example, in an online store, and the seller did not assure you that his product was branded, then you cannot return the phone.

Video: iPhone won't turn on, won't charge

Anyone who has an ordinary desktop computer will probably remember their confusion when they first encountered the sky blue color of the monitor and the long incomprehensible text on it. True, we quickly learned to figure out what windows wants this time, and BSOD is no longer a problem. As for the owners of Apple phones, the blue screen of death was unknown to them, and only with the iPhone 5s did it begin its triumphant march. Moreover, unlike a PC, there are no signs-pointers on the iPhone display, guess what he wants and how to help him.

What does it look like?

When you try to update, open a text editor, or completely randomly, and for no reason, the iPhone screen turns blue and does not respond to touch. Sometimes, it starts to reboot repeatedly until it displays a blue screen, then reboots start over. If you are very lucky, then at some point you may throw an error that will narrow the search for a broken gadget.

What is the reason?

The first owners of the iPhone 5s had the misfortune of seeing the blue screen of death, shortly after buying a brand new gadget. In the beginning, the free iWork application was identified as the main culprit for BSOD, which opposed the background mode for its windows. And every time I tried to minimize the text editor window, I made the owners happy with a blue screen of death.

Later, they blamed the imperfection of iOS 7 itself, and announced that when a new update was downloaded, the problem would be eliminated by itself.

Alas, even with newer iOS, the iPhone screen periodically turned blue, and frightened its owners with hopelessness. Then, the developers had to admit that the problem of the blue screen lies in the very chip of the iPhone 5s. Something was flawed there, so it crashes.

As the practice of our iFix SC shows, the list of reasons why the iPhone turns blue is somewhat larger:

But when the warranty has already ended, or your own time, nerves and money mean more to you than the realization of consumer rights, then bring your iPhone to us. We will find out the reason for the blue screen of the iPhone 5s and will do everything to get your apple friend back to his usual color.

  1. Shocks and falls, as a result of which the screen cable can come off, the problem is solved by replacing the iPhone 5s display cable, or the screen module, if the problem is in it, unfortunately, the touchscreen itself cannot be repaired.
  2. Overheating of the device. A very common recommendation, if it does not catch a Wi-Fi network, is a barbaric way to warm up the iPhone 5s without disassembling it. This method has a practically justified base (the wi-fi module is attached with hot glue and can come off the board from a strong shock or shock). And he is really able to help, alas, not for long. Advisers, argue that you do not need to overpay and carry an iPhone to the workshop if the wi-fi does not work, because for the same money, they will perform the same warm-up there. If this statement is based on our own experience, then they can be understood, but not a single qualified specialist will warm up an iPhone without disassembling it! Precisely because this is fraught with the blue screen of death of the iPhone, after a while. Because, with general warming up, there is a great risk of melting and moving a couple of neighboring microcircuits, and then you will either have to change the entire motherboard, or it will take a long and tedious job to restore the damaged tracks.
  3. Even if the gadget has been successfully disassembled, and the screen or display has been successfully replaced, the Wi-Fi module has been warmed up or other hardware repairs have been performed, there is a risk of ruining a good start with a bad assembly. We often focus on the iPhone mounts, on the fact that they are very different, although they differ by only 0.1-0.2 mm. And that this difference is extremely critical, and the discrepancy between the cogs and their seats can cause a lot of trouble, including the blue screen of death for the iPhone, which we are talking about today. And all because when they are rearranged, the deformation of the train occurs. Such unfortunate masters will also have to replace the iPhone 5s display flex. If you are very unlucky, then the processor may burn out.
  4. Another reason is associated with jailbreak, which involves opening access to the iOS file system, as well as the ability to install third-party software, which can harm your device.
  5. It is quite common for the iPhone to be blue after updating to the latest version of iTunes over the air.

What to do?

  1. Try to turn off the iPhone 5s by holding down the POWER and HOME buttons. Retention time 3-30 sec. At the same time, it is highly desirable that all valuable data be stored in the cloud or on a computer.
  2. Wait until the apple phone is discharged and turns off by itself. Then connect the original charger to it and be happy to see the lightning on the screen. Sometimes, after that, you can forget about BSOD for a long time.
  3. Connect iPhone to PC and update iTunes. Back up your data beforehand.
  4. If this did not help, the gadget did not understand, you did not jailbreak, and in general the iPhone is under warranty, then it makes sense to return it to the store. Perhaps this is a manufacturing defect, and you will be given a new iPhone 5s, and this one will be taken away. If, however, you agree to, which in an authorized SC is delayed for a month or two, then remember that during the repair of the iPhone 5s under warranty, you are required to provide a similar gadget for use.

Complaints from some iPhone 5S owners appeared on the Web that a blue screen suddenly appears on their device, and then the smartphone reboots without warning. In addition, the so-called "blue screen of death" or BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) appears for some, even if no one is touching the phone at that moment. Most likely, the reason for the "blue screen of death" in the iPhone 5s is the new filling (64-bit processor architecture), rather than some kind of defective parts.

Having studied this problem, I decided to collect all possible methods of its treatment, ranging from the simplest to the less pleasant.

1. If the iPhone 5S showed you a blue screen and started to reboot constantly with a blue screen, then you need to turn it off and restart it manually.
Treatment: simultaneously hold down the On button for about 10 seconds. and the Home button (which has a fingerprint sensor). This reboot can be repeated several times until the iPhone boots up. For example, I pressed these buttons right during the blue screen and everything is ok.

2. For many, the screen of death appears only when working with some applications, both standard (Keynote, Pages and Numbers) and purchased from the AppStore (various games and programs).
This suggests that, unfortunately, these applications are not fully optimized for the new processor.
Treatment: It is enough to wait for the update of both iOS itself and individual applications with which the problem arises, and for the developers to hurry up - report the problem in the comments to the application in the AppStore.

3. Sometimes, iPhone may restart after a few unsuccessful fingerprint input methods.
Treatment: Try disabling fingerprint unlock and leaving only the password input, or disable the lock function altogether. Reboot your smartphone. If this method helps, then it is worth installing the latest firmware (it is always better to install the latest update via the cloud or using iTunes), most likely Apple will release the necessary fix in one of the updates, if not already released.

4. Some users are helped by disabling the Find My iPhone function, which itself from time to time in the background manipulates to determine the location, which causes the blue screen.
Treatment: Go to Settings - iCloud - Find iPhone and disable this feature. Restart your iPhone.

I hope one of these methods will help you, but what helped me is that I just stopped launching several applications, when launched, the iPhone 5S stably rebooted.

Hello! To be honest, very few people expect such a problem as a blue screen from an iOS device - after all, it is rather a “visiting card” of another company (yes, yes, the author of these lines is a joker from the “not so” series). However, since Apple introduced support for 64-bit processors to its mobile devices, many users have noted this bug. Namely, the iPhone falls into a blue screen, then the apple lights up, then a reboot follows and so on in a circle without stopping.

And the saddest thing is that the device often simply does not turn on - therefore, it is also not possible to change or update the firmware. iTunes just interrupts the restore with various errors - 9, 40, etc.

Why is this happening? Is the whole problem in these newest processors? Or is something else to blame? And most importantly, what to do - to run to the service or can you get rid of the blue screen at home? There are many questions - we will answer everything, let's go!

First, let's try to get by with "little blood" - consider software and other methods that can help without serious interference in the design of the apparatus:

    1. If the device boots, then we try a full reset, update to the latest software version, hard reboot (hold Home + Power for 10 seconds), in general, the whole usual set of fighting system errors.
    2. If the download fails, when restoring the firmware via iTunes, log out of your account. Later, if the result is positive, you can return everything and use your Apple ID.
  1. It is also worth trying to restore the firmware without or vice versa with a SIM card. Strange, but judging by various forums, this option helps many users.
  2. Some iPhones have ripples, stripes and, subsequently, a blue screen color when using non-original chargers. Although I wrote about unsupported accessories, I still warned that their use would not lead to anything good.
  3. Jelbreak, the work of some programs can also cause errors, and as a result, a constant restart and display of the iPhone with a blue screen error. There is only one way out - remove the jailbreak, do not use the programs.
  • The top cable of the screen is damaged (with the camera and proximity sensors).
  • The battery is defective.
  • Processor (quite rare).

What to do? Do not rush to change everything in turn, because there is another option that is very typical for the iPhone 5 (S). Remember if you disassembled the device. Although you may not know this, especially if the phone was purchased "hand-held", without observing the elementary ones.

So, the one who assembled it back was simply unobservant and did not take into account one important point when assembling.

A cover for the display ribbon cable is attached to the motherboard with four screws. Two of them are short (bottom), two are long (top). Moreover, they differ very little. If you confuse them in places and screw a long one into the place of the lower right one, then it starts reaching the motherboard and punches it. Hence the blue screen and stripes and reboots ...

You can try to fix this situation by unscrewing these bolts and screwing them in correctly.

As a rule, if the damage is not severe, then this can help. And if they are strong, then the service center will help, since the spare part will need to be replaced.

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