The history of the creation of the first iphone. When it came out and what the very first iPhone looks like: a full review. IPhone idea and its development

One of the most expensive companies for 2014 is Apple. According to Fortune Global 500 estimates, Yabloko took an honorable fifteenth place in 2014, losing a couple of positions to Samsung Electronics. But in 2012, when Apple reached $ 500 billion in equity, beating oil and gas company Exxon Mobil, Fortun ranked Yabloko in first place. But even the $ 500 billion is not a record for them, because on February 10, 2015, the maximum world record was recorded at trading in shares - $ 122 per share, the estimated value of the company was more than seven hundred billion dollars.

From their first birthday, Yabloko had many managers, including Steve Jobs, Apple founder and Guinness World Record for lowest paid CEO with $ 1 daily salary.

During the existence of Yabloko, the company's financial indicators either grew rapidly, then fell with the same desire, and the company's managers influenced the technological direction.

Among the significant figures was Steve Wozniak, who became with the founder of Apple.

According to statistics from various research centers, the main growth of Yabloko was observed during the reign of Steve Jobs, and recessions - in the years of his absence. Therefore, we can safely call Steve Jobs the main key figure in the development of the company.

Apple founders

Over the years of existence and growth, there has been a lot of controversy over who is the founder of Apple - Wozniak or Jobs. And is it true that the first Apple computer was assembled in a garage, or is it still in a student laboratory, where both Steves worked.

Some authoritative publications, collecting historical information, interviews and answering the question about who is the founder of Apple, wrote "Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak", while others - "Steve Jobs is the sole founder of the company."

But both Steves, answering the question posed by journalists, evasively avoided answering, not taking on the function of the creator alone. So who officially founded Apple, according to the papers? Most sources say that after all, Steve Jobs is the official and sole creator of the company.

From the historical background

The official registration of the company took place in April 1976, although Jobs and Wozniak began their activities much earlier, meeting in the garage and assembling the first computer based on the eight-bit MOS 6502 Technology microprocessor.

Many print media that wrote and are writing articles about the history of the creation of Apple, opposite the question "who is the founder of apple" indicate: Steve Jobs, although Jobs himself always said:

Steve Wozniak and I worked together to create the first Apple computer.

After official registration company saw the light of the first computer Apple-1, and a little later - Apple-2, which was sold in a multimillion circulation.

The Apple-2 industry continued through 1993, improving somewhat from release to release.

Since in the 80s Apple-2 computers had few competitors, the main peak of popularization personal computer from "Yabloko" fell on this period, more than five million devices were sold.

However, at the same time, the company was also experiencing failure, releasing unsuccessful model computer Apple-3, which, surprisingly, did not at all affect the sale of the first shares of the Yabloko company.

Failure continued to plague the company in 1981, when Steve Wozniak left the company after being in a plane crash, and Jobs was forced to lay off more than 50 employees. The mass layoff was due to the failed Apple-3 project.

To get the company off the ground, Jobs hired John Scully as president of the company.

But the business relationship between Jobs and Scully did not work out, and Jobs leaves the Yabloko group, creating Next.

The birth of the Macintosh

The famous Macintosh computer first saw the light of day in 1984. For twenty years, the Yabloko company has been producing these computers as the main product, using Motorolla processors and its own operating room. mac system OS.

In the mid-90s, Apple licensed the right to use its own OS to other computer manufacturers, but the licenses were soon revoked.

In 1996, the Yabloko company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The losses amount to more than two billion dollars.

In 1997, the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, returns to the Yabloko group, after which the company's affairs are taking off. The company begins to master new technologies not related to computers, and already in 2001, the first iPod music player was released.

In 2007, Apple released the sensational IPhone, and Steve Jobs began to be called the first person in the world to provide users with pocket internet.

Three years later, Apple releases the first iPad.

The last three new items released by the company are dramatically changing the financial position, and Apple is becoming the most successful manufacturer in the market for modern gadgets.


The stunning success of "Yabloko" gave birth to envious people, and one after another, not indifferent competitors began to fill up the company with lawsuits.

Even the Finnish company Nokia did not stand aside and in 2009 filed a lawsuit against Yabloko, accusing them of violating several patents. The court then satisfied the claim from Nokia, and ordered the Yabloko players to pay compensation.

While the two giants were suing, the light saw the line of gadgets from Samsung Galaxy, like two peas in a pod similar to the IPhone and iPad. Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung with the wording of "copying software, interface and design" of the aforementioned gadgets, but in response Samsung filed a lawsuit against "Yabloko" with the same wording with which Nokia filed and won in 2009.

The court recognized both companies as violators, satisfying all claims, and ordered to pay compensation to the friend, and also banned the sale of popular gadgets on its territory of both companies (the lawsuits took place in South Korea).

Death of Steve Jobs

In 2011, Steve Jobs died of an incurable disease. Apple has continued its work and is successfully releasing new innovative devices.

Today mobile phone the iPhone is the world's best-selling. They probably know about it in most countries, and most importantly, they don't just talk about the phone, but they really want to buy it. People even identify the owners of the iPhone and the people who have achieved success in life. It is believed that those who can afford such an expensive device have a special status. Of course, such popularity and high price allow Apple, the company that developed the iPhone, to make billions in profits. And due to the constant updating of versions of this mobile device, the release of more and more generations of it, developers also manage to receive a constant income. This result was achieved by the creator of the iPhone, Steve Jobs.

Legendary Jobs

The figure is quite famous in the world and is on a par with such a guru of the IT market as Bill Gates. In essence, Jobs did what Gates did - he founded the world's largest production-oriented company electronic devices, including portable ones: smartphones and tablets. It was not in vain that films were made about them, which gained popularity. The creator of the iPhone became even more famous after his death in 2011. Then Jobs' photo was posted on home page Apple site, signing years of life (Steve born 1955).

How did the iPhone start?

Of course, the path from the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new mobile device to billions in sales turned out to be quite long and difficult. Apple collected it back in the 80s of the last century. It all started, as in the case of Microsoft, with assembling electronics in the garage. Much has been written about how everything really happened: there is a version that Bill Gates stole Jobs's ideas, applying them in his designs. Be that as it may, now we are not talking about this, but about another direction - a smartphone.

The creator of the iPhone only had an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the phone should end up like. It was a distant year 1999, and Jobs could not do anything except theoretical developments. Only 6 years later, in 2005, he, supervising 200 engineers, worked on the device together with the Motorola division. Then the phone was called Purple-1, but it could not please the public with anything special (the gadget contained 2 functions - a player and a device for communication), and it was decided to postpone its presentation, like the release. The project, in other words, was abandoned. True, a year later, the one who is the creator of the iPhone was working on Purple-2, but they did not dare to present it. They expected something really worthwhile from Jobs, because back in 1997 he returned to the company after being fired and could not help but please his employees. Real inspiration came to him only in 2007.

AT&T help with iPhone sales

To realize his idea, the creator of the iPhone enlisted the support of the largest mobile operator in the United States at that time - AT&T. This was a new practice in relations between phone manufacturers and operators, since earlier the latter dictated their conditions, in fact, placing an order for mobile devices... In the same situation, it was the opposite: AT&T manager Stan Sigman believed in Jobs' idea and that it could shoot through originality, and the operator ultimately agreed to offer the phones as part of a contract that was to be entered into by the buyer. IPhones were offered in addition to communication services.

IPhone presentation - a sensation in the mobile market

There are also many stories about how the first device was presented and how the creator of the iPhone, whose name is known to millions, held the event. There is a version according to which Jobs came out to the presentation, saying that his company had finally come up with a real smartphone, which was very immodest. In addition, there are rumors that the first device with which the creator of the iPhone was supposed to make a call and take a photo, for some unknown reason, began to display information incorrectly on the display, which caused the entire presentation to be in jeopardy. Nevertheless, somehow Jobs managed to hold the event in such a way that more than 270 thousand copies of the iPhone were sold. The creator of this phone, thus, with the help of an original idea, perseverance, 10 years of work and his own qualities of a negotiator, was able to build an entire empire within a single division of Apple.


Today, of course, there is nothing surprising in the success of Apple, and no one doubts its further development. By releasing new devices, the corporation is constantly improving them, due to which it still has a million-strong army of fans on the hook. It is striking that even cheaper mobile devices on other operating systems cannot match the sales of Apple. This is a kind of mystery, because the laws of the market say that cheaper goods are more in demand. As the experience of the iPhone creator shows, this is not the case.

Apple's new head

Jobs headed Apple for a long time, after which a new manager, Tim Cook, took his place. He is a very experienced manager who has also spent many years with the company. After taking up his post, the experts argued for a long time over how the newcomer would show himself in the place of the real guru Jobs. Someone predicted the collapse of the company, linking its success solely with the figure of Steve. However, as time and presentations of several new models of iPhones, iPads, iPods and even iPads have shown, Cook is able to strengthen Apple's position in the market.

Further development of the company

You know the name of the creator of the iPhone - the legendary man who realized his brilliant idea and spread it all over the world. It's hard to say in which direction Apple will move on. There is such an expression: "The higher you take off, the more painful it is to fall." It can be applied with confidence to a company that produces "apple" products.

On the one hand, now sales of tablet computers, players are really breaking records, and this has been happening for several years. However, in fact, now the management of the concern is faced with the task of not letting those people who have pinned their hopes on the brand and, most importantly, to justify the fame that has developed around the name of Steve Jobs. Now all that a company needs to work on is a significant increase in market power and device sales.

And this is very difficult to do, given the competition. If earlier the same Samsung could offer much lower quality phones, now its products are not so far behind Apple. In addition, there is another threat for the American concern from the east - these are Chinese manufacturers. Companies like Huawei and Xiaomi are also trying to keep up with the quality issue by significantly lowering the price of products. It is not surprising that their market share is growing, pushing Apple.

Time will tell what electronics developers will come up with with the "apple" logo. Now there are all sorts of rumors about this, even as unlikely as the idea of \u200b\u200breleasing iPhones with True or not - we'll see.

"TASS / Ruptly / Reuters"

iPhone is a family of touch control smartphones produced by the American company Apple. IPhone development began in 2005 under the leadership of CEO Steve Jobs and designer Jonathan Ive. The device was first presented on January 9, 2007 at the Macworld exhibition in San Francisco, sales in the United States began on June 29, 2007.

The arrival of the iPhone had a profound impact on the mobile phone and gadget market, in fact, leading most manufacturers to focus on this device when creating their own devices. Initially, the iPhone was distinguished from other smartphones by its large capacitive touchscreen that allowed for multi-finger taps, while Apple's competitors tended to use cheaper, smaller diameter resistive touchscreens that required a "pen" (stylus ).

When iPhone creation it was decided to reduce to a minimum the number of buttons on the body of the device. Also, a new iOS operating system was developed for the iPhone, specially adapted to facilitate access from a smartphone to the Internet and application stores and iTunes music and App Store (since 2008).

First iPhone

The first iPhone had a 3.5-inch (115 x 61 mm) screen, 11.6 mm thick, a 2-megapixel camera, an aluminum body with glass, steel and black plastic elements, supported the second generation data transmission standards (GSM, EDGE ), Wi-Fi as well as Bluetooth and weighed 135 grams. It was released in versions with 4, 8 and 16 gigabytes of memory.

In total, about 5.4 million devices were sold in a year.

iPhone 3G and 3GS

On July 11, 2008, the next version of the iPhone, 3G, was released. She supported mobile networks third generation, had a built-in chip for satellite navigation, and also had two body color options: black and white. iPhone 3G became the first model to be officially sold in Russia (since October 2008, at prices ranging from 23 to 27 thousand rubles, hereinafter - depending on the amount of built-in memory). For the first apple year managed to sell about 15 million devices in the world.

On June 19, 2009, the iPhone 3GS version was introduced. She had more powerful processor, a camera with a resolution of 3 megapixels, support for video recording, a version with a memory of 32 gigabytes has appeared. Sales in Russia began in March 2010 at prices ranging from 30 to 35 thousand rubles. For the year, sales of the iPhone 3GS and one of the remaining versions of the iPhone 3G in production totaled 30 million units.

iPhone 4 and 4S

On June 24, 2010 Apple introduced the iPhone 4. New smartphone became thinner (9.3 mm versus 11.6-12.3 mm in previous versions), had a higher screen resolution, a 5 megapixel main camera, and a more powerful processor. For the first time there was a front camera. The design of the case has also been changed. Prices in Russia were 27-37 thousand rubles. More than 57 million units were sold in the world during the year (together with 3GS).

On October 4, 2011, the day before Steve Jobs's death, new Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the iPhone 4S version. The changes in the smartphone concerned, first of all, hardware resources: it was equipped with a more powerful processor, an 8-megapixel camera, and a version with 64 gigabytes of memory appeared. Also, the satellite navigation chip began to receive data from satellites russian system GLONASS. Official Russian prices are 35-45 thousand rubles.

The number of smartphones sold iPhone 4S and early versions for the year exceeded 110 million units. At the end of 2012, the iPhone for the first time began to bring more than half of the company's total revenue.

IPhone 5 models

The presentation of the iPhone 5, the next generation of smartphones, took place on September 12, 2012. The new device became even thinner (7.6 mm), lighter (112 g) of previous models, but at the same time had a larger screen (4 inches). There was also a "silver" version of the body paint. The smartphone began to support fourth generation networks (LTE). Over the year, more than 140 million devices were sold in the world, in the Russian Federation, devices were sold for 35-45 thousand rubles.

On September 20, 2013 Apple introduced two new iPhone versions 5C and 5S. The first phone with the same hardware as the iPhone 5 had a plastic case instead of an aluminum one. At the same time, the 5S was positioned as a more expensive version, had a more powerful processor, was sold in a "silver" or "gold" version of the case; in Russia prices were 25-30 thousand rubles for the 5C model and 30-40 thousand rubles. for 5S.

Sales of these and previous versions have exceeded 150 million units.

iPhone 6, 6S, 6S Plus, SE

The next generation iPhone was released on September 19, 2014 and comes in two versions - 6 and 6 Plus. The new versions are distinguished by increased screen sizes: 4.7 and 5.5 inches, respectively, became heavier (129 and 172 grams), but thinner (7.1 mm). Models were shipped with 128 gigabytes of memory; Russian prices at the start of sales amounted to 32-42 thousand rubles. (iPhone 6) and 37-47 thousand rubles. (6 Plus). By the summer of 2015, over 170 million units were sold worldwide. along with the remaining model 5C in production.

On September 9, 2015, the new 6S and 6S Plus models were announced. They differed from the previous ones by more powerful hardware and a 20 g increase in weight. Sales began on September 25, with 13 million new iPhones sold over the weekend of September 26-27. In Russia and a number of other countries, they went on sale on October 9. Prices ranged from 56 thousand to 83 thousand rubles, depending on the modifications.

On March 21, 2016, Apple introduced a new iPhone SE with hardware from 6S, but with a 4-inch screen (sales started on March 31, in Russia - on April 5, the initial price in Russia started at 37.99 thousand rubles). Release iPhone devices 6, 6S, 6S Plus and SE continues, including in the form of versions with increased memory sizes.

iPhone 7

The release of the newest smartphone of the family, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, took place on September 7, 2016. In appearance, they almost do not differ from the 6S and 6S Plus, but they have more powerful hardware. Among the most significant differences - the new models do not have a 3.5 mm headphone jack (instead, it is proposed to use wireless or headphones connected via the Lighting jack. back case two cameras were placed at once, one of them was a telephoto lens for shooting distant objects. Sales began on September 16, 2016, in Russia - on September 23, at a price from 57 to 86 thousand rubles.


Apple sold its billionth iPhone on July 27, 2016. In total, in the 2016 fiscal year (October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016), smartphone sales (212 million units) brought Apple revenue of $ 136 billion, which accounted for 63.4% of the company's total revenues. At the same time, at the end of 2016, for the first time in 10 years, both sales of new iPhones and revenue from them decreased.

According to the American analytical company Gartner, in the first quarter of 2017, Apple accounted for 13.7% of the smartphone sales market, the first place was occupied by Korean Samsung (20.7%). At the same time, in the markets of developed countries (USA, Great Britain, Russia) in April 2017, Apple's share in smartphone sales was 35-40% (data from the analytical company Kantar). In Russia, according to the German analytical company GfK, the share of iPhone sales in 2016 was 5.2%, for comparison a year ago - 10.3%.

January 9, 2007 at international conference MacWorld Expo iPhone 1 was presented to the world. Then no one could even imagine that starting from this date the world would split into two camps: iPhone fans and ardent opponents of Apple technology.

Today's article is about the first generation iPhone. We will tell you how the idea to create a universal smartphone came about, in what conditions the development was carried out and what problems Apple had to face along the way. We then look at the specs and main features of the iPhone 1, as well as the downsides of Apple's first phone.

Idea birth and development

The history of the iPhone is directly related to the release of the iPod. Few people know that the first iPhone had two progenitors. The first was codenamed "Purple 1". The second received the far from unflattering failure of the year award. But Steve Jobs decided that he would definitely create a device that would combine a phone, a computer and a player.

Steve Jobs later talked about how the first iPhone came about. In early 2005, I racked my brains over the development of a tablet. He was haunted by the idea that he could get rid of the physical keyboard and type on the virtual one - right on the glass multitouch display. The work began to boil and six months later Jobs was shown a prototype touch display, engineers applied inertial scrolling and ... the puzzle was formed. Steve had already drew himself a model of a future device - not a tablet, but a phone.

The development of the iPhone 1 was carried out in strict secrecy. Each department was tasked with developing certain details and employees of different departments were not allowed to communicate with each other. In total, more than 200 employees were involved in the development and design phase. Only at the beginning of 2014, photos of the office where the development of the first smartphone from Apple was carried out reached us:

The software developers also faced a difficult task - to turn a stationary Mac OS, into a portable one - iOS. This task fell on the shoulders of engineer Greg Christie:

Steve came to our office and gave two weeks for us to bring him a model of the future OS. Otherwise, the task would have been assigned to another team.

Due to the workload of specialists, the release of the new OS Leopard was postponed for six months, but it was worth it - iOS became the main operating system for all Apple portable devices. Its flexibility and extensive programmability has provided a real foundation not only for future generations of iPhones, but also for the iPad lineup.

Negotiations with an American operator cellular network Cingular was also held under the heading "top secret" - Apple employees registered under the name of another company. And they started long before the creation of the first prototypes of the iPhone - Jobs did a masterful training and kept in touch with partners for several years. It was worth the wait, as Cingular was soon rebranded as AT&T, which is still the leader among iPhone-tied carriers. Steve also had the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the cost of a smartphone by using the services of a certain network operator.

Another difficulty arose with the name of the future branded smartphone from Apple. After the release of the iPod, the marketing department of the company was finally convinced that the continuation of the i-gadgets line was the true path of the apple corporation. But the name "iPhone" has already been registered with Cisco Systems. Steve took the risk and still released the smartphone under the name that was intended. Of course, the lawsuit was not long in coming. But already in February 2007, an amicable agreement was signed according to which the companies could use the trade name "iPhone" jointly. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed by the parties and have long been buried in the archives of the companies.

The first iPhone was made, and Steve kept his promise. A PDA, a telephone and an mp3 player have grown together in one device. Sales started on June 29, 2007. The smartphone was released with two memory sizes: 4 and 8 Gb. The minimum price was $ 500, the model with increased memory already cost $ 600. The excitement created around the new smartphone gave its roots - the queue in stores began to line up three days before the official start of sales. The company's management, fearing a repeat of the situation with the PlayStation 3, hired free police officers to guard stores at night.


What was special about the first generation iPhone? First of all, voice mail, which took a lot of time and money to develop.

Compared to competitors, the first iPhone had a solid size: 115.5-61-11.6 mm. But the unusual dimensions pleased the users - the rounded edges and thin body did their job. The first iPhone was designed as a device that "can be put in a jeans pocket" and indeed its size allowed to hide the phone in the average pocket. But users preferred to carry the novelty in bags, briefcases and backpacks, which has generated a wave of demand for protective iPhone cases.

The back panel was made of matte silver plastic. Below is a small rubberized black protection.

the iPhone laid the foundation for devices with an exit tray for a SIM card (previously, most phones hid a SIM card under a battery behind a back cover). The second apple symbol was the home button - in the first model it was responsible for exiting applications and putting the smartphone into standby mode.

According to official data iPhone battery showed the following data: in standby mode - 250 hours, 24 hours - listening to music, 8 hours - talk time, 7 hours of watching videos and 6 hours of Internet surfing.

The smartphone had 25 pre-installed ringtones, which exceeded the standard 10-12 on other smartphone models. The 2 MP camera was enough to take photos with a resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, the screen orientation was determined automatically thanks to the built-in sensors.

The iPhone screen had 16 default app icons:

  • telephone (except for the call function, here you can find call statistics and a phone book for 50 names)
  • post office
  • safari (browser)
  • ipod (music player)
  • calendar (the calendar has a secondary function of the diary and has 3 display options: list of events, months and days)
  • clock (contains 4 tabs: world time, alarm clock, stopwatch and timer)
  • calculator
  • a photo
  • camera
  • Youtube
  • notes
  • shares
  • weather
  • cards
  • customization

The main disadvantages of the first generation iPhone were the lack of support for 3G, MMS and poor security. Moreover, due to the latter factor, iPhone smartphones could not occupy a niche in the corporate segment and lost the leadership to BlackBerry.

Conclusions: The first generation iPhone ushered in a new era of smartphones and handheld communicators. Of course, it had its drawbacks, but the popularity of Apple's first smartphone proved that they were negligible for users. Steve Jobs did the impossible - he connected everything portable devicesthat people had to wear separately. IPhone 1 users could make calls, exchange SMS and mail messages, surf the Internet, watch movies, listen to their favorite music, take photos and play mobile games... In general, everything that modern smartphones are capable of. Surprisingly, despite being tied to a foreign operator, the iPhone quickly found fans in Russia and remains popular to this day.

Where to buy iPhone 1?

the iPhone 1 has long been a rarity, especially in its original unopened box. Some even consider buying it as an investment - over the years, the price will rise. The main trading platform is the eBay auction. Thousands of options are presented, prices vary from several hundred rubles to tens of thousands, depending on the state of the lot and the seller's expectations.

Every year Apple pleases its fans and releases a new iPhone model, which certainly has some interesting new products. Apple smartphone sales are growing every year. 10 years ago, the first original iPhone... This is the real era in terms of technology. Do you remember what the first iPhone looked like, what functions it possessed, and what capabilities were built into subsequent generations? After reading this article, you will learn about all the iPhone models that have been released from the very beginning.

iPhone: what it is and by whom it was created

the iPhone is a series of smartphones that was developed by Apple. Operated by an operating theater iOS systemwhich is a simplified and optimized version of macOS. These smartphones were developed by Apple Corporation. The iPhone was announced by Steve Jobs at the Macworld Expo on January 9, 2007.

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur who has gained his recognition in IT technology. He is one of the founders of Apple and the Pixar film studio. The name iPhone comes from the English word "phone", which means "phone" with the addition of the letter i. Steve Jobs stated at the presentation that the letter "i" stands for the word "Internet".

IPhone smartphones: reviews of generations 1 to 10 (all 10 generations)

the iPhone appeared thanks to the player from Apple - the iPod, since in 2001 it became very popular all over the world. Steve Jobs has long wanted to develop a device that would combine all the gadgets wearable by people. From the very beginning, they thought to make a tablet, but after they developed touch screen and several other modules, it was decided to create a smartphone.

The prototype of the very first iPhone was the Motorola ROKR mobile phone, which was a real failure of the year. Apple took into account all the mistakes that were in this phone, and began to develop its smartphone in strict secrecy. Below we will tell you about all iPhone models.

1. iPhone 2G (2007)

The first iPhone was known as the iPhone 2G and was introduced in the US on January 9, 2007. In the first weekend, 700,000 copies were sold. The new smartphone combines the capabilities of the phone, music player and the PDA. The sales of the new generation phone began on June 29, 2007. The first iPhone received:

  • Sensory lCD screen TFT with LED backlight;
  • Screen diagonal 3.5 inches;
  • Resolution 320x480;
  • Battery 3.7V, 1400mAh;
  • RAM 128 MB;
  • Weight 135 g;
  • 2 megapixel camera;
  • 2G network support;
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

There were variations for 4.8 and 16 GB of flash memory. But not without drawbacks. The iPhone didn't support 3G, couldn't record video, and multitasking was missing. Also, the operating system was closed for users, and there were many restrictions, for example, it was impossible to transfer pictures or music to other users. This phone had a very deep headphone jack that didn't allow for 3.5mm headsets.

2. iPhone 3G (2008)

A year later, the second model of the iPhone came out. This model was presented in San Francisco on June 10, 2008. And this smartphone went on sale on July 11, 2008. There are some changes in this model:

  • Battery 3.7V, 1150mAh;
  • The models came out only with 8 and 16 GB of flash memory;
  • Availability of 3G;
  • Added compass and copy-paste function;
  • IOS 2.0 has the App Store;
  • We started releasing applications for the iPhone.

Quite a few were upset by the option that the iPhone was made of plastic, which had low wear resistance. Literally after 2-3 months, the case was covered with scratches, cracks appeared near the connector for connection, and sometimes even some pieces broke off.

3. iPhone 3GS (2009)

With the advent of this model, everyone learned that Apple is not going to update the design every year. And on odd years, S versions began to appear. The official release took place on June 8, 2009 and again in San Francisco, but the new model went on sale on June 19, 2009 in the USA, Canada and 7 European countries. A week later, the iPhone 3GS began selling in Australia and the UK. Externally this model was no different, the company worked on what was inside. And in the end we got:

  • 3 megapixel camera;
  • RAM 256 MB;
  • Powerful 1219 mAh battery;
  • Model with 32GB of flash memory;
  • Updated operating system iOS.

The camera got autofocus, the owners of this model could shoot video, and it also got multitasking and voice control.

4. iPhone 4 (2010)

The fourth iPhone model was unveiled on June 7, 2010, all in the same city as the previous models. And on June 24, 2010, sales began new iPhone 4 in USA, France, Germany, UK, Japan. Changed appearance smartphone. It has become more square, and the corners of the phone are rounded. There were other changes as well, namely:

  • 5 megapixel camera;
  • RAM 512 MB;
  • Video shooting in HD format;
  • LED flash;
  • Resolution 640x960;
  • Battery 1420 mAh;
  • Front camera for video calling with 0.3 megapixel resolution;
  • Models with 8, 16 and 32 GB flash memory.

5. iPhone 4S (2011)

In 2011, the fifth iPhone model was released, which was called the iPhone 4S. The release dates have shifted, and took place in the city of Cupertino on October 4, 2011. The presentation was already led by Tim Cook, as Steve Jobs was very sick and died the day after the presentation of the new phone model. On October 7, we started accepting pre-orders. And again no external changes Did not happen. Only the filling has changed, namely:

  • Installed processor instead of Apple A4, new A5;
  • Camera 8 megapixels;
  • Weight 140 grams;
  • Models with 16, 32 and 64 GB of flash memory;
  • Updated version of iOS;
  • Siri voice assistant;
  • Shooting in Full-HD format.

At first, Siri was of little use and almost no one used it. Later she learned to carry out some commands, learned a few poems and anecdotes, and even mastered the Russian language.

6. iPhone 5 (2012)

Despite the fact that this is already the sixth model, new iphone released under the iPhone 5 brand. It happened on September 12, 2012. And on September 19, the new model went on sale. iPhone 5 has undergone significant changes. He changed not only internally but externally. Below are all the changes that befell this model:

  • 4-inch screen;
  • Weight 112 grams;
  • The model is presented in variants of 16.32.64 GB;
  • RAM 1 GB;
  • The front camera is improved to 1.2 megapixels.

Thanks to this model, the whole world learned about the nano-SIM format. Many began to cut their cards with scissors. Also there was a headset EarPods.

7. iPhone 5S and 5C (2013)

This year, Apple released on September 10 not one model, but two at once: 5S- standard type and 5C-budget. The difference between them was only in the material from which the body was made. For the budget version, plastic was used instead of aluminum. Consequently, their weight also differed. The filling of these models did not differ from the predecessor, all the same cameras, processor, screen diagonal. The operating system has changed and became iOS 7. Both models came in a configuration of 16, 32 GB, and 5S also in 64 GB of flash memory. A novelty is the fingerprint scanner. Now there was no need to enter a password, but just put your finger on the scanner. Also, the 5S smartphone was first released in gold color.

8. iPhone 6 and 6Plus (2014)

And in 2014, all iPhone fans saw Apple's shovels. Of course, after a few years everyone got used to this size, but at that time it seemed to many that it was too much. The release took place on September 9, 2014. The company released two smartphones at once. That's just the diagonal iPhone screen 6 was 4.7 inches with a resolution of 1334x750 pixels, and the iPhone 6Plus was 5.5 inches with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.

In the first 3 days, more than 10 million devices of this model were sold. They have a new dual-core processor A8 with a frequency of 1.6 GHz. These models came out already in a configuration of 128 GB, but were also 16 and 64 GB.

9. iPhone 6S and 6S Plus (2015)

Exactly one year later, on September 9, 2015, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus were introduced. There were no obvious changes in them, but simply an improvement on previous models. And only the filling has undergone such changes, namely:

  • RAM has become 2 GB;
  • Camera 12 MP;
  • Touchscreen (pressure level recognition using 3D Touch technology).

Many iPhone fans were disappointed with these models as there were very few changes. A new color has appeared in this line “ pink gold».

10. iPhone SE (2016)

This model was introduced on March 21, 2016. Outwardly, it was very similar to the iPhone 5S, but despite this, its external characteristics were similar to the iPhone 6S. It runs on the iOS11 operating system, has an Apple A9 processor, a fingerprint scanner. Available in four colors, namely space gray, silver, gold and rose gold. Display 4 inches. The picture shows clear and bright.

iPhone SE lets you shoot and edit 4K video at up to four times the resolution of HD video. Browsing the Internet, downloading games and applications is now much faster.

11. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus (2016)

The new models were presented on September 7, 2016. Many people liked the changes that took place in these models. Below is a list of changes:

  • The "Home" button has become not mechanical, but sensitive;
  • Added protection against water and dust;
  • Dual camera 12 +12 MP;
  • Flash with 4 LEDs;
  • Front camera 7 MP;
  • Two speakers (top and bottom);
  • There is no 3.5mm jack, there is a headphone adapter.

Apple decided it was time to give up conventional headphones and therefore after new model iPhone released wireless headphones AirPods. With them, you can listen to music, talk on the phone, call Siri and hear what she says. They also know how to analyze noise and muffle it for communication.

12. iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ (2017)

On September 12, 2017, Apple released not two phone models, as usual, but three. Namely: iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ and iPhone X, also known as iPhone 10. Sales began on September 22, 2017, but many residents of other countries will be able to buy such smartphones closer to the New Year. First, let's take a look at what's new in the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8+. Compared to the previous model, these models now have wireless charging. The gadgets will be available in black, silver and pink. The most durable glass is installed in these models and at the same time water resistance and protection from dust are preserved. A new portrait mode will appear, which means that lighting can be adjusted after shooting.

13. iPhone X, aka iPhone 10 (2017)

As for the iPhone X, aka iPhone 10, which was also released on September 22, 2017, then this smartphone became larger, the diagonal of the screen was 5.8 inches, OLED display. It has a resolution of 2436 by 1125 pixels. At the top of the front panel there is a slot for the speaker, front camera and sensors. It houses a six-core A11 Bionic processor. Face recognition technology has appeared. Now, except for you, no one can unlock your smartphone.

The developers believe that this feature will work even if the owner of the phone changes his hairstyle or starts wearing glasses. This model is available in two colors: silver and space gray. iPhone X is only released in 64 and 256 GB. There is also a wireless charger.

Now you know how and when the first iPhone appeared, as well as by whom it was developed. As you may have noticed, Apple does not stand still and every year it releases smartphones better and better, coming up with new functions and capabilities for phones. We hope you liked this article on the site, and you learned a lot of new and interesting things about the iPhone.

14. iPhone XS

The new iPhone model was presented to the world on September 12, 2018. Unlike previous models, the iPhone XS now has a 5.8-inch OLED display. It should also be noted that there is a glass back panel, which is distinguished by excellent durability. In addition, manufacturers have improved the camera: owners of the iPhone XS will be able to be content with a higher quality dual vertical camera. Many find it similar to the iPhone X and are right, but there are certain innovations, compared to previous version... This includes:

  • Colors: presence of gold color;
  • Memory: 517 GB;
  • Protective glass: more durable protection;
  • A12 Bionic processor: 8-core coprocessor.

It is worth highlighting the last point, because modern processor allows you to save battery power for a long time, as well as to perform operations on the phone much more productively.

15. iPhone XS Max

On September 28, 2018, the iPhone XS Max hit the world shelves, which delighted customers with new features. The new device has a 6.5-inch wide screen, dual vertical memory and 4GB of storage on the phone. Every time the manufacturer pleases customers with a new set of accessories for the phone. And this time the following is included with the phone:

In fact, it differs little from the previous models of the new iPhone generations (8, X, XS). But it is worth focusing on the more advanced Bionic A 12 processor and improved sound. In addition, the iPhone XS Max will be the perfect phone for gamers: the creators have expanded the possibilities for gaming action.

16. iPhone XR (2018)

iPhone XR came out in September 2018 and through a short time has already won the recognition of consumers. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the best new products from Apple for the current year. It has more low pricethan the recently released iPhones before it. But it has many advantageous characteristics that not every expensive smartphone model can boast of. Here are some of the top features of the iPhone XR. This includes:

  • Camera: single module (with the same functions as the iPhone 2 modules);
  • Liquid crystal display with high-quality color reproduction;
  • Large assortment of smartphone colors.
And the most pleasant thing for buyers, perhaps, is the affordable price. Buying such a smartphone will make sure that not every expensive iPhone model will surpass all expectations. It is best to start solely from your needs for use, but not from the trend for purchasing products from Apple. And then you will be less disappointed in such purchases, preferring a phone with the functions you need to use.
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