Where is the iPhone made? Where the original iPhones are made and assembled

Almost everyone dreams of buying an apple gadget, but for some, the price becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the way to their dreams. Many users do not buy phones from official Apple dealers. This is primarily due to the fact that the price of such gadgets is much cheaper, and in addition, you can get the coveted iPhone much earlier than it appears in official stores.

But do not forget that when buying an iPhone through the Apple website or in an official store, you will definitely receive a PCT - a device that is specially adapted to work in your country. If you purchased your phone from a “gray” dealer, then you may have a number of problems.

Where to find your iPhone model

To determine the country for which the iPhone was made, we need its serial number. We recognize it by knowing it and where the apparatus itself comes from.

You can do this directly in the store by looking at the information on the back of the iPhone box. Although we recommend checking the model number directly through the phone menu to rule out any inconsistencies (such cases are not uncommon).

To do this, you need to turn on the iPhone, go to "Settings", find the "General" section, and then go to the "About this device" item.

After you have found the serial number, you can go in two ways:

  1. An easy way to determine the "homeland" of an apple gadget is to use the site. You just need to enter the full model number of your phone, and find out all the information you need about the origin of your phone and the presence or absence of binding to a specific operator.
  2. If there is no way to check the phone through the site, then you can find out the information you are interested in yourself. The phone's model number consists of four letters and three numbers, but in order to determine which country your iPhone came from, you only need the last two letters. For example, if the model number looks like this - MC354LL, then you need to pay attention to the letters LL.

Deciphering the iPhone model number

  • A - Canada
  • AB - UAE, Saudi Arabia
  • AE - UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
  • AH - Bahrain, Kuwait
  • B - Great Britain or Ireland
  • BZ - Brazil
  • C - Canada
  • CH - China
  • CN - Slovakia
  • СZ - Czech Republic
  • D - Germany
  • DN - Holland, Austria, Germany
  • E - Mexico
  • EE - Estonia
  • ET - Estonia
  • F - France
  • FB - Luxembourg
  • FS - Finland
  • FD - Liechtenstein, Austria, or Switzerland
  • GR - Greece
  • HB - Israel
  • HN - India
  • IP - Italy
  • J - Japan
  • KH - China, South Korea
  • KN - Denmark or Norway
  • KS - Finland or Sweden
  • LA - Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador
  • LE - Argentina
  • LL - USA
  • LP - Poland
  • LT - Lithuania
  • LV - Latvia
  • LZ - Paraguay, Chile
  • MG - Hungary
  • MY from Malaysia
  • NF - Luxembourg, Belgium, France
  • PK - Finland, Poland
  • PL - Poland
  • PM - Poland
  • PO - Portugal
  • PP - Philippines
  • QL - Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • QN - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland
  • RK - Kazakhstan
  • RM - Russia or Kazakhstan
  • RO - Romania
  • RP - Russia
  • RR - Russia
  • RS - Russia
  • RU - Russia
  • SE - Serbia
  • SL - Slovakia
  • SO - South Africa
  • SU - Ukraine
  • T - Italy
  • TA - Taiwan
  • TU - Turkey
  • UA - Ukraine
  • X - Australia
  • X - New Zealand
  • Y - Spain
  • ZA from Singapore
  • ZD - Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, France, Switzerland, Monaco
  • ZP - Hong Kong, Macau

Checking iPhone for UnLock

In many countries, iPhones are sold specially locked for a specific telephone operator. In this case, the use of this unit in other countries may be restricted. It is possible to eliminate this problem and use a brand new phone, but one way or another, it requires additional investment of time and money.

To make sure that your iPhone will function normally in your country, it is better to check when buying where your apple gadget came from, and whether it is locked to a specific operator.

Some users purchase Apple products not through official dealers, but from third-party sellers. Why? The answer is obvious - the desire to save money.

iPhone purchased through gray dealers not only has a lower cost, but also becomes available for purchase even before the start of official sales in many countries. These are two main and main advantages of purchasing an iPhone from "gray" sellers. However, sometimes when buying a gray device, the user may encounter various problems. We will tell you more about what these problems can be, as well as how to find out the country of manufacture of a particular iPhone instance, in this guide.

In order to accurately determine the country for which a specific copy of the device was made, you need to find out its serial number through the smartphone menu. Of course, the number can be seen on the box, however, it is better to do this using the menu. Having information about the exact serial number, you can easily determine for which country the device was made. All you need to do is use the iPhonefrom service.

How to find out for which country the iPhone is made using the iPhonefrom service:

How to find out the country by the last two letters in the batch number

You can also determine the country manually, without using third-party sites. To do this, you need to study the batch number of the device. The last two letters define which country the device is made for. For example, the batch number - MGA91RU / A makes it clear that the device was developed for the Russian market, and will work without problems with the networks of all operators in the country. You can find out the batch number by examining the box from under the device.

In order to determine which country your iPhone is for, use the table of regions .

Cons of "gray" iPhones

We wrote about how to find out for which country the iPhone is made, but many readers may have a question - "Why?" Indeed, why, because "gray" gadgets often feel great on the Russian market and cope with all tasks without problems.

All this is certainly true, but do not forget about the Apple warranty service, which allows the user, in the event of a warranty case, to hand over his phone for repair or even exchange it for a new one. This cannot be done with a gray device.


Using one of the above methods, you can easily determine the region for which the iPhone was produced. Being able to determine the region of the device is extremely important if you are going to purchase it handheld. As a rule, sellers in the secondary market like to assure the buyer that the device is made for the Russian market and there will be no problems with its operation. However, even if the device comes with documentation and the batch number is indicated on the box, do not be too lazy to check the serial number yourself through the device menu, thereby protecting yourself from an unsuccessful purchase.

iPhone can be called the most popular gadget today. The world is experiencing a real "apple" boom - millions of people have already purchased a brand new device, and just as many dream about it. It has gained such fame thanks to its quality and prestige. Some people need an iPhone solely to maintain the image of a rich person in the eyes of society. Such people buy it only on the Apple website or in a company store. Others, seeking to save money, acquire an "apple phone" through gray dealers. What is the difference, we will tell you later in the article.

How it all began

The country of manufacture of the iPhone is America, everyone knows that. The world famous company Apple and the legendary Steve Jobs have released and developed this gadget. They conceived it and brought it to life. What about batch production?

When the iPhone became popular, few people were interested in the country of origin. In Russia, they heard about him at the stage of releasing the fourth generation of the phone, when it was acquired by ex-President Dmitry Medvedev. And since then, for six years, the demand for the gadget has only been growing in the domestic open spaces.

In the meantime, the creators, so as not to lose demand, are releasing all new series of the "apple" gadget.

Chinese counterparts

After the iPhone 6 went on sale, the smartphone market was replenished with Chinese flagships. The quality of materials and technical equipment of the sixth series repeated the original model, but the price was more affordable. The owners of the American version looked with disgust at the "Chinese", believing that the eastern factories could not collect anything worthwhile. And here they were wrong. Many models in this segment are commendable and have decent performance.

"IPhone 6": manufacturer

The country producing the gadget of this model is Taiwan. The company that assembles the iPhone 6 is Foxconn (Taiwan). Its enterprises are located in the PRC. And in addition to Apple products, it manufactures cameras for Canon, popular game consoles, mobile phones of a number of well-known brands. The company is also engaged in the production of motherboards both with its own logo and for the famous Intel.

Foxconn, founded back in 1974, began by making small plastic parts for televisions, and after fourteen years has grown to open its own factory in China. Now she has subsidiaries, she cooperates with large concerns for the production of electronics and components for her.

Why is the iPhone, the manufacturing country of which is geographically located in the other hemisphere, assembled in China? It's all about the scale. Foxconnt City is a whole town with a workforce of two hundred and thirty thousand people, whose work schedule is twelve hours a day, six days a week. There is a whole system with certain rules and working schemes. And in the United States there are simply not so many unemployed engineers. Studies show that it will take about a year until the required number of workers can be assembled, while in China it will take at least two weeks.

Small clarification

The iPhone (the manufacturing country of which is actually Taiwan, but with production facilities in China) cannot be called completely Chinese. There are also purely American components in it:

  1. Glass is produced in the Corning factory
  2. The software is developed by the data center
  3. Semiconductors are manufactured by a factory in Texas.

How to determine the country of manufacture of the iPhone?

If you bought your smartphone not from an authorized dealer and, after reading, are interested in its origin, information about the device will help. You need to find on the packaging of the iPhone. If suddenly you did not find it there, refer to the phone menu. In the "Settings" section (the "General" tab) there is a sub-item "About the device", it contains a number, usually consisting of numbers and four letters.

To check the country of origin, it is important for us to remember the last two letters. The Internet can easily find a list that will decipher all their combinations. For example, if the number is MC352LL, then LL indicates that the phone came from the USA. The Chinese copy will be given the designation CH.

Previously, it was believed that the IMEI code helps to calculate the country where the iPhone was made. For this, a special service was used, where the device code of fifteen characters was entered. As the results showed, the information about the region contained in the IMEI differs from the information of the batch number of the iPhone. In this regard, Numberingplans will only help to determine the brand and model of the phone, it is useless to identify the country of origin.

Budget devices

As already mentioned, the iPhone (the country of origin of which is Taiwan or the PRC) is a very high-quality copy, since these countries are directly involved in the production of the original. Therefore, there are many Chinese, but decently executed "apple phones". Outwardly, most of the replicas are practically indistinguishable from the Apple original. If you just want to show off your iPhone, then you are unlikely to be caught by someone without holding it in their hands.

But they can issue a copy:

  • materials that are of lower quality and cost in relation to the American version;
  • name - some Goothone i5s, for example;
  • the inner shell of the smartphone, which is noticeably weaker than the real one and runs on the Android platform stylized for iOS;
  • external arrangement of the device (quality of plastic, metal and glass);
  • camera quality.


How to check the country of manufacture of an iPhone on UnLock? Many countries sell iPhones with UnLock for specific phone carriers. This makes it impossible to use the device in another country. Until the summer of two thousand and eleven, knowing the name of the country for which the gadget was produced, anyone could determine whether the phone was officially unlocked or not. Now this is difficult due to the launch of Apple devices with the Factory Unlocked category, which was previously considered strictly locked under a certain operator. Some cellular companies that officially sell Apple products began to provide services to unblock (each on its own terms).

To be sure that your gadget will fully function where you live, the first thing you need to know when buying: where did the iPhone come from (country, manufacturer) and whether it is designed for a specific mobile provider.

I welcome everyone! Let's digress today from any instructions, reviews, stop and talk about where your iPhone or iPad comes from. Why did I even decide to devote an article to this issue? It's simple - after conducting a small survey among my friends and acquaintances (many of whom enjoy using i-devices), I was surprised to learn that almost all of them are convinced that iPhones are produced and assembled wherever possible, but not in China.

This country is still associated with low-quality goods and does not fit in any way with the ideal (of course, with minor reservations) Apple technology. And in vain, because in addition to small factories - where the main consumer goods are produced, a large number of production facilities of various world-class companies are located in China. But let's not rush, run ahead, hurry, and start in order ...

If we simplify greatly (very much), then the whole process of manufacturing iPhones can be divided into two stages.

  1. The initial stage is the development of the device, software, prototyping, etc.
  2. Final assembly process.

The interesting thing is that they take place in completely different territories. Where? Now let's talk about each separately and find out everything.

Where does the production of iPhones begin?

And it all starts from the head office of Apple in Cupertino (California), it is not for nothing that on the back cover of your gadget, you can contemplate the inscription: Designed by Apple in California.

It is in the USA that ideas for new devices are born, design, appearance, software (, IOS, and much more) are developed. Here, in simple terms, is the brain and head of the company. So we can safely say that the main part of the iPhone is produced in Cupertino. And, in my opinion, the most important part. Whoever disagrees, I bet, comments are awaiting! :)

So the statement that the iPhone was made in America is by no means unfounded, and of course, with some reservations, we can safely speak about it publicly.

Where are the iPhones assembled?

Here, if you did not know this in advance, there will be a small surprise. Where are all original iPhones collected? Exclusively in the PRC (China). Moreover, this has always been the case with all models. Remember, there is no Finnish, Malaysian, Taiwanese, or American iPhone. There are none and never were! If the seller or the store convinces you otherwise, do not believe - you are being deceived and this is not the original phone ().

Updated! Apple launches iPhone assembly in India. However, now the production capacity of this plant can not be compared with China. So, at the moment, the chance to meet the "Indian" iPhone is very small (but it still exists). Remember this and, if anything, do not be surprised :)

By the way, looking at the back panel of the smartphone, we will see “assembled in china”. Which literally means "assembled in China."

Why there? There are many reasons to choose China as the iPhone “country of origin”.

Let's take a look at just a few of them:

  • Cheap labor. With such a population, there is clearly no shortage of workers.
  • IPhones are in huge demand, and in order to cover it, they need to be produced in huge quantities. This is possible in China.
  • If you assemble in another country, for example, the United States, then the cost of producing one unit of production will increase several times (insurance, wages, logistics), and the price of the final product will increase accordingly.
  • Production tax is one of the lowest.
  • Extraction of rare earth metals (used in the production of equipment) - about 90%, that is, in the rest of the world - only about 10%! Also, the state restricts the export of these elements.

Of course, these are far from all the arguments and arguments in favor of China as a producer country. Although these are more than enough to understand why the most technologically advanced and desirable gadget is being assembled in China.

Smartphones and tablets from Apple have one peculiarity - the exact model name is not indicated on their bodies. Instead, it just says iPhone or iPad. It looks nice and stylish, but in some cases it is inconvenient, since it is difficult to determine which model is in front of you. Now we will look at several ways how you can determine the iPhone model in this situation.

Identifying iPhone model by model number

The easiest and most reliable way to find out which iPhone model you have is to look at the model number. Knowing the model number, you can easily determine the model name. This can be done using the table on this page, or you can simply enter the model number into any search engine and examine the results.

The model number is always indicated at the bottom of the back cover of the iPhone and is represented by the inscription “Model A123”, where “A123” is actually the model number. The picture below shows how it looks on the iPhone 6s.

Below is a table listing all currently existing iPhone models and the numbers that correspond to them.

Model number IPhone Model Year of issue Memory size Colors
A1865, A1901, A1902 iPhone X 2017 64, 256 GB silver, space gray
A1863, A1905, A1906 iPhone 8 2017 64, 256 GB silver, space gray
A1864, A1897, A1898 iPhone 8 Plus 2017 64, 256 GB silver, space gray
A1660, A1778, A1779 iPhone 7 2016 32, 128, 256 GB
A1661, A1784, A1785 iPhone 7 Plus 2016 32, 128, 256 GB black, black onyx, gold, rose gold, silver, red
A1633, A1688, A1700 iPhone 6s 2015 16, 32, 64, 128 GB
A1634, A1687, A1699 iPhone 6s Plus 2015 16, 32, 64, 128 GB space gray, silver, gold, rose gold
A1549, A1586, A1589 iPhone 6 2014 16, 32, 64, 128 GB
A1522, A1524, A1593 iPhone 6 Plus 2014 16, 64, 128 GB space gray, silver, gold
A1723, A1662, A1724 iPhone SE 2016 16, 32, 64, 128 GB space gray, silver, gold, rose gold
A1453, A1457, A1518, A1528,
A1530, A1533
iPhone 5s 2013 16, 32, 64 GB space gray, silver, gold
A1456, A1507, A1516, A1529, A1532 iPhone 5c 2013 8, 16, 32 GB white, blue, pink, green and yellow
A1428, A1429, A1442 iPhone 5 2012 16, 32, 64 GB black and white
A1431, A1387 iPhone 4s 2011 8, 16, 32, 64 GB black and white
A1349, A1332 iPhone 4 2010 (GSM), 2011 (CDMA) 8, 16, 32 GB black and white
A1325, A1303 iPhone 3GS 2009 8, 16, 32 GB black and white
A1324, A1241 iPhone 3G 2008, 2009 (China) 8, 16 GB
A1203 iPhone 2007 4, 8, 16 GB

Identifying iPhone model by serial number

You can also find the iPhone model by its serial number. Unlike Aypads, the serial number is not indicated on the iPhone case, so to find it, you need to open the Settings and go to the "General - About this device" section.

With your serial number, you can go to Apple's Service and Support Entitlement page to find the model that matches that serial number. To do this, enter, enter the serial number, verification code and click "Continue".

If you do everything correctly, a page will load where you can find out the model of your iPhone.

Identifying iPhone Model Using iTunes

Another way to find out your iPhone model is with iTunes. In order to use this method, connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. An icon of the connected device will appear in the upper left corner of the iTunes window, click it to go to the iPhone settings.

As a result, a page will appear where you can find out the iPhone model, its internal memory capacity, serial number and other similar information.

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