Why doesn't Android see wired headphones? Why does the phone not recognize normal and bluetooth headphones when connected

Why does the phone not see the Bluetooth headset? Questions like this are common. The fact is that for many years now, a wireless headset has been in great demand. It's very convenient, especially for drivers. Moreover, traffic rules prohibit talking on a mobile while driving. This is what wireless headphones are used for. We wrote about how to listen to music via a Bluetooth headset in the previous article. But despite this, many users do not know how to use it.

To do this, you need to know some features and application rules. Moreover, first you need to pair the devices. In other words, add wireless equipment to the connection list on your smartphone. At the same time, in order to avoid certain inconveniences, after you have synchronized the devices, the headset will no longer be detected by other mobile phones. If you do not know How to use a wireless Bluetooth headset, please read this material.

Why the mobile phone does not detect the headset

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The headset just isn't turned on.
  • The sync function is not enabled.
  • Battery low.

As you can see, there are not so many reasons why the phone cannot see the Bluetooth headset. And all of them are in the connected equipment. The fact is that there are practically no settings on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.). You can only turn on or off the Bluetooth adapter and activate the discovery function.

What to do if the phone does not see the Bluetooth headset: Video

How to connect a wireless headset

So, before moving on to the question of why the phone does not find the Bluetooth headset, you should figure out how to synchronize and connect. Typically, the earbuds will automatically activate the detection function when first turned on. That is, for example, a smartphone or tablet easily finds new equipment available for connection.

But, if earlier the headphones were paired with another smartphone, then the pairing function on them is disabled. In this case, you need to press and hold the power button for about 10-15 seconds.

An indicator that the detection has started will be indicated by the indicator, which should start blinking or, on the contrary, be constantly on. Depending on what state he was in before. After that, you will need to enter the pairing code on your mobile device. Just enter 0000. This is the key set by the manufacturer.

There are cases when a new Bluetooth headset does not connect to the phone. The fact is that on some models of headphones, the pairing function is always disabled. That is, even when you turn on the headphones for the first time, the mobile phone will not detect it. In this case, follow the above steps.

Sometimes, such problems can occur as a result of a low battery level. The fact is that wireless headphones use a battery that loses charge over time. It should be noted that this problem does not necessarily affect only devices that have already been in use. Often the equipment lies on the counter for a long time and even when the power is off, the battery, although slower, still consumes energy. Therefore, if you have problems syncing. Then try replacing the power supply. You can read about how to choose the right Bluetooth headset.

If, when connecting a wired headset, Android does not see the headphones, you should look for the cause of the problem both in the audio device itself and in the phone. Most often, it is possible to detect and eliminate the malfunction on its own, but in the event of a serious mechanical failure, you will have to contact the service.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Headphone problems

The first step is to determine if the headphones are working, which Android does not recognize. To understand, it's enough to connect them to another sound source: a player, TV, computer speakers. If the headphones also do not work with other equipment, then there may be two reasons:

  1. The headphones are defective and need repair / replacement.
  2. Devices are not compatible.

Incompatibility between headphones and a phone is a rarity, since modern headsets are universal with a few exceptions. Therefore, most likely, the headphones are simply broken or made poorly. The most common problems:

  1. Damaged wire.
  2. Dirty headphone plug.

If the plug can be quickly cleaned, then more effort will have to be made to restore the damaged wire: open the insulation, restore and fix the wiring, close the break with electrical tape or heat shrink. In the case of cheap headphones, it's easier to buy a new accessory.

Breakage in the smartphone

What to do if headphones with or without it are detected on other equipment, but the phone does not see them? To finally make sure that the problem is on the side of the phone or tablet, connect other headphones to them. Does not work? Check for the following problems:

  1. Damage to the loop or socket.
  2. Clogged connector.
  3. Oxidation of socket contacts.
  4. Closure.

An ordinary user can independently cope with the clogging of the socket, but if we are talking about damage to the loop or connector, then it is better to contact the service center. For cleaning, you can use a needle, toothpick, thin tweezers. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to damage the connector.

Software problems

The reason that the headphones are not detected may be a system failure. You can eliminate it in a radical way - by resetting the settings.

  1. Open the Android main menu and go to Settings.
  2. Go to the "Back up and reset" or "Back up and reset" section (depending on your phone brand).
  3. Click "Factory data reset" or "Data reset" and confirm the operation.


A factory reset involves the loss of user-generated content, so be sure to back up your data before performing it. But you can do without a reset using special software. A program that can be downloaded for free from the Play Market will help to cope with connection problems.


In the application, you can select the device that will be used for audio output - built-in speaker, wired headphones, Bluetooth accessory. After connecting wired headphones and selecting the appropriate position in the program settings, playback problems will disappear.

The purchase of a wired or wireless headset for the phone is important for those people who are forced to conduct long telephone conversations: after all, it will not be superfluous to free their hands for other matters. Or for those who use their mobile as a player and want to enjoy their favorite music on the go. But, unfortunately, there are situations when the phone does not see the headphones. There can be many reasons for this. How to quickly fix an annoying nuisance will be described in detail in this material.

Diagnosing the problem

The reasons that the phone stopped seeing the headphones can be two factors: firstly, the mobile could fail at the software or technical level, and it stopped detecting the devices connected to it; secondly, the headset itself may be faulty. To identify the true problem, you need to carry out a series of verification operations.

Headset incompatibility with the phone

If the new headphones do not connect to the phone, then it may be because the headset is not compatible with the device that plays sound. This is extremely rare, but several cases are known.

Important! The rearranging of contacts in places is used by companies to attract the attention of buyers only to their brand.

Headphone problems

If, during the troubleshooting, it turns out that the problem lies in the headphones, then you need to more closely examine the headset for a malfunction. Worst of all, if the product there is a marriage... In this case, you will most likely have to attend to the purchase of a new device.

But often the headset breaks down due to some kind of mechanical impact. In such a situation, repairs can be carried out on their own. It should start with an easier one: first of all inspect the device plug (also called jack). There may be accumulations of dirt on it, which are an obstacle to good contact with the communication device. The contamination must be removed with a swab dipped in alcohol, and for hard-to-reach places it is recommended to use a toothpick.

It is more likely that the cause of the headphone malfunction is an elementary broken wire,which most often occurs at the junction with the plug. This happens due to kinks, friction, tension and jerks. Less often, the cable breaks at the connection to the head speakers. With the same frequency, as a result of crushing or kinking, the wire breaks in the middle. But there are cases of cable melting with an open fire.

With an open deformation of the wire, the repair will not be difficult. And with a hidden cliff, measuring equipment is indispensable. The presence of a gap is also can be identified by the characteristic wheezing and periodic loss of sound... Sometimes, if you feel a broken wire with your fingers, pressing in an emergency place can restore the sound.

Self-elimination of the malfunction is not a difficult task: the broken contacts are re-soldered; the wire itself to determine the location of the break is called by a multimeter; in the area found, the insulation is opened, the wiring is restored and re-insulated.

Problems in the machine

In the case when the phone does not see the headphones that it has seen before, full attention should be paid to the mobile device. It is also necessary to check the mobile phone when it does not detect the gadget, but the computer sees it.

The easiest (in terms of ease of elimination) malfunction in the phone is associated with debris entering the plug connector accessory. In this case, removing dirt from the nest restores the system to work.

A more complex breakdown is internal breakdown of contacts at the connector... In this case, you will have to disassemble the device, which is associated with some possible future problems:

  • unauthorized opening during the warranty period will void the phone's free service;
  • an attempt to eliminate the problem by a non-specialist can lead to much more serious damage, as a result of which the cost of subsequent repairs will increase significantly.

Advice! The best solution would be to contact a service workshop with highly qualified specialists.

When self disassembly do not forget to turn off the power of the phone and remove the battery. Then you should remove all SIM cards and memory cards. Next, you need to unscrew all the screws holding the device, and using a sharp flat object (thin screwdriver), separate the device into two halves.

If inspection reveals that the nest is broken, then it must be replaced. When a wire break is detected, the connections are soldered. Oxidized contacts are cleaned and restored. The most difficult option is a phone board breakdown or short circuit. In this case, you cannot do without qualified assistance.

Software problems

When the headphones connected to the phone stopped playing sound, but before that they worked, the reason may be a system failure. In this case, a factory reset on the phone usually helps.

Important! A factory reset erases all user data. Therefore, before the operation, you need to create a backup of your phone to save your contacts and important information.

There are two ways to reset. Using the example of the popular entertainment phone leeco le 2 x527, an algorithm for the necessary actions will be considered. So, you need:

  • turn off the power;
  • while holding down the power button and the volume up at the same time, wait for the splash screen with the inscription "Recovery" to appear;
  • uncheck the item "Update system";
  • activate the item "Clear data";
  • take a step back after a warning;
  • click "Start".

A similar operation can be done through the main Android menu:

  • open settings;
  • enter the section "Archiving and reset";
  • click "Reset data".

Before deleting the data, you need to write down the login and password for entering your Googl account - they will be needed to access the phone in order to synchronize it.

If you don't want to risk your data, then you can install a special program "SoundAbout" on the mobile... This application will offer you to select the required device from its list through which audio files will be listened to. By inserting your headset into your mobile and making a mark in the program, you can forget about the problem when the phone does not read connected devices.

Nuances of a wireless headset

Wireless headphones (for example, Meizu, Sony, Jbl, etc.) will not play sound from the phone if they are not connected to it via a bluetooth module. Therefore, first of all need to turn on Bluetooth\u003e on the headset... This is done with a special button by holding it until the light signal. Then this function must be activated on the smartphone.

After turning on the bluetooth, the phone will open a list of available active devices that are ready for communication within the range of bluetooth technology. You need to select your wireless headphones and click on them, after which the phone will automatically pair with the gadget. But it happens that synchronization must be done manually by entering an access code (by default, the developers set "0000").

Important! The phone may not see the Bluetooth headset if the headset battery is low.

The mobile device may also not see the Bluetooth accessory due to outdated "firmware"... You can update it yourself by first downloading the new version on the Internet. "Firmware" is installed on any operating system: both on IOS and on Android. In case of self-doubt or difficulties, any service workshop will "re-flash" the phone for a small fee.

Sometimes, when connecting a wireless accessory to a mobile phone, a situation may arise when the headphones are silent, but the music is playing through the phone's speakers. This can happen for a reason failure of settings in the mobile device: Instead of a headset, the settings are set to "Play through speakers". By changing the items, you can resolve the situation positively.

Many phones, for example, Lenevo, Xiaomi, Samsung, have headphones in their kit. But unfortunately, they are rarely of the quality that would suit picky user. Therefore, music lovers are forced to select this accessory for their phone separately.

When purchasing a headset for your mobile phone, you need to decide what purposes it will serve.

Considering all of the above, many people settle for small on-ear headphones. This is something in between in all respects: the accessory is very comfortable for the ears and the whole head (especially models with a neckband), sound insulation is at a height, but at the same time it allows loud street sounds to penetrate, which is important when walking around the city.

Advice! For those who are intolerant of wires, there are sports models with Bluetooth wireless technology available. If you do not skimp on quality, then among these samples you can find products that meet all high requirements.

Popular 2019 headphones

JBL T500BT headphones on Yandex Market

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The headphone jack does not work, but are you going to listen to your favorite music? Problems with the socket on smartphones are quite common. Let's try to figure out what the reason is and try to eliminate it.

Why isn't the headphone jack on my phone working?

There are the main reasons for the inoperability of the 3.5 mm mini-Jack connector - broken headphones, connecting Bluetooth headphones, dirt and dust that have accumulated in the jack, a failure in the settings, a malfunction of the connector.

What to do if the headphone jack does not work

Below you can find solutions to your headphone jack problem.

Make sure your headphones are not damaged

The most obvious reason lies in the headphones themselves. If you try to switch them to another device with the same connector, and again do not hear anything, feel free to replace them with new ones. If the sound passes and the audibility is normal, look for the reason below in the text. We also recommend connecting other headphones to your smartphone to make sure they work.

Check your phone's Bluetooth connection

If you are using Bluetooth wireless headphones, the micro headphone jack is probably disabled. When using headphones, the device recognizes them regardless of Bluetooth options. But in some cases there are exceptions to solve this problem:

  • go to settings
  • find the bluetooth option
  • make sure no device is paired with your gadget

If Bluetooth is on:

  • turn it off
  • connect headphones

Checking. Headphones work - problem solved. Otherwise, we continue to search for the reason for the lack of sound.

Clean dirt from the micro headphone jack

Do you carry your phone in your pocket or bag? Dust, fine lint and debris will cram into the micro headphone jack over time. This is one factor in why the jack is not working, as dirt blocks the connection between the headphones and the jack, so:

  • take a look at the micro connector to see the dirt in it
  • try to clean the nest from dust and lint accumulated in it

Cleaning can be done with a compressed air can. Alternatively, use a toothbrush available from a pharmacy. Very carefully, without sudden movements, clean the connector with a brush, in no case press it inward, otherwise you will damage the device.

We do not recommend using a cotton swab with alcohol or perfume, thus, cotton fibers may settle in the socket, perfume fragrances will remain on the walls of the hole and will interfere with the normal operation of the headphones.

Check your smartphone sound settings

The problem does not always lie in the jack or headphones, check the sound settings of your smartphone. For this:

  • find the sound settings on your device
  • look at the volume level

Reboot your device

  • hold the power button
  • reboot device
  • wait for the device to turn on again
  • make sure the problem is gone

Replacing the headphone jack

Answers on questions

When listening to music, the sound goes through the headphones and through the speaker. The headphones have been checked and are working. What is the problem?

In this situation, the problem lies in the damaged socket. Do not try to fix this malfunction yourself if you do not know how to handle a screwdriver and a soldering iron, and are also not ready to disassemble the device. Therefore, feel free to contact the service center for repair or replacement parts.

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