What type of lists is the standard style. Document formatting. Creating your own set of styles

You can use CSS to create bulleted and numbered lists, and use a suitable image as a bullet.

Table 1 lists the properties of the elements intended for creating and modifying lists.

Tab. 1. CSS properties to control the view of the list
Property Value Description Example
list-style-type disc
Marker type. The first three are used to create a bulleted list, and the rest are used to create a numbered list. LI (list-style-type: circle)
LI (list-style-type: upper-alpha)
list-style-image none
Sets the marker symbol to any picture. LI (list-style-image: url (check.gif))
list-style-position outside
Selection of the marker position relative to the block of text lines. LI (list-style-position: inside)
list-style A universal property that simultaneously includes all of the above properties.

Since the tag

  • inherits the style properties of the tag
        which acts as its parent, you can set the style for both the UL and LI selectors. So, in example 1, the UL selector is used, for which the style parameters are set.

        Example 1. Creating a bulleted list


        The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1. Uses square markers and their external placement relative to the text.

        Figure: 1. View of the list changed with styles

        To set your own image as a marker, use the list-style-image property, as shown in example 2.

        Example 2. Using images as a marker


        • The title should be shorter than three lines.
        • When naming sections, use already well-established terms such as guestbook, chat, link, home page, and others.
        • Before using a specific term or word, decide if the reader will understand it.

        The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2. A small picture is used as markers.

        Figure: 2. Images as markers

        Some examples of creating different lists are given in table. 2.

        Tab. 2. Possible types of lists
        HTML code Example
        • performance of all links
        • support for different browsers
        • readability of the text
      • Things to consider when testing a site:
        • performance of all links
        • support for different browsers
        • readability of the text
      • Things to consider when testing a site:
        • performance of all links
        • support for different browsers
        • readability of the text
      • Numbered list with Arabic numerals:

        1. first
        2. second
        3. third
      • A numbered list with lowercase Roman numerals:

        1. first
        2. second
        3. third
      • A numbered list with capital roman numerals:

        1. first
        2. second
        3. third
      • A numbered list with lowercase Latin letters:

        1. first
        2. second
        3. third
      • A numbered list with capital letters of the Latin alphabet:

        1. first
        2. second
        3. third

        Note: This article has served its purpose and will be discontinued shortly. To avoid the "Page not found" errors, we delete the links we know. If you have created links to this page, please remove them, and together we will ensure data consistency on the Internet.

        You can use styles to format your document, which make it quick and easy to apply a set of formatting options to the entire document. If you want to prevent formatting options from the built-in styles and themes available in Word, you can modify existing styles, create new styles, and save those changes to your document and template. You can also add styles to the Quick Styles list for easy access to them.

        Applying a set of styles

        Select a location or text in your document, and then do one of the following:

          In the tab home in Group styles select the style you want.

          To apply a custom style or quick style set, on the tab home in Group styles press the button style area and then select the style you want from the list Apply style .

        Modifying an existing style

        Adding a new custom style

        You can create a new style and add it to the Quick Styles list.

        Removing a custom style

        You can remove a custom item from the Quick Styles gallery when you no longer need it.

          In the tab home in Group styles Control-press and right-click the style you want to delete, then choose remove from express styles collection.

        see also

        Applying a style

        With style in Word, you can quickly and easily format text. There are paragraph, character, table and list styles.

        Icon in the Style Dialog Box

        Style type

        Paragraph styles determine the appearance of text in a document at the paragraph level. When you apply a paragraph style to text, it applies to the entire paragraph. Paragraph styles are commonly used for general formatting of large pieces of text, such as the body text of a newsletter or flyer.

        A paragraph style can include all formatting definitions that a character style contains. In addition, it determines all the parameters for the appearance of a paragraph, such as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders.

        By default, the normal paragraph style is applied to all text in a blank document that is created. Likewise, the list paragraph style is applied to items in the list (for example, when you create a bulleted list using the Bullets command).

        Character styles also determine the appearance of text in a document, but at the character level. They usually specify the formatting of small chunks of text (for example, by highlighting one word in a paragraph).

        Character styles contain formatting options such as font, size, color, bold, italic, underline, border, and fill. They do not include paragraph-level formatting attributes such as line spacing, text alignment, indentation, and tabs.

        There are several built-in character styles such as Highlight, Low Highlight, and High Highlight. Each combines several formatting options, such as bold text, italics, and contrasting color, to provide consistent typography. For example, the Highlight style turns text into bold italics with a contrasting color.

        Table styles determine the appearance of tables. They specify attributes such as the formatting of the header row text, gridlines, and contrasting colors for rows and columns. With table styles, you can apply complex formatting with one click.

        List styles determine the appearance of lists. They define attributes such as bullet style, numbering scheme, indents, and label texts.

        Style change

        By changing the style, you can easily change the formatting of all text in the document to which it is applied. For example, if the Heading 1 style is applied to chapter headings in a document, you only need to change its definition to correct the format of all such headings.

        Style creation

        To create a style, you can manually adjust all of its parameters, or save time by using an existing style as a base.

        Deleting a Style

        You can delete any style you create in Word, but you can't delete all of the built-in styles included in Word. When you delete a style, Word applies the Normal style to all paragraphs that have been formatted with the deleted style and removes the style definition you deleted from the list of styles.

        Working with Express Styles

        By customizing the styles for paragraphs, headings, and other elements in your document, you can quickly apply a consistent set of quick styles. Quick Style Sets (for example, "Fine") are combinations of styles that are selected to create attractive and professional-looking documents. For example, such a set might contain styles for multiple levels of headings, body text, quote, and title. Although a quick style set will likely already contain all the necessary components, you can add a new style to it or modify existing ones. Once you add or change styles, you can save them as a custom quick style set with a new name.

        Style is a named description of the format of a paragraph or text characters. Instead of manually formatting each paragraph, you can set a style and adjust the options as needed. Then you can style any block of text with this style, as a result, the style parameters will be transferred to a specific fragment of the document.

        Styles are of two types:

        * paragraph - sets the design of the whole paragraph;
        * symbolic - sets the font, style and design of the paragraph text fragment.

        Any character in the text always has two styles: paragraph and symbolic. By default, Word assigns a paragraph style to text. Usual and character style The main font of the paragraph... All of the text formatting techniques discussed earlier in this lesson did not affect the text style. Now let's form two new styles.

        1. Create a new document. Select Team Format\u003e Styles and Formatting... On the right side of the screen in the task area, the corresponding window shown in Fig. 6.14.

        Figure: 6.14. Styles window in Word

        2. The section lists a set of available styles. Place your mouse pointer over one of them. A tooltip appears with a brief description of the specified style. Click on the selected style. In chapter Formatting selected text the name of that style appears and a drop-down list containing the available operations appears.

        Note With the Task Pane in Microsoft Office XP applications, the work of creating, modifying, and applying styles has been greatly simplified.

        3. Click the button Create style, a dialog box will open Style creationshown in Fig. 6.15.

        4. In the drop-down list Style leave option Paragraph, since now we need a style for the paragraph.

        Figure: 6.15. Create a new style in Word

        5. In the field Name enter the title Beautiful paragraph.

        6. In the list Style based select item Usual... As a result, all parameters of the new style will correspond to the parameters of the same name. Usualwhich we'll change a little later.

        7. Click the button Format Paragraph... A standard paragraph formatting window will open (see above Fig. 6.4), with the help of which in this situation the font parameters of the custom style are set.

        8. Select the alignment mode By width, enter 1 cm for the left and right indents of the paragraph, 2 cm for the first line indent, and 6 points for the space before the paragraph. Then double click on the OK button. The new style will appear in the list Select formatting to apply dialog boxes Styles and Formatting.

        9. Click the button again Create style.

        10. In the drop-down list Style the dialog box that appears Style creation select item Signto define a new character style.

        11. In the field Name enter the title Large Text.

        12. On the list Style based select item The main font of the paragraph.

        13. Click the button Format and in the drop-down menu, select Font.

        Note Button menu Format opens access to any parameters of the paragraph or font. Explore the rest of the commands on this menu on your own.

        14. In the font formatting dialog box that opens (see Fig. 6.11), select the font ArialCyr, size 20 points, style Bold italic.

        15. Double click on the button OK, and then click the button Close... The document now contains descriptions of two new styles that you can use to format paragraphs and text passages.

        16. Enter a few paragraphs of text and select the first three.

        17. In the drop-down list Style toolbars Formatting choose the new style Beautiful paragraph. The three selected paragraphs will be styled according to the paragraph style you just created.

        18. Highlight a few words in the first paragraph and select from the same list Style paragraph Large text. The highlighted words will change to match the new character style.

        19. Repeat this operation, highlighting the words of the second, third and fourth paragraphs (Fig. 6.16).

        Figure: 6.16. Styling with Word Styles

        It would seem that the same operations can be performed using normal formatting commands, but styling text has several advantages.

        * A style is capable of storing complex formatting options that can be quickly assigned to any paragraph or passage.
        * A style can be placed in a template, and all documents based on this template will inherit it.
        * Changing the style, you instantly change the appearance of all fragments of the document, designed in accordance with this style.
        * Modifying a style in a template will immediately change the appearance of all text fragments formatted with that style in all documents based on the adjusted template. (To achieve this, for each of the selected documents in the dialog box Templates and add-onswhich is opened by the command Tools\u003e Templates and Add-ins, the checkbox must be checked Automatically update styles).

        20. To feel the full power of templates in action, select the command again Format\u003e Styles and Formatting, in the list Select formatting to apply select the Beautiful paragraph item and in the drop-down list select the command Edit.

        21. In the dialog window Style change click on the button Format, and then select from the drop-down list. Paragraph.

        22. In the dialog box Paragraph increase the left and right indents to 2 cm. Double-click the OK button, and then click the Close.

        Notice that the indentation of the first three paragraphs, which has been assigned the Beautiful Paragraph style, has increased. In a similar way, you can quickly adjust, for example, the font size of fragments highlighted with the Large Text style. Consider how long it would take to do this with standard styling if you had to modify a few paragraphs scattered across a multi-page document.

        By preparing custom styles for specific text elements (for example, caption captions), you can customize the format of all captions by simply adjusting the appropriate style. Styles allow you to perform any formatting on text. In the absence of sufficient experience, this approach will require additional investment of time, but by learning to change the layout of documents by manipulating styles, you can save many hours.

        It's no secret that professionalism is the ability to easily do what others think is impossible.

        One of the steps to the professional use of the MS Word text editor is to master the correct style of documents created with this software product.

        A common method among users is when the entire document is formed using one style ("Normal" or "Main text of the document"). In the future, formatting is done by highlighting a certain element of the text and changing its display (for example, the typeface is Arial, the style is italic, the point size is 10 pt, the alignment is in-width). This method is called manual formatting.

        Fig.1 This option for working with a document is simple and straightforward - there are explicit tools on the toolbar that you can use.

        This method is suitable for formatting small documents, but if we are talking about large documents (such as a thesis or dissertation, contract or regulatory act), then this method of text formatting will be of little use - it will require high costs of both manual labor and and time.

        One of the solutions for formatting bulky documents seems to be the use of styles for different blocks of the document.

        A style is a set of formatting options that are applied to text, tables, and lists to quickly change their appearance. Styles allow you to apply an entire group of formatting attributes at once, including defining the outline level for a paragraph.

        MS Word defines the types of styles that can be created and applied.

        paragraph style completely determines the appearance of a paragraph, that is, text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can also include character formatting.

        sign style Specifies the formatting of a selection within a paragraph by specifying text options such as font and size, as well as bold and italic style.

        table style sets the appearance of borders, fill, text alignment and fonts.

        list style applies the same alignment, numbering marks, or bullets and fonts to all lists.

        Applying styles in MS Word

        It should be noted right away that the algorithm for applying styles in different versions of MS Word is not the same. This is primarily due to the change since MS Word XP of the program interface - a new element "Task Pane" has been added, which allows you to more conveniently present the contents of the clipboard, text formatting and much more.

        The common for different versions of MS Word (from the sixth to the eleventh) way of specifying styles can be considered as setting a style by choosing it in the "Style:" combo box of the "Formatting" menu bar (see). In this case, the selected style will be applied to the current paragraph or selected text fragments.

        Applying Styles in Word XP

        Applying Styles in Word 9x - 2000

        Fig. 2

        As you can see, everything is simple to the point of banality ...

        It should be borne in mind that with any formatting option, you should consider what type of the required style is. So, for example, paragraph styles will change the styles of all characters within the paragraph, and character styles only apply to characters within the space delimited (words)

        Styles and Formatting in the Task Pane

        Fig.3 Using the section "Styles and Formatting" in the Task Pane gives, in addition to a convenient presentation of the style of the document, also the ability to quickly change any of the existing styles and create new ones.

        Through the "Select All" element it is possible to select all text fragments that have the same style as the current fragment. That is convenient, if necessary, to change its belonging from one style to another for the text.

        Styles creation

        Activation of the "New Style" element displays the window for creating a style.

        Creating a style is absolutely not difficult.

        Fig.4 In the Name field, a name unique for the created style is set. It should be borne in mind that you cannot use the names of already existing styles for the created style. The program will report an error for such actions.

        Defining the properties of style text: typeface, typeface, justification, and paragraph leading is virtually the same as standard text formatting. There are both icons for setting parameters and menus for "advanced" formatting.

        Note on style-specific properties:

        The "Style" field sets the type of the created style - paragraph, character or table

        In the "Based on style" field - sets the parent style for the created style.

        Changing the properties of the parent style will cause corresponding changes in the created style for properties that were not changed at creation.

        For example, if you changed the font size (from 12 pt to 16 pt) when creating the Style1 style based on the Normal style, but the typeface was left the same, then when you change the typeface in Normal style (for example, with Times New Roman to Arial) in the style "Style1" the typeface will also change (to Arial), and the font size will remain the same (16 pt.)

        In the "Next paragraph style" field - sets the style of the paragraph following the paragraph to which the created style was applied. By default, the style for the next paragraph determines the style that is being created.

        The "Add to template" flag determines whether the created style will be included in the Normal .dot template (the default document template), and then it will be possible to use the created style in all other created documents in the future. If this flag is not activated, then the created style can be applied only in the current document.

        The "Update Automatically" checkbox determines the automatic style change when applied to text with this manual formatting style. If the element is activated, then when you change the formatting of any part of the text to which the created style was applied, similar changes will be made for all text with this style throughout the document.

        For example, by selecting a piece of text with the Style1 style and changing its typeface from Arial to Courier New, all pieces of text with the Style1 style in the document will have the typeface changed from Arial to Courier New.

        Creating styles in earlier versions of MS Word than MS Word XP differs from the actions described above only in that instead of the Styles and Formatting panel there will be a Style window

        Outline level styles

        There are 10 levels of text blocks in MS Word.

        These are the levels of the hierarchy (from 1 to 9) and the level of plain text. Each of these levels has a corresponding text style.

        There are 9 heading levels. Where the highest levels are level 1 and the lowest is 9.

        Headings are used in MS Word as a means of creating a hierarchical document structure.

        One or another level can be applied to a piece of text in several ways:

        Applying a style of a certain level to the text;

        Specifying the level in structure mode;

        Manual indication of the level for the current paragraph.

        The level of styles that are created is determined by the level of the parent style. Also, the level can be changed in the "Level" field in the paragraph formatting window (Format\u003e Paragraph\u003e Indents and Spacing).

        The practical importance of level styles can be illustrated by the example of creating a table of contents (Insert\u003e Link\u003e Table of Contents and Indexes), the creation of which is not possible without defining the hierarchical structure of the document.

        What are the styles in Word?

        Word style Is a set of formatting options that is saved under its own name and allows you to significantly simplify and speed up the formatting process. In one step — by styling the selected text — you can change a whole bunch of formatting options at once. Let's say you want all the headings in your document to look consistent. To do this, you pre-set the heading style parameters, and then assign a style to each heading. If you did it without using styles, it would take much more action: set the typeface of the font, its size, style; determine paragraph indentation, spacing before and after the heading, etc. Multiply all this by the total number of headings in the document - and most of the time in preparing the document will be spent only on formatting operations.

        Styles are also convenient in that when changing the style parameters, all text on which this style is applied will be reformatted in accordance with the new settings. Conversely, you can set the behavior to automatically override the corresponding style when the text format is changed.

        When you start a new document, the default template is Normal.dot. Typing in this template is done in the Normal style. Based on this style, other template styles are formed - you can view them in the Style field on the Formatting toolbar (see illustration).

        In Word 2000/2003/2007, there is a concept sign style and the paragraph style:

        • The character style specifies the formatting options for text placed within a paragraph. These parameters can be any of those listed in the Font dialog: font, size, style, etc. The character style in the style list (Figure 4.18) is marked with a bold underlined letter a, located to the right of the style name.
        • Paragraph style defines formatting options related to the paragraph as a whole, i.e. text alignment, tab stops, line spacing and borders - everything that is in the Paragraph dialog. A paragraph style also includes character formatting, that is, a character style is a combination of character style and paragraph formatting. As a rule, most of the positions in the list of styles correspond to paragraph styles - they are marked with a ¶ sign to the right of the style name.

        If a certain style is assigned to a paragraph, this does not mean that characters within a paragraph and even fragments of text cannot be formatted in their own way. A section of text in a paragraph can be styled with its own style, regardless of whether any paragraph style is applied to that paragraph as a whole.

        Apply a style to a Word document

        Until you create your own styles, you can use the styles provided in the template. To do this, follow these steps:

        • If you want to apply paragraph style, you need to click on a paragraph or select several entire paragraphs that you want to change (the first or last paragraphs may not be fully selected). If you need to apply a character style, select the word or piece of text to be changed.
        • Open the Style list (see illustration) by clicking the button of the same name on the Formatting toolbar. Then select the style you want with a mouse click. Changes will be made to the selected text immediately.

        Note that in word style list the style name is displayed in the same font size as in the document (if this size is in the range from 8 to 16 pt). In the gray square to the right of the style name, the icon shows the type of alignment (as in the corresponding buttons on the Formatting toolbar). In the same square, you can see the font size in points, as well as the ¶ or a icon, which indicates which object this style belongs to: a paragraph or a character, respectively.

        If your toolbar does not have a drop-down Style, bring it to the panel. However, you can select a style without using the specified list. Select the Format - Style command from the menu and then in the dialog that opens (see illustration) click on the name of the required style. Close the window by clicking the Apply button.

        If you often use styles while preparing documents, display the Style drop-down list and the Style button on the toolbar. To do this, open the Tools - Settings dialog, go to the Commands tab and drag the necessary icons to the toolbar. When you click on the Style button, the style definition dialog will be invoked, which will allow you to make the necessary changes to the styles while working on documents.

        You can very easily copy all formatting attributes from one piece of text or paragraph to another piece or paragraph:

        • First, select the original passage or paragraph. To select a paragraph, just click on it with the mouse.
        • Click the Format Painterly icon on the Formatting toolbar. The mouse pointer changes to the shape of a brush.
        • Select the object to be modified and left-click on it. You don't have to select a paragraph - just click on it with the mouse.

        To apply selected formatting to multiple slices, double-click the icon. You can then apply formatting to each of the slices by highlighting and clicking on it. When copying is complete, press the Esc key or click the Format Painterly icon again. The described actions also copy the style.

        Change the style in a Word document

        As mentioned above, the main advantage of using styles is to consistently change the appearance of text. Let's say level 3 headings (Heading 3) use a 13 pt Arial font, and you want them to use a 14 pt Pragmatica font. To do this, you do not need to reformat every heading - you only need to change the properties of the Heading 3 style. To change the style, you need to do the following:

        • Enter the Format menu and select the Style command or click the Style button on the toolbar (if available).
        • In the dialog that opens, in the Styles list, click the name of the style to be changed and click the Modify button.
        • In the new Change Style dialog (see illustration below), click the Format button and in the drop-down menu select an attribute, for example, Font or Paragraph, that will be changed.
        • To change an attribute, a separate dialog will open (for example, to change the font - dialog - Font. After changing the parameters of one attribute, close the corresponding dialog by clicking OK and go to the next attribute from the drop-down menu (for example, Tab or Border).

        If you think that the changed style should be included in the template, select the Add to template checkbox in the Change style window. The changes will affect the template on the basis of which the current document was created.

        Introducing changes to Word styles, it should be borne in mind that there is subordination between styles. For example, in the Normal.dot template, the heading styles are based on the Normal style. Therefore, changing the style to Normal will change the heading styles accordingly. Such changes will be automatically made to styles whenever the style on which they are based changes.

        Another possibility style changesincluded in the Word processor is automatic style updates. This update is performed when the Update automatically check box is selected. The processor in this case tracks changes in the format of the text to which the given style is assigned. If you change something in the formatting options, for example, using the toolbar or the Format menu, then these changes are made to the corresponding style. This simplifies the procedure for making changes to the style, since you do not need to make troublesome settings using the Change Style window.

        If you want to undo the changes made to this or that style, do not use the Undo command or the Alt + Backspace key for this - this will freeze the processor. Cancellation of changes must be made using the Style dialog.

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