How to choose a drone for video filming or entertainment. Review of the best RC quadrocopters with a video camera - description of characteristics, equipment and prices

Today, a quadcopter is one of the most desirable, most interesting gadgets. And often people who first encounter it are lost in the multitude of models and do not know how to choose or how to choose. Indeed, prices starting from 2000 rubles. and up to 250,000 rubles. and higher, different sizes, characteristics - you can really get confused here! Surely you have already read many articles about what kind of quadcopters there are, how many propellers, what motors, what cameras - a lot of information! And in this sea, you still need to make a choice of a quadrocopter model, decide which quadrocopter to choose, and in general, an idea may arise whether to buy a quadrocopter. Our advice is to answer just 2 simple questions and the choice of a quadrocopter will be much easier and will allow you to enjoy your purchase in the near future!

So, these are the questions:

1. Why do you need a quadcopter?

If you have already wondered how to choose a quadrocopter, first of all you should figure out what you need it for. Just for fun? As a gift? For training before flying on? Safe? For amateur videography? ? For professional purposes, business applications or serious hobbies (for example)? If you decide on this first question, it will be much easier for you and you can either make a comparison of quadcopters yourself, or contact a store manager with a specific need, for example, which quadrocopter to choose for shooting.

2. What budget are you looking for?

By far one of the most important questions when choosing a quadcopter. It is the budget that can significantly limit the scope of the search, and it will also limit the capabilities of quadcopters within a certain price. For example, if you are looking at up to 2000-3000-, you should not assume that for this price you can get a model with an HD camera and a range of 1 km. "And if I need a quadrocopter - how to choose?" - you ask. New technology and quality are worth their money, and if you want something more professional, be prepared to spend a slightly higher amount. Below is an approximate list of price categories and opportunities that can be obtained for this cost. Based on this list, you will roughly understand how much a quadrocopter will cost in one case or another, for example, if you are thinking about which quadrocopter with a camera to choose.

  • 1,000-2,000 rubles.

-\u003e small quadcopters (palm-sized)

-\u003e no camera

-\u003e flight time ~ 7-8 min, range ~ 30m

  • Up to 4,000 rubles.

-\u003e larger quadcopters

-\u003e there may already be a camera up to 2MP

-\u003e you can choose a more reliable quadcopter from a top manufacturer

-\u003e flight time ~ 7-8 min, range ~ 60-70m

  • Up to 7,000 rubles.

-\u003e the size can be the same as in the previous level, or slightly larger

-\u003e can be up to 2MP camera

-\u003e the quadcopter can lift an action camera like GoPro (not recommended due to low reliability, there are no auto return, GPS hold functions, but theoretically the carrying capacity will already allow)

-\u003e can be live video feed to smartphone or tablet (low quality)

-\u003e there may be some smart flight functions (HeadlessMode for example)

-\u003e flight time ~ 8-10 min, range ~ 60-70m

  • Up to 10,000 rubles.

-\u003e standard medium size

-\u003e maybe HD 720p camera

-\u003e video transmission to the remote control (up to 150 meters)

-\u003e there may be some smart flight functions

-\u003e build quality

-\u003e flight time up to 12 min, range ~ 150m

  • Up to 15,000 rubles.

-\u003e medium size

-\u003e HD 720p camera

-\u003e video transmission to the remote control (up to 300 meters)

-\u003e GPS module: auto return, follow pilot function

-\u003e build quality

-\u003e flight time up to 12 min, range ~ 300m

-\u003e models for GoPro with GPS support and smart functions (Auto return to home, hold point in space)

-\u003e more reliable models

-\u003e flight safety

-\u003e basic video transmission

-\u003e flight time up to 15-20 min, range ~ 500m

Modern children are learning new technologies with enviable zeal and adoring a variety of gadgets. If a young technology lover does not leave the house without a smartwatch, does not let go of his smartphone and dreams of a personal robot, the quadrocopter will definitely become a magical gift for him.

Today's consumer drones fall into two main categories:

  • radio-controlled toys;
  • gadgets for photo and video shooting.

In order not to miscalculate with which quadrocopter to choose for a child, you should know about the child's interests and the level of his savvy in handling remotely controlled drones.

At what age can you buy a quadcopter for your child?

A flying drone is a toy that can delight both preschoolers and teenagers. However, it is not recommended to put a quadcopter in hand for children under five years old. At least, without the supervision of elders - almost every configuration contains bright small details that a curious child will almost certainly want to taste, which is fraught with both the health of the child and the functionality of the droid.

It is believed that from the age of seven it is already possible to launch a drone on its own, but if adults control the process, a younger tester will cope with the navigation of the quadrocopter. Children may have difficulty controlling the drone, so it is ideal to arrange the first flight in an open area - so as not to break the crystal chandelier and not to get the crashed aircraft from the tree.

Which quadcopter should you start with?

When choosing a gift, first of all, you need to take into account the age of the future owner of the drone, as well as his hobbies. A child 10 years old and younger is more interested in the process of launching and flying a drone - remember how in childhood it took your breath away from the desire to arrange a race of radio-controlled cars or launch a toy helicopter on the roof of a neighboring house.

Young testers will love this simple beginner's gadget. The best place to start is to get an intuitive quadcopter. and a minimum of details.

Syma X54HW is perfect as a toy for a beginner - an aircraft with a broadcasting camera and a barometer that measures atmospheric pressure and calculates the flight altitude of the gadget. Thus, the device will not fall, even if a novice user inadvertently loses control. Syma X54HW is able to broadcast a picture from a camera online directly to a smartphone, which achieves a kind of wow effect.

Also among budget drones he uses popular more advanced model - Syma X56W... There are two control methods for the copter: via the remote control and directly from the smartphone, using the Syma Go application, compatible with Android and iOS. Syma X56W is light and compact thanks to the rotor folding system.

Spectacular red-green illumination of the copter will help you not lose sight of it in the dark and will cause a wave of children's delight, and wide-angle camera allows you to shoot bright colorful photos and videos in 720p format (the angle of the camera can be changed). Syma X56W holds a charge for almost two hours and can stay in the air for up to 10 minutes - this is enough to “fly” and capture the local landscape.

If the child is not a beginner in mastering the art of controlling drones and is seriously interested in the topic, you can buy a quadrocopter for your child with more advanced functionality. DJI Mavic Pro - the drone for the virtuoso professionals aerial photography. Unlike inexpensive Syma models, the DJI drone is more maneuverable: thanks to improved balance, it performs complex tricks in the air, shoots video in 4K quality, broadcasts shooting at a distance of up to 7 km, is equipped with a satellite navigation system and takes selfies with a wave of the hand.

But the main feature of the drone that makes the technology revolutionary is the ability to see the flight in high quality from the first person! With the DJI Goggles, anyone can take a dizzying journey under the clouds without ever leaving their seats. Such an attraction will not leave indifferent either children or even adults.

What is a quadcopter for besides entertainment and aerial photography?

Developers have designed a drone that can teach! Makeblock Airblock Drone is a unique modular programmable transformerwhich can move on the ground, in the air and above water. The device is assembled from six blocks on magnets, in just a few seconds it turns into a drone or hovercraft that will hover over any smooth surface, including water. The shape of the gadget is limited only by the imagination of a child who can assemble even an improvised car. The device is controlled using an application on a smartphone or tablet.

Besides maneuverability, a smart drone has an amazing quality: it can train. Fundamentals of programming and aerodynamics have never been presented in such a fun way! The application with which you need to control the device supports a visual programming language: the child will independently be able to think over and set the algorithm for the movement of the drone, and perform complex maneuvers.

A big plus is that the Airblock transformer is very difficult to break, even if it fell into the hands of an inexperienced user or fell from a great height. Thanks to the lightweight, but durable foam, of which the parts are composed, the drone, when it hits a wall or a tree, simply disintegrates into modules that can be easily magnetised to each other.

What to look for when buying a beginner drone?

  • Ease of management. When a child first meets a drone, it will be better if the drone has a minimum of functions - as a rule, they only complicate the control, and in most cases they are not used at all.
  • No assembly required. A win-win for a beginner is the RTF (Ready-To-Fly) mark on the packaging. This means that the model is already assembled and ready for launch, there is no need to deal with the details and it is not scary to lose them in flight.
  • Affordable price and durability. It is worth being mentally prepared for the fact that a novice pilot will unsuccessfully enter the quadrocopter into the garage wall or crash it on the asphalt, so at first you should not spend money on fabulously expensive fragile models, it is better to give preference to reliable budget quadcopters.
  • Design. The brighter the colors of the drone, the more impressed the lucky owner of the miracle technology. In addition, the colorful design and LEDs will also perform a useful function - if you lose control, such a quadcopter will be easier to find in the grass or see it in a tree.
  • Safety. It is better to give preference to light, small models - such quadcopters will not cause damage even when flying at high speed.

Camera selection

There are two options for completing the drone for aerial photography - with a built-in camera and with a mount for third-party photo and video equipment. Which is better?

Professionals believe that it is wiser to use the all-inclusive model, but drones with a suspended camera can also take good pictures, the main thing is to know the features of the model. Such a drone will be cheaper, but by hanging additional equipment on it, you will create a load on the drone, therefore it is best not to use a camera heavier than 30 grams.

If you decide to buy a quadrocopter without a built-in camera and want to attach your own (GoPro, for example), be sure to pay attention to the technical specifications of the drone. To capture a clear picture with a camera attached to a drone, professionals recommend choosing a quadcopter with brushless motors - in addition to the fact that they heat up less and require less replacement, they must be equipped with a two- or three-axis gimbal for image stabilization.

Replaceable battery and accumulator capacity

If you want to get beautiful shots from high heights and different angles, you should choose a more expensive drone.Professional drones can be in flight mode for about half an hour, simpler ones - no more than 20 minutes, average - about 15-20 minutes. The most budget quadcopters will fly for 5-10 minutes, after which they will need to be recharged.

Brand name

Professional drones for aerial photography are more expensive than analogs without a camera and last longer. In the event of a breakdown or loss of accessories, it will be much easier to find spare parts for a large brand of drone.

Every year, quadrocopters for children are becoming more and more popular: a couple of years ago, a device buzzing overhead could be seen on the street no more than once a season, and today more and more beautiful videos and mesmerizing shots taken by ordinary users appear on the Web. If you want to captivate your child for a long time and at the same time develop the flair of a photographer in him, or maybe teach the basics of programming in a playful way, the drone will be an excellent gift.

Choosing a gift for a middle school or adolescent boy today is not such a difficult task as it seems at first glance. And it doesn't have to be a tablet or a smartphone.

The guys have always been lovers of different technology, which in our age of microcircuits can be found for every taste. If the majority of electronic gadgets are already there, it's time to please the child with a quadcopter, the fashion for which is increasing every day.

Quadcopter Is an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled remotely. It is the most common type of multicopter with four rotating blades.

A multicopter is the highest level of radio-controlled devices and is just an excellent gift for schoolchildren and teenagers.

Why is a quadcopter better than a radio-controlled helicopter

The quadcopter, also known as the quad, is the hottest unmanned aerial vehicle ever. Its advantages are obvious:

- due to a larger number of screws and a special design, technical characteristics are improved - it is more powerful, stronger, more maneuverable, faster than a helicopter;

- with the correct selection of the model - the control is accessible and understandable even for a beginner;

- looks unusual, futuristic;

- Large copters from 30 cm in size... They are often used in professional activities and have a cargo-carrying orientation. Their flight range is up to several kilometers, therefore they often have a larger battery capacity. Example: DJ Phantom 2 Vision

Ways to control quadcopters

1.Using a smartphone or tablet through a wi-fi signal

- The interface of the gadgets is convenient and intuitive. In a literal sense, a small child can also move a finger across the screen;

- The video image from the copter camera can be monitored in real time, it is easy and quick to take photos / videos by pressing a button.

- Small range of the wi-fi signal, which means that the distance between the pilot and the copter does not exceed a few meters.

2. Via the control panel

Pros - the flight range of the device increases to several kilometers.

Cons - control panels have a higher level of complexity due to the presence of additional functions.

3. Simultaneous use of gadgets and control panel

Most often, this type of control is used in homemade multicopters.

How does a quadcopter work?

It consists of mechanical and electronic construction.

Electronics - flight controller, in other words "brain".

Mechanical part - these are rotors, crosspiece, frame, propellers.

The copter frame is a weighty structural element. The quadcopter frame is cruciform with four beams. It depends on it:

- the appearance of the device;

- technical characteristics during use (strength, wind resistance, etc.);

- ease of repair.

Quadcopter Beams Material:

- carbon;

- aluminum;

- wood.

The so-called "brain" - microcircuits and control elements is located on the quadcopter's crosspiece. It is made from a variety of materials:

- carbon;

- textolite;

- plastic;

- plywood.

The quadcopter frame can be of varying degrees of symmetry, with an offset crosspiece (for the convenience of photo / video shooting). The folding frame is especially convenient. Due to its ergonomics, it is easy to carry, and when the copter falls, the folding frame is less susceptible to damage. Very functional frame with propeller guards.

Overwhelmingly quadcopters are battery operatedwhich is very convenient:

- charged from the power outlet;

- The battery is easily removed and replaced with a new one, which increases the time of use of the copter.

The higher the battery capacity, the longer the range and flight time of the quadcopter. The average today is 10-15 minutes.

Safe use of quadcopters

Medium and heavy multicopters are best used so that they do not injure a person when they fall.

The quadcopter is an excellent leisure activity for the whole family and an opportunity to spend time outdoors.

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If you are thinking of buying your first drone but you have no experience with flying, it is wiser to choose a cheap drone for beginners. Firstly, such a quadrocopter is not expensive, so if you realized that this hobby is not for you, you will get off with the loss of 3-4 thousand. Secondly, you will get the necessary control skills that can be useful to you if you decide buy a drone more expensive.

Choosing a quadcopter is not an easy task, especially for beginners. We decided to do all the work for you and have prepared the Top 5 Best Quadrocopters for Beginners.

Syma X5C & X5HW

Long ago acquired the status of a people's quadcopter. It is durable, easy to handle, and easy to repair. Syma X5C has an onboard camera capable of shooting HD video and photos with a resolution of 2560x1440. The onboard battery 350 mAh 3.7V lasts for 7 minutes of flight when fully loaded (with camera and chassis). In flight, the Syma 5C drone is very stable, it is possible to make flips. The range of the drone is 50 meters.

For more, check out the Syma X5HW. A feature of this drone is the ability to broadcast video from the onboard camera to your cell phone via Wi-Fi and the presence of the mode.

Both devices have Headless mode (headless mode).

Price: 2500 rubles

The Yizhan Tarantula X6 is one of the best drones in this price range. It's large (475X253mm) and really fast, but a little more difficult to fly than the other drones in the review. The flight time is about 10 minutes, which is provided by a powerful 7.4V 1200 mAh battery. The flight range is about 100 meters.

The drone is equipped with rather powerful brushed motors, which allows you to carry a GoPro camera or its equivalent. The Tarantula X6 has an acro mode and a headless mode.

Price: 4800 rubles

JJRC H31 waterproof drone

The next in the review follows. Just a word of warning: the waterproofing of the drone is a marketing ploy. Indeed, if you just drop the drone into a puddle, nothing will happen to it, but in no case should you deliberately put it on the water, if only because it will simply drown.

The low weight, only 100 grams, makes the drone really unkillable even without the protection of the screws; during the tests it was not seriously damaged. The JJRC H31 has three Low / Medium / Expert flight modes that differ in speed and maneuverability. The drone has a Headless mode, a mode of returning to the starting point by pressing a button on the remote control, it is possible to make flips. The flight time is about 10 minutes.

Price: 1500 rubles

Another budget quadcopter for beginners. It has a full range of flight functions such as Headless mode, 3D flip mode, return to takeoff point. A peculiarity of the drone is a rather long flight time - about 12 minutes. The flight radius is about 100 meters. If you wish, you can choose a package with a 0.3 MP FPV camera and a holder for a smartphone. The image is transmitted to the mobile phone via Wi-Fi.

Price: 38 - 61 USD

And finally, a rather interesting quadrocopter with a 0.3 megapixel camera, Headless mode function, return home by pressing a button and the ability to make flips. The 3.7V 390mAh battery allows you to stay in flight for 6-8 minutes, which is actually not bad considering the drone's small size.

With all these features, this is one of the cheapest drones in the review.

Price: USD 31

This concludes our list of the top 5 best drones for beginners under $ 60.

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