The use of new information technologies in the educational process. Forms of using information technology in the educational process

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 13

Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd

Forms of using information technology in the educational process

Made up:

Rudakova E.V.,

primary school teacher

2014-2015 academic year

“Be content with the present, but strive for the best”


Today, when information becomes a strategic resource for the development of society, it becomes obvious that modern education is an ongoing process. Therefore, already now there is a need to organize the learning process based on modern information and communication technologies, where electronic means are increasingly being used as sources of information.

The concept of modernization of Russian education says: "The first task of educational policy at the present stage is to achieve the modern quality of education, its compliance with the relevant and future needs of the individual, society and the state."  At the same time, one of the main tasks of modernization is the achievement of a new modern quality of school education. Informatization of education should help solve two of the main tasks of the school: education for all and a new quality of education for everyone.

For elementary schools, this means a change of priorities in setting educational goals: one of the results of training and education in the first-stage school should be the children's readiness to master modern computer technologies and the ability to apply the information obtained with their help for further self-education.

To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary to apply in practice the work of primary school teachers of different educational strategies for primary school children and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. The use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) in elementary school lessons allows developing students' ability to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world, mastering practical methods of working with information, and developing skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means. The use of ICT in the lessons in elementary school allows you to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of learning to an active one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity. This contributes to the conscious absorption of knowledge by students. The use of ICT in elementary school allows you to:

    to intensify the cognitive activity of students;

    conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level (music, animation);

    individually approach the student using multilevel tasks.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an urgent problem   modern school education. Today, a teacher in any school discipline should be able to prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is a visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves the teacher and student time, allows the student to work at their own pace, allows the teacher to work with the student differentially and individually, makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate learning outcomes.

Main purpose   in solving this problem is the improvement of the educational process, the creation of a unified educational environment, improving the quality of education. To do this, you need:

    integration of various subject areas;

    modernization of the traditional system of subject teaching;

    accumulation of educational resources;

    mastering modern information technologies by a teacher;

    organization of student-centered learning;

    creative interchange between teacher and student, between teachers.

To achieve this goal, the following must be decided   tasks :

    the development of students' skills and orientation skills in the modern information space;

    education of systemically and analytically thinking people;

    the formation and development of an atmosphere of creative community of students and teachers;

    the formation of students' attitude to the computer as an instrument of cognitive activity;

    the use of ICT in different directions and forms of educational activity.

In the future, other forms of education must be introduced in domestic education. Already, the problem of distance learning based on ICTs is emerging with all the urgency. If we want to really relieve our students, then the solution to this problem should be sought in the use of ICT and distance learning. It is necessary to learn how to use ICT not only in the educational process, but also in educational, organizational, methodological.

Today, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, together with the National Training Foundation, has launched in Russia a grandiose project to informatize the education system. The project provides for the creation of information resources for school education, as well as the organization of interschool methodological centers of the IMC, which will transfer to teachers experience in working with ICT and introduce teachers to new educational developments. All these measures should ensure a breakthrough in Russian education in the field of information technology.

Forms of organizing the implementation of information and communication technologies in elementary grades

  Using computers in the learning process

Teaching in elementary school the language, mathematics, and natural sciences, even in our informatively busy time, are often carried out by "grandfather" methods, with almost no visual clarity.

The computer can be a lesson in the lesson and a simulator, and a means of mobile visualization, and a keeper of information, and a means of control and monitoring.

One of the key problems of any training is the problem of retaining the attention of students. The computer, thanks to a change in the vivid impressions of what is seen on the monitor screen, allows you to hold attention throughout the lesson. At the same time, the attention is not contemplative, but immobilizing, because what is happening on the screen requires a response.

In addition, presentations made for lessons significantly save teachers' time, increase the culture of the lesson, make it possible to differentiate the approach to students, contribute to the formation of interest in the subject and, therefore, positively affect the quality of education of younger students.

Using a computer in the learning process- (introduction of new information technologies) is an attempt to propose one of the ways that can intensify the educational process, optimize it, increase the interest of schoolchildren in studying the subject, realize the ideas of developing education, increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the volume of independent work. It contributes to the development of logical thinking, the culture of mental labor, the formation of independent work skills, and also has a significant impact on the motivational sphere of the educational process, its activity structure.

A computer is a visual aid in learning, an assistant in developing practical skills of students, in organizing and conducting a survey and control of schoolchildren, as well as in monitoring and evaluating homework, in working with diagrams, tables, graphs, symbols, etc., in editing texts and correction of errors in the creative work of students.

A feature of computer training is a step-by-step sequence of students' independent activity, contributing to the activation of the educational process, as well as the availability of operational feedback, on the basis of which individualization and differentiation of training is possible.

Forms of organizing the use of ICT in education

The main organizational forms of the use of ICT in the educational process of primary school:

    computer class;

    one computer in the classroom at the teacher’s workplace connected to the projector;

    a computer in the school library;

    one to five computers in the classroom;

    student’s computer at home.

Computer class

The main advantage of such an organizational form is that it is in it that you can use a computer without destroying the existing classroom model. Experience shows that with preliminary training of students and properly configured software, a teacher can successfully teach a lesson in a classroom with 25-30 students and the same number of computers, dividing the class into groups. A work pattern is also possible when 1 computer is used by two students in a mode of activity change. Conducting such lessons require arrangement in the classroom of the working area for tabletop activities.

One computer in the classroom at the teacher’s workplace connected to a projector or television

In this organizational form, a computer is, first of all, a modern multifunctional blackboard. It allows you to raise the level of visibility in the educational process. A computer with a projector allows for demonstrations with feedback, when a teacher or student can participate in the process that occurs on the screen by controlling the process through a computer.

Computer in the school library

This form involves the individual or group independent activity of students in the preparation of homework and independent work, together with a mentor or teacher.

One to five computers in the classroom

This form allows to a large extent to use an individual approach in working with students. Individual computer activities can be used in working with weak students, for example, to process certain skills; in working with strong students, for example, for individual research of various educational models or creating multimedia essays; in group work.

Student computer at home

In this form, when a computer is purchased in the house specifically for the child, electronic learning materials play a large role - the media library. This is an individual independent activity of students in the preparation of homework and self-education and working with a media library in conjunction with parents or a teacher at home, in the case when the child cannot attend school.

Thus, a computer does not replace a teacher or a textbook, but fundamentally changes the nature of pedagogical activity. The introduction of a PC in the educational process expands the possibilities of the teacher, provides him with such means that allows solving problems that have not been solved before, for example:

    improving the organization of teaching, increasing the individualization of instruction (maximum work with each student);

    computers can help where the teacher “cannot break” (filling in the gaps that have arisen due to skipping lessons);

    increasing the productivity of self-study after class;

    a means of individualizing the work of the teacher himself (a computer is a repository of the results of the teacher’s creative activity: interesting tasks and exercises invented by him - all that is missing in standard textbooks and that is of value to other teachers);

    accelerates replication and access to all that is accumulated in pedagogical practice;

    an opportunity to collect data on individual and collective dynamics of the learning process. Information will be complete, regular and objective.

At the stage of concretization of the studied material, it is possible to use a computer and use specially designed computer training programs to train and consolidate the studied theoretical material.

An important quality of training programs is the organic connection and compatibility with traditional teaching methods and techniques. The training programs are designed to be used in combination with other methodological tools available to the teacher.

Created educational computer programs, along with traditional methodological tools, can be used at any stage of the lesson in accordance with the goals and objectives.

Training programs are most appropriate at the stage of consolidation of skills and verification of their formation.

ICT-based teaching methods applicable to primary school

Creative work on the computer

The creation of illustrative compositions using drawings on paper is traditional for elementary school. The use of ICT capabilities significantly expands the capabilities of this model of educational activity.

A media composition is an analogue of a textual manuscript of a traditional school, which includes works created by children as part of artwork and visual arts. The use of this model as a fundamental novelty for elementary schools provides for the development of students' written speech through the possibility of multiple individual and group text editing, which is completely impossible when working with paper. In a computer-free situation, even a minor correction may require disproportionately large efforts, primarily for an elementary school student. In the computer case, the usual operations of insertion, rearrangement of fragments, etc. e. performed quickly and without much difficulty, often significantly changing the content of the text.

Science research

A natural science research project is common to elementary school. Her traditional research projects are, for example, keeping a diary of daily weather observations.

Immersion in a foreign language

The well-known technique of "immersion" in a foreign language is most effective in elementary school, where it can be implemented at the level of active listening, primarily using ICT. It is known that in conditions of immersion, the development of certain aspects of the language is much more effective than with traditional techniques.

Computer testing

Computer testing, which is an analogue of conventional testing, allows you to analyze and record the result of the work done and implement tasks related to the answer (for example, return to an already completed or missed task, limit the time for one test, etc.).

The computer can contain most of the exercises in mathematics, in the Russian language for inserting missing letters, etc. e. in this case, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the teacher and student.

Various forms of ICT use are presented in fig. one.

Fig. 1. Forms of using ICT in the lesson

Multimedia projector  It is used both in lessons and in extracurricular activities, in particular for the presentation of scientific and research work.

Absolutely unique opportunities for a child’s dialogue with science and culture World Wide Web -Internet:

- correspondence - conversation from all parts of the world;

- attraction of scientific and cultural information from all banks, museums, repositories of the world;

- interactive communication, tracking events through international servers.

Thus, with the active use of ICT in elementary school, the general goals of education are more successfully achieved, communication competencies are more easily formed: the ability to collect facts, compare them, organize, express their thoughts on paper and verbally, logically reason, listen and understand oral and written speech , discover something new, make choices and make decisions.

"The use of information technology in the educational process."

MCOU "Klyuchikovskaya secondary school"

Gayfulina Marina Stepanovna

primary school teacher

The education system can not lag behind the requirements that dictates modern society, and society is going through a period of rapid informatization. Computerization of the school is the most urgent problem of education at this stage. All teachers now understand this, and I am no exception.

The introduction of information technology in the educational process contributes to the main goal of modernization of education - improving the quality of education, increasing the availability of education, ensuring the harmonious development of a person oriented in the information space, attached to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies. The use of information technology in the educational process of elementary school allows not only to modernize it, increase efficiency, motivate students, but also to differentiate the process taking into account the individual characteristics of each student.

We are on the verge of an era of unlimited development and the ubiquity of computers, which are becoming an intellectual tool and partner in almost all spheres of human life and activity. Today, when information becomes a strategic resource for the development of society, and knowledge becomes a relative subject, as it quickly becomes obsolete, it becomes obvious that modern education is an ongoing process.

Today, a new unit — the computer — is being introduced into the traditional “teacher – student – \u200b\u200btextbook” scheme, and computer learning is introduced into the school consciousness.

For elementary school, this means a change of priorities in setting educational goals: one of the results of training and education in the first-level school should be.

1. the readiness of children to master modern computer technology.

2. The ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education.

The introduction of ICT - technology schools into practice is one of the priority areas of modernization, which allows not only to improve the quality of training, but also to promote the development of information competence, the disclosure of the intellectual and creative potential of the student's personality.

The student's ICT competencies are specified in the PLO NOO.

The main components of the student’s information competence are:

The ability to correctly select information sources;

The ability to find and transform information from various sources;

Possession of specific skills in the use of technical devices;

The ability to use computer information technology in their activities;

Knowledge of the features of information flows in the desired field.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows you to:

To intensify the cognitive activity of students in the lesson and after school hours;

Maintain a steady interest in the subject;

To model and visualize complex processes and phenomena considered in the lessons in various subjects;

Students engage in independent search, selection and analysis of the necessary information on the Internet;

To develop creative abilities, to form a common and informational culture among students.

The main advantages of using ICT in my opinion are:

* Ability to carry out a differentiated approach to students of different levels of readiness for learning.

* Using visual, audiovisual and video accompaniment in the lesson.

* Maintaining a high pace of the lesson, classes.

* Providing effective feedback between teacher and students.

* Implementation of operational and objective control of students' student education.

* Achieving high quality student learning.

Today, computer technology can be considered the new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of the education and development of the child. This method allows the child to study with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

One of the active forms of pedagogical technologies that develop a high motivation for educational and cognitive activity and contribute to the formation of students' information competence is project technology. Joint work on an electronic project demonstrates the great potential for cooperation, in which students distribute roles that help to fully demonstrate personal competence.

Advantages of using multimedia resources in the educational process:

1. Presentation:

Visibility when announcing a topic, when viewing photos;

A quick check of students' independent tasks in supporting abstracts: formulas, schemes, conclusions;

Problem solving and viewing the result;

A collective discussion of typographical errors in texts, reservations encountered in speech, physical defects in photographs, etc. The discussion of these signal distortions by random influences, or, as they are also called in information theory, noise or interference, allows students to generate critical thinking.

2. Video clip:

Saves teacher time for preparing and conducting this experience in the lesson.

3. Animation:

It is impossible to conduct real experience, and the animation shows how the objects in question will actually behave.

4. Test on the computer:

It makes it possible to quickly check students' knowledge gained in several previous and given lessons;

It allows the teacher to see the degree of assimilation of the material and the ability to verify the knowledge gained in order to solve quality problems;

Immediately do the work on the bugs.

5. Computer simulation is one of the effective methods for studying complex systems.

All these advantages of using ICT in the educational process in combination with the teacher’s story allow you to develop attention and visual thinking - the ability to represent images and manage them in the imagination. And visual (figurative theoretical) thinking is the basis of understanding.

Thus, the use of ICT technologies in lessons and in extracurricular activities allows optimizing the educational process, involving students as subjects of the educational process, and developing creativity, independence and critical thinking.

The use of computer technology in teaching allows us to differentiate educational activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, and stimulates mental activity.

As for the new information technologies, first of all, Internet technologies, there appeared problems associated with the widely used abstract work of students. In order to avoid “downloading” material from Internet resources or using the existing database of ready-made essays on various information carriers, I formulate the essay topics so that the student at least uses various sources, choosing from there material that is relevant to the proposed topic. The use of training programs, Internet resources and electronic encyclopedias can be of great benefit to expand the horizons of students, to obtain additional material that goes beyond the scope of the textbook.

I believe that lessons using ICTs are especially relevant in elementary school, since at this age visual-figurative thinking is the dominant component, therefore, it is very important to build their training using as much high-quality illustrative material as possible, involving not only vision in the new but also hearing, emotions, imagination.

Here, by the way, the brightness and amusement of computer slides and animations are necessary.

The use of ICT in various lessons in elementary school allows you to move from an explanatory and illustrative way of learning to an active one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity, which contributes to the conscious absorption of knowledge by students.

Therefore, ICT performs a certain educational function: it helps the child understand the flow of information,

to perceive it, remember, at the same time, in no case, without causing harm to his health.

That is, this technology should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not as the main one.

Given the psychological characteristics of the younger schoolchild, work with the use of ICT should be clearly thought out and dosed. The use of ICT in the lessons should be gentle, therefore, when planning a lesson, I carefully think over the purpose, place and method of using ICT.

I conduct information and communication technology in education in the following areas:

maintenance of working documentation in electronic format;

conducting a lesson using ICT (at certain stages of the lesson, to consolidate and control knowledge, organization of group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents);

as a didactic teaching tool;

quality control monitoring;

self-development and self-education.

You can use information technology at all stages of the lesson and in extracurricular activities:

Explanation of the new material: presentations, informational Internet sites, informational resources on disks.

During the development and consolidation of skills: computer training programs, computer simulators, puzzles, computer games, printed handouts (cards, diagrams, tables, crosswords without automatic processing of results) - (digital tables), printed illustrative material.

Knowledge control stage: computer tests (open, closed), crosswords (with automatic processing of the result).

For independent work of students: digital encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, tables, templates, electronic textbooks, integrated tasks.

For student research activities: digital science laboratories, the Internet.

In physical minutes.

Another form of using ICTs for self-development and self-education that I use is to increase my pedagogical skills in distance learning courses.

With the help of Internet sites I exchange experience with my colleagues. Today, my work can be found on the Internet, where my work is downloaded by other teachers and applied in their work. It is very pleasant to realize that your work has benefited someone.

And the next direction of using modern information technologies is participation in distance competitions and creative projects of students of my class. And in this academic year, we with children are actively participating in Internet Olympiads.
  Thus, it can be said with confidence that the use of ICT in the classroom and after school hours gives students a great chance to get a decent education.

In conclusion, I want to draw such a conclusion. The teacher now needs to learn how to use computer technology, just as he uses a fountain pen or chalk today to work in the lesson, to own information technology and skillfully apply the knowledge and skills to improve the lesson methodology. For a teacher, a computer is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity. And I am convinced that a modern teacher should make full use of the opportunities that modern computer technologies provide us with in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

Information technology refers to various methods, mechanisms and devices for processing and transmitting information. The main tool for this is a personal computer, additional - special software, the ability to exchange information via the Internet and related equipment.

In many educational institutions, information technology is still considered innovative - that is, new, capable of significantly changing, optimizing the educational process. And although daily use of a computer has long been the norm, the constant emergence of advanced programs significantly expands educational opportunities.

Here are just some of the learning processes that greatly simplify innovative technologies:

Obtaining the necessary information and raising the level of knowledge;

Systematization of information, thanks to reference books and electronic libraries;

Testing of various skills and abilities, conducting remote laboratory experiments;

Information visualization and its demonstration (for example, at presentations);

Complex calculations and automation of routine operations;

Modeling objects and situations in order to study them;

Exchange of information between several users located at a great distance from each other.

Do you need to get some information, make calculations using complex formulas, check how this or that idea will work, and discuss a problem with your teacher and fellow students without leaving your home - all this can be done thanks to modern technologies, which makes the process of obtaining knowledge and training much more effective.

When people talk about information technologies in education today, they often mean multimedia technologies, which, according to Russian and foreign researchers, help to more deeply explore many issues, while reducing the time to study the material.

Multimedia is a text, video, sound and photo information presented in one digital medium, as well as suggesting the ability to interact interactively with it. Simply put, multimedia allows you to simultaneously work with the image, text and sound, and at the same time, as a rule, you play an active role.

For example, in a training course, you can change the pace of training or independently check how well you have mastered the material. Such an individual approach not only more successfully reveals the student’s abilities, but also involves the development of creativity.

In the educational process, multimedia is used to conduct multimedia presentations, and to create training courses, and in distance learning.

Information Technology in Education

The concept of information and communication technology (ICT)

ICT Classification

Multimedia concept

Stages of developing multimedia educational resources

Tools used to create multimedia products

The concept of information and communication technology

The processes of informatization of modern society and the closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activity are characterized by processes of improvement and mass distribution of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are actively used to transmit information and ensure the interaction of the teacher and student in modern systems of open and distance education. A modern teacher should not only possess knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be a specialist in their application in their professional activities.

The word "technology" has Greek roots and in translation means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. A modern understanding of the word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered such technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is a generalized concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, information processing algorithms. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunication facilities along with the information posted on them.

ICT tools used in education

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, applications, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with equipment and the interaction of a personal computer user with programs. Utilities or utilities are also included in this category. Application programs include software, which is a toolkit of information technologies - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools are widely used: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphic packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT tools, education has acquired a new quality, primarily due to the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global Internet computer network, instant access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published in the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools are available on the network, including email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs for real-time communication have been developed, which, after establishing a connection, transmit text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow remote users to collaborate with a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has significantly increased and has begun to approach sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software over the Internet, audio and video conferencing can be conducted.

To ensure effective information retrieval in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data on the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for World Wide Web documents, multimedia files and software, address information about organizations and people.

With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, organize online consulting assistance, model research activities, conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant in terms of open and distance education systems. One such technology is video recording and television. Video tapes and appropriate ICT tools allow a huge number of students to listen to the lectures of the best teachers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European courses of study the main material is presented in print media and on video tapes.

Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very large role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one television. Educational television programs are widely used around the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent control of knowledge acquisition, as well as the ability to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.

A powerful technology that allows you to store and transfer the bulk of the material studied is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies allow, with appropriate refinement, to adapt existing courses to individual use, provide opportunities for self-learning and self-testing of knowledge gained. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publications allow you to submit material in a dynamic graphic form.

Classification of ICT facilities by methodological field:

ICT didactic tasks

Improving the organization of teaching, increasing the individualization of instruction;

Improving the productivity of students' self-training;

Individualization of the work of the teacher himself;

Acceleration of replication and access to the achievements of teaching practice;

Strengthening motivation for learning;

Intensification of the learning process, the ability to attract students to research activities;

Providing flexibility of the learning process.

The negative effects of the impact of ICT on the student

The use of modern ICT tools in all forms of training can lead to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors and a range of factors of the negative impact of ICT tools on the physiological state and health of the student.

In particular, more often than not, one of the advantages of learning using ICT is the individualization of learning. However, along with the advantages there are also major disadvantages associated with total individualization. Individualization collapses the living dialogue dialogue between the participants of the educational process — teachers and students, students among themselves — which is so scarce in the educational process, and offers them a substitute for communication in the form of a “dialogue with the computer”.

In fact, a student who is active in speech will become silent for a long time while working with ICT, which is especially typical for students of open and distance forms of education. During the entire period of study, the student is mainly engaged in the fact that silently consumes information. In general, the body of objectification of human thinking - speech is turned off, immobilized for many years of training. The student does not have sufficient practice of dialogical communication, the formation and formulation of thoughts in a professional language. Without the developed practice of dialogical communication, as psychological studies show, monological communication with oneself, that is called independent thinking, is not formed. After all, the question asked to oneself is the most reliable indicator of the existence of independent thinking. If we go along the path of universal individualization of learning using personal computers, we can come to the conclusion that we will miss the very possibility of creating creative thinking, which, by its very origin, is based on dialogue.

The use of information resources published on the Internet often leads to negative consequences. Most often, when using such ICT tools, the principle of energy saving, which is characteristic of all living things, is triggered: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports, and problem solving borrowed from the Internet have become a familiar fact today that does not contribute to improving the effectiveness of training and education.

Distance Learning Technologies

Distance learning in the form of distance learning originated at the beginning of the 20th century. Today in absentia you can get a higher education, learn a foreign language, prepare for admission to a university, etc. However, due to the poorly established interaction between teachers and students and the lack of control over the learning activities of part-time students between the examination sessions, the quality of such training is worse than what can be obtained with full-time study.

Remote learning technology (educational process) at the present stage is a combination of methods and means of training and administration of training procedures that provide for the educational process at a distance based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies.

In the implementation of distance learning, information technology should provide:

student delivery of the bulk of the material studied;

interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process;

providing students with opportunities for independent work on the assimilation of the studied material;

assessment of their knowledge and skills acquired by them in the learning process.

To achieve these goals, the following information technologies are used:

the provision of textbooks and other printed material;

transfer of studied materials on computer telecommunications;

discussions and seminars conducted through computer telecommunications;


broadcast training programs on national and regional television and radio stations;

cable TV;

two-way video teleconferencing;

one-way video broadcast with telephone feedback;

electronic (computer) educational resources.

A necessary part of the distance learning system is self-study. In the process of self-study, a student can study material using print media, video tapes, electronic textbooks and CD-ROM textbooks and reference books. In addition, the student must have access to electronic libraries and databases containing a huge amount of diverse information.

Multimedia concept

The concept of multimedia, in general, and multimedia, in particular, is on the one hand closely related to computer processing and presentation of diverse information and, on the other hand, underlies the functioning of ICT tools that significantly affect the effectiveness of the educational process ..

It is important to understand that, like many other words of the language, the word "multimedia" has several different meanings at once.

Multimedia is:

technology describing the development, operation and application of information processing tools of various types;

an information resource created on the basis of technologies for processing and presenting information of various types;

computer software, the operation of which is associated with the processing and presentation of information of various types;

computer hardware, with which it becomes possible to work with information of various types;

a special generalizing type of information that combines both traditional static visual (text, graphics) and dynamic information of various types (speech, music, video fragments, animation, etc.).

Thus, in the broad sense, the term "multimedia" means a range of information technologies that use various software and technical means in order to most effectively influence the user (who has become both a reader, listener, and viewer).

The development of good multimedia teaching aids is a complex professional task requiring knowledge of the subject, skills in educational design and close acquaintance with special software. Multimedia teaching aids can be presented on CD-ROM - for use on a standalone personal computer or be accessible via the Web.

Stages of developing multimedia educational resources:

1. Pedagogical design

resource structure development;

selection and structuring of educational material;

selection of illustrative and demonstration material;

development of a system of laboratory and independent work;

development of control tests.

2. Technical preparation of texts, images, audio and video information.

3. Combining the prepared information into a single project, creating a menu system, navigation aids, etc.

4. Testing and peer review

Tools used to create multimedia products:

systems for processing static graphic information;

systems for creating animated graphics;

sound recording and editing systems;

video editing systems;

systems for integrating text and audiovisual information into a single project.

Modern humanity has become involved in a general historical process called informatization. This process includes the accessibility of any citizen to information sources, the penetration of information technology into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment for society, which ensures the development of human creative potential.

One of the priorities in the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated with the goal of collecting, processing, storage, dissemination and use of information in the interests of its consumers. The goal of informatization is the global intensification of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies: computer and telecommunication.

The main educational value of information technologies is that they allow you to create an immeasurably brighter multi-sensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both the teacher and the student. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only saturating a student with a large amount of knowledge, but also developing students' intellectual, creative abilities, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

"... in the 21st century, digital environments are the natural environments for intellectual work to the same extent as writing has been for centuries before."  The administration and teachers of our school fully agree with this statement by the scientist and teacher S. Papert. Therefore, the staff of our school pays great attention to the informatization of education, by which we mean the change in the content, forms and methods of teaching, the whole way of life of the school based on the use of ICT and in integration with traditional education.

To solve this problem, the school has the necessary information and technical resources. The concentration of modern technical teaching aids contributes to the modernization and improvement of the educational process, activates the mental activity of students, promotes the development of creativity of teachers.

The current tasks of the school are:

  • creation of a unified information environment of an educational institution;
  • development of principles and methods of using modern information and communication technologies, their integration into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.
  • analysis and examination, organization of the distribution of pedagogical information through publishing, audiovisual programs, e-mail; organization of information flows;
  • the formation and development of the information culture of students, teachers and management personnel.
  • training users of a single information system.

Directions for the use of information technology in the work of an educational institution

Information technology in the educational process.

The feasibility of using information technologies in the educational process is determined by the fact that with their help such didactic principles as scientificness, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students, an individual approach to training, a combination of methods, forms and means of training, the strength of mastery of knowledge, skills are most effectively implemented and skills, student socialization.

Information technology provides the opportunity:

  • rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process;
  • to make learning more effective, involving all kinds of sensory perception of the student in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;
  • build an open education system that provides each individual with their own learning path;
  • involve in the process of active learning categories of children with different abilities and learning styles;
  • use specific properties of the computer, allowing to individualize the educational process and turn to a fundamentally new cognitive means;
  • to intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technologies is that they allow you to create an immeasurably brighter multi-sensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both the teacher and the student.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only saturating a student with a large amount of knowledge, but also developing students' intellectual, creative abilities, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

Eight types of computer tools used in training are distinguished based on their functional purpose (according to A. V. Dvoretskaya):

  1. Presentations - These are electronic filmstrips, which can include animation, audio and video clips, and interactivity elements. Presentation uses software such as PowerPoint or Open Impress. These computer tools are interesting in that they can be created by any teacher who has access to a personal computer, moreover, with minimal time spent on mastering the means of creating a presentation. The use of presentations expands the range of conditions for the creative activities of students and the psychological growth of personality, developing independence and increasing self-esteem. Presentations are also actively used to present student projects.
  2. Electronic Encyclopedias  - are analogues of ordinary reference and informational publications - encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc. Hypertext systems and hypertext markup languages \u200b\u200bsuch as HTML are used to create such encyclopedias. Unlike their paper counterparts, they have additional properties and capabilities:
    • they usually support a convenient search system for keywords and concepts;
    • convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks;
    • the ability to include audio and video clips.
  3. Didactic materials  - collections of tasks, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of essays and essays presented in electronic form, usually in the form of a simple set of text files in doc, txt formats and combined into a logical structure using hypertext tools.
  4. Training programs  perform the functions of didactic materials and can track the progress of the solution and report errors.
  5. Virtual experiment systems  - These are software systems that allow the student to conduct experiments in the “virtual laboratory”. Their main advantage is that they allow the student to conduct such experiments that in reality would be impossible for security reasons, time characteristics, etc. The main drawback of such programs is the natural limitation of the model embedded in them, beyond which the trainee cannot go within the framework of his virtual experiment.
  6. Knowledge control software systems,  which include questionnaires and tests. Their main advantage is a quick, convenient, impartial and automated processing of the results. The main drawback is the inflexible response system that does not allow the test subject to show his creative abilities.
  7. Electronic textbooks and training courses -combine all or several of the above types into a single complex. For example, the trainee is first invited to view the training course (presentation), then put down a virtual experiment based on the knowledge gained when viewing the training course (virtual experiment system). Often, at this stage, the student is also available an electronic reference book / encyclopedia of the course being studied, and in the end he / she must answer a set of questions and / or solve several problems (software knowledge control systems).
  8. Educational games and educational programs  - This is an interactive program with a game script. Performing various tasks during the game, children develop subtle motor skills, spatial imagination, memory and, possibly, gain additional skills, for example, learn to work on the keyboard.

The following types of lessons are distinguished by the method of using information technologies (according to A. Kozlenko):

  1. Lessons in which the computer is used in demo mode - one computer on the teacher's desk + projector;
  2. Lessons in which the computer is used in an individual mode - a lesson in a computer class without access to the Internet;
  3. Lessons in which a computer is used in an individual remote mode - a lesson in a computer class with Internet access.

Computer training tools can be divided into two groups in relation to Internet resources:

  • Means of education on line  apply in real time using Internet resources;
  • Means of education off line  - These are autonomously used tools.

At the initial stage of work, information technologies were introduced at the lessons of assimilation of new knowledge, when it is necessary to use a large amount of visual material.

Then, information technologies began to be introduced at generalizing lessons, when it was important not only to systematize students' knowledge and skills, but also to focus on the most important points of the topic being studied, necessary for studying subsequent topics or courses. When purchasing a mobile computer class, it became possible to use a computer for laboratory work and experiments. The use of this electronic product is possible at all stages of the lesson: testing knowledge, learning new material, fixing material.

In an individual mode, with students who want to study the subject in depth, work is also being carried out with other types of computer tools. These are electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, training programs for exams, which in addition to the result give an explanation and the correct answer, virtual experiment systems, educational games.

In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of study, and a means of training, education, development and diagnosis of learning content, i.e. There are two possible uses of computer technology in the learning process. At the first - the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities leads to an awareness of the capabilities of computer technology, to the formation of skills for their use in solving various problems. In the second, computer technology is a powerful way to increase the efficiency of the organization of the educational process. But today, at least two more functions have been determined: a computer as a means of communication, a computer as a tool in management, and a computer as a developing environment. In the educational process, the simultaneous use of all these areas is important. The existence and interaction of all of them at the same time, not only in the educational, but also in the educational process, leads to the desired result, which society sets before the school.

As a result of the use of information technology, the dynamics of the quality of students' knowledge and an increase in the motivation of learning activities began to be observed.

Information technology in administrative activities.

The use of information technologies in the school’s administrative and managerial activities allows the analysis of the educational situation, monitoring of educational and innovative activities, the operational preparation and release of didactic materials, educational and methodological support, and the automation of the implementation of the main duties of teachers and methodological service .

One of the important tasks that inevitably confronts the head of an educational institution is the transfer of the educational institution management process to paperless technology, which, according to experts in this field, will help get rid of the routine and time-consuming work in office work, planning the educational process.

Currently, educational institutions are introducing software systems designed to help organize administrative activities in a comprehensive school. Information and reference systems have been created that provide regulatory support to education system employees.

The most promising area of \u200b\u200binformatization of organizational, methodological and managerial activities is the use of software products of 1C, Chronobus, FinPromMarket-XXI, Sistema-Program-Service, Cyril and Methodius, etc.

  • “ARM Director” was developed by AVERS (LLC). This program is intended for automation of educational institution management processes, planning and monitoring of educational and educational activities, unification of intra-school and personnel records management, and the solution of many other managerial tasks in an educational institution.
  • Automated information and analytical system ABERS “Schedule”, “Tariffing” is being introduced.
  • The software product “1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0” covers almost all areas of activity of the head of an educational institution. This is a comprehensive solution that allows the administrator to get quick access to information in a common database with the capabilities of a comprehensive analysis and preparation of management decisions.

The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the widespread use of computers in the educational environment, greatly facilitates the process of collecting information for the analysis of educational work, and optimizes the implementation of a systematic approach to school management.

Information technology in the educational process.

Computer technology naturally fits into the life of our school and is another effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the educational process.

Information technologies in the educational system of the school are used in the following areas:

  1. Organization of extracurricular activities, school holidays and concerts, library lessons, classroom hours, creative games.
  2. Project activity.
  3. Establishment of contacts and communication of students and teachers on-line with peers and colleagues from other schools and cities.
  4. The release of the school newspaper "Globe", which is created in the circle of young journalists, the publication of booklets.
  5. Organization of change. The school is divided into specific areas of interest: an assembly hall (karaoke studio), a chess club (Interactive board + electronic chess instructional program), a library (watching popular science and entertainment films), a media library (for those keen on computers).
  6. Circle on computer graphics and animation.

The use of information technology has opened vast horizons in the educational work of the school. Children became active participants in the educational process. They are fluent in a computer, able to navigate in the information space.

Thus, the need for modern IT is so obvious that it does not need evidence.

Information technology in pedagogical and methodological activities.

Computer and information technology have taken a strong place in the activities of methodological leaders. They have become an integral attribute, without which today effective existence and development is unthinkable.

Information support of the school’s methodological service includes the preparation, processing and storage of information, as a result of which a database is formed, with which all users work to one degree or another: the heads of methodical associations, temporary creative teams, the council of curators of the scientific society of students and the school administration. The information blocks created at the school are convenient for creating a feedback system, for deploying a system for collecting proposals, diagnosing team members, and tracking experimental work.

For a number of years, data has been processed from various programs for monitoring and studying the state of work with pedagogical staff: diagnostic cards of teachers, the results of studies of difficulties in the work of teachers and the need for advanced training. Computer software has created the conditions for monitoring in various areas: analysis of didactic tools used by the teacher; characteristics of pedagogical skill; the nature of intra-school communications. Diagnosis of methodological work was aimed at: using criteria and indicators, to obtain information about its impact on the growth of professional level and the development of teachers' creative potential for making decisions on methodological assistance and the inclusion of teachers in pedagogical search. Having studied the actual state of the level of teachers' preparedness, we identified groups of teachers who have difficulties in practical activities, who work creatively, with an established work style, have developed a system of corrective measures, and determined the prospects for professional growth of each employee. The information received was systematized in a database, and an electronic portfolio of each teacher was developed.

Computer software for personnel management contribute to the solution of the following problems: determination of trends in the interaction and mutual influence of various factors in the development of the educational process; revealing the position of each of its participants.


Computer and communication technologies are quite obvious manifestations of the information revolution. Therefore, the interest in them that teachers show, trying to find ways to adapt the school to the modern world, is understandable. An increasing number of parents, teachers and students are convinced that as a result of the knowledge about computers and the acquired skills of working on them, children will be better prepared for life and can successfully achieve material well-being in a changing world.

The school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. The main goal of this adaptation is to teach how to process information, solve problems using computer technology. Such work cannot be done within one year or be the result of the implementation of a project. This is a process that has no end.


  1. Andreev A.A. Computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education. // School technology. 2001. No3.
  2. Butler A.V. The main types of computer training tools. // School technology. 2004. No3.
  3. Saikov B.P. Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. - M .: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005.
  4. Ugrinovich N.D., Novenko D.V. Informatics and information technology: exemplary lesson planning using interactive teaching aids. - M .: School-Press, 1999.


On the topic:The use of information technology in the educational process

Prepared by:Titorenko O. A.

Considered at a meeting of the cyclic commission of socio-economic and vocational disciplines

"_____" ___________________20____ g

Chairman of the Commission __________________ Kazizova B.Sh.

Protocol No. _____

Modern humanity has become involved in a general historical process called informatization. This process includes the accessibility of any citizen to information sources, the penetration of information technology into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information services. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment for society, which ensures the development of human creative potential.

One of the priorities in the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated with the goal of collecting, processing, storage, dissemination and use of information in the interests of its consumers. The goal of informatization is the global intensification of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies: computer and telecommunication.

The main educational value of information technologies is that they allow you to create an immeasurably brighter multi-sensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both the teacher and the student. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only saturating a student with a large amount of knowledge, but also developing students' intellectual, creative abilities, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

"... in the 21st century, digital environments are the natural environments for intellectual work to the same extent as writing has been for centuries before." The administration and teachers of our school fully agree with this statement by the scientist and teacher S. Papert. Therefore, the staff of our school pays great attention to the informatization of education, by which we mean the change in the content, forms and methods of teaching, the whole way of life of the school based on the use of ICT and in integration with traditional education.

To solve this problem, the college has the necessary information and technical resources. The concentration of modern technical teaching aids contributes to the modernization and improvement of the educational process, activates the mental activity of students, promotes the development of creativity of teachers.

The actual tasks of the college today are:

    creation of a unified information environment of an educational institution;

    development of principles and methods of using modern information and communication technologies, their integration into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education.

    analysis and examination, organization of the distribution of pedagogical information through publishing, audiovisual programs, e-mail; organization of information flows;

    the formation and development of the information culture of students, teachers and management personnel.

    training users of a single information system.

Directions for the use of information technology in the work of an educational institution

Information technology in the educational process.

The feasibility of using information technologies in the educational process is determined by the fact that with their help such didactic principles as scientificness, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity of students, an individual approach to training, a combination of methods, forms and means of training, the strength of mastery of knowledge, skills are most effectively implemented and skills, student socialization.

Information technology provides the opportunity:

    rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process;

    to make learning more effective, involving all kinds of sensory perception of the student in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;

    build an open education system that provides each individual with their own learning path;

    involve in the process of active learning categories of children with different abilities and learning styles;

    use specific properties of the computer, allowing to individualize the educational process and turn to a fundamentally new cognitive means;

    to intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technologies is that they allow you to create an immeasurably brighter multi-sensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both the teacher and the student.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information technologies allow not only saturating a student with a large amount of knowledge, but also developing students' intellectual, creative abilities, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

Eight types of computer tools used in training are distinguished based on their functional purpose (according to A. V. Dvoretskaya):

    Presentations   - These are electronic filmstrips, which can include animation, audio and video clips, and interactivity elements. Presentation uses software such as PowerPoint or Open Impress. These computer tools are interesting in that they can be created by any teacher who has access to a personal computer, moreover, with minimal time spent on mastering the means of creating a presentation. The use of presentations expands the range of conditions for the creative activities of students and the psychological growth of personality, developing independence and increasing self-esteem. Presentations are also actively used to present student projects.

    Electronic Encyclopedias   - are analogues of ordinary reference and informational publications - encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc. Hypertext systems and hypertext markup languages \u200b\u200bsuch as HTML are used to create such encyclopedias. Unlike their paper counterparts, they have additional properties and capabilities:

    • they usually support a convenient search system for keywords and concepts;

      convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks;

      the ability to include audio and video clips.

    Didactic materials   - collections of tasks, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of essays and essays presented in electronic form, usually in the form of a simple set of text files in doc, txt formats and combined into a logical structure using hypertext tools.

    Training programs   perform the functions of didactic materials and can track the progress of the solution and report errors.

    Virtual experiment systems   - These are software systems that allow the student to conduct experiments in the “virtual laboratory”. Their main advantage is that they allow the student to conduct such experiments that in reality would be impossible for security reasons, time characteristics, etc. The main drawback of such programs is the natural limitation of the model embedded in them, beyond which the trainee cannot go within the framework of his virtual experiment.

    Knowledge control software systems, which include questionnaires and tests. Their main advantage is a quick, convenient, impartial and automated processing of the results. The main drawback is the inflexible response system that does not allow the test subject to show his creative abilities.

    Electronic textbooks and training courses - combine all or several of the above types into a single complex. For example, the trainee is first invited to view the training course (presentation), then put down a virtual experiment based on the knowledge gained when viewing the training course (virtual experiment system). Often, at this stage, the student is also available an electronic reference book / encyclopedia of the course being studied, and in the end he / she must answer a set of questions and / or solve several problems (software knowledge control systems).

    Educational games and educational programs   - This is an interactive program with a game script. Performing various tasks during the game, children develop subtle motor skills, spatial imagination, memory and, possibly, gain additional skills, for example, learn to work on the keyboard.

The following types of lessons are distinguished by the method of using information technologies (according to A. Kozlenko):

    Lessons in which the computer is used in demo mode - one computer on the teacher's desk + projector;

    Lessons in which the computer is used in an individual mode - a lesson in a computer class without access to the Internet;

    Lessons in which a computer is used in an individual remote mode - a lesson in a computer class with Internet access.

Computer training tools can be divided into two groups in relation to Internet resources:

    Means of educationon line   apply in real time using Internet resources;

    Means of educationoff line   - These are autonomously used tools.

At the initial stage of work, information technologies were introduced at the lessons of assimilation of new knowledge, when it is necessary to use a large amount of visual material.

Then, information technologies began to be introduced at generalizing lessons, when it was important not only to systematize students' knowledge and skills, but also to focus on the most important points of the topic being studied, necessary for studying subsequent topics or courses. When purchasing a mobile computer class, it became possible to use a computer for laboratory work and experiments. The use of this electronic product is possible at all stages of the lesson: testing knowledge, learning new material, fixing material.

In an individual mode, with students who want to study the subject in depth, work is also being carried out with other types of computer tools. These are electronic textbooks and encyclopedias, training programs for exams, which in addition to the result give an explanation and the correct answer, virtual experiment systems, educational games.

In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of study, and a means of training, education, development and diagnosis of learning content, i.e. There are two possible uses of computer technology in the learning process. At the first - the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities leads to an awareness of the capabilities of computer technology, to the formation of skills for their use in solving various problems. In the second, computer technology is a powerful way to increase the efficiency of the organization of the educational process. But today, at least two more functions have been determined: a computer as a means of communication, a computer as a tool in management, and a computer as a developing environment. In the educational process, the simultaneous use of all these areas is important. The existence and interaction of all of them at the same time, not only in the educational, but also in the educational process, leads to the desired result, which society sets before the school.

As a result of the use of information technology, the dynamics of the quality of students' knowledge and an increase in the motivation of learning activities began to be observed.

Information technology in administrative activities.

The use of information technologies in the school’s administrative and managerial activities allows the analysis of the educational situation, monitoring of educational and innovative activities, the operational preparation and release of didactic materials, educational and methodological support, and the automation of the implementation of the main duties of teachers and methodological service .

One of the important tasks that inevitably confronts the head of an educational institution is the transfer of the educational institution management process to paperless technology, which, according to experts in this field, will help get rid of the routine and time-consuming work in office work, planning the educational process.

Currently, educational institutions are introducing software systems designed to help organize administrative activities in a comprehensive school. Information and reference systems have been created that provide regulatory support to education system employees.

The most promising area of \u200b\u200binformatization of organizational, methodological and managerial activities is the use of software products of 1C, Chronobus, FinPromMarket-XXI, Sistema-Program-Service, Cyril and Methodius, etc.

    “ARM Director” was developed by AVERS (LLC). This program is intended for automation of educational institution management processes, planning and monitoring of educational and educational activities, unification of intra-school and personnel records management, and the solution of many other managerial tasks in an educational institution.

    Automated information and analytical system ABERS “Schedule”, “Tariffing” is being introduced.

    The software product “1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0” covers almost all areas of activity of the head of an educational institution. This is a comprehensive solution that allows the administrator to get quick access to information in a common database with the capabilities of a comprehensive analysis and preparation of management decisions.

The emergence of new information technologies, associated with the widespread use of computers in the educational environment, greatly facilitates the process of collecting information for the analysis of educational work, and optimizes the implementation of a systematic approach to school management.

Information technology in the educational process.

Computer technology naturally fits into the life of our school and is another effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the educational process.

Information technologies in the educational system of the school are used in the following areas:

    Organization of extracurricular activities, school holidays and concerts, library lessons, classroom hours, creative games.

    Project activities.

    Establishment of contacts and communication of students and teachers on-line with peers and colleagues from other schools and cities.

    The release of the school newspaper "Globe", which is created in the circle of young journalists, the publication of booklets.

    Organization of change. The school is divided into specific areas of interest: an assembly hall (karaoke studio), a chess club (Interactive board + electronic chess instructional program), a library (watching popular science and entertainment films), a media library (for those keen on computers).

    Circle on computer graphics and animation.

The use of information technology has opened vast horizons in the educational work of the school. Children became active participants in the educational process. They are fluent in a computer, able to navigate in the information space.

Thus, the need for modern IT is so obvious that it does not need evidence.

Information technology in pedagogical and methodological activities.

Computer and information technology have taken a strong place in the activities of methodological leaders. They have become an integral attribute, without which today effective existence and development is unthinkable.

Information support of the school’s methodological service includes the preparation, processing and storage of information, as a result of which a database is formed, with which all users work to one degree or another: the heads of methodical associations, temporary creative teams, the council of curators of the scientific society of students and the school administration. The information blocks created at the school are convenient for creating a feedback system, for deploying a system for collecting proposals, diagnosing team members, and tracking experimental work.

For a number of years, data has been processed from various programs for monitoring and studying the state of work with pedagogical staff: diagnostic cards of teachers, the results of studies of difficulties in the work of teachers and the need for advanced training. Computer software has created the conditions for monitoring in various areas: analysis of didactic tools used by the teacher; characteristics of pedagogical skill; the nature of intra-school communications. Diagnosis of methodological work was aimed at: using criteria and indicators, to obtain information about its impact on the growth of professional level and the development of teachers' creative potential for making decisions on methodological assistance and the inclusion of teachers in pedagogical search. Having studied the actual state of the level of teachers' preparedness, we identified groups of teachers who have difficulties in practical activities, who work creatively, with an established work style, have developed a system of corrective measures, and determined the prospects for professional growth of each employee. The information received was systematized in a database, and an electronic portfolio of each teacher was developed.

Computer software for personnel management contribute to the solution of the following problems: determination of trends in the interaction and mutual influence of various factors in the development of the educational process; revealing the position of each of its participants.


Computer and communication technologies are quite obvious manifestations of the information revolution. Therefore, the interest in them that teachers show, trying to find ways to adapt the school to the modern world, is understandable. An increasing number of parents, teachers and students are convinced that as a result of the knowledge about computers and the acquired skills of working on them, children will be better prepared for life and can successfully achieve material well-being in a changing world.

The school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. The main goal of this adaptation is to teach how to process information, solve problems using computer technology. Such work cannot be done within one year or be the result of the implementation of a project. This is a process that has no end.


    Andreev A.A. Computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education. // School technology. 2001. No3.

    Butler A.V. The main types of computer training tools. // School technology. 2004. No3.

    Saikov B.P. Organization of the information space of an educational institution: a practical guide. - M .: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005.

    Ugrinovich N.D., Novenko D.V. Informatics and information technology: exemplary lesson planning using interactive teaching aids. - M .: School-Press, 1999.

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