Terminate the contract with beeline for home internet. Review of home Internet from the beeline operator

Appendix Order No. 000 / 15Р dated 01.01.2001

Equipment lease offer agreement

to the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "

Public Joint Stock Company "Vympel-Communications", created and operating in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and located at the address: Russian Federation, 127083, building 14 (hereinafter - " Operator") Hereby offers to an individual (hereinafter -" Subscriber") Conclude an Equipment Lease Agreement (hereinafter -" Lease contract") By means of the Subscriber's acceptance of this public offer on the following conditions:

1. To provide the Subscriber with television broadcasting services over a cable network (hereinafter - "Services"), the Operator provides the Subscriber for a fee for temporary possession and use of a set of equipment (hereinafter - "Equipment"), which the Operator owns on a legal basis and whose specification is given in the Act reception / transfer of equipment, and the Subscriber pays rent to the Operator in the amount, in the manner and on the terms established by this Lease Agreement.

2. The Operator transfers to the Subscriber's possession and use the Equipment at the Subscriber's premises (place of transfer) located at the address specified in the Equipment Acceptance / Transfer Act.

3. The cost of rent (rent) of the Equipment, the calculation of the duration of which starts from the date of signing by the Parties of the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the Equipment, is set in the Tariff plan for communication services selected by the Subscriber.

4. The equipment is provided with a Technical Description and is transferred to the Subscriber in working order. The operating condition is checked during the transfer of the equipment before signing the Equipment Acceptance Certificate. The equipment is leased for the entire term of the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "and / or this Lease Agreement.

5. The Subscriber uses the Equipment in accordance with its purpose and purpose specified in clause 1 of this Lease Agreement, bears the costs of its maintenance and its maintenance in working order.

6. Payment is made by the Operator debiting lease payments from the Subscriber's Personal Account, created in accordance with clause 3.4 of the Agreement on the provision of Beeline communication services, from the moment the Equipment was transferred by the Operator to the Subscriber and until the Subscriber returned the Equipment to the Operator, which is confirmed by the signing of the relevant Acceptance / Transfer Acts equipment. The Subscriber agrees to use for settlements under the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "and this Agreement for the lease of a single Personal account. In the event of a shortage of funds on the Personal Account, first of all, the rent is written off under this Lease Agreement, and secondly, the money as payment for services under the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV ". The Subscriber agrees that, upon his request, he will be given the total balance of funds in the Personal Account or rent arrears.

7. In the event of a temporary suspension of the provision of the Operator's Services to the Subscriber under the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "or refusal of the Subscriber from other services provided for by the Agreement on the provision of communication services" Home Internet "and" Home digital television "Beeline TV", the Subscriber's obligations under this Lease Agreement are not suspended, rent payments are debited from the Subscriber's Personal Account in full.

8. In the absence of the required amount of funds on the Subscriber's Personal account to write off the rent, the Subscriber's debt is recorded on the Personal account. In the event of a negative balance on the Subscriber's Personal Account, the Subscriber undertakes to repay the debt no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the debt formation.

9. If, after 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of formation of the debt, the Subscriber does not pay it off, the Operator has the right to unilaterally terminate this Lease Agreement and demand the return of the Equipment. The rent is charged for the entire period until the return of the Equipment in accordance with clause 11 of the Lease Agreement.

10. In case of termination of this Lease Agreement, the Subscriber is obliged to pay off the outstanding debt and return the Equipment to the Operator at the time of termination of the Lease Agreement in full set; in a marketable condition (subject to normal wear and tear); in good condition or without signs of external or internal mechanical, humidity, chemical, temperature effects on the Equipment.

In the event that the termination of the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "occurs in accordance with clause 3.11. Of the Agreement on the provision of Beeline communication services, the Subscriber undertakes to return the Equipment to the Operator within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of termination of the Agreement on the provision of Beeline communication services. In case of non-return of the equipment, the Operator has the right to collect a penalty from the Subscriber in the amount of 1% of the cost of the equipment for each day of delay, but not more than the cost of the Equipment specified in clause 12 of this Lease Agreement.

11. The return of the Equipment is made by the Subscriber's forces and means at the Operator's offices. Information about the addresses and working hours of the offices is posted on the Operator's website.

12. In case of failure to return the Equipment in accordance with the terms of this Lease Agreement or return of the non-working Equipment, the Subscriber shall pay the Operator the amount indicated on the Operator's Website at the time of the return of the equipment.

13. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Subscriber of the obligation to pay for the Services or return the Equipment within the terms provided for by this Lease Agreement, the Operator has the right to take measures provided for by law to collect the amount of debt or equipment from the Subscriber, including by involving third parties specified in clause 3.14 Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV ". At the same time, the provision to these third parties of information obtained under this Lease Agreement and necessary for the collection of debt or equipment does not violate the provisions of this Lease Agreement and the current legislation on disclosing secrets of communication or on personal data and confidential information.

14. With the consent of the Subscriber, any information contained in the Subscriber's credentials, as well as in the documents requested by the Operator, can be verified at any time by the Operator directly or with the help of third parties specified in clause 13 of this Lease Agreement.

15. In the event of equipment failure through no fault of the Operator (that is, if there are signs of external or internal mechanical, humidity, chemical, temperature effects on the Equipment, etc.), the Equipment is repaired at the expense of the Subscriber in a service center authorized by the Operator or the Equipment manufacturer. ... In case of impossibility of repair, the Subscriber pays the amount specified in clause 12 of this Lease Agreement.

16. The Subscriber is not entitled to sublet the Equipment, transfer his rights and obligations under this Lease Agreement to third parties, pledge the leased rights, independently repair the Equipment, use the Equipment not for the purpose of obtaining the Services provided by the Operator.

17. The Operator is not responsible for interruptions in the provision of Services in the event that the Subscriber loses the Equipment or malfunctions through no fault of the Operator.

18. In the event that any disputes or disagreements arise between the Operator and the Subscriber related to this Lease Agreement or the fulfillment or non-fulfillment by any party of the obligations under the Lease Agreement, disputes are resolved in accordance with clause 6.6. Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV ".

19. This Lease Agreement is concluded by the Subscriber's acceptance of this public offer by signing the Equipment Acceptance / Transfer Act by the Subscriber and the Operator or a person authorized by the Operator. When signing the Equipment Acceptance and Transfer Certificates, as well as performing other actions in pursuance of the Agreement, including when issuing an invoice / invoice, the Operator has the right to use the facsimile method of reproducing the signature using mechanical or other copying.

20. This Lease Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement on the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home digital television" Beeline TV "posted on the Site www. beeline. ru. The terms of this Lease Agreement are established by the Operator independently in accordance with the current legislation, are a public offer for subscribers who have entered into an Agreement for the provision of communication services "Home Internet" and "Home Digital TV" Beeline TV ", and regulate the relationship between the Subscriber and the Operator when using rental services and television broadcasting via cable.

21. In all other respects that are not stipulated by the terms of this Lease Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement on the provision of Beeline communication services and the current legislation of the Russian Federation apply.

22. Location and mailing address of the Operator:

RF, building 14,

Account: 40702810600700474305

Beneficiary's bank: Citibank in Moscow

Corr. account 30101810300000000202

In case you do not have time to go to the office of the company, then there is an opportunity to fill out a special form and it in electronic form. After that, you will receive a notification that. To receive an application form, send a special request to [email protected] .

Also, if you won't be sim- " Beeline"for more than 6 months, the contract will be terminated unilaterally automatically (that is, without visiting the office" Beeline"or - an application for termination), this is stated in the contract of the telecom operator.


  • internet beeline agreement

One way management an apartment building is the transfer of these rights to the management company. At the same time, a corresponding agreement is concluded in accordance with the provisions of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Validity contract can be from 1 to 5 years, while the owners of the premises of the house have the right to terminate it early.


Explore the conditions contract management... In some cases, it may provide for the procedure for terminating the agreement. For example, owners of premises must send written notification of their intentions to the management company (MC). Upon the expiration of the specified period, the contract is considered terminated and residents have the right to choose a new UK.

Sign the termination agreement contract by agreement of the parties. In this case, all owners of the premises of the house and the Criminal Code must give their consent to this procedure without any disputes and conflicts. In this case, the procedure for the transfer of rights must be observed management a new management company, which must receive technical documentation for the house, funds for major and current repairs, as well as funds to pay for the supplied resources.

Terminate the contract on the basis of Article 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which takes into account significant changes in circumstances that were accepted when the parties entered into an agreement. In other words, the new situation must change so dramatically that the parties simply were not able to foresee it. In this case, the contract is terminated by mutual agreement or by a court decision.

Refer to article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the owners of premises have the right to organize a general meeting and decide to change the method management ... Draw up the minutes of the meeting, on the basis of which you require the Criminal Code to terminate the contract management... In case of refusal, apply to the court with a statement of claim.

Document the violations committed by the management company. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contract can be terminated if one of the parties violated its terms, which entailed the deprivation of the rights of the other party, which it had the right to count on when concluding the agreement.

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Tip 3: How to terminate a non-residential lease agreement

Terminate contract lease uninhabited premises possible upon expiration of the lease term, by agreement of both parties or at the initiative of one party. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with all legal aspects of the current legislation, in particular Articles No. 451, 452, 453, 618, 619, 629 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • - a letter with a list of attachments and notification;
  • - application to the court.


Premises are possible by mutual agreement between the lessor and the tenant. At the same time, if a mutual agreement is reached and neither of the parties is against terminating the relationship under the contract early, then the contract can be terminated without prior warning and without any additional conditions.

If you wish to terminate the lease agreement for non-residential premises unilaterally, the conditions for early termination of the lease must be specified in the agreement itself. If there are no clauses on early termination of the contract, then they follow from the current legislation. It is necessary to notify the landlord or tenant in writing about the early termination of the contract by sending a registered order with a list of attachments and delivery notification. This should be done no later than two months before the termination of the contract.

Without warning, you can unilaterally terminate the contract only by a court order. A sufficient reason for a positive court decision will be: - the use of the premises for other purposes specified in the contract; - late payment of rent payments; - damage to property; - transfer of the premises to sublease by the owner; - violation of any; - other grounds that the court deems sufficient for termination of the contract.


  • non-residential lease termination agreement

Contracts for the regulation of any transactions, which can be called both employment and the provision of any services, they are usually divided into two types: urgent and indefinite. And it is this point that is of great practical importance in jurisprudence. Indeed, depending on what form was used when signing, it also depends on how it can be terminated. The main problems with the termination of these documents arise when it is necessary to terminate an open-ended contract.


If you are going to terminate an open-ended contract, remember that you cannot terminate it. It's not for nothing that it is called indefinite. According to article 699 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can only withdraw from your agreement.

You need to hedge yourself in advance - even when signing the document: include a clause in it indicating the period for which the parties can notify each other of the termination of the unlimited contract. As a rule, it fluctuates within one month.

In order to send a notification, you need to draw up the appropriate paper in writing. Be sure to sign it. Then you can use the services of regular mail. Send your notification by email notification. The date when the addressee receives your message and signs it, and will be the one from which you need to count.

However, if your agreement states that it is impossible to terminate it voluntarily on the initiative of one of the parties, then you can go to court on this issue. For example, in the event of improper performance by the other party of its obligations under the contract. To do this, you need to collect evidence confirming the non-fulfillment of certain points of the contract, find suitable witnesses and draw up a competent statement of claim.

In court, you can terminate an open-ended contract even unilaterally. For example, if the other party did not appear at the meeting. In this case, a copy of the minutes of the court session will be sent to the second party by mail.

Alternatively, you can terminate an open-ended contract by agreement of the parties. To do this, you need to agree with your opponent on the most convenient way to end your business relationship. Consider all options. You may be able to offer some compensation as compensation. Or you will agree on the future on other issues. In this case, if the signed agreement does not suit both parties at once, it will be much easier to negotiate.

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Home Internet Beeline is a convenient service from one of the most popular operators, which provides the subscriber with many opportunities and favorable tariffs. This is a high-speed connection provided using FTTB (over fiber optic) technology. This enables the subscriber to receive a high data exchange rate, reaching 100 Mbit / s.

Unlimited home Internet Beeline, which can be controlled using a personal account, has the following advantages:

  • availability of unlimited access to the network;
  • convenient management and prompt receipt of information about all current Beeline tariffs;
  • connection using Wi-Fi via a router or special adapter;
  • the ability to maintain access to services, including mobile communications, even if the balance has reached a negative value;
  • high level of protection using the latest version of Kaspersky Lab (only 69 rubles / month);
  • the ability to connect any services and services;
  • the ability to quickly pay for the Internet Beeline with a bank card online or through the terminal.

In addition, the subscriber has round-the-clock support of technical specialists who will tell you how to set up a Beeline home Internet, resolve issues with communication problems or reissue an address.

Archive tariff plans

Home Internet from Beeline offers lucrative plans that change regularly. Old packages go to the archive, they are replaced by new proposals. For example, home internet with a TV connection for only 1 ruble. This tariff has been replaced by a more interesting one - the provision of Internet and digital television services for free. But this is only a connection, for the volume of specific services, for example, speed and traffic, you will have to pay separately.

Once again, tariff offers, including home Internet and TV, changed in mid-2017. Such packages as "All for 301" and the like have been replaced by a very favorable tariff "All in one".

How to connect home Internet Beeline? First of all, you should dial the operator's number 0611 and clarify whether it is possible to conduct a fiber-optic cable for a specific address. The same information can be obtained on the operator's website internet.beeline.ru when choosing the second option, the following steps must be followed:

  • go to the specified page;
  • go to the tab "Home Internet", then go to "How to connect home Internet";
  • then you need to click on the "Right now!" button, choose your address where you need to connect the Internet;
  • if there is a possibility of connection, the inscription “your house is connected to the Home Internet” will appear;
  • if there is no ready-made connection, you can apply for connection by filling out a special form on the same website.

Beeline wireless home internet

Beeline wireless home Internet can be connected by visiting the nearest office of the operator or dealers. The consultants will familiarize you with all the current tariffs, offered services and prices, help you choose the best option. After choosing a suitable package, you will be asked to sign a standard contract.

If it is not possible to visit the office, then all actions to conclude an agreement can be performed online. This will require the following steps:

  • after checking the availability of the service at a specific address (it must be indicated on the website), you must fill out an application for connection, indicating the full address and contact information;
  • in the event that the connection is available at the specified address, you must fill out the appropriate form with the name and telephone number for communication;
  • within a few days the operator will contact the subscriber, who will clarify the details of the service, agree on the most convenient time for connection.

You can also pay for home Internet Beeline online. For this, various methods are used, for example, or the auto-replenishment service, when the balance drops to the minimum mark. You can also pay for home Internet Beeline at any nearest office of the operator.

How to disconnect home Internet from Beeline

How to turn off home Internet Beeline during vacation? This can be done through the Subscriber's Personal Account on the official website or by dialing the operator's number. Blocking is offered for up to 90 days, after which the service can be renewed. If you want to turn off the Internet completely, you need to dial the operator's number 8-800-700-8378 and specify in which nearest office you can write a statement to terminate the service agreement.

When disconnecting, all the equipment provided (usually only a router) will have to be handed over, but the equipment that came as a gift remains with the subscriber. In case of relocation, you can check the specified Beeline number if it is possible to connect to the Internet at the new address. The renewal service is provided free of charge, but only if it is possible to connect. Otherwise, the contract is terminated.

Home Internet from Beeline - tariffs

Beeline's tariff plans are diverse, a full list can be found on the operator's official website. One of the most popular tariff plans from Beeline is Internet and home TV for 1 rub.

Such a package can be connected together with any tariff for cellular communication, the cost per month will be equal to 1 ruble, but you will have to pay for some additional services. For example, a tariff with 5 GB of Internet, 300 SMS and 550 minutes of calls will cost 500 rubles, there are packages for 800, 1200 or 1500 rubles, where the volume of services provided will be more proportional to the price.

The Beeline package, which includes Internet and home TV, is the most popular, the user is offered 233 popular channels, but only on condition that a plan is ordered at a cost of 1200 rubles. For those who want to connect only home Internet from Beeline, the following packages are offered:

  • internet + router, speed up to 60 Mbit / s, cost - 500 rubles;
  • internet + router, up to 100 Mbps, cost - 750 rubles;
  • home internet, up to 60 Mbps, cost - 450 rubles;
  • home internet, up to 100 Mbps, cost - 600 rubles.
For the last two tariffs, it is proposed to purchase a WiFi router by installments, payment - 100 rubles / month.

You can connect the Beeline home Internet by selecting the required tariff plan and the volume of services on the website. If you need help connecting or your home Internet does not work, you can dial.

For subscribers of the mobile operator Beeline, absolutely all conditions are provided for the comfortable use of tariffs, services and options. This can be argued, since the operator offers all kinds of ways to manage their tariff plans and the functions of disconnecting / connecting services.

One of these handy options is "Voluntary blocking". Surely many owners of home Internet from Beeline not only heard about it, but also used it. After all, it makes it possible to save money. How does the service work?

For example, you are going to live all summer in the country and take a break from all the technical possibilities of the XXI century (TV, tablet, Internet, etc.). Or you have to move and you won't need to use the Internet for this time. Or, most likely, you are going on vacation. Just for such cases, there is a voluntary blocking from Beeline. It allows a home Internet subscriber to disconnect it for a period of no more than 90 days at absolutely no cost. And then also connect the Internet back.

Connecting and disconnecting voluntary blocking

You can do this in just a couple of minutes from your personal account by going to the official Beeline website. If there is no personal account, we strongly recommend that you create it for your convenience in using services and options in the future. Having entered the office, find the "Internet" section and the "Voluntary blocking" option in it - enable it. And how to remove the voluntary blocking when you come from vacation? In the same way, go to your personal account, section "Internet" and turn it off. Everything is very simple and fast, as you may have noticed.

It is important to remember that if you have connected a voluntary blocking of the Internet to your Beeline number, and after 90 days you simply forgot to turn it off, then the Internet will start operating itself, provided that the balance on the account is positive. By the way, you can activate the service only with a positive balance. Let us remind you once again: the very fact of enabling / disabling the option is absolutely free.

There are two important points a client needs to know:

  1. If you are a user of a set-top box, then keep in mind that this option does not apply to it. But if it is connected to the “Rent for 0” tariff, then you can suspend it for 60 days.
  2. If you have already activated the option, its action has passed or you yourself have connected the Internet again, then you can re-enable the "Voluntary blocking" at least in 30 days.

Not every person wants to independently go through the path of connecting the service. And here the Beeline operator comes to the rescue. By calling which number 0611 or 0622 , the subscriber can voice his question or request regarding communication services. The efficiency of Beeline's actions was appreciated by thousands of customers throughout Russia. The only thing you must be prepared for is that the operator can request your passport data or a code word, you must provide them to him. The same conditions apply if you contact a Beeline employee at the company's office with this request. In case you do not have the opportunity to come to the office, and you prefer to do everything yourself, but for some technical reason you still cannot activate the "Voluntary blocking", technical support will come to your aid - call the toll-free number 8-800-700-8000.

Due to the high competition in the Internet providers market, many users change their preferences. In such cases, you must disconnect the old provider and connect the new one. Also, you may need to disconnect from the Internet when moving or taking a long trip. How to disconnect from the Internet Beeline is a fairly popular question.

Your steps to disconnect from your home Internet

To disconnect from the Internet, Beeline will have to go to their office and apply for disconnection. Unfortunately, this is the only way to apply. If by the time of application you have no funds left in your account, then everything will be quite simple. If there is money left there, then they will be returned to your bank account or mobile account (only for Beeline subscribers), some time after the disconnection. At the same time, if, on the contrary, there is a debt on the account, then it must be repaid. This can be done right in the process of writing an application in the office itself.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask !!!

How to turn off home Internet Beeline

It should be noted that the account balance will not be given to you in cash. The rest of the money can only be received on a mobile or bank account. It is also worth considering that if you do not withdraw the money immediately, then over time they will become the property of the Beeline company (in about 3 years). Therefore, despite the rather long period, it is better to indicate your data immediately.

How to save money if you plan to go on vacation

Also, a situation often arises when the apartment is empty (for example, when leaving on vacation), and the money for the Internet still continues to go. To save funds, there is a voluntary blocking of the account. The service itself is completely free, so it is definitely beneficial to use it.

So, what does the Beeline provider offer with the "Voluntary blocking" service?

Blocking can be carried out for up to 90 days, during which the subscription fee will not be charged from the account.
Blocking can be done in two ways:
- through your personal account on the Beeline website (it will remain available even during blocking). In your personal account, go to the Internet tab, then to Service management. On the control tab you will find a button "Temporary Internet blocking". There, it remains to enter the blocking period and press ok.
- by calling Beeline technical support at "88007008000", where they will explain in detail the rules for using the service and activate it.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is relevant at the time of this writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact the official operators.
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