Enabling the Wi-Fi adapter on the tablet. Checking the network parameters of the router. Password problems

The iPad tablet can connect to the Internet either via a WiFi module or via a 3G module. The 3G module is present in more expensive models, so setting up a connection via WiFi is simply more profitable.

How to connect the tablet to WiFi (Wi-Fi)? For this, you can use a regular router. The router must be connected to home network the Internet. After that, create a unique password for Wi-Fi and set up an Internet connection on the router. The password should only consist of latin letters and numbers, the number of characters from 6 to 8. After you configure the network, you can connect the router to your ISP.

On iPad tablet you can set up a WiFi connection in several points:

  • Select Settings
  • Select WiFi from the menu and switch to ON
  • In the Join a Network list, you need to select your wireless network
  • If the network is secure, then enter your password

After that, the tablet should connect to wi-Fi networks... Your tablet may not support all WiFi standards (11n, 11g) and not all encryption standards. You may still have to turn off geolocation in the tablet.

How to transfer files between tablet and computer over Wi-Fi

If you need to connect a tablet and a computer (laptop) via WiFi only to transfer files to each other, then you can do the following. For example, for Android tablet you need to download the On Air program from the Android market.

After starting this program, it will be possible to select ftp mode for transferring files. For a computer, you can download and install free ftp manager.

You need to configure this manager (enter the password and login) and then on the computer in the manager window you can see all the files of the tablet. Front ftp connection the manager needs to select ftp mode in the On Air program on the tablet, then the connection should be correct.

So you can connect your tablet to Wi-Fi to connect to your computer.

TO wifi networks, first of all, you need to turn on the wireless connection. To do this, open the settings and enable the wifi module. The settings are slightly different depending on the type operating systeminstalled on your.

If you have preferred iPad, then you should open the first screen, then go to "Settings", select "wifi" (at the very top). By turning on the "lever", you will immediately see the list available networks.

The principle of operation is approximately the same in tablets on which the Android platform is installed. To enable the connection module, you also need to go to Settings and select Wireless Connections.

After turning on the connection, you will see a list of available networks. For a successful connection, you just have to choose the network you need. If next to the wifi icon there is a lock, then this network is protected by a password, without which it will not be possible to connect to it. If there is no "lock", then the network is open and you can connect to it without hindrance.

There are times when you know for sure that there is a network at your location, but it is not automatically found. This is where the manual network addition function comes in handy. To do this, select "Other" (in iOS) or "Add network" (in Android), then enter the network name, security settings (usually WPA / WPA2 PSK) and password.

Pay attention to the additional settings. IPad has a "Confirm Connection" button. If you press it, then every time you try to connect to an access point to which you have already connected, the device will ask you for permission. This is inconvenient for a home network, but if you once connected to a cafe and no longer want to, this function will be very useful.

If you wish, the device can "forget" the network to which it was connected. Then, when you try again, you will have to re-enter the password.

Wifi connection at home

A home wifi network is very convenient and allows you to perform the same operations as on a computer at a comparable speed. Using special applications, you can chat with friends on VKontakte or watch on YouTube without getting up from the couch.

Anyone who has a connection at home can create a home point. To do this, you need to purchase a router and configure it according to the instructions.

To secure your connection, you need to register.

You can connect several devices to one access point: laptops, tablets, phones, etc.

Wifi connection in public areas

Away from home, you can also use the wifi network. Now almost all cafes and restaurants, many shops, shopping centers, museums and other places have points access wifi... They are usually open. If a password is set for them, you can get it from the administrators.

Please note that open networks create vulnerabilities for your data. Under no circumstances use the Internet Bank via open wifi networks. Also, you do not need, having connected to the Internet via open wifi, enter passwords, logins and other secret data on sites.

Use email and social media with caution while connected to open wifi... If you often have to do this, then in the settings social networks and mail servers (where possible) you should specify that you always use a secure connection.

If you have an Android tablet, then most likely it will have a built-in wi-Fi module... I have never seen a tablet without Wi-Fi, even the cheapest chinese models equipped with this type wireless.

The instruction will be presented in two parts, first, the modem / router is configured, then - connecting the tablet to the point wi-Fi access... If you have been using this technology for a long time, but do not only know how to set up Wi-Fi on your tablet, you can skip the first part and proceed directly to the second.

Part 1. Enabling Wi-Fi on a modem or router

I assume that you have no idea at all what this "Wi-Fi" is, how to turn it on and how to use it. If I'm right, then you did the right thing to start reading the article from here, from the first part. I repeat, if you have everything set up for a long time, you use Wi-Fi on a laptop, then read part 2.

Before using home wifi on your tablet, you need to enable it on your modem. I hope your modem can create Wi-Fi networks. To make sure of this, read the instructions for the modem or look at its characteristics on the website. Look for words like "802.11" or "Wi-Fi" there. The easiest way to find out is to find a light indicator on the modem with the inscription "WLAN". If it is, then there is Wi-Fi.

Connect to the Internet, and in the browser (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) open the address

If you do not know what to write here, try to find out this data from the one who set up the Internet for you or from the one who sold you this modem. Alternatively, you can contact your Internet service provider.

Further steps depend on your modem model. You need to find a menu item with a name like "WLAN" or "Wireless Lan". Search on the left in the menu. Check the box next to "Active Wireless LAN" or "Enable". Set the network security type to "WPA2-PSK". Specify the name of your Wi-Fi network in the "SSID" field and enter the password of your network in the "Pre-Shared Key" field. Click the "Apply" or "Submit" button to save the settings.

But that is not all. We go to the DHCP settings (this thing somehow distributes IP addresses to everyone who connects to the network). Depending on the model of the modem, these settings can be in a variety of places. The screenshot shows the possible location of such settings. Although in my modem from Zyxel they are hidden under the Network -\u003e LAN -\u003e DHCP Setup path. Enable DHCP, if disabled, by switching the checkbox to Enable. If DHCP is enabled, read the next paragraph. If there are no checkmarks, but there is a list, select the Server item opposite the DHCP item. After turning on, restart the modem (this can be done as in the modem settings interface, in which you are now actually located, or simply by pressing the button on the modem).

Part 2. Connecting the tablet via Wi-Fi

It remains only to connect the tablet to the newly created network. The actions will depend on the version of Android on your tablet. If you have version 4 and higher, right in the settings, the first Wi-Fi item. We include. If you have Android version 3, you also need to go to the settings item wireless connections... And there already turn on Wi-Fi.

After the device thinks, it will show you a list with found networks. Choose the network that you created in the 1st part (this network will be named as you named it in the "SSID" field), or which you already have and to which you have been connecting your laptop for a long time. Next, you will be asked to enter a password for her. Again, enter the password that you specified in the "Pre-Shared Key" field. After all the steps, the tablet should connect to the network, which you will recognize by the antenna icon that appears next to the clock.

Part 3. Endless IP address acquisition ...

The most frequent problem, which appears to users when connecting the tablet via Wi-Fi, is the constant inscription "Obtaining an IP address". Its connection does not go further. There are several solutions to this problem:

Rename the Wi-Fi network to English. As suggested in the comments, sometimes tablets do not connect to networks with Russian letters in their names.

Enable DHCP Server... How to enable it, read above, in the 1st part of this article at the very end.

Changing the encryption type of a Wi-Fi network... You can change the type of protection in the settings wi-Fi security (this is where you set the password and network name). Try to set some other value in the highlighted items. Fear not, you won't mess up the modem with your experiments. Restart the modem for the changes to take effect.

Manually register IP addresses and DNS servers in the connection settings on the tablet... When connected to a Wi-Fi network, in the window where you are asked to enter the password, open the advanced settings menu. And there you will select IP Settings -\u003e Custom. In the IP address field, enter your address, it looks like 192.168.1. *** (for example - In the Gateway field, enter or (check with your right-hand driver). And it remains to enter the DNS, which are different for everyone, but which can also be obtained from your Internet provider.

An uncomplicated video on connecting an Android tablet to the Internet via Wi-Fi:

Tablet computers, which are gaining popularity among mobile portable computing devices, are primarily created by development companies to meet the user's need for web surfing. Naturally, in addition to this, they have a large number of opportunities, are able to provide the most different possibilities to their owners in the field of games and entertainment, they can perform the functions of many other mobile gadgets, such as telephones, navigators, media players. But, nevertheless, the first question that arises for the newly-made owners of tablet devices is: how to connect the tablet to the Internet?

There are several ways to accomplish this task. Their choice depends, first of all, on the tablet model, its technical characteristics, as well as from the operating system on which this gadget is based. And an important role in this matter is played by the telecom operator chosen by the owner of the device.

Internet access on a tablet

Connection options

Wi-Fi connection

Perhaps any more or less decent model is equipped with such a method of wireless communication as Wi-Fi. Even the most inexpensive Chinese variants have such a built-in module. Undoubtedly this makes it the most popular way to surf the web.

Owners of devices based on Android OS can connect their tablet to the already existing network Wi-Fi. Their actions will depend on the version of the operating system that supports the operation of their device. If it is Android 4.0 and higher, then immediately in the settings you need to select the first Wi-Fi item and turn it on. If this is Android 3.0, then you need to go to the settings for wireless connections, and then turn on Wi-Fi.

Setting up a wireless network

After activating Wi-Fi, the device will offer a list consisting of the names of all it found wireless networks... The user just needs to choose the one from which he knows the password, or the network with open access... Next, a dialog box will appear in which you must enter the password for the selected network.

Entering the network password

After all these manipulations, the tablet will be able to connect to the network. If this process was successful, an antenna icon should appear next to the clock.

The next time you connect to the network, the user will no longer need to enter the password, since the Android OS remembers it automatically.

Possible connection problems

Quite often, when a user wants to connect his tablet to the Internet via Wi-Fi, he has the following problem: the phrase "Obtaining an IP address." This does not go any further, so the owner needs to know possible ways solutions to this problem:

  • Change the name of the Wi-Fi network to English;
  • DHCP server enable;
  • Change the type of encryption of the Wi-Fi network;
  • Registering the IP address and DNS server manually in the connection settings.

Changing the encryption type of a Wi-Fi network

It is also important to make sure that the user is not blocked by MAC address. If it is present, you just need to add the MAC address in the modem settings to the list of exceptions.

Internet through a cellular operator

Another common option for connecting your tablet to the Internet is the following method. It's also pretty easy to use. It is based on the same principle as when working with mobile phones... A SIM card is inserted into the gadget in the corresponding slot. Then the tablet turns on, and the "Data transfer" item is selected in the settings. Many telecom operators immediately send an SMS message with Internet settings. But, in addition to this, all these instructions can be read on the official websites of telecom operators, which is recommended, since the official resources have the most relevant data, in our article the data could be out of date.

Almost all of them look the same - you need to register an access point. For example, you can do it like this:

APN (access point): internet.life.com.by.

For Android 4.0 and higher, you need to go to Settings-Wireless & networks-More. There select the item " Mobile network", Then" Access points (APN) "and here you can set a new point with operator parameters.

Access point setting

Connection via 3G modem

In this method, the user should keep in mind that not all 3G modems can be connected to tablet devices. This point follows from some design features of modems. Moreover, not all gadgets may have USB ports or MicroUSB ports for organizing this type of connection.

It is important to know that if there is a MicroUSB port on the tablet device, the user will need an OTG cable to implement a network connection.

When all the conditions are met, the user first connects the modem to the computer. This step installs all drivers and applications. Further in options mobile client on the PC, you need to disable the PIN code check.

Disable PIN

Then you need to switch the modem to "Modem only" mode. If this is not done, then the tablet will recognize the modem as a flash card, and no more.

Change the modem mode

Next, go to the tablet's network settings by checking the box next to the "Data transfer" and "3G" items. Next, you need to insert the modem into the tablet and wait a little, while the modem should blink. Then you need to click "APN Access Points". A new point is created here and data for Internet access is entered. After that, you need to save all the changes. You can make sure that a new point has been created by determining its activity, and it is indicated in green.

Mobile operators settings window

Cable connection

To provide the Internet on the tablet, you will need a USB cable from the device and the Android SDK program. It is a very easy-to-use emulator designed for Android mobile platforms. With its help, access to the system part of the firmware is carried out for its subsequent change, and the owner can receive root rights.

Window android programs SDK

After downloading the program, the user needs to follow a series of steps:

  • Install the Android SDK program on your computer;
  • Allow him to share the network with other devices (in the Control Panel, select the "Network and Internet" item, in it "Network and Sharing Center", then "Management network connections", In the window that appears, select" Internet Connection ", right-click on it, and open the connection properties, go to the" General access"And tick the box" Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection ");
  • To prepare the tablet itself for connection in its settings, you need to select the "For Developers" section and activate the "Debugging via USB" mode (to do this, check the box next to it);
  • Connect both devices with a USB cable.

It is important to know that if Windows prompts you to install drivers, you must agree with this and wait for them to be installed.

  • Restart the computer, and again connect the tablet via USB;
  • Next, you need to find the AndroidTool.exe application in the list of available files and run it.

Android Reverse Tethering window

Here, to activate the search for connected devices, you must press button 1 "Refresh". Then, when the search is complete, the tablet device ID will appear in the “Select a device” section. Next, in the "Select DNS to use" list, select the second DNS address from the top and press button 3 "Connect". If successful, the user will find the words “Connection Done” at the end of the text, and his computer will start distributing the Internet via a USB cable.

It is important to know that this way requires root access in the model connected to the computer.

Ethernet connection

This method is rather unusual, and is used if the user needs the most fast internet on a tablet gadget. To implement this option, you need a USB-RJ45 adapter

Ethernet cable

Installing root rights

Root rights are required to install the above program. Download and install the Ginger break program on the tablet, launch it, and in the main window, click "Root device".

Ruth is right

Video instruction for connecting the Internet

Wireless wi-Fi technology has long gained wide popularity, so almost every smartphone or tablet can connect to such a network. This is very convenient, since you just need to find the desired access point, enter the password and use the Internet. This article will discuss what to do if Lenovo tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Description of the problem

When connected Android devices to the Wi-Fi network, the message “Saved, WPA / WPA2 Security” usually appears. In some cases, even with this notification, there is no Internet on the tablet and you need to somehow solve the problem. We will talk about this below.

Why isn't Wi-Fi working?

If your browser does not open web pages after you connect your tablet to the hotspot, there are several steps to take to try and fix the problem. The problem may be as in wrong settings, and in the router itself.


Below are the main methods that should help solve the problem. Let's get straight to the point.

If a Lenovo tablet or phone successfully connects to Wi-Fi and a corresponding notification appears on the screen, then you can try to restart the router. Sometimes after that, the pages in the browser start to open, which means everything works correctly.

Wrong password

Everything is simple here. If, when connecting to an access point, the message "Wrong password" appears, etc., then the entered combination is not correct. If the password is entered correctly, then you need to use one of the solutions described below.

An error in Wi-Fi operation often occurs due to a wrong region in the settings. To change the region, you need to go to the device web interface. If you do not know how to open the settings of the router, then read the instructions (it is usually located in the packing box of the router).

Let's consider the process of changing the region using the example of a router from the manufacturer TP-Link. You need to open the "Wireless mode" tab and select the required country in the "Region" item. Do not forget to confirm the saving of the new settings with the dedicated button.

Wi-Fi network operation mode

The router may operate in a mode that is not supported on Lenovo gadgets. There are 3 modes in total: b / g / n. The main difference is the speed of sending data. B is the slowest mode, g is the medium, n is the fastest mode.

Changing the operating mode can solve the wi-fi problem. After changing the settings, you need to restart the router and Wi-Fi on the tablet.

Tablet does not see Wi-Fi

It may well be that the router is turned on and working properly, but the phone or tablet does not see the access point. In this case, it is necessary to check the settings - this is one of the main reasons for the incorrect wi-Fi operation... You may need to change the operating mode or channel of the router.


This article describes the most effective ways to solve the problem of not working Wi-Fi on Lenovo devices. If you know others - write in the comments.

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