Connection via FTP without internet. Ftp connection

Continuing the topic of transferring files over the Internet, today I will talk about an FTP server. Although I gave my preference, the FTP server should not be overlooked as it is a very popular way of transferring files. So, a little theory. What is FTP?

FTP (File Tranfser Protocol) in English means "File Transfer Protocol" and is used to exchange files between computers over the Internet or a local network. A regular browser or even Windows Explorer is enough to log into the FTP server. The only condition is open port 21 (used by default, but can be replaced with your own), that is, it must be open. So, if you have a Firewall or a router, you will have to remember where you have instructions in order to forward 21 ports.

So, let's move on to setting up an FTP server.

1) And the first thing we need is to add components to our operating system. To do this, go to "Control Panel" → "Programs" → "Programs and Features" and click the button on the left "Turn Windows features on or off":

2) In the list that opens, we need to enable the "IIS" component group, namely: "FTP server", "Internet services" and "Website management tools". Should get the same as in the screenshot:

Click OK and wait for the installation of the components to complete. Depending on the edition of your operating system, you may need a Windows installation disc.

In the window that opens, in the left column, open the tree to the "Sites" tab and click on this tab with the right button. Choose "Add FTP Site":

We indicate the name of the site and the directory that will be accessed via FTP protocol:

We specify the parameters for starting the FTP server. If you do not want the server to start automatically when the system starts, uncheck the box. In the SSL subsection, put a full stop to "No SSL":

On the next page, put a checkmark in front of "Anonymous" and "Normal" and click done:

The FTP site has been created, we continue with the configuration.

4) Go to the "Control Panel" → the "System and Security" group → "Windows Firewall" and in the left column select "Advanced options":

Go to the "Rules for incoming connections" tab. You need to find and include two items:

- FTP server (incoming traffic);
- FTP server traffic in passive mode (incoming FTP traffic in passive mode).

To do this, right-click on the rule and select "Enable Rule":

Then go to the "Rules for outgoing connections" tab and enable the "FTP server traffic (outgoing FTP traffic)" rule:

If you have a Firewall or router installed, you need to open port 21 (TCP) for incoming connections and port 20 (TCP) for outgoing connections.

5) It is necessary to create a user who will have full access to the server via FTP (write / delete). First you need to create a new user group. Therefore, go to the "Control Panel" → "System and Security" group → "Administrative Tools" → "Computer Management". In the left part of the window, select the section "Local users and groups" → "Groups". Right-click on an empty space in the central part of the window and select "Create group ...":

We write down the name and description of the group and press the "Create" button:

Go to the "Users" tab and, by analogy, click on an empty space and select "New User":

We register the data and come up with a password (at least eight characters). We also put a check mark on "Prohibit user changing password" and "Password expiration date" is unlimited ":

Open the properties of the new user by right-clicking on it. Go to the "Group Membership" tab. Press the button "Add" → "Advanced" → "Search" and select the group that we created a few minutes ago. Click OK.

Click the "Add" button and add the group that we created. We grant the group full access by ticking the appropriate checkbox at the bottom of the window:

Click ok to apply the changes.

Go to "Control Panel" → "Network and Security" group → "Administrative Tools" and open "IIS Manager" → "Sites" and select our site:

We select "Specified roles or user groups" and write the name of our group. Give this group read and write permissions and click OK.

Go back to the site and go to FTP Logging.

Specify the maximum log size or disable it altogether. Click on the right "Apply":

That's all. I hope this article was useful to you, click one of the buttons below to tell your friends about it. Also subscribe to site updates by entering your e-mail in the field on the right.

Thanks for attention:)

Greetings, dear readers and blog guests! Today I will tell you what an FTP client is, an FTP connection and how to quickly download and edit files from your hosting using the FileZilla FTP client.

What is FTP?

FTP client is a special program with which you can quickly and safely connect to the server, download files from it, edit them and upload new ones.

FTP abbreviation comes from English. File Transfer Protocol, which means - data transfer protocol.

Okay, enough scientific words, this is not why you came to this page I will tell in simple words what kind of animal it is and why you might need it.

If you are looking for information about a ftp client, most likely you have a blog or you are just about to create your own website. So you know that all site files are stored on the hosting, and in order to edit a file or upload a new one, you will have to go to the site control panel on your hosting and download and upload files through the browser. It's good if you have good internet speed and the files do not weigh much, but if you need to download a backup of a site that weighs several GB? What will you download for several hours? In this case, the program for secure connection and data transfer - FTP client - will help us.

Using an FTP client, you can create an FTP connection and quickly perform any manipulations with your site files.

Programs for FTP connections in Russian.

There are many programs for FTP connections, the principle of operation is almost the same for all. You can choose any FTP client, but I recommend FileZilla.

FileZilla - free FTP client with excellent Russification. Supported by all operating systems. It is possible to adjust the transmission speed, remote search and edit files.

FTP Commander Pro - a similar program. Supports almost all types of servers. You can create bookmarks for frequent connections and then connect to these servers with one click.

FTPRush - free client with support for FTPS, TFTP and SFTP connections.

How to download and install FTP FileZilla?

As I mentioned above, I think FileZilla is the best FTP client. Based on it, I will tell you how to download an FTP client and connect to the hosting via FTP.

To get started, go to the official website, click the Download FileZilla button and choose your operating system.

The program weighs a little, about 6 MB.

After downloading the file to your computer, you need to start its installation.

After starting the FileZilla client installer, you need to accept the user agreement and choose who is allowed to access the program from this computer - all users or just you.

If necessary, you can specify the path to download the file.

After the program is completely installed, click the "Finish" button and you can start working with the FTP client.

How to Connect to Hosting via FTP?

When you start FileZilla for the first time, you will see a pop-up window with tips for working with this FTP client.

In order to connect to your website hosting using the program, you need to create an FTP connection. And this requires the following data:

  • Host. This is the IP address of the FTP server;
  • Username;
  • Password;

All this data is given by your hoster. If you don't know them, you can contact the hosting support team and ask them.

After you enter all the data and click the "Fast Connection" button, you will be connected to your hosting via FTP.

There will be two windows in front of you. On the left, you can see all the disks and files that are on your computer, and on the right, all the files and folders of your hosting.

These files can be downloaded, edited, dragged from one window to another, etc.

As you can see, everything is simple 🙂

Hello friends! Now we are going to talk about how to access the FTP server through a browser or Windows Explorer. After all, there are times when you need to use this technology, for example, not on your computer.

Of course, one cannot but say that working with files via FTP is a pleasure. This is the case when the Germans say: kvadratish, prakish, gut. You can also recall a similar solution for.

Well, okay, let's not breed unnecessary demagoguery, but let's get down to business right away. So, in order to connect to such a server using standard Windows system tools, do the following.

Open a browser and enter an address of the form in the address bar:

That is, in this case, we need to substitute the value of the IP address of the remote server. For example, it might look like this:

Also, instead of a numerical value, you can enter a domain name, if available. At the next step, an authorization window will appear, in which you must enter your login and password for access:

If everything is done correctly, then in the next step we find ourselves in the root directory of the FTP server:

It’s so easy and simple, we went to it using a browser. But there is another entry option. Let's say a few words about him. The whole point is that you need to enter the following into the address bar:

Live the whole thing looks like this:

The indisputable advantage of this method is the lack of authorization at the entrance, since all the necessary data has already been entered by the user.

Now let's try to do all the above procedures with the standard Windows 10 Explorer. Open it and enter the familiar combination with the server IP address in the top line:

Hooray! Before us opens the contents of the remote node:

Great, but now let's try entering the second combination just in case:

I must say that even in this situation, no problems arose. By the way, the author personally liked the option with the FTP-protocol connection through the explorer more than using the browser. It is somehow more accustomed to work with files in it.

Well, friends, now you know how you can access an FTP server through a browser or Windows Explorer. It seems that no questions should arise in this simple process. But if suddenly something, feel free to knock on the comments to the article.

In this article, we'll cover these things:

  1. how to set up an FTP server on a computer connected to a router;
  2. how to provide access to it from the World Wide Web.

Setting up the FTP server program

Installing FileZilla Server

Download and install any FTP server you like or are used to working with. For example, we will download a free program Filezilla Server from the official site:\u003dserver

Run the downloaded installation file:

Click on Reject:

Click on Reject again:

Click on Install:

Click on I agree:



FileZilla FTP server setup

Launch the program interface.

Enter settings: menu Edit -\u003e Settings:

Now you need to configure passive FTP mode.

1) Select a section Passive mode settings;

2) Check the box Use custom port range;

3) Set a convenient range of ports for use in passive mode;

4) In the field Use the following IPregister your external IP;

5) Press the button OK to save the settings.

Now you need to set up user accounts and specify home directories.

Enter the menu Edit and select Users:

In chapter General click Add:

Enter your username and click OK:

1) Check the box next to Password... This will indicate that a password will be required for this account.

2) Set a password for this account;

3) Go to the section Shared folders:

In chapter Shared folders click Add:

and select the folder that will be opened for this user for access via FTP. After selecting the shared folder, click OK:

Set permissions for this user on the folder.

In the area of Files you can enable or disable the following file operations:

  • Reading;
  • Recording;
  • Removal;
  • The change.

In the area of Folders you can enable or disable the following folder operations:

  • Creature;
  • Removal;
  • List view;
  • View subfolders.

After you set permissions for this user in the current folder, click OK to save the settings:

Computer settings

After configuring the FTP server program itself, you need to allow incoming connections in the firewall.

Go to Control Panel and choose Windows Firewall.

Right-click on Inbound rules and choose Create rule:

Choosing an option For the program and press Further:

Set the switch to position Program path and using the button Overview specify the path to the file FileZilla Server.exe.
Then, press Further:

Select option Allow connection and press Further:

Give an arbitrary name to the rule and click Done:

Configuring a router: creating port forwarding rules

Now we need to create port forwarding on the gateway. The gateway can be a router, modem, or other device. Log in to the web interface of the router (read the article on what a web interface is and how to access it :) and open the port forwarding section. Read more about port forwarding in our article: What is port forwarding.

Create two rules.

Rule # 1: forwarding external port 21 to port 21 of the computer where the FTP server program is installed.

Rule # 2: forwarding a range of ports to the same range of ports on a computer with an FTP server installed.

Save settings.

How to remotely connect to an FTP server

To access the FTP server, you can use either an FTP client, browser, or even explorer. It is of course preferable to use an FTP client. We recommend the free program FileZilla client... You can download it on the official website:\u003dclient

In field Hostenter either) or the external IP address of the router. Then, enter the username you created in the FileZilla Server program on the computer, the corresponding password and click the button Fast connection:

If in port forwarding in the router settings you did not change port number 21 to a non-standard one, then the field Port can be left blank - the program will connect to port 21 by default.

Under Windows operating system, there are several ways to connect to the FTP server. So, you can use a regular Explorer, any browser or specialized programs for working with FTP servers, the so-called FTP clients. In this article we will tell you how to connect to and how to work with it.

The easiest and most affordable way is to use Windows Explorer. To do this, open any folder and enter the prefix "ftp: //" and the IP address of your FTP server in the address bar. After that, a window will open in which you need to enter your login and password to access the FTP server. If anonymous login is allowed on the server, you can login without a password.

After you have logged into the FTP server using Explorer, you can work with files and folders on the server using the familiar interface of the Windows operating system.

We use any browser

The second way is to work through. Any modern browser can work with FTP servers. To do this, just open a browser and enter the "ftp: //" prefix and the IP address of your server.

But you won't be able to fully work with an FTP server using a browser or Explorer. To do this, you need to use specialized programs, also known as FTP clients.

Using the FileZilla FTP client

Probably the best FTP client for Windows is FileZilla. This program has all the necessary functions and allows you to solve any problems when working with FTP servers.

Key features of FileZilla FTP client:

  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Russified interface
  • Support for all Internet standards required for working with FTP servers
  • Ability to resume file transfers
  • Data rate control
  • Server search
  • Working with multiple servers at the same time

In order to connect to FTP using the FileZilla client, you need to add the server to the Site Manager. To do this, run File - Site Manager. After that, click the "New Site" button and enter the data for authorization on the server in the right part of the window. When all data has been entered, save the result.

To connect to the server, click on the arrow next to the Site Manager icon and select the server you just added. After that the programs connect to FTP.

On the right side of the FileZilla screen, the FTP server files are displayed, and on the left, your local data. You can copy files by simple drag and drop or using the context menu.

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