Wi-Fi turns off by itself. The wifi connection is disconnected. WiFi not working or constantly disconnecting on laptop

Very often there are cases when Wi-Fi on a laptop turns off by itself. Now we will figure out why the Internet over Wi-Fi disappears, and how to solve this problem. If you went to this page, then you most likely already have such a problem. We connect our laptop to Wi-Fi, the Internet works, but sometimes it disappears itself. There is one important point: Wi-Fi does not turn off at all, but simply goes into the "No Internet access" or "Limited" status (and a yellow exclamation mark appears)... Well, the internet doesn't work. Although, there are times when the computer is completely disconnected from the wireless network. This problem is not uncommon on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. So it doesn't matter what operating system you have on your laptop.

As a rule, the Wi-Fi connection is lost periodically, or after waking up from sleep mode. There are times when the Internet stops working for a few seconds and then reappears. In any case, this creates a lot of inconvenience. You have to wait, restart your laptop, download files, watch movies, etc.

An important point! We will consider solutions when the Internet is disconnected only on one laptop. That is, the rest of the devices that are connected to your router continue to work normally. If the Internet disappears on all devices, both via Wi-Fi and cable, then this is already a problem in the Wi-Fi router, or some kind of problem with the Internet provider.

If you have a problem only on one computer, then now we will try to solve it.

Why does Wi-Fi connection on my laptop drop?

The main reasons for the disconnection of the connection with the router:

  • Interference on the channel on which your Wi-Fi network is operating. Or, the wireless signal is weak.
  • Disable Wi-F adapter to save power (Wi-Fi disappears when resuming from sleep mode)
  • Unstable operation of the Wi-Fi adapter driver.
  • Problems in the operation of the router

I will show using the example of Windows 7. If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 and the Internet also disappears every 5 minutes (may be more or less)then these tips will work for you. As for Windows 10, there are now a lot of driver problems. Therefore, if the connection is broken in the top ten, I would first advise you to experiment with the wireless adapter drivers.

Disabling Wi-Fi due to interference and weak signal

Our home wireless network operates on a specific channel. As a rule, there are many other, neighboring networks in the radius that can interfere. Interference may also be from other household appliances. And in conjunction with a not very stable wireless signal, this can lead to a disconnection of the Internet on a laptop. A yellow exclamation mark "without Internet access" may appear, and after a while it will work again.

Also, disconnection can occur due to a bad signal, when you move away from the router, and on the laptop, where the signal strength is displayed, one or two divisions remain. In such cases, the connection may be lost altogether. If the Internet is constantly cut off in those rooms where the signal of the Wi-Fi network is weak, then we need to strengthen the signal of our network so that the connection is more stable. I wrote about this in the article: how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi network? We increase the range of Wi-Fi.

As far as interference issues are concerned, this is where you need to experiment with the channel your network is running on. You can try using a special program to find the freest channel, and set it in the router settings. Or, just set some kind of static channel in the router settings. How to do this, I described in detail in the instructions: how to find a free Wi-Fi channel, and change the channel on the router? If you already have a static channel, then set Auto.

This is how a channel change looks like on a Tp-Link router:

Please note under what conditions the disconnection from the Internet occurs. This can be, for example, moving around the house, or only in certain places (rooms). Then it will be easier to find the cause and eliminate it.

What to do if the Internet disappears after waking up from sleep mode

This happens because in sleep mode Windows turns off the Wi-Fi adapter to save energy. And when you exit sleep mode, the adapter can no longer work normally, and you need to reboot the laptop. Also, problems are often observed when the laptop is running on battery power. We need to disable the disconnection of the wireless adapter, and set the maximum performance on battery and mains power.

Let's set up the power scheme first. Press the keyboard shortcut Win + R... Copy the command control powercfg.cpl in the "Open" line, and click on the button Ok.

A window with power plans will appear. I advise you to choose Balanced... Next, click on the link opposite this plan Setting up a power plan.

Then we open Change advanced power settings... Looking for a section Wireless adapter settings, open it, and install Maximum productivity when operating on mains and battery power. Push Apply and Ok.

Prohibit turning off the Wi-F adapter to save energy

Turning off the adapter will not save us a lot of electricity, but problems in its operation may appear. Therefore, you need to prevent Windows from turning off the adapter.

Click on Win + R, copy the command mmc devmgmt.msc and press Ok.

Device Manager will open. Find and open the tab Network adapters... Then, right click on the Wi-Fi adapter (its name should contain the words "Wi-Fi", "Wireless") and select Properties.

Go to the tab Power management, and uncheck the box Allow this device to turn off to save energy... Click on Ok.

We reboot the laptop and check how the Internet will work over Wi-Fi.

Internet may be lost due to driver issues

If the driver of the Wi-Fi adapter is outdated, or the wrong driver is installed, a variety of problems may appear in the operation of the wireless connection. Open the device manager as I showed above (press Win + R, and execute the command mmc devmgmt.msc)... Open the tab Network adapters... Find your wireless adapter (the name will be "Wi-Fi", 802.11n, or "Wireless")... There may be a yellow exclamation mark next to the adapter. This means that the device is not working properly.

Even if there is no warning icon, try updating the driver for this adapter. Perhaps this will fix the Wi-Fi disconnect issue. Only update not through device manager (the system will say that the update is not needed), and download the driver from the official website of your laptop manufacturer. Mandatory for your model and your operating system. Download and install the driver. I wrote in more detail about installing the driver in this article.

You can also try to select one from the already installed driver versions, uninstall the driver, or roll it back. I described all these steps in more detail using the example of Windows 10 in a separate article: solving problems with the wireless Wi-Fi adapter driver in Windows 10.

What to do if the Internet periodically disappears on all devices?

If your Internet connection disappears simultaneously on all connected devices, then the problem is already in the router. I wrote about this at the beginning of the article. On computers, the connection status becomes "without internet access".

And on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), the internet just stops working. And after such failures, you always need to restart the router, only after that the Internet starts working again. Moreover, such breaks usually occur at moments when a heavy load is on the router: we are downloading something (especially from torrents), watching online videos, playing online games, connecting some other devices to Wi-Fi, etc. And basically, this problem is observed on inexpensive routers.

This is understandable, they simply cannot withstand the load and "fall". Only reboot saves. My friend has exactly the same problem with Tp-Link TL-WR741ND (which is from the provider Kyivstar)... After connecting the smartphone and laptop, everything works well. Just turn on watching online video, after a while the Internet disappears.

What can be done:

  • Connect the Internet without a router, directly to the computer, and check the work. To eliminate breaks on the provider side.
  • Updating the router's firmware often helps. We have instructions for all popular router manufacturers on our website.
  • Disable torrent clients on devices (if any)... They create a load due to which the Internet disappears.
  • If you have the Internet via a 3G / 4G USB modem that is connected to a router, then such disconnections are most likely on the side of the provider.
  • Well, and buying a more powerful router.

It seems to have missed nothing. Write in the comments how you managed to get rid of this problem.


01/23/2019 at 10:04 (1 month ago)

I started experimenting when WI-FI on modern smartphones periodically disappeared. On both. A modem restart was required. I started changing channels, WI-FI settings. Did not help. I thought the modem was to blame. I got another one for the experiment, the same, used one. Did not help. I started changing the settings again. Changed the standard b / g auto to only b, only g. Changed the transmission speed from automatic to maximum (54 Mbps). Even changed the transmitter power. Unsuccessfully.

With the help of the Inssider program (suitable for my XP on a laptop with a WI-FI adapter) I found out that somewhere close neighbors have a very powerful WI-FI, the signal of which is only slightly weaker than that of my weak old man " one-horned ”Pirelli. The 5GHz band is absolutely free, but my Pirelli only works in the 2.4GHz band. : ((Moreover, the neighbor's router is turned on in the automatic channel selection mode. I saw how he suddenly changed the channel from 11 to the first one. So I can't maneuver by "running away" to a free channel.

I tried to overcome the "one-hornedness" by purchasing a new "two-horned" router TL-WR841N, connecting its "WAN" input to the output of one of Pirelli's "LAN". From the laptop I estimated that the signal of the "two-horned" is slightly stronger. HIS WI-FI did not disappear, even when the neighbor's WI-FI "ran" on his channel. The problem seemed to be solved, I thought to turn off WI-FI from Pirelli, and use two routers. Then I tried to experiment with old Pirelli (I can't find anything better for an affordable price for DSL). I remembered that if it is enough for Bluetooth to remove the column from the smartphone, when the sound starts to stutter, then the radio transmission most often stops, a pause is turned on in the smartphone. This is because the Bluetooth smartphone not only transmits a signal, but also "communicates" with the speaker. Communication is broken - the smartphone falls into a stupor.

I thought that via WI-FI I could try to facilitate the communication of the router with smartphones and a laptop. After all, it not only transmits the signal, but also encrypts it using WPA. I decided to temporarily disable encryption. And, lo and behold - WI-FI stopped breaking altogether !!! Then I turned on the simple ancient WEP encryption - also full order! Inssider showed that all competing networks used WPA, WPA-2, WPA-T, etc. Now only I have WEP. The moral of this fable is as follows. If I set up for WEP, then my router doesn't even try to read the neighbor's WPA encrypted signal. There is interference, it gives noisiness, but my native signal level on smartphones and a laptop is sufficient. Changing the encryption helped the router add selectivity and detach itself from powerful interference. Even when a powerful neighbor's WI-FI "sits" on my channel and just "breathes down my back." That's how I understood it. Maybe someone will come in handy. Specifically, weak encryption is not a problem for me. The signal of the "one-horned" Pirelli diminishes sharply with distance from our apartment. And if someone pulls up and connects to my network, they will have DSL speed, and the desire to get in will disappear right away. :)))

01/24/2019 at 00:00 (1 month ago)

Interesting experience, thank you!
But I still would not recommend setting the security type to WEP. The problem is not only that it is not secure. There may be problems connecting new devices to the Wi-Fi network.


24.01.2019 at 01:11 (1 month ago)

I have a MODERN Xiaomi Redmi 6 32/16 GB (Android 8) smartphones, or instead of one of them, a Windows mobile 8.1 / 10 Nokia Lumia 535.0 (2014). To be fair, the TL-WR841N router, originally working with WPA encryption, has two WI-FI: encrypted and open, for a maximum of 32 guests. I immediately turned off the open WI-FI there, so as not to lose the Internet with my DSL, losing its speed (512-1024 KB / s) to the speed of the ancient old man of a switching modem (56KB / s) connected to a telephone line, popularly called "an ass ". I remember my donkey, I even preserved two live specimens. :))) In short, the TL-WR841N router has the opportunity to experience rejection of encryption as a way to overcome a powerful interference.

With my Pirelli, I left only one non-standard setting: instead of "b / g mixed" - "g only". But this is not at all important, and does not save you from interference.

Using wireless routers makes the Internet much more convenient. Cables don't get tangled, and you can place your laptop anywhere you like. However, sometimes the connection starts to fail, which causes great sadness for people who are used to spending a lot of time on the Internet. Why does the Internet on a laptop disappear via WiFi? How to determine what exactly is the cause of the malfunction? Can you solve the problem yourself? Let's take a closer look at what to do if WiFi disappears on a Windows 7 or 10 laptop.

How to know if the problem is in the router

First of all, the "prime suspects" should be excluded. Therefore, if WiFi is lost on a laptop, you need to try connecting to a wireless network using any other gadget. To do this, you can use a mobile phone, game console or tablet. If there is no wireless signal on any device, then it's safe to say that the problem lies with the router itself.

Based on this, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that in a situation where the Internet will work properly on third-party gadgets, the cause of the breakdown is related to the operation of the laptop.

Laptop problems

If the router works well, then you should switch directly to the computer hardware. On a laptop, the Internet via WiFi disappears in this case for several reasons. If the laptop does not see any available connections at all, it is recommended that you check if the wireless module on the laptop is disabled. As a rule, the operation of this unit is indicated by a corresponding light indicator located on the laptop case. If the light is off, and WiFi is missing on the laptop, then you need to connect the module yourself.

To do this, press a certain key combination (usually Fn + F2, but it all depends on the device model), after which the required node will be forcibly turned on. Also, on some modern laptops, the wireless connection button is placed on the laptop case. In this case, you must find it and click.

On some laptops, it is completely absent. What to do in a situation when WiFi is missing on a Windows 10 laptop? In this case, you need to go to the section called "Networks and Internet". Next, just find the wireless connection tab and see if the corresponding module is enabled.

But what about those who have lost WiFi on a Windows 7 laptop? In this case, the described method will not work. Then you can connect an external keyboard to the laptop's USB connector, which has the coveted Fn key. If such a device is not at hand, then it is recommended to use a little trick. Any system has an onscreen keyboard. To activate it, just click on the "Start" button and enter the corresponding query in the "Search". After that, it remains only to press the combination with the Fn button on the on-screen keyboard.

If the problem occurs after reinstalling Windows

If WiFi is missing on a laptop, you should remember your last actions. The OS may have been reinstalled recently. In this case, sometimes all default settings are reset.

To correct this situation, you need to make a hardware switch. It is performed using the same technology for all versions of this OS. To connect a network module, it is enough:

  • Go to the "Network Control Center".
  • Select "Parameter changes".
  • Find the desired name of the wireless network in the list that opens and right-click on it.
  • Select "Enable" in the list that opens.

If after these manipulations the situation has not changed, then, perhaps, in order to answer the question "Why does WiFi disappear on the laptop?", You will need to check the functionality of the router drivers. This is a fairly common problem that can arise at any time for no apparent reason.

Checking the Wi-Fi driver

Regardless of the brand of laptop, after the first connection of the router, the corresponding software is installed in the system. Based on this, it is easy to guess that the router should be in the list of devices in the "Device Manager". It will show up there regardless of whether the drivers are correct. To update them, it is enough to perform just a few simple manipulations:

  • Click on "My Computer" with the right mouse button.
  • Select the "Control" item from the drop-down menu.
  • Go to "Device Manager".
  • Find the section called "Network Adapters" and find the desired router.

As a rule, a warning sign is displayed next to an incorrectly operating module. In this case, you need to right click on it and update the current drivers.

Usually the system finds them automatically via the Internet. However, when WiFi is lost on the laptop, it will be somewhat difficult to do this. You need to download the drivers from the manufacturer's official website using another device. After that, you should save the files on your computer and try again to go to the "Device Manager". Only in this case, it is advisable to select not the automatic search for drivers, but specify the address that will lead to the folder with the downloaded files.


This problem is extremely rare, but it should not be ruled out. Some antivirus programs check the strength of the encryption of the router signal and conclude that it is not reliable. In this case, the antivirus can block the module for security reasons. Therefore, it is recommended to add the router to the exceptions. Alternatively, you can try disabling the antivirus for a few minutes and reconnecting to the wireless network.

Signal obstacles

In the case when there is no connection to the network since the moment of moving to a new apartment, most likely something in the room is blocking the operation of wireless waves. If the router is installed in a separate room, then the walls may be too thick for signal transmission, or the reinforcement elements are too massive.

Everyone knows that the level of communication quality is indicated by a triangular icon, on which there are several pictures. The more, the better the signal. Therefore, after moving, it is recommended to pick up the laptop and walk around the apartment with it. If only 1-2 risks are displayed anywhere on the screen, it is best to stay away from this area. Here the signal will be just disgusting.

In addition, you should avoid other obstacles between the laptop and the router. Therefore, it is not recommended to put the router behind a TV or microwave oven. However, it is also undesirable to sit too close to the router. It can also negatively affect signal strength.

Other possible causes of the problem

Many laptop owners like to clean them periodically. Therefore, if the problem appeared after the next procedure, most likely, during the cleaning process, the user simply touched the wireless network module. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to re-disassemble the portable device and return the displaced element to its rightful place. It is also worth taking extra care when cleaning your laptop.

Sometimes the computer sees a router, but cannot connect to it in any way. In this case, the problem may lie in the fact that the parameters of the OS and the router do not match. This usually happens when using modern routers capable of operating at 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. It is necessary to go to the settings of the wireless network module and correct them.

If all else fails

When everything has been tried, it remains to apply the simplest tool that often helps in a wide variety of situations - restart the computer and the router itself. In this case, the router must be disconnected not only from the network cable, but also pulled out of the mains. After restarting, the distribution of the Internet will not start immediately, so you should wait a little.

Check with your internet provider to see if the house is undergoing any renovation work. It can also lead to loss of signal.

TRENDnet TEW712BR Router, new from the store. I configured it according to the instructions. Wi-Fi switched on normally, the signal level is "good". After some time (~ 1 hour), the Internet disappears on the laptop. The icon indicates that there is no wireless Internet. Both WAN and WLAN lights are on on the router. A stationary computer connected to the same router via a wire has the Internet. I turn off and turn on the router - the connection is restored.

When after 15 minutes, and when after 6 hours everything repeats. I can't sin on a laptop, because I experimented with two different laptops (Wind8) and two different smartphones (Android and iOS), the picture is absolutely identical with simultaneous connection and separate. I tried to change the channel, changed the encryption. The effect is zero. I came to the store, they did not understand it, they exchanged it for another one of the same kind. Worked for ~ 5 hours and the same thing. Either the whole batch is defective (unlikely) or I am misunderstanding something. There are not many networks around - the countryside. There are no "electromagnetic emitters" either, an ordinary residential building. Tell me. Thanks in advance. Waiting for an answer. Alexei.

  • Smart-Tronics

  • Smart-Tronics

  • Kventin

    Hello, I have such a problem, I am surfing the Internet from a laptop, connecting via WiFi, connecting without problems, but constantly interrupting, literally every 3 minutes, the speed is normal 1.5 Mb / s, what can I do with this? Thanks in advance.

  • Vova

    Hello, I have such a problem: the tablet connects to wifi, the signal is normal, and after 2 minutes, 3-4-5 it doesn't matter, it turns off and turns back on, let's say it restarts, what's the problem please tell me !!!

  • victor

    Good day, until recently there was ADSL, and the wi-fi worked fine, a week ago I connected the Internet via fiber and problems began with wi-fay on the laptop. on smartphones and a friend's laptop, everything works fine, but on mine it breaks off after 2-5 minutes and you need to reconnect, and the connection does not disappear and there is access to the network, but as if the speed is zero. I tried everything I found in Google, changed the power settings, changed channels, etc. when updating firewood, the connection disappears altogether, writes "unknown network" "connection is limited" had to roll back. I don't know what to do, maybe you can help.
    Lenovo G780 Win8.1 laptop
    Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter
    Ericsson T073G GPON router
    if any other data is needed, I will write.

  • Mrs X

    Hello. In general, a problem arose. There is Rostelecom network fiber, which distributes the Internet and TV, and another modem, D-Link DIR-300, which distributes Wi-Fi is connected to it. What, in fact, is the problem.
    I turned off the power to the computer and the modem, and then turned it on again, because this is the only way to bring the monitor to life. But the monitor is okay, the problem is wifi. The Internet remained on the computer, but Wi-Fi stopped working completely. Not visible on any device. Not on smartphones or on a laptop. I rebooted the computer, the modem, turned it on and off, turned off the power again - everything was useless. Actually, I don't know what to do anymore. I am hope for your help.

Wi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to transmit data or connect to the Internet over a wireless network. These days, the use of Wi-Fi is becoming very common and we can see this technology being used by a wide variety of devices such as smartphones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, etc.

However, this technology has several limitations. First, it is not as secure as a wired connection, but this is solved by using secure access encryption (WPA2), which prevents unauthorized access to the network. If you do not have sufficient knowledge to set up a home or office network, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. It is enough just to fill out the form on http://kompom.kiev.ua/ and the setting will be done quickly and efficiently.

Another problem: Wi-Fi drops out periodically. Usually, in the absence of activity, the phone or tablet loses its connection with the wifi router and does not see the network until the Wi-Fi is restarted on the mobile device. There can be several reasons why the connection to Wi-Fi is lost, in this article we will consider several options for solving the problem when Android loses the Wi-Fi network.

If you are faced with the problem of turning off Wi-Fi on your Android device, try the following settings and you can connect your device wirelessly without much hassle.

Wi-Fi network overflow

The greatest interference to a Wi-Fi signal is from nearby wireless networks. The problem is that most Wi-Fi devices operate in the already occupied 2.4 GHz band, and high signal densities can interfere with each other, reducing the speed and performance of networks.

Decision: Use a dual band router that can operate both 2.4GHz and 5GHz at the same time. The 2.4 GHz band will be supported by most devices, but it only has three non-overlapping channels. On the other hand, 5 GHz has 23 non-overlapping channels, increasing the likelihood of no interference in this range. If your router can operate in the 5GHz band, use it to solve the Wi-Fi congestion problem.

Setting up a Wi-Fi channel

The 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band has 11 channels and each of them is separated from each other by a 5 MHz band and has a width of 20 to 22 MHz. This means that each channel will overlap adjacent channels by 10 MHz and this is referred to as overlapping channels.

Decision: If channels 1, 6, and 11 are used, there will be no interfering overlap as these are not overlapping channels. To work on these channels, users will need to go into the router's settings and find a setting called “Channel” or “Wireless Channel”. From the drop-down menu, you need to select the desired channel number.

Most manufacturers use different methods to increase battery life. Android smartphone users are forced to enable such power saving features in their devices. One such feature is to turn off Wi-Fi when the phone is inactive or when the device has a low battery. These features of Wi-Fi in sleep mode create problems connecting to the network as needed.

Decision: Just tweak your Android device's settings and make sure you always have Wi-Fi turned on, even when the device is not in use. To do this on devices running Android 2.3 Gingerbread and above, you need to do the following. Go to the Settings menu - Wireless network - Wi-Fi and select Advanced - Wi-Fi in sleep mode do not select “Do not turn off”.

On those devices that run Android 4.0 ICS and higher, go to Settings - Wi-Fi, select Advanced and set the Wi-Fi during sleep option - "Always".

Change DNS servers

Changing the DNS servers can solve the Wi-Fi problem when the internet connection on the phone is lost. Go to Settings - Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi. If it is a known network, you will have to “forget” it and then reconnect. When you see the password entry window, click on Extra options and select “Static” from the IP settings in the drop down menu. Then scroll down and enter the IP address of the DNS server you would like to use in the DNS1 and DNS2 fields. Now enter the Wi-Fi password and connect the network.

Factory reset

If none of these methods work, then hard reset your Android device. If after doing this you have problems when your Wi-Fi connection is lost, then it might be a hardware issue. You may need to take your device to a service center to fix the problem.

We've covered the most common causes of Wi-Fi shutdown that happen on Android devices. We hope this will help in solving the problem and will allow you to set up a stable Wi-Fi connection. Also, pay attention to specialized applications, as there are many applications in the Google Play store, using which will help ensure a reliable connection. Some of them are Wi-Fi Fixer, Fix My Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Analyzer and others.

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