Olympic Concert Hall how much it can fit. “Kievskaya square. Sports and memory concerts

The Olympic sports complex is one of the main attractions of the capital. The largest sports and entertainment events of the world level were held within its walls. Among them are the 1980 Olympics, the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, the World Boxing Championships and even the Biathlon Champions Race.

Concerts of world stars - Depeche Mode, Beyonce, Aerosmith, Kylie Minogue, Scorpions - were sold out at Olimpiyskiy. And in 2009, the complex became famous all over the world, becoming the venue for the popular Eurovision Song Contest.

Over time, the sports facilities of the Olimpiyskiy - the main arena and the swimming pool - have become outdated and do not meet international standards. Therefore, on July 1, 2019, the sports complex will be closed for reconstruction. It will run until 2022.

Olimpiyskiy is being reconstructed according to the principle of the Luzhniki stadium

The recognizable façade of the main building will not change. It will be saved. Its reconstruction will be carried out by analogy with the Luzhniki stadium: the entire span of the building will remain along the front wall, and the lower, stylobate part and the roof will be rebuilt.

Reconstruction project of SC "Olympiyskiy"

Now the roof of the "Olympic" is a membrane concave inward, which "eats up" a lot of space. A glass dome will appear instead.

SC "Olympic" before reconstruction

“It will be located at a significant offset from the perimeter of the building. Therefore, it will be invisible from the height of human growth, ”explained the design director of the SC Galina Gordyushina.

Diving center, rooftop concert hall and panoramic restaurants

After the reconstruction, the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex will become the first indoor multifunctional sports complex in Russia, which will bring together a variety of sports under one roof and enhance the existing sports functions.

The existing bowls will be left in the swimming pool of the Olympic Stadium. In addition, there will be an entertainment area for adults and children, a water park and a beach sports area. Also, the first in Russia training diving center with a height of about 30 meters will be created there.

The existing ice rink will be supplemented with stands with 500 seats, and the versatile gyms will be occupied by tennis, streetball and the increasingly popular squash.

Reconstruction project of SC "Olympiyskiy"

In the main building, floors will appear instead of the arena. They will equip a running center, a fitness club, and a spa center. Half of the floor will be occupied by a family recreation area.

An entire floor will be set aside for cinemas, exhibition spaces and a small planetarium will also appear. Now the possibility of creating an electronic library is being worked out with international experts.

A concert hall for 10 thousand spectators will be located under the dome itself. And although it will be three times smaller, the opportunity to hold large-scale concerts will remain.

“Seven years ago, the issue of reducing the area of ​​the concert hall would have been acute, then the“ Olympic ”was almost the only venue. Now concerts are successfully held at the stadiums "Luzhniki", "Otkrytie Arena", VTB-Arena ", - said G. Gordyushina.

Panoramic restaurants will be located on the exploited part of the roof.

The main building and the swimming pool at the stylobate level will be connected by a running track in the form of the number "8". Its length will be about 1 km. The pedestrian connection with the building will also remain.

Reconstruction project of SC "Olympiyskiy"

There are enough parking spaces for everyone

Now cars are parked in front of the building. An underground parking will appear after the reconstruction. The ability to park cars on the surface will remain, but not so much. Due to this, a pedestrian zone will be created there.

  • One of the largest sports complexes in Europe... The total area of ​​the entire complex is almost 55 thousand square meters.
  • The complex was built for the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and is located in the very center of the capital.
  • Swimming pool building divided by a glass partition into two sectors: jumping and swimming. The visiting card is a 50 m long demonstration bath.
  • More than 600 subscription groups work in the pool... The building also has a tennis court, game, trampoline and choreographic halls.
  • Indoor stadium accommodates 35 thousand spectators. There is also a gymnastics hall, a game sports hall, choreography halls, and an ice rink.
  • At the Olympic arena the most famous Russian and foreign performers have performed and major music festivals are held.

The Olympic Sports Complex is a multifunctional facility for sports and entertainment events, one of the largest in Europe. The complex consists of a large indoor stadium and swimming pool. The maximum diameter of the stadium building is 224 meters, the area is 33,000 m². The total area of ​​the entire complex is almost 55 thousand square meters. Currently, only Manchester, London, Cologne and Belgrade can boast of such indoor sports arenas. It hosts both significant sports competitions, starting with the 1980 World Olympics, as well as musical concerts and shows of world-class stars. Dozens of sections are open for sports fans in the complex. The swimming pool of the Olympic Stadium is the most popular swimming pool in the city.


The swimming pool building is divided by an acoustic glass partition into two sectors: a jump and a swimming one. The visiting card of the swimming sector is a demonstration bath with a length of 50 meters; it is here that all the major competitions in swimming, water polo and other water sports take place. Here world records were set and the best swimmers from all over the world converged in confrontation. The stands of the demonstration bath are designed for 7.5 thousand spectators. In the same sector, there is a 50 meter long training bath and an area for the youngest visitors.

In the jumping sector, there is a bathtub 25 meters long and 6 meters deep with jumps and a ten-meter tower. Here, the stands can accommodate 4.5 thousand spectators. During the New Year holidays, you can watch fabulous performances here.

More than 600 subscription groups work in the swimming pool of the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex, in addition, on the territory of the building there is a tennis court, game, trampoline and choreographic halls. The swimming and jumping area pool is open for training from 7 am to 10:45 pm. Here you can practice independently or with an instructor, aqua aerobics groups work. After a workout, you can enjoy relaxing in the sauna.

The indoor stadium consists of a main arena that seats over 35,000 people, a gymnastics hall, a game sports hall, two choreography halls and a gym, a rehabilitation center and an ice rink where figure skating and ice hockey classes are held. The main arena is suitable for various types of surfaces: it can be used with synthetic carpet and a recortan treadmill, or it can be turned into an ice field. Such mobility makes it possible to hold sports competitions and performances of a very different nature on the territory of the "Olympic": from the European Championships in artistic gymnastics to competitions in moto-acrobatics.

If necessary, the main arena can be divided using a collapsible soundproof partition (as high as an eight-storey building) into separate sites in order to hold several matches or tournaments at the same time. There is also a gym in the stadium building, group physical training, Pilates, fitness or shaping classes are held for everyone.

Music in the Olympic

The most famous Russian and foreign performers performed at the Olympic arena. Since 1987, when foreign rock musicians Uriah Heep performed in the capital for the first time, Olimpiyskiy became the main concert venue for large-scale show programs.

Every year, the sports complex hosts major music festivals: "MUZ-TV Award", "Song of the Year", "80s Disco", Big Love Show, etc. In 2009, Olimpiyskiy became the venue for the Eurovision Song Contest. The same venue was chosen for their concerts by Metallica and Muse in 2015 and 2016. The scale of the events gathers thousands of people under the roof of the Olympic, who spend several hours in queues before getting to their seats. The hall for 35,000 people is never half empty.

Located in the very center of the capital, the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex, first of all, surprises with its scale and architecture. Built over thirty-five years ago, it remains modern with its design and interesting with its history.

2016-2020 moscovery.com

The capital of Russia, Moscow, is famous for many of its majestic buildings and cultural institutions. SC "Olympic" can rightfully be considered one of the main attractions of this metropolis. Throughout the history of its existence, various world stars have been sold out within its famous walls. And in 2009 the complex became famous all over the world, becoming the venue for the popular music competition called Eurovision. More than three million viewers can visit it in one year. For a similar time period, about two hundred spectacular events take place here.


In 1980, it was hosted by Moscow. SC "Olympic" was built on this occasion and opened on July 19 of the same year. To this day, it is considered one of the largest structures in Europe. The engineers who created the remarkable design of the complex were awarded the Lenin Prize.

In the eighties of the last century, football matches of the USSR were held here, until other stadiums were built that were specially designed for this game. A little later, the building was also decided to be used as a musical platform. Moscow managed to host a huge number of foreign and domestic stars. SC "Olympiyskiy" is exactly the place where their performances took place.


This gigantic structure, with an area of ​​approximately 55,000 square meters, consists of an indoor stadium and several. The capacity of the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex (Moscow) is thirty-five thousand spectators. The central arena of the structure is as large as the standard one. Unique is that it can be divided into two independent parts. Thus, it is possible to carry out various events at the same time.

A lot of interesting competitions and concerts take place in the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex (Moscow). in the building, as in other modern complexes, may vary depending on the type of event. For example, at championships in gymnastics or other sports, a dance parterre is not needed, but during concerts it is installed. When buying a ticket, you just need to take into account not only the proximity to the stage, but also the position of the seat in space.

In addition, more than twenty national teams train here, as well as a book fair. A free skating rink is installed in the complex every winter. Everyone knows that many participants in various conferences are hosted by Moscow. SC "Olympic" for holding such events on its territory has two press centers and a specially equipped hall. In this building, various shops and


This part of the facility includes gyms, a central arena, an ice rink and a training center. The roof in this wing of the building is made of a membrane that is six millimeters thick. A variety of surfaces can be laid on the stadium site and even turned into an artificial ice field. A unique feature of the venue is a high partition that completely impedes sound and dividing the stadium arena into two parts. This is what makes it possible to hold several events of any type and complexity here at once. For example, exhibitions, festivals, corporate events, competitions and unique concert programs.

Olimpiyskiy is a legendary sports facility, one of the main attractions of Moscow. The history of the sports complex goes back four decades. It was built for the 1980 Olympics and has long been the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the object was acquired by the group of companies "Kievskaya Ploschad" Goda Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. Currently, the holding is carrying out the reconstruction of the complex, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

A multifunctional arena for concert, sports and circus events, a space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, an electronic library, a medical diagnostic center will be equipped in the new Olympic Stadium. The project also includes a planetarium. Moving panoramic restaurants will operate on its roof.

After the reconstruction, Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. The renovated Olimpiyskiy will re-operate swimming and jumping pools, an indoor skating rink, gymnasiums, as well as a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness zones, etc. In addition, the parking lot will be expanded, which will make visiting Olimpiyskiy more comfortable.

Olimpiyskiy is a legendary sports facility, one of the main attractions of Moscow. The history of the sports complex goes back four decades. It was built for the 1980 Olympics and has long been the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the object was acquired by the group of companies "Kievskaya Ploschad" Goda Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. Currently, the holding is carrying out the reconstruction of the complex, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

A multifunctional arena for concert, sports and circus events, a space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, an electronic library, a medical diagnostic center will be equipped in the new Olympic Stadium. The project also includes a planetarium. Moving panoramic restaurants will operate on its roof.

After the reconstruction, Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. The renovated Olimpiyskiy will re-operate swimming and jumping pools, an indoor skating rink, gymnasiums, as well as a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness zones, etc. In addition, the parking lot will be expanded, which will make visiting Olimpiyskiy more comfortable.

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