Mail gmail com account login. Create and send a message. How to enter the mail, if the phone is not at hand

Hello dear readers. In the age of technology, most people, if not to take grandparents, although they probably also became more advanced in terms of the Internet, have forgotten what it means to write letters by hand and stand in huge queues at post offices. We switched to this convenient way communication like email.

And it's true this way communication is much more convenient than regular writing. No need to wait for weeks, sent and received the addressee immediately - just incredible time savings. We will talk about this type of quick correspondence with you in this article, and in particular about how to create an email in Google.

This is a service that allows you to send messages to different parts of the world in a matter of seconds. Moreover, you can attach documents, scans, photos or audio and video recordings to them. It should be noted here that this is email. This means that for it to function, you need to have a computer and the Internet.

Types of mail services

The most common services in our time are: Yandex, Google and Mail. Each of them has its own advantages and differences. Let's talk a little about each separately.

It is a communication portal, founded in 1998. Initially, mail was created as a service for sending messages, later on the site began to appear various sections that allow their users to receive information about the weather, various news.

Now mail is ranked 5th in terms of growth in the number of users. It's not bad enough mail client which provides ample opportunities for its consumers.

Yandex Mail

Announcement search engine took place in 1997 and was presented as a search engine, but over the years of work it has also become a multi-portal with its own store, the ability to listen to music, a place to store information on the network, etc. And, of course, one more main direction of this company is postal service.


Search engine google system was founded in 1998, and as a post office it only began to exist in 2007. However, even at that time, it possessed a number of significant advantages over its competitors. We'll talk about this later. It is not only a search engine and e-mail client, but also a huge amount useful services, ranging from gaming and ending with fairly serious business projects.

You can create a mailbox on any of these services absolutely free of charge, it all depends on your preferences. Today we will talk about how to create a new account on google. Here step-by-step instruction by registration, which will be backed up by a photo for a better understanding.

Google registration instructions

1. The first thing to do is go to the site itself

2. Next, in the upper right corner, click the "Login" button 3. After that, you will be presented with a page with data entry, but since you are initially registering, you do not have them, therefore on this page it is necessary to mark "Add account"

4. After that, you have a field with an e-mail input, however, you have nothing to enter yet, so you click on "Create an account"
5. Google invites you to register, let's do it and go to the data column:

The first thing to enter is your first and last name. Next, you come up with a username, that is, a login, and enter it in the next field.

Note: If you entered a username that already exists in the system, you will be notified.

After that, you need to come up with and enter a password and repeat it.

Note: If the password is entered incorrectly, the system will also notify you about it.

6. After that, you need to prove that you are not a robot and enter the numbers from the picture.

The country is determined automatically, but if you want to change it, you need to select the arrow, after which a window will pop up and you can specify what you need. We settled on Russia.

Now you just have to tick the box that you agree with everything that is offered to you and mark "Next".

7. That's it, your account is ready! Click the "Go to Gmail" button and you can get to work!

How to use your Google mailbox

Let's see how you will use your account.

You can log into your account absolutely from any google search page. Your login will be indicated in the upper right corner, by clicking on which, a field will open, where it will be written: "My account".

By clicking on this button you will be taken to a menu where you can configure the account itself, its security and privacy.

Now let's move on to the box itself. In order to enter it, you need to mark either the "Mail" icon or the icon with squares all in the same upper right corner. After that, a menu of functions will open, where you need to click on the "Mail" button.

After that, a window of your e-mail box will open for you.

Let's take a look at some of the Google mailbox functions

This is how the window of the mailbox itself looks like, in which there are already 3 incoming letters from Google.

Here you can not only write to someone, but also see how many messages you have in total, how many you have sent, received, at what time, etc.

In order for you to be able to write a letter, you need to select the red "Write" button and you will see a data entry window appear in the lower right corner.

Here you can enter the recipient's address, subject and the text itself, as well as add a document or image, use emoticons.

Everything is simple enough.

In order to send a letter, you just need to click on the "Send" button.

Benefits of working at Google

  1. The ability to store up to 15 GB of information on virtual disk while it is the only company that provides this amount of memory.
  2. You can also upload your documents to Disk, with which you can quickly and easily send them to your friends and colleagues.
  3. Photos and videos are loaded without the help of a variety of programs. You just - just need to drag the document into the message box.
  4. You can link your account to any site that supports this system, for example youtube, and receive notifications from there.
  5. Also, information about a new message is available on any search page, and if you use Google chrome, then special application will show you the new message that just came in.

There is a lot to be said for the benefits of working with Google. Most importantly, it is adapted not only to work on a computer, but also on smartphones and tablets. Well, you have learned about the existence of such a convenient service and all you have to do is create an account and enjoy its possibilities!

Best regards, Ekaterina Kalmykova

In this article, we will touch upon registration in all details. Email on the service. Registration of mail on is completely free, this service is provided by the portal and is available to all users on the Internet. Email is famous for its reliability, absence of spam, availability of additional Google services, including the service contextual advertising Google Adsense. Below we will take a look at the process of registering an account on in all the details, step by step.

You are now a full-fledged user of email, as well as other services from Google.

Additional services from Google

For registered users, together with e-mail, provides an opportunity to use additional services directly from your account. To do this, log in to your e-mail using your username and password, and in the upper right corner, click on the box.

A window will appear in front of you, in which all additional services that you can use will be visible.

List of additional services from

  • Google +
  • interpreter
  • calendar
  • Youtube
  • cards
  • Search
  • blogger
  • documents and other

Acquainted with complete list all possible services you can by clicking on the button "Other Google services". In this case, on separate page you will see all the products and services available to users.

Internet services

  1. Search
  2. browser toolbar
  3. Google Chrome browser

Services for mobile devices

Special products for use on a mobile phone are located here. Search for mobile phones, as well as a map service for mobile devices.

Google services for business has a number of services designed specifically for those people who do business on the Internet. These are services such as:

  1. Adwords- using this service, you can order contextual advertising that will be placed both on Google search and on partner sites on the Internet.
  2. My business- with help of this service you can place information about your company on maps, in the service Google plus and Google search is completely free.
  3. Admob- designed to make money on their applications, in the event that you are their developer.
  4. Google Apps for Work- these are documents, disk, e-mail and other services. specially designed for companies.
  5. Adsense Is a contextual advertising service that allows site owners to make money on the Internet.

Google Multimedia Services

  1. Youtube Is a world famous service for downloading and watching videos. Here you can both upload and watch videos on the internet.
  2. Search pictures- this service is designed to search for pictures on the Internet.
  3. Search video- with the help of this service you can find any video on the Internet.
  4. Books- designed to search for books.
  5. news Is a news feed from which you can find out all the latest events.
  6. Picasa- the service is designed to publish and edit your own photos.


At the moment, there are 3 services available in this section:

  1. Cards- here to study and plot your own routes.
  2. Panoramio- here you can view and add your own photos from all over the world.
  3. Planet Earth- the service is designed to explore the world without leaving home.

For home and office

  • Reliable email with proven spam protection.
  • Documents - Here you can create and share your documents with other users.
  • Presentations- allows you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
  • Drawings- now all users on the Internet have access to the creation of diagrams and drawing of flowcharts.
  • Calendar- here you can plan your time, share events. as well as create events and reminders about them to your email.
  • Google virtual printer - using this service, you can print anywhere and from any device.
  • Disk- here you can store files, as well as give access to them to other people.
  • table- creating and editing tables. Tables can be shared with other users on the Internet.
  • Forms- designed to create and conduct surveys on the Internet.
  • Websites- a service for creating your own sites.
  • Interpreter- allows you to translate texts and sites on the Internet into different languages ​​of the world.
  • Google keep- if you have ideas, then you can write down and store them here.

Social networks

  1. Google plus- well-known social network from Upload your photos, publish events and posts, share them with your friends.
  2. Groups- here you can create mailing lists and various discussion groups.
  3. Bloggerfree service to create your own blog on the Internet. Any user in two clicks can acquire own blog absolutely free.
  4. Hangouts- interactive communication without borders. You can chat on the Internet for free.

Login to email

Login to e-mail is available only for registered users. If you have not yet acquired your own e-mail, then do it using the instructions contained above in this article.

For registered users, logging into mail is quite simple:

Now you can enter mail at any time of the day, check and send emails... In the event that you checked the box next to the "Stay logged in" item, your login and password will be recognized in automatic mode, you will not need to enter them every time you enter your email.

Google is the largest search engine with over 40 billion queries per month. The main difference is the easiest to use and available system- the presence of numerous interconnected and constantly evolving services.

One of the most popular is mail - entering Google mail opens up the widest possibilities of its functionality to users. It is not surprising that today Google mail has overtaken many of the most famous mail services in the world in popularity.

Why gmail?

It would seem, how can a search engine mailbox differ from stationary services? But the capabilities of are capable of surprising many "advanced" users. In addition to the usual functions of collecting correspondence, the ability to mark and distribute it to thematic folders, gmail mail offers a lot of other "usefulness":

  • An excellent filtering system allows you to automatically sort letters by dozens of criteria.
  • Import a list of contacts from other mailboxes.
  • Thanks to reliable protection from Google mail spam, many people prefer to collect correspondence from other services in this box.
  • Access to mail is possible from any device connected to the Internet.
  • Unlimited use of all search engine products without separate registration.
  • Providing 15 GB of free storage for photos, letters, documents, and more.
  • The ability to create corporate addresses, receive 24/7 support organizing free video conferencing.
  • Provided for the use of a secure protocol, receiving a warning from gmail mail, which is logged in from an unfamiliar IP address.

How to get access to all these delights, to properly set up the work of your mailbox?

Creating a gmail box is as easy as possible

Registration in the service is trivial, but it has some nuances. First, do not confuse it with gmail ru, which has nothing to do with Google. Generally, getting mailing address gmail com is a bonus for users who create an account in the system. If there is none, it is enough to go to the page of the mail service mail - entering Google mail will be accompanied by a proposal to correct this "flaw":

  1. After clicking "Create an account" you will see a web form where you need to carefully fill in the fields.
  2. To begin with, identification data is entered: first and last name, information about gender and date of birth, phone number, alternative mail address, country. The main snag at this stage is to come up with a login, because this is what your future mailbox will be called, and strong password... Google mail is very popular, so you have to use your imagination to come up with a simple, unoccupied name. The same goes for the password. Although gmail mail is highly secure, a simple combination may not keep your mailbox from being hacked.
  3. Now you can attach your photo, select the interface language.

It is recommended that you enter real information. The phone number and address of the additional mailbox will help you easily restore access in the future if you lose your password or hacked mail. Upon completion of registration, an email will be sent to the alternative mailbox with a code for solving possible problems with an entrance.

If you have mail, you can easily enter Google mail from all services of the system by pressing the button located in top menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, the entrance to your mail will be available.

Login to mail

If you have mail, you can easily enter Google mail from all services of the system by pressing the button located in the top menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, the entrance to your mail will be available. Using a mailbox is possible from any device.

Go to mail from computer

  • Go to the service page, enter the name and password that you provided when creating your Google account. If you wish, you can log in with a different username.
  • Click "Login" at the top right of the page if you see a listing of mail services when you login.

Go to Google mail from Android

To use mail, add your account and update the gmail app if it's not up to date.

  • Log in to the application and in the drop-down menu (three horizontal stripes with an arrow) select "Add account".
  • Here you will need to enter the type of the new account and follow all the steps according to the instructions.

Login to Gmail with iOS

To access mail, you need to add one or more accounts.

  • After logging into the application, select your account from the menu with the three-stripe icon. If you are using an iPad, this step is skipped.
  • In the account management section, you must select the "Add account" item and enter your login credentials.

Acquaintance with the interface and settings of google mail

When you opened a mailbox on mail, entering Google mail will allow you to set up very quickly required functions... Let's start with the interface. He is familiar, as clear as possible and does not change for a long time. Convenient tools include:

  • Separation of letters by appointment. You can distribute correspondence related to social networks, forums, alerts, or leave it in an unsorted folder.
  • The ability to organize Skype-like videos and regular chats. If your browser does not support it, which is automatically checked, the standard Html version will be loaded.
  • 15GB storage is provided by default, but can be expanded for a small fee.

What is noteworthy, if you have registered for mail, entering Google mail does not at all cancel the use of other mailboxes. It is very easy to set up forwarding of correspondence to a new address in any other mail service. Check out the main features offered by mail gmail com, such as transferring the list of contacts and correspondence from third-party mailboxes or about the search engine's social network, you can in letters sent to your address immediately after registration.

Google mail sorting settings

To sort letters conveniently and quickly, gmail mail offers effective tools:

  • Labels. They are functionally similar to the folders familiar to everyone, but differ in wider possibilities. Initially, you will see a minimal set located on the left side of the page, which is expandable and customizable for your purposes.
  • To get started, go to the "Settings" tab, located in the drop-down menu in the form of a gear. In the "Shortcuts" section, by changing the "yes / no" activation, you can hide, activate or delete the necessary menu items. And by clicking the button at the bottom of the window or directly from the letter, it is easy to create a new shortcut folder.
  • If you don't like specific icons in gmail com mail, change them to regular text labels in general settings button labels.
  • The innovation of mail is the organization of nesting shortcuts without installing add-ons. To customize a shortcut, just click on the arrow located to the right of it. In this case, you will be asked to choose a color and customize the shortcut according to several criteria.
  • If you delete one of the shortcuts, for example, "Inbox", the contents of the folder are not destroyed, but moved to the "Archive" and remains available in the "All Mail" folder as well.

Nobody, of course, canceled the manual "scattering" of letters among folders in the process of reading them using the familiar "Move" button. The google mail functionality avoids this routine and greatly simplifies your work.

  • Filters. This tool is indispensable when you need to automate the process of sorting correspondence. To use the wonderful Google mail filters, you also need to enter the settings menu under the gear icon.
  • The window that opens shows the existing filters and a link that will allow you to create an ideal, logically organized mail.
  • You can filter letters, for example, by subject, by addressee (both recipients and senders of your own and attached mailbox), by certain terms, etc.
  • Next, specify what to do with the filtered correspondence: send to one of the folders, archive, mark, apply a shortcut or forward, delete, etc.

If you have already used such a service, there should be no problems with creating a convenient sorting algorithm. mail inbox security

An indisputable advantage of the service is the ability to track suspicious attempts to access the mailbox, as well as set up alerts in such cases. This can be done by the link “ Additional Information"In the" Settings "section.

  • If the correspondence that you exchange or store is extremely important, it is worth sacrificing convenience and wisely setting up the security of your mailbox. In the Security and Login section, it is recommended that you create 2-Step Verification. When entering, you will need to not only enter a password, but also confirm access with the code sent to your phone.
  • Carefully check the tab settings for unnecessary links in the signatures of emails that are turned on without your knowledge of the autoresponder.
  • Make sure that there are no unknown names in the account access section and unauthorized addresses in the email sending settings.
  • Check your POP and MAP settings, filters, etc.

Of course, these are not all the features of the gmail mail service. More detailed information you can always find on the system's website and in the extensive help section about the huge functionality, settings of various tools and security.

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you what is mail login. In case of unsuccessful authorization on Google mail, it will not be superfluous to try to recover the password. To get started, go to the site - (do this, preferably from the device from which you are in last time successfully logged into your account). Login pages offer their users the ability to change the language, choose the one that is most comfortable for you and get started!

Then you need to find the link: "Can't access your own account?" email address which caused problems with authorization. Here you will need to confirm that you are not a robot by entering a verification code.

Very often the solution to the problem is simple password recovery. How to do this, read the next article.

The resulting page offers a list of various options for restoring access. If you have one more email address in the settings, or a phone number, then the recovery procedure is greatly simplified.

Check if cookies are enabled for this site

Cookies are files that help a web browser remember the client's settings for a specific resource, while saving its configuration and collecting statistics. Now virtually all sites require these files. For this reason, in order to check their availability for Google Mail, you need to open your Internet settings and enable them. We invite you to consider the process of including them in three popular browsers such as: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

  • Enabling cookies in Internet Explorer. First you need to go to the "Control Panel", in the same place to find "Internet Options". Click on the "Privacy" tab, then - "Advanced". In the resulting window, you will need to check the box "Override the automatic handling of cookies", and set the "Accept" markers on both the main and third-party files.
  • Enabling Cookie in Mozilla Firefox. First of all, open a browser, go to settings. Find the "Privacy" tab there. Find the block with history, where you will need to click on the last item from the drop-down list "will apply settings to save history." On top of that, check the box next to "Accept cookies from sites." Close the settings window by clicking the "OK" button.
  • Turn on cookies in Google Chrome. Open the browser, then go to "Settings" (in the upper right corner there is an icon with three stripes, after clicking on it a window appears in which you can find the very settings).

At the bottom of this window there is a subsection "Additional settings", go into them and click on "Personal data", and then - "Content settings". In the resulting window, put a check mark under the item "Allow saving local data." Finally, confirm the configuration by clicking on the "OK" button.

After clearing cookies, you can also clear your browsing history and cache. As a rule, the history of visits becomes so large that performance is significantly reduced, and certain functions even stop working. We suggest you take a closer look at deleting history in popular browsers.

Clearing IE browsing history.

First you need to go to the "Service", and then hold down the "Alt" button. As a result of this, a menu will appear, in the list of proposed items, select "Delete browser history". In the resulting window, you will need to mark the items that you need to delete. It remains only to confirm your actions by clicking on the appropriate button. Made!

Clearing the browsing history in Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser it will be a little easier: you just need to hold down the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + Delete", in the resulting window select the items that you need to delete. It is important to systematically clear your browser cache and history. By the way, at the end of the deletion procedure, you will need to re-enter your profiles on the sites.

Clearing the browsing history in Google Chrome.

The deletion process is generally the same as with other browsers, but there is one caveat: upon completion of this procedure on one of the devices, the history is deleted absolutely on all devices from which authorization was made to the Chrome account. So, open the web browser menu, go to the "Tools" tab. On the resulting page, select Clear Browsing Data. In the window that appears, select the items that need to be deleted.

Along with this, it will not be superfluous to see which extensions are installed in the browser. If you find extensions that are unfamiliar and unnecessary, it is best to remove them, as they (to some extent) hinder browser performance.

Following our advice, you can easily solve the problem with authorization on any site. mail login mail

If you have not been registered with Gmail, you can fix it on the website - On the right side, click on the "Create an account" button.

You can create your own profile in this system in 3 steps.

The first stage involves filling out a questionnaire.

  1. Write your first and last name. Electronic mailbox usually created at long term... Moreover, with the help of it are activated mobile devices operating room Android systems... If you need an additional email address, it is better to use the services of
  2. Choose a username. This stage is not the easiest one, as choosing a name takes a lot of users' time. For example, names such as artem, andrey, etc. already exist in the database. It is good that the system is fully automated, due to which you only need to substitute your version, and she will say whether you can use it or not.
  3. ... Its length must be at least eight characters. Try to make it different from those that you installed on other portals.
  4. Confirm the password. The site needs to make sure that you really remember set password... Important: the password must include latin characters... Errors often occur due to an incorrectly set keyboard layout, so be careful.
  5. Please enter your date of birth.
  6. Select gender.
  7. You can write your telephone number in order to protect your account. If an important confidential message history is stored on it, then you can put two-step authorization by entering an SMS message. Along with this, if you forget your password, then using mobile phone you can easily restore it.
  8. The reliability of the protection system will increase significantly if. Suppose your main mailbox is being hacked into and doing their wicked deeds, and notifications are sent to your secondary email address.
  9. You can check the box under the item "Make Google my home page th "if you want this search engine to be displayed on the home page when you open the browser.
  10. After that, you need to pass a test that distinguishes spam robots from real users. This is an absolutely simple task, and it goes through quickly.
  11. Item "Country": select the place of stay.
  12. Place a check mark in the sign of agreement with the terms of use of this system.
  13. If in the future you intend to actively use Google+, then it will not be superfluous to put a tick under the item “I want to see what they recommend….”. Thanks to this, you can watch what your friends recommend to you.

This is all that is needed for the survey. Click on the "Next" button and proceed to the next stage of registration.

At the second stage, if you wish, you can choose an avatar.

That's all for me!

To work with Gmail, you need to create a google account.

How do I create a google account?

Google account - allows you to use all google services without additional registration.
To enter any of them, you must enter your account username and password. - mail login to e-mail - login and password.
If you have already created a google account on your tablet, phone, or have used gmail, google + or youtube services, then you already have a google account. Using the username and password you already have, you can log into any new google service.

Otherwise create new account.

Germany (DE). City: unknown

gmail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the google server - gmail mail.

To register on the postal gmail server go to the page -

Or a page - login - google accounts... by clicking on the link - Create an account
(if you already have a google account, you can sign in here.)

To create your own unique email address on Gmail - free mail service google

[email protected]([email protected]),

you need to come up with and enter in the fields of the registration form in google services - name, surname, username, password, date of birth. for example:
aleks petrov
[email protected] *
(keep in mind that the username you choose may already be taken, so you may need to come up with a different one.)

You can use letters (in different cases), numbers and other symbols in the password. the minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words such as "password", "password", or combinations of sequential characters such as "qwerty", "qazwsx", "abcd1234". when typing simple passwords a message will be displayed -
this password is very common. protect your account from hacking - create a more complex password.

In order not to ask questions on the help forum: I can not enter gmail, I forgot my gmail username and password ...

Be sure to save your gmail login and password in your notebook.

Enter data in all fields of the registration form and click on the button - Next

Providing a backup email address is optional.

If you have not entered your phone number in the account registration form, then you will be asked to do this on the next page.

Google account verification via sms

click on the - ( google apps) and then mail -

gmail mail login from another computer.

Gmail supports 2-Step Verification.

When you log into your account from a new device, you will have to enter not only a name and password, but also a verification code.

This is a six-digit combination (after g-), which is sent to the phone via sms or using voice message- g-297979

If you enter your gmail mail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You are not logged in as usual. confirm
that it is you by completing the task below.

Enter your phone number to receive
confirmation code in sms or
using a voice call

Enter confirmation code
sms with a confirmation code was sent to the number +79374709535

Here, taking care of your account recovery Try to lay out additional phone numbers and email addresses.
"If you forget your password or become a victim of a hack, you won't be able to regain access to your account without a phone number and an additional email address."
You can not add additional number phone and backup email

Click on the button - Finish

Click on the icon - (google apps) and select - Mail gmail.

In folder - Inbox, your Gmail mail, you will see a message -
your account is signed in from a Windows device through the Firefox app.

Security Alerts:
google will notify you when your account data has changed.

your account is signed in from a windows device via firefox app

to account [email protected]* logged in through the "firefox" application
on windows device.

aleks petrov
[email protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017 8:53 AM Yekaterinburg Standard Time
yekaterinburg, russia * firefox

You didn't?
view a list of recently used devices.

This email was sent because google is serious about security and wants you to be up to date with your account. could not determine if you have logged into your account using this browser or device before. you may be logged in for the first time on a new computer, phone, or new browser. in addition, you could view mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies... if you haven't done anything like this, chances are high that your account has been hacked.

more information can be found in the google accounts help center.

Checking your mailbox on

Attention! if you have a personal gmail mail address (ends with, the location of the dots in it does not matter.

if you use dots in your username, you can receive messages sent to an address that is similar to yours, but differs in the number or location of dots.

all messages sent to these addresses will go to one user:

Click on the icon - (google apps) and select - Gmail.

From the folder - Inbox by clicking on - Write

Write and send an email to your Gmail address.

In folder Inbox, click on the line - first test message.

And read the letter you sent yourself.
Your Gmail email is working.

mail Gmail login- Problems?

If you forgot your password, don't remember your gmail username or email to log into your account, remember your username and password, but can't log into your google account.

The only way to restore access to your google account is only the form on the page - find a google account. try to be verified for desktop computer which you most often use and the one you used when registering your account find your google account

You will need to answer questions to confirm that the google account belongs to you.

Recovery form google account- find an account

Enter your gmail email
([email protected]),
which you use to sign in to your google account.

google - create data archive. how to download my data?

You can export and download data from google products (like gmail, calendar or google photo) for local storage or use in other services.

Go to the page - My account and click on the link - Content management.

On the page - google - my account, In chapter - Downloading and transferring data
click the link - create archive.

Select data
Select google services and change the settings for each one. The archive with these services will be available only to you.

  • Indicate the data from which google services need to be exported. to see detailed information and additional settings, click on the arrow icon

Select, to save your account details,
file format - zip
Choose a way to get the archive
getter method - by reference

and click on the button - Create archive

Attention. to create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it takes from 5 - 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the amount of information on 14 services of your google account will reach tens of gigabytes (only on google drive can store 15GB.)
When the archive is created, you will be sent an email with a link to download it.
As a rule, the link to download the archive is received on the day of the request.

There is no need to wait for the end of the archive creation.

In the folder - Inbox, mail Gmail, open the message -
Data export - data archive ready.

Your account is your data.
archive google data requested on 19 January 2017 is ready.
the archive contains data for the following services:
groups, tasks, bookmarks, search history, maps (your reviews and places), fit, google photos, hangouts, hangouts in live, keep, Gmail, contacts, drive and google play books.
The archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017.

In the received letter, click - Download archive.

Enter the password from your gmail inbox. again.

On the page - data export: archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers or upload them where other users can see them.
After downloading the data, you can change your account settings or delete it at
Note. Content from google play music is not included in the archive. you can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive to a safe place on your computer,
where there is enough free space.

If unauthorized people have access to the computer, export the data to a google drive or to another storage that only you can use.

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