How to make a new email on a computer. Pros of using email. How to create an email account on Yandex

E-mail has become a prerequisite for an active lifestyle for a successful person. Working with electronic "soap", the user gets a lot of benefits.

Pros of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • A high degree of information storage reliability (many mail resources contribute to an increase in the level of security of user data, for example, accepting a password of only increased complexity, having a secret question, etc.).
  • The ability to receive mailings and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
  • Accessibility (checking e-mails can be carried out both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creation of e-mail is possible on various hosting services - Yandex,,, etc. These mail services provide free services, which is another indisputable advantage of e-mail boxes.

How to create an email and what you need to do

In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. Algorithm for how to create email, each of the hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating an electronic "soap" on some services.

"Yandex Mail

We register on

To create an electronic mail Mail, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To begin with, go to the domain and select the "Registration in mail" column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a username (nickname), variants of which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then finishes registration.

How to create a Gmail email

Apart from Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also very popular. Its significant difference is that the level of its reliability is an order of magnitude higher than domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. Also, to download some computer programs from Western official Internet resources, registration is required only via Google mail. "Yandex" or the same "Mail" does not perceive a foreign site as e-mail. If you need to start a western online walletsuch as PayPal, payment system will only confirm their "native" Gmail mail.

Considering all the advantages of such mailbox, you need to immediately proceed to creating it. Step by step algorithm installation of "foreign soap" is as follows:

  1. Need to find gmail service... For this in search string write down the appropriate name and select the first result that appears on the page.
  2. In the window that opens, select the "Create an account" button.
  3. After that, a registration sheet will appear, in which you need to enter the following data: name, surname, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter a captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it without errors the first time.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the "Log in to mail" dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will come to the mailbox, the first of which is necessary to set up a Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of the account.
  7. In the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) the search history - a list of those Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm for how to create an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various mail services open up an endless sea of \u200b\u200bpossibilities for the user.

Every web user must have at least one email address. Let's consider step by step instructions on how to create a mailbox on

Registration on this mail client is carried out in much the same way as on other popular services.

Creating a mailbox

To create mailbox to mail ru, type in the address bar of any browser and press "Enter".

In the browser you will see home page service. Then click on the link "Registration in mail".

Carefully fill in all the fields marked with a red asterisk. During create a mailbox on and registration of your personal data (surname, name, date of birth, city, gender), it is advisable to write your real data.

Of course, no one will check, but if you lose access to your mail (your mailbox will be hacked or you simply forget your password) it will simplify it recovery .

Users usually use their personal information to name their email. Ideally, the title is the same as your first and last name and is not used by anyone else.

The uniqueness of the name will be confirmed by a green check mark on the right.

If the address is already taken, the system will offer you several available alternatives.

Important! It is necessary to decide on the domain part of the mail, it is written after the @ symbol (dog). You can choose,, Choose any.

As a rule, this information is open, it is easy to install it on your personal pages in social networks ... This can be used by intruders to break into your mailbox.

Enter your login password and repeat it a little below, demonstrating to the system that you remember it. On the right side, a hint about the complexity of the entered password will appear.

Try to remember it, or better yet, write it down somewhere.

In the last block from the drop-down list, you must select the country of residence, and also write a phone number (home numbers are not supported).

For Russia, it will start with +7. Now it remains to click the "Register" button.

In a few seconds, you will receive a message with a verification code, enter it in the proposed field and complete the registration.

If you need to create a mailbox on without a phone number, then choose the method "I do not have mobile phone».

After that, select from the drop-down list or come up with your own secret Question, but try to remember the answer you entered to it (this can also be written down).

Also, do not be lazy to enter an additional e-mail (if you have one).

If you tick the box next to "Create personal page»You will automatically have a profile on the social network.

In the "Code in the picture" field, enter the letters and numbers shown as in the picture. If the characters are illegible, click "update code".

When green check marks appear in front of each line, click "Register".

Mail.Ru mail setup

If you have personal email addresses located on different servers, before redirecting you to e-mail, the system will offer to collect all letters in the Mail.Ru box.

This will help you save a little time, because only one mailbox will need to be checked for new messages.

The next step is to upload a photo and create a signature.

The last step is choosing a theme. Choose the one you like best. If you don’t know what to choose, don’t worry.

Subsequently, you can easily change your choice using the "Settings" section.

That's all. The creation of a mailbox on is complete! The next window is your mailbox, in which three letters await you.

They are from The service welcomes you, thanks you for registering, and also talks about the possibilities of the service. These letters can be deleted.

To configure the protection of your account in the upper right corner of the service, select settings. Then password and security. Check all the boxes.

  • Deny concurrent sessions - if you enter your mailbox with this option enabled, then all other users in your account will be logged out.
  • Show data about the last login - when working with a mailbox, the login method, date and time will be displayed above the list of letters last visit, IP address.
  • Session from one IP address - the system will check where the requests come from. If they come from a different IP, then the session is recognized as invalid, and the user will be sent for authorization.
  • Save and display the last performed actions in the box - good tool constant control of your mailbox. The data will be displayed in the "Settings" → "Password and Security" section.

Note! When creating a mailbox on, you are given the right to install additional password for each folder in the box. This will improve overall email security.

On the left menu, click "Configure folders".

Today, sooner or later every Internet user will have to create email... Without a registered e-mail address, you will not be able to fully use all the available information on the Internet. To register on a social network or online game, or to subscribe to news, all this requires creating an email.

This publication provides step-by-step instructions for creating email on the most popular mail services -,, Yandex, Rambler,

These are the most frequently used email clients in the Russian Internet, and it is in this area that we will create email.

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Why do you need email, why have your own email address.

Before you start creating an e-mail address, it is worth talking about what e-mail is needed for, why and where it is useful. If you are not interested in this question, then scroll further.

I think everyone remembers the time when mobile phones just started to appear, many then said “Why is he, I feel good without him”, now suppose that today you were deprived of your mobile phone. This is a disaster! Roughly the same situation is now happening with electronic postal address... Without it, it is more and more difficult to "surf" the Internet, and it is almost impossible to take an active part in the "seething life" of the global network.

E-mail is an indispensable tool in the hands of an "advanced" person who wants to conquer the Internet. What benefits and entertainment we can lose without having our own mailbox on the Internet, I will list the options where e-mail is most often used:

  • Social networks. An e-mail is required for registration, password recovery and receiving notifications. Without him, you go further start page will not come in.
  • Forums, blogs. To register on the forum you are interested in, you need an email. To leave a review and comment on blogs, you will also need mail on the Internet.
  • Communication. Electronic correspondence with relatives, colleagues, clients, all this will be available after creating an email.
  • Banks. Banks increasingly began to use emails for communication with clients. They conduct polls, inform, warn now not only in person at the department, but using online mail.

These are not all the options for using the so-called "soap", but they are quite enough to create email right now.

Top 5 most popular Runet mail services

Now I will skim through the most popular postal services of the CIS, if such a concept is still appropriate to use. Mail can be created on almost any major Internet portal, but only a few "giants" provide a quality product.

So, the TOP 5 most used mail services:
At the last 5th place hosted the once very popular search engine Rambler, on which I created my first e-mail, for registration in an online game. This was about 15 years ago. Since then I have completely forgotten about her. The breathing, once mega-popular email client has exhausted its potential and does not at all strive to correct this situation.

On the next 4th position hosted Ukrainian, less neglected, but just as primitive The portal is still alive and quite popular and offers to create a mailbox. I can’t say anything good or bad, solid three.

Bronze receives the infamous Once well, a very popular mail service, in most minds it is that is associated with an e-mail address, most likely because of the consonant name. Why scandalous? Mail hacked several times by cybercriminals, and in the millions, for this reason, even those who have been using mail for a long time are smoothly switching to other, more secure ones. Also, some sites refuse to accept mail, and letters do not always reach their destination.

Honestly earned silver receives Yandex Mail. Great interface, large space for storing letters, security at the level. Why then only the second place? We will talk about this presenting the winner of this small competition.

At the first place in Runet, and in the world as a whole, mail from Google, called Gmail, is firmly established. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, reliability, attachment to the phone and the need to confirm the entrance from other devices are one of the main advantages of gmail. Speed \u200b\u200band reliability. The probability that the sent message will not reach the addressee is very small.

Another important lever for the active growth of Gmail users is linking Google accounts to Android smartphones. Without Google mail, you will not be able to download the required applications through GooglePlay. And if you look at the growth of Android consumers, you can imagine how fast all this is gaining.

Find fault with Gmail mail it is almost impossible, personally, everything suits me and I am quite satisfied with its interface and functionality, although I also have created e-mail boxes on Rambler and Yandex and on, I just use them for different purposes.

The postal giants have discussed now it's time to create email. Let's get down to step by step creation email addresses, and in this case, let's go from better to ... less good. ...

How to create an email (account) on

Now we will start creating an email on, which is also an account for all Google services, follow the link and follow the instructions.

First of all, you will see a greeting from Google, at the bottom there will be a link "Create an account", click on it.

A form for registering an account will open for you, we will gradually analyze what and how to enter.

  1. First of all, enter your Name and Surname. I recommend entering valid data, this will facilitate your further activities with Google.
  2. The next step, probably the most difficult one, is to come up with a free, and it's not so easy, username. It is allowed to use Latin letters and numbers, you can also put periods between words for separation. Dashes and underscores are prohibited, unlike most mail services.

The picture above shows a great example of filling out a form correctly.

Let's talk about this point in a little more detail, what pitfalls we can expect:

  • Password must be at least 8 characters.
  • Do not use one password for all sites (registrations).
  • When creating a password, you can use English capital and small letters, numbers and punctuation marks (shift + keyboard numbers).
  • In the first and second cases, the passwords must match, if you cannot achieve this (well, anything can happen), write down the password on the computer, then copy and paste it twice.
  • The password must be strong, use all the provided arsenal of symbols, upper and lower case letters, numbers and signs. Better yet, all this mixed up, do not make it easier for burglars.

After you've come up with good password move on. In the next stage of creating a mail on Google, you will need to specify the date of birth and gender:

I think you will not have any problems with this. Next, enter the mobile phone number, indicate the country of residence, if any, a spare email address.

Be sure to enter correct number phone, it is closely related to the further security of your Gmail account.

If you enter all the data correctly, Google will prompt you to read the terms of use for your account. To successfully pass this stage, you need to go down to the very bottom of the text, after which the "Accept" button will become active.

Click on it, we get Google congratulations on the successful creation Google accountand. This means that all Google services have become available to you, and this is a huge number of possibilities, including gmail mail.

By clicking the continue button, you can make changes to your account settings. We got acquainted, set up. In any case, in the future, everything can be corrected. To enter Gmail, you need to look at the upper right corner of the screen and click on the square or on the circle, then select the red envelope of gmail mail.

After entering the mail, I can congratulate you too, you have just created an email and a Google account in general.

You can go through a quick introduction to the mail, for this Google has provided a small tutorial.

Of course, there are many more settings. Google mail, however, the purpose of this instruction was to create an e-mail, we successfully coped with this task. At the end of the article, I will talk more about security and little tricks. ... ...

How to create mail on Yandex

Let's get down to free creation e-mail on Yandex, first you need to follow the link. After the transition, you will see a standard authorization form, at the bottom there will be a button "Register", click on it.

As you may have guessed, now we will enter standard data for any registration.

I'll tell you about each field in order:

  1. First Name Last Name. I think everything is clear here.
  2. Create a username. Here you need to pick or choose from the login offered by Yandex, which will be a prefix to Yandex mail. You can use Latin letters, numbers, period, hyphen.
  3. Pick a password. Yandex shows how secure your password is, the picture shows that my password is safe. I used letters, numbers and punctuation marks, this is the ideal use of symbols and the hardest to find.
  4. I'll tell you about the phone separately.

In the "Mobile phone" field, you must specify a work number, as an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to it. If you don't have a phone, click "I don't have a phone".

After you enter the phone number and click "Get code", you will receive an SMS, the code from which we enter in the field that appears:

After successful confirmation of the phone, we press the coveted "Register" button. Yandex Mail is configured in such a way that immediately after its creation you will be offered to quickly set it up, by going through 6 steps you will improve it the way you need it.

When quick setup will be completed, you can already successfully use the mailbox from Yandex.

In the future, you can change and configure any data associated with the newly created email on Yandex. To do this, in the upper right corner there is a gear button, clicking on which will open a panel of possible settings.

How to create an email on

Unlike the two previous proposed variants of Yandex and Google, which are associated as search engines, firmly stuck in the minds of users as a mailer. Nevertheless, the mailer also has a large number of its own tools and services, however, now we are not talking about this, but about creating a mailbox on

For free registration mailbox to mail, you must specify:

  • First name, last name.
  • Birthday.
  • City (optional).

In the next step, you need to come up with a name for the mailbox and strong password... It is allowed to use Latin letters, numbers, a period and a hyphen in the name (there must not end with a period and a hyphen). An example of a strong password "qazwsx! 2016".

We go down below, you will have three options:

  1. Press the "Register" button immediately.
  2. Indicate and confirm the mobile number "I have a mobile phone". This and the next option serves for password recovery.
  3. Enter "Additional e-mail" (optional).

If you clicked to register, then you are already on the mail page and can scroll through this page a bit below. If you decide to protect yourself and your password and enter your mobile number, then look further.

Find your country, write your mobile number, click on "Register". We receive an SMS with a code, enter it in the opened window.

After that, it should transfer you to the mail, for some reason I was returned back to the form, I had to enter the password and mobile number again. True, the phone did not have to be confirmed the second time, it was immediately redirected to mail and its quick setup.

You can change the signature under each sent letter, upload a photo or take a picture from your webcam. Click save and move on.

Choosing a beautiful background picture, or you can leave the "strict" design of, without changing anything.

To register, click on the button "Edit screen", after which we go to the profile questionnaire already familiar to us.

You need to enter: name, surname, come up with a login and password, mobile number. After confirming the phone, registration on the ukrnet can be considered complete.

On everything, go to the rambler.

How to create email on Rambler

Email creation on rambler is absolutely free. First you need to follow the link and click on the "Register" button.

After that, you will be presented with a form to fill out the email user profile. You will need to enter the following details:

  1. Surname.
  2. Come up with an accessible login.
  3. Come up with a strong password.
  4. Indicate the date of birth.
  5. Place of residence.
  6. Indicate real mobile number.
  7. Confirm cell phone. Get the code by SMS (it's free).

If you entered all the data correctly, then the mail on rambler will be created, and you will be shown your profile, where you can change your data at any time.

After registering your email with rambler, you will be sent your first welcome email from the system.

After all the above, you can safely use the capabilities of mail.

I will give some worthwhile tips, thanks to which you can significantly secure your already created and future mailboxes:

  1. If it is possible to bind an email address to a mobile phone, do so. Binding will help avoid hacks and speed up the recovery of a lost password.
  2. Do not ignore the "Additional e-mail" fields, a bunch of several email addresses can also serve you when (exactly "when", few people exist and cases when the password is never forgotten) you lose your password.
  3. Do not use the same mailbox names and passwords for all services. If attackers manage to break into one mailbox, they will try to do the same on other sites, do not make their work easier.

Which mail is the most secure

Gmail is considered the safest of the free email services.If you configure it correctly, using all levels of protection, you can achieve a mailbox with excellent system security. Two-level authentication, when in addition to the password, you still have to enter the code from the SMS, will allow you to control login attempts literally at the same moment. If you receive a code, but you have not tried to go to your mail, know that someone else is planning to do it.

Yandex mail is also quite safe, I have not seen cases of mass hacking of accounts, so you can safely use it. mail has been hacked more than once, and on a huge scale, with millions of accounts at the same time, so it is better not to use this mail for special storage important information... For communication, it is quite suitable.

I think this is where we can finish analyzing the question "How to create email on the most popular mail services", I hope all questions have been cleared, if something is not clear ask your questions in the comments.

Email is an analogue of a real mailbox that exists in the vastness of the network in in electronic format... To create your own mail on the Internet, first it is advisable to decide which service you want to use. You can register an email with various global companies, ranging from Yandex, Google and, to services from private websites and hosting.

How to create an Email from Google?

Worldwide famous company Google provides a ton of tools for users to surf the web. One of them is an e-mail box that combines free file storage, a light “dialer” and a host of other services. To sign up for Gmail from Google:

  • follow the link to the account creation page;
  • fill in all the fields provided: first and last name, desired mailbox address, password, date of birth and phone number;
  • click "Next Step" and go to the page with the rules;
  • we read them, agree with the information by clicking on the button below the list;
  • opens new page with congratulations and notification about the creation of a new mailbox;
  • phone number at registration is optional. However, he, in emergency cases, will allow you to recover a password or confirm ownership of a specific user;
  • if during registration the browser offers to save your username and password, you can agree, if you do not want to enter them every time you enter (the login form will be filled in automatically);
  • after that you can go directly to the use of all listed at the top of the page google servicesor explore helpful articles on managing your account.

How to create an Email from Yandex?

To use mail from the largest Russian Internet resource, you need to create account in Yandex. To do this:

  • we indicate the required personal data;
  • come up with a login and password (the login cannot be changed after the registration is complete, the password - at any time);
  • enter the phone number (if you do not want to do this, click “No phone”);
  • if you choose to enter without a phone, you will need to come up with a security question and an answer to it (only you should know this information);
  • accept terms of useby putting a daw next to it;
  • click on the "Register" button;
  • the system redirects us to a page with a notification about the successful creation of an account;
  • mail on Yandex is ready, you can use it.

Create an Email on Mail.Ru

In much the same way, an e-mail box is created on the Russian entertainment and mail portal Here the user chooses the domain part for his login. How it looks - see the picture below:

  • register using the link, fill in all the same lines (last name, first name, login-password);
  • city \u200b\u200band gender are optional;
  • the phone will be used to receive a verification code;
  • replacing this data, as in Yandex, is allowed with a control question;
  • we press the green registration button, we get another email box.

Why do you need to have multiple e-mail boxes? It's simple - they may be needed for different purposes. For example, it is convenient to create a separate mail for purchases or interesting subscriptions from sites, and another - for work or personal correspondence. This will allow you to receive less spam, sort information, and have access to it whenever you want. Among other things, several different emails with different passwords will reliably protect your personal data.

Email in modern world Is a variant of postal communication that exists in the virtual space. Now it is difficult to imagine a person who could work on the Internet without basic knowledge of e-mail. It has a number of advantages:

  • the speed of sending letters (they reach the addressee in a matter of seconds);
  • reliability (if the letter does not reach the addressee, this will be instantly reported);
  • affordability (e-mail is much cheaper than regular mail and is independent of distance);
  • mobility (you can check your email account anywhere in the world - just have a computer with Internet access).

Create a mailbox

So how do you create email? To exchange by email, it is necessary:

  • have a computer with Internet access;
  • know the name of the addressee;
  • know where the recipient's email address is located;
  • choose a mail program with which the sending and delivery of letters will be carried out;
  • periodically go to your email and check your mail.

Electronic mailboxes are free and paid. If you have a question about how to create an e-mail for free, then the most popular mail programs can be used in Russian search engines - Yandex (, Mail ( or Rambler ( The creation of e-mail in these systems is usually identical, but still, each service has its own subtleties.

How do I create an email address? Each person who has registered an e-mail box on any of the mail servers, receives an email address that consists of a username, @ and a domain (in our case, a search engine).

In social networks, there is no possibility of creating a personal email account. They can exchange messages within the network without any addresses. The email address will be required only for registration and creating your own page on the social network. Therefore, if you went to social network Classmates how to create an email should not worry you.

Creation of e-mail at

So let's take a look at how to create email inboxes on different search engines. Let's start with the Yandex mail service. How do I create an email?

  1., then press "Enter" on your keyboard.
  2. On the left side of the screen there is a mail registration service - in it we press the button "Create mail".
  3. In the mail registration window that opens, you need to enter your first and last name, and also come up with a login - a unique name for the future electronic mailbox. If the login that will be invented is busy, then the mail service will immediately inform you about this and offer its alternative. Login must consist of latin letters, numbers, and the use of a single hyphen or period is also allowed. After all the fields are filled in, you need to click the "Next" button.
  4. In the next mail registration window, you must enter the password, and be sure to duplicate it so that the mail robot understands that it was invented deliberately and not accidentally. Together with the login, the password serves as a key for entering the mailbox, and performs the only function - it protects the user's personal information. In the third field, a secret question must be selected, and in the fourth field, the answer to it is written. This is necessary to recover the password, in case it is forgotten. Even below, you will be asked to write a mobile phone number - this is also one of the ways to recover a password, in which an SMS will be sent with a code to recover it. Next, you need to enter the characters from the picture and click the "Register" button.
  5. At the end of registration, you must once again confirm your mobile phone number, click the "Get code" button, and also tell a little about yourself (enter your gender and date of birth). On this registration email address in mail program Yandex completed - now you can go to the created mailbox and start sending letters to the addressees.

Creation of e-mail on

How to Create an Email Mile? This requires:

  1. In the address bar of the browser, enter the address, then press "Find" or "Enter" on the keyboard.
  2. On the left side of the screen there is a mail registration service - in it we press the "Registration in mail" button.
  3. In the new mailbox registration window that opens, enter:
    • name, surname and date of birth;
    • city \u200b\u200b(optional);
    • mailbox (or login);
    • select a domain (,, and;
    • a password (which must be composed of Latin letters and numbers) and duplicate it;
    • mobile phone number (for password recovery).

After all the fields are filled in, you need to click the "Register" button. The system will immediately redirect to the created e-mail box, which will indicate that registration is complete.

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