What is a webinar. Definition and significance in the modern world. What are webinars for?

A webinar is a seminar that is conducted online, via the Internet.

How does the webinar go?

The host of the webinar is at his computer, and the participants are at their computers anywhere in the world. You can be at home, at work or elsewhere, wherever convenient for you during the webinar. No special programyou do not need to have. Webinars are heldnot via skype. Special websites were invented for their implementation.

A presenter can be seen if it includes a video broadcast. Also, instead of your image, the presenter can show you slides with presentation of material on the topic of the webinar.

You can write your questions, comments, communicate with the host and other participants in the webinar in a special chat. Webinars usually take place interactively, the moderator asks questions to participants, reads their questions and comments, communicates with participants.

What you need to attend the webinar.

1) To participate in the webinar you need. This is enough to participate in a free webinar.

If the webinar is paid. All this can also be done via the Internet.

2) The day before the webinar to your email. mail will receive a special link to the site where the webinar will be held.

3) 10-15 minutes before the start of the webinar, you need to go to the site where it will be held by this link. This site is also called a “webinar room” or “webinar site” or “online broadcast page”.

4) At the appointed time, the webinar will begin. You will hear the voice of the presenter, see his image (if there is a video broadcast) or see the presentation.

That's all. As you can see, everything is very convenient and simple. No need to go anywhere, wasting time on the road. You can stay at home, comfortably sitting on the couch with a cup of tea :)

Usually, having tried once, many parents, participants of our webinars, appreciate the new opportunities of this type of training and participate in them again and again.

We invite you .

Good luck to you!

Webinars are online seminars.
They look like regular workshops - consecutive presentations, demonstrations, questions and answers.
All this happens in real time over the Internet.

Thus, despite the fact that all participants are physically far away from each other, a virtual “audience” is formed that unites everyone.

Key webinar features

  • multilateral video and audio conference;
  • download and view presentations and videos
  • text chat.

Webinar Benefits

  • no need to leave hundreds and thousands of kilometers to get to the seminar;
  • no need to spend time and money on travel, hotel accommodation, break out of the work process for several days;
  • you can study in a cozy home environment in your favorite armchair with a cup of hot aromatic tea;
  • no need to install any additional software;
  • if you are late for the start of the webinar, you can connect at any time while the webinar is on;
  • if you couldn’t connect to the webinar for any reason, you can always download its record;
  • you can connect to the webinar in just a few clicks of the mouse;
  • connection from anywhere in the world;
  • affordable cost of training.

What do listeners need to attend the webinar?

High-quality Internet access and a headset (headphones).

Webinar is a new Internet technology that is very actively used by those who understand the value of time. Every day, more and more Internet seminars are held on a wide variety of topics that are important to people.

How is the webinar going?

The webinar is usually held by one facilitator. At a certain time, the participants in the webinar, in front of their computers, follow the link (received in advance by mail) to the virtual room. Depending on the topic and form of the webinar, the host can use the webcam (and then the participants see it), can show slides, or can only talk. Participants listen to the presenter, watch his presentation.
Questions that arise during the webinar are written by the participants in the chat. Also via chat, webinar participants can communicate with each other.

How to attend the webinar

  • register by filling out the form;
  • after the application is accepted, you will be automatically redirected to the payment page;
  • after payment, you will receive a letter in the mail containing the link and password to participate in the online seminar.

If you want to get the most out of webinars, then:

  • actively participate;
  • stay tuned for new interesting topics;
  • do not hesitate to ask questions to the teacher;
  • give feedback: write reviews about webinars;
  • make friends with like-minded Vkontakte and Facebook;
  • review the webinar materials and work them out again after graduation.

Only actions are counted!

We wish you a blessed development in the Online format!

With the development of Internet communications, virtual communication, including business communication, has become widespread. One of the forms of business Internet communication is webinars or, as they are called in other words, online seminars and web conferences. Let's understand what a webinar is, for what purposes it can be used, what are its options and capabilities. Consider also the technical side of the issue.

Webinar as a form of Internet communication

This term is of English origin and is derived from two words: web (network) and seminar (seminar, training courses), which in literal translation means "learning using the Internet network."

The history of webinars dates back to the 80s of the last century, when the first text messaging systems appeared on the Internet. A decade later, software was already developed for such communication, and web chats appeared. By the beginning of the 21st century, it became possible to carry out conference calls over the Internet, as well as the development of other means of online communication. In 1998, a trademark of this term was developed and registered.

Webinar objectives

The appointment of webinars can be reduced to three main goals:

  1. Training. Webinars are used for seminars, continuing education courses and other training events. You can read more about this and other forms of distance learning in the article.
  2. Conferences - scientific, public and business thematic events with presentations by their participants and subsequent discussion of presentations.
  3. Meeting. Conducting meetings and meetings of employees engaged in remote work.

Options and features

Unlike a real event, during the webinar, its participants, as a rule, cannot talk to each other: only the host can speak. The remaining participants in the webinar have the opportunity to leave text messages (questions and comments), which everyone can see: both the presenter and the participants. At the same time, the facilitator can provide voice messages to other participants in the webinar or to his assistant.

The main webinar options are the following features:

  • audio and video communications;
  • presentation presentation;
  • video demonstration;
  • desktop demonstration;
  • electronic comment board;
  • chat (group and private);
  • polls and polls;
  • interactive demonstration of sites and applications (web tours);
  • broadcast event recordings for viewing and listening to it offline.

Technical support

To organize a webinar or participate in it, the following specifications are required:

  • internet access;
  • registration on the service providing conference services;
  • webcam;
  • headphones;
  • microphone;
  • columns.

Conducting webinars today is also possible via Skype. Any users who have the software that meets the requirements of the webinar have this opportunity. For example, the widespread Skype program. Skype webinars even have their own advantages over webinars organized through web services.

So, for example, in this case, the participants in the event can communicate not only through text messages, but also in voice. Each participant in the webinar has the opportunity to demonstrate their desktop and, accordingly, show a video, presentation or conduct a web tour. Participants in a webinar via Skype can not only hear each other, but also see if you turn on the webcam.

To conduct a webinar on Skype, its organizer (presenter) needs only to add all the participants to the contact list and create a group chat. After that, you can conduct a webinar as a protocol event (seminar, conference, meeting).

You will find even more interesting information about communication on the Internet and other similar topics in articles from our section.

With the development of the World Wide Web, mankind has received many unique opportunities, including the conditions for virtual communication.

  One of the most common forms of Internet communications is considered to be webinars, or else - web conferences, which allow you to solve many important issues online. What are webinars? And how are they carried out?

What is a webinar?

A webinar is understood to mean events conducted via the Internet. The term has English roots and is formed from words. web  (network) and seminar  (courses). The history of web conferencing began in the 1980s when they were able to develop new IRC protocols designed for real-time information exchange.

In the mid-90s of the last century, the first chats saw the light, and at the end of the decade, users had the opportunity to conduct webinars.

What are webinars for?

Web conferences are similar to regular seminars and are held for several purposes. First of all, the webinar is used for training, advanced training and the development of various training programs. With their help, you can take any courses in a convenient place for yourself, regardless of the distance at which the trainer or teacher is.

  Often the goal of a webinar is a regular conference where participants get the opportunity to listen to speakers and discuss them later. This can be scientific, business, social and other events of various subjects and directions.

Sometimes webinars are used for meetings between employees of the same company. This method of communication is convenient if employees are busy not in the office, but in remote work.

How is the webinar going?

The time and topics of the webinar are announced in advance on thematic resources or sites of the organizers. At the scheduled hour, all participants follow the link received in advance to the virtual room, where they participate in a web conference. As a rule, it is led by one person who can simply talk or additionally show slides through a webcam.

  Other participants hear the presenter and even see him on the screen, but usually can not talk to each other. All questions that arise during the webinar can be asked in the form of written messages via chat. The number of places at the webinars depends on the organizers, since it is they who determine the number of audience.

What is needed for a webinar?

Since web conferencing is conducted over the Web, their organization needs appropriate technical conditions. All participants must have access to the Internet, headphones, a webcam, a microphone, speakers. In addition, sometimes they need to register for services that provide virtual communication services.

Recently, webinars organized through the Skype program have become very popular. They have some advantages over conferences held on web services.

In particular, thanks to Skype, people can not only chat, but also communicate with each other using voice messages, as well as see each other through a webcam. To conduct such webinars, the organizer needs to create a group chat.

Webinar Benefits

Thanks to the advent of webinars, people have the opportunity to study and take part in conferences without leaving home. No need to travel thousands of kilometers, spend time and money on the road, pay for a hotel room and break away from your main job. With the help of web conferencing, you can study at home with a cup of hot coffee.

  If you are late for the webinar, you can connect to it at any time. If you could not visit at all, then it is enough to download his record later. In addition, the cost of webinars is usually cheaper than traditional training courses, since there is no need to pay for the rental of premises and the use of special equipment.

Webinars - presentations, training courses or conferences that are conducted over the Internet and are actively used in. Often in this format, the presenter does not see the participants, and a screen with a speaker is shown to all viewers. So they conduct employee training in companies, trainings, online meetings. Webinars first appeared in the 1990s when a full-fledged conference call opportunity arose. The trademark of the term “webinar” itself was registered in 1998 by Eric R. Korb, but registration was later challenged in court.

Why webinars to business

Webinars are suitable for almost all types of businesses that sell goods / services via the Internet or have branches in different cities of the country. Most often, online broadcasts are used in the information business - a business based on the sale of information.

Businesses need webinars to increase sales, train employees, or directors.

To increase salesuse different types of webinars - and simple product presentations, and broadcasts in the form of product training, and answers to user questions. Presentations of goods and services practically do not carry values \u200b\u200bfor the audience, therefore they are used relatively rarely. Most often, to increase sales, they conduct webinars with training or answers to questions, as well as free test trainings - this significantly increases the loyalty of the target audience to the brand (or to), because it shows that the company cares about its customers. For example, the owners of an online service can hold a webinar where they will show one of its functions and talk in detail about how to use it and how it can be useful.

For employee training use corporate webinars. At them, the presenter talks about a new product or service, explains the technical subtleties, shows how to work with the product / service. Or teaches employees how to work in an online system, for example, in CRM. For example, the management of an all-Russian chain of stores with a wide range of mobile phones can remotely conduct training on setting up and selling smartphones of a new brand.

For meetings  use online conferences. They show on the screen either one host - for example, the CEO - or all participants. Most often, this format of corporate webinars is needed to discuss a strategy for further development or to resolve urgent issues. For example, the owner of a company can talk about changes in the development strategy at the same time to all directors of branches in the regions.

How are webinars held and for what purpose do they serve

Increasing sales, employee training, or a meeting is the global goal of the webinar. Each online broadcast has an exact goal - for example, to talk about a new product, show the company's expertise, and answer user questions. The structure of the webinar is directly dependent on the exact goal.

All the structures of online webinars can be divided into four large groups.

  • Educational - the facilitator tells how to solve a particular problem (usually in a format), gives specific recommendations and an algorithm of actions, answers live questions from viewers.
  • Expert - the speaker talks about his experience and shows cases, tells in detail about solving complex problems.
  • Sales - the leader educates potential customers or talks about the product, and in the end leads to the purchase - this is how infobusinessmen often act: they conduct free training, and then they invite them to a paid course.
  • Informational - it is used to answer user questions.

Depending on the purpose, you need to choose the appropriate structure. For example, a sales structure in which he first   share valuable information for free  or conduct free training and then fail to purchase. An online service is suitable for the information structure in which its representatives answer frequently asked questions.

The format of the webinar also depends on the purpose and on the personal preferences of the host. For example, you can:

  • Speak yourself - talk to the camera about something
  • Demonstrate presentation, documents, draw diagrams on blackboard.
  • Show a computer screen with a presentation or some service
  • Communicate with viewers in text, in general chat

Most often they use a combined format: the screen shows both the presenter and the interactive whiteboard, computer or screen with the presentation turned on. Viewers can ask their questions in the chat, and the presenter sees them and responds to comments.

The future of webinars

The development of streaming platforms - VK Live and others - allows you to broadcast without special platforms and unnecessary "troubles." They can also see live audience comments and show their performance, presentation, or shoot a computer screen. Therefore, such streaming platforms are a great place where you can try yourself for free and test the conduct of webinars for business.

Do you plan to use webinars for your business and why? Share your opinion in the comments!

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