A friend around on the computer is Russian. A friend around registering in a free social network

A friend Around on the computer is a functional client for communication from the same name social network. It's very easy to make new friends here. It is enough to go to the tab "Ethers" and select any person you like from the list to start the conversation. Of course, many people come by wanting to meet a girl (or a man), but also people come with whom you can just talk. If you want to send your message to "Ether" (to attract attention), then you can do it for 7 "friends" - the currency of this network, which is bought for real money. Gifts are also available only for "friends".

Unfortunately, you can not use a video camera or microphone here. But you can send different files. The leftmost tab shows all your friends and their statuses (online or offline). To add friends, your interlocutor must accept the request. Actually, everything is similar to the standard ICQ client. The "Events" tab displays important messages about added friends, about changing the text status. Also there is a tab "My guests", where you can see all those who are interested in your profile (personal characteristics). The most recent tab is used for advanced user search. Here you can set the location: the country (not all countries in the world are supported), the region and the city; age and personal interests or hobbies. By the way, in the client A friend around the computer you can select the profiles of only those users that are currently on the network.

If you are annoyed by the constant connection of the program at the start of the OS, then this can be corrected through the main menu: "Settings" → "General" → uncheck the box "Start FriendAround at System Startup". Also, if you want, you can connect a Bluetooth device and use its capabilities in Friend Around on the computer.

This client is valuable for those who do not want to register on different dating sites, but want to have almost all the same functions and a good database of questionnaires. You can not only find your soul mate, but also get acquainted with interesting people.

Key features and functions

  • "Efirov" tape will help to identify those people who are ready to communicate at the moment;
  • a large selection of cheerful smileys;
  • there are user ratings;
  • convenient display of personal data;
  • functional search.

Special requirements

  • gifts and messages in the "Ether" section are paid. To buy them you need to replenish the balance of the internal currency of the network - the friends.

It's already been about five years since the Internet service "" appeared on mobile devices, providing all new users with its capabilities. A friend Around is a program for communication and a social network that allows you to find your friends, communicate with them through installation on mobile devices, and also make acquaintances with completely new people and with those who are close to the owner of this application. Let's see how you can register in the social network Friend Around.

The difference between this program and similar services is its dual purpose - programs for communication and the creation of an accessible and completely free social network. Besides Friend around   - a one-of-a-kind application that can "work" in the absence of the Internet, but only thanks to the built-in Bluetooth mobile gadget, which provides a connection between the devices with this capability. It is enough just to connect this function, as the program will provide a search for those whose phone has an active Bluetooth and is connected to this application. First you can, then install the application on the system.

We register. We are acquainted. We meet. We fall in love

When activating the program to join the community, you need to create your account, fill out a questionnaire. In this questionnaire, you must specify your gender, as this plays an important role in finding a partner. Next, you need to find an interesting and easily readable nickname. All. Now you can start looking for friends, best by specifying your region. Well if the interests are indicated.

To perform an optimal search, you need to specify those items in the search form that are very important for finding friends. They will be based on the program, selecting the appropriate ones from the nearest environment. Here you will need to specify the gender, age, city, hobbies, which would be desirable to have a future friend. If you want to register a Friend of Wake on the phone, you need to visit our website.

Familiar for many ICQ or Skype today is much inferior to the application of the Friend around, above all, its unchanging format and monotony for a long time, and this application is constantly developing and being perfected by developers, taking into account the wishes of users and providing it with free updates.

Now you can meet and fall in love right after finding each other on the network. A Friend Around. The program that identifies kindred souls on the proposed questionnaires near the seekers is very necessary for those who want to continue a virtual acquaintance, right away immediately turning it into a real one. Being in a cafe or in a restaurant, in any public place you can immediately discover those who can become a friend or partner, even possibly for a very long time.

Becoming a member social network Friend Around, You will ensure yourself the opportunity of new acquaintances, will find many friends! Each participating user in the social network has many friends and girlfriends, just new friends on this network! Thanks to a modest application, you can often communicate with friends on a common theme! Using the opportunities of this social network you can find your soul mate, this will help other users!

Content of the article

On the site you can quickly download the program and become a user of the Friend Around, learn about the features and secrets of the application. If you know this social network Friend Around, here you can simply download the program to your computer (PC), tablet, phone, smartphone. When registering, you need to communicate with the Internet and your mobile phone number, which you will be a reliable support, in case you forget or lose access to the social network.

From the menu, select the coordinates where you want to download the program, and then follow the instructions.

Naturally, VKontakte - power and strength, however social network Friend Around   will be closer to you when you want to meet in real life. In this case, the probability of random acquaintances is extremely high, since - A friend Around will look for new friends, both on the Internet and via Bluetooth!

Description of the social network Friend Around

Tune in to search, you can go to any place you visit - theater, cafe, club, restaurant, enter the program and expect new acquaintances! Really it works, people start writing themselves! Especially it is popular in cities.

Now I have a lot of friends, so I met them at nightclubs. We often go to relax together for different activities. For this, you need to thank the application developers Friend Around!

In the program there are also paid services, they will complement your possibilities not being obligatory, these services have their advantages. The main thing is the social network works and helps to get acquainted and communicate really   interesting people!

Windows program

It is very convenient and the profile is set - friends can be seen. Before acquaintance you can find out the interests of people, see photos, make an assessment and decide whether you need this acquaintance. It is fantastic!

Despite the steepness of this version, regular users of the social network Friend Around us it is recommended to install a version for the PC, since the comfort of a full keyboard and mouse, the smartphone will not replace, as it was convenient. In combination - it's a bomb!

Apple has accustomed everyone - its products are something special and only for the elite. Stylish, but strict design, the format for applications, their chips. This can be attributed to everything, including the program A Friend Around, it is designed for the iPhone very beautifully and qualitatively, as a device.

The main difference between the iPhone version is the style of the application.   Everything is strict and beautiful. On the iPhone with friends to communicate with the help of social. network A friend Around nice and healthy! Functionality is the same as in the PC version + the ability to locate, navigate, etc. In short, you will have the ability to monitor network users nearby. While in the restaurant, turned on the program and watch with someone to have dinner or talk! This is how dating begins!

For the Symbian version of the Friend Around in its native format (sis) is not, however for smartphones Sony Ericsson, Nokia and some Samsung models version of the application Friend Around the same as for java. One exception - this program was optimized to work with these devices. Functionality and interface are just as accurate.

Let them say that mobile simple Java phones have already outlived themselves! There are still a lot of devices of this platform, and developers are always pleased with all new products. For example - applications Friend A long time was not for Windows Phone, but it has long been created for Java!

Who is cooler?

Naturally Java in its capabilities is much inferior to any other version, despite the fact that the developers have tried to try all versions of the functional equally. In any case, you can use all the services of communication, viewing other people's profiles. The difference is more external, in the design and interface. If you have an old mobile phone   on Java, there is no choice! You can take it with you everywhere, it can not be done with a PC or laptop.

Developers of the application, specially adapted it for different models we tried to explain the download. Naturally, the official site of the application to go better and there to download a fresh version, but our page is convenient and most understandable.

A Friend Around for Windows Phone is the last one created. Probably the developers waited, when this platform will become popular, and waited! Recently there was a working version of Friend Around for smartphones on the Windows Phone platform! Reviews on the market say that it works without problems not at all, there are problems. The version is tested, it works, moreover, it has already been updated!

On behalf of the creators, we strongly ask not to judge, since the program will be constantly updated, and all proposals and comments will be taken into account.

Download software A Friend Around

Still need to be glad that the version finally appeared for Windows Phone devices. By its functionality, the application is not inferior to the version of android and version of ios devices. So, life on the sly is getting better and the owners of smartphones WP!

Attention! - Replace the password to enter the application. A friend is around and can be reset! In the HELP / ADVICE menu of the required device, find "Forgot password, what should I do?"

If you follow this instruction, your password will be sent to your number, which is indicated at registration!

Never give your password to unknown persons in the social network!

Friend around   - an interesting program for those who want to keep in touch with friends or make new friends around the clock. Its main difference, from other services, is that the Friend Around Logging into the site through the browser is not possible. All communications are carried out only through the official application, which is ported to all popular and underutilized platforms today. The lack of the function of visiting a profile through the web interface is explained by the pursuit of several other functions, compared to popular messaging services.

Log in through the application:

Principle of functioning

As you know, in Friend Around Entrance without downloading is impossible. To use the service functions, you need to download the program to your device, register with the phone number to the account. After confirming the phone number, you need to go to Friend Around, using the attached phone number and the specified password. Further, the program will require the completion of questionnaires, and the information should be entered truthfully and in as much detail as possible, for in that case it will be easier for you to find like-minded people.

You can create a list of friends in the application using several methods:

  • adding contacts to people who are registered in Friend Around and are in the address book of the phone or SIM card memory;
  • search for like-minded people located within the range of Bluetooth through this interface;
  • use the capabilities of the integrated search engine.

When I made the Entry for the First Time, the program will scan the phonebook of the device without asking, and suggest adding the first friends from the number of contacts that have an account on the system.
  Unique search function for people using the application via Bluetooth, will find users within a radius of several tens of meters. Actually this is provided that they have Bluetooth enabled and this client is running.

Classic search with filters by age, sex, interests, place of residence and other criteria is familiar to all fans of social networks.

The process of communication

Having formed so far a narrow circle of friends, enter into the Friend Around the next time will be more interesting, because one of them can leave a message or recommend you to their friends. Also, there is a possibility that like-minded people will find you if the circle of interests does not affect a large number of people (it is much easier to get the offer of friendship from a fan of Go checkers than from an admirer of Pokemon, because the latter are more numerous).
  Any user can enter conversation and exchange messages in the form of text, smiles, stickers and files, because the program concept does not differ from ICQ or the like, except for some intricacies of the interface and obscure functions.


The designers of the project did not invent the bicycle, and made an application with a typical social networking interface. However, instead of the main menu in the program, there are tabs that act as partitions. It is through them that you can view the news, go to the dialogues, the list of friends, search for new friends by one of the algorithms, or make an acquaintance in the general chat.

Such chats are divided into:

  • home - include users from one city;
  • regional - users of one geographical area participate;
  • in a global chat can go anyone.

Keep in mind: if someone claims that the Friend Around Online is online or is on the log-in page account through the browser, you know, in both cases you are confronted with scammers or the fruits of their creation (phishing pages, malware). After entering data for authorization in the second case, for example, the "Login" button simply activates the Java script, which will send your login-password to the mail of the attacker. In such situations, you should immediately change the password and check the PC anti-virus scanner.

Friend around   - A program for the exchange of messages and photos with the functions of a social network. Allows you to view other users' profiles. Can determine who of the users of the service is now near. In FriendVokrug, you can conveniently communicate with friends, express your emotions with emoticons and give gifts. And if suddenly it becomes boring - you can write in the "Live" and find new friends.

Opportunities OtherAround

  • Create your own questionnaire and view user profiles, upload photos to the questionnaire.
  • The ability to send photos, audio and video clips.
  • Smilies, statuses, moods, gifts, voting.
  • You can communicate with your computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • Search for users who are nearby by Bluetooth. Leave them a note. Check the history of your meetings. Meet new friends.
  • Chating history. Notifications of new events.
  • Play a specific piece of material (specify the start and end points).

Friend Around download to your computer

Download for free   on the computer from the official site DrugVokrug. Our site tracks all updates of programs in order that you have latest version   Friend around.

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