What is the Gmail service on the phone. Gmail mail from Google - what is it? Register a gmail mailbox

Gmail.com (jimeil or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs to the Google search engine and here you can create a mailbox for free, as well as get a Google account with it. And that means Drive, YouTube, Google Play, access to other services.

one . We open the site gmail.com. Click on "Create an account" below.

2. We fill in the form on the right side.

Name and surname. Here you need to indicate your data, preferably real. After all, if suddenly in the future you have difficulties with entering the box, then thanks to this information it will be possible to return access. If desired, this data can then be hidden.

Username... A very important field is the name of your mailbox (login). It should only consist of English letters; numbers and periods can also be used. It just needs to be invented and printed.

This is the email address (e-mail) where letters will be sent. It is this that will need to be told to the person so that he can send you something.

Problems may arise when choosing a username. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And very many names have already been registered, which means that they cannot be selected.

Let's say I want to get the umnik login. I type it in the field and press the Enter button on the keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google again does not like it: it turns out that such a name has already been taken by someone.

Below the system shows the logins that are free for registration. Google automatically added them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to the one I had invented.

You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and find something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that it will no longer be possible to change this name.

Of course, you can then register another mailbox, set up forwarding of letters to it from the old address. But why such difficulties, if you can immediately choose a normal name.

To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show a different free title after each click. Maybe something will do.

If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for its input will not be highlighted in red.

Many people don't understand at first how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration on Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to her, then the address is very, very important.

Ideally, it should be simple and not too long so that it can be dictated over the phone. It is desirable, however, without numbers and dots. And no "babies", "beauties" and "kitties"!

It's funny when a serious guy's business card says puzatik45.

Password and password confirmation... Here you need to type in the alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. It can only use letters of the English alphabet and numbers, the size must be at least eight characters. It is highly desirable that the letters be of different case (both large and small) - so it will be more difficult for hackers to break into the box.

Be sure to write this password down somewhere safe!

It is checked: it is forgotten instantly, but you simply cannot enter your mail without it.

Date of birth, gender... These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As with the first / last name, it is better to indicate your real details. This will make it easier to regain access to the mailbox if problems arise with the login.

Other information... Mobile phone, backup email mail and country - this data can be omitted.

3. After filling in all the required fields, click "Next". If the system does not start up, it means that some field is filled in the wrong way. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it is written what is wrong with it.

4 . A window will appear in which the conditions for registration in the gmail.com mail will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

The "Accept" button will become available only after you read them.

That's all! The mailbox is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on "Go to the Gmail service".

Your new mail will open immediately after that.

E-mail address

If you have carefully read what I have told before, then you should remember about the username. I said that this is exactly the address of your e-mail box. But this is not entirely true: every mail on the Internet has one more part in addition to the login. In the case of Google, this is @ gmail.com

It turns out that the correct name of the e-mail box consists of the username (login) and the prefix @ gmail.com. And this address must be one continuous word without spaces. There is no dot at the end.

An example of a well-written address:

This is the full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and in other places. If you give the person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send the letter - it simply will not reach. But only the address should be your own, not the one that is written in this picture :)

How to find out the address of your mailbox

As soon as you get into your new mailbox, Google greets you and briefly talks about the possibilities of mail. We close this window - it will not appear again.

To find out your email address on Gmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top right. A small window will appear where it will be written.

How to enter your mail after registration

Okay, we have the box. But how to get into it after a while: a day, two, a month, a year ...

Everything is very simple: usually a program for the Internet (browser) remembers data from mail and downloads it automatically. You only need to open google site , and in the upper right corner, click on the picture with small squares, where to select the mail icon.

Immediately after that, your mailbox should open with new and old letters. And if suddenly the program for the Internet forgets the data from the mail, then you will need to enter them.

Why you need a Gmail email

Of course, first of all, you need mail to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos and other files.

If you enter your Gmail mail using search engines, you may lose access to your mailbox. A user going to sites from search runs the risk of getting to phishing (fishing - fishing) sites. These sites are visually indistinguishable from mail services and were created with only one purpose - to find out the username and password from the victim's account and gain access to his mail.

Going to a similar site, you will see a familiar interface and, without suspecting a trick, enter the data from your account in the fields of the authorization form (login form). After entering, you will see a notification - "the service is temporarily unavailable, please try again" and you will be redirected to the official website mail.google.com, where, when you enter the data again, you will already safely enter your mailbox. Unfortunately, Internet scammers have already received your username and password when you first try to enter a "fake" site.

Having access to your Gmail mail, an attacker can take advantage of password recovery functions from social networks, cloud storages, and even find your credit card details.

Registering a new Google Mail mailbox

Google mail has several advantages over other mail services. For owners of a Gmail mailbox, all online services and tools of Google, the so-called all-in-one (all in one), become available.

To register in Google mail, it will take about 5 minutes and a minimum set of data: Name, Surname, come up with your unique login (mailbox name like [email protected]) and a convenient password for you (8 characters: letters, numbers and special characters). For additional security, you will be prompted to link a phone number and an additional mail address.

Sign in to your Gmail email

It is best to enter your mail search engine from Google mail from the start pages that are in any browser. If you cannot get access from the start page or you need to log into Gmail on someone else's computer, the best solution would be to use the "Incognito" mode in your browser (called by the Ctrl + Shift + N keyboard shortcut). In this mode, your authorization is not saved and when you close the browser window, access to Google mail will be interrupted.

The second right solution for logging into Gmail

To enter your Gmail or Google account, you must enter the authorization data that was specified during registration: Phone number (if it was specified and confirmed) or login from your mailing address.

Gmail.com Mail is the go-to email service. Therefore, I created my personal, main, mailbox on Gmail.com, although by that time I had about five e-mail addresses from other mail services.

I like the ease of use, reliability and spaciousness of the Gmail.com mailbox. By registering a mailbox on gmail, you get the opportunity, with the same login and password, to enter other Google services: the most popular video hosting YouTube, calendar, Google documents and many other useful services.

Registration at Gmail.com

To register for Gmail in Russian, go to the official website https://mail.google.com.

A Google account login window will appear.

In order to enter, you need to enter the mobile phone number or e-mail address specified during registration. But, since you are not registered yet, click on the link More options

From the options provided, select Create account.

A page with a questionnaire will open, which you must fill out.

We fill out the form.

  1. What is your name. Here I advise you to indicate the real Name and Surname. Because, other Google services, including on a smartphone, will be associated with this account. I think that this will be your main mailbox for a long time! If you need a temporary mailbox, then you can follow my lesson in a few minutes.
  2. Come up with a username. This will be the name of your mailbox and login to log into your account. You have to work hard to find a clear and memorable name. After all, names such as olga, nina, ivan have long been occupied. Substitute names, and the system will prompt you whether this name is taken or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and periods.
  3. Pick a password. The password must be at least eight characters long. For security reasons, it is not recommended to use passwords from other sites.
  4. Confirm the password. To make sure you entered your password correctly, enter your password again. If the system displays that the passwords do not match, check if the keyboard layout is set correctly. There should be Latin letters, not Russian.
  5. Date of Birth. Choose from the dropdown list.
  6. Floor. Selected from the list.
  7. Mobile phone number - required for more reliable account protection. If important documents are stored in the mailbox, then you can allow access to your account only after receiving an SMS with a password to your mobile phone. Also, if you forget your password, you can request an SMS with a code to change your password.
  8. Alternate email address - required for better account protection. For example, if suspicious actions are noticed in your account, then the gmail administration will be able to send a notification to this address.
  9. Make Google my homepage. If you check the box, then when you open the browser, the Google search engine will appear all the time. But, many users make the home page their favorite site. Then, you don't need to check the box here, otherwise your page will be replaced with a Google page.
  10. A country. Select from the list the country where you live now.

After filling out the questionnaire, click the Next button.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Service page opens. Read (scroll down the page) and press the "Agree" button.

The "Verify Account" window will open. Enter your mobile phone number and click "Continue".

A window will appear for entering the Confirmation Code, which will be sent to you via SMS. If the code does not come within 15 minutes, try again. I managed to complete the registration from the third time. After entering the code, click the Continue button.

You will be congratulated on your successful registration and offered to log into your Gmail account. Click the "Go to Gmail" button and start getting to know your new mailbox.

You will see buttons by clicking on which you can select the theme (appearance) of your mail account, change (add) the main photo of your profile, import addresses and mail from another mail account. By the way, your new mailbox will already contain a letter from Google describing the capabilities of your Google account. And by clicking the button "How to use Gmail mail", you will learn all the features of working with this mail service.

Video: How to Sign Up for Gmail - Create a Google Profile

The video clearly shows:

  • How to register in Gmail and get access to all Google services;
  • how to create folders,
  • how to sort letters into folders,
  • how to prepare a signature for letters,
  • how to add files to emails,
  • how to switch to other Google services?

Login to gmail.com mail

If you have already registered, then, to enter the Gmail mail, click the link mail.google.com

In the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter your E-mail or mobile phone number associated with your account and click Next. By the way, you can enter not the entire email address, but only the login - without @ gmail.com

A password entry field will appear. Enter the password, click the "Next" button and your mailbox will open in front of you.

Sign in to other Google services

By registering in the mail, you can enter any Google service with this username and password.

While in your Gmail account in the upper right corner, click the square (shown by the red arrow). A window with many buttons will open (see Figure 5). By clicking the desired button, you will be taken to the most popular Google services: Calendar, YouTube, Search, Maps.
And by clicking the link More, you will see buttons for other Google services, for example, Docs.

There are many different postal services where you can set up your own e-mail. Gmail is one of the best email services on the Internet, you can register and create a new mailbox in it for free. Login to Gmail.com is available from both computers and phones.

This mailbox has a large capacity, a simple and easy-to-use interface, good security and reliability of your letters and information stored on it. Also, after registering your mailbox, you will have access to other services from Google: YouTube, Google documents, remote drive and much more.

Registration in mail Gmail.com - a quick guide

To register a Gmail mailbox in Russian, follow the link to the official website: http://mail.google.com. The mail service will open in a new window, in order to register correctly, see the tips on our website, and there fill in all the fields:

Let's briefly consider what should be written in each field:

  • What is your name - here indicate your real name and surname, because this box will most likely be your main one.
  • Come up with a username - this is the name of your mailbox and login to log into your account. Choose a name that you can easily remember. Names like ivan, alex, irina are already taken. The system will prompt the name is busy or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and periods.
  • Create a password - the password can contain both letters and numbers, and must have at least 8 characters. The system will prompt you to create an easy or complex password.
  • Confirm password - on this line, repeat your password that you created.

  • Mobile phone number (optional).
  • Backup email address (optional).
  • Date of Birth.

To upload a profile photo, click on the letter in the upper right corner and on the change button, as shown in the picture:

How to install Russian in gmail

Google account interface can be changed to any language. If you have installed English, you can easily change it to Russian. In your account, click the Settings button (located in the upper right corner)

Login to gmail (gmail)

If you have already registered, then to enter the Gmail mail, click the link.

In the window that opens, enter your username and password and you will be taken to your page in the mail service.

Access to Google services

By registering by mail, you can enter any Google service with this username and password.

Click on the button shown in the picture above, and the most popular services in Google will open:, youtube, news, maps, etc.

If you have problems when you try to enter Gmail mail (it does not matter from a computer or mobile device) or you see the message “Add Gmail to your Google account” and “Name is already taken. Try something else ”, this article should help you solve this problem.

The reasons that you cannot enter the mail from Google may be different, and therefore I will give several possible solutions, and I hope I will help all those who are here and read this manual.

Sign in to Gmail.com mail - first steps

After that, the very first thing to try is to clear your entire browser history (cookie). From the reviews of several users on the Internet, this is what helped them.

If it worked, great, if not, read on:

  1. Click on the following link: Login to Gmail
  2. The Gmail login form will appear, where one of your addresses will already be entered. And below there will be a link "Log in to another account" or "Sing in with a different account" (if yours is in English) - click on it.
  3. After that, all your addresses will be displayed, including the one you need. Choose an address, enter a password and log into your mailbox. If an empty login form appears instead of addresses, enter the required address, password and log in.

This option is also possible, if when you try to enter the mail window appears Add Gmail to your Google Account and the message “This name is already taken. Try something else. "

On the same page, where “Name is already taken” answers you, there is a circle with a little man in the upper right corner (or with your avatar). Click on it and select Add an account.Next, enter your address, password and click Login.

Account information

I think it will not be superfluous to make sure once again that you enter all the data required to enter the mail correctly. Passwords are very case sensitive, so make sure you don't have the Caps Lock enabled. Also check if the username is correct i.e. email address that is written up to @ gmail.com.

Let me know in the comments how you did it.

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