How to install the game using alcohol. How to install the game using alcohol How to run the alcohol 120 program in Russian

Installing Alcohol 120% in pictures

It is the best program designed to work with various optical discs. This program has a very extensive functional set, it includes functions for recording disks, functions for creating images of various disks, and also has the ability to create a virtual disk. If your goal is to work with disks, then this program is the best solution. Next, the installation process of this program will be described in detail.
Alcohol 120% program can be downloaded from many Internet resources, many sites provide ready-made keys, so problems should not arise. After the program is downloaded, you need to run the setup.exe file.

When it starts, the installation window will appear. Now you should click on the Next button.

The second window prompts you to accept the license agreement, accept it, and click Next.

The third window prompts the user to select the installation directory for the program, you can select what is offered by default and click Next.

Now a window will appear in which you specify the installation directory, that is, they ask if you have changed your mind, agree and click Next.

After you have completed all these steps, the installation process begins. When the installation is over, click Finish.

Now a window will appear in which you should click on the Yes button to restart the computer. If you were doing something else in parallel, then it is worth saving the data.

After your computer restarts, open alcohol 120% program... A window will open in which you need to click "Register". In the window that opens, paste alcohol 120% registration key, after entering the key, click Ok, and then Ok again. Now the main Alcohol 120% program window will open with a proposal to update the program, but you should not do this. Now the program is installed, you can start working!

This page will help you configure the Alcohol 120% program for further work on creating images of CD / DVD discs, that is, change some of the default settings.

After installing the Alcohol 120% program and activating it, the program must be configured for comfortable operation.

To get started, launch the program, for example, from the desktop by clicking on the program's shortcut.

In the "Settings" menu click on the "General" link.

Let's start with the "Advanced" item.

We place the check marks as shown in the figure. We proceed to setting the "File Associations" item.

We press the button "Select all". Go to the "Virtual Disk" item.

Check the boxes and select the number of virtual disks. Now let's configure the "Data Types".

We do as shown in the figure. At this, the setting of the Alcohol 120% program can be considered complete. You can work with the program.

And on the desktop for work you will see the virtual disk (s) created by the program.

The virtual disk looks like a physical disk, only there is no email in it. motor and mechanical parts. Such a virtual disk will never go bad.

With which you can create, burn and read images from discs (CD and DVD). With it it is easy to save exact copies of information and store it in a virtual drive. This is especially useful when, for example, you need to open an MDF file in a game with old extensions or overwrite a movie. But many users often have questions and problems related to this program. Someone fails to mount the image, others - to create a virtual disk, and some do not even know how to use Alcohol 120. Let's now deal with all the questions that arise.

Program window

The Alcohol 120 program is multifunctional and is rightfully considered one of the best in its segment. Its functionality includes the following features:

  • create and burn images (completely copy files from the source disk and write this copy to another medium);
  • create virtual drives (a second drive is formed into which you can mount disk images);
  • bypass popular security systems;
  • perform accurate disk emulation.

The program interface is uncomplicated, intuitive. It's easy to use, because all the main operations are in the main menu of the utility, so you won't have to look for them for a long time. The software is compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system, starting from XP.

Mounting information

In order to mount an image in Alcohol 120, you first need to add it to a special list, and then double-click on it. You can add the necessary images by dragging and dropping files into the program window or start a search on your computer, which will return all images available on your PC.

Do not forget to mark all the necessary checkboxes in the properties (for example, splitting or working with damaged files). After that, the only thing left to do is to choose the place where the final file will be installed and start the process. As soon as the mounting is completed, the corresponding tab will be added to the software. Everything is extremely simple.

But you can use Alcohol 120 only with those files that are not copy-protected. If protection is provided, then the algorithm of actions is somewhat different. To bypass protection, you can use three methods:

  • skip errors - the method is useful when mounting information from disks, on the surface of which there are small defects (scratches, abrasions, other damage);
  • use fast skip - this method makes it possible to skip large blocks with damages, which significantly speeds up the work (important for working with special CD formats);
  • improve sector scanning is another method to quickly skip errors on media and significantly speed up the work process Alcohol 120.

Disk imaging

There shouldn't be big problems with how to create a disk image in the program either. First, you need to insert a CD or DVD into the drive, and in the program itself, click on the "create images" button. After that, the software will open a new window in front of you, and there you have to select the drive with the data carrier to which you are going to save the files.

Alcohol 120 needs to think for a while, during which the software will read the disc to the end. Then the "start" button will be active. But do not rush to press it. First, check all the necessary characteristics of the future file, whether the checkboxes are checked or some need to be removed, and then - feel free to start. A little patience and the software will complete the task assigned to it.

Another method on how to work with Alcohol 120 is to create images from files. To do this, find the "mastering" button and click on it. The software will open a new window in front of you with a short greeting. You don't have to read it and just click on "next". Then compose the files with which Alcohol 120 is to work. Collect all the necessary data in the window, check if you have forgotten anything and press the "next" button.

After which the program will again open a new window in front of you, where you will need to:

  • choose a place on the computer where the created component will be stored;
  • give the new file a name;
  • select the desired format.

Now press "start" and wait for the software to complete its work.

Opening files in Alcohol 120

First, create a virtual disk to work on. Find the "service" button and select "settings" there.

Select "Settings"

On the left in the column, you will need to click on the "virtual disk" tab, and indicate the number of drives in the appropriate column in the right column with information. In the explorer select "this computer", then - the virtual disk drive and right-click on it. A menu will open in front of you, where you need to click:

  • mount the image;

Click "Mount Image"

  • open;
  • with the left mouse button on the selected image;
  • open.

Now you know not only how to create an image, but also how to open it.

We write information to disk in Alcohol 120

To burn, click on the "burn to discs" button. After that, in the window that opens, find the files you need for recording and click "next". After clicking on "start" recording will begin. It is better to leave the PC alone for this time so that there are no system failures.

Only at first glance it seems that working with this software is a real Chinese literacy. In fact, everything is much simpler. The first time there may be some difficulties, but then everything will go like clockwork. Moreover, when you know how to install the game through Alcohol 120 or copy information from disks, it simplifies many tasks.

Do you know how to work with this program? Tell us about the difficulties you faced.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the Alcohol 120% program. And so, in order to install the Alcohol 120% program, you need the program to be downloaded to your computer. If you do not have it yet, then rather enter into the search engine "Download Alcohol 120%", or download it on torrent sites.

And so, downloaded. Now we go to the archive or folder where our program was downloaded and look for the exe.

1. Press with two clicks, the installation begins. The installer appears, in English. There is nothing wrong with that. Click " Next».

2. The installer prompts you to read the license agreement to us. We, of course, “read” it and press “ Next».

3. Further, the installer forces us to install any software of the Yandex search engine. But we are smart, we choose the item “ Advanced installation"And click" Next».

4. Then there is information about the acceptance of a proposal about some policy and about some rules. But, we do not need this, so just click " Accept».

5. Next, the installation begins.

6. After its completion, the computer will offer you to restart it. We fulfill his request.

7. After restarting the computer, the program information will be displayed on the screen. Just push OK and that's it, you can work. The program is installed.

8. Also, after rebooting and installing the program, a window from the developers may appear, with a proposal to send them data about your system. We are polite people, so we politely refuse such a "tempting" offer.

Alcohol 120% is a CD / DVD burning software (Blu-ray and HD DVD supported); creating images (ISO, MDF / MDS, BIN / CUE, etc.); virtual drives (up to 31st); there are other possibilities.

A free version of this program is presented on our site - Alcohol 120% FE (Free Edition).

Main features and capabilities of Alcohol 120

  • Emulates up to 31 optical CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray drives;
  • Creation of images in formats: ISO, BIN / CUE, MDF / MDS, ISZ, NRG, BWT, etc.;
  • Burn CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray images;
  • Copying discs;
  • Erase CD-RW, DVD-RW and BD-RE discs - quick erase or full format;
  • A.C.I.D (Alcohol Cloaking Initiative for DRM) - hides virtual drives from CD / DVD copy protection programs (SecuROM 7 and SafeDisc 4). Based on the Y.A.S.U utility developed for;
  • Search for image files on a PC;
  • CD / DVD drive manager;
  • Option to export / import a list of images;
  • Providing remote access to drives for local network users (read and write rights can be set separately);
  • Multilingual localization - Russian, Ukrainian and other interface languages \u200b\u200bare supported.

Differences of the free version of Alcohol 120% FE

  • For non-commercial use;
  • Only 2 virtual drives can be used;
  • Simultaneous recording of only one disc (paid - unlimited);
  • Mandatory installation of the "File Advisor" program - notifies about outdated software and offers programs for unsupported formats.

Please note that the developers also offer a less functional edition of this program - where there is no ability to burn discs.

Download Alcohol 120%

Here you can download Alcohol 120 in Russian for 32 and 64-bit operating systems Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10.

Alcohol 120% is a CD / DVD burning software (Blu-ray and HD DVD supported); creating images (ISO, MDF / MDS, BIN / CUE, etc.)


Size: 9.57 MB

Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Alcohol Software

What's new in version: list of changes

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