Learning the basics of a computer. Useful books in electronic form on computer topics

Nowadays, almost everyone has a device such as a laptop. For example, people ... They also want to keep up with modern technologies. Therefore, this article will help you understand the basics of using a laptop.

The training system is divided into several stages.

First of all, it is worth learning some of the concepts of a computer. Studies show that nothing is difficult to use a laptop. However, a large amount of information inspires fear about the inability to use the device. But here everything depends only on the desire of the pensioner.

Mastering a laptop easily with video tutorials

Here are the first laptop features:

  • A clear advantage among communication devices is a program that provides free video contacts with any subscriber around the world who has a computer with Skype and the Internet in their arsenal.
  • You can type on it, followed by printing, and you can create a large number of copies without using a carbon copy. Having made a mistake in the text, you do not need to use an eraser, you can simply delete it with one key press. So, the typewriter is no longer needed!
  • The laptop copes well with, or else made on the phone. That is, it is able to edit, correct the necessary qualities, or remove some effects.
  • Using a laptop, you can send a letter to relatives or a friend anywhere in the world.

As you already understood that you are a laptop user, the device itself has an operating system that has several versions. Moreover, this system is capable of performing many tasks. If the laptop is connected to the network, accordingly, it has a lot of information that can be obtained from the results of a search query.

You can search for information on the Internet by specifying the website's email address or simply its name in the address bar. Remember, if you are looking for a site using an address, enter the characters very carefully, if at least one letter or sign is indicated incorrectly, you will be taken to a completely different site, and accordingly it provides different information.

The site address is always written in Latin characters. can be done by a combination of two keys "Alt + Shift". The most popular search engine is Google. It is she who will provide a large selection of information that matches your request.

To perform a particular operation, you can use hot keys or the mouse. are a combination of keyboard buttons, sometimes there is one button. This tool is used mainly by those who do not have the skills to use a mouse.

However, there is an opinion that in order to master a computer, at least at an initial level, it is not necessary to know all the principles of its operation and technical characteristics. Computer programming shouldn't give you excitement.

Remember that the more often you return to a particular task on your laptop, the faster your user skills will become moderate.

The hardest part is learning with the mouse. Double-click the right mouse button ... Some replace one double-click with two single clicks. However, these are completely different things. Therefore, a pensioner can stop at this stage of training for a certain period of time. But in the future, you can confidently make such a click with any number of its clicks.

A laptop is no longer a luxury, so even an elderly person sometimes has to turn to him for help, since typewriters and paper letters have long been out of fashion and much harder to use. This device can perform a wide range of diverse information.

For faster and more understandable learning to work on a laptop, it is better to use training video courses recorded on DVD discs. For a better understanding of the course, watch the video review from Uncle Sasha. It's simple, easy and not expensive!

Good drive for mastering a laptop. Helped me a lot!

Alexander Sergeevich Kokovikhin, Kirov

After reading this article, the thought comes to mind that it is impossible to understand computer fundamentals by reading these recommendations, not only for people of age, but also for young people. It hurts, everything is somehow confusingly described, nothing to understand.

It is much easier to get skills through illustrative examples while working in programs, see Grandpa's review in a video clip, well, or in extreme cases, view screenshots (pictures from the monitor screen) with step-by-step explanations.

The most effective method remains when smart heads take the hand and lead to the goal, forcing you to press the necessary keyboard keys, direct the mouse pointer for you, forcing you to click in the indicated places. But this method obliges your mentor to be with you at all times, being the most expensive of all training options.

  • Hello Eugene! Respectfully yours, Oleg, one of the many who purchased a video course, which in essence, step by step, turns a student from a mouse truck to, as you put it, an advanced user without five minutes. At my age, many are no longer able to master it for a number of reasons, but since, thanks to you, I am burning with desire, I am slowly, little by little doing it. Thanks for the school. Completed my homework and will move on. As they say, the quieter you go will be. P.S: I ask you to write off possible grammatical errors, because just a driver Oleg Isaikin from St. Petersburg
  • Eugene, good afternoon! I briefly reviewed the beginning of the video course, I have already found a lot of new things for myself. Now the work is connected with business trips, so there is no way to understand it yet. I want to tell you that you are a fine fellow! These are very useful discs. In our provinces, qualified assistance is not available everywhere. Best wishes, good luck and good luck. Galina Anatolyevna Khor village of the Khabarovsk Territory
  • Forgive me, please, Evgeny, but I thought I told you. I received the video course before the holiday. Thank you very much! The video course turned out to be a salvation for me, it helps a lot to master the laptop. I am very grateful to you. I congratulate you on the new year, as well as Merry Christmas! Lyudmila Nikolaevna Naumova Malaga, Spain
  • Hello Eugene! This letter came to me automatically. You probably remember that just before the vacation, a parcel was sent to Tashkent. The parcel arrived in perfect condition. Thank you so much for the discount and fast shipping. I am already working on your disks. I really like the manner in which you presented the material and the detailed explanation of even the smallest details. Thanks again for the work. You have succeeded in this work. All the best, with respect, Vladimir Alexandrovich Subbotin from Tashkent
  • Hello Evgeny Alexandrovich! Thank you, I like everything, I don't understand everything as quickly as I would like, but I will definitely master everything. I'm 61 years old, I never went to my laptop and now I made up my mind. Many incomprehensible words. I look through the course several times. I will definitely learn. Thank you for such literate and simple people to help us, you are a very good mentor. Lyubov Alekseevna Mironova from Moscow
  • I am a beginner pc user. I got the disk "ABC of a computer and laptop" and was not mistaken, made the right choice. The disc came out within a week despite the fact that there were holidays. At the moment I am still studying and have not mastered the whole course. But there is already progress. Previously, if I wanted to do something on a PC, I did it by typing, but now, after a few sessions, I work with a computer more confidently. Friends saw that I was no longer afraid to work with a computer as before, and were very surprised by my knowledge. She showed the disk, they really liked it. They also wanted this CD, so I ordered another set. P.S. Thank you very much! Your lessons are clear and not difficult for novice users like me. I advise everyone to start their acquaintance with the computer with these lessons! Yulia Denisova from Tula
  • Hello, dear Evgeny Alexandrovich! I looked at your video course with pleasure and would like to respond to your appeal in the "Feedback" section. I have just become akin to your voice, and you have become almost a member of our family! My husband makes fun of me when he sees me at the computer, but it became obvious to me that in some matters I can already give him advice, he comprehends everything by "typing". Of course, I'm not very deluded about my own account, but the main thing is that there is no fear: if I have questions, I can also search the Internet for information. It is very noticeable that your popularity on the Internet has grown greatly since the first time I accidentally stumbled upon a link of your video course there in November 2011. I am very glad to meet you. In a couple of months I learned a lot and learned a lot. I move slowly, but I feel more and more confident thanks to your lessons. I wish you every success and a worthy assessment of your work! Molokina Lydia Filippovna Moscow
  • Evgeniy. I am very grateful to YOU. It was this knowledge, obtained with the help of the VIDEO TOOL and YOUR letters, that I lacked. Now I don’t ask ANYONE questions about using a computer and I don’t hear such expressions like: GRANDMA WOULD LONGER REMEMBER. Nikolay Dmitrievich Medvedev from Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan
  • The video course "The ABC of a Computer and a Laptop" is a useful cycle of video lessons, both for beginners, to get acquainted with a PC, and for more advanced users. I want to note: I used the first two points for my relatives who were visiting us and all the time asking us to explain something. I sat them down at the computer, included video tutorials - a basic course and 2 hours are free! By profession I am a teacher at the Perm Medical College. For all novice students and my colleagues to learn how to work in Word - it could not be better - accessible, visual and very understandable. And, please, even if you write an essay, even tests - you are already advanced users. Thank you Eugene. We are waiting for your new training materials! Svetlana Agafonova from Perm
  • Eugene, hello! My name is Tatiana Vasilievna. I am less than two months old. I am a pensioner. Former teacher. Life goes on and I want to live, live interestingly, keeping up with the times. Interest in the computer appeared for a long time. There was no financial opportunity to purchase this item. But I still went to computer courses. Free for seniors. Got basic knowledge of working in "Word 2003", did not even touch the Internet. And knowledge was very much needed, tk. a computer appeared, and I wanted to communicate with my daughter on "Skype" in order to save money and be able to see each other. I climbed the Internet, searched, hoped for luck. And now luck smiled at me. I saw a message that you can quickly learn computer literacy! Cool!!! I read it. I decided: I order discs. We arrived by mail quickly, without any delay. And now I am happy to study everything that is there. Everything is extremely clear and precise. There was new knowledge of what seemed to be known. Everything has become simpler and more accessible. Thanks. Tatiana Vasilievna Penza

So a miracle happened. Finally, a personal computer or laptop appeared in your home. But here's the problem, you don't know which side to approach it. And you start thinking about how to learn how to work on a computer. The first thing to do is to stop being afraid of him. It won't break, burn, or explode if you press the wrong button. You know how to drive a car, use household appliances, mobile phones. This knowledge is not innate, but acquired. Trust me, a computer is simpler than your microwave.

How to learn to use a computer quickly?

  1. It is essential that you have your computer at your fingertips every day to gradually master it.
  2. A computer study manual should be written in the simplest and most understandable language with as many pictures as possible.
  3. It is desirable that at first you are prompted by someone who is familiar with the computer.
  4. If you are using teaching materials, do it gradually, do not get ahead of yourself and do not try to learn everything in one go.

Essential skills for those who want to know how to learn to use a computer:

  • correct switching on and off;
  • loading a text editor and typing;
  • internet access;
  • e-mail and work with it;
  • work with search engines;
  • adequate perception of antivirus program signals.

An excellent opportunity for those who want to quickly learn how to work on a computer are various audio and video courses, tutorials, trainings and special literature. The vastness of the Internet is full of such ads. Moreover, not all of the offered courses are paid. But there is one thing: to take advantage of these offers, you must at least be able to turn on your computer, use the Internet and a browser. You can also ask a family member to help you master the basics of computer terminology and understand the buttons.

How do I learn to use a computer?

You don't need to be a genius to master the basics of computer literacy. Of course, you will have to assimilate a certain amount of information, understand some specific terms and the principle of operation of several computer programs. Programs that you need to know to fully use most of the useful functions of your computer:

  • operating system Windows. The base of a computer, without it, it's just a piece of iron or plastic;
  • typing software (such as Notepad and Word);
  • programs for playing music and films (audio and video players);
  • programs that protect your computer (antivirus);
  • programs for accessing the Internet (Internet browsers);
  • archivers;
  • mail client, communication programs (for example, skype or icq);
  • programs for viewing photographs, pictures, drawings;
  • programs for downloading information from the Internet;
  • programs for cleaning unnecessary files and for system recovery in case of a failure.

If you want to learn how to work on a computer, you need to master at least the above programs. In fact, there are many more, but for a start, that's enough for you.

How to learn to type on a computer?

In order to print you will need to open Word. Everything seems complicated at first. Briefly the basics of the program:

How to learn to type quickly on a computer?

There are two categories of people who type on a computer. Some do not take their eyes off the monitor (blind typing), others from the keyboard. Of course, touch typing is preferable, since you are not distracted by searching for the desired letter on the keyboard. But it is more difficult to learn this method. In any case, you must use all ten fingers when typing. It is best to first learn the correct layout of the fingers on the keyboard. Get a little practice, perhaps take advantage of a special training.

I'm glad you decided to take the introductory video course - Computer Basics. This course is a textbook that many who have passed it are already called - Computer for Dummies.

If you want to start teaching him right away, then first watch the video lesson about how to go through this tutorial, you can watch the video lesson (click on the word "here" once with the left mouse button), and then return here (it will tell you how), rewind down to the content of the video course, and start studying. Well, those who want to read the preface to the textbook - you are welcome.

A computer for dummies, or what is a computer and what is it with?

For many people who are just starting to use a computer, this "use" is a real problem. After all, this ill-fated PC (personal computer, means the same thing as just the word "computer", so do not be alarmed), has a huge number of functions, and as I already wrote on, after a person finds the answer to one question, on fifteen more immediately appear in its place.

Once, while teaching my mother and aunt, I realized that if a person is taught certain, basic, computer knowledge, then after such training, all other knowledge will be superimposed easily. But how can this base be determined, where to find such words that would present information to novice users in such a way that computer for dummies became clear.

I decided to take on this business and wanted to create computer courses for beginners, so that learning from them went from the simplest to the most difficult. You will say that everyone does it. But no. Before doing my course, I read three thick textbooks on teaching a computer for dummies, looked through a bunch of sites with video tutorials and articles, and noticed this thing - literally from the first lesson, beginners begin to be told about what the registry is, and. But these "teachers" forget about one thing, that sometimes, a person does not know how to turn on the computer, and they are already starting to rub him in on what the register is, a terribly scary word for a "teapot" then read it, but only after passing the tutorial).

My computer courses for beginners.

Let me tell you how my first course differs from others (I also have a second course - but I strongly recommend you to take it after completing the first). And it differs in that in the very first lesson (the first video is the Introduction, but it is not considered a lesson), we will learn, yes, just to work with the mouse. Trust me, knowing this will save you a bunch of problems, one of which is when you click once with the mouse button, and when you click twice (sometimes even the "oldies" get confused). Mouse you will work the mostHowever, other "teachers" sometimes do not even mention the mouse, and it is with it that you will "fidget" all the time while you are sitting at the computer.

After that, a deeper study of what is on the desktop will go, because it is he who opens in front of you after turning on the computer. It will be told in great detail about, which for many beginners is a rattling forest. After watching this tutorial, you will realize that the Start menu, one of the the most convenient tools, for quick work with programs.

In the next step, we will go through the tab (sometimes it is also called "My Computer") and everything that is in it. More precisely, not everything, but what you need, since there is some files and folders, into which even good masters "climb" due to a very urgent need. By the way, a couple of incomprehensible words slipped through - you will also be told about them in detail.

After which we again back to the mouse, only now to, because it requires special attention and it is imperative to know how to work with it.

After we have mastered all that I said above, we will move on to more complex things, such as: and. Do you think it's difficult and scary? But no, after completing the first five lessons, you will lose this very fearwhich used to slow down your learning. Here another feeling will wake up - interest... This is exactly what we need. After all, what is interesting to learn will always encourage you to learn something new, and as a result, you will not have time to blink an eye, as you will understand the PC at a good level.

And finally, I will show you how to record anything,. I believe that you need to know this, because learning how to write information to disk, with a record on a USB flash drive, you will not have any problems at all. And a flash drive is a very necessary thing, and you need to be able to handle it.

Well here is a quick overview of the tutorial and finished, its gist is very simple:

1. First, we study what is the basis of the basics (mouse, desktop)
2. After that, the environment in which we will work (My Computer, Start)
3. Working with the program (Installation, and, in fact, the work itself (for example, Word, Excel))

As you understand, we go from simple to complex.

Well, I just have to wish you successful completion of this tutorial! To understand how to properly watch video tutorials, be sure to study this short article - (click once, left-click). And then you can proceed with the tutorial. Good luck!

I present to your attention the best, in my opinion, at the moment tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7... I don't even know how to describe it. It has everything - from the little things, the basics of working at the computer, to describing the system settings. You will learn how to install Windows 7, customize the system for yourself, use all kinds of built-in Windows 7 tools.

In short, the whole system is described in full, in detail and clearly. In addition, popular programs are described: Word and Excel in detail. And all this with illustrations and examples. I highly recommend it. It would probably take me half a year to create such a manual about Windows 7. Huge respect and respect to the author of this creation - Sergey Vavilov!

To open this tutorial you need pDF reader... I recommend using Foxit Reader.

Download tutorial for working on a computer in Windows 7 (13.7 Mb)

2.Computer for beginners

I can also advise you on another excellent self-study guide " Computer for beginners"From Alexey Lebedev. Perhaps it will be even better than the one described above. I just found it later. I strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with it - you will not regret it, I assure you.

Download the tutorial "Computer for beginners" (8.9 Mb)

3 all the secrets of the internet - a netizen's handbook

I described this book already in a separate article, you can take a look at what it will give you before deciding to download.

Download "All Secrets of the Internet" (63 Mb)

Do not be intimidated by the large size of the book - the link is not from Letitbit and swings very quickly.

4. Computer Doctor-1

An excellent book by Evgeny Khokhryakov on computer security.

Disclosed all the nuances of protecting your computer from any threats. Naturally, with examples and pictures. The quality is amazing.

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