The best passwords. Creating passwords: how to create a strong password

What to put the password.

Everyone faced with the problem of choosing a password - password.

And so that it does not get lost in the memory, and so that no one is indignant, and so that it is imitative, unbreakable. You can write a lot about ciphers and passwords. However, in addition to the unique and “correctly” created password, it is also necessary to systematically organize its storage and administration. On the other hand - paranoia, and even if you forget it ....

Choose one word or name with a minimum of eight letters. . Another interesting review was presented to MacAffe in an English article. In the document, the company emphasizes the importance of never repeating passwords and gives interesting advice: instead of using a word, use a phrase that is easy to remember, and which alternates characters, numbers, and uppercase letters. lower case.

Even with all these tips, you could not figure out how to create secure passwords? Each time you press the blue button, new password. You can select its size by simply sliding the button on the side. So, will you wait longer to create secure passwords?

Hacking a password is difficult, but possible. Complicating the work of hackers can be quite serious.

"One" of the largest social networks  reported that almost every day from more than a billion attempts to log in to the system more than 600 thousand are committed by attackers who are trying to gain access to other people's messages, photos and other personal information.

For each lock there is another key. Having this sign, you, for the most part, have the right to open it. A password on the Internet or for any other purpose ensures that you can use the service, in many cases, a personal order. By giving it to someone, you increase your chances of a malicious person acting in your place. The biggest problems, such as fraud, invasion of privacy and attacks, are due to the lack of knowledge of Internet security standards by users.

Your password is your sole responsibility. You should not write them anywhere, nor share them with anyone, nor with your best friends. Each password must be unique and not associated with any of your other passwords. Take a look at the key to the front door. If there were not so many options, the thief could easily make a key for every possible match, and then try each one at his main door. This trial and error method can be effective even if an attacker takes a lot of time.

The American Internet company SplashData has compiled a list of the most stupid and unreliable passwords used by people all over the world. Unfortunately, many users use them - so that it is easy to remember.

The password "password" (password) has become the most idiotic and, at the same time, dangerous.

In the second place is the combination of the numbers "123456", in the third - "12345678". The words "football" and "superman" got into the rating.

However, no matter how difficult the combination, if the thief gets his key, he can copy it and use it to open the door. Password can also be complicated. Most schemes allow you to use any combination of letters and numbers, and some also allow you to use punctuation marks. Lengths may vary. But they should be easy to remember.

As a thief in front of your door, computer intruders can also use trial and error or methods of raw power to figure out their passwords. By bombarding the entry with all the words in the dictionary, they can “locate” a password that allows access. If they know something about you, such as the name of your partner, the date, map or brand of car you are driving, or their interests, they can instantly decrease the range possible passwords  and try them first. Often they are successful.




i love you




Experts urge to be more careful and not to use the same password from mail, online banking and other online services. Information security experts warned users that they should not use the same login-password for several different sites. A strong password must contain at least eight characters, including upper and lower case numbers and letters, as well as special characters (for example, underscores, dollars or percentages).

Invaders know that we use these tricks to make our passwords harder to guess. Like the primary port key, the password can also be copied, and the copy can be used again. Remember that information on the Internet can be seen. Suppose that a really strong password for which you had a lot of time - long password  with 14 characters, including 6 letters, 4 numbers and 4 punctuation marks, all randomly surfing the Internet freely. An attacker can view, save and use it later.

This is called sniffing and is a common practice for the attacker. The fact is that you need to purchase the practice of using a unique password with each account. Here you will find a set of steps that you can use to help you create passwords for your accounts.

Hacking software is much easier simple passwordsBut complex brute force is very difficult.

Simple advice on choosing a relatively complex password.

Take any word. Suppose the name of the beloved (oops) or pet name. Switch the keyboard to English.

We look at the Russian letters and type this unforgettable name.

Can you remember her without writing to her? This is a very recommended practice if you fall into the wrong hands. Remember to change your passwords at least every two to three months. Is your password unique and not associated with any of your other passwords? Make sure that every password you use is at least slightly different from the rest. Thus, if someone is found, others guarantee their safety for at least some time.

Is your password strong enough within the rules allowed by your account? This is: if you want to create a password for your bank account, for example, read the site rules to find out what you can support. Do you accept a combination of capital and small letters? Enjoy everything that allows the bill.

Of course, with a capital letter!

For example the dog's name Sharik is converted to Ifhbr

Name Miranda -\u003e Vbhfylf

And it is easy to remember and pick up / hack is quite difficult.

For complication, you can use the name of your favorite book (songs and so on). Moreover, if there is a numeral in the title - this is great! After all, this numeral can and even needs to be written with a number. In this case, spaces can be skipped or replaced with an underscore _

You must use passwords not only on your home or work computer, but also on services that you use elsewhere on the Internet. All passwords should be as strong as possible, and you need to remember them. The password must be unique and not associated with any of your other passwords. A strong password must be long and use a combination of letters in capital letters and numbers, numbers and punctuation marks and, as a rule, they are not words that can be found in the dictionary.

Also remember that no matter how strong the password is, it can be captured if it is sent without encryption anywhere on the Internet. The place where you live has doors, like a car, and in many cases these doors have locks. For each of them there is a key, and the logic will be that each key will be different. You know that you should close and not share keys with strangers, and perhaps even with most of your friends. Also, do not hide your keys under the carpet or in a pot in your garden.

For example:

3veirtnthf -\u003e Three Musketeers

100ktnjlbyjxtcndf -\u003e One Hundred Years of Solitude.

123456, 11111, etc.

qwerty, pv, avs, "password" / "password", etc.

name (yours, close, pet ...)

date of birth (your own, close, pet ...)

phone number


the minimum acceptable password length is 8 characters.

Computer passwords are almost the same thing. You must have a password for each computer and service used. You should not record them anywhere or share them with anyone, even your best friends. Look at any of your keys and you will notice that there are many cuts and slots. Thanks to them, many combinations of different keys can be achieved. If there were not so many options, the thief could easily make a key to each lock and try everyone in his front door until he found a combination that would open it.

This “Attempt and error” method is likely to be effective, even if an attacker takes a lot of time. But be careful, no matter how complicated your key is, if a thief has access to it, you can safely copy it and use it to open the door. That is why it is very important that you take care of your original keys.

password should be meaningless

Why is it so important when choosing a password?

Consider each of these positions separately.

Briefly on the first 2 points. These passwords are elemental, common and known to any hacker, rest assured - this is the first thing that a person who tries to hack into your account will try.

Most schemes allow you to use any combination of letters and numbers. Others also allow you to use punctuation marks. The size and number of characters may vary. The password can be as complicated as possible. The trick is to be able to memorize it when you need it, without having to write it down to help your memory.

Like a house or car thief, computer invaders also use trial and error or methods of raw power to figure out their passwords. They can, for example, try all the words in a dictionary, including in other languages. By bombarding the login with all these words, they can “locate” a password that permits access. If an attacker knows something about you, for example, the name of your partner, the brand of the car you are driving, or your interests, he can instantly reduce the range of possible passwords and try them first.

To get an idea of ​​the rest of the positions, we will plunge into the depths of the problem and try to look at everything from the inside.

Any password that you enter during registration, before entering the repository, must be encrypted. There are many algorithms for such encryption. Using the example of the most common one-way MD5 encryption, we trace the path of our password from registering to its cracking.

If you are not careful in creating them, they can easily detect them. Like your key, complex password  You can also copy and use it in the same way as the original key. If one day you open the door to your house, it will be very difficult to know if it was opened with the original key or with a copy.

The same is true for the password. If you tell someone else, even if you trust them, it would be very difficult to determine at some point who used it to access the equipment or service. Remember the previous discussion about how you can see information that travels over the Internet? Suppose you really strong password  - let's say one of 14 characters, including 6 letters, 4 numbers and 4 punctuation marks, all in random order - it freely travels on the Internet.

So, after encryption, our password takes the form of HESH (checksum), which in our case consists of 32 specially received characters, and looks like: “202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70” for the password “123”.

If the attacker manages to gain access to the repository and get HESH of our passwords. Then he faces the task of decoding them. This will help him a special software, which can easily be found on the Internet.

You need to purchase the practice of using a unique password with each account. Question: Do you remember this without writing it down? Use all that is allowed, letters, numbers, symbols, combinations, etc. That is why it is important to frequently change your passwords, so they are always fresh.

You must use passwords not only on your own home computer, but also for services that you use elsewhere on the Internet. All your passwords should be as strong and easy to remember. A strong password must be long and use a combination of capital and small letters, numbers and punctuation. Usually it is not a word that can be found in a dictionary.

Any program for decrypting passwords of this type uses a brute-force method: full (Brute force), according to a mask. To accomplish this task, depending on the complexity and literacy of the generated password, it can take from a few seconds to several days, months and even years.

Using a standard PC (CPU: 3 GHz) and software (PasswordPro), the “House of Soviets” decided to test for stability the range of passwords of different lengths and composition.

Remember also that no matter how strong the password is, it can be captured. Here are some tips for creating a powerful combination and keeping your online accounts secure. Any online account requires a virtual password. But to prevent intruders from entering your combination, it is very important to create a strong password. It’s easy and worth using these tips to stay more secure.

Use unique passwords Create different passwords  for each of your important accounts such as accounts  online banking and email accounts. Combining letters, numbers, and symbols To make it even harder to decipher, a password must combine uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and symbols.

So, the first passwords consisting of numbers.

Password: "1234"; iteration time< 1 c.

Password: "1234894"; iteration time< 1 c.

Hold letter passwords a little longer.

Password: "adfp"; search time = 2 c.

Password: "adrpsdq"; search time = 22 min. 1 sec.

Combination of lowercase and capital letters  significantly increase the time, but still it remains insufficient, if we consider that several PCs can work on decoding at once.

Avoid using personal information. Do not use your birthday, phone number or dog name. Prefer random words or phrases and place letters and numbers at the beginning, middle, or end. Adding an additional security level After creating a password, you can add an extra level of security to your data.

With one scandal after another, we all have to stop and think about how confident we really are in the online world. A file containing user passwords was sent to a Russian forum by an unknown source. You may have many passwords, some of which you probably cannot remember, and others that you have used for many years. Therefore, it is recommended to ensure that your password meets security requirements. Here are some helpful tips.

Password: "aBst"; iteration time = 5 s.

Password: "fdQnnHF"; search time = 1 day, 22 h. 13 min.

And the most ideal option would be a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, special characters (usually “-” and “_”) and with a length of at least 6 characters.

Password: "As_3"; iteration time = 7 s.

Password: "fN4u-3k"; search time = 11 days, 13 h. 27 min.

Password: "fN4u-3kS8"; iteration time\u003e 1 year.

The search can be performed not only by periodically combining typed characters, but also by a certain list of words, a password database, which can include both a dictionary, for example, Dahl or user passwords stolen from other sites, and your personal data found prudently on the Internet. Therefore, it is important that the password does not have a meaning and does not contain such obvious data as day, month, year of your birth, your names and those of your loved ones, etc.

Is it safe to store a password on a computer?

Not. There are a huge number of programs (Trojans, Keyloggers) that are able to search for valuable files on your hard disk, a connected flash card or take notes on the keys you have pressed and send the acquired information to its owner.

Hack password. It is possible, and now it is difficult.

Even if Firewall and antivirus with the latest update are protecting you, it is better to be safe and keep really important information in a paper notebook.

And then there is the letter e!

How to choose a password.

The modern user has to work with at least a dozen requiring registration and use of a password to gain access to the account. Email, internet messengers, personal Area  Internet provider, chat rooms, forums, other sites and this is at least. In this article we will try to figure out how to come up with passwords for these all these countless services.

Create passwords

When registering at the next site, we often stop and think about seeing the password field. An almost ideal way to create a strong password is to generate a random password using a special program, such as. But such passwords are difficult to remember, which means that they need somewhere to write and store. This option is not suitable for part ordinary users. Even if you use the programmatic method of creating and storing passwords, you will still have to remember some of the passwords.

Creating a password manually, you must follow several rules:

  • Cannot use simple combinations of characters and numbers. For example, passwords 123, 321, 123456, qwerty, asdfg and other similar ones are not suitable.
  • Cannot be used when creating a password (names of relatives, pets, dates of birth, telephone numbers, addresses, postal codes, etc.). For example, passwords Masha, Sasha21, Vasya02071988 and other similar ones are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords that can be selected according to the dictionary of popular passwords. For example, the passwords love, cat, alfa, samsung, mercedes, yasherwa and others like them, as well as their variants and combinations are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords that are less than 10 characters long.
  • The password should consist of large and small letters, numbers and special characters.
  • When inventing passwords, use your imagination and do not think like a template. The computer that picks up your password thinks good, but it cannot think and be creative.

There are many ways to come up with a simple and relatively strong password. We will consider one of these ways.

How to come up with a password

The first thing we need to do is invent a key phrase. The ideal option would be a unique meaningless phrase that is easy to remember. For example: space cockroaches. You can also use phrases from not very popular songs, poems.

  • Record of the Russian phrase in the English layout.
  • Recording a phrase is the opposite.
  • Replacing letters with their visual analogues (“a” - “@”, “i” - “!”, “O” - “()”, etc.).
  • Use the first few characters of each word.
  • Remove pair / unpaired characters.
  • Remove vowels / consonants from a phrase.
  • Adding special characters and numbers.

You can use several such methods to turn a key phrase into a practically meaningless set of characters. But, the ideal option would be to create your own unique method of “encrypting” the key phrase.

For example, using several template methods “” you can get the following password:

space cockroaches  - use the first 4 characters from each word - kosmtar - write in the English layout - rjcvnfhf - write with a capital letter and add special characters and a random number - Rjcvnfhf @ 955

As a result, we have a long and rather complicated password that cannot be calculated from the personal information of its owner, but it can be easily recovered from memory. Checking the password strength with the help of the service we get the result "very reliable".

In conclusion, I want to remind once again that, inventing a password, you must use your imagination and the ability to not think in a standard way. Using this advantage over the "stupid" computers, you can create passwords that will be too tough for them.

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