How to hide the mark on the last visit Telegram on the iPhone

Guten Tag from Germany! In the twenty-first century, the need for ordinary pocket watches simply disappeared - they were replaced by electronic chronometers. Time tracking functions are embedded everywhere, even in an all-favorite telegram, which creates a bunch of problems like the “error time telegram” or “wrong visit time”. However, all this can be easily and simply solved by reading our new article on this messenger.

Is the current time and visit time in telegrams

First, let's look at how strongly the messenger is associated with the function of time and what functions it has.

Many users would like to see in the application at any time what time it is in a particular time zone. They say that for this in the vast network even created a robot. However, we could not find it, and the creators ignore this request.

You can view the current hour on a special website or directly on the Google page.

True, this function has a number of problems.

How to set and adjust the time in the telegram

One of them is the possible wrong time. For example, your friend's watch may be set incorrectly and run into the future or return to the past. You enter once, say, in December, to his profile, and there - “the last time was in January of the following year”. I do not invent a time machine?

However, this is still not correct: change the time in the application is simply impossible.

It is not known where the messenger takes your time zone - it doesn’t determine it by its IP address, or it is guided by the system date.

Accordingly, most problems are solved in several ways. All of this is now briefly and tell.

Why is the wrong time set in the telegram

The reason for this is clear and simple - the telegram incorrectly determined your current belt, therefore it displays incorrectly.

This can be solved in two ways:

  • Track the current date on the device. If something is wrong - change.
  • Check if your address is determined correctly. You can see it on the site If the city is not displayed as it should, contact your provider.

Sometimes the reason is simply incurable - then you have to put up with the consequences.

What to do if the telegram shows the wrong time

Of course, translate it to the right. Just give up is a bad way out. After all, then the work of useful robots like pomodoro timer will be inaccessible and useless for you.

If the reason is in your system clock, do the following:

  • Right click on the clock at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select "Set date and time."
  • Click on the tab "Time on the Internet."
  • Click on "Change settings".
  • Select "Update Now."

How to change the time in telegrams

There is another way to fix the “buggy” clock - do it manually. The method is suitable if you currently do not have an Internet connection or all time servers are unavailable.

For this:

  • As described above, go to the time setting.
  • Click on the “Date and Time” tab.
  • Click on “Change date and time”.
  • On the calendar, select the desired day.
  • Using the counter on the side and numeric keypad   set the clock.
  • Click on "OK".

Why time does not change in telegram

If none of the above methods helped you, and the provider throws up his hands - try reinstalling the program. It is possible in her system files   just an unpleasant mistake.

How to find out the visit time in telegrams

You can’t see your own way, there’s no special logic in this, because at the time of viewing you will definitely be “online”.

Well, to find out when a friend visited the last time, simply open any dialogue with him. The date will be displayed on top, immediately under his nickname and avatar.

How to hide a visit in a telegram

On the computer, you can not remove the visit time. However, over time this can be corrected.

On the phone, do the following:

  • Go to settings.
  • Select "Privacy and Security."
  • Click on "Last Activity".
  • In the list, select who is allowed to see the date of your last visit.
  • Below, in the “Always hide from” option, select who should not see it under any circumstances.

What does it mean in telegram last seen recently

These marks tell us how long the user has been offline. Recently - a couple of days, within a week - about a week, within a month - about a month, long time ago - a month or more.

This text appears only for users who wish to hide from you the date of their last entry into the application.

What does self destruct timer telegram mean

This function destroys the message after a certain time. To learn more, read about the secret chat on our website.


Today we told you about everything related to time in an all-beloved client and helped solve a few mistakes. Nevertheless, time is a rather important thing, and I would not like to miss it due to software failure.

Video review

In this TOP you can find a robot that sends you reminders at a certain time. Pretty good thing!


quite recently - quite recently
recently, the other day
recent time
(lately, recent time)

  her husband has recently switched career - her husband has recently changed its focus.
  recently born - newborn
  he has come to the fore recently - for some time they talk a lot about him
  new drug has been approved officially - a new drug has recently been tested
  recently acquired - recently acquired
  recently formed floating ice - newly formed floating ice
least recently used removal — extrusion by use; removal of long used
least recently used - elimination by prescription; last in use
more recently - recently; recently; later
also one of us recently suggested that ... - besides, one of us recently suggested that ...

She recently graduated from college.

She recently graduated from college.

Have you been up to London recently?

Have you been to London?

I recently saw him for the first time in many years.

I saw him recently, for the first time in many years.

Have you seen any good films recently?

Have you seen any good movies lately?

He has recently been promoted to Assistant Manager.

He was recently appointed Assistant Manager.

More recently, he appeared in a number of British films.

More recently, he appeared in a number of British films.

He's put on weight recently.

He gained weight in recent times.

In recent years, Telegram has become a very popular instant messenger - an instant messaging application. In addition to the growth of security, Telegram has some nice features that are absent in WhatsApp and other applications - stickers, GIF-animations, channels, bots, and many others.

Through Telegram, you can send and receive messages, photos, videos, documents, as well as make voice calls. Telegram has built-in read reports that appear next to messages read by your interlocutor, in the form of a double tick. Unfortunately, it is impossible to disable reports on the reading of messages in Telegram, however, you can hide the status of the last visit. In this case, users without your desire will not know that you do not read their messages.

Now we will tell you how to disable the mark about last visit   Telegram on the iPhone.

How to disable the markLast Seen   atTelegram   oniphone

Step 1:   Launch the Telegram application on your iPhone.

Step 2:   Click the Settings tab.

Step 3:   You need the item Privacy and Security.

Step 4:   Click Last Seen.

Step 5:   Now you can choose who will see the mark of your last visit. To hide it from all users, select the Nobody option. You can also select from the list only individual contacts from which you want to hide the mark.

As soon as you turn off the display of the last visit, none of your contacts will be able to find out when you were online. Instead of a mark about the visit, Last seen recently will be displayed on the network recently. Important: turning off the notification of other users, you also will not be able to view their time stamps.

That's all you need to turn off the last visit mark. If you have questions, write in the comments and we will be happy to answer.

1.   Create secret chats and broadcasts frequently.

Secret chats (Secret Chats)   useful not only self-destructing messages and an increased level of security, but also the fact that they can create several per person. So, they will be useful for the organization of correspondence. Remember that secret chats are not stored on the Telegram cloud and will not be available after you change your device or log out. Broadcast   (Broadcasts)   needed if you want to send the same message to different people, but do not want recipients to see each other, as it happens in a regular group. The function works by analogy with in e-mail.

2.   Put answers, mentions and hashtags.

In the long correspondence, especially group, it is easy to get confused. That is why it is so important to structure it: reply to a specific message, hold your finger on it and select Reply, put references to specific people to whom you are sending a message through the symbol @, and create # hashtags for different types of messages with the symbol in order to speed up searching them.

3. Register your Telegram username.

Users who do not have your phone number will be able to find you by username. You can also create a unique link to your account in the messenger of the format. Usernames are issued on request in Settings - Username. If your favorite is already taken, write to the support service - they will help you to get it, if you use it in at least 2 of the 3 most popular accounts social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

4.   Hide from all but contacts when you were last online.

Go to Settings - Privacy and Security - Last Seen and select My Contacts (optional - Nobody, putting the closest people in the exceptions). To understand whether it makes sense to contact you via Telegram, users will see a rough estimate when you last visited the application.

5.   Strengthen the security of your account.

Although authorization by phone number has worked well, it is always better to err. To do this, in the Privacy and Security menu, enable two-step authentication via additional passwordwhose recovery needs to be tied to an email. In the same menu, you can enter a numeric password with which the application is manually locked.

6.   Do not clog the application cache.

Most of the pictures, video, audio and other files that you receive in instant messengers are not needed for a long time, and there is no need to keep them in the phone memory forever. Therefore, go to the settings in Chat Settings - Cache Settings and set so that files that you have not accessed for more than a week are automatically deleted from the application cache. If you suddenly need something, you can always find it in the correspondence and re-download from the Telegram cloud - or save it to your cloud or to your phone. Optionally, in Chat Settings you can make it so that not a single file from the correspondence is automatically downloaded, which is convenient for those who do not have a stable Internet.

7.   Add sets of stickers that other users have.

Telegram uses stickers better than other instant messengers, but there is no centralized search for them from the application. If you liked the sticker that you saw in the correspondence, hold your finger on it and select Info\u003e Add Stickers to add the whole set with it to the phone’s memory. Links to the base of stickers and separate sets are looking for in this thread on the subdirect / r / TelegramStickersShare.

8.   Connect to the bots conversation.

A full-fledged platform for creating bots in Telegram appeared only recently, and, in addition to the usual chat bots, you can already find bots here to search for ordinary pictures, gifs, videos, create polls, forecast the weather and transfer any files via Telegram. For a list of the best bots, see the subreddit / r / TelegramBots topic. Later in our about programming there will be a material about how to create your bot for Telegram.

Every day, Telegram’s technical support team receives hundreds of emails from users asking them to hide their latest online experience from other users. We know that this is important, and set this task the highest priority. We want users Telegram   had the most flexible and convenient messenger, without any compromises.

Starting today you can specify specific   users who can see your last online time. This feature will be available in both for and for versions. You can configure the filter using one of the three preset options - “All”, “My Contacts” or “Nobody”, as well as add any number of exceptions in the section “Never show for ...” and “Always show for ... "

For example, you can show the last online time for everyone except your boss, or not show anyone except your wife (or vice versa). Using the above settings, you can make any combination of the visibility or invisibility status.

Why is this so important?

So that everything is fair, you will not be shown recently on the network with those users from whom you have hidden yours. That is why it is important to have flexible settings to avoid awkward situations. For example, you don’t have to choose between hiding your status from your boss and being able to see when your best friend was online — you can do this and that.

Been online recently

Of course, the lack of a label with the time of the last access to the network will complicate the understanding of whether this person is an active user Telegram, or he can not even get your message. Therefore, even if the last online time was hidden from you, you can still see the approximate time, for example, “Recently” (which corresponds to a period from 1 minute to 3 days), or “Was online this month.” This provides sufficient privacy, and, at the same time, shows whether it is possible to reach the user through Telegram.

By the way, about inactive users: soon there will not be so many of them. Starting today, accounts Telegram   will start to self-destruct if you have not logged in to your account within the last 6 months.

Self-destructing accounts

Large companies like to accumulate user data and store them for an indefinite time. Telegram   not a commercial company and appreciates very much disk space   on their servers. Therefore, today we present to your attention self-destructing accounts.

Now if you stop using Telegramom and did not enter it for the last 6 months, your account, as well as all files, photos, contacts, message history and everything else that may be connected with you will be permanently and permanently deleted. You can change this period - you can select any period from 1 month to 1 year.

These new features are only available for iOS and Android.

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