Hang classmates. Why do classmates slow down

Greetings to all readers.

It is not a secret for anyone that services for viewing online video are simply very popular (youtube, vk, classmates, rutube, etc.). Moreover, the faster the Internet develops (it becomes more accessible for most PC users, the speed increases, the tariffs are no longer limited) the faster the pace of development of such services.

What is surprising:  many users are hampered by online video, even despite the high-speed Internet connection (sometimes several dozen Mbit / s) and a fairly good computer. What to do in this situation and I would like to tell in this article.

1. Step One: Check Internet Speed

The first thing I recommend to do with video brakes is to check the speed of your Internet. Despite the statements of many providers, the nominal internet speed of your fare  and real internet speed  may differ at times! Moreover, in all contracts with your provider - the Internet speed is indicated with the prefix " BEFORE  "(i.e., the maximum possible, in practice it is good if it is the least by 10-15% of the declared one).

I really like the service on Speedtest.net. Just press one button: BEGIN, and after a couple of minutes the report will be ready (an example of the report is shown in the screenshot below).

In general, for high-quality viewing of online video - the higher the speed of the Internet - the better. The minimum speed to watch a normal video is approximately 5-10 Mbps. If your speed is less - you will often experience crashes and brakes when watching online video. Here you can recommend two things:

Go to a higher speed tariff (or change the provider with higher speed tariffs);

Open online video and pause it (then wait for 5-10 minutes until it is downloaded and then watch without jerks and slowdowns).

2. Optimization of the "extra" load on the computer

If everything is in order with the Internet speed, there are no accidents on the main channels of your provider, the connection is stable and does not break every 5 minutes - then you should look for the causes of the brakes in the computer:


Gland (in this case, clarity comes quickly, if the matter is in the gland, then the problems will be not only with online video, but with many other tasks).

Opening 10 tabs in the browser (each of which has a bunch of banners and advertisements);

Video encoding;

Running any game, etc.

As a result: the computer simply does not cope with so many tasks and begins to slow down. Moreover, it will slow down not only when watching a video, but in general, as a whole (what task would you not do). The easiest way to find out if this is the case is to open the task manager (CNTRL + ALT + DEL or CNTRL + SHIFT + ESC).

In my example below, the download of the laptop is not so big: a couple of tabs are open in Firefox, music is playing in the player, one torrent file is downloaded. And that, it is enough to load the processor by 10-15%! What to say about other, more resource-intensive tasks.

By the way, in the task manager, you can go to the processes tab and see which applications and how much the CPU (central processing unit) of the PC loads. In any case, if the CPU load is more than 50% -60% - you need to pay attention to this, then the numbers start to slow down (the figure is controversial and many may start to object, but in practice, this is exactly what happens).

Solution: close all unnecessary programs and complete processes that significantly load your processor. If the reason was this - then you will immediately notice an improvement in the quality of viewing online video.

3. Problems with the browser and Flash player

The third reason (and, by the way, very frequent) why video slows down is either an old / new version of Flash Player, or a browser crash. Sometimes, watching a video in different browsers  may differ at times!

1. Remove Flas Player from the computer ( control panel / uninstall).

Control Panel / uninstall program ( Adobe flash  Player)

2. Download and install the new version of Flash Player in "manual mode":

3. Check the work in the browser, which lacks its built-in Flash Player (you can check it in Firefox, Internet Explorer).

Result: if the problem was in the player, then you will immediately notice the difference! By the way, the new version is not always better. At one time I used the older version of Adobe Flash Player for a long time, because it worked faster on my pc. By the way, here is a simple and practical advice: check a few versions of adobe  Flash Player.

You have a virus! He modified the original HOSTS file.
  HOSTS file - used in Windows to convert symbolic domain names to their corresponding IP addresses and vice versa.
  You will have to edit it.
  Step 1. Locate the HOSTS file on your system.
  Its location may vary depending on your operating system, but by default the HOSTS file is located:
  Windows 95/98 / ME: WINDOWS \\ hosts
  Windows NT / 2000: WINNT \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts
  Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 7: WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts
  Step 2. Open it with any text editor.
  The HOSTS file has no visible extension, but in fact it can be edited in any text editor (for example, Notepad or Notepad), as a regular text file.
  Step 3. Delete everything below the line: localhost
  and save the file.
  Step 4. Restart the computer.
  It happens more difficult option.
  Suppose you go to the named folder, but the host file is not in it!
  In this case, you need to perform the following set of actions:
  in the main menu windows Explorer  go to the main Service menu and select the "Folder options" item.
  Go to the "View" tab and uncheck the box next to the following items:
  - Hide protected system files
  - Hide extensions for registered file types
  Now click on the switch opposite the words "Show hidden files  and folders.
  Click the "Apply" button and then the "OK" button. The window closes, and we will see the contents of the folder C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc
  The hosts file was hidden. Now we see him.
  Will remove hosts file  altogether. Select it with the mouse and click on the keyboard "Shift + Delete". Thus, our file is deleted forever, bypassing the basket.
  Now create the hosts file again. To do this, in the folder C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc click on the empty space with the right mouse button and call the context menu.
  Choose: Create - Text Document
  A file will appear with the name Text Document.txt. We delete the entire file name and file extension and simply enter the hosts. For a request to change the extension, we answer "Yes".
  Next, paste the contents of the original hosts file:
  # (C) Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corp.), 1993-1999
  # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.
  # This file contains mappings of IP addresses to host names.
  # Each element should be located on a separate line. IP address must
  # be in the first column, followed by the appropriate name.
  # The IP address and host name must be separated by at least one space.
  # In addition, comments may be inserted in some lines.
  # (such as this string), they must follow the node name and be separated
  # from it with a "#" symbol.
  # For example:
  # rhino.acme.com # source server
  # x.acme.com # client node x localhost
  Save the file.
Reboot the comp.
  Now everything will work.

Braking games in Odnoklassniki - what to do !!! *********************************************** To date more and more people are using social networks. They chat, watch videos and pictures, listen to music, chat with friends, and also play games. But sometimes there are difficulties with the work of the site, or simply do not open, slow down the game in Odnoklassniki. Why this happens and how to fix this trouble, we will be happy to tell you. Of course, everyone knows that if your pages are just hanging - you can always use the dispatcher windows tasksby pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete, which will help you to remove the task by closing the hung program. But besides page hangs, there may be problems with the operation of the games or with the site itself. Basically, the performance of games directly depends on the social network through which you play. Since it is impossible to give the only exact answer to any question that is related to the Internet, therefore we will consider 4 scenarios. The first reason ************************ Hanging pages or websites are caused by your browser. Perhaps you just need to change your browser to any other and the problem will be resolved by itself. The most unfortunate browser to visit the social network Odnoklassniki is Opera. Although there are many users who strongly protect this browser, but the statistics and objective opinion of many users shows the opposite. It often freezes, although it works quickly enough. Constant updates are needed, when installed, you will have a bunch of different "bars", which again leads to a deceleration and reinstallation of the browser. The second reason ****************************** The next reason is also related to your browser, but allows you not to change it, and make a little effort to help your browser become a worker again and continue to work for its owner. In order to figure out exactly why your browser started to fail, you need to take a little closer look at some of the processes in your computer. To do this, you just need to draw your attention to 2 main problems of browsers: cache overflow and cookies. It is because of these two problems that some sites may not open. To eliminate the problem with the cache and cookies, you just need to do a certain sequence of actions, depending on the name of your browser. To do this, go to the settings, then select the parameters and find a submenu where you can clear the cache and cookie. The third reason ************************* The next reason that you do not open the pages in your browser (in this case Odnoklassniki) are viruses, which constantly interfere with the work of the computer for each user. Most likely, the most important file, called hosts, has suffered from viruses. This file directly controls access to all sites you use. To fix it this problem with the opening of pages you should complete the following steps: Open My Computer (Start → My Computer (for Windows 7 - Computer). Go to Local Disk  (WITH:). Open the windows folder. Next, open the folder called system32. Open the drivers folder. Next you need to open the folder etc. Find the hosts file (without the extension) and open it with Notepad. If there are lines at the bottom of the file, that is, in the last lines, without a special # sign (usually the name of the sites), you need to delete them all, then check your computer for viruses. The fourth reason *************************************** The fourth reason is the most common and completely independent from your computer or browser. The fact is that, unfortunately, there is a “rush hour” on social networks. This is when a large number of users at one moment tries to enter the site (Odnoklassniki) or start the game. You can get out of this position only after waiting some time, and when the rush hour is over (it usually takes no more than an hour) you can enter both Odnoklassniki and any game. The fifth reason ************************************ But most often problems with games in Odnoklassniki happen because of flash player It is also associated with video, audio and, of course, with applications that refuse to load. Usually, when the problem is in Flash-Player - you immediately write on the screen that you need to install the flash player. latest version. But each case is not typical, and therefore this message may not be. In any case, this solution to the problem is very common, so we advise you to periodically update the flash player. Where can I update / install Flash Player ******************************************* ************ Flash Player can be updated to the latest version (or installed, if not installed) on the official website of the manufacturer of Adobe Systems for free http://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/ To install new flash versions  Player nothing complicated to do. Just read the group's advice, take the steps that you are offered and that's it!

Social networks are so firmly established in our life that without viewing photos or updates, correspondence or games in the application, we simply do not think of their leisure time. A social network account is a kind of person’s business card. The oldest and at the same time popular network are still Odnoklassniki. But how does the mood spoil, when sitting at a laptop or computer and deciding to go to your page, a person realizes that the program for some reason hangs.

Common causes

Quite often, the reason lies not specifically in this social network, but in the difficulties of the Internet connection. In this case, the easiest way to check is to try to open some other tab in the browser. If the problem is observed in all areas of work, then Odnoklassniki just gave you the opportunity to notice it. In this case, the causes of problems may be mass, and not all of them depend on you. Sometimes problems arise with the provider.

It so happens that the anti-virus system installed on your computer failed or for some reason did not cope with the virus, and it penetrated your PC. There are such types malwarethat block work exactly social networks. It goes without saying that the antivirus must be updated, a full scan of your PC should be made, without taking time for it, and then the computer should be restarted. While working antivirus program  There may be some difficulties in downloading pages from the Internet, this is normal. You can try to look at your profile in Odnoklassniki with the help of a “mirror” or a synonymizer. In some offices in such a way are fighting with the "sitting out pants" office staff during working hours.

Reasons directly related to classmates

If the problem is still in the site, that is, other tabs are opened, links are transferred and all the like, then you should treat this with a certain degree of understanding. So, the attendance of such a site is more than high. From this it follows that in order to maintain the usefulness of its work, global resources and expensive equipment are spent, the cost of which amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. But even it sometimes fails and requires repair. Accordingly, temporarily the site may not work or have limited capabilities. Also, from time to time the Odnoklassniki interface, as well as its functionality, is updated, therefore, while technical work is being done on the site, you, being visitors, either see the corresponding inscription and apologies, or just get angry that the download slows down. If the work was planned, as a rule, the site has information about when the work will be restored.

In fact, this happens with all social networks and not only with them, but with any sites. Just attendance of social networks is so great that their breakdowns happen more often. Vkontakte or Facebook, My World or Instagram, any network sometimes slows down and thus annoys users.

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